VOLUME XXXIII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1932 NUMBER 98 AWS Approves Webber,Names Macduff to Aid Card Receives Position Of Secretary Drury Chosen Treasurer; New President Outlines Program for Year Officers elected yesterday by the A. W. S. for the coming'year are: president, Louise Webber; Ann Baum vice president, Betty Anne Macduff; secre tary, Carolyn Card; treasurer, Laura Drury; sergeant - at - arms, Elizabeth Bendstrup; and reporter, Ruth McClain. „ Miss Webber is a junior in English and has been a member of the A. W. S. executive council, chairman of the Peter’s Lodge committee, and is a member of Phi Theta Upsilon, upperclass service honorary. She was the sole nominee for president. “I intend to continue the con structive program initiated by Ann Baum,” Louise Webber said. ^ “Specifically, my plans include the complete revision of the Big Sister movement, the building of a co operative house for women stu dents on the campus, and the ap pointment of an activities chair man whose special duty it will be to keep an accurate check on extra-curricular functions. “The vocational guidance pro gram will be maintained next year, and a conference between repre sentatives of A. W. S., Y. W. C. A., and W. A. A., will be held for three days preceding the fall term in order to outline completely the work of the three organizations.” The officers will be installed at the Associated Women Students garden tea to be given in honor of Mrs. Hazel P. Schwering, dean of women, on Thursday, April 28. Battle Over Jurymen Continues in Honolulu y HONOLULU, April 6.—(AP)— Racial cross currents flowed through the jury box here today with Clarence Darrow, noted crim inal lawyer, and John O. Kelley, blue-eyed Irish prosecutor, each seeking to divert them to his own advantage in choosing a jury to try Mrs. Granville Fortescue and three navy men accused of the Jo seph Kahahawai lynching. One after another, Anglo-Saxon, Chinese, Japanese, Hawaiian and Portuguese passed in and out of the box as Darrow and Kelley fought a cautious battle—the pros ecution favoring those of Oriental extraction and the defense inclin ing toward those of Nordic blood. Buried Treasure? No, Workmen Are Repairing Drains fTTALES of burled treasures ran rife about the journalism shack yesterday. Start of the rumors was a five-foot hole torn in the con crete floor of Professor \V. F. G. Thacher’s office to allow workmen to repair a section of drain pipe which had caused miniature floods in the hall of the journalism shack during every hard rain storm. The pipe had become clogged, and was not large enough to carry off the water during heavy rains. Mr. Thacher, professor of short story writing, denied that he was getting the locale and other material for a new yarn about the Spanish Main from the digging going on in his of fice. Canoe Fete List Has Openings for 4 Co-ed Groups Mimnaugh To Make House Pairings Today At Igloo With places for four women’s living organizations still open, drawings for canoe fete pairings will be made this afternoon at 3 o’clock by Brian Mimnaugh, A. S. U. O. president, in his office at Mc Arthur court. Hal Short, fete chairman; Bob Hall, junior class president; Ned Kinney, week-end chairman, and other officials will be present at the drawing. Entrants in the annual water spectacle, which has become one of the outstanding events of Junior Week-end celebrations, last night numbered 12 men’s and 8 women’s living organizations. Four places are thus open this year to co-ed groups wishing to compete. Competition in the fete last year (Continued on Page Two) Journalism Group Announces Dinner The second Matrix Table ban quet to be held on the campus un der the sponsorship of Theta Sig ma Phi, national women’s journal ism honorary will be given Wed nesday evening, April 27, at the Eugene hotel. Mrs. Cheryl Scholz, dean of wo men at Reed college, who recently returned from Vienna, will be the speaker and honor guest for the formal affair. Prominent women in the state and city are being extended an in vitation to the banquet as are out standing women on the campus who are interested in art, litera ture, drama, music and writing. Those in charge are Betty Anne Macduff, Lenore Ely, Willetta Hartley, Thelma Nelson, Alyce .Cook, Virginia Wentz, and Jessie Steele. Polyphonic Choir Prepares Special Concert for Portland T By WELDON H. KIRK Though the University Poly phonic choir has given many con certs during the past three years on the campus, its concert in Portland, Monday, April 11, will be it’s initial off-campus performance. At the request of alumni and many friends of the University who are interested in choral music, the choir has prepared a special pro gram which it wall present at the Shrine auditorium in Portland. The Polyphonic choir was organ ized three years ago by Arthur Boardman, head of the voice de partment of the school of music, for the purpose of creating an in terest in choral music among stu dents. The demand for entrance has been heavy and the entire choir now numbers more than 200. In order that the best work pos sible could be accomplished the k choir was divided into two sec tions, the second sections being open to anyone interested in music who could qualify for membership, and the first section being chosen from those whose musicianship and quality of voice was best. This choir has 40 members, most of whom have been members of the organization for the past three years. It has been the policy of the choir to present only students as soloists, and during the past three years more than 20 students have appeared with the choir. Five singers have been selected to take solo parts in the coming concert, Gene Pearson, baritone, senior in music and member of Phi Mu Al pha, men’s music honorary, will sing “The Serenade de Murchia,” a Spanish folk song which has been paraphrased by Kurt Schind ler, accompanied by the choir. During the excrepts from Verdi’s “Requieum,’’ a solo quartet will be heard composed of Nancy Thielsen, soprano; Agnes Petzold, contralto; Hadley Crawford, tenor; and George Barron, bass. The choir plans to leave for Portland Monday morning on the 11:40 Southern Pacific train. It will be quartered at the Heath man hotel. Plans have been ar ranged for an informal reception after the concerts in honor of the students, after which supper and dancing at the Heathman hotel Spring Term’s Social Events Listed by Dean Girls To Treat at Many Affairs on Calendar Senior Leap Week, Mortar Board Ball To Oecupy Prominent Plaees That the women students of the University are living up to the tra ditions of Leap Year is shown by the spring term social calendar, re leased yesterday from the dean of women’s office. Senior leap week, with the Mortar Board ball as its climax, is the largest event at which the women will be hostesses, while the Philomelete spring dance and the #Pan-hellenis dance also take prominent places on the cal endar. Additions and corrections may be made to the calendar. Hazel P. Schwering, dean of women, an nounced. The social events which (Continued on l’age Four) Doctor Spears Takes Leave of Eugene Quietly Quiet, unattended, and alone, Dr. Clarence W. Spears, Oregon’s famous football mentor, yesterday left Eugene for greener fields and new laurels. His daughter, Joan, aged five, was wide-eyed and excited at the prospect of her journey. Janet, 10, hated to leave her friends. Her mouth drooped. Bobby, who is two, maintained a sphinx-like silence. He didn’t know what it all meant. The various attitudes of his chil dren seemed to be combined in the doctor, although he, too, main tained a sphinx-like expression. He left Eugene at 2 o’clock, driving to Portland. Mrs. Spears and the children left on the 4:30 train, to be met in Portland by the coach, thus continuing the trip east by rail. A small group of football play ers and personal friends, including Jack O’Brien and Johnny Kitzmil ler, met at the Spears home on Columbia street for the leave-tak ing. There were no famous last words, merely an exchange of good wishes for the future. Mob Attack Victim Returns to Office ST. JOHNS, N. F., April 6— (AP)'—Sir Richard Squires, prime minister of this island’s govern ment, returned tonight to the of fice in the Colonial building from which *he fled 24 hours earlier while a mob of 10,000 shouted threats they would throw him in the harbor. Sir Richard appeared little the worse for the rough handling to which he was subjected by the mob which last night stormed the building. His right cheek was bruised. Sir Richard made his return shortly after war veterans and municipal police had repulsed a crowd which attempted to break into the central liquor stores. The entire city was under patrol, with guards stationed at the vari ous public buildings and business houses. A total of 850 ex-service men and civilians had been en rolled for special police duty, and 200 more were waiting to be sworn. Five Men Pass Exam For Beta Alpha Psi Beta Alpha Psi, national ac counting honorary fraternity, will initiate five men Sunday, April 17, Ernest Alne, president, announced last night. The neophytes, juniors and seniors in business administra ; tion majoring irr accounting, were 1 successful in passing the examina ! tion required for admittance to the organization. The initiates are: George Blod gett, Russell Morgan, John Gople rud, Myrl Lindley, and John Pit tinger. Initiation will be at 5 o’clock in the men's lounge of Gerlinger hall. A banquet at the Eugene hotel will follow. Dean David E. Faville, of the school of business adminlstra 1 tion, wijl be the speaker. Bartle Lays Platform Planks In Campaign Preparations — *— Reforestation of Mill Race Urged by Candidate, Also Free Reer Ey CAROL HURLBURT As Seattle has her Vic Meyers, so Eugene has her Bill Bartle. Bartle awoke yesterday morning to find himself famous. Walter 1> UI UlttU fclllU 11 vin Vines had filed his candi dacy to run for [Commit teeman ' from the tenth precinct. | Bill B a r 11 e'a [ program, if he is elected and al lowed to enact ^ it, will bring a new era of free dom and intellectual inspiration to Eugene. “If you elect me,” he declared last night in his first message to the press, “the first thing I'll do is to declare an open season *on professors and subject them to the Simon-Binet tests. “I am in favor of free beer and pretzels at Pan-Hellenic meetings in order to decrease tife crime wave. “I shall do my utmost to build a new art museum which is to hold busts of O'Melveny, Keck, McKean, Jack Stipe, Art Potwin, Ed Moeller, anti Harry McCall, so that people can see what they look like in the day time and also to provide free cement mixing' jobs for the Sigma Chis. “Each member of the board of higher education shall receive but tonhole bouquets. In my opinion it is high time that our gratitude for their exceptional work Tie ex pressed in a fitting manner. “Furthermore,” Bill Bartle grew forceful; his hair practically stood on end, “I am in favor of capital (Continued on Vuge Four) Senate Debates Tariff Measures Of Revenue Rill Attempt To Remove Taxes On Coal, Oil Defeated By Committee WASHINGTON, April G.-(AP) A tariff dispute gripped the billion dollar tax bill tonight as the senate finance committee concluded its first session of hearings. After receiving a declaration of administration policy from Secre tary Mills, the committee rejected, 10 to 5, a motion that additional import duties be excluded from the bill. Immediately, two Democrats, Walsh of Massachusetts and Tyd ings of Maryland, instituted a movement on the floor of the sen ate to keep further tariff levies (Continued on Page Three) Plans, Committees For Glee Are Given Complete plans and appoint ments for the Frosh Glee, annual yearling all-campus free dance, were released yesterday by Walter Gray, Seaside, general chairman of the affair. Eighty-one freshmen were named on the various com mittees. The dance will take place on Saturday, April 16, at McArthur court. It will be a sports dance, spring and informal clothes to be the rule. The motif will be carried out along the spring idea, as this is the first all-campus dance to beheld this spring term. Anyone, male or female, wearing formal clothes will be treated to a bath in the mill-race, Gray threatened. I' Let Prexy Butler Stick to Booze, Roars Charley “Home of the brave and the free” Columbia lived up to its name, and made a brave attempt to resurrect the spirit of '76. But,this time Columbia was the university—and instead of dumping tea as in days of old, the students tried symbolically to gag the statue of Alma Mater reposing on the library steps. All because Reed Harris, edi tor of “The Spectator,” Colum bia daily, talked too loud and too long. Prexy Nicholas Mur ray Butler, perennial presiden tial possibility, rose in his ad ministrative power and expelled Harris. Butler yelps vigorously against prohibition, expressing disapproval of its coercive fea ture. “Education, not legisla tion,” he roars before Rotary and Kiwanis clubs. But when Fteed Harris (former football player, himself) raps football as professionalized and asks for a quiz of the lunch room, Nick throws a fit and cans him. I dunno about the charges. But who the devil said, “They never get sore unless the charges are true"? Incoherently, WEBFOOT CHARLEY. I Campus Carnival Slated by AWS as Fim-Fest of Year Event Arranged on Jitney Basis With Dancing, Booths, Prizes The fun-fest of the year will be an event of Saturday evening when the Associated Women Students hold their first Campus Carnival at McArthur court. The affair promises to be something entirely new, with everyone attending guar anteed a good time. Virginia Hancock, under whose direction the Carnival will be staged, announced Wednesday eve ning that 28 living organizations would be represented by conces sion booths at the affair and that over a thousand prizes would be distributed during the evening. “We will offer everything from (Continued on Pnf/e Two) Financial Survey To Aid Law Dean Significant facts and figures showing costs of education to law students are expected from the survey questionnaires which Wayne L. Morse, dean of the law school, presented to pre-legal students at a meeting yesterday. Dean morse will use the figures gathered from these reports in a brief to the. Ore gon State Board of Higher Educa tion urging that law school fees for students not be increased, as was suggested in the recent inves tigation by the board. The survey given to the students was labeled as a "Law Student Fi nancial Report.” It was not signed by the individual giving the infor mation. The query asked approxi mate school expenses for the stu dent over a period of one years, and also the estimated total income for a year. According to Dean Morse, the suggested raising of fees, if put into effect, would undoubtedly handicap numerous law students in financing their school year, and he hopes to prove with these sta tistics gathered that such would be the case. Indian Bones Shielded From Prying Paleface THE DALLES^ April 6 — (AP)—■ On one of the islands near Big Eddy, Indians of the Mid-Columbia country today buried the bones of their ancestors in the hope they will be forever shielded from the eyes of prying pale faces. Early in the morning the Indi ans, led by Sam Williams, 78, In dian missionary, began collecting the skeletons from numerous graves in this district. The bones, including more than 200 skulls, were placed in two huge wooden boxes that served as coffins. Four Win Commissions As Second Lieutenants Four students were commis sioned as second lieutenants in the organized infantry reserves after completing a full course of instruc tion in the R. O. T. C. department at the end of the winter term, re ports Major F. A. Barker. Those who received commissions are Walter W. Adams, Harold D. Blackburne, John Londahl, and Wilbur A. Shannon. I Seniors Agree To Recommend Exam Changes Group of Five To Draw Resolution Today Class Picnic Voted Down; Emergency Loan Fund Gift to University By an overwhelming vote, the senior class at its meeting last night decided to recommend to the administration committee on com mencement changes in dates for senior examinations, baccalaureate, Senior Leap week, and graduation. To draw up a resolution to University officials asking that the revised plan to be put in effect this year, a committee of five, Hobart Wilson, senior class president, Walt Evans, Alice Redetzke, Alexis Lyle, and Willis Duniway will meet this afternoon at 4:30 in the Em erald editor's office. After submission to the commit tee on commencement, it is thought that the proposal will have to go before a faculty meeting for final approval. The plan, which would place sen ior examinations a week before regular finals are given, make reg ular examination week Senior Leap week, and schedule commence ment for Saturday afternoon of that week, has won favor from faculty members and students alike. No picnic will be held by the class of 1912 this year, it was vot ed after discussion. The senior class gift to the Uni versity will be the creation of a $250 emergency loan fund, to be available to all students under stipulations yet to be worked out. John McCormack To Be Featured In Faculty Show By DAVID WILSON Behind the picture, “Song of My Heart,” featuring the great tenor, John McCormack, which comes to the Colonial this afternoon as the first in a new series of Faculty club pictures, are two men who represent milestones in the pro gress of the talking picture. The director of “Song of My Heart” is Frank Borzage, who leaped into fame five years ago with the production of “Seventh Heaven,” one of the first pictures to employ a theme song success fully. The author is Tom Barry, the man who wrote “In Old Ari zona,” the first all-outdoor talking picture. Those who attend the three showings of “Song of My Heart” today, at 2, 3:40, and 5:10, will see a culmination of Borzage’s skill with musical talkies, it is said, in an outdoor setting of the beau tiful countryside of Old Ireland. John McCormack sings eleven songs in "Song of My Heart." They include such popular ballads as “Then You’ll Remember Me,” “Lit tle Boy Blue,” “A Pair of Blue Eyes,” and “I Hear You Calling Me.” The producers of the picture have not relied on McCormack’s artistry a me to make it a suc cess, say those who have reviewed the product! n. They have given him a strong supporting cast, in cluding Maureen O’Sullivan, Alice Joyce and John Garrick. J. M. Ker rigan and Farrell Macdonald take the comedy roles. Arthur Boardman, head of the music school voice department, is enthusiastic about “Song of My Heart" as the first moving picture presenting a great artist in which the singing is not forced or stilted. “Everyone should see it,” he says, ! “both from the standpoint of good i music and of real entertainment.” “Song of My Heart” is the first of a new series of four special pic i tures brought to Eugene by the j P’aculty club of the University. , Season tickets at reduced rates i will be sold at the box office this afternoon. _• Prose and Poetry Group To Meet at 9 Dr. Clara Smertenko will talk on "The Fascination of Greek i Poetry” at the first meeting for the term of Prose and Poetry group ! of Philomelete tonight from 9 to 10 at Susan Campbell hall. Inga Arnsen will play the piano, and the remainder of the hour will [be spent in informal conversation. Sterling Fellow Edwin 1). flicks, graduate of the University law school in 192!), has just won a Sterling fellowship in law at Yale. He will go East in the fail to take up his studies. New Contact With Kidnapers Made, Curtis Declares Optimistic Note Pervades Neighborhood as Agent Returns From Trip HOPEWELL, N. J„ April 6— (AP) A description of a fresh “contact” with kidnapers of the Lindbergh baby reached here to day as an unexplained wave of optimism for the child’s safe re turn enveloped the S o u rl a n d countryside. ' Back home fro rna mysterious four-day airplane trip, John Hughes Curtis, one of three Nor folk, Va., intermediaries, told briefly of establishing the new contact, said he had been informed the baby was well. He said he had seen Col. Charles A. Lindbergh while away. Curtis said he was not at liberty to disclose where he had met the colonel. Upon his return to Nor Economy Dangers iTo Education Told SPOKANE, April 6. — (AP) — Conceding that some economies must come in educational fields as elsewhere, Dr. Owen D. Speer, Kal ispell,* Mont., president of the In land Empire Education association, demanded here today that oppor tunities of instruction not be ham pered. He made his demand in an ad dress at the opening session of the association’s convention, which to night had attracted about 2000 northwestern educators. The con vention ends Saturday. "Let us economize wherever we can,” Dr. Speer advised, “but ever lastingly remember and continual ly emphasize that our obligation in these times is to help provide more and not less educational opportun ity.” Several Hurt In Strike Fight At Columbia U. Tear Gas Employed in, Campus-Wide Riot Battle for Reinstatement Brings Blackened Eyes, Bruised Knuckles NEW YORK, April 6—(API Bruised knuckles and blackened eyes were evidence tonight of the seriousness with which Columbia university students went about their efforts to obtain — and op pose — the reinstatement of Reed Harris, expelled editor of the Spectator, student publication. Several women students were hurt slightly late in the day in a pitched battle between striking and non-striking students directly beneath the window of President Nicholas Murray Butler’s office. Tear gas had been used earlier in a melee on the library steps where numerous strikers made idealistic speeches. Harris, whose editorials charged among other things professional ism on the football team, was ab sent. The campus resumed its normal quiet after 3 p. m., follow ing conclusion of most classes. Strike leaders said the one-day demonstration was 75 per cent ef fective, as they adjourned the mass meetings and speech-making until Friday while preparing to return to classes as usual tomor row. Vociferous partisans of Harris who attempted to “Gag” the largo and gilded statue of Alma Mater in front of the library caused a near riot as they flaunted a 15 foot strip of black crepe before the group they loudly dubbed “the athletic crowd.” A moment after Arthur Gold schmidt solemnly proclaimed his “sad duty to announce that we are going to gag Alma Mater,” tha crepe was the medium of a tug-of war. The athletes were vastly out numbered, but when the tussle was over they were dragging the crepe in the general direction of the gymnasium. There were other clashes, most ly minor. Dean Herbert E. Hawkes, who issued the order expelling Harris, reiterated that the student editor would not be reinstated. Enrollment in Gamp Cooking Glass Large The camp cookery class for men conducted by Miss Lillian Tingle | has become too large to accommo date all the students, so that it has been necessary to enroll some of the men in the women’s classes. The men have a lecture course Thursday at 8 a. m., and labora tory work from to 2 to 4. The women’s classes are scheduled for Wednesday at 11 a. m. for a lec ture, and on Fridays a laboratory class from 11 to 12. Freshman From Kentucky Tells of Conditions at Mines By ELINOR HENRY Will the students who attempted I to enter the mining districts of I Kentucky spring vacation finally! win their fight to find out condi tions in the strike zones? “Yes,” replied Clarence (Kayo) Mullins, freshman in English, whose home is in Jenkins, Ken tucky, in the county adjoining Harlan and Bell counties, in which are the coal fields where the newly formed unions and current depres sion have combined to cause trou ble. “They'll get in there and find out,” Mullins said last night, “but their finding out won’t do them— or the miners— much good. It will take more than a bunch of stu dents to change things. The com panies will hold conditions just up to where they will serve their own purpose.” “In the first place,” he explained, "the students from outside will find the welfare situation very low, down to bedrock. The miners have only two to five days’ work a week, and an average scale of $3.20 a day. The company has a I monopoly on living commodities and charges high prices. Nine tenths of the miners have never drawn wages, taking their pay in company script. Most of the min ers have large families, and once a man starts working in the mines he can’t get money enough ahead to get away. The students, he added, will see all the misery with the eyes of out siders and will think things worse than they really are. “Mountaineer^ have never been used to luxuries,” Mullins declared. ‘What they need is six days a week work with no layoffs .even at a small wage.” Conditions in the mines have actually improved in the last few years, he believes. “To sum the whole situation up,” Mullins concluded, “I would say that conditions are very bad and will not be likely to change for anything but the worse during this depression. If these miners are to be helped, it must be done through a market for coal, not through the repeal of the 18th amendment or through student investigation.”