Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 18, 1932, Image 1

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    NUMBER 127
Tubby’s Lads
Take Another
Ball Game,3-0
Lamar Gaw Gives Boys'
Only Five Hits
Scales Does Good Job for
Webfoots; Graves
I Praises Ken
W. L. Pet.
Wash. State . 8 2 .800
Washington . 9 3 .750
Oregon State . 6 4 .600
Oregon . 2 6 .250 \
Idaho . 1 9 .100
This is going to be short and 1
sweet. It’s about yesterday’s base
ball game with the Washington i
Tubby Graves
Huskies and thie'
less said the bet
itors and deserves
excepting, of
course, Mr. La
mar Gaw who
pitched a fine
game for the vis
itors and deserves
a little publicity
for his efforts.
In case you
haven't heard al
icauy, our uisunguisnea guesis
won 3 to 0. Mr. Gaw, a brother
of the Celebrated Wilson Gaw,
who hit a home run last spring in
his first appearance as a pinch
hitter for the Seattle Indians,
hurled masterfully. He confined
Oregon to five hits, three of which
were accumulated by Cliff Potter,
who took Johnny Londahl’s place
on third base.
It’s No Use .
Ken Scales was the victim. It
was the third time this season that
Ken has suffered when his asso- i
ciates failed to give him any help
in the way of runs. It’s a crying
shame for a pitcher as good as j
Ken to be forced to get along with
the support he’s been accorded this j
year. Potter, with his hitting, and
Londahl and Shaneman, the cum
bersome catcher, with some cred
* itable fielding and catching, tried
to help him along, but they couldn't
do it all.
The Huskies opened the proceed
ings in the second inning. Therein
Red Hutchinson doubled and
> romped home when Weber knocked
a single which Horner fumbled in
left field. No further activity oc
curred until the eighth when the
lively visitors produced two more
runs. Nelson opened with a walk.
He was followed by Lee who sin
gled. Nelson scored on Anshutz’
bunt, and Lee came in on another
(Continued on Page Three)
U. S. Chamber To Take
Public Prohibition Stand
(AP)—The United States Cham
ber of Commerce will take a pub
lic stand on the prohibition issue,
its national council in a pre-con
vention meeting decided here to
Action of the advisory body,
coming before the first general ses
sion of the 20th annual meeting of
the national chamber resulted from
a “surprise” move by Leland W.
Cutler, president of the San Fran
cisco chamber.
Cutler presented a resolution di
recting the board of directors to
conduct a study of national prohi
bition and submit its conclusions
to a vote of the members.
Commanders for
ROTC Drill Listed
Wilson Johnston, senior R. O. T.
C. officer, will act as battalion
.commander in the fourth battalion
parade of this term, to be held
Wednesday afternoon. Bob O'Mal
veny will act as adjutant. These
appointments were announced yes
terday by Major F. A. Barker,
head of the military department.
First call will be at 4:40 and
the battalion will assemble at
4:50 at the same place as before.
David E. Faville, dean of the
school of business administration,
will return Friday from San Fran
cisco, where he has been attending
the national convention of the
United States chamber of com
He is national councillor repre
senting the Eugene chamber.
Nurses Get Rest;
Infirmary Breaks
Five-Year Record
JJUSINESS was l>ad around
the infirmary yesterday.
Nurses moved listlessly about,
seeking in vain for a mouth to
shove a thermometer into or a
pulse to take.
There were none.
For the first time in five
years, the University infirmary
was absolutely sans patients.
The three survivors who had
been holding down the beds an
swered the oil 11 ot spring early
yesterday and, carrying their
nighties under their a r m s,
walked out to greet the May
sunshine. They were Betty
McRobbie, Dorothy Andrade
and Iioss Smith.
Lecture on Jazz
Will Swell Funds
For Tennis Team
S. Stephenson Smith’s Talk
Tomorrow Will Send Net
Stars ty Seattle
As part of a program to finance
the tennis season, S. Stephenson
Smith, associate professor of Eng
lish, will speak in Villard assem
bly at 11 tomorrow morning on
“Jazz, the Music of Today.”
A nominal admission charge of
10 cents will be levied. All money
taken in will be used to send the
Oregon tennis squad to Seattle this
week-end for matches with the
University of Wasnington. Since
the elimination of tennis as a Uni
versity-backed sport, an organized
attempt has been made under the
voluntary leadership of Mr. Smith
to make the tennis squad self-sup
porting. This is the first develop
ment of his plan.
In addition to Mr. Smith’s talk,
a talented staff will aid him in the
presentation of the program. Jo
sephine Rice will render many se
lections from the works of John Al
den Carpenter’s “Krazy Kat," and
George Gershwin’s “American in
Paris.” Sally Addlei#an, soprano,
recently featured as Mrs. Peach
urn in the “Beggar’s Opera,” will
sing selections from the leading
“blues” songs.
Vinton Hall has promised to give
some jazz arrangements of popular
songs on the piano.
In his lecture, Mr. Smith will
endeavor to trace the relation be
tween jazz music and the music
modernistic and also all of the
modernistic trends in the arts and
The layman is assured, how
ever, that there will be nothing
technical or unduly highbrow in
the talk. If the program is suc
cessful other money-raising meas
ures will be provided for in the
future to get matches with Ore
gon State and other tennis-minded
Phi Beta Pledges
Fourteen Women
Formal pledging was held yes
terday by Phi Beta, professional
music and drama honorary, for 14
University women who have taken
an active part in music or drama
on the campus.
Eleven of the 14 were chosen
for accomplishments in drama and
the remaining three represent mu
Those chosen for drama are:
Crissie Burlingame, Mary Jane
Burke, Margaret Hunt, Elinor!
Fitch, Lucille Lowry, Ann Powell,
Margaret Louise Rederick, Helen
Skipworth, Marjory Shaefers, Ger
trude Winslow, and Lucille Stew
Those chosen for music are: Lu
cille Cummings, Janet Fitch, and
Marie Neese.
A program and tea honoring the
pledges will be held Tuesday, May
24, at Westminster house.
Eugene Slattery Among
Alumni in Primaries i
Among the University graduates
whose names will appear on the
ballot in Friday’s primaries is Eu
gene V. Slattery, candidate for the
Republican nomination for district
Slattery took his B. A. degree
here in 1926 and his J. D. from the
law school in 1928. Since 1928 he
has served as deputy district at- !
torney of Lane county. While in
the University he was a member
of the varsity tennis team.
Applicants tor
Urged To File
Short Time Left To Win
Posts on Staff
Work oil 193!? Annual Is
Under Way, Declares
Virginia Wentz
Applications for positions on the
1933 Pregana should be handed in
within the next two or three days,
Virginia Wentz
Virginia Wentz,
editor of next
year’s annual,
announced yes
Applicants are
requested to
3tate the position
preferred, past
experience, year
in school, and
college add ress.
The applications
may be turned
in at the Oregana office this aft
ernoon, or left in the Journalism
building within the next day or so.
Anyone, whether a journalism
major or not, may apply for a po
sition on the yearbook. There are
about twenty section editors and
several section assistants to be ap
pointed. Other positions to be
filled are an assistant editor, an
associate editor, an art editor, an
assistant art editor, and a secre
An entirely new book is being
planned for next year, it was an
nounced. Several motifs for the
art theme are being considered and
work has already been started,
though the book will not actually
get under way until this summer
when the theme will be definitely
Announcement of the new ap
pointments will be made some time
early next week. Fewer section
assistants will be used this year
than in the past. Assistants for
the sororities, fraternities, seniors,
honoraries, sports, and school year
sections will be the only ones se
Ticket Sale Opens
For Junior-Senior
Breakfast Sunday
Maxine Reed Distributes
Pasteboards to House
Ticket sale for the Junior-Senior
breakfast Sunday morning at 8:30
began last night when Maxine
Reed, chairman of sale, distribut
ed tickets to house chairmen. The
usual attendance, wnicn averages
300 each year, is expected for the
The program has been arranged
and breakfast plans will be com
plete following a meeting of the
directorate Thursday.
House chairmen appointed by
Miss Reed, with whom juniors are
asked to sign guests when buying
tickets are Louise Barclay, Alpha
Chi Omega; Esther Lofstedt, Alpha
Delta Pi; Phyllis Stokes, Alpha
Gamma Delta; Dorothy Morgan,
Alpha Omicron Pi; Eleanor Staten,
Beta Phi Alpha; Josephine Waffle,
Chi Omega; Helen Schaeht, Delta
Delta Delta; Margaret Morgan,
Delta Gamma.
Lois Margaret Hunt, Delta Zeta;
Helen Burns, Gamma Phi Beta;
Althea Peterson, Kappa Alpha
Theta; May Masterton, Kappa
Delta; Molly Cochran, Kappa Kap
pa Gamma; Margaret Osborne,
Phi Mu; Roberta Bequeaith. Pi
Beta Phi; and Maxine Hill, Sigma
Eugene girls may obtain tickets
from Edith Peterson or at the bun
galow. Mary Ella Hornung has
charge of the sale in halls.
Two New Rent Books
Placed on Libe Shelves
Phil Strong’s “State Fair’’ and
Van Wyck's “The Life of Emer
son” may now be rented from the
circulation library, it was reported
As a gift from the Portland
chapter of the American Red
Cross has come “The Fate of Mad
ame La Tour,” transcribed to
braille by Amma E. Brek. Other
additions to the braille collection
include “Main Street,” by Sinclair
Lewis in seven volumes and “Hon
ey Bee," by Anatole France.
Assassination of Japanese
Laid to Militaristic Greed
The recent assassination of Pre
mier Suyoshi Inukai by Japanese
officers and cadets seems to be a
warning to all politicians in Japan
that the slightest failure to obey
the mandate of the militarists will
result in the most terrible conse
quences to themselves, Dr. Harold
J. Noble of the history department,
an authority on Far Eastern ques
tions, said in an interview yester
“The murder of the Japanese
premier," he declared, “should con
vince the most skeptical that Ja
pan's policy since last September
has been largely directed by the
military cliques rather than by the
civil authorities.”
Whether the assassination wiU
result in eventual establishment of
military dictatorship, he stated, or
whether it will cause such a revul
sion of feeling in Japan that the
power of the militarists will be
broken, is impossible to foretell at
the present moment.
Dr. Noble explained that the
Minseito party, of which the mur
dered premier was the head, ad
vocates friendly relations with
China, while the Seiyukai party
which is now in power under the |
leadership of Kisaburo Suzuki,
who is slated to be the new pre- |
mier of the empire, stands for a [
positive policy—using military ac
tion if necessary.
Dr. Noble said that under the
j new government, and with the'
pressure from the military groups, |
j the bombardment and attack in
I Shanghai was carried out in Feb
ruary and March. But owing to a
combination of economic forces
and a world-wide condemnation,
the Japanese government agreed
to withdraw its Shanghai forces j
(many of which are transferred to
Manchuria for action there).
‘‘This relinquishment of the
Shanghai gains which is apparent
evidence that Inukai’s government
doesn't and can’t plan to continue
its aggression in Central China,
appears to have been viewed by
ultra-reactionary younger mem
bers of Japan's armed forces as a
betrayal of their program; and in
consequence, they have murdered
the man who aggressively has been
carrying out their ambitions,” Pro
jfessor Noble concluded.
Lindy Not Fooled
By Curtis’ Story
4Jafsie? Testifies |
Dobson-Peaoock Expected
To Be Questioned by
Police Today
TRENTON, N. J., May 17— (AP)
—It was learned from an authori
tative source tonight that a request
had been dispatched from the at
torney general’s office to Dean H.
Dobson-Peacock at Norfolk, Va.,
asking if he could come here “col
untarily” for questioning on the
Lindbergh case.
NEW YORK, May 17.—(AP) —
The “Jafsie” of the Lindbergh kid
naping case said tonight neither he
nor Col. Charles A. Lindbergh had
been “taken in’’ by John Hughes
Curtis and his story of contacts
with the abductors.
“I knew it all the time and so
did the colonel,” said the educa
tor who on April 2 tossed a pack
age containing $50,000 ransom to
a man on the other side of a New
York cemetery wall.
“The colonel knew that I was
the only one who had the real con
tact, which was proven through
the symbols, the suit and the pins.”
Dr. Condon apparently referred
to the three tokens by which he
said he was sure he was dealing
with the actual kidnapers—the
cabalistic signature of the original
ransom not?, the sleeping suit the
baby had .worn when stolen and
pins with which the child’s under
garments were attached.
“This is what broke my con
tact,” Dr. Condon continued, as he
dug into a pocket and produced a
newspaper clipping bearing the
headline: “Curtis says Colonel
Lindbergh authorizes him to pay
“The kidnapers saw that story
and thought there was a chance of
getting more money,” he aded.
Dr. Condon said he thought there
was a chance he might have been
able to persuade the kidnapers to
return the baby alive without the
payment ' of any money, had he
been able to get in contact with
them early enough in the case.
“We know plenty that has not
come out yet,” he said cryptically.
He said his motives for acting in
the case were “patriotism,” the
home, school, state and society.”
In reply to a question about
whether he ever had been afraid
of the kidnapers, Dr. Condon said:
"No. They broke contact with
me when the baby was about to
be returned and placed me in a i
position of discredit in the eyes of j
the country.”
Fisherman Shoots Bass
From Tree With Cun
WALLACE, Idaho, May 17.—
(AP)—Earl Elstone, out fishing,
shot a four-pound bass out of a I
pine tree with a shotgun.
Here’s how he came to claim the
title of “world's most unorthodox
fisherman" today. A hawk caught
the fish in its beak and flew to
the tree, 50 feet above ground.
Elstone cast aside his rod,
grabbed his shotgun and blasted
hawk and bass off a limb.
Proof? Well, he has the bass,
the hawk, the shotgun and a rep
utation for veracity.
Shearer Appoints
Directorate for
Freshman Picnic
Time, Setting for Yearling
Event Is Scheduled;
Meeting Called
Complete plans and appoint
ments for the annual freshman
class picnic were released yester
day by Dick Shearer, general
chairman of the event.
The affair will be held Friday,
May 27, at Swimmer's Delight, lo
cal amusement resort. The picnic
is the final yearling class activity
and in past years has been the
scene of a great deal of activity
between freshman and sophomore
Committee heads named by
Shearer yesterday include: assist
ant chairman. Hartley Kneeland;
secretary, Helen Scruggs; public
ity, Parks Hitchcock; grounds.
Don Thompson; entertainment,
Grant Thuemmel; refreshments,
Nancy Archbold; patrons, Cyn
thia Liljequi3t; dance, Bob Hart;
transportation, Bill Davis.
Pre-Law Students
Issue Challenge
Pre-law students, meeting last
night at the Craftsmen’s club in
their first official session, issued a
challenge to members of the law
school to a kittenball game to be
played early next week.
The game will be the first step,
declared Tom Tongue, president of
the underclassmen’s association, in
the program to awaken more close
contact between the pre-law ma
jors and the studen.ts of the law
Carlton E. Spencer, professor of
law, gave an informal address,
pointing out the necessity of a
close relationship between pre-law
subjects and the regular law cur
Charley Offers
Political Advice
To Mr. Hoover
Hard at Work
Every one from the president
.'own has swung into action on
the Lindbergh case.
Clues are as plentiful as
wheat in -Dakota, and about
just as valuable. Every police
force from Hohokus to Walla
.Valla has been deluged with hot
tips. You can’t stir out of the
house without stepping on a
Lindbergh investigator.
Like all other prospering en
terprises, the kidnapping has
now been afflicted with the
great American racket. For
$50,000 anyone would have told
you where the baby was; and
now for half that sum they’ll
hand over the murderers.
The presidential proclamation
was hot stuff for Hoover. Got
him all the votes in Hopewell.
All he has to do now is find the
murderers and the rest of the
nation will vote for him.
Parzych Tells
Story of Lindy
Baby Abduction
Man Claims To Be One
Of Kidnapers
Names of Ollier Members
Of Gang Revealed in
Long Questioning
NFAV YORK, May 17.— (API —
Frank Parzych, 30, who told po
lice here today he and five other
men kidnaped the Lindbergh baby,
was questioned for hours at police
headquarters and then taken by a
corps of detectives to an undis
closed destination.
An effort was made to reach
Col. H. Norman Schwarzkopf,
head of New Jersey state police,
before Parzych was taken from
police headquarters after 8:30
p. m., in a department car.
Assistant Chief Inspector John
J. Sullivan and two detective cap
tains rode in the same car. Their
machine was followed by another
filled with detectives.
Story Is Doubted
Police earlier said Parzych, who
was arrested on a wife abandon
ment charge, admitted being a
narcotic user and that he had been
drinking heavily. Although they
said they doubted the truth of his
story, they started to check its
The prisoner at first gave his
name as Frank Smith but later
admitted he was Frank Parzych,
30. His story was said by Police
Mulrooney to be substantially as
A few months ago, while he was
working on a rum runner, an oc
cupation he pursued for eight
months, he and five other men
plotted to kidnap the Lindbergh
baby. When their craft put into
land, they went to a town in Long
Island, where they made the lad
der to reach the nursery window.
Details Recounted
The ladder was made in two
parts and was of maple, Parzych
believed. In a gray automobile,
he and his companions drove to
Hopewell. Parzych waited at the
(Continued on Page Three)
Hopkins’ Pupils
Plan Two-Piano
Recital Thursday
Eight Students To Appear
In Concert Event in
Music Building
Rivaling- in unusualness the
piano-concerto recital given by
several of George Hopkins’ stu
dents recently, eight of Jane
Thacher’s piano students will pre
sent a program of two-piano mu
sic at the music auditorium Thurs
day night, it is announced from
the music school.
Those who will appear on the
program are: Helene Ferris, Aimee
Sten, Helen Ferris, Mary Galey,
Lois Johnson, Norma Lyon, Maude
Stehn, and Margaret Atwood.
Formed into four “teams,” these
young women will play some of
the most noted compositions in the
two-piano field.
They will be assisted by Robert
Gould, organist, who will accom
pany Miss Johnson in the first
movement of a Mendelssohn con
certo for piano and organ.
Those who will play together,
in the order in which they will
appear on the program, are:
Helene Ferris and Helen Ferris;
Aimee Sten and Mary Galey; Lois
Johnson and Norma Lyon; Maude
Stehn and Margaret Atwood.
The program will begin at 8
o’clock and will be over by 9
There will be no admission charge
Wifi* Seeks McLean’s
Removal as Co-Trustee
Through a bank president and
newspaper executives, an attempt
was made today to prove that a
court should remove Edward B.
McLean, Washington publisher, as
co-trustee of the vast estate left
by his father, the late John R. Mc
The suit was filed in the District
of Columbia supreme court for Mc
Lean’s three minor children by
their mother, Mrs. Evelyn Walsh
McLean, daughter of the late
Thomas Walsh, western mining
magnate, who himself left mil
Women Pay for
Loss in Emerald
Contest with Party
rpONIGHT, from 8 to 10:30,
the usual buzzing of type
writers at the Emerald news
room will be quieted, copy, pa
per, pencils, and everything
pertaining to news will be cast
definitely aside and gayety will
reign supreme.
Having lost in the recent con
test between the men and
women in putting out the Em
erald, the women, in keeping
with tradition, will honor the
men with a party. Everything
has been arranged to make the
affair a real tribute to the work
displayed by the men in issuing
the Emerald totally unaided by
female hands, according to
those in charge of the party.
All students who worked or
either the men’s or women’s
edition is urged to attend.
Sigina Delta Chi
Show at Colonial
On Deck Tonight
‘Front Pape,’ Stage Acts,
‘Caught Plastered’
On Program
What George Godfrey, co-owner
of the Colonial theatre, declares to
be the biggest bargain show of the
year will be presented tonight
with Sigma Delta Chi’s showing
of "The Front Page,” famous two
fisted newspaper yarn. ,
Vaudeville acts featuring Chick
Burrow and Wilbur Thibault, the
Theta Chi Blue Boys, and the Max
trio will vie for attention with the
Colonial’s weekly festival night.
To cap it all, Godfrey declares
that "Caught Plastered," starring
Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey,
will be held over and shown after
the regular feature without extra
Sulphurous language, pungent
humor, sparkling dialogue and a
gripping tale of the fight for news
have made "The Front Page" one
of the four-star pictures of the
year. Hildy Johnson, the proto
type of the metropolitan go-getter
newsgatherer, is placed by Pat
O'Brien. The smooth, ruthless
managing editor is portrayed by
Adolphe Menjou. Edward Everett
Horton and Slim Summerville are
also featured.
Seiyukais Determined
To Control Government
TOKYO, May 17.—(AP)-—The
shaky Seiyukai party put up a
strong front against militarists
and nationalists in its determina
tion to retain control of the gov
ernment today despite an army
demand for a non-partisan cabinet.
The ultimatum of military lead
ers that they would support only a
national, non- partisan cabinet
blocked efforts to reorganize the
government, necessitated by the
assassination of Premier Suyoshi
ADEN, Arabia, May 17. (API
Shipping agencies feared that
more than 300 persons may have
perished abroad the blazing French
motorship Georges Philippar off
Cape Guardafui, Italian Somali
land, as 254 haggard, smoke
grimed survivors arrived here to
We Endorse
RIDAY of this week,
■“* voters will go to the polls
for the primary election.
In one important place on
the ballot, student voters will
find five men running for
representative in the state
legislature. Three are to be
elected. On t lie basis of
their [iast records, and their
pledges for the future that
every effort will be put forth
in the interest of the Univer
sity of Oregon so that it will
maintain its rightful place in
higher education, the Emer
ald heartily endorses three
They are Earl llill, Charles
A. (Shy) Huntington, and
El win A. McCormick. These
are the men we need in
the legislature from Lane
Two Announce
Candidacy tor
Soph President
Ferguson and Davis Toss
Hats in Ring
Aspirants of Other Classes
Aetively Engaged in
Boosting Taeties
Freshmen stepped into the po
litical arena yesterday with the
announcement that Bob Ferguson
and Bill Davis are in the running
for sophomore class president. This
was the first definite step taken
by the yearling class in facing the
political situation.
Both Ferguson and Davis will
make official announcement of
their tickets within the next few
In the other classes, supporters
of Cecil Espy and Orville Bailey,
senior aspirants, and Neal Bush
and Ed Schweiker, junior aspir
ants, were boosting their candi
dates wherever they met voters of
doubtful allegiance.
Both Bailey and Espy are ac
counted strong tickets and any
prediction of how the voting might
go can be classed as pure guess
work this early in the campaign.
Bailey’s athletic record is expected
to be offset some by the record of
Espy for work with the present
Journalism Vote Split
The school of journalism vote,
which might have been expected
to swing with Esther Hayden, Es
py candidate for secretary, was
split between the two tickets when
Bailey announced Betty Anne Mac
duff for vice president. Helen Rai
tanen 13 expected to draw strong
support among the sororities
which will offset the journalism
vote for Miss Hayden. Marjorie
Swafford, who Is opposing Miss
Macduff, is banking on swinging a
counteracting vote.
Representatives of the Oregon
Yeomen have met with Schweiker
and pledged their support to his
cause. Bush, on the other hand,
has been lining up Greek organiza
tions which he claims will more
than offset the independent vote.
\/uici \ uiiuiuiurn liisiru
Candidates for the other junior
class offices are Evelyn Kennedy
and Maxine Heed for vice presi
dent, Virginia Hartje and Nancy
Suomela for secretary, and Les
Dunton and Julius Rehal for treas
Mahr Reymers yesterday entered
the battle with Bernie Hughes for
senior class barber. Reymers said
that he expected Hughes to drag
down a pretty heavy athlete vote.
But Reymers had no doubt of his
ability to get together a line-up
with a large number of fast re
serves that will be able to wear
down the heavy shock troops of
the Hughes supporters’.
Seven Women Elected
To Pi Lambda Theta
Seven women were elected to
membership in Pi Lambda Theta,
national education honorary, at a
meeting- of the organization held
last Tuesday at the Green Lantern.
Initiation is set for June 2 at the
home of Mrs. F. L. Stetson.
Those elected were Edith Luke,
junior in education, Eugene; Eli
nor Clark, junior in language and
literature, Portland; Rachel Locke,
junior in education, Quinalt, Wash.;
Willametta Logsdon, junior in edu
cation, Riddle; Vera Pallet, senior
in education, Eugene; Mrs. Eliza
beth Montgomery, Portland, who
is working for her Fh.D., and Ruth
Jackson, graduate student in Eng
Traveler Will Lecture
On South Seas Tonight
Dr. J. R. Wetherbee, local eye,
ear, nose, and throat specialist,
who has just returned to Eugene
from a tour of the Pacific basin
as educational director on the S.
S. Mariposa will give an illustrat
ed lecture on the South seas to
night in the geology lecture room
in Condon hall, at 7:30.
Dr. Wetherbee has been on sev
eral such tours and is well posted
on the peoples and regions visited,
according to Warren D. Smith,
professor of geology and geogra
The lecture is open to students
and faculty who are interested.