Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 20, 1932, Page 3, Image 3

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    Phi Dells and
Yeomen Win
Handball Tilts
Sigma Nu Goes Down
In Defeat
Zeta Hall Handballists Are
Buried Under Attack
Of Independents
4 P. M.
Friendly hall vs. Phi Sig
5 P. M.
SPT vs. Alpha Upsilon
The Phi Delts and the Yeomen
tasted victory in the intramural
handball tournament yesterday.
The Phi Delt squad beat Sigma Nu,
two matches to one. The Yeomen
handballers took two matches from
the Zeta hall aggregation.
In the Phi Delt-Sigma Nu
matches, Fred Deuel of Sigma Nu
won the only contest for the losers
when he beat Cliff Horner, 21-14,
21-10. Kermit Stevens of the Phi
Delts took two close sets from
Francis Cheney, 21-19, 21-19. In
the tandem match A1 Edwards and
Ferd Fletcher, Phi Delt warriors,
over came George Godfrey and A1
McKelligon by a score of 21-16,
16-21, 21-17.
In the Yeomen-Zeta hall contests
Sol Schneider, Yeomen expert,
beat Ed Andren in a nonchalant
manner by a tally of 21-3, 21-6.
The Yeomen doubles team, A1
Schneider and Paul Hughes, blew
Bob McCormick and John King off
the court with a terrific bombard
ment of sh'ots to win by the over
whelming count of 21-0, 21-0. An
other match was discontinued after
the first set when the results, of
the others were known.
University Higb School
Loses to Corvallis, 42-28
CORVALLIS, Jan. 19—(Special)
—The Corvallis high hoop squad
defeated University high of Eu
gene, 42-28, here tonight.
The winners took the lead soon
after the game started and kept
it throughout. The score at the
half was 25-13. University high
was handicapped by a small court.
Corvallis junior high defeated
Roosevelt junior high of Eugene,
16-13, in a preliminary contest.
Phi Sigma Kappa announces the
pledging of Harry Smith of Eu
gene, Oregon.
Sweethearts of
“Bad Girl”
1 earn I
A rollicking story
of a couple of
hoofers who
danced with their
Elliott Nugent
Betty L'ompson
Virtuous Husbands’
Lionel Barrymore
Madge Evans
‘Guilty Hands’
Placement Exams
For New Students
Scheduled Today
'J’HE placement examination
for students entering' the
University the winter quarter
will be administered today, Jan
uary 20, at 4 p. m., room 101,
Condon hall. Registration of
students scheduled for the ex
amination hut failing to take it,
will be automatically cancelled
| by the registrar's office.
Students who have previously
taken the placement test but
wish to repeat it may make ar
rangements to do so today by
calling the personnel research
bureau, local 311.
(Continued from Page One)
the Oregon players. Roberts, cen
ter, was consistently outjumped by
Grenier and played mediocre ball
until the final part of the contest.
Even Calkins couldn’t hit the bas
ket on his foul shots. Calkins and
Levoff fought hard and were Ore
gon’s only ball-hawks.
Lacey, Idaho guard, was out
standing for the winners. Herman,
forward, scored 10 points to take
high point honors. Little Pete
Wicks’ spectacular playing seemed
to put fire into the Vandal team.
During the final minutes of the
game Idaho stalled so much that
Oregon was forced to foul to get
the ball away.
The summary:
Oregon (19) FG FT PF
Levoff, *f . 0 3 3
Robertson, f . 2 12
Roberts, c .. 3 0 0
Potter, g . 10 0
Calkins, g . 0 3 0
Olinger, g . 0 0 0
Rubenstein, f . 0 0 0
Totals . 6 7 5
Idaho (39) FG
Herman, f. 5
Barrett, f . 4
Grenier, c . 2
Wicks, g . 3
Lacey, g . 2
Hale, f . 0
Auckett, g . 1
Garaghty, g . 1
0 1
0 3
0 4
1 5
2 1
0 1
0 0
0 0
Totals . 18 3 13
Referee: Emil Piluso, Portland.
Umpire: Howard Maple, Salem.
Pi Sigma Meeting Will Be
Held at Gerlinger Tonight
Roman oratory will be the topic
for discussion tonight at the meet
ing of Pi Sigma, Latin honorary.
Walter Hempstead, instructor in
public speaking, is to be the guest
All members are asked to be
present by 8 o'clock in the wom
en’s lounge of Gerlinger.
Grid Enthusiasts
Given Chance To
See Football Epic
Athletic Heads Are Invited
To Attend Colonial
Considerable interest was
aroused on the campus yesterday
by the announcement that action
pictures of the Notre Dame-South
ern California football classic
would be shown at the Colonial
theatre, starting Thursday. The
feature will come here direct from
Portland, where it played to ca
pacity houses every day.
In addition to the football team,
the complete athletic staff of the
University has been invited to see
the gridiron epic as the guests of
the management. This includes
Professor H. C. Howe, faculty rep
resentative in the Pacific coast
conference; Hugh E. Rosson, grad
uate manager; Ronald H. Robnett
and Tom Stoddard, assistant grad
uate managers, and Samuel H.
Wilderman, director of athletic
Those who saw the show in Port
land report that the intensity of
the action aroused even the blase
theatre audiences to cheers. Be
cause the Trojans, as representa
tives of the far west, conquered,
the feature has proved unusually
popular on the Pacific coast. If
its success continues, it may be fol
lowed by a similar full-length fea
ture on the Southern California
Tulane battle in the Rose Bowl,
from which the warriors of Troy
emerged victorious, 21 to 12.
Plans Under Way Here
For Forming Chess Club
All those interested in forming
a chess club are urged to attend a
meeting at the Y hut at 7:30 this
evening, called for the purpose of
organizing such a club, it was an
nounced yesterday by Addison
Smith, who is promoting the idea.
It is expected to arrange radio
and telegraph matches in the fu
ture with teams from other uni
versities, Smith said.
All those who are interested but
who will be unable to attend the
meeting are asked to call Smith
at the Co-op.
Depression Party Planned
For Wesley Foundation
A Depression party is being
planned for the Wesley foundation
members and their friends for Fri
day evening at 8:30, it was an
nounced by Thelma Shuey, social
chairman of the club.
Entertainment during the eve
ning will depict the conditions of
the present depression era ac
cording to the chairman. Donald
Carruths is assisting with the ar
rangements for the party.
It’s stories like hers
that make girls put
locks on diaries! . . .
The dangerous age of
a girl who was old
enough to know her
own mind . . . but not
wise enough to know
the way of the world!
She crashed Stardom in a
year! And now she comes
in just the picture that
allows her budding beauty
to burst into full bloom!
I First smash hit of 1932!
Confident Law
Studes Challenge
School Members
rj''HIlO\Y in your gauntlet, “ye
law studes, and shine forthe
in ye gentle arte of handeball
With due assumption, due
process and “fortnalle chal
lenge" by posted notice Hobi
Wilsonne, VVallie Laurence, Arte
Ireland and All Schneider yes
terday claimed “provenne sup
premecie at handeballc through
out ye entire lawe schoolle.”
Senior President Wilson dis
claims withdrawing the chal
lenge but it was torn from the
board during the course of the
Rumor among the lawyers:
“Bold menne feare losing ye
crowne; withdrawe ye gaunt
lettes immediatclyc.”
Pendell Presents
First Lecture of
Series for Term
Economist Stresses Broad
Study of Business
In Free Address
A business study must be as
broad as business, not clipped off
where industry ends, is the thread
at the bottom of “Institutional
ism, a New Economics,” as pre
sented by Elmer Pendell, associate
professor of economics, in a lecture
last night.
This economic topic was the first
of a series of lectures sponsored by
the committee on Free Intellectual
Activities; five others are to fol
low this term.
Where the industrial phase of
economics ends, there is another
phase that also must be consid
ered, in the minds of the new insti
tutionalists. “Conflict of Interests”
is the new phase, according to Pen
Marginal relationships and theo
ries, the unifying element of classi
cal and neo-classical economics, do
not satisfy explanations for va
riances, due to human and wel
fare pressure, he explained.
Gain without service rendered,
and the loss to others in problems
such as child labor and timber con
servation are “conflicts of inter
ests” unaccounted for in the old
economics, the new institutional
ists maintain.
The overlapping of social scienc
es in the study of economic forces
“creates a single problem demand
ing the consideration of all,” Pen
dell stated. “There is a goal of the
rational directing of these other
wise blind sociological forces in
this new economics, in a welfare
An open forum concluded the
lecture last night.
Westminster Discussion
Includes Buddhism Talk
The second of the Westminster
term series of discussions, “Early
Rivals of Christianity,” will be
given tonight at 9 o’clock by Car
roll A. Pawson. The subject will
be “Buddhism.”
The W’estminster association ex
tends an invitation to other men
who are interested in such topics
to attend the discussion this eve
Continuous 2 to 6 I*. M.
Popular Demand Return of
and Lecture
Positively Last Chance!
Thrills Galore!
Dual Meet With
Salem High Swim
Squad Announced
Freshman Natators To Vie
On February 6 in Newly
Slated Contest
Addition of another dual meet
j to the schedule of the freshman
swimming team was announced by
Jack Hewitt, coach of the natators,
the newly slated contest making a
h total of three for the Duckling
! aquatic team.
This competition will feature the
I Salem high school swimming ag
; gregation and will be held Satur
day, February 6, at the women’s
pool at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
Immediately after the meet is over,
the teams will do battle in a water
polo game in the men’s pool.
Hewitt anticipates a defeat in
this meet because the Salem team
is considered as being especially
strong. It trounced the Eugene
high mermen badly last week.
The mentor is beset with a mul
titude of woes in the form of va
rious ailments of the members of
the yearling squad. Willie Paul,
Jack Mulder, Warren Gill, and
Jean Privat, on whom Hewitt was
depending to capture a lion's share
of the counters in the various
meets, are all down with various
and sundry illnesses and will prob
ably not be able to compete in the
Salem high meet.
The swimming coach is trying
to line up other meets for his var
i sity and freshman squads. They
| both will vie with the Beavers on
j a home-and-home basis, tangling
with the Orangemen on February
13 at Corvallis and on February
27 here.
Elephants Once Roamed
Near City, Says Hodge
Valley Had Much More Snow in
Ages Past, Geologist Says
“Not many thousand years ago
shaggy haired elephants wandered
in the snow in the vicinity of Eu
gene,” says Dr. Edwin T. Hodge,
professor of economic geology. The
geologist informs us that this is
known to be true because the teeth
and bones which have been picked
, up in the Willamette valley in the
past. “Only the other day some
one brought in a tooth found just
a few miles south of Eugene,” he
According to Dr. Bodge, these
elephants had long shaggy hair.
This was probably worn to keep
off the rain and snow instead of
for warmth. At, that time there
was three or four times as much
snow as at the present time, be
lieves Dr. Hodge. However, at the
same time with all the increased
amount of snow the average tem
perature was warmer than it is
now. This, he explained, is due to
the fact that every time the vapor
in the air changes to snow crys
tals the vapor gives up heat.
Hence, with quintrillions of crys
tals being formed, the amount of
heat given off was quite great and
the temperature was warmer af
ter it had begun to snow than be
Visiting Official To Speak
Before YW Cabinet Today
Tonight Marcia Seeber, visiting
Y. W. C. A. secretary, will be the
guest of the Y. W. C. A. cabinet
at a meeting at 7:30 in the bunga
Miss Seeber will open the dis
cussion with a description of- what
i happens when one is actually in
; the Y. W. C. A., locally, national
ly, and internationally.
There will also be a continua
tion of the interpretation of the
■ purpose of this organization from
an entirely different viewpoint, as
well as discussion of the possibil
ity of a national secretary coming
to this campus.
Every cabinet member is ex
pected to be present.
Professor Julian S. Huxley, Brit
ish scientist, fears that birth con
trol, carried to the ultimate de
gree, will depopulate the world.
He sees a need for control of the
numbers of human beings in both
directions, not only in the direc
tion of too many.
“Scientific Research in the Uni
versity Laboratories” will be the
subject which Jim Brooke will dis
cuss when he speaks during today's
Emerald of the Air period over
station KORE at 4:15. Research
on the University campus has for
many years brought to Oregon na
tional and world recognition, this
work being continued under nu
merous grants and also as inde
pendent projects. Brooke will dis
cuss in non-technical language this
phase of work.
A radio play, directed by Cleta
McKennon, will be put on the air
during Thursday's Emerald of the
Air; and the Oregon Yeomen dou
ble quartet will sing Friday.
Phi Delt Tea Hounds Haiti
Infirmary Drawing Room [
One infirmary-detained student ■
will vouch for the place as suit
able for social activities, after
pressing the infirmary drawing
room into service for the serving
of tea to the Phi Delt house. This
announcement, however, is not a !
plea for additional patronage, as !
the infirmary is already nearing i
capacity. j
There were nine students con-1
fined Tuesday, and two students, !
Lionel Lane and Sam Banning, j
were allowed to leave. The pres
ent group is composed of: Louise
Webber, Ruth Smith, Jack Mulder,
Bob Stevens, Vincent Russell,
Courtney Laselle, Paul Sullivan,
Lowell Mobley, and Donald Moore, i
Adult education movement in
New York City is now rounding)
out its 100th year.
Girls vote for
(for men!)
ASK any girl you know to name her
1 V favorite smoke—for men! Ten to
one she’ll say a pipe!
She’s discovered—trust her bright
little eyes—that it’s the BIG men, on
the campus and off, who welcome the
mental stimulation
and relaxation they
get from this real
man’s smoke.
And if she’s very
wise in the ways of
smokers, she’ll go
one better than
that. She’ll tell you
the men who know,
smoke Edgeworth!
No two ways
She likes a pipe—
for you !
about it, you do get a doubly satisfy
ing smoke when you fill up your pipe
with this famous old blend. It’s a happy
combination of choice hurleys — cut
A real man’s smoke
long to give you
a cool, slow
burning smoke.
And its mellow
flavor and rich
aroma have made
Edgeworth the
favorite pipe
tobacco on 42
out of 50 cam
Help yourself
to a pipeful next time someone pulls
Edgeworth out of his pocket. Pick up
the familiar blue tin yourself at any
good tobacco stand. Or for a special
free samplp packet write to Larus & tiro.
Co., 105 S. 22d St., Richmond, Va.
Edgeworth is a blend of fine old hurleys,
with its natural savor enhanced by Edge
worth’s distinctive _
enth process. Buy
and exclusive elev
Edgeworth any
where in two forms
—Edgeworr h Ready
Rubbed and Edge
worth PlugSlice. All
sizes, 15^ pocket
package to $1.50
pound humidor tin.
3-Piece Smoking Set
Regular $1.6!) Value
! $1.29
'irrB'AND • ALDER >
New Head Chosen
For Student Club
At Weekly Meet
Former Grid Star Named
Proxy of Cosmopolitan
Group Monday
Bobby Robinson, former varsity
football and track star, was elect
ed president of Cosmopolitan club
last night to take the place of
Eleanor Jane Ballantyne, who did
not return to school this term.
Robinson formerly held the office
of vice-president.
A member or the club is to be
chosen in the near future by the
executive council to fill the new
In addition to the business meet
ing there was a program of music
featuring Hawaiian, Italian, and
American songs.
Nella Roster, foreign scholar
from Italy, taught the members a
song from her native land, and
Lucille Cummings sang several se
lections in Italian.
For the Hawaiian songs Dick
Funai played the accompaniment
on his ukelele.
Ruth Griffin was in charge of
the program. The next meeting is
scheduled for Thursday, January
28, when Prof. Victor P. Morris,
instructor in economics, will speak
to the members.
Last Week
Of Our Big
Clearance Sale
Breakfast these days means
toasted Williams Bread
and coffee.
Do you know that 36 out of 38
houses on the campus serve Wil
liams Milk Maid Bread? 'S’ fact!
Reason' why ? Cooks and house
managers know that Williams
Bread makes keen toast. They
know it has plenty of nutrition per
square inch. And they know that
the college man and woman has
not yet been found who tires of
that Williams Bread flavor.
ForYour Winter
Term Dance
We liitve a complete assortment of flood lights and spot
lights to rent, and the price is especially low. Also our
electrical equipment will fill your every need. May we
not he of service to you?
Bailey Electric Co.
640 Willamette Phone 234
35c Plate Dinner
will be served.