WEBFOOTS, O.S.C. TO CLASH TONIGHT Japan Boycott Held Essential In Settlemem Faculty Members ThinI El. S. Must Take Action International Cooperatioi Is Needed at Present, Authorities Say By JULIAN PRESCOTT Concerted action on the part o the United States and members o: tlie League of Nations to force de liberative settlement of the Sino Japanese embroglio is held impera tive by authorities on internationa relations and economics on the University faculty. They see ir an economic boycott an effective means to that end. In statements released yester day President Arnold Bennett Hall, a nationally quoted authority on political science; Dr. R. C. Clark of the history department, who has made extensive studies of the Unit ed States foreign policy; Dr. Har 4 old J- Noble, assistant professor of history who has specialized in oriental history; Dr. Victor P. Morris, professor of economics, and Dr. John R. Mez, professor of po litical science and economics, em phasized the need for concerted action to uphold international co operation as opposed to interna tional anarchy. The statements were made yes terday in response to a request by the Emerald for prepared opinions on concerted action involving the United States and other leading nations. They follow: Nations Should Act Dr. Hall—“Whether the United States should join with the League of Nations in the institution of an economic boycott to force Japan to adhere to the covenant policies and other treaties raises a prob lem of first importance. I believe the time has come when the na tions of the world are ready to take collective action to prevent any nation from obtaining illegal gains by aggressive warfare. “The importance of preventing nations from violating established treaties is so essential to the ef fective system of international jurisprudence that I believe that America could well join with the League of Nations in a program for collective boycott to deprive Japan of any of the fruits of any action involving violation of exist ing treaties, provided, of course, the same ends cannot be achieved by a less drastic action. If the agreement between nations is clear-cut and goes no further than to prevent any advantage going to Japan as a result of unlawful ag gression and violation of treaty rights, I believe it would be a move in the ultimate furtherance of in ternational peace. For the United j States, however, to undertake any action except in unanimity with! the League of Nations would, in I (Continued on Page Four) Leads Discussion Karl W. Onthank, uean of per sonnel administration, who led a discussion on “Family and Moral ity in the New Civilization” at the Y hut last night. Mr. Onthank’s talk was the seventh of a series of discussions on “The New Civi lization.” Onthank Advises Preparation for Wedding Success Marriage for Love Saitl To Have Been Carried To Extreme “Better instruction, preparation, and planning- for marriage are the aids most needed for carrying out a better program of family life in the modern age,” declared Dr. Karl W. Onthank, dean of person nel, when he spoke on “Family and Morality in the New Civiliza tion" last night at the Y hut. “It is necessary to sit down and give thought and effort to the problems of marriage if it is to be made a success,” he said. “Fail ures in marriage are largely caused by factors that could have been foreseen and avoided. Movies and literature of the present time are commonly not calculated to prepare young men and women for happy marriages, and to overcome this there should be more of the right kind of instruction available in the home, schools and other so cial institutions.” The romantic marriage can be said to have been carried to an extreme in modern times, Dr. On thank thinks. “Love is not eonugh. Too many young people fail to realize the inevitable social situa tions that will have to be met.” “The new ideal of marriage is based on more than economics or the sex relations alone,” Dean On thank said. “It includes a respect for individuality, education and adjustment between the parties, and a wholesome attitude toward the expression of affection.” Dr. Onthank sees no objection to marriage before the man has completed his professional train (Continued on Page Two) Soviet Program Expounded In Publicity, Mueller Avers To the Russians one of the most important aspects of the five-year plan is letting the rest of the world know about it. This is brought about mainly through the Society for Cultural Relations with For eign Countries, an official organi zation which sends out publications in English, French, German and Russian so that the world may know what is going on among the Soviets. On the desk of Professor John H. Mueller of the sociology department are several such pub lications which he has been receiv ing from time t6 time. “Evidently with the intention of getting a subscription out of me,” Dr. Mueller remarked. The chief organ of the Soviet Union Society for Cultural Rela tions is V. O. K. S., devoted “to a review of economic and cultural construction in the Soviet.’’ Put out twenty times a year, it con tains illustrations and articles un der such headings as “From Strength to Strength,” describing socialist agricultural programs, "Model Statute for an Industrial Artel,” “Collectivisation and the Country-Side in Contemporary Fic tion,” “Creative Art in the Coun try-Side,” “Modern Architecture in the Soviet Union,” “The World in the Light of Soviet Literature,” and “Taxation of the Churches.” At the end of the magazine a sec tion written in Esperanto has also been placed. Another publication attempts to tell its story through a novel graphic treatment. Each division of the industrial program, such as mining, lumbering, and manufac turing becomes a subject for one complete number of the publica tion. Various processes are de scribed by means of still photo- i graphs in a cinematic manner, where movie camera tricks such as close-ups, long shots and angle shots are effectively put to use. (Continued on Page Tuo) j Aid To Be Given i Needy Students By Astor Granl Protestants of Oregon To Receive Help Groat C ramlson of Astoria Founder Donates Fund; Hall Announces Lord Waldorf Astor of England, great grandson of John Jacob As tor, founder of Astoria, has given a trust fund of $5,000 to the First | Presbyterian church of Astoria to be used for aiding students of that j church in obtaining college or uni : versity education. I The announcement was made | here yesterday by Dr. Arnold Ben j nett Hall, president of the Univer sity, who received details of the grant in a letter from Dr. D. J. Ferguson, pastor of the First Pres byterian church. Grant Is Large The grant, one of the largest ever made in the state for this purpose, was made following a personal visit of Dr. Ferguson at the Astor estate in England last summer. Both Lord Astor and Lady Astor expressed great inter est in Astoria, and both have been invited to visit the city by the chamber of commerce. Lady As tor is a well known member of parliament, while Lord Astor has been prominent in the house of lords. The trust fund, according to the dead sent by Lord Astor is “for the purpose of assisting young per sons under the age of 25 belonging to the First Presbyterian church of (Continued on Page Two) Strange Clowning Will Feature Mad Hatters Banquet The lovers of Lewis Carroll will j come together in a glad reunion I tonight at “The Mad Hatter’s Ban- j quet,” unique affair being spon sored by the Wesley club. The dinner will begin promptly at 6:30. Wallace Campbell, var sity debater, will take the part of “The Mad Hatter” and act as toastmaster. The topics for toasts are taken directly from quotations from “Alice in Wonderland.” John L. Casteel, director of the speech division, will talk on “I Wish You Wouldn’t Squeeze So.” Margaret Atwood, president, will speak on “Which Way? Which Way?” “Will You, Won’t You Join the Dance?” will be Jack Bellinger’s topic, and Lois Marga ret Hunt will give a toast on “I’ll Soon Make You Dry Enough.” A skit entitled “The Mad Hat ter’s Tea Party" will be given by a group of students, and Don Car ruth will sing “The Lobster Quad rille,” “Pig and Pepper" and “Beautiful Soup,” songs taken from Carroll’s book. The part of “Alice,” both at the banquet table and in the skit, will be taken by Mary Louise Martin. Tickets are on sale at the Co-op store. Janet Fitch Elected Head Of French Honorary Club Janet Fitch was elected president 3f Pi Delta Phi, French honorary,! it a recent meeting. Arthur Ire land was elected vice-president; j Jwen La Barr, secretary; and Bar bara Leiter, treasurer. The retir ing officers are president, Barbara Barker; vice-president, Arthur Ire iand; and secretary - treasurer, j Florence Holloway. The new officers will take office ;he first of spring term. PORTER SPEAKS R. B. Porter, secretary of the University Y. M. C. A., spoke to :he student body of the Eugene Bible college yesterday afternoon m the subject, “A Faith for To iay.” Wednesday he led a worship ser vice for the School for Leadership rraining, an organization spon iponsored by the churches of Eu gene. His topic was, “The Cele iration of Childhood ” Silhouette Artist Describes Intricacies ol Faculty Film __ ★ . Figures Cut Out for ‘Priuce /j Achmed' and Posed in 300,000 Scenes “Prince Achmed,” Faculty club cinema this week, will be presented at the Colonial Sat urday afternoon, at 1:15 and at 3:15, by request of many who did not see it Thursday. “Prince Achmed,” the Faculty club film shown yesterday at the Colonial, was not made at Har vard, but in Germany, it was dis ! covered yesterday. The New York Times for February 22, 1931, car ried a story and an interview I which explains many of the in ' tricacies of such a production. “Mrs. Reiniger, a German sil j houette artist," the article says, j “and several assistants, including Walter Ruttman, who designed the expressionistic settings for 'The j Cabinet of Dr. Caligari,' devoted j three years of almost unbelievably patient labor to the preparation of I ‘Prince Achmed.’ j “Figures were cut out in card 1 board and sheet lead, articulated and posed in 300,000 individual scenes. The completed film, an animated silhouette, presents a ro mantic love story from the ‘Arab ian Nights,’ introducing Achmed Aladdin, the Princess Dinarzade, the Magic Horse, the Sultan, and the fairy Peri-Banou. In some of the processions and court scenes 50 or 60 characters are shown against shadowy backgrounds of Oriental splendor.” Mrs. Reiniger, in an interview, described the painstaking con struction of the film. "At first I drew a picture of Prince Achmed,” she said, ‘and after wc were all convinced that he must look just so, I silhouetted him. Then I ‘built’ him out of cardboard, wire, and thin sheet lead, so that he might fulfill all of his functions in the shadow play in a natural and convincing man ner. I articulated him—gave him a movable head, neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen, hips, legs, upper and lower arms, knees, hands and feet, fastened these together -with (Continued on Cape 1'ivo) AWS Stage Show Adels Plii Mu Trio To Entertainment Freshman Girls To Feature Act at Colonial Theatre On March 2 The Phi Mu trio composed of Lucy Ann Wendell, Mary Margaret Lott, and Margaret Osborne, has been added as a feature of the stage show the Associated Women students will present in connection with the screen production of “The Gay Diplomat” at the Colonial theatre Wednesday, March 2. The three women are all fresh men on the campus. Lucy Ann Wendell sings in the Polyphonic choir and Margaret Osbourne is a member of the women’s quartet which broadcasts over KORE. Sally Addleman will sing sev eral solo numbers. She has fea tured for numerous campus dances including the Krazy Kopy Krawl, Junior Prom, Frosh Glee, and the Soph Informal. Tap dancing will be done by Louise Marvin who danced at the Krazy Kopy Krawl, Co-ed Capers, in the Junior Vod vil last year. She will be accom panied by Jane Holt. Under the direction of Margaret Hunt and her committee of Cath erine Coleman and Helen Skip worth a dramatic skit is also being planned as entertainment. Non-Credit Newswriting Course Offered by School Subject Designed for Community, Club Correspondents Announcement of a non-credit course to be offered by the Uni versity in newswriting designed especially for club and community correspondents will be made in the February issue of the Oregon Community News, monthly publi cation of the University leaflet series, which will be off the press soon. The fee for the course of 10 lessons is $3. The better stories will be published with editorial comment in the Community News. Criticisms and instructions will be sent directly to the students. The Oregon Community News is published for the purpose of af fording the communities through cut the state a closer relationship snd more direct contact with the ictivities and accomplishments of each. Dean Philip A. Parsons, head of community service work at the University, has prepared sample constitutions and by-laws to be sent upon request to the various communities, and has been mak ng visits to the various communi- j :ies for consultation regarding or ganization of new communities, community club house plans, and ether involving problems of the community. Willainetle Teams Will Meet Oregon In Split Debates * Centralization To Be Topic Of Contests in Eugene Ami Salem The University forensic squad will engage the Willamette uni versity debaters in verbal conflict today on the question: “Resolved, That congress should enact legis lation providing for the central ized control of industry.” The dual meets, one in Salem and one here, will be conducted on the split team plan; that is, three men from each school, neither knowing on which side of the question they will be called upon to debate nor whether they will debate at all, as only two men compose a team, and will be sent to the meets. When the representatives meet the six men draw for sides and the contest will proceed with one Oregon man and one Willamette man on each side. Cross ques tioning will also be one of the fea tures of this innovation. The Oregon speakers who will figure in the contest here in 110 Johnson hall, at 4 o’clock, will be Otto Vonderheit, Stephen Kahn, and W'alt Evans. George Bennett, Cecil Espy, and Rolla Reedy will make the trip to Salem. The freshman debate teams of the two schools will also meet, the affirmative in Salem and the neg ative will compete here in room 110 Johnson hall at 3 o’clock. Charley Sees Red And Makes Plea For Communism I - On the band-wagon. These Communists give me a laugh. I’ve heard ’em rant and rave and tear their hair. I’ve blushed at the invectives they’ve hurled at the capitalists, and the in famy of which they've accused the government. But you gotta give ’em credit. They do know how to muscle in on the big doings. Sometimes It’s shoving their women sym pathizers under mounted cops’ horses to make the headlines. Sometimes it’s feeding starving strikers—with soft soap. And sometimes it’s picketing Mor gan's office on Wall street. They pulled a fast one yester day. Crashed the meeting in the Bronx at which Tom Mooney’s 84-year-old mother was to speak, and took the spotlight— probably got the “Bronx cheer,” too, but they’re used to that. Don’t lynch the Communists. Give ’em enough rope and they'll hang themselves. Humanely, WEBFOOT CHARLEY. J Oregon Cities’ League Opens Meeting Today — Several Hundred To Be Guests on Campus , Luncheon, Banquet, Game Included on First Day’s Program Several hundred Oregon city of ficials are guests on the campus today as the two-day conference of I the League of Oregon Cities opens this morning at 9:30 in Gerlinger hall. Plans for the day include a i luncheon at 12:10 at the men's j dormitory, and a banquet at Hen ! dricks hall at 6, after which the j officials will attend the Oregon ! O. S. C. basketball game in a body. Wm. M. Briggs, city attorney of Ashland, president of the league, will open the meeting. Elisha Large, mayor of Eugene, is to wel come the guests. President Arn old Bennett Hall will give the first talk of the conference, “Coopera tion Between the University and the League.” Cooperation Is Planned It has been Dr. Hall’s plan fori a number of years, according to Dr. Calvin Crumbaker, associate professor of economics, to set up an effective working organization on the campus to cooperate with the municipalities of Oregon. At 10 a. m., Frank P. Farrell, city attorney of Medford, will speak on “Court Decisions and New Legislation of Interest to Munici palities.” There will be a short recess at 10:30. The principal discussion of the (Continued on Page F-mrj~~ Two-Fifty Offered To Co-ed Looking Like Rollins Model “Have you seen her on the cam pus?” If you have there is gold in it for you. Gamma Alpha Chi, women’s national advertising honorary, is sponsoring a contest in connection with the Fashion dance to be given March 5 at Cocoanut Grove. The contest will be to find the girl who looks the most like the picture on the Rollin’s hosiery pos ter that has been distributed on the campus. Both the person finding the girl and the girl who is chosen as resembling her most closely, will receive a two and a half dollar gold piece. So if the depression has hit you start hunting for a dark haired girl with a piquant face and slant ing eyes. The contest will open at noon to day and will close at noon Thurs day, March 3. Those making an entry will fill out the coupon in to day’s Emerald and leave it in the box in the entrance of the old li brary. It is important that the hour be filled in, since two people may make the selection and the one turning in the girl’s name first will be given the preference. The winner of the conest will be announced ut the leap year dance. The judges will be Mrs. Alice B. Macduff, Mrs. Spencer Collins, and VV. F. G. Thacher. No one connect ed with Gamma Alpha Chi may make an entry. Historical Campus Scenes On Exhibition at Library A group of pictures of campus scenes and the faculty of the Uni versity of Oregon in the “old days" is on exhibition in the show case on the second floor of the library. The majority of these pictures are taken from the collection of pictures made by Lenore Casford, periodical librarian. Pictures of men named Deady, Condon, McArthur, and Straub, which were taken when beards and derbys were in fashion, are to be j seen. Views of the campus when the trees were only about thirty j feet high, and when a private i farmhouse stood where Johnson hall stands now are also repre sented. fti Roberts Will Play; Oregon Hopes For Victory Brightened President William H. IJriggs, president of the League of Oregon Cities, which meets on the campus today for a two-day conference. City proli lems will be discussed at the ses sions. > Religious Groups Will Have United Meeting Sunday Dr. E. W. Wariiiiglon To Be Principal Speaker At Gerlinger For the first time in several years all student religious organi zations will hold a united meeting Sunday evening at 5:30 in Ger linger hall, it was announced yes terday by Margaret Atwood, pres ident of the Student Christian council, which is sponsoring the meeting. Dr. E. W. Warrington, professor of Oregon State college is to be the speaker. “No one can formulate the future of religion for it Is a growing thing,” he once told his class in religion at the State college, Miss Atwood, a former member of the class, stated. She characterized him as broad minded, and an ex cellent discussion leader in urging the members of the different de nominations to attend the meeting. Warrington, who is a professor in the education at the state col lege, conducts large classes in re ligion. He formerly was secretary of the Y. M. C. A. on that campus. (Continued on Cage Two) Game Time Advanced to 7:45 o'Clock Robertson Definitely Out; Rest of Team Is in Fine Condition I-1 GAME TIME CHANGED Tonight's gamp will start at [ 7:45 o’clock, instead of 7:30 as I has been the rule in the past, Ronald II. Kohnett, assistant graduate manager, announced last night. By BRUCE HAMBY Basketball hostilities between Oregon and Oregon State reopen here tonight as Coaches Bill Rein hart and Slat Gill send thei teams out fo’ the third of th< annual state se ries on McArthu; court floor at 7:45. The Web foots hold the edge with two v i c t o r ies over the Aggies. Ken Fagana Oregon a hopes for a third vic tory and a third place in the northern division standings took a turn upward last night when Coach Reinhart announced that Charles (Cap) Roberts, big center, would be able to play tonight. Roberts Works Out Roberts has been confined to bed for several days with influ enza. Yesterday he reported to McArthur court for a short work out. While he will still be weak from illness, his presence on the floor will be a big help to Ore gon’s chances. Jack Robertson, sophomore for ward, is definitely on the sideline list with a badly sprained ankle. Robertson turned his ankle Wed nesday night in practice. Trainer Bob Officer and Bill Hayward worked on it all day yesterday and, while the swelling has gone down somewhat, it is certain that he will not be able to play more than a few minutes if he gets in at all. Windy Calkins Ready The remainder of the team will be in first class shape for the cru cial contest. Captain Winsor Calkins, who has been limping with a weak ankle, should be able to go at top speed. Hank Levoff and Jim Watts have managed to survive the season so far without injury. Either Cliff Potter or Gib Olin ger will start in Robertson's place tonight. Homer Stahl will be on hand in case Roberts is not able to last through the game. The Corvallis team will be at full strength tonight for the first time since the opening of the sea (Cuntinued on J’age Two) Writing and Yellow Cat Are Interests of Oldest Student By ELINOK HENItY Don Diablo stretched his lazy yellow body on the reporter’s coat and and looked at her out of large amber eyes as she interviewed the oldest student on the campus, Mrs. Elma T. Havemann, who isn't so old after all. True, her hair is soft silver and her daughter, Elma Doris is a junior in Romance languages, but she is young for all that. Her hob bies are writing and Don Diablo. “Cats do clever things," she said, "but they never do them when you want them to. We had one cat for 16 years before we got Don D. We missed him so, we didn't think that \ we’d ever have another. But we ( took Don D. to give him a home, j and he runs the family now.” I Mrs. Havemann lives with her husband and daughter in Eugene now, but her home is in Wood burn. A married daughter lives in San Francisco. For a long time Mrs. Havemann has taken correspondence work from the University, and now she is a special student in English. She does not intend to work for a de gree, since her stay in Eugene is only temporary. “I think if I were making a busi ness of going to college,” she de clared, “I’d enter all the activi ties I could. But housekeeping takes some of my time, and I like to write.” Rejection slips do not discour age her. When a story or article comes back, she simply revises it and sends it out again. She had an article, "Mother Gets a Haircut,” published in the July, 1931, num ber of the Master Barber magazine and Beauty Culturist.