Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 19, 1932, Image 1

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Frontier Frolic,
Colonial Party
To Color Rout
K am pus Knights Will
Furnish Music
- r
Reels, Jigs an<l Skirmish
Will Feature Campus
Affair Tonight
Date or no date.
Twenty-five cents admission.
Costumes optional.
Dancing begins at 8:30.
Grand march at 9:00.
Kampus Knights orchestra,
Students and faculty members
of the University will dance to
the music of the Kampus KnighLs
orchestra at the
Colonial Rout to
night at 8:30 in
Gerlinger hall.
Carl Collins’
Kampus Knights
were selected to
play at tonight's
dance because of
their popularity
at the Christmas
Revels, predeces
sor of the Colo
nial Rout, and
Ethan Newman other campus
dances, according to Ethan New
^ man, orchestra chairman.
The floor of Gerlinger hall has
been completely renovated and
will be in excellent shape for
dancing, Newman said.
The party will combine the in
formality of a frontier frolic and
the formality of a Colonial ball,
with an informality emphasized,
says Myrtle McDaniels, general
Jazz Classics Slated
On the informal side of the
party there will be reels, jigs, and
jazz dancing, to the best jazz
classics; a burlesque frontier skir
mish, with a lusty tavern celebra
tion to usher in the cider and
corn pone refreshments. The
Strolling Singers, directed by
George Barron, will sing ballads i
and dance songs as they were :
sung in Virginia in Washington’s i
A group of University girls,
dressed as New Orleans creoles, '■
v will dance to “Golden Slippers,”—
* and wear them. i
The starchier Federalist note 1
will emerge in a reception on the 1
stage, held by George Washing- :
ton, impersonated by Marion Mc
Clain, manager of the Co-op store. ]
The Master of Ceremonies, David '•
E. Faville, dean of the business 1
administration school, will present «
the various famous Revolutionary 1
characters in turn, Hamilton, Jef- 1
ferson, Franklin, Madison, Jay, 1
Citizen Genet, von Steuben, La '
Fayette, Burr, and others. <
Orchestra to Play
Dance suites will be played by ]
a chamber music ensemble under
the direction of Rex Underwood,
of the school of music; Agnes
Petzold will sing English ballads,
accompanied on the harp by f
Doris Helen Patterson; and a (
Mozart Minuet will be played, (
sung, and danced.
Music by the University band 1
will include “Washingto n's '
^ (Continued on Page Three)
Musical Amateurs To Hold 1
Prize Contest at Colonial )
Of interest to campus musicians
is the amateur musicians’ contest
announced for next week at the
Colonial. The contest, which will
comprise a full week, starts Sun
day and will be open to all college
students who play any kind of a
musical instrument. $30 in cash
prizes, $15 for first, $10 for sec
ond and $5 for third place, will re
ward the musicians, with silver
loving cups and $50 in musical
and other merchandise to be dis- j
tributed among the winning con- 1
The winners will be selected by
three mediums, audience popular
ity counting one-third, the decis
ion of three competent musican
judges and the opinion of Rush
Hughes, master of ceremonies,
comprising the other two-thirds
• Campus musicians wishing to
enter need but to register, by
phone or in person, at the Colon
ial. j
Band Leader
John H. Stehn, who will direct
the University hand at the
Colonial Rout tonight and in con
cert at 3 o’clock Sunday in the
music auditorium.
Classes Monday
To Be Dismissed
During Assembly
All Students, Faculty Urged
To Attend Washington
All 10 and 11 o'clock classes
will be dismissed next Monday
morning to allow students and
faculty to attend the George
Washington bi-centennial assembly
which is to begin at 10:30.
This announcement was made
yesterday in a special faculty bul
letin, which also emphatically
urged that students and instruc
tors attend the gathering at Mc
Arthur court, honoring the 200th
birthday of Washington.
After a half-hour of music by
:he University concert band under
;he direction of John Stehn, Hugh
3. Rosson will represent the Uni
versity, host to the citizens and
:ivic organizations of Eugene, for
he joint convocation. Rosson will
ntroduce S. M. Calkins, city attor
ley, who in a few words will pre
;ent tsurt urown Barker, vice
jresident of the University.
After making inquiries and
studying the life of Washington,
/ice-president Barker intends to
ievelop his address with particu
ar emphasis on an analogy with
jroblems of life today, both for
;tudents and parents.
McArthur court is being put in
■eadiness with a platform for
:peakers and band, together with
oud speaking equipment. Skull
md Daggers, underclass men’s
lonorary, will act as ushers for
he large crowd of townspeople
hat are expected to attend, stated
Carlton E. Spencer, chairman of
he committee in charge.
5faff Addresses Rotary
Clubs in Southern Oregon
Roger Pfaff, representing the
peech division of the University
f Oregon, has gone to southern
)regon, where he will address the
totary clubs of Grants Pass, Med
ord, Ashland, and Klamath Falls
n Rotary relations in the Orient.
Pfaff’s knowledge of the sub
ect was gained when he went,
with Robert T. Miller and David
Vilson, on the Pacific Basin good
will debate tour in which eight
*acific countries were visited in
even months.
Oregana Is Edfct
more chance!
Any student who didn’t
sign for a 1932 Oregana last
term may do so any time be
fore next Thursday, the 25th,
by leaving his or her name
and $2.50 (check, currency, or
cash equally acceptable) at the
A. S. U. O. office, announced
Roger Bailey, business mana
ger, last night. The other S2.50
wi 1 be put on the spring term
This year’s Oregana is using
a “Nautical” theme. Decora
tions and the snapshot pages .
will help carry out the idea.
OneMore Chance
| Too Many High
Grades Given
For Fall Term
Surplus of A’s and B's
Due to New System
Boiler Knowledge of Grade
\ aloes To Bring About
Normal Conditions
Too many high grades were giv
en for fall term by practically all
faculty members in the University,
according to communications sent
by the registrar’s office to deans
and heads of departments. There
was a corresponding deficiency in
the number of D's and failures.
The surplus of A’s and B’s was
due primarily to the change in the
grading system instituted at the
beginning of this year and not to
any laxity on the part of the fac
ulty, it is believed. A correction
to normal conditions is expected
to take place this term, not
through any tightening of the
grading system but through a
better understanding of the grade
More A’s Given
The percentages o f grades
awarded throughout the University
last term are: A, 14.8; B, 29.6; C,
36.9 D, 14.7; F, 4.0. This is con
j siderably higher than the norma]
distribution though not much
above the usual distribution.
Normal distribution of grades
would call for 7 per cent A’s and
F’s, 24 per cent B’s and D’s and
38 per cent C’s. The usual distri
bution in practically all institu
tions in the country is slightly
higher than this.
Under this distribution the av
erage grade of the class of univer
(Continued on Page Four)
Gilbert Owner of i
Automobile After
Long Abstinence
After being a member of the I
University faculty for some 25
years without enjoying the doubt- !
Dean Gilbert
tui pleasure or
owning a “gas
buggy.” James
H. Gilbert, dean
of the college of
literature, sci
ence and the arts
and head of the
economics d e - :
partment, has :
finally acquired
an automobile for
the family use,
reports from au
thentic sources indicate.
It is reported that as yet none :
of the family has acquired suf
ficient skill in the art of mani- '
pulating the conveyance to enjoy
its pleasures to the fullest extent.
Mrs. Gilbert and the daughter 1
of the family. Madeleine, are,
nevertheless, said to be learning
rapidly and are expected to reach
a high degree of proficiency in the 1
near future.
The dean, however, refuses to
be initiated into the mysteries of 1
automobile driving, it is reported
by those close to him, asserting
that he “would be unable to mani
pulate the numerous controls.”
Hollis Named To Faculty
* Of Summer Law Session
Law Professor To Fill Vacancy
Left by Claire
Orlando J. Hollis, professor of
law, has been named to the fac
ulty of the University summer
school session in law, according to
an announcement from the law
school yesterday.
Professor Hollis is to take the
position previously announced as
being filled by Guy S. Claire, also
of the faculty, who will spend the
entire summer preparing a case
book in criminal law. The book is
the second by this Oregon faculty
member, the first now in the hands
of publishers.
The summer session in law
which is the first ever held here
gives promise of a satisfactory en
rollment, the school announced,
basing its forecast on the number
of inquiries received since the final
arrangements were authorized by
the administration several weeks
Roy Bryson Pleases in First
Recital in Two Year Period
Baritone Displays Ability
In Terms of Many
Moods, Tem pos
Abundant, well-modulated voice
power and the ability to sing deli ■
cate songs delicately and dramatic
songs dramatically were major
impressions carried away from the
music auditorium last evening by
the audience which heard Roy
Bryson's song recital.
Aided and abetted by Louis
Artau's capable accompaniment,
the baritone presented a varied
progratn that was well-chosen
and equally well sung. Outstand
ingly excellent were his interpre
tations of Schumann's “Two Gren
adiers ' and Fevrier's modern at-]
mospheric song, “L’lntruse.”
The singer carefully avoided the
temptation to which many artists!
fall in singing "The Two Grena-I
diets" too fast. He devoted him
self to bringing out the emotional
qualities of Heine’s verses anti
never got on the rhythm of the
ballad and rode. In “L'Intruse” he
brought out the moody expectancy
which the composer wrote into the
song in a thoroughly masterful
In the first number of the con
cert, Arne's “Water-Parted,” Bry
son showed what he could do with
pure, straight melody of wide
ranges. He followed with a
Handel arioso which was an excel
lent vehicle for his smoothly sus
tained tones and rich volume.
Wagner’s wistful "Traume,”
written for “Tristan and Isolde”;
Wolf's broodingly passionate "Ver
borgenheit" and Griffes’ “By a
Lonely Forest Pathway” were
given in the fullness of their lyric
beauty. They contrasted pleasing
ly with the spirited tempo of a
(Continued on Vage Two)
Dr. Mez Speaks
At Sixth Meeting
Of Series in Y Hut
Nationalism in Civilization
Discussed by Associate
Economics Professor
“Economic nationalism as shown
by the universal slogan, ‘Buy at
Home,’ draws on the resources of
a country, and the person who ad
vocates that policy cuts his own
throat,’’ said Dr. John R. Mez, as
sociate professor of economics and
political science, last night at the
Y hut when he spoke on “Nation
alism in the New Civilization ’’
“All countries try to export their
products and keep out imports,
which economically is all wrong,
since a country cannot continually
sell to other countries if it does
not buy from them.’’ A govern
ment which buys home products
merely because they are produced
at home increases the expense of
government, if the same products
:ould be bought more cheaply else
where. However, the administra
:ion would be regarded as unpa
:riotic' if it refused to use the do
mestic product.
Dr. Mez gave these illustrations
o show the effects of the strong
sense of nationalism that has
sprung up in all countries in recent
/ears. Nationalism is developed
’rom childhood in all nations by
songs, oaths to the flag, misinter
pretation of history, customs, and
various instincts—gregarious, ego-I
Jstic, self-preservation, and possi-1
ply submissiveness, he explained. |
“Excitement about lives of citi- j
sens lost in other countries is ab-1
surd,” Dr. Mez declared. Nations I
show little brotherliness, all the
smphasis ’ is on selfish interests.
‘Perhaps in the future we will give
more allegiance to the world and
lumanity as a whole, rather than i
:o particular groups of people re-1
siding within certain boundaries.” ]
The seventh meeting of the Y. M.
3. A. “New Civilization” series will
)e held next Thursday, when Dr.
<arl W. Onthank will talk on "The
■’amily and Morality.”
Charley Praises
Japan for Her
Sense of Humor
In Good Company
Far north in the Arctic
wastes a maddened trapper has
gone down to death in a last
But he is not alone in his fol
ly. Maddened nations the world
over are slow to learn that war
isn’t a paying proposition. Like
the trapper they are battling to
the death in a vain effort to
extend their power.
But I like to see a nation
with a sense of humor. Japan
“organized” a new Manchurian
Mongolihn state and called it
“Ankuo,” which freely translat
ed means “Land of Peace.”
And with true oriental dig
nity Japan refuses to be hur
ried. “We will not recognize
the new state until it has all *
the attributes of an independ
ent nation,” she says.
And a loud guffaw was heard
in the distance.
Planes of Future
May Speed 1000
Miles Per Hour
Aeronautioian of California
Speaks Here on Topic
Of New Aviation
That it is not impossible but
quite probable for airships to be
so developed as to attain a speed
of 1000 miles an hour is the belief
of J. O. Becker, as expressed in
his talk yesterday morning at Vil
lard hall. Becker represents the
Boeing Aeronautical school at' Oak
land, California.
At the present time an individ
ual may go from a San Francisco
hotel to Los Angeles in the aston
ishingly short time of 2 hours and
25 minutes, Becker pointed out.
The transcontinental trip from San
Francisco to New York takes ap
proximately 28 hours. However,
this trip will soon be reduced to
daylight time, Becker said, verify
ing his statement with the fact
that the Boeing manufacturers are
now working on a plane yvhich will
have a cruising speed of 200 miles
per hour.
To make possible the 1000 mile
per hour mark, aeronautical ex
perts arc now working on reducing
the take-off and landing speeds in
proportion with the flying speed.
The autogyro was mentioned as an
entry in the field with the capacity
of low take-off and landing speeds,
but it has at its present develop
ment failed to prove itself a very
great success.
Already the speed of 500 miles
an hour has been reached at the
(Continued on 1’afie Two)
Suggestions for Costume
To Wear at Rout Offered
Last minute hints for those “fin
ishing touches” to the costume be
fore the Colonial Rout tonight are
enumerated by Miss Maude Kerns,
assistant professor in normal art.
For the co-ed attending the ball,
she reveals the secret of the co
lonial coiffeur. The hair should be
worn in a high pompadour, puffed
in back, and a curl on the left side.
Corn starch or talcum powder
brushed into the hair gives the sil
ver-white effect of the 18th cen
tury lady’s hair dress.
The “pancake” hat ornamented
with bows or flowers was popular
with the Revolutionary day miss,
who tipped it provokingly over one
eye much in the styie of the latest
spring hats.
A velvet ribbon about the throat,
a black “patch" on the cheek, and
lace mitts complete a charming
Legality of Chain Stores
Taxes Up for Discussion
One of the important cases
which will be discussed and exam
ined by the students in trusts and
combinations under Dr. Calvin
Crumbaker of the economics de
partment, will be the case of the
state of Indiana concerning the
chain stores. The class is consider
ing the case now and report on it
will be made next Tuesday.
Recently the chain stores in In
diana brought suit against the
state to the U. S. supreme court
regarding the legality of taxing
the stores and the court upheld
the tax laws.
Campus To Be
Host of Oregon
Cities’ League
President Hall and Two
Professors To Speak
Five Hundred City Of f ieials
To Gather Here Next
The campus will play host to
five or six hundred city officials
of the state next week-end, when
the League of Oregon Cities is to
hold its convention in Gerlinger
hall. President Arnold Bennett
Hall and two professors will repre
sent the University on the speak
ing program.
“'Co-operation Between the Uni
versity and the League,” is Dr.
Hall's topic. Dr. Guy S. Claire, of
the law school, is to speak Fri
day afternoon on "Municipal
Franchises and Comparative Rev
enues Therefrom.” Dr. James D.
Barnett, professor of political sci
ence, will open the second day's
meeting with a talk on “Liability
of Cities.”
William M. Briggs, city attorney
of Ashland, is president of the
league. William J. Locks, secre
tary-manager of the League of
California Municipalities, will be
the out-of-state speaker. His
topic is "I-Iow the League Can
Help Your City."
President Briggs’ opening re
marks will be followed by a wel
come by Elisha Large, mayor of
Eugene, and aspects of city man
agement will be discussed by
many speakers.
Luncheons and the banquet for
the city officials will take place at
the men's dormitory.
BA School to Hold
For Spring Term
The school of business adminis
tration will hold a pre-registration
period for the spring term from
February 19 to 27. All business ad
ministration students will be given
an opportunity to avoid the rush
of spring term registration and
see their advisers during the next
ten days. The students who hold
their consultations now will mere
ly have to have their schedules
checked on the regular registra
tion day at the beginning of the
spring term.
Since there are 500 students ma
joring in business administration,
this system of pre-registration will
Lend to lessen the difficulties of
registration week and make con
sultations between advisers and
students more satisfactory.
Appointments for students will
be arranged in 205 Commerce.
La Corrida de Toda Will
Meet at Coburg Tuesday
Skit, Songs Will Furnish Variety
In Spanish Program
La Corrida de Todos, Spanish
club, will meet with the Spanish
classes of Coburg high school at
Coburg next Tuesday night at 8
o’clock, it was announced yester
day. .
“El Criado Astuto,” a skit pre
sented at a previous meeting of
the club, will be given. Members
of the cast are Bob Wilson, Doris
Stamps, and Drew Moshberger.
Other numbers on the program
will be two songs by Marie Sac
comanno, a talk on Pancho Villa
by Anita Knotts, and a talk on
Ceorge Washington, a hero of
Spanish America by Professor
Leavitt O. Wright.
Those who wish to attend may
call Bob Wilson at 2474-J after 6
p. m. to arrange for transporta
Campbell, Reedy To Speak
Before Country Churches
Wallace Campbell and Rolla
Reedy, University debaters, will
speak to the Methodist churches
of Westfir and Oakridge, near
Eugene, next Sunday morning.
The lecture at Oakridge, to take
place at 10 o'clock, will be on the
subject of “Christian Economics.”
That at Westfir, at noon, will be
on “The Economic Mourning
Bans 'Red’ Talk
I)r. Lyle M. Spencer, president
of the University of Washington,
whose action in forbidding “Red"
speeches on the Washington cam
pus, has been the cause of con
siderable comment at that insti
tution. The action came as a re
sult of a recent talk at the univer
sity by Sherwood Eddy, famous
traveler and author.
President’s Act
Arouses Feeling
On IJ. W. Campus
IJltiiiiuliim Regarding Retl
Speakers Deploretl by
Students, Faculty
SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 18.—
(Special) — The University of
yVashington is in the midst of a
heated discussion which has raged
for the past week following Presi
dent M. Lyle Spencer's ultimatum
that "no speaker will be allowed to
speak on the campus at an open
assembly if he intends to attack
the state or national government,
specific individuals, or the univer
sity itself.
"The university emphatically
does not want so-called ‘red’
speeches on the campus," the pres
ident daid.
Dr. Spencer’s action came as a
result of a recent lecture on the
campus by Sherwood Eddy, world
famous author and lecturer, in
which he challenged certain prac
tices of the national government
and criticized Samuel Insull, power
magnate, and Senator Hiram Bing
ham of Connecticut. Eddy at
tacked capitalism and praised
some features of the Russian com
munistic system, but did not advo
cate its adoption.
It was deplored by some that
Eddy exceeded the limits set down
for his talk which was on "The In
dustrial Situation in Russia,” but
they expressed the belief that it
was not more than “slightly pink.”
Student leaders indicated that
the talk was interesting but not
too radical for an intelligent audi
ence. They expressed themselves
as heartily opposed to curtailment
of freedom of speech on the cam
Morris To Speak Tuesday
Before Hardware Dealers
Professor Victor P. Morris of
the economics department will ad
dress the associated dealers of the
Marshall Wells Hardware com
pany of Portland, at their annual
meeting- which will be held there
this coming Tuesday, February 23.
Professor Morris will talk on
“Problems of the Present Business
The Marshall Wells Hardware
company is a gigantic hardware
concern, Professor Morris stated,
and it has a large number of deal
ers throughout the Pacific North
west who are associated with the
firm at Portland.
Tickets Available
For Tomorrow's
Game at Corvallis
^ LIMITED number of tickets
for the Oregon-Oregon State
basketball game at Corvallis to
morrow night are available at
the graduate manager’s office
here, Doe Kohnctt, assistant
graduate manager, announced
The tickets are for reserved
seats, and sell for 75 cents.
Ducklings Mix
With Rook Five
In Final Tilts
Yearlings Resume Feud
At McArthur Court
Frosli Are Favored To Win
Third Encounter With
Hoop Rivals
While Oregon and O. S. C. var
sity hoop squads are fighting it
out this week-end, the freshman
noopseers oi me
two schools will
\ tangle in their
» last encounters
of the season.
The Beaver year
lings will come to
Eugene tonight
where they meet
the frosh at the
^Igloo at 7:30. To
morrow,' after
Prink CaTlison noon at Corvallis
the freshman squads meet in the
final tilt of their annual four-game
The ducklings are favored in to
night’s scrap by virtue of their two
previous victories over the rooks
this season. The scores of the first
two encounters in the “little civil
war” favored the frosh 40-20,
Frosh Squad Strong
Callison has a strong squad to
face the invaders. With Campf
back in a forward position and
the rest of the regulars working
smoothly the frosh have put last
Saturday's defeat at the hands of
Medford high school out of their
Terjeson will undoubtedly start
as the other forward. “Terdy” is
big and fast and has been playing
heads-up basketball all season. Bob
Mgler will get the call at center.
In the guard berths will be Ro
land Rourke and Bill Berg. These
two have worked steadily most of
the season, and are a hard pair to
score on.
Chuck Clay, Arne Lindgren, J. B.
McClain, Lyle Reeder, Bud Thom
as, and Wilson Siegmund make up
a strong reserve list for the Ore
gon yearlings.
Hibbard Stars for Rooks
Led by Captain George Hibbard,
the rooks will make a determined
effort to wrest from the frosh the
glories gained in the firt two meet
ings. Th6 Oregon babes have
looked better than usual during
the past week’s practice sessions,
and will present a formidable
starting line-up to stop the Ore
gon team.
Hibbard, who has been the shin
ing star of the rooks’ attack all
season, will start at guard. The
frosh will not readily forget the
13 points he chalked up for his
team in the second game at Cor
(Continued on Page Two)
Assistantship Application
Sent in by French Student
The graduate department re
ceived a letter for a graduate as
slstantship from the Fondation des
Etats-Unis, University of Paris,
France. It is the only application
received from Europe so far this
year, according to Mrs. Clara L.
Fitch, secretary of the department.
The application wants to finish
his work for a Ph.D. in English
here. A graduate of Harvard and
Rutgers, he has spent the last nine
months studying at the British
museum in London and at the Sor
bonne in Paris. The Fondation des
Etats-Unis, Mrs. Fitch explained,
is the newly built dormitory for
American students at the Univer
sity of Paris.
Professors To Speak on
Washington Bi-Centennial
In connection with the bi-cen
tennial anniversary of Washing
ton’s birthday, three talks will be
given over KORE next week from
6:15 to 6:30. On Monday Dr. War
ren D. Smith, professor of geology
and geography will talk on Geog
raphy in Washington's Time.
Dr. Leavitt O. Wright, professor
of Romance languages will speak
Tuesday on Washington’s Influ
ence on Hispanic America. Major
F. A. Barker, professor of military
science and tactics, will talk on
Friday on Washington as a mili
tary leader.