Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 03, 1931, Page 4, Image 4

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    Rhodes Scholars
Leave Friday for
Competitive Tests
Elimination of Applicants
Is Second Step in
Test Procedure
Tlie six University applicants j
for the Rhodes scholarship will j
leave Friday for the examination
of all the scholarship applicants (
from Oregon, which will be held |
in Portland Saturday, December
5, at the University club. This is I
the second step in the examina
tion procedure in which the par
ticipants have to compete to ob-:
tain scholarship.
Rhodes scholarships are tenable
at the University of Oxford for a
period of two or three years, de
pending upon the ability of the |
student. The fund is fixed at ap- |
proximately $2,000 a year.
The United States is assigned I
annually 32 of these scholarships, j
The states have been divided into
eight sections to facilitate the se
lecting of the scholars. Oregon’s
section includes Washington, Ore
gon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming,
and North Dakota.
As a first step the Oregon ap
plicants had to appear before the
University Foreign Scholarship
committee for the elimination ex
amination. At this examination
Robert Hall, John Halderman,
Wallace Campbell, George Har
rington, Frank Lombard, and Da- ;
vid Lombard were selected as Uni
versity representatives.
These students leave Friday for
Portland, where, Saturday morn
ing, they will take part in the
state elimination. The state com
mittee of selection will choose two
from the group of applicants from
the entire state for entrance in
the district competition to be held
two weeks later.
From the applicants before the
district, committee, not more than
four will be selected to represent
their states at Oxford as Rhodes
scholars. This system of electing
the winners of these scholarships
was inaugurated last year.
Claire L. Pepperd, traveling sec
retary of Lambda Chi Alpha, was
a guest of the Alpha Upsilon house
yesterday. Mr. Pepperd arrived
from Reno and will continue his
trip through the northern states
inspecting the chapters of the fra
terpity. .
Now at
Savings in
The Finest of
55c to $2.00
$1.35 to $3.60
$1.85 to $4.20
Leather Goods
Less 20%
$1.35 to $1.95
$1.15 to $2.80
Shop around ... you’ll
be amazed!
Special]Library %
Hours To Prevail
For Rest Of Term
TtT H. DOUGLASS, librarian,
*has announced the library
hours from December 4-17 as
follows: Monday-Saturday, 7:45
a. m. to 10 p. m. Sunday, 2 to
10 p. m.
These special hours are of
fered to the students that they
may have more of an oppor
tunity to get in term papers
before exams start.
YM Proposes Amendment
To Increase Board by 5
A motion to amend the constitu
tion of the University Y. M. C. A.
to provide for an advisory board
of 20 members, instead of 15 as at
present, was passed yesterday by
the “Y” cabinet in its regular
weekly meeting. The amendment
will be posted in the Hut, and a
meting of the "Y” will be called
next Wednesday to vote on it.
Donald Saunders, junior in chem
istry was appointed chairman of a
committee to arrange weekly dis
cussion groups to be held in the
Hut next term. Carroll Pawson
and Kenneth Ferguson were named
to assist him.
Sports dialogue and interview
will be the feature on the broad
cast today. It will be carried out
in spicy informal style by Bruce
Hamby, campus correspondent for
the Portland Journal, and Dick
Neuberger, Oregonian writer cov
ering University activities. Hamby
is a member of the sports staff of
the Emerald and has given a num
ber of the weekly sport chats on
this program broadcast. Neuberg
er, who has written high school
sports for the Oregonian before
entering the University this year,
has also been covering intercol
legiate sport dope for the Portland
paper. He has also had experience
in sport broadcasts over KGW, the
Oregonian station.
* * *
Lois Johnson, pianist, will pre
sent a 15-minute program of mod
ern selections on the Friday broad
cast. Miss Johnson, senior in mu
sic, has appeared in a number of
student recitals which have been
received with a great appreciation.
(Continued from rage One)
taxes would be reduced 27 per cent
were dashed by Mr. Keeney, who
pointed out that the figures ap
plied only to property outside the
city of Eugene. The actual re
duction to the Eugene resident is
about 10 per cent.
University Not Affected
In all probability, the operation
of the University of Oregon will
not be affected by the plan to
finance state operations without
property levies. Funds for the in
stitutions of higher learning will
be as great under the new plan
as in the past, according ‘ to a
statement of Earl L. Fisher, mem
ber of the state tax commission.
Revenue from excise and intan
gible taxes, added to savings
through waiver of the veterans'
aid tax, repeal of the market road
tax, and savings in operation of
state institutions are estimated to
make up the difference.
Tax Source Not Factor
Financial support for the insti
tutions of higher learning is de
rived mainly from a millage tax
of 2.04 mills a year on property
valuations, but it has been con
sidered that this does not neces
sarily mean that the money must
be raised by property levies.
As long us the schools receive
the equivalent of the 2.04 mills
property tax, news reports point
out, it makes little difference
whether the money comes from in
come taxes, excise taxes or prop
erty taxes.
(Continued from rage One)
"The Pacific Basin tour stands
for that very thing. Oregon has
become the mythical world cham
pion of international debating.
"The reception and rally given
throughout this state are being
designed adequately to commem
orate this noteworthy event in the
history of Oregon.”
All members of the welcoming
committee will meet this afternoon
at 4:30 in the speech offices.
i lii-tt.... ' •-» .r:rr—
, Heilig — “Compromised,” starring
Rose Hobart and Ben Lyon.
Showing till Friday.
McDonald — "Are These Our Chil
1 dren,” featuring Erick Linden.
Showing today and Friday,
i Colonial — “Daybreak,” with Ra
mon Novarro. Showing for the
last time today.
; State — “In Line With Duty,”
starring Noah Beery and Sue
Carol. Showing today and Fri
! day.
“Compromised” at Heilig
In most pictures the uniting of ;
I two ends of society in matrimony!
! usually leads to one stereotyped
1 ending. This, however, does not
hold true in “Compromised,” which
I opens in much the usual way and
i for a time pursues the well-worn
! path that so many directors seem
! unable to diverge from.
The theme is far from original
and Hobart and Lyon do little to
make it outstanding in any way.
Caste, pride and selfishness are the
elements which lead Gillingwater,
father of Ben Lyon, to make a
rift in a peaceful and happy fam
Delmar Watson who plays the
part of Sandy, Hobart’s young son,
furnishes the life and gaiety in ]
this rather commonplace film. The
climax is somewhat unusual, al
| though not exciting, the title un
fortunately giving it away before
* * *
Novarro at Colonial
Lovers of love stories, gayly,
done, shading from clever comedy j
to the very threshold of tragedy, j
will undoubtedly take to their
hearts “Daybreak,” the new Ra
mon Novarro picture, which is
i showing for the last time today
! at the Colonial.
I "Daybreak,” presents Novarro,
the always popular, as Kasea, gay,
love adventuring lieutenant of a
I Viennese regiment before the war.
! There is to "Daybreak” much of
that irresistible atmosphere of con
tinental romance and intrigue
which made “The Affairs of Ana
tol,” so diverting to American au
“In Line of Duty,” at State
Presenting the first all-star
drama to be filmed in a Canadian
northwest locale since the incep
tion of the talking picture, Mono
gram’s gripping melodrama, “In
Rose Hobart who is starred with
Ben Lyon in “Compromised,”
which is showing at the Heilig till
Line of Duty,” with Sue Carol and
Noah Beery, is showing for a two
days' run at the State.
"In Line of Duty,” with its
tensely dramatic plot and its
wholesome out-door setting, pre
sents a welcome relief to the re
cent sordid run of gangster melo
dramas and social problem plays.
• * *
Youthful Actors at McDonald
Pitfalls that beset the path of
modern youth form the theme of
“Are These Our Children?” a
thought-compelling photoplay that
opens today at the McDonald for
a two-day run.
It is a strong story, dramatized
with skill and sympathy by an ex
cellent cast under the direction of
Wesley Ruggles, who also wrote
the story. There can be no ques
tion that the play is interesting;
it will keep audiences on the edge
of their seats to the last pathetic
scene and word. There also is no
question that it teaches a strong
moral lesson in a manner more
vivid and convincing than a great
many books and sermons. The
presentation is artistic, too, show
ing a fine sense of balance and re
George Lemery, Ellis Thomson,
Jack Calc, and Marshall Willis are
still confined to the infirmary.
College Ice Cream
Week Beginning December 6, 1931
Peanut Brittle
Vanilla Malt
Butter Brickie
Butter Brickie
Our 10th Semi-Annual
Starts Thursday at 1 P. M.
All at Bargain Prices
(Oat of the high rent district)
Reading Contest
Entries Urged To
Register at Once
[Vo Weeks Remain During
Which To Sign Up for
1932 Competition
Freshmen who want to enter the
Freshman Reading Contest for
next year must register with Miss
Roberts of the book balcony at
Lhe Co-op by December 15. This
leaves almost two weeks for those
interested to take action.
This contest is conducted each
year by the University library and
the Co-op store with the intention
of getting freshmen to read out
side material. The contestants are
to write a paper entitled “Books
I Have Read and What They Have
Meant to Me.”
Marion McClain of the Co-op
stated that in previous years they
have been well pleased with the
quality of the papers, but this year
in order to continue the contest,
at least 15 freshmen must regis
ter. Any information about the
contest, which will close October
15, 1932, may be secured at the
book balcony of the Co-op or at
the circulation desk at the library.
There are three prizes offered,
consisting of $20 and $10 worth
of books that are to be selected
from the book balcony of the Co
op. This year, Jimmy Brooke won
first prize, George Root won sec
ond prize, and George Bennett won
the third prize.
Players Show Great Skill
In Women’s Hockey Tilts !
In the second women’s hockey
game of the season, Team A won a
close victory over team B yester
day, 2 to 1.
Outstanding players on team A
were Dorothy MacLean, captain
and center half, who played a won
derful defense game, and Betty
Lewis center forward. For team B
Lou Hill, center half, shone in both
offensive and defensive plays.
Scores for team A, Betty Lewis,
2; for team B Mae Masterton, 1.
Another game will be played Fri
day at 4 o’clock between the two
oatin Liorestrap Mule-Lrepe Lining
-with Turned Sole and Full Louis
Covered Wood Heel.
MMaaaiai".". ' rn .r= ■ . .
Cadet Teachers Receive
New Assignments today
Only cadet teachers who re
ceived notice of the meeting will
meet with their supervisors this
afternoon in the Education build
ing, to receive their teaching as
signments for next quarter, ac
cording to Dr. N. L. Rossing, head
of supervised teaching. Students
who plan to take practice teach
ing should harfd their applications
in one year ahead in order to reg
ister for practice teaching the fol
lowing year.
“Eugene’s Own Store’’
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Chesterfields are always refreshing—you can
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@1931, Ukitt & Mtih Tmacco Co,