VOLUME XXXIII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1931 NUMBER 41 Annual Krazy Kopy Krawl To Be January 16 Alpha Delta Sigma Plans Novelty Danee Samples Will Be Presented As Traditional Favors r - Sensing what they believe to be a dearth of novelty, gaiety, and individuality in earlier all-campus dances, the members of Alpha Delta Sigma, advertising society, are laying the foundation for one of the most momentous independ ent parties ever offered to the stu dents here. The date for the Krazy Kopy Krawl has been tentatively set for Saturday evening, January 16. Bob Holmes is chairman of the affair. Harry Schenk, president of the organization, said yesterday that difficulty was being met in the choice of ballroom. Cocoanut Grove, Willamette Park Tavern, and Midway are all under consid eration, but a decision has not yet been reached as to which would be most suitable for the evening. Originality Stressed Originality looms with the an nouncement that the walls of whatever room may be chosen will be plastered with posters arranged in new and unequaled combina t tions. Decorations will shield bare walls, and worn-out features of trios, tap dancers, and soloists will yield to something entirely new in amusement, it is promised. For music a unit of eight or more men all primed to give the crowd stim ulating rhythm is being arranged for. New Favors Slated The traditional favors for the evening are being planned by Larry Jackson, business manager of the Emerald. He promises not to overstock the men with tooth paste or shaving lotion, but to present something entirely new. John Painton, business manager for the dance, announced that no novelty would be sacrificed for the sake of the receipts. B,oger Bailey is in charge of the ticket sale. Dick Goebel keeps the main scheme of decoration a secret. Francis Mullins announces a line on some unheard-of features. Hal Short will entertain the patrons. Barney Miller and Vint Hall r have laid plans for advertising the advertising dance. A. novel parade, surprise messages from the air above the campus, sign boards, posters, and paid advertising will • appear early next term. Theta Sigma Phi To Hold Special Meeting Today A special meeting of Theta Sig ma Plii, women’s national journal ism honorary will be held in the editing room at the Journalism building at 5 p. m. today. At this meeting plans will be discussed and the date set for the annual get-together of all campus women enrolled in journalism. These conferences held each year are sponsored by Theta Sigma Phi for the purpose of promoting a more friendly and close relation ship between the women in jour nalism. William Tugman, managing edi { tor of the Eugene Register-Guard, has already been selected as one speaker for the occasion. Freshman Women Hold Iutraclass Swim Clash Making a clean sweep of first places in all the events, the fresh man women’s swimming team number one won a one-sided vic tory over the freshman team num ber two yesterday afternoon, 49 to 6. Winners of the events were: sin gle overarm, Virginia Howard, first; breast stroke, Elizabeth Rob ertson, first; crawl, Jerry McGilli cuddy, first; free style, Elizabeth Robertson, first; plhnge, J. McGil licuddy, first; and relay, team number one, first. RHODORA PRINTS ARTICLES “New Plants From Oregon,” an article written by L. F. Hender son, professor of botany, appeared in the October issue of the Rho dora. This article is a tabulation of Professor Henderson's own dis coveries in new plants of Oregon. York Starts New Policy for Care Of Lost Articles 'J'HE University depot has adopted a new method of handling lost, articles whieh are received at that place, reports George York, superintendent of buildings and grounds. Under the new system stu dents who turn in the articles they have found will be able to claim them at the end of the year if the original owner does not. The finders simply leave their addresses and telephone numbers at the depot with the found articles and they will be notified at the end of the year to come and get the prize if they want it. If not, the article will be sold at the A. W. S. auction as has been the custom in the past. Women Debaters Hit Stride in First Workout of Year Feminine Forensic Force Directed on Divorce Question in Nevada Interest in women’s debate is high again this year, as shown by' the large turnout for the first squad meeting of the year, held yesterday afternoon in the speech offices at Friendly hall. The ques tion, “Resolved, That the divorce laws of the state of Nevada should be condemned,” will be debated. On the squad again this" year will be Gwendolyn Caverhill and Bernice Conoly. Both have had a lot of experience in debating and are expected to form a strong nucleus for the rest of the team, which consists of Jean Leonard, Betty Whitscn, Margaret Mac donald, Florence Halloway, Har riet Seltzer, Geraldine Hickson, and Alma Tye. John L. Casteel, advisor for the team, urges all other women, espe cially freshmen, who are interested in debate to see him and be pres ent at the next regular meeting on Wednesday, December 9, in the speech department. YWCA Bungalow Scene Of Tea This Afternoon A tea for all Y. W. C. A. office girls will be given today by Mar jorie Swafford at 5 o’clock at the bungalow. At this tea acquaintances will be made and the various problems of the girls discussed. To show how the office girls can carry out the hospitality of the Y. W. C. A. through their work is the purpose of this affair. Second Rifle Elimination Flight Now in Progress Firing of the second elimination in the intramural rifle shoot is in progress and will be completed by Thursday night. Teams competing for the right to enter the semi finals are Gamma hall, Friendly hall, Sigma hall, Alpha hall, Delta Tau Delta, Beta Theta Pi, and Phi Delta Theta. The semi-finals will be shot next week and the finals the last week of this term. Dean Parsons To Speak Before Ashland Kiwanis Speaking on community organi zation. Dr. Philip A. Parsons, dean of the school of applied social sci ence, appears today before the Ki wanis club in Ashland. Doctor Parsons is to give two more talks this week on the same subject, Wednesday at the Grants Pass Rotary club and Thursday at a community meeting in Gravel Ford near Myrtle Point. Women’s Hockey Season Gets Under Way Tuesday In the first hockey game of the season, the women’s hockey team A won an exciting victory over team B yesterday afternoon, 3 to 2. This is the opening game of the series, another game between the two teams to be played this afternoon at 4 o’clock. Captains of the teams are: team A, Dorothy MacLean; team B, Doris Payne. I Rhodes Scholars To Be Examined On December 5 The Rhodes scholarship examin ation will be held at the Univer sity club in Portland on December 5 at 9 a. m., when all participants from Oregon will compete. Other state examinations in the country will be held at the same time and the district final will be at Spokane later. The men on the committee are: Dean M. Ellwood Smith, chairman, from Oregon State college; Professor C. B. No ble, Reed college; A. R. Moore, professor of animal biology, Uni versity of Oregon; William Brew ster, lawyer, Portland; S. Stephen son Smith, professor of English, University of Oregon. There are eleven applicants from the state, including representa tives from the University, Reed, Willamette and Linfield. Candidates From the University Robert Hall, business adminis tration major; John Halderman, law student who participated last year; Wallace Campbell, sociology major; George Harrington, history major; Frank Lombard, economics; and David Williams, mathematics. Pan Xenia To Show Films Treating Foreign Travel Pictures Will Be Supplementary To Course of Study In order to promote interest in foreign trade on the Oregon cam pus, and as supplement to the course of study provided here in that field, Pan Xenia, international foreign trade honorary, will bring a series of motion picture films to the campus this year. These films will be shown not only to the members and guests of Pan Xenia, according to Orville Gar rett, president, but to all those who are interested. The first of the pictures, which will be presented in the near fu ture, is a product of the General Steamship company entitled, “Across the Seas.” The three reels of film contain scenes illus trating not only life across the seas, together with modern scenes of transportation, but also giving some accurate and impressive pic tures of American vessels in the days of the “clipper ship.” “Across the Seas” will be entertaining and beneficial to anyone who is inter ested in travel or the field of for eign trade, Garrett declares. Pan Xenia will be able to secure the films through the courtesy of members of the Portland advisory board and several prominent for eign trade officials in Portland. National Law Honorary To Give Annual Banquet Saturday, December 19, has been chosen as the date for the get-to gether dinner to be held in Port land by alumni and present local members of Phi Delta Phi, nation al law honorary. The banquet will be held by the Oregon chapter and its alumni as an outgrowth of the recent dinner by the same group here during homecoming, but is expected to afford an opportunity for many of the Portland attorneys to attend. It will be held at The Portland hotel at 6:30, and is to be in hon or of John B. Cleveland of Port land, the only founder of the na tional fraternity who is still liv ing. Lawrence A. McNary, Judge Ashby C. Dixon, and Wm McGinn, alumni members, will act as a committee of arrangements. The local chapter is assisting. ROTARIANS HEAR NOBLE Dr. Harold J. Noble of the his tory department spoke to the members of the Eugene Rotary club at a luncheon which they gave at the Eugene hotel yesterday. Professor Noble’s topic was “Com parison of the Japanese and the Chinese Case in the Present Man churian Crisis.” Dean James H. Gilbert was chairman of the af fair. BARNETT RETURNS Dr. James D. Earnett, chairman of the department of political sci ence of the University, and profes sor of public law in the law school, was in Salem last Friday, Novem ber 27, doing research work in the library of the state supreme court there. Dr. Barnett is gathering materials for an article to be pub lished next term. Dean Declares Next Term Will Open on Jan. 4 Delay To Effect Saving Rumored on Campus Registration To Commence Monday After New Year as Planned i Emphatically quashing the ru mor that in an effort to save mon ey, the University would not open winter quarter until January 11, James H. Gilbert, dean of the col lege of literature, science and arts, vigorously denied the possibility of such action and stated that the University will hold registration Monday, January 4, as previously scheduled. According to the rumor current ly rampant on the campus, the ad ministrative board had discovered that a saving of some $27,000 could be effected if the opening of school were delayed one week. The board was said to be contemplating such an action. In discrediting the rumor Dean Gilbert declared that in view of the fact that all salaries are continu ous saving would be impossible. The only possibility for economy under such an action would be in full for heating the buildings, a negligible sum in comparison with the full total of necessary Univer sity expenditures, Dean Gilbert further pointed out. "How such a rumor came into existence is beyond my compre hension, and, of course, it is all nonsense,” Dean Gilbert said in conclusion. Students To Sing Christmas Songs For Townspeople Serenade Group To Consist Of Sixty Voices, Say Leaders A serenade of the townsfolk with old English carols by a group of sixty or more voices which will comprise the Revels Carolers for the Christmas frolic to be held on the campus December 7, was the plan announced yesterday by Gif ford Nash, assistant in charge of arrangements for the carolers. Professor S. Stephenson Smith, assisted by Nash and Grace Bur nett, will select a group which, if present plans mature properly, will be half men and half women. Cooperation among various cam pus groups has been whole-hearted, according to Nash. The Oregon Yeomen’s double male quartet has volunteered to be on deck. They with a picked group, chosen by Nash and rehearsed by S. Stephen son Smith, will form the nucleus for the carolers. Register Earl Pallett and Dean D. E. Faville will be among the faculty merry-makers. All members of Sigma Delta Chi, national professional journalism fraternity, are to be considered as likely prospects for mummers and jesters, according to Ralph David, president of the organization. Various houses on the campus have volunteered with skits and playlets. A meeting of the general com mittee will be held Thursday after noon at the faculty club. Edwin Hodge Will Attend Convention in Spokane Edwin T. Hodge, professor of economic geology, left yesterday to represent the Oregon section of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers at Spokane, Washington. It is to be a joint meeting of the Western division of Chambers of Com merce, the Washington National Resources association, and the or ganization which Dr. Hodge is rep resenting. Professor Hodge will present two papers at the convention, one a discussion of the financial re sources of the state of Oregon and the other a brief survey of mining development in the state. PLEDGING ANNOUNCEMENT Delta Tau Delta announces the pledging of Maurice Stauffer of Eugene. Tuttle Explains Best Method For Studying Final Exams Proper Organization Is Said To Be Problem Of Most Students Concentration, organization of material, and writing questions and answers are the important ele ments in an efficient preparation for final examinations, H. S. Tut tle, associate professor of educa tion, told the frosh Y. M. C. A. council last night In the second meeting of his series on the ques tion, “Am I Getting an Educa tion?” Two classes of subjects lend themselves to cramming, Mr. Tut tle said. They are those in which memory and reasoning are needed most, subjects such as acquiring skill and appreciation of art or music must be developed gradual ly, and cramming will do little good, he said. Final examination questions tend toward the organization type. If a student organizes and analyzes his material, and then writes a list of probable questions, fie will stand a very good chance of arriving at the correct answers, according to the speaker. Mr. Tuttle advised students to avoid heavy meals and allow plen ty of time for sleep during exam week. The next meeting of this series will be next Tuesday evening. The subject will be “The Organization of Time.” Tests for Manual Adaptions Being Developed Here Seashore and McCollom Cooperate in Making Muscular Studies Dr. Robert H. Seashore, associ ate professor of psychology, and Ivan N. McCollom, graduate re search assistant in the psychology department, have recently com pleted the construction of a set of tests for muscular co-ordination, especially designed for use in the Merrill Palmer pre-school at De troit, Michigan. This is an insti tution for children from 2 years old up to those of public school age. The tests will be used at the Merrill Palmer school to study the stability of individual differences and manual skills over a number of years. This is the twelfth set of similar apparatus built for other universities and laboratories, all of which are working on re lated problems in individual dif ferences and motor skills. At the present time Dr. Sea shore and McColloim are making a study to determine the interrela tions of individual differences in motor and mechanical skills. In this study they are giving a large number of motor, mechanical, and athletic tests to university men and also are following the devel opment of some of the skills at earlier ages. This research is being conducted on a grant from the National Re search council and also from the University of Oregon. As soon as the experiments are completed, Seashore and McCollom plan to summarize their findings into a book on individual differences in skills. Senior Claes Votes Gift For Oregon Debate Team To express the appreciation of the senior class for the benefits rendered the University of Oregon by the Pacific tour debaters, a committee of four was appointed last night by Hobart Wilson, pres ident, to select an appropriate gift for the returning Pacific Basin de baters. Marie Meyers heads the com mittee. Other members are Esther Kaser, Chester Knowlton, and Omar Palmer. Since the three debaters, Robert Miller, Dave Wilson, and Roger Pfaff, are all members of the class, the seniors desired to recognize in some way the accomplishments of their classmates in furthering international relations and giving Oregon such extensive publicity. 1 The gift will probably take the form of a University scholarship or a stipulated sum of money to be furnished from the class treas ury. Southern Quartet Guests Of International House _ The Dixie quartet, composed of negro students from the South who were brought to Eugene by the First Christian church, were guests at the International house last Sunday evening where they sang old southern and negro spirtual songs. The members of the quartet have been singing for more than ten years. They are Carl Weaver, sec ond bass; Aramis Fouche, first bass; James Colliris, first tenor; and Napoleon Simpson, second ten or. Emerald-Colonial Awards Of Last Week Announced Morgan First To Break Fields’ Itecord of Stories Although the Emerald was only published two days last week be cause of the Thanksgiving holi days, the weekly Emerald-Colonial theatre contest was continued. The present week is the last full week for the publication of the Emerald before the expiration of the fall term. With the overwhelming score of 47 headlines for the two days’ work, Parks Hitchcock, freshman in journalism, again won the honor of being best copyreader during the week. He had no close com petitors. Margaret Ann Morgan, freshman in journalism, was the first re porter to break the record of Don ald Fields, who has won the award for the greatest number of stories since the beginning of the contest. Morgan wrote 11 stories for the two days. Fields was close be hind with a total of 9. The winner of the Colonial pass for the story or stories of the best I quality has not been decided by the judges as yet. Omega Delta Pi To Hear Widely-Known Educator H. W. Adams, superintendent of schools at Corvallis, will address members and guests of Omega Delta Pi, undergraduate education organization, on the “Relationship of the Teacher to the Community” in the first fall-term meeting to be held this evening at 7:30 o'clock in Gerlinger hall. A program of musical numbers will be offered and refreshments served. The newly elected officers, Donald Confrey, president; Bar bara Conly, vice-president; Willa metta Logsdon, secretary; and Carl Gross, treasurer, will offici ate. Chairmen of the various com mittees are: program, Irving Mather; entertainment, Aimee Sten; refreshments, Lucille Kraus; and social, Dorothy Teepe. Tuttle Publishes Article In Educational Journal “Honesty Trends of Elementary School Children” is the title of an article by Harold S. Tuttle, profes sor in the school of education, which appears in the November number of Religious Education, a journal devoted to the development of character through the family, the church, the school, and other community agencies. The article is the first of a se ries resulting from a three-year study conducted by Professor Tut tle in 13 grade schools in Oregon where he gave tests to pupils from the fourth to the eighth grades. The second article will be pub lished by the Sunday School Jour- j nal, of Boston, while the third will appear in the Journal of Educa tional Sociology of New York City. Each of the three articles in the series is an independent report of a certain phase of the study made by Professor Tuttle. A complete report of this research work will be published later in the form of a bulletin. CLASS TO HEAR HUGHES Rush Hughes, sales manager of KORE, Eugene radio station, will speak before Prof. W. F. G. Thacher’s general advertising class at 11 o'clock this morning. Mr. Hughes' topic will be “Radio as an Advertising Medium.” He will also tell the class something of the workings of a radio station. I Week-end Dates To Be Restricted By Every House jyjANY students hold erron eous ideas as to the re strictions to be enforced on “dosed” week-ends. To dear up this misinformation, Mrs. Alice B. Macduff yesterday made the following statements: Friday, December 4, is open to dances; Saturday, December 5, is dosed; Friday and Satur day, December 11 and 12, are both closed to dances and enter tainments of any kind. On both these “dosed” week ends, women are allowed one date out of the three nights. This restriction is enforced by the houses. Morse To Deliver Law Lectures at Columbia School Dean and Howard To Visit American Law School Convention Representatives from the Uni versity of Oregon school of law will this month perform two major functions in eastern law school circles. Dean Wayne L. Morse will leave Saturday for New York City, upon the invitation of Columbia univer sity, to deliver a series of law school lectures there. He will also represent Oregon, with Prof. Charles G. Howard, law professor, at the annual conven tion of the Association of Ameri can Law schools to be held in Chi cago December 28, 29, and 30. At Columbia law school, Dean Morse is to discuss "criminal law and research investigations into the administration of criminal jus tice.” Will Study Investigations He will also confer with Dr. Ray mond C. Moley, research director of the newly created New York crime commission, and will study the investigations being made by the New York legislative commit tee which is now probing the ad ministration of criminal justice in New York City. Morse holds a position similar to Dr. Moley’s with respect to the Oregon crime commission. At the Chicago convention of the Association of American Law Schools, of which the University is a member, Morse is to discuss "educational standards for pn .le gal training.” To Approve Courses One proposal to come before this body will be a recommendation that all pre-legal courses in mem ber universities should be approved by the executive committee of the law school association. Inasmuch as the Oregon law school faculty has for several years required preparatory courses in such fields as the physical and so cial sciences, the proposed change will not materially affect the sit uation here, except that the execu tive committee may require cer tain content courses which are not now offered, Morse said yesterday. Dean Morse is of the opinion “that the proposal, which is aimed to correlate pre-legal and law school disciplines, will strengthen the scholastic work done in asso ciation law schools.”'* Similar to Pre-Medics The plan is similar to the con trol of the American Medical School association over pre-medical courses, and “results from a desire to develop law students who under stand the significance of the con tributions of findings of social sci ence to the law.” Members of this law school as sociation are required to maintain certain scholastic, faculty, library, and pedagogical standards which are approved by the executive com mittee and by the American Bar association. Prof. Howard will leave on De cember 19 to join Morse at the convention. He will also visit his parents in Chicago over the holi days. REAMS LEAVES SCHOOL After attending the University for nine weeks Edward Reams, sophomore in law, was compelled to leave school for his home in Medford Thanksgiving week-end because of strict orders from his doctor, following an appendicitis operation last summer. Giant Rally To Greet Debaters On Arrival Here Fletcher Named To Head Welcoming Plans All Committee Chairmen To Be Named by Cliff Beckett Today When the three Pacific Basin Good-Will debaters, Roger Pfaff, Robert Miller, and David Wilson, arrive in Eugene Friday, January 8, at the end of their 35,000 mile tour, they will be met by the en tire student body, according to Clifford Beckett, chairman of the welcoming committee that is mak ing arrangements for their recep tion. Previous to their arrival here they will be met by a student com mittee in Portland, where they will be entertained by that city for three days. Fletcher Named At Eugene the gigantic rally, in charge of Ferd Fletcher, acting chairman, will meet the trio and conduct them to Villard hall, where they will be officially welcomed home in an assembly by Brian Mimnaugh, president of the asso ciated students. Chairman will be appointed by Beckett today to arrange for a banquet and an all-campus dance to take place the evening of the debater’s arrival. Will Give Talks After resting over the week-end the travelers will begin a series of speaking engagements at all of the civic organizations in Eugene. These will take place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. They will also tell of their trip over ra dio station KORE. Climaxing the program there will be an evening’s entertainment at one of the local theatres show ing movies of all the interesting places visited in New Zealand, Australia, Ceylon, , India, China, Japan, the Philippine Islands, and the Hawaiian islands. The show will be open to the student body and the public. Chairmen To Be Chosen The following are the committee chairmen who will be appointed by Beckett today: dance, banquet, speaking engagements and shows. Each will have assistants for pub licity and secretary. “The Pacific Basin tour is the greatest single enterprise that has been undertaken by the students in the history of the University,” said Beckett. Debate League Numbers 70 Oregon High Schools Percy Carter, secretary of the High School Debate league, has en rolled 70 high schools already this term and expects more to join. The question to be debated upon this year is “Compulsory Unemploy ment Insurance,” and the first de bates will take place Immediately after the Christmas holidays. The state is divided into districts and district winners will compete in May for the state championship cup which is given by Prof, and Mrs. Burchard DeBusk. Burt Brown Barker, vice-president of the University, also gives a cup to winners in eastern and western Oregon. Last year’s state cham pionship was won by Medford high school. Samara, Botany Group, Initiates Two Members Announcement is made by Sa mara, botany honorary, of the in itiation of two new members. Mrs. Louis Henderson has been taken as an honorary member by the group and Theodora Gustafson as an active member. The initia tion ceremony was held at the Kappa Delta house previous to Thanksgiving vacation. The next meeting scheduled for the members will be a luncheon next Monday in Deady hall. WEATHER MAN TO TALK Edward L. Wells, of the Port land weather bureau, will speak to day to the class in commercial aviation and to Professor Warren D. Smith’s survey class in physical science. Mr. Wells’ talk will deal with the weather bureau’s work to aid commercial aviation.