EDITORIAL OFFICES, Journalinm Bldic. Phono 3300—News Room, Local 355; Editor ami ManaainK Fiditor. laical 354. BUSINESS OFFICE, Mc Arthur Court. Phone 3300—Local 214. University of Oregon, Eugene Richard Neuborger, Editor Harry Schenk, Manager Sterling Green, Managing Editor * EDITORIAL STAFF Thornton Gale, Associate Editor Editorial Board Tlichard Neuberger "Sterling Green •Parks Hitchcock -Thornton Gale •Betty Anne Macduff «7essie Steele -lack Bellinger David Wilson JOscar Munger Dob Guild .Julian Prescott Donald Caswell m ure namny Carol Hurlburt Hetty Anne Macduff. Asst. Manag. Editor Oscar Munger, News Editor Bruce Hamby, Sports Editor Parks Hitchcock, Makeup Editor John Gross, Literary Editor Hob Guild, Dramatics Editor Leslie Dunton. Chief Night Editor Jessie Steele, Women’s Editor Esther Hayden, Society Editor BUSINESS STAKE \ i . t i c ..u i. k .... a a •. ... n: n ...... 11 Advertising Manager *. Hal E. Short '’National Adv. Manager .. Auten Bush 'Promotional Adv. Mgr. Mahr Reymers Asst. Adv. Mgr. Ed Meserve Asst. Adv. Mgr. Gil Wellington Circulation Manager .. Grant Theurnmel Office Manager . Helen Stinger Classified Adv. Mgr. Althea Peterson Sez Sue . Caroline Hahn Sez Sue Assistant .. Louise Rice “The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Student* of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the -college year. Member of the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.60 a year. Advertising rates apon application. Phone, Manager: Office, Local 214; residence, 2800. ANNOUNCEMENT OF POLICY I would rather live in a country that had newspapers and no government, than in a country where there was a government, but no newspapers.— Thomas Jefferson. >’J"'HE WRITER who this morning takes over the administra tive duties of the Oregon Daily Emerald realizes that one of his most important and difficult tasks will be to maintain the •» •tradition of quality and superiority that has existed for more .than a decade. He also is aware of the fact that it will be in cumbent upon him to add to that tradition to the utmost of his ability. That this may be accomplished he pledges the sincere "efforts of himself and his staff to the highly interesting endeavor that lies ahead. It also is the ambition of the writer to add another chapter to the already notable record of the Emerald. Both he and his edi torial assistants hope to publish a paper that will be fearless, yet ■tactful; interesting, yet informative; attractive, yet practical; sympathetic, yet unbiased. * If these qualities are achieved, the writer is certain the Emer ald will be a valuable and useful organ to the students of the University of Oregon. * It is still too early to ascertain the policies of the Emerald in •connection with specific situations and projects. The writer only * can set forth the major premises on which the paper will oper ate. He hopes these will meet with the approval of the campus, for he is sure their fulfillment will mean a better college news paper. The greater portion of the Emerald's columns will be devoted .to news that directly concerns the students of the University. Campus items will not be subordinated to leave space for stories that are covered adequately in the metropolitan dailies. To give the paper balance, a certain amount of national news will be used. This will be mostly of a feature and opinionated nature, thereby giving the students a closer insight into the af fairs of the nation than could be provided by the editorial board vf the Emerald. Criticism will be along constructive lines. Personalities will ■be avoided as much as possible in editorial comment. . The editor and his aides will debate and consider thoroughly ^before taking any definite stands. Once an opinion is given, the paper will not be afraid to reverse itself should it be shown its “error, but it will not vacillate in its arguments if it believes it is Jn the right. * The Emerald has no entangling alliances. There are no strings attached to it. The paper will have the courage of its convictions. The fear of criticism or opposition will not deter it from crusading, pro vided it believes its crusade is Justified. * The Emerald will be conservative in whatever it does. Radical Opinions and bolshevik tendencies will have places in neither its jiews nor editorial columns. It is the opinion of the writer that ii paper can oppose an existing order without turning radical in iloing so. * A spade will be called a spade. There will be no beating ground the bush. If the Emerald is opposed to something, it will say so. In conclusion, the editor and his staff offer whole-hearted and sincere cooperation to the students of the University. Ore gon faces a crucial year, and the Emerald will put forth its best . foot in an attempt to maintain student morale on its usual ele vated plane. The esprit de corps of the University will gain, rather than suffer, through the activities of the Emerald. The latchstring of the editor’s office is always out. He will welcome criticism and suggestion from any member of the stu dent body. The students will be the prime consideration of the Oregon Emerald. Their interests will be served at all times. The appearance of the paper has been changed slightly. There are considerably more pictures and the makeup lias been checked more closely. The staff hopes these alterations meet with your approval. The writer appreciates the responsibility tliat has been con ferred upon himself and ills staff. He hopes those responsibilities will be fulfilled satisfactorily. RICHARD L. NEUBERGER. A Bl-ACK MARK . KEGON women have just concluded a chapter in their rush I ing history that has fallen below the high standards of for mer years. Even the threat oi sophomore pledging failed to curb the worst epidemic of Illegal rushing this campus has ever * seen. Whether financial worries, or general nervous tension and apprehension felt at home carried over into the school year is a question. We do know (hat. whatever the cause, a few "hot ' boxing” group - stuffed ridiculous stories of scandal, finance, and “weak” nationals down the unsuspecting throats of fresh man women and thereby snatched them from the pledging folds " of rival houses. Hushing through fraternities, forbidden by pan - hellcnie, was blithely indulged in by many. Hush week at Its best is crammed with confusion and keen competition. To inject into this already difficult situation under handed methods is disgusting as well as dishonest. We only can hope that the ensuing year will heal the wounds of distrust that this rush w'eck has opened among the houses, and that next year will mark a return to the old fair, out-ln-the-open policies that have disturgumht-d former \ ram f SALUTAM,’36! ^iREEN LIDS, new faces, strange classes, football, the bon fire, melee and melor, and this,year complicated by the ob vious intentions of us all, in view of recent political develop ments, to turn the campus into a skating rink and cyclers’ haven. What a grand thing it is to look back from here to other days and other freshman classes, and to reflect on the joys and { glories of the frosh parade and the grand thrill of the mill-raco * waters. | ( Fall term is one thing always. It is a grand business for the j» freshman, perhaps the grandest of all. For once in your life you j ' combine all things— the spirit of adventure and fun with the spirit of accomplishment and learning—the thrill of experience with the thrill of achievement. Your excitement will not be temp ered with satiety for a while at least. j So we open our arms to the class of ’36, as we have to the , class of ’98 and ’35. Here in college, and what is in it will open to you as surely as any Pandora's box of unexpected delights, We hope that from the grab-bag of the next four years you will , all pull plums, and that you laugh more often than you cry. We i hope that you learn much, that you forget some things, and that the next few years here hold for you the same Illusion of gran- ( deur and joy that these few weeks will. 1 Salutam, ’36! « AFTER THE RALLY, WHAT ? j l 'T'HE DOORS of the Eugene churches swing open to the stu dents tonight after the rally. It is the annual all-campus church night, the religious organizations’ open house for stu dents of the University of Oregon. Whatever the form of entertainment, whether it be a recep tion, an informal dance or a hilarious “Prison Riot,” you may 1 be assured of having a good time. The churches haven’t been , holding church night entertainments every year without learn- , ing something about what students like in the way of enter tainment. The hilarity and good fun of tonight’s rally should not be at all out of place at any of the church night affairs. After all, the church does have a place to play in the stu dent's life if he is seeking worthwhile fellowship and friend ship, sane thinking and a way of life. Tonight will be an evening of fun—for everybody, both dur ing and after the rally. THE CLIPPER SETS HIS SAILS OLD friend comes to the campus today—Maurice J. (Clip per) Smith, football coach at University of Santa Clara. When Clipper was an apprentice coach at Columbia university in Portland, he was one of the best boosters Oregon athletics y had. From the little school on the bluff above the Willamette, he watched University sports with more than casual interest. | Today he comes to Eugene at the head of one of the nation’s | formidable football elevens. The chances are he’s changed slight- | ly since he was a young fellow just breaking in at Portland, but underneath it all he’s probably the same old Clipper. ! | J. Montgomery Throckmorton wants to know if there’s going to be a ban on roller skates. Democracy was given as one of the reasons for enacting the automobile legislation, and J. Mont- G • Cil gomery says already some of the students on skates are snobbing ; G c the poor proletarians who have to walk around on the soles of ! G their shoes. ; G h • G - 4 G ! E What with all the bombing going on in Portland almost every day it wouldn’t surprise us to wake up some fine morning and find but a mere shred of the Ad building left. That shred would ! E probably be the campus cop that makes fils hangout there. We can’t imagine him moving under any condition. _ iG Up in Portland 15 applicants have filed already for the | mayor’s berth with more expected. Ever since George got that | free trip to Paree there's just been too much incentive for that S job. ? The girls who are afraid they may have to be in two hours j earlier have been spending two hours a day worrying about it. News item: "Utah held Southern California to a 35-to-0 score | today.” What! Have they Another one of those teams dpwn j there? News item: “Psychologists say married couples are more ner vous than college students.” Just how nervous are college stu dents, anyhow ? - University of Washington has another bunch of “Fighting Irish” to work the Notre Dame system this year. Included are i such stars as Muczynski, Solkosky, and Bufkin. Believe it or not, I however, their captain’s name is plain honest-to-goodness Bill [j O'Brien. i n .- : ■- ... . J | L Contemporary Opinion 1 !—--—-■—-f EDUCATE THEM AT HOME I 1 | NCERT AINTIES and turmoil ' *■ in our higher educational situ ation in Oregon have had an effect ' of causing many young people now , ready for college to turn their eyes to other states. Attendance at (university and college has shown a decrease, at the university of some 34 per cent; at the college of about 30 per cent. Some of this is doubt-j \ less due to the condition of the | times, but more is undoubtedly due ! to the fact that in the throes of change and of future uncertainties 'our young people have not felt like starting at either university or eol I lege in this state, and so many who could finance the enterprise | have turned to colleges in other ' states. The state board of higher cduea : lion has now completed unification | of the schools. Reallocation of (courses is done. The declared pro gram is completely laid. Election \of Dr. Kerr as chancellor has been 'the final and most important step i in stabilization. His election has already had a steadying effect. Students may now enter univer sity or college with assurance that courses they mark for themselves ; may be completed where begun. College tMt'. are formative years. It is fine for boys and girls ! j of Oregon families, who intend to [ live in Oregon, to have benefits of if education with an Oregon back- . ground and of permanent acquain- i tanceships and contacts acquired i in their college days. With Ore- j gon's higher educational program now settling down and with the harbinger of restored confidence symbolized by Chancellor Kerr's election, it will not be surprising if many boys and girls who were turning elsewhere shall decide to be educated in Oregon, after all. - Morning Oregonian. -- WELCOME Students—-..New and Old Campus Shoe Shine Parlor Best (Quality Materials Used J 2-Tome Shoes. Our Specialty j —-i -■-' Two Decades Ago From Oregon Emerald September 30, 1912 The Frosh Got Licked The Sophomores won the lower lass fight by a count of 12i/2 to he Frosh score of 22/2. A sand lag contest, relay race, and push all fray were the exciting anil trenuous events of the battle, i rhich ended with the freshmen aklng to the water in the annual ug-of-war. * * * Edward Bailey won the senior lass presidency by a margin of wo votes over Howard Zimmer nan, out of 74 votes cast. * * * You Spell Them! Psychology laboratory equip nent has been increased by the iddi'ion of a Zwaardemaker’s Ve actrometer; a set of Quincketubes or the precipitation of auditory lifferences; and a Plethysmograph or indicating emotional changes hrough changes in the circulation if the blood. * * * A variety of courses is being iffered by the department of jou.r lalism, in charge of Professor Vilen, formerly city editor of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. * * * Lawyer-Actor Among the local spotlight ar ists enrolled in the new course in Iramatic interpretation are Carl ;on Spencer, Janet Young, Agnes Campbell, and Jerry Martin. OCEAN NIGHT Sometimes I ride on the beach at night Where the restless foam meets sand And wish that I could hide from sight Df this dead yet frightened land And little sparks fly all about Where my horse’s hoof hits stone; Flashing red they put to rout My fear of all alone, rhe stars and moon have lost to clouds, Dr turned their tails and run, And the air is a muffled weight that crowds, My heart and my soul as one. Sometimes I ride on the beach at night When the tide has left the sand Like a guilty bed that is brought to sight; Unveiled by an unknown hand. ’ CAMPUS CALENDAR A. W. S. speakers committee will meet today at 4 o’clock in the College Side. A. W. S. office girls will meet today at 4 in Louise Webber’s office. There will be a meeting of Dial ' Tonite Is the Opening of COLLEGE NIGHT Dance to Music, Sweet and Low, by Merle Good and His Band —at— WILLAMETTE PARK FREE BUS SERVICE Harvey's j (Next to College Side) C Purveyors to His Majesty; The 1 UNDERGRADUATE j Haberdashery Bart Siegfried | !1BM3ISJ3ISFj3I3JSJSJ3J3I3®MSI3I3J3I3MSMSI3I3EI3I31SIS j HENDERSHOTTS | Golf, Tennis, and Other | 3 Athletic Supplies I We Specialize in Lock and Key I Making for Students | | We Sell I Roller Skates and Bicycles | ji Drop In and Look Us Over | jj 770 Willamette Phone 151 1 on Monday, October 3, 1932, at 8:00 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Smertenko. Frosh counsellors meet this af ternoon at 5 o'clock in room 110 Johnson. Very important. Students who intend to go to Portland Tuesday to hear Norman Thomas, socialist candidate fdjf president, please get in touch witli Rolla Reedy at the “Y” hut. CLASSIFIED | FOR RENT—Nice double room fof%| men near campus. Furnac# * heated. $15. Also single roonflb.i 1347 Onyx. Hi 7%A£ ‘ty. ir^accoi — ... tobaccos made for cigarettes and pipes; granu lated tobaccos. But there was plenty of room for a to bacco made solely for pipes. If you look, you will find that a great many tobacco packages say "for pipe and cigarettes.” But the Granger package says: GRANGER ROUGH CUT Pipe Tobacco Granger is made by Well Man’s Method and cut right for pipes—rough cut. Burns slower and cooler. Just try it! I The Popular Place to if Meet I and ■ Eat S save 10% H I EVERYTHING I I ◄ ► | $5.00 Meal Ticket, $4.50 ■ rjJ WELCOME OREGON! Drop Down Town and See Our New Line of Pall Clothing Make Our Store Your Downtown Headquarters WADE BROS. S73 Willamette Phone 422