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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1932)
Thomas Condon Was Patient, Enthusiastic, Straub Recalls By RUTH McCLAIN Always ready to clinch a con versation or lecture with a good Etory, always enthusiastic over his Work and patient with blundering students--these are Dean John Straub's memories of Thomas Con don, his friend of early University days. Oregon’s dean emeritus, who with his wife has resided in Eu gene for 54 years, knew Professor Condon well. He believes him to be one of the most beloved and best-known men of Oregon, be cause of his kindness and the lib eralism of his views. “Even when he began to advo cate evolution, Protestants and Catholics alike still loved him,’’ Dean Straub said in an interview Tuesday. “He was short of stature, being not more than five feet two, with a fine bushy crop of hair and a long flowing beard which he stroked as he talked.” Few people besides Dean Straub know that Condon was the first member of Oregon’s faculty. With the help of Professor Bailey, the second member chosen, the geolo gist persuaded J. W. Johnson to accept the president’s chair. “All of his pupils, young and old, loved ‘old Professor Condon’ as they called him,” the dean added. “At that time all of the students, some taking as low as sixth-grade work, were together. There were .no high schools then, so we had to prepare our own students. In the early days, of 178 students, only 50 were of college age." * * * Warren D. Smith, professor geology, has for many years been in close contact with the results of Dr. Condon’s work. He consid ers Condon an excellent geologist for his time and often refers to the pioneer’s work in his courses. “In future years the name of Thomas Condon will be constantly handed on to posterity,” Dr. Smith said. “He was entirely self-educat ed in geology, and he opened up a new field in the wilderness of the Oregon country. He also fought for an understanding of evolution and worked to harmonize religion and the science of geology. His great est contribution was this fight for evolution when believing such a thing was next to perdition for some people. “I consider that an even greater legacy than his fossil cabinet was his example of intellectual hon esty. Interested students should by all means read the very interesting story of Dr. Condon’s life, written by his daughter, the late Mrs. El len Condon McCornack. Women Students Addressed By Lobdell at Mass Meeting - Discover, Develop Talents Systematically Is Advice Of Personnel Head “Use your eyes to see, your ears to hear, and your sovereign right to think intelligently, if your pur pose is to succeed in business,” was the advice of Miss Avis Lob dell, personnel and welfare direc tor for the Union Pacific-railway system, who addressed a mass meeting of the Associated Women Students yesterday afternoon. Miss Lobdell pointed out that in 1920 there were eight and one-half million women engaged in busi ness. Of the 572 businesses and professions listed in which both men and women were engaged, there were only 35 in which women workers were not found. At that time, Miss Lobdell said, mining engineering was the only profession not entered by women, and since then, there has been one case in the United States of a wo man in this field. Miss Lobdell urged the college woman to spend her first, two years in getting a good classical education, and said that few in stitutions were ^superior to the University of Oregon in this par ticular. The latter part of her col lege career should be devoted to intensive specialization along the lines of greatest interest and ability. “Take inventory of yourself, dis cover what your talents really are, and develop them systematically,” Miss Lobdell said. She explained that her only qualification for suc cess at first seemed to be a good speaking voice which led to four years experience on the stage. Miss Lobdell also edited the woman's page for the Journal and at one time was passenger agent for the Union Pacific. As a re sult of her 1C years experience working for the company, Mis? Lobdell today is the first womar in the country to do personnel anc welfare work for a railroad. Informal ion on League Is Available at Library Students and facidty member? are invited to make use of the ma terial on the League of Nation? which is available at the library ir room 32. Miss Pauline Walton, in charge of the material, said that room 35 is riflbn every day except Saturday and Sunday from 2 to 5, and that on Saturday it is open from 9 L 12. Persons wishing to use the references at other times should consult the attendant in room 30 This material includes almost the complete official publications of the league since its origin. World Court publications and International Labor office publica tions are found in the main stacks of the library. PREMIER CONDUCTOR TO LEAD SYMPHONY SUNDAY (Continued from, rage One) also been gueyt. conductor for the Hollywood bowl “Symphony Undei the Stars.” In both of these cities he was chosen as the most popu lar conductor of the season, a higt tribute when some of the greatesl living conductors appeured in the same season. Many friends will greet var Hoogstraten upon his arrival ir Eugene as he has always been a great favorite here. He holds hon orary memberships in Phi Mu Alpha, honorary music fraternity and Phi Sigma Kappa, social fra ternity, both awarded by Oregon chapters. JUST LOOK Over the Campus and See How Many Girls Wear the Famous ROLLINS Runstop HOSIERY And you'll like them, too . . . . like their sleek, good looks . . . . their Runstop Feature .... Lace Tops .... their up-to-the-minute Spring Shades. And best of all, you’ll like the way they wear. Burch Shoe Gh. HcDONALD THEATRE BLDO1032 Willamette First Polyphonic Contestants File For Try at Prize Yeomen, Hemlrieks Enter Lists of Competitors; More Anticipated Hendricks hail and the Oregon Yeomen, winners of the Polyphonic trophies in the 1931 competition, were the first houses to sign up for this year’s contest, which will be held early next term. The registration of the present cup-holders was made yesterday, George Barron, president of the board of directors, said last night. Entries in the contest are being received by Barron at his office in the Music building, and by Roy Bryson, assistant director of the Polyphonic choirs, at his studio in the Music building. "Several other houses have spok en to me about handing in the names of their singers,” Barron continued, "and I expect to have their registration on file tomor row. "Since the men's houses do not have to register four alternates, as they did last year, the number of entries in that division should be larger. Velma Powell, president of Hen dricks hall, announced the names of the hall’s representatives in the contest. They will be: Christine Baxter, Helen Ferris. Velma Powell, Betty Evanson, Elsie Eschebeck, Ruth McLain, Minnie Bell Heral, Allison Huntley, and Gwen Elsmore. The personnel of the other en tries will be given as soon as they are filed with Bryson or Barron. COUNCIL SANCTIONS NEW PLAN FOR TRADITIONS (Continued from Page One) was regarded as merely a source of exercise and pleasure to some of the members. 3. That the violators were not always found and summoned for punishment. Mimnaugh expressed the belief that the new scheme would elim inate these objections and meet with the approval of those who had objected to the “library steps” method. Court Men Named Members of the court, as provid ed in the plan, will be: Walter Evans, chairman, as vice-president of the A. S. U. O.; Wallace Baker, as executive man; Neal Bush, as president of Skull and Daggers; Kermit Stevens, as president of the Order of the O; and Robert Hall, as chairman of the N. S. F. A. committee. The ten members of the senior traditions committee, chosen by Mimnaugh, are: James Landye, Henry Levoff, Wells Smith, Donald Moe, Jack Edlefsen, Robert Allen, Arthur Potwin, Hobart Wilson, Paul Lafferty, and Thomas Moran. Evans will also serve as chairman of this group. Kenneth McKean, junior in eco nomics, was named basketball manager for the coming season on recommenration of the athletic committee. McKean has had two years' experience in the work hav ing served as sophomore and jun ior manager in the sport. Kagan Gets Appointment Howard Ragan, junior in for eign trade, was named as alter nate. Junior managers, who will assist McKean, were named earlier in the week. Sophomore mana gers will be chosen later. William L. Hayward, Oregon’s veteran track coach, will be re warded with an O sweater with 28 stripes, representing his period of service as coach, the council de cided in accepting a report of the athletic committee. On motion of Dean Gilbert the council decided to incorporate in struction in traditions in the tra ditional Pledge day assembly held on the campus. Athletes Must Comply It was decided that henceforth any student participating in any athletic event in which the name of the University is used must comply with conference eligibility requirements. A committee of three members will lie appointed to confer with the alumni secretary regarding the attitude of the alumni association on the plan of holding Homecom ings in alternate years, when the Oregon State game is played in Eugene. Three-year athletic lettermen will hereafter be awarded white sweaters in place of the conven tional navy blue, it was decided by the council on recommendation of the athletic committee. The athletic committee's recom mendations for awards to mem-! bers of the varsity swimming and basketball teams were approved. Circus Idea Used In Water Pageant At Women’s Pool The annual senior women P. E. majors’ water pageant was held last night in the women’s pool. The pool was decorated by strips of colored paper extending from the middle of the ceiling to the sides and falling to the floor. This gave the appearance of a bright circus tent. The circus idea was carried out : by first having a ghind parade of ' animals of all sort.s, the fat lady, the skinny man, and all that goes to make up the company of a cir cus. After the parade there was an exhibition of swimming, life-sav ing, diving, and races. The climax was the wedding of the fat lady to the skinny man, which took place in the pool. During the show, Ella Redkey, the clown, kept the crowd laugh ing by her foolishness. The antics, however, required a great deal of real swimming ability. Those who did not go to the per formance missed one of the best entertainments of the year. Independence of India Is Certain, Porter Believes YMCA Secretary Speaks on Nationalist Movement Last Night That Indian independence is a certainty was the opinion ex pressed by R. E. Porter, secre tary of the University Y. M. C. A., last night, in a talk on “The Na tionalist Movement in India” at a meeting of the International Re-1 lations club at International house, j He stressed the importance of | India’s new unity in winning her freedom from British rule. Im provements in transportation and in communication, as well as the existence of a central government and a common language -English have done much to bring about a political and social awakening. The chief danger, Porter de clared, is that Gandhi’s non-resis tant, non-cooperative program will give way to an active revolution that will give the British an ex cuse to use military force without facing outraged world opinion. OREGON WOMEN TO DEBATE NEVADA MEN (Continued f rom rage One) vice honorary, and secretary of Pan-Hellenic. Audience To Judge The Nevada representatives are Granville Fletcher and Vincent Ca sey, both juniors in the college of arts and sciences of the Univer sity of Nevada. Fletcher has had two years’ experience in varsity contest speaking; Casey has been a Nevada debater for three years. The debate is outstanding in that it is to be judged by the audience. Ballots will be given those attend ing when they enter, and at the conclusion of the speeches and re buttals, the audience will select the winner, basing their choice on the manner of presentation and the forcefulness of the points brought out by the teams. ANOTHER BIG DANCE ABBIE GREEN Midnite Sons AGAIN you will en - * joy t h e newest and best music, in ar rangements that would rejuvenate a centena rian! Dancing1 9 to 12 COCOANUT and His FRIDAY the E Debate Tonight Granville Fletcher (above) and Vincent ’Casey, debaters from the University of Nevada, who will meet a team of women from the University of Oregon this evening on the question of the Nevada di vorce laws. ENZYMES DISCUSSED “Recent Work on (Crystallization of Enzymes" was the topic dis cussed by Glenn J. Woodward, graduate student in chemistry, at the chemistry seminar held yes terday afternoon in McClure hall. i TALKIE TOPICS* Rex — "The Big Gamble,” starring Bill Boyd. Showing for the last time today. Heilig — "Forbidden,” featuring Adolphe Menjou. Showing for the last time today. State — “Soul of the Slums,” and vaudeville acts. Showing- till Saturday. Colonial — “Mata Hari,” with Gre ta Garbo. Showing till Satur day. McDonald — “The Passionate Plumber,” featuring Buster Kea ton. Showing today and Satur day. Keaton at McDonald What a plumber does not know about love is amusingly demon strated in “The Passionate Plumb er,” which is showing today and tomorrow at the McDonald with a cast headed by such comedy ex perts as Buster Keaton, Jimmy “Shnozzle" Durante and Polly Mo ran. The plot concerns the hilarious adventures of Keaton as a French plumber’s assistant who gets into all sorts of difficulties when he at tempts to repair a lady's bathtub. He is signed to a contract by a lady of the house as a “volunteer lover” and many embarrassing mixups occur before things are straightened out to everyone’s sat isfaction. Durante, of the gigantic nose, who in this comedy has a part even funnier than that of his “Get-Rich Quick Wallingford,” does his best to get Keaton out of his romantic difficulties but usually succeeds in making matters worse. This does not prevent him, however, from carrying on an intriguing little ro mance of his own with the boister ous Polly Moran. “Miita Hari” at Colonial Greta Garbo and Ramon Novar ro play passionate roles in “Mata Hari,” which is showing' at the Colonial till Saturday. This pic ture deals with that historic spy, Mata Hari, who wooed good men and strong by her exotic being and romantic appeal during the World war. Scenes of unusual beauty and lavishness are abundant and cos tumes are even breath-taking in their design. A love scene played in total darkness is an unusual feature of the film. The glow of cigarettes and their movements in A BREATH OF SPRING Jaunty Straws— Hand Blocked—All Colors— Perky Trims— Feathers, Ribbons, Flowers Beautiful Hats Specially Priced from $1.95 to $20.00 E. HEIDEL DENSMORE-LEONARD MILLINERY 1001 Willamette Plone 633 ailgIB/SISlSJ3IgJBJSJEjrSEIE!JEEI31SlSEJSr2EISISJSJSJE®3IEI3JEjSIBJ3J5I3M3JcL'EM3JS13ISJEl& If Its tor the Table — We Have It We Are Specializing in Lenten Foods Have You Tried Our Hot Cross Buns? They Are Different Our Store Is as Near as Your Phone We Give Green Stamps Underwood & Elliott Groceries 1 3th 6c Patterson Phone 95 Bjgnggjragf MMKMm - **~*.™-*~*._ I II II I Buster Keaton in “The Passion ate Plumber,” which is showing at the McDonald today and Sat urday. dicate wliat is happening while the voices of Garbo and Novarro dis close their ardor. * * * Vaudeville at State Ivy Walkem, petite blonde, and former stage headliner is mistress of ceremonies at the State theatre where four acts of snappy vaude ville supplement the current at traction, “Rampant Age.” Miss Walkem in addition, gives some novel tap dance numbers. Meredith and Snoozer Jr., comedians, pre sent a clever “cat and dog” act, and a cowboy ventriloquist struts his stuff and a pair of Indian maids present a series of dance numbers on the pleasing stage offering. The attraction is showing till Saturday. Eill Boyd is starring in “The Big Gamble,” which is showing at the Rex for the last time today. “The Cisco Kid,” with Warner Baxter and Edmund Lowe in the leading roles come tomorrow only. TRADE HONORARY TO HOLD MEET ON STEAMER (Continued from rage One) be landed in the evening at Vic toria, British Columbia. The ship will continue on towards the east while the passengers will return to Seattle tomorrow night. Six student members of the Oregon chapter of Pan Xenia, and the faculty adviser, Alfred L. Lomax, professor in business ad ministration, and one of the lead ing business and foreign trade ex perts in the nation, will leave for the conclave this afternoon. While on board the President Madison, the delegates will listen | to talks to be given by officers of the organization and authorities in the field of exporting and im porting. Professor Lomax i3 among the candidates for the world presi dency of the honorary. Lionel Lane will act as president of the chapter at the conclave, as the head of the group, Orville Garrett, is in the East. The Oregon delegates will re turn Sunday. 1 SHOPPING COLUMN Leap and Bound Hear ye. Leapers! flat ready for the big leap tomor row 11iI)t to the (lamina Alpha ( hi Fashion Danee. Of eoiirse, you’re going and you will want something smart to wear. Don't let the models .“outshine” you in the eyes of your big date. A new frock, a “wave or a pair of new sandals will make you as smart as any fashion plate. Here It Is March — Whose Birthday is it this month ? Remember that to "Say it with flowers" is always nicest. And distance is noth ing to stop you. The University Florist, t on Thirteenth Street, is a member of The Florist Telegraph Delivery Associa tion. They’ll wire your flowers to wherever you wish and guarantee their delivery. University Florist is the clos est to the campus to offer this service. Ever Stop to Think — How many services are offered by the Oregon Pharmacy ? They can supply you with paper, pens, cosmetics, candies, kodak films, typewriters, telegraph service, and numbers of others. Remember, they’re right on the edge of th campus, across from the College Side. Stop in on your way to and from class. You’ll find that they can supply all your needs, what ever they be, and their service will deserve your patronage. Dancing Daughters Look for the smartest in jewelry at Laraway's Jewelry Store, on Willamette! And tomorrow night at the Fashion Dance you will look your best with a new pen dant, bracelet, or pair of earrings. A jewelled clip will freshen up your frock, too. Choose your jewelry from Laraway’3 excellent stock. You'll find jewelry for all types -gold filigree, jet, pearls, rhinestones, as well as interesting combinations in color. For a Fashion Dance — We must be smartly clad! So follow the trend of styles and wear sheer silken hose in the newest shades. But would you like these hose to be durable as well as good-looking? Then come to the Buster Biown Shoe Store, on Willamette Street. There you'll find guaranteed non-run hose for only a dollar! At that rate one can afford several, can't she? Their new sandals are the latest things in smart spring footwear_you’ll be delighted! Lest We Forget Easter is on its way. So select your greeting cards before exam week and the vacation. You will want to send remembrances to your friends of course, and Eugene is the place to buy them. At the Oriental Art Shop, in the Eugene hotel building, “Sue” found a mar velous assortment of cards And select the Easter gifts for Mother and your best friend before the holidays. The Oriental has appropriate gifts. Evelyn Kennedy, call at the Fox McDonald Theatre box office before Sunday night and receive two passes.