Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 20, 1932, Image 2

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University of Oregon, Eugene
Willie Duniway, Editor Larry Jackson, Manager
Thornton Shaw, Managing Editor
Ralph David, Associate Editor, Stephen Kahn, Assistant Editor
Jack Bauer, Dave Wllaon, Betty Anne Mnc- Dick Neubergcr, Sports Editor
duff, Editorial Writers Merlin Blais, Radio Director
Rufua Kimball, Aaat, Managing Editor Roy Sheedy, Literary Editor
Jack Bellinger, Newa Editor Francis Fulton, Society Editor
Doug Wight, Chief Night Editor
DAY EDITORS: Cieoige Sanford, Jessie Steele, Virginia Wonts, Sterling Green, Oscar
SPECIAL WRITERS: Willctla Hartley, Cecil Keealing, Elinor Henry, Thelma Nelson,
Esther Hayden.
COPYREADERS: Margaret Bean, Allen Holsman, Ralph Mason, Jane Opsund, Elsie
Peterson, Bob Patterson.
REF’ORTERS: Francis Pallister, Julian J’rcHeott, Donald Fields, Beth Bede, Clif
ford Gregor, Willard Arant, Maximo Pulido, Bob Riddell, Harold Nock, Almon
Newton, Carroll Pawson, Bryon JBrinton, Parks Hitchcock, Eloise Dorner,
Genevieve Dunlop, Laura Drury, Sam Mushen, Madeleine Gilbert, Victor Dallairc.
SPORTS STAFF: Bruce Hamby, Malcolm Bauer, Joseph Snslavsky.
flADIO STAFF: Jack Bauer, Roy McMullen, George Root, Bruce Hamby.
NIGHT EDITORS: Lcs Dunton, Bob Patterson, Myron Ricketts, Clark Williams,
Doug. Polivka.
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Barbara Jenning, Catherine Watson, Alice Teitel
baum, Louise Stein, Lenore Greve, Adele Hitchman, Desmond Hill, Wallace Douglas,
Marion Robbins, Mary Teresi, Delpha Hurlburt, Peggy Newby, Evelyn Schmidt.
ADVERTISING SOLICITORS—Caroline Hahn, Maude Sutton, Grant Theummel, Ber
nice Walo, Bill Russell, Mahr Rcymers, Bill Neighbor, Vic Jorgenson, John Vernon,
Alathea Peterson, Ray Foss, Elsworth Johnson. Mary Codd, Ruth Osborne, Lee
Valentine, Lucille Chapin, Gil Wallington, Ed Messerve, Scot Clodfeltcr.
MARKETING DEPARTMENT—Nancy Suomela, executive secretary; Betty Mae Higby,
Louise Bears.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS—Helen Ferris, Laura Hart, Beverly Price, Nancy Archibald,
Lmr.ee Bears, Cordelia Dodson, Louise Rice, and Lucille Lowry.
SECRETARIES: Josephine Waffle, Betty Duzan, Marguerite Davidson.___
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the
college year. Member of the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at
Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year. Advertising
rates upon application. Phone, Manager: Office, Local 214; residence, 2800.
"I Cannot Tell a Lie”
<<T’LL talk on hell, not George Washington, at Sunday night’s
service in my church,” says a pastor of Mlllburn, New
And despite the proximity of the 200th anniversary of the
birth of Washington, and the multitudinous celebrations centered
around the hallowed event, we are inclined to applaud the stand
of the reverend.
Too often and too loudly have we heard the praises of the
great Washington sung from platform and pulpit. His merits
have been magnified and his weaknesses concealed. From a
brilliant mortal he has been transformed into a pitifully weak
saint by well-meaning but unimaginative fools.
But we are more concerned with the current tendency to
worship the name of Washington and forget the principles he
upheld. His ideas of peace and brotherhood are cleverly dis
torted into warnings against entangling alliances. Blatantly
patriotic societies chant the praises of the Father of our Country,
but shrink from the ideals he heralded. Like ancestor worship
pers of backward countries, they bow down to his fair name
and blackjack the progressive movements he would have been
the first to endorse. Patriots, faugh!
We admire Washington for the man he was not the god
we would have him be. If he gambled and drank we like him
all the more. For it is his principles—not his personal habits—
we revere. And we can best pay tribute—not with hymns or
huzzahs or paeons of praise—but with devotion to the ideals
of liberty and justice which he so courageously defended.
“My Day of Silence”
"\7TC MEYERS, well-known dance orchestra leader and candi
date for mayor of Seattle, attended a Shrine club luncheon
yesterday along with eight other candidates for the Seattle po
. litical post. But Vic stole the show from his rivals when ho
came dressed as Mahatma Gandhi and leading a goat. Into the
hands of the chairman of the club luncheon he placed a card
which read: "This is my day of silence.”
Vic strikes us as material for the ideal mayor. He is too
good a bet for the people of Seattle to pass up. A mayor with
“a day of silence" is a prize worth having. In earlier campaign
speeches Meyers hus shown that he knows how to present the
keys of the city to famous guests, he can make speeches on
any occasion, and he dresses well. What more do you want?
Mayor Porter of Los Angeles thought he was pulling a great
political coup when he refused champagne in Paris last year.
Now he probably wishes he had taken the champagne. Mayor
- Baker broke all French tradition when he spoke on the grave
of the Unknown Soldier in Paris. Mayor Jimmy Walker was
being big-hearted when he came all the way across the conti
nent to beg a pardon for Mooney from Governor Rolph. But
he didn’t do himself any good. Surely these men knew what,
they were about. What does Meyers have on them?
Vie Meyers stands alone as the man who can temper Iris
"blah" with silence. Vic Meyers of the brown tuxedo who would
save Scuttle for the sake of his little child. He is the man of
the hour. Seattle, don’t pass him by!
A Ray of Hope?
full league of nations assembly will convene on March
3 to make one last effort to avert war between China and
Japan. Upon the success of this extraordinary session depends
not only the future of China and Japan but of the league of
nations itself.
Dr. W. W. Yen, head of the Chinese delegation tit Geneva,
forced the issue when he asked the council of the league to
call the full assembly. It is the most drastic step taken by that
body since it first began work to secure a peaceful settlement
of the difficulties in the Far East. But drastic or not, it is a
step that could not be avoided if the league had any desire to
continue effective operations.
We still have faith in the league. This is its first big test
and though it has shown certain definite weaknesses it may yet
be able to weather the storm. Japan has forced its hand to
the limit by her aggressive tactics and refusal to arbitrate. But
the calling of the full assembly may be the signal for the mobili
zation of world opinion for peaceful settlement. And, after all,
that is the league's biggest weapon and the most certain way
to bring Japan to terms.
If the assembly decides to use the only weapon at its com
mand, the economic boycott, Japan cannot hold out longer. The
United Slates would unquestionably join the league in its boy
cott to make it doubly effective. Victory would mean peace
m China and the perpetuation of the league of nation..
The above ten students, together with the faculty committee, were responsible for the success of
last night’s Colonial Rout. They are, left to right: Myrtle McDaniels, e chairman; Robert Hall,
general manager; Rose Simons, music; Ethan Newman, orchestra; ltermlt sevens, properties; Jack
Bellinger, publicity; Adrienne Sabin, refreshments; Harriette Chase, secretary; and Emma Bell Stad
den, costumes.
The Safety Valve
An Outlet (or Campus Steam
All communications arc to be ad
dressed to the editor, Oregon Daily j
Emerald, and should not exceed 200 \
words In length. Letters must be
signed, but should the writer prefer,
only initials will be used. The editor
mnintninx the right to withhold publi
cation should be see fit.
To the Editor:
In today’s issue of the Emerald
I am quoted as saying: “Excite
ment about lives of citizens lost
in other countries is absurd.”
It should not be necessary for
me to publicly repudiate this
statement. To make such an ut
terance would not only be ridicu
lous on my part, but would indi
cate me to be entirely devoid of
In discussing Nationalism I
pointed out that sentiment is
usually more easily aroused over
the loss of a few lives of nationals
in foreign countries, than over the
thousands of lives lost in indus
trial and automobile accidents
within the nation.
Nor did I say nationalism is de
veloped through the “misinterpre
tation of history.” I merely men
tioned the nationalistic emphasis
in much of the teaching of his
tory as a contributing factor.
Patriotic topics are found in
both the list of subjects for the
student groups and the sermons
of the ministers for this Sunday.
Subjects of personality and lead
ership also find their way into the
discussion subjects.
Mrs. R. B. Porter will teach the
University class which meets at
9:45. She will accompany her talk
with scenes of India, where she
sfient five years in missionary
Ur. Edmund S. Conklin, head of
the department of psychology, will
address the Wesley foundation on
"How Psychology Helps One to
Understand His Own Personality.’’
This meeting, which starts at 0:30,
will be preceded by a social hour.
"The Price of Achievement" and
“The Rost Art of Worship" will
be the sermon topics for the morn
ing and evening services, respec
tively. Rev. Cecil F. Ristow is
the minister.
Community Liberal (Unitarian)
The Young People's group will
meet in the church parlors at 6:30.
“What Is the Religious Philos
ophy as Distinct from that of Dic
tatorship or Monarchy?" is Rev.
Ernest M. Whitesmith's topic for
the 11 o’clock services. S. Ste
phenson Smith, professor of Eng
lish. will speak at the open forum
of the church at 8. His subject
is “Idealogy of the British Labor
First ( hristlan
The Loyal Berean class, which
meets at 9:45, will consider the
topic "Jehovah or Baal: Elijah the
Prophet." Mrs. R M. Day teaches
the class.
"Desirable Qualities in National
Leaders" ; the subject tor the
6:15 meeting of the Young Peo
ple’s Christian Endeavor. Jon
Kilowatz is to lead the discussion.
Rev. S. E. Childers will preach
on "Christ’s Rule for Happiness”
at the morning service, and in the
evening on "Great Characters.”
"The Real George Washington”
is to be considered by the mem
bers of the student forum at 6.
At the morning service Rev.
Clay E. Palmer will preach on
"The Mystic's Experience with
Central Lutheran
The sermon for the morning ser
vice will be “Crumbs in Bread.”
Rev. P. J. Luvaas is the preacher
The evening meeting will be de
voted to a Lenten service which
starts at 7:30.
The topic for the C. O. S. class,
which meets at 9:45, will be
"Walking with Jesus.” Miss Mil
dred Johnson will teach the les
The B. Y. P. U. meets at 6:15
with Ruth Frazier as leader. A
discussion of Millet’s picture "The
Angelus” will be the feature of
the evening.
Dr. W. H. Rogers, pastor of the
Hinson Memorial church of Port
land, will preach both sermons at
the Baptist church this Sunday.
The morning topic will be “The
Unavoidable Issue.” In the eve
ning he will speak on “Twice Born
United Lutheran
Ralph Leudtke of Vancouver,
Washington, president of the Col
umbia district Luther league, will
be honored at a reception given by
the Luther league at 5. Leudtke
will address the local group at
their meeting at 6 p. m.
"The Religion, an Influence on
Washington and the Background
of the American Republic" is the
topic on which Rev. Frank S. Bei
stel speaks at the morning sermon.
A consideration of "Divorce" will
be the program for the Student
council. The group meets at 7 p. I
m. in the men's lounge of Gerliu
ger hall.
Holy communion services will be
held at 8 and 11. At the latter Rev.
Howard R. White will preach on
"George Washington, Churchman
and Christian.”
Alice B. Macduff, assistant dean
of women, is to give her views on
"What I Think are the Most Im
portant Things in Life,” to the
freshman group which assembles
at 9:45.
The upperclass group is begin
ning a series on “What Religion
Let Me
Save \ ou Money
Rent 'l our
1 uxedo 1* rom
1178 Alder Phone 2611
Does for Personality.” Rev. J.
Maxwell Adams will lead the dis
The Westminster forum meets at
6 p. m. for a social half hour which
is to be followed by a special
Washington's birthday meeting.
Charles G. Howard, professor of
law, is to answer the question:
"What Is a Citizen?"
George Washington is the per
son to be considered in the ser
mon on the "Creed of Christians”
at the morning sermon at the First
Presbyterian church. "Wholesome
Doubts of a Christian” is the eve
ning topic. Rev. Milton S. Weber
will preach at both services.
Whoops! We have a public.
Feet of Clay, emerging from the
embryonic state, is fast reaching
the pinnacle of full flowered suc
cess. We have been told that we
are in a condition. Ah us. Fans
and fanees, especially the latter,
are responding to our efforts to
give Oregon bigger and better love
lives. This was the first corre
spondent to hang our hides on the
fence of public ire.
Dear Bobar:
As an expression of a phase of
student life, I think your column
is unequalled. However, it is a
phase which is best left unmen
tioned. For pure malicious and
uncalled for discussions of and in
sinuations conserning personali
ties, it is indeed the most obivious
and immature. The majority of
straight thinking men and women
on this campus are everywhere
expressing their opinions of dis
gust and distaste, and to these I
add my own most heartily.
P. S.—Please print.
Now then, isn’t that nice? It’s
indeed perfectly small to think
that the straight thinking men
and women of the campus read
our colyum, because, to tell the
truth, we didn’t expect it. Well,
anyway, this letter taught us a
couple of new wrinkles in spelling.
While we like to hear from the
kids and all that, we can’t print
any more of these, because after
all, this space is valuable. Aw,
lay off of us, willya?
* * *
We almost forgot. We were go
ing to give Creech a big send-off
today but he tells us he already
nas a love are,
low life or some
thing — anyway
we could not
make it enter
taining w i t hout
his picture and
we haven't got
that, so we had
to pick on a man
who has been
hiding his light
under a blanket
Snaky Scribe or someth ing.
Seeks Skirt Here’s Bill Duni
way, the high mogul of this paper,
who says that since reading about
the Kappas he’s just discovered
what he’s been missing. He has
three suits, rosy cheeks, wears
No. 0 brogues and can paddle a
canoe one-handed. He practiced
this "most likely to succeed" ex
pression for two weeks, he says,
because it’s supposed to go on an
application blank. Don't take
that attitude seriously, girls, be
cause Bill’s, still a boy at heart,
just like Peters, Longacre and all
the rest. "Sure I know how to
act polite around the girls, I used
to be Phi Psi prexy—well, didn’t
I?" Applications will be received
at the Feet of "lay office. C’mon
kids, let’s give Bill a big hand, and
do him up right.
* * *
What’s this we understand about
a certain Delta Gam who’s been
having fun with Mikulak, Pozzo.
and Ted Pope ? The daintiest
member of her set—and all that,
but since travelling around in this
company we don’t wonder that
she's been hitting the Absorbine
Sjs * *
Some people won’t learn. We
understand that a certain Kappa
Sigarnett and his anchorite have
deserted the 14th and Alder arc
light and have now taken up in
a big way the pastime of spook
hunting among the vacant houses
at the head of Kincaid St. Note:
parties, we're getting tired of hav
ing to stick your nandes in this
* * *
And what's this we hear about
the Chi-Os going leap year and
trying to shame a certain Pi Kap
into planting his pin, by the simple
expedient of all the girls running
up to him, planting one (not pin)
on him, and congratulating him.
A pretty pass indeed, when it
takes a whole house to fix a gal
We could say more—but—aw,
thas' all.
Phi Delta Kappa initiation this
afternoon at Gerlinger hall at 3:30,
following which there will be a
banquet at Osborn hotel at 6:30.
Theta Sigma Phi will meet at
1135 Mill street for chop suey Sun
day at 6 p. m.
Y. W. C. A. reorganization and
nomination committee will meet
Monday at 4:30 at the bungalow.
Y. W. C. A. worship group will
meet Monday night at 9:30 at Su
san Campbell.
Upperclass commission officers
will meet Sunday at 2:15 at the
Y. W. C. A.
Prof. Stephenson Smith will ad
dress the open forum at the Com
munity Liberal church Sunday eve
ning at 8 o’clock. His talk will be
the sixth of a series of forum dis
cussions and is titled “The Ideology
of the British Labor Party."
W ^ngravei by
"I would indeed,’’ said the fairest
flower of the campus. “And how!’’
“What is there about me, gal, to bring
this disfavor down upon my head?’’ Joe
College demanded.
% “Your manner, sir,’’ she answered him
haughtily. 1 he man who wins my heart
must wine and dine me at only those
reputable eating places that advertise in
the Emerald.”
Food and drink may be
purchased from:
Lee Duke Cafe
College Side
Green Parrot
Marine Grotto
Oregon emerald