Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 16, 1932, Image 1

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    NUMBER 55
ASUO Officers
To Be Checked
For Eligibility
No Unregistered Person
May Hold Position
All Possibility of Repealing
Last Terms Episode
To Be Halted
A central office to check on the
eligibility of ail students appointed
to A. S. U. O. positions and certify
Irma Logan
; their registration
in the University,
will be set up im
mediately, Brian
Mimnaugh, presi
Ident of the asso
ciated students,
said yesterday.
| The plan has
I been devised to
keep non-Univer
s i t y - registered
men and women
from holding
campus appointive ornces.
Irma Logan in Charge
Irma Logan, secretary of the
student body, will be in charge of
the checking work, Mimnaugh
said. All appointments made by
any elected officer of the A. S. U.
O., publications officials, or sports
managerial heads must first be
handed to Miss Logan for verifica
tion. When checked for eligibility
they will be approved for announce
ment to the campus, according to
Formation of the checking of
fice resulted from an expose in the
Emerald last term of the Mathews
case, in which a student not regis
tered in school held three campus
appointive offices. Following the
first disclosure, other cases came
to light and Mimnaugh moved to
prevent a possible recurrence of
the situation.
KechecUing Promised
Appointive positions that con
tinue from one term to another are
to be rechecked at the first of ev
ery new term, it is announced.
“In establishing this checking
system,’’ Mimnaugh said last night,
“we will be absolutely sure that
every student receiving any sort
of committee or staff appointment
on the campus is eligible to hold
the position. It is a good move.”
Tea To Be Given by YWCA
Advisory Board Monday
The Y. W. C. A. advisory board
in connection with the associate
and honorary members will give a
tea Monday from 2:30 to 4 o’clock
at the Y. W. C. A. bungalow, ac
cording to Mrs. John Maxwell
Adams, president.
Marcia Seeber, visiting national
Y. W. C. A. secretary, will speak
on the place of advisory boards in
student organizations, and the part
of the national association in the
local set-up.
John Stehn, who will direct the
hand in tomorrow’s concert. This
I will be the band’s first appearance
this term.
John Stark Evans
Will Play French
Themes Sunday
Organ Recital Sunday Also
To Depict Impression
Of America
French compositions will pre
dominate in John Stark Evans’
twilight organ recital Sunday,
which will begin at the usual hour,
5, and will last about forty min
Although “Adagio and Allegro—
op. 95” from the “New World”
Symphony is written by Anton
Dvorak, and is reminiscent of the
composer's visit to America, the
three remaining numbers are de
cidedly French in nature, being
written by outstanding organists
and composers.
Charles M. Widor, contemporary
musician of Paris, wrote “Andante
Cantabile—op. 13,” and “Gavotte”
from the charming “Mignon” is
composed by Thomas.
The last number, “Chorale—
A-minor,” by Cesar Franck, great
French organist, is famous for its
elaborate development of a simple
chorale theme.
Underground Study Will
Be Feature of Field Trip
Professor Warren D. Smith’s
class in physiography will make a
field trip today to one of Oregon’s
cement companies at Roseburg.
The class expects to find some
very interesting structural and
stratagraphic problems at the
mines which will tie-up with their
present class work. The class will
be taken under ground where they
will climb several hundred feet in
to the stopes in making their stud
ies of the various structures.
"Mighty Oregon" Composer
First U of O Band Director
It was back in 1921 that Albert
Perfect, composer of Oregon’s tra
ditional school song “Mighty Ore
gon,” came to the University as
a faculty member for a period of
three years. To him might be
given the title of "father” of the
University band, which today has
become one of the best organiza
tions of its kind in the Northwest.
At this early period, however,
the band lineup consisted of a very
few students and was merely a
pep band. Mr. Perfect, who is
now teaching privately in a junior
college out of Los Angeles, in
stilled a spirit in the band which
today still lives—the spirit which
gives that atmosphere to football
and basketball games.
Andrew “Landles was the next
director. To him is given the
credit of starting concert work in
the band. The concerts consisted,
however, or only one appearance
during the year at a student as
sembly. Landles, who is teaching
privately around Eugene, was di
rector for two years.
A former Portland Symphony
player, Walter Farris, then took
over the directorship in 1927. It
was during Farris' three-year pe-|
1 riod that the band started attend
ing the Oregon-Oregon State foot
ball game at Corvallis and the
games in Portland. Farris was a
military man and is now with the
Hill Military academy as director
of the band.
It was three years ago that John
Stehn, graduate of Grinnel college
in Iowa, with an M.A. from the
University of Iowa, came to the
University from the University of
Oklahoma, where he was teaching
mathematics. In his college days
Stehn played oboe and clarinet in
the band and orchestras of the
two institutions he attended. He
also played in the Oklahoma Sym
phony. At present he plays first
French horn in the University or
Much credit is due Stehn for the
development of the band since he
enrolled with the University fac
ulty. One reason for this develop
ment is that two years ago upper
division credit was not given the
members. Only the two years of
military credit was given.
In tomorrow’s concert the at
mosphere of finesse will be added
by the striking new uniforms. The
(Continued on Page Two)
i Band Will Play
Tomorrow in
First Concert
' Two Programs Planned
For Winter Term
Presentation Open to Town
And Campus People
Free of Charge
The University concert band will
give its initial appearance this
year at the school of music audi
torium Sunday afternoon at 3
o’clock. This hour of concert is
open to the public and no admis
sion will be required.
This concert will be the first of
two concerts to be given this term.
The next program will be given
Sunday, February 28, at the Music
buildipg. During the spring term
the band will give outdoor con
certs on the mill-race every Sun
day afternoon.
Italian March First
“Inglesina,” a march by Delle
Cese, is the first number on the
program. It is a typical Italian
military march. Florid melodies,
elaborate woodw i n d embellish
ments, and startling dynamic con
trasts make this number almost
without equal as a military march.
The overture “Stradella” by Von
Flotow, known best by the lovely
horn quartet which opens the num
ber, is the second to be given. A
bright middle section is followed
by a majestic finale.
"Scenes Pittoresques” by Jules
Massanet is a number showing the
composer’s variable ability. The
titles of the four movements de
scribe the suite accurately:
Marche, Air de Ballet, Angelus,
Fete Boheme. It presents the
composer in an entirely different
mood from that of “Phedre Over
ture,” which the band played last
“Faust” on Program
Gounod's selection, "Faust,” con
tains the well-known “Soldiers
Chorus” and waltz, together with
other melodies from this opera,
which ranks as one of the most
popular operas of all time.
The last number is the colorful
“Southern Rhapsody” by Lucius
Hosmer, an American composer.
Harp obligato in this number will
be played by Doris Helen Patter
son, member of the music school
faculty. This is her first appear
ance with the band, but she has
made appearances with the Uni
versity orchestra and numerous
solo appearances.
This composition is a skillfully
blended fantasia on southern airs,
and original melodies based on fa
miliar Dixie rhythms. Humor,
pathos, and gayety alternate
throughout the number. The har
monies and rhythms are intricate
at times.
Law Honorary Pledges
Get Phi Delta Plii Ribbons
Five law students were sum
moned from work for a short
while at 10:50 yesterday morning
to don ribbons in the hall of the
school and become pledges of the
local chapter of Phi Delta Phi, na
tional law honorary.
Francis Hill, Portland, and
George H. Layman, Eugene, both
second year students, and Arthur
Ireland, Portland, Karl Huston, Al
bany, and John Long, Roseburg,
first year law students, are this
/ear’s pledges, and those being con
gratulated between classes yester
Membership is primarily based
on scholarship, stated William
Knight, president of Chase Inn
chapter here, in making the an
Initiation will be held sometime
within the next few weeks.
Dr. Sanborn Will Speak
At Philomelete Meeting
“Ferns and Mosses” will be the
discussion topic for the nature
group of Philomelete, which meets
tomorrow afternoon in the wom
en's lounge of Gerlinger.
Dr. Ethel Sanborn, head of the
plant biology department, is to
give a short talk on the subject,
A.nna Evans, president of the
group, announced.
The meeting will begin promptly
it 3:30.
Trying to Forget the Wa
As the time for the big enemy offensive draws near, the group
of English officers in a front-line dugout do their best to forget the
horrors of the conflict. In the above scene from “Journey’s End,"
which closes its run at Guild theatre this afternoon and this evening,
are, left to right: Jack Stipe, Warren Gram, Leonard Dart, and Walden
Two Critics Unite in Praise
Of War Drama Presentation
The Guild hall company played
Sherriff's “Journey’s End” in a
style which would have passed
muster before an English audience.
The script is a hard one for Amer
ican players, for the English play
wright shows quite accurately that
his countrymen eased the shock of
front trench warfare by keeping
up their Dickensian humor; also,
they took great pains to maintain
their amateur standing: indeed,
the war is presented in this play
from a domestic angle, as a war
run by civilians, lately schoolboys
—which is pretty close to the
But the players had mastered
this atmosphere so well, and kept
so perfectly in their assumed Eng
lish characters, that it required
none of the effort usual in the
theatre to suspend one’s disbelief.
For once, there was no patronizing
talk in the lobbies; and not even
the captious murmured “Pretty
good for amateurs.”
(Continued on rage Two)
Pendell To Speak
Next Tuesday on
Human Relations
‘Institutionalism’ Provides
Topic for First of
Lecture Series
The second of a series of free
University lectures for winter
term will be presented riext Tues
day evening at 7:30 in Guild thea
Dr. Elmer Pendell of the depart
ment of economics will give the
lecture, the topic of which is “In
stitutionalism: A New Econom
ics.” Throwing new light on hu
man relations by systematic exam
ination of the structure of an in
stitution is the theme of the lec
Dr. Pendell’s definition of an in
stitution is: “An insitution is a
set of slow-changing relationships
in which an individual’s conduct is
influenced predominantly by the
supposed expectations of other in
(Continued on Tape Two)
Hell’s Popping
In Wisconsin,
Notes Charley
“God give us men,
A time like this demands ...”
The ice is broken.
Unemployment insurance
spectre of round-face'd business
men, will become a reality in
Wisconsin. Governor Philip La
Follette, son of “Fighting Bob,”
deals another blow at conserva
tive business with this new ad
dition to his program of con
structive social legislation.
While others wail, warn or
whistle, Wisconsin works—and
acts. "If ye let ’em live, ye got
ta feed 'em,” she says.
And from Spokane we hear
the contractors association con
demns the “practice of oppres
sive wage cuts.”
Quick, Watson, a glass of wa
ter. Thank you, I'm better now.
“Journey’s End" has been termed
“a moving document against war.’’
Drama students presenting this
stirring war play, pictured with
touching reality the fact that war
takes the finest and bravest men
in the land.
Leonard Dart plays the role of
Captain Stanhope, a ybung com
pany commander who had been in
the trenches three years fighting
with himself to stand the terrific
[ nervous strain and drowning his
I fears in drink. His work was par
ticularly good. Dart had many
tense and emotional scenes that
were well portrayed.
The seriousness of the situations
were relieved by the cheerfulness
and comedy of Walden Boyle as
Second Lieutenant Trotter. Boyle
showed marked ability and clev
erly handled his part as a slow
thinking rather simple-minded
British Tommy.
Warren Gram played the part of
Lieutenant Baleigh, a young Eng
(Continued on Pape Two)
All in Readiness
For Big Ballyhoo
Danee at Grove
Molif To Carry Out Idea of
Former Years Willi
Plans for the “rip roarin’est”
Krazy Kopy Krawl in history are
laid and everything is in readiness
for the annual
> Ylplia Delta Sig
\ na, professional
\ idvertising fra
> ernity, dance at
! ^ocoanut Grove
| onight, accord
i n g t o Bob
lolmes, co-chair
nan of the event,
n an announce
nent late last
Dick Goebel, in
charge of decorations, announced
that the decoration motif would be
in harmony with the advertising
idea carried out in former years,
but that it will be more elaborate
and more complete. Something
new and different with a decided
campus-ballyhoo slant was his
New Talent To Headline
"A regular vodvil,” according to
“Moon” Mullins, in charge of fea
tures will be given. He announced
the following numbers: Ivey Walk
urn, who for four years was
with the Orpheum circuit, and who
headlined in the Fanchon-Marco
“Black and Gold” idea for two
years, will be the feature attrac
tion. This, according to Mullins,
will be her initial appearance on
the campus.
Something else in the way of
dancing will be furnished by the
team of Hatton and Camp, well
known on the campus for their
aovel tap dancing act. Another tap
dance,to be given by Thelma Tefft.
has also been listed. This will be
Miss Tefft's initial performance
in campus circles. The Delt trio,
consisting of Maurice Kinney, Bob
Holmes, and Abbey Green has been
secured to vend something in the
way of vocal syncopation, and will
be spelled by Sally Addleman. The
rheta Chi blue boys have also been :
(Continued on Page Two) I
93 Earn Place
On Honor Roll
For Fall Term
Eijjht Achieve All A’s in
Quarter’s Work
List Shows Decrease of 35
In Comparison Willi
Last Year
Ninety-three students, eight of
whom received all A's, achieved a
grade point average of 2.50 or bet
ter for work during the fall quar
ter to earn a place on the honor
roll and receive credit for out
standing scholarship, a report from
the registrar's office last night
Comparison with the honor roll
of fall term last year shows a de
crease of 35 students attaining the
distinction this year. In the first
quarter of 1930, a total of 128 stu
dents comprised the largest honor
roll in the history of the Univer
Honor Roll Decreases
James H. Gilbert, dean of the
college and chairman of the schol
arship committee, in discussing the
decrease said that it was probably
due to a tightening up of grade
standards, but declined to make a
definite statement until complete
figures could be consulted.
Women students led the men on
this fall’s honor roll, placing 53
on the list to 40 for the men. The
names of 20 freshmen appear on
the roll.
Students making all A’s are:
Margaret Kent Atwood, Corvallis;
James Charles Kenneday, Mult
nomah; John Henry King, Free
water; David Carnahan Williams,
Portland; Margaret Elaine Wil
liams, Elgin; Elma Doris Have
raann, Lucy Howe, and Thelma
Eleanor Lund, all of Eugene.
29 From Portland
The complete roll follows:
Portland students—Nancy Arch
bold, Barbara Barker, Margaret
Clark, Mary Cox, Eva Davis, Mah
lon Day, Leslie Dunlap, Laurence
Fischer, Gladys Foster, Frances
Frazier, Otto Frohnmayer, John
Haviland, Eileen Hickson, Gerald
ine Hickson, John Hogl, Arthur
Ireland, Stephen ICahn, Jane
Kanzler, Barbara Leisz, Leon Ses
sine, Robert Van Nice, Otto Von
derheit, George Wallmann, Alice
Wedemeyer, Eleanor Wharton,
David Williams, Chloethiel Wood
ard, and Janet Young.
Eugene students—William Bar
ney, Frances Brockman, Dorothy
Davis, Jack Dunbar, Grace Farris,
Janet Fitch, Madeleine Gilbert,
Wesley Gilmore, Martha Goodrich,
Clare Hamlin, Elma Havemann,
Robert Holmquist, Lucy Howe,
Lloyd Humphreys, Lois Jaynes,
Thelma Lund, Thelma Nelson,
Alice Olmstead, Vera Pallett, Jean
Riddell, Mae Rivers, Frances
Sabin, Rose Simons, Knute Soleim,
Alfred Taylor, Marion Weitz, and
Beulah Wynd.
Pendleton—Jean Frazier and
Hildamay Hobart.
Mt. Angel—Sister Bernadette
Eberle and Sister Victoria Keber.
Salem Margaret Wagner and
Howard Minturn.
Students from other cities are:
(Continued on ra</e Two)
‘Oregon’s Out-of-Doors’
Course Proving Popular
Fifty Enrolled for Non-Credit
Sessions in Evening
There are already 50 people en
rolled in the special lecture course
on “Oregon’s Out of Doors" and
there are possibilities that a few
more may register. This course is
given under the auspices of the
extension division and was request
ed by the Eugene Obsidian club.
This non-credit course, which is
open to townspeople, is taught by
nine members of the University
faculty, specializing in different
fields. The course is given Monday
evening at Condon hall.
Evening classes on the whole in
the extension division are quite
satisfactory this winter term.
Courses are given in “Main Ten
dencies in Contemporary Litera
ture," by Ernst, "Problems of j
Prosperity and Depression,” by j
Morris, “Intellectual History,” by
Fish, and “Methods in Teaching
Health," by Dr. Henrietta Morris
of Portland.
Poll on I
Match Lighted to
McArthur of Debt
JJUOH ItOSSON, graduate
manager, will light a match
to a pile of papers this after
noon, and as three interested
witnesses look on $150,000 will
go up in smoke. Hut there will
he looks of satisfaction, not hor
ror, on tile faces of the assem
bled four as the flames dart up
to consume the papers.
The burning ceremony will
see the official destruction of
the McArthur court bonded in
debtedness, finally paid off by
the A. S. U. O., and leaving the
Igloo free of debt. While Mr.
Ilosson burns the bonds, James
Dezendorf, Omar Palmer, and
Brian Mimnaugh will officiate
as witnesses.
Co-ed Registered
In UofO Band for
First Time Ever
Majority i
When the University concert
band, dressed in natty uniforms,
appears at the music auditorium
tomorrow, the old proverb of “wo
man’s place is in the home” will
again be disrupted, contradicted,
dislodged, or what have you.
For the first time in the history
of the musical organizations whose
history goes back to 10 years ago,
the enrollment of the band will be
featured by the inclusion of a
freshman woman student.
Betty Jane Burke, freshman in
English, is the University student
who holds this distinction. Before
coming to the University she
played in the band and orchestra
of Burlingame high school, Bur
lingame, California. She also plays
with the University orchestra.
"Because Miss Burke is a very
capable player and also because
bassoon players are not plentiful,
she has been selected to play in
the concert tomorrow,” said John
Stehn, director of the band.
Oregon, however, is not the first
to claim this distinction as the
Oregon State college band has
two women players on their line
up. Although many women players
are found in the high school bands,
Lhe trend has not reached the uni
versities and colleges. The distinc
tion is still unusual.
F. G. G. Schmidt, head of the
German department, will speak at
the Kiwanis club luncheofl Monday
noon. He will talk on "Observa
tions Made in Europe.”
Wins Big
n Campus
earn Name
y _
'Ex-Council To Consider
Question Wednesday
‘Trappers’ and ‘Pioneers’
Far Outvoted; Definite
Figures Larking
The approximate compilation
of votes, given to the Emerald
at midnight last night, is ns
Webfoots . 410
Trappers . 48
Pioneers . 45
Yellowjaekets . 12
Lumberjacks . 7
Webfoots it is.
By a substantial majority, al
though official figures had not
been compiled for publication at a
late hour last night, the present
and traditional name of Oregon’s
athletic teams won the verdict of
student sentiment in yesterday’s
campus-wide poll, Walt Evans,
vice-president of the A. S. U. O.,
The names Trappers and Pio
neers were in close running for
second place, with Yellowjackets
and Lumberjacks poor fourths and
Not more than 600 votes were
cast, it was estimated unofficially
by the counting board.
In the section of the ballot left
for votes to suggest additional
names, Spartans and Spearsmen
appeared to be the favorites.
Many others were suggested, some
entirely unusable, while others
showed cleverness and originality,
the counters said. Some ballots
carried a combination of names
such as Pioneer - Webfoots and
The A. S. U. O. executive coun
cil, in a meeting next Wednesday,
will consider the question, basing
a decision on the result of the
campus-wide poll, Brian Mim
naugh, president of the associated
students, said yesterday.
Marria Seeber Will Talk
To YW Fellowship Group
Marcia Seeber, visiting Y. W.
C. A. secretary, will be the princi
pal speaker at the World Fellow
ship group meeting to be held Mon
day evening at 8:30 at the bunga
low, according to Helen Binford,
“Student Life in England” will
be the subject of Miss Seeber's
talk. Everyone is cordially invited
to attend this fireside gathering.
Refreshments will be served.
Honolulu Case Exaggerated
By Newspapers, Funai Says
The Hawaiian islands, “the par
adise of the Pacific,” are true to
their name. Honolulu is not only
a city where real internationalism
prevails but it is also an American
city where American citizens of
both sexes and of all races are safe
and happy, Richard Funai, a Jap
anese member of the International
house from Honolulu, said yester
day when asked to comment on
the newspaper reports concerning
assaults on white women commit
ted by Hawaiians of mixed blood
“The newspapers have exagger
ated the facts on the recent as
saulting and attacking case in
Honolulu,” Funai said. “If the vic
tim were a Japanese or a native
Hawaiian woman, and not the
young and attractive wife of an
American naval officer, the news
about the incident would hardly
have spread beyond the city
Funai was born in Honolulu and
has lived there before he came to
the United States to get a college
education. He is at present en
rolled as a senior in the Eugene
Bible college and expects to enter
the University next fall. “Hono
lulu,” he continued, “is just like
any metropolitan city on the coast
or elsewhere in the union. Crime
of this kind happens anywhere
every once in a while. It should
not be surprising, therefore, if it
was committed in Honolulu.”
Funai explained that A1 Moana,
a district near the beach of Wai
kiki, where Lieutenant Massie’s
wife was attacked, is a new sub
urb. It is a place of questionable
reputation and naturally frequent
ed by gangs of delinquent boys
and men. If the young naval of
ficer’s wife went there, she was
exposed to the danger of being a
victim of the whims and caprices
of any of the members of these
gangs, he stated.
“It is exceedingly regrettable
that Mrs. Massie was attacked.
However, that this incident hap
pened does not mean that ‘Hono
lulu is unsafe for naval officers’
wives. It is also a pathetic thing
that Lieutenant Massie, his soci
ety-known mother-in-law, and two
enlisted men of the navy toox the
law in their own hands and mur
dered the accused attacker of Mrs.
Massie, thus prolonging the whole
story,” Funai concluded.