Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 19, 1932, Page 4, Image 4

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    Mass Assembly,
Rout Main Events
Of Coming Week
Band Concert, Studio Plays
Are Scheduled on the
Social Calendar
The Colonial Rout on Friday
evening and the University as
sembly on Monday, both in com
memoration of early colonial
times, lead the list of campus af
fairs for the coming week. The
number of all-campus events for
next week is less than in the past,
according to the list released from
the office of the dean of women.
The calendar for the week, Feb
ruary 19 to 24, is as follows:
Friday, February 19
Studio plays 4:00 Guild the
Colonial Rout - 8:30—Gerllnger
Sunday, February 21
Band concert 3:00 Music au
Monday, February 22
University assembly—10:30 —
McArthur court.
Westminster series on love and
marriage — Dr. Harold Bowman,
"Pre-Marital Relations” — 8:15 —
Westminster house.
Tuesday, February 23
George Hopkins piano recital —
8:15 Music auditorium.
Wednesday, February 24
University lecture, “Form from
Chaos in Biological Systems,” Pro
fessor A. R. Moore—7:30.
Thursday, February 25
Dean Onthank, “The Family and
Morality in the New Civilization”
—Y. M. C. A. hut—7:30.
Cataloging at Library *
Explained by Douglass
Students and members of the
faculty who cannot find a parti
cular book in the University lib
rary have at their disposal a sup
plementary catalogue of books
which the Oregon State college
library has received, since last
falll, that the Oregon library
lacks, Matthew H. Douglass, Uni
versity librarian, stated.
The catalogue lists the books by
authors only, and not by subject
or title. If a patron of the Oregon
library finds the book he wants
listed among those at Oregon
State, an attempt will be made to
borrow it for him.
Mr. Douglass said that eventu
ally he hopes that the O. S. C. and
Oregon libraries will have joint
catalogues of all their books.
Tn case neither the Oregon State
nor the Oregon library has the
book desired, there is still another
file, consisting of slips sent by the
University of Michigan library,
naming the books which are in
their library that the Library of
Congress has not yet catalogued.
The interfraternity council at
Minnesota university recently
passed a resolution requiring a $2
fee of freshmen accepting dates
during the regular winter quarter
rushing week. The measure was
designed to help fraternities de
fray the cost of rushee’s meals and
to eliminate the entertainment of
freshmen who might accept with
no intention of becoming a mem
ber of any fraternity.
Macduff Calls for
Women Students’
Grade Warnings
assistant dean of women,
issued a plea that all women
students who received grade
warnings at mid-term turn the
slips in at her office immediate
Mrs. Macduff mentioned that
the blue warning slips were sent
out after mid-term exams and
should have been attended to
at that time. She further called
attention to the fact that this
term is nearing its close and the
purpose of the warnings is to
show the student his position
to allow him a chance to im
Women Opposed
To Duplication in
(group Personnel
New Big Sister Resolution
Passed at Conference
Of Three Bodies
Women students as a result of a
recent conference between repre
sentatives of A. W. S., W. A. A.,
and Y. W. C. A. have decided to
take a definite stand against
over-organization on the campus
and will oppose duplication of the
personnel of different groups, and
disapprove of emphasis in the liv
ing organizations of the question
of grades, and a heavy freshman
schedule of activities.
A resolution was also passed to
the effect that girls chosen as
Big Sisters be consulted before the
appointment is made public. The
new Big Sister policy will give
fewer charges to each sponsor. An
additional suggestion was made
that the girls in the present
freshman class name the women
they would recommend for the
positions of Big Sisters for the
coming year.
The A. W. S. executive council
ratified resolutions providing for
an activities chairman on the
council, suggesting to Mr. Onthank
1hat a course in practical home
economics and home management
be instituted, and favoring a sys
tem whereby advisors will be
available before the end of the
winter term for consultation. It
was also decided that such a con
ference be established as an an
nual affair.
Window Mistake Contest
Will Close This Morning
The window mistake contest has
attracted much attention judging
by the interested groups gathered
about it, Addison Smith of the
Co-op said yesterday.
The contest will remain open till
10 a. m. this morning. Chances of
winning a prize are still very good,
Smith said, as some of the mis
takes are noticeably only to keen
Winners of the contest will be
announced in tomorrow morning’s
Professor Copeland, the Harvard
Lacedomonian, says, “Pretty good
poetry is like pretty good eggs."
Alpha Delta Sigma
Pledges Four Men
Wednesday Noon
Reymers, Sanford, Hall,
Rush Received Into
Advertising Group
Alpha Delta Sigma, national
professional advertising fraternity,
has pledged four men, according
to a statement made by Harry
Schenk, president of the group
yesterday. The men are Bob Hall,
Maiir Reymers, Aut.en Bush, and
George Sanford.
The four men were pledged
Wednesday at a luncheon at the
College Side Inn, but formal an
nouncement was withheld until
yesterday. Bob Hall is a business
administration major and a junior.
He has done considerable work
about the campus, and has gained
prominence in campus advertising
Mahr Reymers is a junior in the
school of journalism. He has been
associated with the advertising of
the Emerald for the past three
years. Auten Bush, a junior in
the school of business administra
tion, has been connected with ad
vertising work on the campus for
three years, and at present is as
sistant advertising manager of
the Emerald. George Sanford is a
sophomore in the school of jour
nalism. He did advertising work
before entering the University, and
is now a day editor on the Emer
(Continued from Page One)
sity would be C, though for the
fall term it was approximately C
plus or B minus. The average un
der the old system was approxi
mately 3.4, which would be equiv
alent to a C under the present
grading method.
Some Classes Higher
That some members of the fac
ulty and some classes should have
higher than normal grade distribu
tions is considered natural because
of the nature of the courses, such
as specialized subjects for upper
division students. In these, how
ever, it is expected that there will
be a fairly even distribution of the
higher grades and not a predom
inance of any one grade.
For the usual class in a re
quired course, however, it is ex
pected that the grade distribution
this term will conform fairly close
ly to the percentages considered
normal. This will mean that there
will be a decrease in the number
of A’s and B's given and an in
crease in the number of D’s and
The change will be general
throughout the University and will
not effect any particular group of
students. The change in lower
grades is expected in largely in
creased number of D's and a slight
ly increased number of F's.
Dan E. Clark will speak in Port
land next Thursday evening at 8
p. m. at the Portland public li
brary. His subject is Washington
and the West. This talk is one of
a series being given by the Port
land public library in connection
with the bi-centennial anniversary
of Washington’s birthday.
To our friends that the former “Oregon Flower
Shop” at 829 E. I 3th has now been changed to the
Campus Flower Service
under new management. Our phone number is now
Specializing in
and flowers for all occasions.
N. B. Zane — Lester McDonald
829 E. 13th Phone 1209
From Other
College # j
G Circles
Economic depressions such as
the world is now experiencing are
necessary for the progress of
civilization, believes Prof. E. G.
Conklin, head of the biology de
partment at Princeton university.
“Rome of the weaker, according
to the law of nature, “will natur
ally die under stress of the
Limes,” he declares. “Others will
not propagate their kind. The
strong and hardy will survive and
reproduce, and thus the human
race will be strengthened.”
The male mosquito's liking for
“the wimmin’,” may ultimately
lead to the destruction of the pest
in this country, it was revealed
here when announcement was
made that Prof. Elihu Thomson of
the General Electric Co. has
found a machine which reproduces
the hum of the female mosquito so
perfectly that millions of male in
sects were led to their destruc
tion in it last summer.
The machine is one used in fus
ing quartz for an astronomical
mirror. It was only by accident
that Prof. Thomson noticed that
the hum of the apparatus was
drawing the mosquitoes from a
nearby marsh. The heat of the
furnace immediately killed the in
sects. If the principle is correct,
mankind may ultimately be freed
of the summer’s worst pest.
Professor M. H. Cochran of the
history department of the Univer
sity of Missouri, author of a new
book, “Germany Not Guilty,” re
ceived this letter from William
Hohenzollern, once emperor of
“Sincerest compliments and
warmest admiration for your bril
liant ‘Germany Not Guilty,’ in
which you deal Prof. B. Schmitt
a withering blow. There is not
the slightest doubt about who
were the real culprits that started
the World war. They stand ar
raigned before the tribunal of
history awaiting her verdict. The
world crisis the Allies are suffer
ing from is the punishment Provi
dence is meting out to them for
their crimes in 1914 and at Ver
sailles in 1918.”
The ex-kaiser’s greeting was
written in English on the back of
a post card. Prof. Cochran is a
graduate of Harvard and has been
a member of the Missouri uni
versity faculty since 1928.
Folk who think all winters, not
only this one, are milder in these
parts, simply have the wrong
kind of memories, according to
1 Gustave S. Lindgren of the United
States Weather bureau in Albany,
; New York.
He considers this winter an ex
ception, but he asserts that over a
long period records show no cli
matic change.
“When I went to college,” he
says, "the daily task of breaking
the ice in the water pitcher to
wash sent chills down the spine.
That was enough to make the
weather seem cold the rest of the
day. Now we have warmer houses,
better clothing and food, are more
athletic and are not so aware of
the cold.” -
A plea that American colleges
and universities take a more ac
tive interest in aiding good gov
ernment was made before the
Atlanta chapter of the Emory
University Alumni association by
Dr. Dumas Malone, editor of the
"Dictionary of American Biog
He urged that institutions of
higher learning develop unselfish
and outstanding leadership and
bend their efforts to "solving the
riddle of happiness for the
masses instead of aiming at a sel
fish goal.
“Signs of an intellectual awak
ening are apparent in every uni- j
versity in the land,” he said, "and
from the chaos and moral anarchy !
of a disillusioned generation a j
new morality is arising, carrying
with it a stronger sense of public
"Accordingly, it seems that the
university of tomorrow will play a
larger part in the vital affairs of
the nation. The social scientist,
dealing with persons rather than
things, and the humanist and phil
osopher. glorifying the mind and
spirit, will come into their own j
[perhaps at the expense of the sci-1 \
Hatter’s Banquet
Tickets on Sale at
University Co-op
IICKETS for the Mad Hat
ter's banquet, unique all
eampus affair being given by
the Wesley club Friday evening,
February 26, are on sale at the
University Co-op store, it is an
nounced by Philip Dale, in
charge of ticket sales.
Only 200 tickets arc being
sold, and students or faculty
members who plan to attend are
urged to make their reserva
tions, now, Dale said.
The pasteboards are selling
at 50 cents each.
Group Heads of
Philomelete Plan
Executive Policy
New Idea To Bring Belter
Cooperation Between
Different Bodies
That the Philomelete hobby
groups will follow a new executive
policy for the remainder of the
winter term and the first of the
spring term, was decided at a
meeting of the group presidents
Wednesday evening in the women’s
lounge of Gerlinger hall.
The presidents of the various
groups will act as a council for
the entire Philomelete organiza
tion under the proposed plan. Helen
Evans, president of Phi Theta Up
silon, upperclass women’s honor
ary, will be an ex-officio member.
This executive group will arrange
for all the activities, two of which
are the Philomelete spring dance
and picnic. This body will also
serve as a clearing house for ideas
and policies of the different groups.
“It's a move toward more inti
mate relations between the groups,
with efficient cooperation in Phil
omelete,” Miss Evans stated in
speaking of the new policy that is
to be tried out.
Officers of the council appointed
by Miss Evans are: Kathleen Mc
Nutt, charm school group, presi
dent; Harriet Smith, arts and
crafts group, secretary; Genevieve
Dunlop, woman in her sphere
group, reporter.
Each president was asked to pre
pare a resume of the activities of
her group for this year which will
be filed in the dean of women’s of
fice. Suggestions for the policies
and plans for the groups for next
year are also to be turned in.
_ _ _ _
Heilig — “The Final Edition,” fea
turing May Clarke. Showing for
the last time today.
Colonial — “New Adventures of
Get - Rich - Quick Wallingford,”
with William Haines. Showing
today and Saturday.
Rex — “Bad Company,” featuring
Helen Twelvetrees. Showing for
the last time today.
McDonald — “Girl of Rio,” star
ring Dolores Del Rio. Showing
for today and Saturday.
Dolores Del Ilio who is playing
at the McDonald today and tomor
row in “Girl of Rio.”
Carrillo at McDonald
Dolores Del Rio is back once
more in the cinema world. After
two years of absence due to illness
this glamorous star has returned
to the screen in “Girl of Rio,”
which is showing at the McDonald
today and tomorrow.
Leo Carrillo plays opposite Do
lores in this picture which is laid
in a little town on the Mexican
border. Norman Foster plays the
role of a young American who
works in a pool room across the
street from the cafe where Dolores
holds forth with her flashing eyes
and tinkling guitar. Carrillo is the
self-styled host cabellero in Mexico
and albeit a villain. A picture laid
in a scene such as this calls for
lots of action, love in the moon
light, and shooting a la Mexico,
all of which are generously sup
Haines at Colonial
Every time William Haines
makes a new picture he has to
learn something, this time he spent
hours and hours learning how to
And They Still
| again, at that remarkable price and those
1 very smart effects in flowers for the eve
| ning.
Chase Gardens Florists
(57 E. Broadway — Phone 1950
i 1932 ►
A Style Era That
Makes a Miss More
Charming Than She’s
Ever Been Before.
$5.95 $8.95 $10.75 $16.75
.~ill'!.lii:Hlliil!!i:!l:llll.H!Hlllllllllli!llUIIIHIIIIHIiiHHIIUI!l«'Hll'lHIIIHIlllHIIII)i:!llll||IIHI|IHIilHIIIII!!i!::HIII|li!l!li:i ',’'!);itH:[:'!,;i||!IHlHllllHII!l!lllr![|lll’ll||HH1IIIIH,'l|l'IIH!t|||IHllll’1
Will Rogers who is coming to
the Rex Saturday in “Young As
Y'ou Feel.”
handle playing cards from an ex
pert, as a result he has acquired
the knack which he applies with
bewildering skill in some of the
scenes in “The New Adventures
of Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford,”
which is showing today and tomor
row at the Colonial. Ernest Tor
rence and Jimmy Durante, and.
Leila Hyams are also featured in
the cast.
Rogers Coming to Rex
Will Rogers is coming to the
Rex tomorrow only in a delightful
film entitled “Youg as You Feel.”
"Bad Company,” with Ricardo Cor
tez and Helen Twelvetrees is show
ing for the last time today.
Chandler B. Beall, assistant pro
fessor of Romance languages, has
just accepted a position at Johns
Hopkins university in Baltimore
for the summer session. This is
Mr. Beall's seventh year there,
and he will teach French and
A survey of the physical fitness
of Syracuse university freshmen
reveals that 62 per cent do not
smoke tobacco and that 82 per
cent do not drink intoxicating liq
uors, according to Dean Ernest
Griffith. 11 per cent sleep six
hours or less; 57 per cent sleep
seven hours; 32 per cent sleep eight
hours or more.
“Jealousy may be disposed of by
listening to the prelude of the
Meistersingers,” said Dr. A. M.
Ornsteen, associate in neurology
and electro-therapeutics at Penn
sylvania. “Indeed, many ills may
be soothed by music, so that per
haps we may find such people as
medical musicians.”
At Syracuse a five week senior
guidance course is given to dis
cover whether the seniors are fam
iliar with the rules and traditions
of the university. The tests are
graded and used the following year
in preparing the Freshman Bible.
is not good for any of us, but
Hal Hatton’s Dance School
Beginning and Advanced
Tap Dancing.
CALL 2820
Ask for Hal Hatton, Joe Renner
Sez Sue
Spring Feuer
It’s an epidemic on llie campus! To cure your case,
Doctor “Sue" advises a prescription of a new knit hat,
a new pair of light-weight shoes, and a clever, gay
sweater. Inexpensive, colorful and a sure remedy for
your malady. Keep in style, too, by flaunting bright
blues, vivid oranges, and clear greens.
Do You Ever —
Get tired of wearing the same outfit
everytime? What girl doesn’t! Try some
new jewelry effects—the result’s exciting!
A new bracelet or some “different” ear
rings make one feel so chic. A ring or a
gool-looking necklace adds to the effect.
For anything clever, come to Laraway’s
Jewelry Store. “Sue” is sure that you’il
find just what you want here!
Enjoy These Nice Days?
Of course you do. We all like them! So keep these good
times with snapshots. Take your camera as soon as you're
brave enough to go canoeing. Use a roll of films on that drive
along the river. Or catch some of your friends in a character
istic pose in front of the house. Buy the films and have expert
developing and finishing done at the Oregon Pharmacy, on
Thirteenth. Remember, they have the campus agency for Wes
tern Union service.
A Dream Come True
Real chiffon hose that won’t
run or develop holes! Buster
Brown’s Shoe Store, Willamette
street, guarantee their new Bobo
link hose as absolutely hole-proof.
Lovely quality chiffon, only $1.00
a pair, are offered to you
in this remarkable hose.
It hardly seems possible But like all great improvements, it is
—and what a boon to the co-ed! Get yours today.
Feeling Low?
Do you feel stale and behind the times? It’s probably your
room, not your ideas that are wrong. “Sue" advises a new
print to brighten the room up. Have spring housecleaning now
before the hurry of finals. At the Oriental Art Shop, in the
Eugene hotel building, you will find the flower print, silhouette,
or etching to suit your taste. Drop in today. You’re always
welcome to visit the Oriental on your way down town.
Looks Like Spring —
So let's dress up our rooms with flow
ers. Tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, and all the
others: They're gay and will make your
room more cheerful. For the best quality
flowers come to the University Florist, on
Thirteenth street. They’re sure to please
you with prompt satisfactory service. And
they’ll have a fresh supply of orchids and
gardenias for the week-end!
Betsy Steiwer. call at the Fox McDonald Theatre box office
before Sunday night and receive two passes..