VOLUME XXXIII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1932 NUMBER 99 Platt Gets Job As Prom Head For Week-End Journalism Major Plans To Reduce Price Dance To Be Held Friday; Other Members To Be y Named Later Workmen will transform McAr thur court into a dance dreamland, and laboring third-year students will polish hardwood floors into gleaming surfaces for the Junior Prom this year under the direction I of Sanford Platt, junior in jour nalism, last night named general chairman for the dance by Ned Kinney, Junior Week-end head. Already Platt has formulated plans which diverge widely from the accustomed trend of Junior Prom arrangements, he declared, among them being a marked lowering of admission price. More full information on this and other innovations will be announced early next week, when Platt will also name the remainder of the Prom directorate. Platt, whose home is in Long view, Washington, has taken a leading part in campus dramatic work, acted as chairman of the Dad’s Day smoker last fall, and has made his name well known in other activities. [ Commenting on the fact that the dance will be held on Friday instead of Saturday, Platt said: “The date was changed at the re quest of the committee in charge of the Pioneer Mother celebration, who are planning a huge banquet Saturday night, May 7. McArthur court was considered the only building large enough for the af fair, so we consented to yield the Saturday night date to them.” Teach College Students ! To Read, Says Educator SPOKANE, Wash., April 7.— (AP)—New fangled educational methods, Dr. Ernest Horn of the University of Iowa told the In land Empire Education association today, should be forgotten until all students learn to read. Dr. Horn, head of the college of education at Iowa, was one of the speakers to address the general session of the convention today. V Dr. Horn charged “it is beyond the ability of the ordinary student to get the meaning out of the or dinary textbook. Reading or fail ure to read or to be able to read is one of the drawbacks in modern education, even in the colleges.” American Marine Slain In Nicaraguan Uprising BLUEFIELDS, Nicaragua, April 7.—(AP)—Sergeant Charles J. Le vonki, United States marine corps, of New York, a lieutenant in the Guardia Nacionale of Nicaragua, was killed early yesterday in a mutiny led by discontented native sergeants at Kisalaya, a guardia outpost at which he was in com mand. His lieutenant, Carlos Reyes, a Nicaraguan, was wounded. The remoteness of the outpost is believed to have inspired the na tives to start the mutiny. Kisalaya is located on the Wanks river. y Twenty-five men were stationed there with the officers. Deb Now Prefers To Smoke a Pipe; Males 'Get Bird9 NEW YORK, April 7.—-(AP) — Pipe-smoking, which some foolish men thought no woman would dare take up, is the fad of the moment among many of Park avenue’s de butantes and society matrons. Full credit for the vogue was claimed today by Archibald Charles Montague Brabazon Acheson, fifth earl of Gosford, Knight on Grace on the Order of St. John of Jeru salem in England, grandson of the duke of Manchester, and son of the Lady of the Bedchamber to Her Majesty the Queen of England. Lord Gosford sat in a plush carpeted suite overlooking Central park puffing on a miniature pipe— a three-inch, one-ounce briar. It’s his own idea. He designed it for himself. He never intended, he (Continued on Page Four) Four Sororities Still Lacking in Canoe Pairings JJOUSE pairings for the Canoe Fete were postponed yesterday when officials of the junior class and Junior Week end met and found that four women’s organizations were still lacking to equalize the. houses for the event. Confidence was expressed by Hal Short, Canoe Fete chair man, that the required number of houses would soon be made up. “Several women's houses have expressed interest,” Short said, “but will require special house meetings to decide. 1 ex pect to have the drawings made within the next two or three days. We have decided that it would be better to postpone the' drawings rather than leave four men’s houses left out, because we do not wish to enter fewer than 12 floats.” Sterling Green Named Head of Sigma Della Chi Kimball, Munger,Bell inger, Goodnough Are Also Elected Officers Sterling- Green, sophomore in tournalism, was last night elected president of Sigma Delta Chi, na tional profession al journalism fra ternity, at a din ner meeting of the chapter over i the College Side. Green succeeds Ralph David in the executive ; position. Other officers named by the organization are Rufus Kimball, Sterling Green vice - president; Oscar Hunger, secretary; Edgar Goodnough, treasurer; and Jack Bellinger, scribe. This group will take office immediately and carry on the executive work of the chap ter for the coming year. The new president is now tele graph editor of the Emerald, law section editor of the Oregana, and edited a community newspaper in Portland last year. A committee consisting of Bob Allen, Jay Sehorn and the new treasurer was named to consider finances, gnd spring term pledging was discussed. The retiring officers, besides David, are Phil Cogswell, vice president; Merlin Blais, secretary: Roy Sheedy, treasurer; and Ted Montgomery, scribe. Campbell Will Be In Oratory Event Oregon’s representative at the State Peace oratory contest to be held at Albany college tonight will be Wallace J. Campbell, senior in sociology. His subject will be “Up stream.” The contest is being sponsored by the Intercollegiate Forensic as sociation of Oregon. Walter E. Hempstead Jr., in structor in English, who is facul ty advisor for speaking contests, plans to attend as Oregon’s judge. John L. Casteel, director of the speech division will also be pres ent. Campbell won the position as Oregon’s representative after a lo cal elimination contest. Greek Poetry Influence Discussed at Meeting The influence of Greek poetry on modern poets was one of the points stressed by Dr. Clara Smer tenko of the Greek department in a talk on “The Fascination of Greek Poetry” before the Prose and Poetry group of Philomelete last night at Sunsan Campbell hall. Though the Greeks invented the epic, lyric, and dramatic forms, their poetry differed in a number of ways from our own, Dr. Smer tenko said. Time rhythm, as in music, was used instead of sylla ble stresses, and the accent was of pitch rather than intensity. Inga Arnsen entertained with a piano number, and tea was served i after the discussion. Applicants for Editorial Posts ToFileMonday Emerald, Oregana Heads Will Be Chosen Publication Body To Pick Next Year’s Paper, Yearbook Chiefs Declarations of candidacy for ed itor and business manager of the Emerald and Oregana during the coming school year must be filed with the A. S. U. O. publications committee by Monday noon, Ron ald H. Robnett, secretary, said yes terday. The committee will meet daily beginning Monday afternoon, and continue their deliberations until all four positions are filled for rec ommendation to the executive council. Petitions Are Due Before the change of the A. S. U. O. constitution last year, staff meetings were called by the edi tors of the yearbook and newspa per to nominate not more than four students to fill the posts for the following year. According to the present stipulation each candi date for editor and business mana ger of each publication must sub mit to the publications committee on or before April 10 a written pe tition, stating his qualification in full. With this group of candidates, the committee holds a series of (Continued on Page Four) Cops Interrupt Stroller Attired In Shoe and Hat PORTLAND, Ore., April 7 — (AP)—James McCue learned to day that even though a $15 bet is at stake he must wear more than his shoes and his hat when walk ing about the streets of Portland. McCue wagered $15 with a friend, police said, that he could walk from Twentieth and Morri son streets to his home at Four teenth and Montgomery streets with nothing on but his hat and shoes. Then he put on his shoes, cocked his hat over one ear and set out, the rest of his clothes car ried nonchalantly over one arm. The money was practically his I when he arrived safely within a few blocks of home. Then Traf fic Patrolman Ragan saw him. McCue explained about the bet. “You lose,”< said Ragan, hauling McCue off to jail on a charge of being drunk and disorderly. “You lose double,” said Muni cipal Judge Stadter later. “Pay the $15 to your friend and leave $10 with the clerk of the court on your way out.” Oregon Man One of Six Chosen for Scholarship NEW YORK, April 7.— (AP) Fellowships for study in Belgium during the coming years were awarded to six Americans by the Commission for Relief in Belgium. They were Prof. Eyler Brown of the University of Oregon, Prof. Paul A. Clement of William and I Mary college, Walter J. Marse of University of Washington, Henry V. McNeil of New York, Norma Le Vegue of the University of Col orado, and Constant J. Mvan De ' Wal of New York. Seagoing Stork Stvells Boatload of Bovines SAN FRANCISCO, April 7.— : Returning today from Hawaii, of ficers of the freighter Manulani j said their ship arrived at the Ha waiian city with more freight than it had when it left San Francisco. | The cargo included 32 live cows, j When it arrived it had 32 cows and 12 calves. Members of the crew played milkmen and stored the surplus milk in the ship's refriger ators. HONORARY TO ELECT Phi Delta Kappa, honorary edu cation fraternity, will hold a meet ing this afternoon at 4 p. m. I in the Education building, it was announced yesterday. This will be a regular business' meeting and is ^eld for election of new members^ ‘Whiskerino Shuffle’ To Put End to Sophomore’s TT ait in g April 15 Date for Judging Of Beards, Awarding Of Prises Van Buren, full, broken stubble, stray straw, light, and all of the rest of the sophomore beards will be represented at the “Whiskerino Shuffle," which will serve as the climax to weeks of patient endur ance, as the case may be. The all-sophomore dance will be held at the Cocoanut Grove, Fri day, April 15 with Abbie Green ing the bewhiskered nnd their ing the bewhiskered and heir gufests. Contrary to previous statements the admission for the dance will be r>0 cents, Brute Stauffer said yesterday, Stauffer and John A d a m a are co-chairmen o f the dance. Only sophomores and their guests will bt admitted to the brawl. Stauffer continued. The feature of the shuffle will be the judging of the facial herb fContinued on Pape Four) Possible Savings For Government To Be Considered Bi-Partisan Group To Meet Tomorrow To Effort Economy Changes WASHINGTON, April 7.—(AP) —The bi-partisan economy com mittee set up by the Democratic house and President Hoover will meet at the White House Satur day in the first definite cooperative move to effect savings through governmental reorganization. Chairman McDuffie today ac cepted an invitation from the chief executive that came in answer to the committee’s request for spe cific recommendations on abolish ing various agencies to aid in cut ting the budget about $250,000,000 for next year. The contact followed Mr. Hoo ver’s request to congress Tuesday for a senate-house-executive de partment committee to effect econ omies. Meanwhile house Democratic leaders suffered a setback when the expenditures committee tabled 12 to 8 the Byrns bill to consoli date the army and navy into a de partment of national defense, ex pected by them to save $100,000, 000 annually. Five Dempcrats joined seven Republicans in this vote, while only one Republican voted with seven Democrats. Senior Plan Goes Before Committee The “Senior Plan,” advocating changes in dates for commence ment, senior examinations, bacca laureate, and senior leap week, was placed in the hands of the faculty committee on commence ment yesterday. The class of ’32 voted for the proposal by a sub stantial majority at its meeting Wednesday night. Upon receipt of the senior class resolutions, Dean James H. Gil bert, acting chairman of the com mittee on commencement, called a meeting of the body for next Wed nesday afternoon, June 13. On the committee which will consider the senior class plea are: Dean Gilbert, Karl W. Onthank, Hugh E. Rosson, John Stark Evans, Frederic S. Dunn, John F. Bovard, Earl M. Pallett, and Maude I. Kerns. From Salem Pen, Reports Charley The Idle Rich We’re getting tired of feed ing criminals. A gangster “rubs out” one of his competitors and dear old John Public has to support him the rest of his life. Cunning business men and slick labor eaders have raised a howl about prison-made goods every time we’ve tried to put the inmates to work. Oregon may run a power plant in the state penetentiary to light the capital buildings. Tune your ears to the clamor that will come from “public spirited” citizens of the power trust. Out in Minnesota they make the prisoners work—and even pay 'em. The jails don’t cost the state a cent. But here in Oregon we shell out $800,000 a year for the penitentiary, and slice $800,000 a year from high er education. I think I'll switch to Oregon State—er, that is Oregon State penitentiary. Discontentedly, WEBFOOT CHARLEY. j No Income Depression Kates To Be Featured at Campus Carnival Yooinrii Volunteer To Help In Construction Work Starling Today One of the newest ideas in cam pus entertainment will be present ed tomorrow night when the first all-campus carnival is given by the Associated Women Students under the general chairmanship of Virginia Hancock. The carnival, which is catering to the depression and presenting everything for five cents, will dis pense over a thousand prizes dur ing the evening. Margaret Hunt working at the head of the prize committee has secured 22 dona tions from down-town merchants which will be given away during the evening. The work of transforming the interior of McArthur court into a true carnival, will start this after noon. The Oregon Yeomen > have volunteered to help throughout with all construction. Each house however, will be required to aid with its own booth. Construction of the booths must be completed by 6 o’clock tomor row afternoon in order to be eli gible to compete for the two cups which have been offered by Sigma Alpha Mu and the Heads of Hous es to serve as perpetual awards. Booths will be judged upon origin ality, beauty, serviceability, and appropriateness to merchandise. In addition to the sale of food and carnival prizes, there will be jitney dancing and features. Char lotte Eldridge, feature chairman, has secured a number of features, among which are tap dancers, gym exhibitions, and orchestra novel ties. Onthank To Lead Personality Talks i Dean Karl W. Onthank, head of the personnel department of the University, will lead a group of freshman men and women during the spring term at Westminster house in a study of “Building a Personality.” The group will meet each Sun day morning from 9:45 to 10:45. All the elements that contribute to the development of strong per sonality will be considered. The officers of the group are Charles Martin, president; Laura Goldsmith, vice-president; Jean Lewis, secretary; and Bill Gear hart, treasurer. During winter term the fresh men of the Westminster associa tion heard a number of selected faculty members speak on the theme: “What I Think Are the Most Important Things in Life.” The program this term will be a more informal group discussion under the leadership of Dean On ! thank. Jurists for Honolulu Trial Finally Accepted HONOLULU, April 7.—(AP)— 1 A jury representing a cross sec j tion of the melting pot citizenship | of Hawaii was completed here to I day after four days of maneuver | ing between Clarence Darrow, de | fense attorney, and John C. Kelley, public prosecutor, to try Mrs. Gran ville Fortescue and three navy men accused of lynching Joseph i Kahahawai. The see-saw tactics of Darrow, I who had sought Caucasians and discarded Orientals, and of Kelley, who had striven to keep Orientals or Hawaiians in the box, ended when both sides accepted six men of American descent, three Chi j nese, one Portuguese, one German and one Hawaiian. Civil Uprising InChinaLooms As Possibility Peace Negotiations Still In Deadlock Communists, Northern War Lords Said Plotting Against Nanking Ey MORRIS J. HARRIS ( Associiiteil 1'ivss Staff ( orTf'Spondent) SHANGHAI, April 8 (Friday) — (AP) While Sino - Japanese peace negotiations simmered in deadlock 'today, two threats of civil war against the Nanking gov ernment appeared, one from the Communists in the west, and the other from a group of northern war lords. Attention centered on a coalition of Yellow river war lords, the most powerful of whom appeared to be General Han Fu Chu, who within the year has gained control of Shantung province with 70,000 well-armed and thoroughly trained iroops. Little attention had been paid to him until today when rumors began to circulate that he would band with other war lords in Hupei, Shensi and Shansi pro vinces to overthrow China's fore most generalissimo, Chiang Kai Shek. War Lords Displeased The.se war lords have been in dependent and in control of the Yellow river area northward to the great wall for some time, but are reported increasingly dis (Continucd on 1’aije Four) Men May Enjoy Dates This Month Without Expense College men may tuck their flat tened purses into the depths of their pockets, cast aside monetary worries, and still enjoy "dating" privileges this spring. The secret to success lies in three week-end dates which will feature “leap” affairs, and eleven sorority dances, so revealeth the social calendar. The first break in favor of financially-embarrassed males is Friday, April 8, when members of Philomelete hobby groups will play hostesses at a dance. A Pan-Hellenic hop fol lows on the next Friday. Last but not least will be senior Leap Week, when the senior men for three glorious days will have an opportunity to obtain a return on their past "investments," joined by all their collegiate brothers on the last night at the Mortar Board ball. So take heed, men! Do your “Don Juaning” early, for he who casts the brightest smile about the campus receives in return the "cash-saving” invites! Nazi Mobilization At Polls Is Threat MUNICH, Germany, April 7— (AP) - Adolf Hitler’s National Socialists and the authority of the Bavarian state came into di rect conflict today when Ernest Roehm, commander of the Nazi storm troops, announced he would mobilize his Hitlerite battalions for the election next Sunday and the Bavarian government decreed no such mobilization might be held. When news of this decision reached the Bavarian ministry of interior, an order was issued for bidding any concentration of poli tical organizations from Saturday to Monday. Police were instructed to enforce the regulation vigilant ly Charges that the Nazis had per fected a comprehensive system of espionage were denied by Com mander Roehm, who asserted that some of the documents seized from Nazi headquarters by Prus sian authorities in a series of raids shortly after the March elec tion had been forged. The charges were based on documents confis cated in the raids. I LEAVES FOR CLEVELAND I Mrs. Anne L. Beck, professor of public school music in the school of music here, is on her way to j Cleveland, Ohio, where she plans i to attend the National Supervisors’ | conference. Speaker Today Dean Janies H. Gilbert, who will be the main speaker at the first assembly of the term, at 10 o’clock this morning in Gerllnger hail. Dean Gilbert will explain the ef fects of the reorganization of Ore gon’s system of higher education. Trio Awaits Call To Make Contact With Abductors Mon Are Ready To Leave For Unknown Destination In Search for Baby NORFOLK, Va„ April 7—(AP) —A call which might send one or more of them on a trip to a desti nation known only to themselves was awaited tonight by three Nor folk men seeking to bring about the return of Charles Augustus Lipdbergh Jr. Yesterday John Hughes Curtis, one of the trio, returned after a four day adsence and reported he had made a contact ancl received an assurance that the kidnaped baby was well. Today Rear Admiral Guy H. Barrage, making the only addi tional statement for Mr. Curtis, The Very Rev. Dean H. Dobson Peacock and himself, added Colonel Lindbergh had requested the negotiators here to continue their efforts. * HOPEWELL, N. J„ April 7— (AP) Col. Charles A. Lindbergh and police greeted with silence to day the announcement of three Norfolk (Va.) intermediaries that the colonel had asked them to con tinue their efforts to recover his kidnaped son. Colonel H. Norman Schwarz kopf, state police head, disclosed the nationwide hunt for Harry Fleischer, a known kidnaper, hail been intensified by reports he had been seen several times under sus picious circumstances since the Lindbergh baby was stolen from his crib. Pan-Hellenic To Have Informal Dance Soon Pan-H e 1 1 e n i c representatives will sponsor an informal dance at the Chi Ornega house Friday, April 15, exclusively for past and pres ent house presidents and past and present Pan-Hellenic representa tives. Helen Raitanen is general chairman for the dance. Committees appointed by Miss Raitanen to assist her are: decora tions, Barbara Conly; patrons and patronesses, Florence King; re freshments, Dulcie Lytsell; public ity, Virginia Howard. Two Men To Debate on Head of House Problem Howard Ohmart and Orval Thompson will debate on “Re solved: That the father is no longer the head of the house” as a humorous entertainment at the Waterloo community meeting at Waterloo, Oregon, this evening. Rolla Reedy will give a 15-min ute address on “Economic Prob lems,” and Prof. John L. Casteel, assistant professor and director of the speech division, has planned to include some readings on the pro gram. This is one of the community programs which Dean Philip A. Parsons of the school of applied social science has arranged. 10 o’Clocks Out This Morning For Assembly Dean Gilbert To Explain Course Changes Varsity Basketball, Swim Letters To Be Given At Gerlinger Ten o'clock classes will be ex cused this morning for the first student assembly of the term in Gerlinger hall. Dr. James H. Gil bert, dean of the college of litera ture, science, and the arts, will be the main speaker. Effects on the University of the iecent reorganization of Oregon's system of higher education will be the subject of the dean's talk. It should carry special interest to all students who are wondering what courses of study will be available to them on the campus next year, Brian Mimnaugh, A. S. U. O. president, said last night. "Dean Gilbert will have many surprises for Oregon students in the matter of course changes,” he said. Prince G. Callison, newly-chosen head football coach, will be for mally introduced to the student body and will make a short talk. A new plan of student forums, proposed by the N. S. F. A. com mittee headed by Bob Hall, will be outlined by Mimnaugh. Awarding of varsity basketball and swimming letters will also be a feature of the assembly. Those who will receive swimming letters are: Bob Needham, Sam Nigh, Ladd Sherman, Francis Oglesby, Jimmy Brooke, Ferd Fletcher, and Wally Hug. Those who will re ceive basketball letters are: Henry Levoff, Captain Winsor Calkins, Charles Roberts, Jack Robertson, Jim Watts, Cliff Potter, and Gil bert Olinger. The University band, directed by John Stehn, will play. Hoover’s Writing Needs Wife’s Translation WASHINGTON, April 7.—(AP) —Mrs. Herbert Hoover was called upon to decipher her husband's handwriting at a luncheon given today by the League of Republican women. Mrs. Frank Mondell, president of the league, reading a greeting from President Hoover to the 800 women assembled at the Willard hotel, suddenly halted, then said helplessly: “I can't read his writ ing.” Mrs. Hoover, seated at her right, quickly came to her rescue, then followed the reading of the mes sage with a greeting of her own. Japanese Consul To Tell Form of Foreign Policy Hirosi Acino, the Japanese con sul at Portland, will be in Eugene Tuesday and will lead a discussion group at the Guild theatre in Johnson hall at 11 a. m. The subject of the discussion will be “Various Currents Under lying Japan’s Recent Foreign Policy.” He is appearing under the auspices of the International house. All are welcome. Clocks, Haircuts To Be Offered at A,W.S. Carnival It makes no difference whether you are interested in electric clocks or are in crying need of a hair-cut, for the A. W. S. Carnival display in the Co-op window includes rem edies for both and a number of oth er things. Silk hose, cigarette cases, passes I to local theatres, meal tickets, : neckties, and even an order at a I local barber shop are among the prizes to be given away at the A. W. S. Carnival at McArthur court on the evening of April 16. The well-known and highly abused sweet-tooth has been care i fully considered, for a local bakery has promised to donate a cake as a prize to some hungry collegian. Two silver cups are also of par ticular interest, for they will be awarded to the men’s house and to the women's house having the best decorated booths at the carnival.