Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 15, 1932, Image 1

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roll on Oregon
Name To Reach
Decision Today
Webfoot-Pioneer Fight
Ended by Vote
Students Offered Variety
Of Choiees in Selection;
Trappers Proposed
Student polling between 9 and 3
today will decide what the future
athletic teams and representatives
of the University will be called
throughout the country, whether
the traditional “Webfeet” will be
retained or some other title signifi
cant of Oregon characteristics will
henceforth designate the institu
Walt Evans, vice-president of the
student body, has located three
polling stations within easy access
of the voters. Student body cards
will be absolutely required for vot
The ballots will be in two sec
tions. Section A being:
Vote for one.
1. Webfoots
2. Pioneers
3. Trappers
4. Lumberjacks
5. Yellow-jackets
Section B will provide space for
students to write additional names
which seem suitable to them.
The polls and students operating
them are: Station 1, in front of
Co-op, 9-10 Robert McCulloch, 10
11, Ned Kinney; 11-12, Cliff Beck
ett; 1-2 Louise Weber, 2-3, Mar
guerite Tarbell. Station II, be
tween Commerce and Oregon, 9-11,
Paul Austin; 11-12, Jack Edlefsen;
1-2, Ellen Sersanous; 2-3, Lucille
Kraus. Station III, 9-10, Marian
Camp, 10-12, Ed Schweiker; 1-2,
Ardis Ulrich; 2-3, Ned Kinney.
Secondary School Topic
Of New Released Leaflet
Newest Addition to Education
Publication Group Out
An addition was made to the ed
ucation group of the University
publication series yesterday when
the pamphlet on studies in second
ary education in Oregon, “Instruc
tional Costs in 226 High Schools,”
edited by F. L. Stetson, professor
of education, was released from the
University press.
This publication series is offered
in exchange for the publications
of learned societies and institu
tions, universities, and libraries.
They are issued quarterly through
out the year.
Mr. Stetson in writing this num
ber has prepared a detailed out
line of statistics gathered from his
observations conducted in 226 high
schools. Such data as the instruc
tional costs per school, subjects
costs per pupil, apportionment of j
salaries and other expenses, cost j
of supervising study halls and of!
coaching athletics, and other com- !
putations are among his statistics, j
Voice Your Opinion
'j^O Oregon students today goes the opportunity of expressing
approval or disapproval of a list of names that have been
suggested to supplant the traditional name of Webfoots for Ore
gon’s athletic teams. The names Pioneers, Yellow Jackets, Lum
berjacks, and Trappers appear on the ballots in opposition to
Webfoots. Other names may be written in by students who feel
they have something still better to offer.
What there is of advantage in the names offered is hard to
discover. Pioneers, the name which seems to have the most
present popularity and which downtown sports writers have taken
upon themselves to espouse, is already the official title of teams
from two schools in the West—Lewistown Normal and Colorado.
While the pioneer spirit is a worthy one, the name Pioneers is
hardly more inspirational than our present Webfoots, and Oregon
athletic teams are pioneers in no single sport.
We might call our teams Yellow Jackets, but after all a yel
low jacket’s sting is hardly more fatal than the bite of a duck,
and we would be taking a name already appropriated by Georgia.
To take on the name Lumberjacks would be to seriously counte
nance a name that was tacked on by hooting Easterners when
Oregon played Harvard in the Pasadena Rose Bowl game in 1920.
Dean Gilbert has suggested Trappers as a suitable substitute
for Webfoots. In spice of the arguments he made in its favor,
we can hardly bring ourselves to believe that he is serious in his
proposal. We suspect that he would hate to have the traditional
Webfoots wiped out by a student vote as would many others who
have been connected with the institution for a number of years.
Unless a name is proposed that clearly has an advantage over
the one now in use, it would be foolish to make a change. The
name Webfoots does carry the sanction of tradition—a tradition
not only of the University but of the state. The name carries
with it the memory of Oregon teams of the past—teams that
have made Oregon spirit something to be proud of, and to reckon
with. It isn’t the name, but the tradition of the teams that have
played under it, that counts. We need cite only the team from
New York university, known as the Violent Violets, as an illus
tration of what we mean.
But Webfoots or Pioneers, Oregon students should make their
wishes known by flocking to the polls today. Otherwise you may
be sitting on the sidelines in the next few weeks trying to make
Lumberjacks or Trappers fit into a yell that is meant to encourage
a bunch cf lemon-yellow WEBFOOTS that are doing their best
to win a basketball game.
Krawl Tickets at
College Side for
Eugene Students
Fraternity Representatives
For Pasteboard Sale
Are Announced
For the benefit of those students
who live in town and who are un
able to get into touch with repre
sentatives selling tickets for the
Krazy Kopy Krawl, tickets for the
event have been placed on sale at
the counter in the College Side, ac
cording to an announcement made
last night by Roger Bailey, ticket
Those students living in organi
zations may secure tickets from
the following students:
A. T. O., Roy Brown; Beta, John
Hare; Chi Psi, Jim Travis; S. A.
M., Henry Levoff; Delt, Bill Price;
Kappa Sig, Jack Edlefsen; Phi
Delt, Ken Carlson; Phi Gam, John
Penland; Phi Psi, Gordon Day;
Phi Sig, Barney Miller; Pi Kap,
Thornton Gale; S. A. E., Thornton
Shaw; Sigma Chi, Cecil Espey;
Sigma Nu, Cliff Lord; Sig Ep,
Fred Meeds; S. P. E.,'Jim Fergu
(Continued on rage Tivo)
Engberg Compares Europe
And U.S. Politically, Socially
“This climate is something like
olives—it requires an acquired
taste,” remarked Paul Engberg,
when the Emerald reporter ap
peared with almost frost-bitten
ears to find out his views on poli
tics in Europe. Personally, he
likes the sunny clime of south of
Los Angeles better. As regards
the governmental affairs of Eu
rope, “that is the field he leaves
to the politicians.”
However, he “did observe that,
“In proportion to the wealth of
the country, the depression in Eu
rope is certainly nowhere nearly
as bad as it is here.” “In Europe,”
he explained, “particularly in Aus
tria, where I studied music, the
people don't feel the depression so
keenly, because it is more or less
a protraction of what they have
been going through since the war.
“The whole trend of thought
over there is contingent upon their
traditions—to business they’re a
hardship, but to music an asset.
A European is confined very rig
idly to whatever he has started
out to do, and to branch into
something else is more or less im
possible for him. In music they
are steeped in tradition and it be
comes an asset.
“Golf in Vienna is a 'rich-man’s
game’; the cost of playing is very
high. There is a lamentable ab
sence of golf courses, and even
then the greens are about the same
as the fairways here.
“In France you hear French mu
sic, in Germany you hear German
music; each country is confined to
things characteristic of itself. We
in America are able to get a fine
perspective, for we listen to all
“It is surprising the interest that
(Continued on Page TtcoJ
Dean Announces
Weekly Calendar
Of Coming Events
Press Conference, Band’s
Concert and Faculty
Meeting Listed
The events which will take place
on the campus during the coming
week, as scheduled in the office of
the dean of women, are listed be- j
low. This is in accordance with
a new policy whereby a weekly
calendar will be published in the
Emerald every Friday. To be in
cluded here, the event must have
been placed on the calendar com
piled by Alice B. Macduff, assist
ant dean of women.
The affairs for January 15 to
21 are:
Friday, January 15
Special faculty meeting at 4
o’clock, 110 Johnson hall.
“Journey’s End” at 8:30 in Guild
Saturday, January 16
“Journey’s End,” 2:30 and 8:30,
in Guild hall.
Sunday, January 17
Band concert, 3 o’clock, Music
Twilight organ recital, 5 o’clock,
Music auditorium.
Tuesday, January 19
University lecture, “Institution
alism: A New Economics,” Profes
sor Elmer Pendell, 7:30, Guild
Student concert, 8 o’clock, Mu
sic auditorium.
Theta Sigma Phi open meeting,
8 o’clock, Gerlinger building.
Wednesday, January 20
Phi Beta Kappa initiation, 5:30,
Alumni hall.
Phi Beta Kappa banquet, 6:30,
Men’s dormitory.
Thursday, January 21
Press conference.
Marie Saecomaimo Wins
Music Editor’s Position
Marie Saccomanno, freshman,
was appointed music editor of the
Oregana, it was announced by
Thornton Gale, editor of the year
Eleanor Jane Eallantyne, former
editor of the music section, failed
to return to school this term. Miss
Saccomanno is a freshman in Ro
Igloo Out of Debt
Parsons Is 'Surprised That
Modern Youth Is Not Wilder ’
‘I am not surprised that modern
youth is as wild as it is, I am sur
prised that it is not Wilder,” Dean
Philip A. Parsons said last night,
while discussing “How the New
Civilization is Different" with a
group of 20 students and faculty
members at the “Y” hut.
“Youth has practically no re
straint of tradition such as con
trolled the young people of a gen
eration ago," Causes of this free
dom are the complete change in
religion, commercialized amuse
ments of such a nature that
strangers may participate in them,
and the fact that life is so organ
ized that practically all relation
ships between people are commer
cial and not governed by the old
standards of family and religion
according to Dean Parsons.
“Mechanical inventions and the
emphasis placed on mechanical
genius bring about changes so fast
that civilization is thrown into
chaos. The changes that occur now
between the times of parents and
children are greater than formerly
took place in a century,” Dean
Parsons said. “The former stabil
ity of social groups is gone, and
we don’t know today but wha*
some invention may be sent out
from a laboratory tomorrow that
will make half our machinery ob
Control of political organizations
and social order have fallen into
the hands of a few cliques whose
I --1
Charley Sniffs
A Teapot Dome
In the Offing
Willhoovorimprover ?
Get on the bandwagon!
Hot news from Washington
tells us Hoover’s in the race.
And here’s something to grease
the wheels. Secretary Mellon’s
name blossoms forth with rum
blings of another oil scandal—
this time from South America.
The state department dis
creetly refuses to make public
documents of the transaction.
I’m almost tempted to wager
twenty-seven cents on another
senatorial investigation—they’re
laying for old Andy. But he's
too light-footed to get caught.
Too much aluminum practice,
you know.
And a local paper headline
reads, “Auto men look for pros
And I reply, “So do I.”
| predominant interests are com
mercial. New transportation sys
tems and modern methods of com
munication make man’s line of
conduct entirely different. All we
now have in common are the ele
mental human needs, Dr. Parsons
“It is a surprising fact that in
the two depressions and the great
period of prosperity that have
come since the war, not one great
spiritual leader has appeared. All
the emphasis is on the mechanical
and commercial leader. But I think
we shall have to recognize spirit
ual genius again in order to come
out of qur present chaos,” the
speaker judged.
Dean Parsons pointed out that
this is the first time that men have
known anything about how we
“got that way.” “We can stand
aside and look at ourselves and
therefore have a little better i
chance to survive than other civili- |
zations have had.”
The discussion last night was the ;
first in a series sponsored by the
University Y. M. C. A. on the gen
eral topic, “The New Civilization,”
and was held in the belief that sub
sequent discussions would be more
profitable if it were first made
clear what the fundamental dif
ferences in the new civilization
The next meeting of the series
will be held at 7:30 next Thursday.
Professor Jesse H. Bond will dis
cuss “The Economic Organization
for the New Civilization.”
Student Church Societies
To Hold Combined Session
Meeting To Be Held in February
Under Christian Council
A union meeting of all the dif
ferent church organizations for
University students will be spon
sored by the Student Christian
council, Margaret Atwood, presi
dent, announced after a session of
the group yesterday.
Plans are being made to have
the meeting some time in Febru
ary but no definite date was decid
ed. A speaker from off the campus
will be secured for the event, Miss
Atwood said. *
Leslie Dunton, Portland, was ap
pointed chairman of the union
meeting and will be assisted by
Sterling Cash, Hood River, and
Margery Thayer, Eugene.
A letter from Secretary of State
Stimson acknowledging the receipt
of the petition for disarmament,
which was circulated in Eugene by
the Student Christian council, was
read at the meeting.
The last of the bonds issued for
the eonstruction of McArthur
court, Oregon’s athletic pavilion,
was paid this week. The bonds
amounted to $150,000, plus Interest
for five years.
Above: A picture of McArthur
court during its construction in
1926. Below: Paul W. Ager (left),
University comptroller, and Hugh
E. Kosson, graduate manager,
through whose efforts liquidation
was started before the debt fell
IEngberg’s Voice
Charms Many at
■ Phi Beta Concert
I ' -
Paul Engberg, in song recital
last night at the Music building,
displayed a beautiful voice of more
than usual flexibility and range,
a voice of a peculiarly pleasing
j timbre and resonance. His splen
| did interpretations and dramatic
' ability more than compensated for
the lack of great power and dy
namics many expected.
Aurora Potter Underwood sup
ported Engberg with consistently
fine work at the piano. Her ac
curacy and verve added definite
ness to the rapidly shifting moods
of the program.
The baritone opened the concert
with a group of antique Italian
airs, followed by a group of lovely
German lieder. Of the Italian con
cert and art songs, “Amarilli” and
“Nebbie” were probably the best
liked. “Nemico della Patria,”
Gerard’s monolog from Giordano's
“Andrea Chenier,” was highly dra
matic. The works in the German
group were conventionally sung,
with all the finesse of sound mu
sicianship. Engberg’s pianissimo
tones and his slender, sustained
notes demonstrated the high de
gree of vocal control with which
he creates his best effects.
A group of English ballads and
program songs, closing with a
number by Jacques Wolfe based
on Negro themes, was applauded
vigorously. The artist responded
with “Goin’ Home,” by Anton
Gretchaninow’s “On the Steppe,”
melancholy and expansive, Hahn’s
“Fetes Galantes,” the rippling lin
guistic attraction of Manuel De
Falle’s "Seguidilla Murciana,” and
the seductive “Vision Fugitive"
from Massenet’s “Herodiade” com
posed the final group. Engberg
was generous in encores, singing
Richard Schumann’s “Zwei Grena
dieren” and a very brief comic
Drama Croup To Meet at
Art Building Wednesday
The regular meeting of the
drama group of Philomelete will be
held at the Art building Wednes
day, January 20, at 9 p. m. Mem
bers of the club have been asked
to read "Green Pastures” in jjrepa
ration for the discussion at the
meeting, owing to the impossibil
ity of obtaining copies of “The Ap
plecart,” which was formerly as
As there will be some very im
portant questions to be discussed,
it was asked that every member
be present. Initiation plans will be
among the questions. It was also
announced that the members
should bring their dues for the last
term and this term.
Retirement Started
Six Months Before
Obligation Matures
Tomorrow Is Last
Day To Get Photo
In 1932 Oregana
'•pOMORROW will be the last
•lay to have pictures taken
for the Oregano, it was an
nounced by Thornton Gale, edi
tor of the yearbook.
Anyone wishing to have bis
picture taken for this year’s an
nual must do so today or tomor
row, or it will be too late to
appear in the edition.
Newman Names
Committee Heads
For Junior Play
Dealings Willi Copyright,
Owners of ‘Red Mill’
Get Under Way
Ethan Newman last night an
nounced the appointment of com
mittee chairmen for "The Red
Mill,” musical comedy, chosen by
the junior class to replace the tra
ditional Junior Vodvil.
Appointments made by Newman ;
and Robert Hall, class president, j
include: Isabelle Crowell as secre- j
tary; Ned Kinney, business mana- |
ger; Sterling Green, publicity
chairman; Ed Bolds, finance chair
man; and Roy Bryson, director.
Other assistants will be chosen
soon, Newman said.
Negotiations are now being
made with the copyright holders
for permission to produce the Vic
tor Herbert comedy. Despite its
popularity, it is believed that "The
Red Mill” has never before been
presented in the Northwest.
Tryouts To lie Held
Tryouts for the various roles will
be held as soon as the music and
dialogue arrive, declared Newman
yesterday. This will probably be
about February 1. A few rehear
sals will be held this term, but in
tensive work will not start until
the opening of spring term. The
presentation will be made at one
of the downtown theatres about
the middle of April.
Campus vaudeville talent will
probably be utilized between
scenes, Newman said. The plot of
the musical comedy concerns two
American youths who go to Hol
land and find all manner of com
plicating circumstances when they
fall in love with two Dutch girls.
Mrs. Ottilie Reybolt, head of the
drama department, has offered her
assistance in coaching students for
the parts. Later on student dra
matic assistants will be used.
Entire Rond Issue To Be
Burned Saturday
Rosson Voices Pleasure at
Paying of $150,000
After a period of retirement
started last January, six months
before maturity, the last bond of
the $150,000 A. S. U. O. issue for
the construction of McArthur court
has been surrendered and the en
tire issue will be burned at a cere
mony Saturday, it was announced
yesterday by Hugh E. Rosson,
graduate manager.
The ceremony will be held “in
the presence of four distinguished
spectators,’’ Rosson said.
A. S. U. O. Clears Obligation
In discussing the liquidation he
said: “It is certainly a pleasure to
realize that the heavy indebted
ness incurred in the construction
of McArthur court has finally been
retired. The building now stands
absolutely cleared of obligation by
the A. S. U. O.”
The student body in 1926 agreed
to financially back the construc
tion of McArthur court. The total
cost of the building was to be
$200,000. The A. S. U. O. made a
$150,000 bond issue and advanced
the additional $50,000 from the
building fund created in 1925 by
a quarterly addition of $5 to the
registration fee.
iiui/icaii luutin
Through the efforts of Rosson
and Paul Ager, University comp
troller, funds for the complete re
tirement of the bond indebtedness
and accumulated interest, amount
ing to $29,070, were deposited in
trust six months before the ma
turity of the issue.
Erected in the summer and fall
Df 192G, McArthur answered the
needs of Oregon's northwest cham
pionship basketball team. Previous
to the construction of the Igloo,
Oregon basketball teams had been
forced to hold their games in the
armory, a building of small crowd
capacity. The new building pro
vided space for 8,000 spectators.
Hands To Be "Cremated”
The resolution that the bonds
be "duly cremated and reduced to
ashes in the presence of four dis
interested witnesses" was adopted
by the executive council Wednes
The witnesses are: James De
sendorf, former chairman of the
\. S. U. O. finance committee;
Omar Palmer, present finance
chairman; Brian Mimnaugh, stu
lent body president, and Rosson,
Mimnaugh in discussing the
liquidation said: “It is with great
elief that we welcome the removal
af this debt from the liability side
af our ledgers—thanks to the un
tiring efforts of Hugh Rosson and
Paul Ager."
'Journey’s End’ Proves Drama
Of Great Emotional Interest
A tremendous drama of stark
realities, human emotions, was
“Journey’s End," presented last
night on Guild hall stage by a cast
which seemed to really live the six
days in a trench waiting, waiting
in an “uncanny silence” for the
attack which was to mark the
end. .
Captain Stanhope, played by
Leonard Dart, was the figure
around which the tragic emotions
of the play were centered. His
voice and his poise were particu
larly suitable to the role which he
enacted. His best scenes were
those in which his courage seemed
to crack under the emotional
strain of the situation. The quick
tempo of his interpretation was in
excellent contrast to the slow,
comfortable atmosphere lent by
Gene Love, playing the role of
Lieutenant Osburne.
Gene Love was probably the
most outstanding character in the
play. His consistency of interpre
tation and his apparent depth of
feeling made him outstanding. He
seemed to carry the play through
on his own shoulders.
The natural and matter-of-fact
comedy lent to the play by the
clever acting of Walden Boyle, as
Second Lieutenant Trotter, was in
direct contrast to the tragic en
thusiasm of Raleigh and the bit
terness of Stanhope. Private Ma
son, Wilbur Walker, proved him
self well-able to uphold the other
end of the comic lines of the play.
Raleigh was played by Warren
Gram, who seemed to be the truly
enthusiastic, just-out-of-school boy.
His keenness for action, his tragic
hope, and his do-or-die courage
were well portrayed. He deserves
credit for an excellent perform
(Continued on Page Two)