Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1932, Image 1

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Exam Changes
Will Go Before
Senior Class
'32 Students To Meet
Tonight at f»
New Dates for Finals, Leap
Week Proposed in
f Raley Plan
Complete change in dates for
commencement, senior examina
tions, and senior leap week, mark
ing a radical
departure from
present prac
tice, will be
proposed to
night at a
meeting of the
class of 1932 in
105 Oregon at 8
The plan to
be proposed by
James Raley,
first - year law
student, would „obart wilson
put all exami
nations for seniors the week be
fore regular finals are given,
would make regular examination
week Senior Leap week, put bac
calaureate the Sunday of regular
examination week, hold commence
ment Saturday afternoon of that
week, and wind up the term with
an informal, all-acmpus Senior
Ball Saturday evening.
A number of representative fac
ulty members, and Brian Mim
naugh, A. S. U. O. president, have
gone over the plan. All have said
that it is worthy of consideration
by the class.
Discussion will also center
around plans for the senior class
gift to the University, and an
nouncements regarding the order
ing of caps and gowns and com
mencement invitations will be
made. This will in all probability
be the last meeting of the class,
and its most important, Wilson
said. He urged all members of
the class to attend.
Japanese Consul Will j
Talk on War in China
Hiroci Acino, Japanese consul
at Portland, will be on the campus
on Tuesday, April 12, to speak to
students from 11 to 12, on the sub
ject, “The Japanese Point of
View on the Present Conflict in
According to Dr. John R. Mez,
professor of economics and politi
cal science, who has recently re
ceived information about Mr.
Acino’s purpose in coming to Eu
gene, the Japanese consul will be.
given an audience similar to the
one that heard Dr. T. Z. Koo speak
here last term.
Skull and Dagger Meet
To Elect New Members
Skull and Dagger members met
last night at the Sigma Pi Tau
house for the purpose of nominat
ing outstanding members of the
freshman class from which list
the 15 most outstanding will be
selected for pledging when the
service honorary meets April 12.
The 15 successful candidates for
membership will be formally
pledged at the annual Frosh Glee
April 16. Nominees will be voted
’ on by the present members on a
basis of the amount of service ren
dered to thb University by the in
dividual during the past school
Oregon Graduate
Granted Diploma
By French School
A cablegram from Tours, France,
brought word last week to Dr.
and Mrs. E. Bennett of Monroe,
Oregon, that their daughter, Alta,
who graduated from the Univer
sity department of Romance lan
guages last June, had passed her
| oral and written exams with hon
ors and had been granted her di
| ploma from the University of
Poitiers, near Tours.
Ruth Kern, of Portland, a stu
dent at Oregon State college last
years, was with Miss Bennett at
the University of Poitiers.
Annette Kern, who has com
pleted her junior year as a sociol
ogy major here, left for New York
March 10, to join her sister and
friend. They plan to go down
through Spain to the Balearic
Isles in the Mediterranean for
some time and from there to Af
rica for a few days in Algiers and
Tunis. From there they plan to
go to Italy before returning home
some time next summer.
Budgets for AWS
Carnival Must Be
Turned in Today
Five-Cent Jitney Dances,
Food, Concessions
To Be Featured
A call for concession budgets
from the various living organiza
tions who are sponsoring booths
in the A. W. S. carnival Saturday
night at the Igloo, has been issued
by Virginia Hancock. They must
absolutely be in today, she said.
The carnival, which is an all
campus, no-date affair, is featuring
five-cent concessions, food booths,
and jitney dances. Abbie Green’s
orchestra, which has furnished
music for many previous campus1
dances, has been secured by
Helen Burns.
The sales will be made through
the use of tickets which will be
procurable in strips at ticket
booths placed at intervals over
the Igloo floor. Bobbie Bequeaith,
who is handling this committee,
will be assisted by Jim Dezendorf,
who will secure the ticket-sellers.
Fifteen awards, donated by
downtown merchants, ranging
(Continued on Page Three)
Faculty Club Films
Offered at Bargain
Season tickets, which will offer
four high class talking pictures for
the price of three, will be sold for
the Faculty club series of out
standing cinemas this term, it is
announced by S. Stephenson Smith,
chairman of the Faculty club com
mittee sponsoring the shows at
the Colonial.
This series starts this Thursday
with the showing of “Song of My
Heart,” featuring John McCor
mack. The second picture will
be “Viennese Nights,” a picture
that has already established its
popularity. This will be followed
by “Outward Bound,” a produc
tion that is now having a great
revival in New York. The fourth
will be selected from a list by bal
lot of patrons.
Showings will be held three
times each Thursday afternoon,
starting at 2 o’clock. The usual
prices will be charged, while those
holding season tickets may see
four shows for the price of three.
Season tickets will be on sale start
ing Wednesday at the box office
of the Colonial theatre.
John McCormack Featured
In Faculty Shoiv Tomorrow
The famous Irish tenor, John'
McCormack, will come to the
screen of the Colonial theatre
Thursday afternoon in the Fox
production, “Song of My Heart,” t
first of a spring series to be shown
under the auspices of the Faculty
“I'm an enthusiast about this
picture,” said Arthur Boardman,
head of the voice department at
the University school of music,
yesterday. “I’ve seen it before,
and I intend to take this oppor
tunity to see it again.
“John McCormack is an artist
absolutely supreme in his field,
and the singing he does in ‘Song
of My Heart’ is worth going miles
to hear.”
Boardman described this produc
tion as the first successful effort
to project an internationally
known singer on the screen with
out having the singing seem
stilted and forced.
“The picture is a gold-mine for
the music lover,” he added. "In
addition to this, the story is well
thought out, beautifully presented
with well-done atmospheric
touches concerning rural life in
Ireland and the life of a concert
"It has fine humor and effective
pathos. The supporting cast is
excellent, including Maureen
O'Sullivan and Alice Joyce, plus a
couple of side-splitting Irish come
Showings will begin at 2, 3:40
and 5:10.
Short Chosen
For Chairman
Of Canoe Fete
Water Spectacle, Prom
Days Switched
i House Pairings Drawing
To Be Tomorrow at 3
By Mimnaugli
Hal Short, junior in journalism,
! was yesterday named chairman of
the annual Canoe-Fete by Ned
Kinney, general
chairman for
Junior week-end.
With the an-1
nouncement came
word of a number |
of important
changes in the
program of week
end events, and
word that selec
tions of housej
partners in the
water spectacle Hal short
will be made to
morrow, when Brian Mimnaugh,
student body president, will make
the drawings at 3 o'clock.
The Canoe Fete this year will be
held Saturday night, May 7, Short
reported, instead of on Friday as
formerly, and the Junior Prom
will be changed to Friday night.
Fete Fame Grows
“The change was made because
of the growing fame of the Fete
in the Week-end program,” Short
explained, “and because of the fact
that the Igloo will not be avail
(Continued on Page Three)
Plays Scheduled
For Presentation
' Two well-known -dramas, “Ham
let,” and a revival of the 19th cen
tury society drama, “Lady Winde
mere’s Fan,” by Oscar Wilde have
been scheduled for presentation on
the campus during spring term by
the drama division.
The latter play to be given April
15th is under the direction of Mr.
George Andreini, instructor in
drama and play production. This
will be the first play directed by
Mr. Andreini in Eugene. He is al
ready known, however, for his set
tings for “Dulcy” and “Journey’s
End.” The cast will be composed
of members of the technique of
acting class.
“Hamlet” will be the annual
featured spring production which
has gradually replaced the com
mencement play and is under Mrs.
Ottilie Seybolt’s direction. Its im
mediate predecessors were “Hotel
Universe" by Philip Barry, pre
sented last spring, and the Chinese
play, “The Yellow Jacket” of two
years ago.
The Shakespearean play requires
much freer movement than is pos
sible on the tiny stage of Guild
theatre, and a special stage will be
constructed for it elsewhere. The
cast of about fifty is headed by
-the Guild Hall players, assisted by
the technique of acting class and
other campus players. Casts for
both plays will be announced soon.
Webfoot Charley
Puts Liberty on a
Commercial Basis
Let Freedom Ring
Independence at last?
After thirty-four years of
American domination, the
Philippine Islands are promised
independence in eight years in
a bill just rushed through the
House. Forty-seven staunch
Republicans vainly tried to
stem the tide, but the domestic
beet sugar industry proved
stronger than American inter
ests “developing” the islands.
Secretary of State Stimson,
purely a disinterested spectator,
breaks out in a rash and pre
dicts “economic chaos and poli
tical and social anarchy.” Im
perialism is a paying proposi
tion—the public pays.
Governor Meier has more
guts than I have. He says, “I
have found that the country is
being run by gangster politi
cians who are working princi
pally for personal gains.” I
think similar things, but have
n't got the nerve to print ’em.
'Grand Old Man9 Observes
Birthday Quietly at Home
Dr. John Straub Recalls
Humorous Incident of
20 Years Ago
Jovial and smiling: as 'a the days
when he greeted Oregon's “biggest
and best” freshman class, Dr. John
Straub, dean emeritus of men, cel
ebrates his seventy-ninth birthday
quietly at home today.
Reclining on his cot yesterday
in the late afternoon sunshine, Ore
gon's “Grand Old Man” chuckled
reminiscently as he chatted with
the Emerald reporter who had
brought him premature birthday
From the time a phrenologist
told him that his highly developed
sense of humor ruined his future
as a minister Dean Straub has re
tained an optimistic disposition
that has never left him during his
two years of inactivity and separ
ation from his “beloved students.”
Even a Presbyterian conclave in
Philadelphia 21 years ago failed
to dampen his enthusiasm. Echoes
of the incident were heard recently
over the radio, when the Rev.
Harry Emerson Fosdick, prominent
Presbyterian minister, mentioned
it from New York.
This is the dean’s version:
“In 1901 I was sent from here
to the general assembly of the
Presbyterian church in Philadel
phia. Coming in late one day Xo
the meeting, I sat down in the Ari
zona section, which occupied the
back rows. A question was raised
to change the Articles of Faith,
so that all infants whether bap
tized or not would be saved. I
proposed a motion that the rule
should be made retroactive; name
ly, that all children who had been
roasting down below for the last
300 years should be let out.”
In the wild cheering of the audi
ence that followed Dean Straub
(Continued on Vage Two)
A.W.S. Elections
Of New Officers
To Be Held Today
Polls Open From 9 Until 5;
Webber Only Nominee
For President
The polls will be open from 9 a.
m. until 5 p. m. today for Associ
ated Women Students elections in
front of the library.
Those running for offices are:
President, Louise Webber, who has
served this year on the A. W. S.
executive council and has had com
plete charge of the Peter’s Lodge
committee; vice-president, Louise
Ansley, foreign scholar chairman,
and Betty Anne Macduff, head of
the big sister movement; secre
tary, Caroline Card, sophomore
class officer, and Gwen Elsemore,
member of the carnival commit
tee; treasurer, Laura Drury and
Mae Masterton, both members of
Kwama and big sisters committee;
sergeant - at - arms, Roberta Be
queaith and Elizabeth Bendstrpp
Miss Bequeaith is a member of
Thespian and Miss Bendstrup is
conference chairman for the Y. W.
C. A.; reporter, Ruth McClain,
who now holds an Emerald staff
Those wonjen who will have
(Continued on Page Two)
William H. Bartle
Is Politician Now
William W. Bartle, third - year
law student, has flipped his felt
fedora into the political ring, and
has filed his candidacy for pre
cinct committeeman, 10th precinct,
Republican. Already in the lists
are Joe Kremmel, Eugene business
man, and Eugene Slattery, assis
tant district attorney.
Political dopesters are conceding
the law senior a good chance to
win the election, for he is well
known in the small precinct,
which is located near the center
of the cjty.
Although Bartle has not taken
an active part in campus politics,
this is not his debut into munici
pal politics. Last year he ran sec
ond in the race for justice of the
Spears Honored
By Football Squad
At Pi Kap Dinner
Mikuluk, Callison, Morgan,
Hayward and Former
Coach Give Talks
With Mike Mikulak, 195-pound
varsity fullback, as the official
host, the football-playing members
of the Pi Kappa
Alpha fraternity
house gave a
farewell banquet
last night for
Dr. Clarence
Spears, gridiron
coach who leaves
here today for
the University of
Wisconsin. Prince
G. Callison, new
Mike Mikuluk head coach, and
other members of the staff were
also guests, in addition to Doc's
closest personal friends in Eugene.
Speeches were made by Mikulak,
Callison, Captain-elect Bill Mor
gan, Bill Hayward, and Spears.
All these on the program ex
pressed their admiration for Doc
Spears, said they regretted to see
him leave, and pledged their sup
(Continued on Page Three)
Beer Vote Urged
Again by Wet Bloc
—A third prohibition vote in the
house this session is to be demand
ed by advocates of the O’Connor
Hull bill to legalize beer of 2.75
per cent alcoholic content and tax
it at three cents a pint.
The executive committees of
both the Democratic and Repub
lican wet blocs decided today to
file a petition next Tuesday to
force the vote May 9. A total of
145 signatures is required to bring
about a vote whether the house
will consider the measure.
O’Connor said the wets were
certain they could obtain suffic
ient petitioners to compel a vote.
“We believe sentiment against
prohibition is growing so fast that
we will have even a greater vote
on legalized non-intoxicating beer
than on the submission of the 18th
amendment,’’ O’Connor said.
Subscription Blank
I wish to subscribe to the OREGON DAILY EMERALD for
spring term, ending June, 1332.
Name .
Street .
City . State .
Enclosed find check (money order) for 75(- rest of year.
(Mail to Circulation Manager, Oregon Daily Emerald, Eugene,
Dean Gilbert To
Be Speaker For
First Assembly
Reorganization Effects'
To Be Explained
Gnllison Listed for Talk;
10 O’Cloek Classes
Out Friday
The effects of the recent reor
ganization of Oregon's system of
higher education on the Univer
sity will be explained to the stu
dent body Friday at the first all
campus assembly of the term, it
was announced yesterday by Rob
ert Hall, chairman of the N. S. F.
A. committee, which is sponsoring
the assembly.
Dr. James H. Gilbert, dean of'
the college of literature, science
and the arts, will be the speaker.
Dean Gilbert has worked with the
state board of higher education
for several months on the reor
ganization plans.
The assembly will be held in
Gerlinger hall at 10 o'clock, and
classes at this hour will be dis
Prince G. Callison, Oregon's new
head football coach, will give a
short talk on football.
In addition to the two talks, mu
sic by the University band, direct
ed by John H. Stehn, and the
awarding of varsity basketball and
swimming letters will take place
at the assembly.
Pik Wan Hoh Tells
Y.W.C.A. Group
Of Oriental Life
Petite and charming, witfc a
combination of the fine dignity of
old China, but the vigor of new
China clinging to the hem of her
laboriously embroidered native
dress, Miss Pik Wan Hoh, O. S. C.
post-graduate, presented a picture
of Oriental beauty seldom seen on
an American campus when she
spoke to the World Fellowship
group of Y. W. C. A. at tfle bun
galow last night.
Miss Hoh painted for her audi
ence the hardahips, new freedom,
(Continued on Page Three)
Big Throng Greets
End of Prohibition
HELSINGFORS, Finland, April
5.—(APJ—Restaurants and cafes
were thronged tonight as Finland
ers celebrated the end of prohibi
During the five hours the liquor
shops were open they were be
sieged by citizens laying in stocks
for home consumption. The shops
did not open until 10 a. m., but
crowds gathered in front of them
as early as 5 o’clock.
The Helsingfors police depart
ment promulgated an order that
every person found drunk would be
Bad Weather Delaying
Lawn Improvements
Inclement weather is holding up
progress on two lawn projects on
the Oregon campus, reports George
York, superintendent of buildings
and grounds.
The turf athletic field east of
McArthur court is ready for seed
ing, and this will be accomplished
as soon as the weather lets up.
Another project held up by the
heavy spring rains is the seeding
of the vacant northwest corner of
the campus. At present the ground
is too soft to be worked and a
truck, necessary to haul away the
old sod, cannot get onto the field
without becoming mired.
Foreign Scholar To Be
Guest of Breakfast Club
Miss Nella Roster, foreign
scholar on the campus, will be
the special guest of the Eugene
business men’s breakfast club
Thursday morning at the Eugene
hotel, it was announced by Louise
Ansley, chairman of the foreign
scholar committee.
Following the breakfast club ini
tiation, members will be enter
tained by campus talent. The
Gamma Phi Beta trio will sing,
Peggy Sweeney will play the vio
lin, Marion Camp will tap dance,
and Jane Haas will play popular
: piano selections.
Pre-Law Majors
To Hold Meeting
Today, Says Dean
rj'HERE will 1>p an important
meeting of all pre-legal stu
dents today at 4 o'clock in room
209 of the law school, it was an
nounced yesterday by Wayne L.
Morse, dean of the school of
Dean Morse stressed the fact
that pre-legal students who in
tend to enter the law school
during the fall term of 1982
must attend this meeting.
Sub - Committee
On Mothers’ Day
Events Is Named
Marian Chapman General
Chairman in Charge
Of Oceasion
Announcement of the appoint
ment of Marian Chapman to the
general chairmanship of the cam
pus Mothers day
elebration, a ma
jor event of Jun
ior week-end, was
followed imme
diately by the
naming of sub
chairmen for the
events of the two
day program on
May 7 and 8.
Orville Bailey
has been named
Betty Anne assistant chair
Macduff man, Betty Anne
Macduff, banquet; Marjorie Swaf
ford, registration; Esther Hayden,
publicity; Sam Rotenberg, decor
ations; Aimee Sten, secretary; and
Helen Raitanen, mothers’ tea.
Mothers’ day this year will car
ry special significance, it was an
(Continued on Page Four)
Jurist Prospect
Urges Shooting
Honolulu, April 5.—(AP)—The
opinion that the four defendants in
the Kahahawai murder case “ought
to be shot” was expressed by a
prospective juror today as the
prosecution and defense battled to
keep from the jury box persons
who had formed opinions.
When the second day of the trial
of Mrs. Granville Fortescue, Lieut.
Thomas Massie and two naval en
listed men ended, six Anglo Sax
ons, three Chinese, one Japanes,
one Hawaiian and one Portuguese
had been temporarily accepted for
The day also brought forth the
indication that the defense would
plead that the killing of Joseph
Kahahawai, accused of attacking
Mrs. Thalia Massie, was an honor
slaying. Mrs. Massie is the wife of
the lieutenant and daughter of Mrs.
Fortescue, eastern society woman.
Oregon Graduate Has
Article in Publication
The April number of “The High
School,” published by the school
of education, contains an article
by Bess Templeton, former sociol
ogy student at the University, now
taking graduate work at Syracuse
university. The title is “Some
Phases of the Work of Girls’ Ad
viser in the High Schools of Ore
gon and Washington.”
The article was the result of a
seminar project conducted last
spring term in cooperation with
Professor L. S. Cressman of the
sociology department.
O’Brien To Hold
Frosh Baseball
Practice Today
Now Coach Will Assume
Duties Immediately
General Spring Practice
Progresses Smoothly
Under New Regime
Head football coach—Prince
Assistants — John Kitzmiller
and Gene Shields.
Head baseball coach—William
I. Reinhart.
Freshman baseball coach —
Jack O’Brien.
Head track coach—Colonel
William L. Hayward (also in
charge of freshmen.)
Freshman baseball players of
the University of Oregon will prac
tice today under the direction of
John J. (Jack)
O’Brien. The
rangy young man
who came west
two years ago
with Doc Spears
was appointed to
the position yes
terday. He suc
ceeds Prink Cal
1 i s o n , recently
named head foot
ball coach replac
ing Spears, who Prink Calllsoa
leaves Eugene for the University
of Wisconsin this morning.
Is Experienced Player
The new freshman diamond
coach played baseball at the Uni
versity of Minnesota, where he
also was a regular end on the foot
ball eleven. His position was first
base. O'Brien will issue the first
call for candidates this afternoon.
The yearling baseball players
worked out several days under Cal
lison, but stormy weather pre
vented them from making much
There were no new developments
in the football coaching situation
yesterday. Callison spent his first
full day in the office that formerly
was Doc Spears’, but from now on
will be his own. The new coach
said he had not yet decided wheth
er Johnny Kitzmiller or O’Brien
would boss the freshman football
players, but said definitely that
both the aforementioned men, to
gether with Gene Shields, would
be members of the coaching corps.
Football Candidates Meet
A meeting of all football candi
dates was held at McArthur court
at 4 o’clock yesterday. At that
time Callison briefly outlined his
plans and issued formal announce
ments of spring practice. Prink
said practice games would be
played every Friday afternoon,
starting in approximately two
weeks. These will be between no
(Continued on Page Two)
Business Ad Classes
Will Hear Finance Talk
James W. Mott of Salem, state
corporation commissioner, will ad
dress students in business admin
istration and economics and other
interested persons Friday morning
on “Financial Racketeering,’’ it
was reported yesterday.
The talk will be given at 10
o’clock in room 105, Oregon build
ing, under the auspices of the
school of business administration.
Manly Sophomores Sprout
Beards For Whisker Contest
Strongly reminiscent of the days
of '49 sophomores on the campus
are off to a running start in the
beard growing contest announced
at the beginning of the term.
Facial herbage of unlimited va
rieties may be seen in embryonic
form on almost every sophomore.
Mike Mikulak is in charge of en
forcement of the dictum that all
sophs must raise bears and few
are challenging his right to enforce
the decree, feeling that might
makes right, they are taking no
chances with the big football play
er. The prize to be given April 15
at the “Whiskerino Shuffle” for
the best beard is also attracting
Probably the most popular form
taken by beards at this writing is
that commonly known as the “full
beard” and is illustrated most
clearly by such fellows as Brian
Heath, Julius Rehal, and Spook
Another common type is the
famous “Van Buren beard,” so
called because of the popularity
of this style during the presidential
administration of that gentleman.
This type is symbolized almost per
fectly by Bill Barker. Although
there has been some complaint
from students on the campus that
they have mistaken him for an
English professor or some Shake
spearean character, Bill maintains
that this style is the only one in
which he is presentable.
Another common type is that
popularly known as the "broken
stubble” or “stray straw” variety
(Continued on Page Three)