EDITORIAL AND FEATURE PAGE OF THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD EDITORIAL OFFICES, Journalism Bldg. Phone 3300—New» Room, Local 86S; Editoi and Managing Editor, Local 3B4. BUSINESS OFFICE, McArthur Court. Phone 8300—Local 214. University of Oregon, Eugene Willis D uni way, Editor Larry Jackson, Manage] Thornton Shaw, Managing Editor EDITORIAL STAFF Ralph David, Associate Editor, Stephen Kahn, Assistant Editor Jack Bauer, Dave Wilson, Betty Anne Mac- Dick Neubergcr, Sports Editor inti. Editorial Writers Merlin BlaiB. Radio Direetoi Sterling Green, Asst. Managing Editor Roy Shecdy, Literary Editoi Jack Bellinger. News Editor George Sanford, Telegraph Editoi Molly Ann Cochran, Society Editor Doug Wight, Chief Night Editoi DAY EDITORS: Jeesie Steele, Virginia Wentz, Oscar Munger, Margaret Bean. SPECIAL WRITERS: Elinor Henry, Thelma Nelson, Julian Prescott. REPORTERS: David Eyre, Ruth McClain, Donald Fields, Parks Hitchcock, Almon Newton, Genevieve Dunlop, Hazle Corrigan, Harold Nock, Maximo I’uiido, Eloise Dorner, Clifford Gregor, Francis Pallister, Madeleine Gilbert. RADIO STAFF: Jack Bauer. Roy McMullen. Charles Shoemaker. NIGHT EDITORS: Hubert Totton. Myron Ricketts, Doug Folivka, Clark Williams. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Dorothy McMillan. Catherine Watson, Lenore Greve, A dele Hitohman, Shirley Sylvester, Mary Teresi, Deipha Hurlburt, Peggy Newby, Evelyn Schmidt, Margaret Corum, Gladys Gillespie. BUSINESS STAFF Advertising Mgr.Harry Schenk Assistant Adv. Mgr. Auten Bush Assistant Adv. Mgr.Barney Miller National Advertising Mgr.Harold Short Promotional Mgr.George Sanford Promotion Assistant.Mary Lou Patrick Women's Specialties Harriette Hofmann Classified Adv. Mgr.George Branstator Office Manager .Marian Henderson Executive Secretary.Virginia Kibbec Circulation Manager.Ed Cross Asst. Circulation Mgr... .George Chamberlin Sez Sue.Kathryn Laughridge Sez Sue Assistant.Caroline Hahn Checking Dept. Mgr.Helen Stingei Financial Administrator.Edith Peteraor ADVERTISING SOLICITORS—Caroline Hahn, Maude Sutton, Grant Theummel, Ber nice Walo, Bill Russell, Mahr Reymers, Bill Neighbor, Vic Jorgenson. John Vernon, Althea Peterson, Ray Foss, Elsworth Johnson, Mary Codd, Ruth Osborne, Lee Valentine, Lucille Chapin, Gil Wallington, Ed Measerve, Scot Clodfelter. OFFICE ASSISTANTS—Lucille Lowry, Dot Dibble, Nancy Archbald, Ilildamay Hobart, Edwina Anderson, Bagmar Haugen, Louise McMunn. MARKETING DEPARTMENT—Nancy Suomela, executive secretary ; Betty Mae Higby, Louise Bears. SECRETARIES: Josephine Waffle. Betty Dusan, Marguerite Davidson. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Member of the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.60 a year. Advertising rates upon application. Phone, Manager: Office, Local 214; residence, 2800. The Spirit Lingers On rpHE "Mail Bag” column of our local paper is a prolific source of amusing ideas. Only yesterday there appeared a letter from one of our sturdy citizenry denouncing the policy of buy ing products from other states. He vehemently condemned the purchase of California produce just because we do not grow them here. He even went so far as to declare that the human race "is not far enough advanced to use automobiles and high ways.” We should stay in the same place. Do not smile, gentle reader, at the philosophy of the corre spondent. For it is no more ridiculous than the nationalistic policies of tariff and isolation espoused by our governmental dignitaries in their daily antics at Washington. Like the author of the "Mail Bag” contribution, our senators and statesmen hold up their hands in holy horror at our international trade, and forthwith erect tariff barriers to keep out the foreign merchan dise. The "Buy British” mania that is sweeping over the Eng lish nation is mute evidence that the communicant to the Reg ister-Guard is not alone in his folly. Similarly, we have refrained from lending our influence to the maintenance of world peace, by standing by a policy of iso lation that has made us the object of criticism of every civi lized nation. Political propaganda has kept us out of the World Court and the League of Nations, two institutions conceived by one of our foremost statesmen for the perpetuation of inter national accord. In the midst of an international crisis, it is fitting to review the situation and inquire to what extent our nationalistic fervor, has been responsible for the far-flung discord that confronts us. How much has flag-waving hysteria affected our judgment of the value of international amity? How far has it gone in developing an arrogance that has aroused the criticism of the world? How great a factor has it been in imposing a tariff burden that has crushed international trade, stifled industry and all but defeated the Republican party? We are slowly emerging from a period of intense nationalism, but the spirit lingers on. More and more is it becoming apparent that international cooperation must supplant national egotism. Economically and politically we must join hands with the other nations, for the reverberations in one corner of the globe arc felt the world over. And neither covering our ears with our hands, nor shouting the anthem of nationalistic supremacy can drown out the din of disaster that now envelops us all. Twenty-Five Plus Forty-Three /jj TWENTY-FIVE seniors chosen to Phi Beta Kappa. Forty-three seniors, graduate, and medical students elected by Sigma Xi. The spring's annual flock of elections to honorarics comes to a climax in the announcement of members to l'hi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi. No other honorarics, probably, are so highly coveted, and none have such high requirements. Departmental honorary fraternities are very fine for recog nition of achievement in special fields. But we do not hesitate fo say the wearers of a Phi Bete or Sigma Xi key have con sistently worked harder and more thoroughly than the great percentage of department honor group members. To the newly elected members of academical two hurdest to-get honorarics, the Emerald and the campus extend felicita tions and praise. The “Believe It or Not" appearing in yesterday's Emerald saying that Judge Deady was anti-University is eclipsed today by news emanating from Corvallis that Oregon State is opposed to consolidation with U. of O. on the college campus. One of our campus politicians is hard at work supporting Sheriff Bown for re-election with the war cry of freedom from fanaticism and tolerance of administration. Campus voters should fail hard for this line. Dr. Clarence True Wilson, general secretary of the Methodist board of temperance, is telling the Methodists that they "are going to elect a president and vice-president for a Christian republic and for a prohibition nation." But he neglects to say what nation. The only large salmon cannery near Juneau. Alaska, which was certain to operate this year burned to the ground several nights ago: Maybe the Columbia river’packets can sell last year ^ fadt now. i A Decade Ago May IT, 1922 Theatres in Eugene are very much like theatres in any other city of its size. One cannot go to the same consistently and be as sured of an excellent picture each time. Yet Eugene s rarely without a good movie and there are times when it is difficult to eliminate any in town. When the Heikg pictures “are good they are very good, but when they're bad they’re horrid.” Weeks ago I attended a Thrill-o-Drama production there that afforded amusement beyond words because it contained all the required ele ments of the good old melodrama. It had the beautiful, but shy, hero ine who was being courted by the slinking, be-moustached villain, and persecuted by her father because she would have none of this man. This all has little to do with my present subject, but it was because of that rare production that I at tended the Heilig Sunday night. The billed feature was one of which I had never heard and my mood was such that I could enjoy another similar to the other melodramatic prize-winner. Had I read the cast more care fully I would not have received the surprise I did. I had heard of the Ferguson case, but I thought this would be a much overdone embel lishment of the most gruesome de tails. But the picture, “The Fergu son Case,” was a carefully, sensi bly, and artistically directed pic ture. It developed into an accurate story of the ever-existing conflict between the conservative and the radical newspapers. To do a thing like this the story had to be con vincingly written and wittingly played. It had to be realism of the Classified Advertisements Rates Payable in Advance 10c a line for first Insertion; 5c a line for each additional insertion. Telephone 3300; local 214 WANTED WANTED — Passengers to east coast. Oldsmobile coach leaving about June 10. Call C. B. Beall. 1335. WANTED College man to work for large New York concern this summer. Salary $24 a week. Traveling expenses paid. Apply room 317. Eugene Hotel. M. J. Winninghoff, 9-12 a. m. LOST LOST Black leather note book last Friday. Please call 162-R. LOST Large gold filigree pin be tween Deady and Corner Elev enth and Kincaid. Call 2788— Reward. LOST A pair of glasses in case near Igloo Friday nite. Call Jack Granger, 1920. LOST A green Schaeffer pen and pencil near Ad. building. Finder please call K. Glaisyer, 2972. FOR SALE FOR SALE Chevrolet '30 sports roadster. Good condition. Six good tires. Student owner must sell. Cash or terms. Phone Ken Hamaker, at 1900. FOB KENT ATTRACTIVE furnished kitchen ette apartment over garage. Miss Alice Capps. 3240-J. FOR RENT Six room furnished house. University district. Call 1 2020-J. MISCELLANEOUS RINGLETTE PER MAN E N T~push wave $4. Includes two free sham poos and finger waves. Neigh borhood Beauty Shop. 570 K. 10th. Phone 2370-W. NEIGHBORHOOD Beauty Shop. Fingerwave 35c, marcel 00c. Special prices on all work. Open Sunday and evenings by appoint- ] ment. 070 E. 10th. Phone 2376W. DRESSMAKINo, hemstitch i n g . sewing. Over Underwood & El liott Grocery. Harriett Under wood. Phone 1393. CAMPUS "SHOE REPAIR—Quali ty work, best of service; work that is lasting in service. 13th between Alder and Kincaid. KRAMER BEAUTY SALON Also Hair-cutting PHONE 1SS0 Next to Walora Candies NEW BEGINNERS BALLROOM CLASS Starts Tuesday ■ 8 ;3t) P. M. MERRICK STUDIOS sol Willamette Phone 3081 i . truest sort. It had to be minus the sentimentality that vainly tries to play upon an unemotional audi ence. This picture was all of these and more. The plot, which was none too intricate, was handled with such skill that the pulsating tension held until a remarkably strong climax came with delightful i unexpectedness. It may be said that "The Fergu son Case” was too much of a copy after the "Five Star Final,” but to me it had all the earmarks of an original newspaper photoplay. CAMPUS ♦♦ ALENDAR Amphibians will meet this eve ning at 7:30 at the women’s pool. League for Industrial Democracy will hold a joint meeting with the Y. W. Industrial group in the bun- j galow at 9 o’clock tonight. Thespians will meet tonight at 7:30 at the sun porch of Gerlin ger. Very important. Nature group will not meet on Thursday night. Tau Delta Delta will meet to night at 7:30. Intra-fraternity council meeting will be held today at 4 o’clock at 110 Johnson hall. Congress club will meet at Col lege Side Inn at 7:30 tonight. Mer lin Blais will present a discussion of “Taxation as a Social Weapon.” The meeting will be open and any men interested in the subject are invited. Juniors are asked to sign with | house chairmen or at the Y. W. i bungalow for guests to the junior senior breakfast, Sunday, May 22, at 8:30. The following women are re minded again that they are shoot ing this afternoon in the women's National Telegraphic Archery meet: archers, Coombe, Detrick, Ball, Quitmeyer, Zeutner, Landon, and Goodrich; scorers, Howe, Lee, Bisbee, Mark, Crum, Hunt, and Tatro. Eva Nelson New Head Ol I*i Sigma Honorary Eva Nelson, senior in Latin, was elected president of Pi Sigma, Lat in honorary, at a meeting of the group Monday. Other officers who wall head the classic honorary next year are: Dorothy Jean Withers, vice-presi dent; Betty McCracken, secretary treasurer; and Barbara Leisz, ser geant-at-arms. Installation will take place at the annual banquet of the organi zation, which is to be held next Tuesday at the Osburn hotel. DOLLAR DAYS! GOOD ON ALL TRAINS LEAVING MAY 27-28-29-30 BE BACK BY MIDNIGHT JUNE 6 Treat yourself to an early vaca tion. "Dollar Day” roundtrips be tween all S. 1’. stations are first class tickets at about SI per 100 miles, good on ALL TRAINS, in coaches or in Pullmans (plus usual berth charge). SAMPLE ROUNDTRIPS Portland .$2.30 Salem . 1,40 Albany .90 Marshfield . 3.53 Medford . 4.45 Klamath Kails . 4.95 San Francisco.13.50 Los Angeles .21.90 Seattle . 6.25 Spokane . 10.40 Ask agent about ''Dollar Day” fares to Mexico. Southern Pacific 1 . t>. l.LW IS, ticket Agent THOME 2200 t 813,000 Grant for Medical Research Announced Here Dr. Hall Gets Fund From Rockefeller Foundation During Trip East A gift of $13,000 for research work in the University medical school was announced here Satur day by Arnold Bennett Hall, presi dent of the University. The gift is the contribution of the Rockefeller Foundation of New York and will be spent c1'.. Jng the next two years. During a recent trip east, Dr. Hall impressed the foundation with the wisdom of the new plan of re organization here, with the scheme of functional deans, and with the attitude of the board in conserving the medical school and consolidat ing all work in nursing with this part of the organization. The appropriation is made upon an annual basis of $6,500 for a pe riod, which time is considered nec essary for the completion of these studies. The particular problems to be presented under this fund are with reference to the cause and possible cure of certain forms of anemia, the maintenance of re search assistants in the department of anatomy, physiology, pathology, medicine and surgery in the medi cal school, and investigations in various aspects of diabetes, infec tious diseases and problems of nu trition. Income, Corporation Tax Schedule Preserved WASHINGTON, May 17.—(AP) —The billion dollar compromise revenue-raising bill moved steadily on its course through the senate tonight behind the power of a dom inant bi-party coalition which pre- : served intact the income and cor poration tax schedules. The income and corporation rates—higher than those voted by the house and far above the exist ing level—were approved without I even roll calls. The opposition failed in two new attempts to! joost the income levies even higher.1 I ' The . . . Edited By Roy Sheedy LITERARY SIGNPOST POST-CRASH NOVEL Children of Pleasure. By Larry Barretto. Farrar & Rinehart. These are the days of light I spring fiction. Publishers evident ly hold a belief that between the months of April and September the reading public is not capable of digesting a book longer than 250 pages or heavier than Fanny Hurst. New authors and women writers predominate in filling the demand, and turn out nicely word ed stories revolving around certain stock characters, most of them young, sophisticated, and rich. Larry Barretto is one of the smoothest of these writers, and he is well above the average in qual ity of output. An old hand at this spring fiction stuff, he provides us with a very entertaining story of what happened to wealthy young couple who were struck between the eyes by a bear market. Not an original plot, but a worthy one. Linda Gault had been born in poverty. Her beauty won her Gra ham, a man in good social stand ing with the Four Hundred, but very low financially. With Linda’s help, through a string of flirta tions with influential men, the Gaults become wealthy, and Linda achieves her heart's desires. Then the market tumbles down about their ears, and Linda deserts her husband for Bermuda where she falls in love with an Australian sheep-herder who has roamed a lit tle bit off his course. Linda returns to New York to arrange for a separation, and then the plot takes a different turn, hardly for the good, we’d say. Up to this unconvincing and poorly prepared-for ending, "Children of Pleasure” is excellent stuff. Good characterization and the fact that it never fails to hold one’s inter est makes the story well worth reading. R. S. * * * Perhaps the outstanding literary event of the year at the University is the annual banquet for Oregon authors given by Ye Tabard Inn chapter of Sigma Upsilon, national literary fraternity. It is to be held this year on May 25. Among the successful writers expected to at tend are Ernest Haycox, Robert Ormond Case, Harold Say, E. Pal mer Hoyt, William S. Aykers, and Edward Miller. Guest writers will be General Arid White, Albert Wet jen, and Charles Alexander. INJURED BY JAVELIN Tapping S. Reeve, freshman at 3owdoin college, was seriously in jured when a javelin struck him n the head during practice and ;he blade embedded in his brain. Sfoung Reeve pulled the instru nent out and ran some distance ;o the gymnasium. He retained :onsciousness constantly until he vas given ether for an operation ;o relieve the pressure of the skull >n the brain. TYPE THOSE PAPERS Neatly Typed Papers Help Your Grades! Rent a Typewriter $3.00 for Balance of Term WE HAVE ALL POPULAR MAKES Phone us—we will deliver you one. Office Machinery & Supply Co. Willamette Street side of Ward’s Phone 148 ICE CREAM Gold Medal Quality A SPECIAL FLAVOR EACH WEEK -This Week Featuring Chocolate Kist and Fruit Melange A Delicious Two-Laver Brick In Seal Rite Rolls FRUIT MELANGE Medo-Land Creamery Phone 393 osisraiSliiarafaraisiruaiaiaiEjaiaraislajaraiBiPiaiaEiaMSMraraiMaisiaiEraiaiSMcMaMaii “Made-to-measure” service for business Whether the business is small or large— the corner grocery or the refrigerator factory — requirements for telephone service vary. So, to meet special conditions, Bell System men custom-fit the service to the subscriber. They worked out a telephone conference plan for a large manufacturer. Every Friday, at specified times, each district manager calls the home office, where telephone facilities are so arranged that the chief sales executives are ' on the line simultaneously. Problems are dis cussed, decisions given. In minutes, the ex-! ecutives cover the country. This plan lowered selling costs, raised efficiency, helped the user to increase profits 31% in a year’s time. By making the telephone more useful, Bell System men contribute to the success of many industries. BELL SYSTEM u A NATION-WIDE SYSTEM OF I N T E R. C O N N E C TIN G telephones: We know why men smoke PIPES WOMEN don’t smoke pipes. They’re not the style for wom en. But pipes are the style for men, and more than that, a pipe and good tobacco gives a man greater smoking pleasure than tobacco in any other form. In 42 out of 54 American colleges and universities A pipe is not for girls uugeworin is me ravorite pipe to bacco. Cool slow-burning burleys give this fine tobacco exactly the character A pipe is a real man’s that college men like best of all. Try a tin of Edgeworth your self! You can buy Edgeworth wher ever good tobacco is sold. Or if you prefer, you can get a special sample packet free: write to Larus & Bro. Co., 105 S. 22d St., Richmond, Va., and ask for it. EDGEWORTH SMOKING TOBACCO Edgeworth is a blend of fine old burleys, with its natural favor enhanced by Edge worm 5 distinctive and exclusive elev enth process. Buy Edgeworth any where in two forms —Edgeworth Ready Rubbed and Edge worth Plug Slice. All sizes, 15c pocket package to gi.50 pound humidor tin.