'Colonial Rout’ Will Spotlight Songs, Dances Dixie To Furnish Selling , For Choral Numbers Coon Steppers, Lightfootetl . Chorus To Entertain With Specialties 'I^azy rhythm and some melodi- ] tms tunes of the southland will be blended into a song and dance set, Marian Camp “The Hi-Yeller Ke vue,” at the Colon ial Rout Friday night. Marian Camp, director of the fea ture, announces a cast of 14, who will portray a troup of mulatto performers. Louise Marvin and Marian Camp doing a coon shuf fle assisted by a men’s sextette and a girls' dancing chorus of six promise excellent en tertainment of the real Dixie-land variety. . Co-eds appearing in the chorus are: Georgia Miller, Gladys Foster, Myrtle McDaniels, Janet Thacher, Anita Knotts, and Lois Floyd. Men’s Chorus to Sing The men’s chorus, which will Stng a number of negro melodies, has not been chosen definitely as yet. David E. Faville, dean of the School of business administration, Will be the grand marshal for the 1c SALE -| c Lemon O I Pharmacy This Wwk and Next Week 50c Vanishing Cream . 2 for 51c 50c Cleansing Cream . 2 for 51c 50c Almond and Benzoid Lotion . 2 for 51c 50c Waving Fluid . 2 for 51c 50c Brilliantine. 2 for 51c 50c After-Shave Lotion . 2 for 51c 50c Shampoos .2 for 51c $1.00 Face Powders.2 for $1.01 25c Talcum Powders . 2 for 26c 25c Spearmint Tooth Paste . 2 for 26c 50c Shaving Cream 2 for 51c 50c Rouges . 2 for 51c 5c Candy Bars, five kinds . 2 for 6c 5c Mint Lozenges, ten kinds . 2 for 6c 50c Pound Paper 2 for 51c 50c Box Stationery 2 for 51c $1.00 Box Stationery . .. 2 for $1.01 10c Envelopes . 2 for 11c 25c Typewriter Paper . 2 for 26c 5c Pencils .2 for 6c 5c Ivory Soup . 2 for 6c 10c Shaving Soap . 2 for 11c 10c Camay Soap .. 2 for lie 5c Crystal White Soap . 2 for 6c 25c Pure Castile Soap .2 for 26c. 50c Blades for Gillettes . 2 for 51c 10c Waldorf Toilet Paper.2 for 11c 10c Powder Puffs. 2 for lie 10c Styptic Pencils 2 for He 35c Pocket Combs.. 2 for 36c $1.50 Hot Water Bottles . 2 for $1.51 50c Playing Cards.. 2 for 51c 10c Bobbie Pins . . 2 for 11c $1.00 Antiseptic.. 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Cod Liver Oil . 2 for $1.01 65c Milk of Magnesia . 2 for 66c 50c Mineral Oil .... 2 for 51c $1.00 Russian Mineral Oil . 2 for $1.01 20c Aspirin Tablets 2 for 21c 25c Epsom Salts ... 2 for 26c 25c Peroxide . 2 for 26c $2.50 Oregon Cigarette Cases 2 for $2.51 10c Iodent Tooth Paste.2 for 11c 50c Woodburys Creams .41c, ca. 50c Woodburys Creamsshrd $1.00 Oregon Watch Fobs . 2 for $1.01 35c Williams Shaving Cream 2 for 86c 50c Jergens Lotion . 41c ca. $1.00 Oregon Desk Calendars . 2 for $1.01 25c Aqua Velva . 2 for 26c $1.00 Oregon Belts or Buckles . 2 for $1.01 25c Mennen Mens Talc . 2 for 26c 50c Dr. West Tooth Brushes . 2 for 51c 50c Kleenex 2 for 61c $1.50 Oregon Book Ends . 2 for $1.51 45c Kotex . 2 for 61c $1.00 Oregon Pennants . 2 for $1.01 50c Hinkle Pills .... 2 for 5le $1.00 Oregon Pins or Charms .2 for $1.01 25c Conti Castile Soap .2 for 26c 50c Oregon Ash Trays. 2 for 51c 25c Packers Tar Soap .... 21c $2.00 Leather Note Books . 2 for $2.01 TUESDAY ONLY 50c Prophylactic Tooth Brushes . 2 for 51c 25c Listerine .2 for 26c Several Changes Made in Window Contest at Co-Op r|''HE time for the handing in of lists and names by per il ins who enter the Co-op ob s*\ rvatlon contest has been clii nged. Now lists are to lie ham led in any time from Wed nesday morning at 8 till Friday meriting at 10. KulVs of the contest have also been Revised due to the fact that tire time through a mis take wa.t announced incorrectly In Saturd ay’s Emerald, and also because i ^ore than ten mis takes have been found in the contest wii tdow. One person said he had rounted as many as 22. Rules at present are the first five peittons who hand in the greatest number of mis takes, at leat it ten in number, which are actually in the win dow will receive the five priz.es in the order of reception. affair celebrating the bi-centennial of the birth of George Washington. Announcement of his selection was made last night by the student faculty ball committee. Several facility members and students are to portray historic characters of the Revolutionary period. Among them will be the famed musicians of the “Spirit of ’76," the “Father of Our Country" himself, and Martha Washington. The identity of these individuals will be kept a secret until Friday night. Girls Will Serve Other committee selections are announced for refreshments and publicity. Tavern girls who will serve are: Helen Binford, Gladys Burns, Helen Burns, Lucille Otslfcnd,- Lu cille Thomas, Margaret Weed, Kathryn Marr, and Louise Merritt. Students handling publicity are: Jack Bellinger, chairman, Thelma Nelson, Sterling Green, and Bob Allen. On the ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Dance isks Recent Records Reviewed By I.ARRY FISCHER Tell-Tales. You’re Foolin’ Yourself. Gene Kardos anil his Orch. * » * Here are two numbers done by a good orchestra with arrange ments which are of the type to remind one of Jimmy Grier. The first is a very smooth, melodic number, with lots of opportunity for "dips” for those who like to do that. It’s in rather slow time, and relies on good sax and brass harmony for its atlractiveness. It’s a pretty tune. This side also sounds like Jimmy Grier a Harry Barris arrange ment, to be exact. It’s in the line of "hot" pieces as put across by a large orchestra, without the blare of a small band trying to be hot. Lots of clarinet, fiddle trio, and wavery sax, with a good blues singer, all combine with catchy rhythmic effects to make this a good dance tune. And, incidentally, if you read the Ladies’ Home Journal, and noticed the description of the new ball room dance called the "Collin stone,” you might go down to White-Marlatt’s and hear the tune you should use to dance it to. It's called the “Collinstone," too, and it’s a Victor record. Appreciation of Industry \\ ill Be Theme of Vespers Today at f> o’clock at the Y. W. C. A. there will be a half hour ves per service which will be led by Gwen Elsemore, chairman of the Industrial group. Appreciation for those persons .working in industry will be the theme of the service based on ma terials used by industrial girls in their own worship services. Norma Pickles will have charge | of the music. Clover Louise Lan don will play a violin solo selected, accompanied by Theresa Kelly. Mary Ella Hornun and Alma Herman are in charge of bungalow arrangements for the meeting. Elizabeth Scruggs, chairman of vespers, has announced that the services of the next few meetings will be built around the projects and interests now sponsored by the Y. VV. C. A. Classes in Music Will Hear Evans, Landsbiiry Talk Lecture on Organ Is Slated For This Morning At 9o’Clock More open meetings of the ex perimental classes in music are scheduled for this week, Dr. John J. Landsbury, dean of the school of music, announced yesterday. This morning at 9 o'clock in the Music auditorium, an illustrated lecture on "The Organ” will be given before the Lure of Music &class by John Stark Evans, And in the Appreciation class at 10 o’clock, Dean Landsbury will give "Peeps Into the Workshop of Music.” Thursday at 9 o’clock, George Hopkins, head of the department of piano, will repeat his lecture on the evolution of rhythm, illus trated with short numbers from classic, romantic, modern, and ultra - modern — jazz composers. Howard Halbert will assist in playing Hopkins’ composition, "Promenod,” for violin and piano. The enthusiastic reception of the first open meeting, held last Thurs day by the Appreciation class at 10 o'clock, and the request from many members of the 9 o’clock Lure class for a repetition of the “Rhythm” lecture by Hopkins, combined to convince Dean Lands bury that other open meetings would be welcomed by the cam pus. In line with a study of tone qualities by the Lure class will be the illustrated lecture which Evans will give today. The pipe organ is the only musical instrument cap able of extreme variety and range of tone qualities. Evans is head of the department of organ in the University school of music. Dean Landsbury’s lecture at 10 a. m. might, he said, bear the sec ondary title of “The Art of View ing a Procession.” The talk, he promised, will be filled with con crete references and factual ob servations on the making of music. Visitors are requested to sit in the rear half of the auditorium. Bennett Fails To Win Place In State Speaking Contest Speaking on Hie subject: "Gov ernment by the People Through American National Politics,” Ray kafky, of Willamette college, won first place in the state extempor aneous speaking contest held at Oregon State college Friday, Feb ruary 12. Second position was awarded to George Fletcher, repre senting Oregon State college. Lafky, seizing the opportune character of Lincoln, the rail splitter, showed the power and pos sibilities of every American under the present system of American politics. George W. Bennett, the Univer sity of Oregon's representative at the meet, failed to place. He spoke on the 1932 issues in American na tional politics. Four Interesting Rooks Received at Co-op Store] The University Co-operative stor j The University co-operative store yesterday received four books, three of which will be placed among the High Hat circulating library books, and one of which is to be placed on sale. The circulating books are: “The Complete Short Stories of Saki” (whose real name is Hector Mun ro); “Murder in the House of Commons,” by Mary Agnes Ham ilton, and “Death Answers the Bell," by Valentine Williams. The other book is “The Strange Ca reer of Mr. Hoover, Under Two Flags" by John Hamill. Alpha Chi Omega Has Mysterious Furnace Tender i rpHE darkness of 5:30 a. m. ! Sound sleup on the Alpha Chi Omega sleeping porch. Doors slamming in the house. Steps that sounded like the stalking of Frankenstein. A girl awakens and hearkens to the slamming and staJking. The girls arise, organize Into a posse, (iet golf clubs, tennis rackets, and other implements of warfare, and search rooms, halls, attic. The prowler must he supernatural. He has disap peared. No clues. Three hold members stand quaking on guard. A blonde, a brunette and an otherwise. The rest retire to resume their slumbers. i Hark! the noise again and from the basement. Down, down the stairs, the three bold mem bers go. Surprise, and relief. ’Tis but the curly-headed furnace boy chopping wood, but neither the blonde, the brunette nor the otherwise can explain why, for they have a sawdust burning Seven Library Courses Offered Here This June Summer Classes Designed To Aid Teachers In Work Seven courses in library meth ods will be given at the University of Oregon summer session to be held on this campus from June 20 to July 29, 1932. These courses are given in response to requests from former summer session library students who desire to secure a certificate in school library work. These courses are designed, ac cording to a recent pamphlet on Summer Courses for Library Workers, to be of benefit to school librarians, teachers and school ad ministrators who wish to know something of the care of school i libraries, library workers whose fi nancial resources do not enable them to take the regular library school training, part time student library assistants who wish to in crease their usefulness, and stu dents who wish to have an intro duction to the field of librarian ship. There will be two visiting pro fessors this year who will teach courses in the library school. Miss Marion Horton, formerly princi pal of the Library School of Los Angeles Public library and later connected with the Columbia uni versity school of library service, will give two high school library courses. Miss Jessie G. Van Cleve, specialist in children’s literature, on the headquarters staff of the American Library association at Chicago, will give two courses in her field. Both Miss Horton and j Miss Van Cleve have also taught summer sessions courses at Johns Hopkins university. The other members of the facul ty are Mrs. Mabel E. McClain, cir culation librarian of the Univer sity of Oregon, who will give a course in book selection; Miss E. Lenore Casford, periodical librar ian of the University of Oregon, and Miss Hose Robinson of the cataloging department of this university. ' Courses to be taught are; book selection and evaluation, elemen tary reference work, books for high school libraries, school library administration, cataloging, chil dren's literature, and library work with children. Slabwood Is a Varsatile Fuel It doesn’t make any difference how you burn slab wood, it will make a good fire. It burns with a live eraekle and cheerful flame in the fireplace ami is the economical solution for the furnace problem. Its CLEAN, its EASY to handle, and its CHEAP. [BOOTH KELLY I LUMBER CO. 507 WILLAMETTE PHONE 452 i TALKIE TOPICS ► Heilig — “Taxi,” starring James Cagney and Loretta Young. Showing for the last time today. Colonial — “Ten Cents a Dance,” with Barbara Stanwyck. Show ing today only. Rex—“Common Law,” and “Twen ty-Four Hours,” with Clive Brook. Showing today and Wed nesday. McDonald — “Tomorrow and To morrow,” featuring Ruth Chat terton. Showing for the last time today. By ROY SHELBY McDonald Ruth Chatterton appears once more in a play concerning mother love, and with some excellent help from Paul Lukas and Robert Ames turns "Tomorrow and Tomorrow” into an excellent picture. Depen dable Ruth Chatterton! She has never made a bad picture, and with her ability to act, it is doubtful if she ever will. This is a very frank story con cerning a woman whose sole de sire is to become a mother. Mar ried to a wealthy man (Robert Ames) who loves but two things, horses and corn soup, the wife leads a lonely life in their country villa. One summer a handsome young doctor of psychology (Paul Lukas) comes to the local univer sity for a lecture series. Needless to say, the wife and the doctor fall in love with each other, though the latter returns to Europe alone at the end of the summer. The wife becomes a mother although her husband is not aware of its true parentage, and from this sit uation the play comes to an intel ligent denouement. If you enjoy Ruth Chatterton and like serious drama well-acted, “Tomorrow and Tomorrow” will please you. And of course every girl is ca-razy about Paul Lukas. Only criticism: some of Miss Chat terton’s lines were a bit too Shake spearean for a modern picture. “No One Man” is coming to the McDonald tomorrow for two days with Carole Lombard in the star ring role. Others in the cast are: Ricardo Cortez, Paul Lukas, Ju liette Compton, and George Ber bier. * * * Dime Nite at Colonial A whirl of dancing, joy crazed, music loving girls taking their pleasure where they find it—in dance halls where partners may choose them for the exchange of a pasteboard ticket, worth the staggering sum of ten cents—that is the setting of “Ten Cents a Dance,” featuring the charming Barbara Stanwyck at the Colonial. The story presents the problem of a modern girl who has to decide between her husband and the man who saved him from jail. This pic ture, which was based on the pop ular song “Ten Cents a Dance,” is showing tonight only. The Soviet Russian picture, “The Five Year Plan,” is coming tomor row' for two days. * * * Double Bill at Rex “Common Law,” featuring Con stance Bennett and “Twenty-Four Hours,” with Clive Brook are both showing at the Rex today and to morrow. SMITH SPEAKS Prof. S. Stephenson Smith of the English department of the Uni versity, spoke at a meeting of the Social Science club last night at 6:15 o'clock at the Faculty club on Emerald street. Professor Smith's topic w'as “The Present Limits of the Quantitative Meth od; or Quale versus Quantum.” LEARN TO DANCE! NEW BEGINNER’S CLASS STARTS THURSDAY— 8:30 P.M. 9 Lessons for $6.50; Co-eds $4.50 Yon Learn All the Newest Collegiate Dance Steps MERRICK STUDIOS 861 Willamette Phone 30S1 Carole Lombard who is starring in “No One Man,” which comes to the McDonald tomorrow for two days. Medford Downs Yearling Team By 22-13 Count The undefeated march of the Oregon freshman basketball team was stopped short last Saturday by the strong Medford high five. The southern regon prep outfit played superior ball to pile the yearlings under a 22 to 13 score after losing Friday's game 26 to 19. Both games were played at Medford. The Ducklings just couldn’t seem to find the basket and shot after shot went wild. The Tigers played a fast game, and kept the Eugene team on its toes to keep the score as small as it was. The frosh have one more week of practice remaining. Next Fri day and Saturday they meet the O. S. C. rooks in the final games of the season. Friday night's game will be played at Eugene while the last tilt will be held at Corvallis. ALPHA TAU DELTA TO MEET The Valentine motif will be pre sented tonight at 8 o’clock before members of Alpha Tan Delta, na tional nursing honorary, at their Social Fireside hour at Westmin ster house. Just what the Valentine motif may be is a secret not to be told anyone who does not attend the meeting, according to Helen Roth enberger, president. A KEYS When you need Keys - dup licates or new ones See Us. We do all kinds of Key and Loci: Work. Phone 157 Hendershott’s 770 Willamette Raymond Culver Here To Confer With Y Officials Northwest Field Secretary Of YMCA Will Meet Church Heads Dr. Raymond B. Culver, secre- j tary of the northwest field coun- I cil of the Y. M. C. A., arrived on j the campus yesterday noon to con fer with officials of the University Y. M. C. A. and Eugene churches. The advisory board of the Y. M. C. A. meet this noon at luncheon in the Green Lantern to hear Dr. Culver. A supper meeting with the Y cabinet at the Y hut has also been scheduled. Dr. Culver conferred with Dean Onthank, R. B. Porter, secretary of the campus Y, Rolla Reedy, president, and Dr. Bossing, chair man of the advisory board yester day afternoon and evening. It was tentatively decided that Mr. Por ter would carry on the work of housing and employment for the remainder of the year. Dr. Culver also expects to meet heads of the Eugene churches and several students in regard to the Seabeck conference, June 11-18, New Radio Voices To Be Discovered In Tryouts at 1:00 TJADIO play voices wanted!!! Tryouts for Emerald of the Air plays will again be held at f o'clock Wednesday in room 1 of Johnson hall. Male voices are wanted in • particular. However, everyone who tries out has a chance for a part in one of the plays. which is held each year by the field council with the cooperation of the churches. Dr. Culver recently returned from Buffalo, New York, where he attended The Student Volunteer convention for foreign missions and a meeting of the staff of the student division of the national council of the Y. M. C. A. He also met with a group of Y. M. C. A. executives to schedule district summer conferences. Dr. Culver is the author of “Hor ace Mann and Religion in the Mas sachusetts Public Schools,” recent ly printed by the Yale University Press. A Perfect Figure ~~ oJ/ofctl/t'f/ 6g_ MAIDEN FORM In this day of sheer textured frocks and fitted lines, even the most per fectly proportioned of us must be properly " foundationed ' ...and the most alert young moderns are finding in a Maiden Form uplift and girdle all they could desire in foun dations. With Maiden Form's skilful moulding, even the mostcasual little campus frock becomes a model of smart trimness..and sleekly mould ed formal gowns becomes studies in rhythmic line. Your favorite college shop will be glad to show you Maiden for** uplifts, girdles and garter belts. MAIDEN FORM BRASSIERE CO. INC. Dept. C 245 Fifth Avenue New York, N. Y. AT DEALERS EVERYWHERE "There is a Maiden Form Foundation for every type of figure' Slim figures favor the tailored "Maidenetfe" shown above, to accent the sculptured round ness of the bust. The % Maiden Form sfepin of fashioned elastic slen- r derizes the figure for • the si im-beiow-the wcist frocks. The "Maiden Form * Double Support", a full figure uplift with Inside pocket and diaphragm band; brocaded batisi® < semi-stepin. "Gree-shen'' whose cross-ribbon design defflydefines thebust for average figures/ charming boneless junior girdle. • CIR.OLtS-CAR.TEH. BELTS Accept No Substitute... Insist on the Genuine MAIDEN FORM Label DEPTH SOUNDERS FOR AIRCRAFT WITH the application of electricity to aircraft instruments, another chapter was written in the annals of air transportation. To-day’s ship is not only swifter but safer and more dependable. Modern depth-sounding devices indicate instantly the height of the ship above the ground surface. A unique feature of General Electric’s recently purchased monoplane is the almost completely electrified instrument panel. The most recently developed instrument is the sonic altimeter, which provides a quick means of indicating changes in height above ground. Sound from an intermittently operated air whistle is directed down ward. The echo is picked up in a receiving megaphone, and the sound is heard through a stethoscope. The elapsed time between the sound and the echo determines the height. Tests show that water, build ings, woods, etc., produce echoes that are different and characteristic. Besides developing a complete system of aircraft in struments, college-trained General Electric engineers have pioneered in every electrical field—