Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 20, 1931, Page 4, Image 4

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Straub Recalls Early Games
In Oregon Gridiron History
“Oregon’s first football game
was played in March in 1894 with
Albany college,” said John Straub,
emeritus dean of men. “The foot
ball field was on the campus east
of the Co-op store where the Ore
gon building now stands.”
Dean Straub, better known to all
the students as “Oregon’s Grand
Old Man,” has been on the campus
for 52 years, coming here when
the University was only a high
school. He is the only living per
son to have served on the original
faculty and the first board of re
gents. Because of his great in
terest in the new students, he has
become the special friend of the
freshman class.
“The second football game that
Oregon played was in the fall of
1894,” Dean Straub continued. “I
imagine that it was either the lat
ter part of September or the first
week in October. The game was
played on Stewarts field at the
foot of College Hill. The field
was so deep with mud that at the
end of five minutes no one was
able to recognize the players.”
The manner in which the play
ers were taken to the field seems
unusual to us with all our means
of transportation. There was a
small street car drawn by a one
cylinder gray mule and guided by
a darky named Wylie. It was by
means of this car that the team
reached its destination.
“Homecoming, as we know it
now, is not more than 10 or 15
years old, as they did not start
until after the late war,” Mr.
Straub said. “Before this com
mencement was the time that all
the grads came back.
“These earlier Homecomings
were not characterized by noise as
they are today. The bonfire was
the main event, each class want
ing to beat the preceding class.
The members would come to me
and ask if I thought that their
bonfire was as big as the one be
fore, and of course I always said
yes. All the lies I've told because
of those fires! The fires were not
on the butte but were built on
the campus. The boys would take
two big telegraph poles and rope
them together. Then, they would
gather wood and pile it up until
it reached the ‘op of these poles.
This took 40 or 50 cords of wood
and all the oil in town. The blaze
was so big that students stood on
the roofs of the buildings to keep
the sparks from burning them.
“We had a parade, but a lot
quieter than now. The boys!
dressed in their old clothes, not
pajamas, and serpentined down
Willamette street yelling and sing
ing songs. However, there were
not any of the noisemakers that
were so predominant in this last
Homecoming parade.”
Old Stage Coach
Arouses Interest
At Health Meet\
The campus was neither prepar
ing for a Trail-to-Rail celebration
nor a wild west show yesterday.
The real reason for the presence
on the campus of the old stage
coach, formerly owned by Cal
Young, Oregon pioneer, was in
connection with the meeting of 30
representatives of the Lane Coun
ty Public Health association held
on the campus. The delegates
were from various centers through
out the county, and they met here
in the preparation for the staging
of a successful county-wide sale
campaign of the seals.
Lilian Tingle, department chair
man of household arts, and her
home economics class served a
luncheon to the representatives, at
which time Sadie R. Dunbarr, ex
secretary of the Oregon State
Health association spoke to the
The old stage coach belongs to
the Trail-to-Rail committee and
the purpose of its use in the seal
campaign is in relation to the 1931
Christmas seal design, which de
picts an old stage coach drawn by
four horses. The coach will be sent
to Portland after it has been used
here for publicity purposes for the
campaign publicity there.
One new patient, Jack Kneeland,
is confined to the infirmary. Oth
ers who are ill are Helen Parish,
Harr'lette Chase, and Bob Riddle.
Dean Schwering Comments
On Sleep Problem at Oregon
(This is the second of a series
of articles on some phase of Health
week written by prominent people
on the campus.)
In conjunction with the Health
Week program, I wish we might
have a “campus sleep week”—-that
Is sleep at regular and reasonable
hours at night and not in classes
during the day. The strenuous life
of college students is a drain on
the whole nervous system emo
tional reactions, and straight
thinking and certainly a handicap
to the physical well-being.
The artificiality of living in large
groups leads to constant interrup
tions and irritations. Students do
not become as fatigued from the
class room work or extra curricu
lar activities, as from the difficul
ty under which studying and out
side work are done. To attempt
to study with the jangle of a rau
cous telephone bell, the high pitched
voices of thirty or forty people
and a radio plus heavy Armishaws
clattering on the stairs, is indeed
no easy task.
It is these things that irritate
and tire people without their con
sciously realizing it. The constant
rushing about under pressure of
many tasks to be done without
ever a period of relaxation is too
much to ask of the human ma
chine. Each individual is entitled
to a certain amount of privacy
where he may have time and quiet
for relaxation and meditation or
to do as he wishes.
The common complaint of mem
bers of large living groups is the
| constant noise, and the lack of
peaceful surroundings and oppor
tunity for real study. Many organ
izations have taken steps to have
the houses and halls quiet by put
ting carpets on stairways and
halls, hinges on doors to keep them
from banging, and a buzzer sys
tem in rooms. An attempt is also
Adjust your car now for battery and
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George A. Halton
Battery and Electrical Service
Broadway and Olive Phone 1619
made to have certain quiet hours
during the day and regulaltions
about going to bed. But the en
forcement of all these rules de
pends on the thoughtfulness and
consideration of each member of
the organization.
Many problems of college stu
dents have at their basis lack of
sleep. Students become greatly fa
tigued, their vitality is reduced,
they catch cold, become emotion
ally disturbed and irritable, and
soon there is a serious health prob
lem. College men and women
should realize the importance of
safeguarding their health, and I
sincerely hope the Health week
program will make students awa’-e
that they should take part, not
only in protecting themselves, but
others also. Maintaining quiet
hours, a restful atmosphere, and
securing a reasonable amount of
sleep are important items in mak
ing for a healthful physical and
mental condition.
(Continued on Parje Tour)
and place of meeting are as fol
lows: group one, Ann Baum, Peggy
Cullers, 3 o’clock Mondays, Susan
Campbell; group two, Dorothy
Foote, Mary MacMahan, 3 o’clock
Fridays, Y. W. C. A.; group three
Barbara Conley, Betty Goodman,
4 Thursdays, YWCA; group four
five Florence Tennant, Magdalene
Terret, 4 o’clock Mondays, Kappa
Kappa Gamma; group six Marian
Chapman, Bernice Ingalls, 8:30
Thursday evenings, Y. W. C. A.;
group seven, Frances Keene, Cath
erine Firebaugh, 3 o’clock Thurs
days, Y. W. C. A.; group eight,
Margaret Hunt, Dorothy Dibble, 4
o’clock, Tuesdays, Y. W. C. A.;
group nine, Virginia Grone, Norma
Pickle, 3 o’clock Thursday’s, Y. W.
C. A.; group ten, Nancy Thompson,
Eleanor Wharton, 4 o’clock, Fri
days, Y. W. C. A.
All girls not yet members of
any of these groups and desiring
to join one may see Margaret Ed
munson at the, Y. W. C. A. bun
Pennington, Reames Join
Congress Club Wednesday
New Members Taken In as Result
Of Prohibition Talks
Because of the quality of their j
talks, John Pennington and Ed '■
Heames, principal speakers on the
Wednesday evening program of the 1
Congress club, were asked to join |
the organization. Contests are con
ducted each spring for the mem
bers under the sponsorship of Burt
Brown Barker, vice-president of
the University.
The two speakers discussed the
present prohibition problem. Pen
nington upheld the present situa
tion, while Reames maintained
that it brought all law into disre
pute and that the elimination of
the Volstead ^.ct would ease the
crime problem and destroy the
present drinking drys.
The meeting was held at the Col
lege Side Wednesday at 7:30, and
the next will be held the Wednes
day after Thanksgiving. At this ■
time Howard Ohmart, freshman j
in sociology, and George Bennett, j
chairman of the program commit- !
tee for the club, will debate upon
a question to be decided at a later
Phi Chi Theta To Initiate
Women Business Students
Phi Chi Theta, national business
honorary for women, will hold in
itiation of six new members at Su
san Campbell hall Sunday morn
ing at 9 o'clock. The initiation
will be followed by a breakfast at
the Anchorage.
The girls who are to be initiated
Sunday are Maryellyn Bradford,
Celestine Balsiger, Gladys Calk
ins, Marguerite Tarbell, Dorothy
McMillan, and Dorothy Hall.
Alice Redetzke, president of Phi
Chi Theta, will give a speech of
welcome. Miss Kathryn Bailey will
speak on the history of the honor
ary, and Miss Mozelle Hair will tell
of the achievements of women in
Oregon Debate Excites Howl
From Quiet-Loving Radio Fan
We who were left at home when
the good will debaters left on their
Pacific basin jaunt have had to
content ourselves with the glow
ing tales of their receptions and
successes. Judging by a letter sent
to Virgil Earl, however, all is not
| as rosy as it seems in the Orient.
The following is a letter received
by Dean Earl recently:
Manila, Oct. 14, 1931.
To the Dean of the University
of Oregon:
What is this world coming to
when an accredited university al
lows its children to cross the ocean
and, in the fulness of their abysmal
ignorance or vast knowledge, if
you like, howl all night in com
pany with Filipinos about men’s
affairs to be broadcast over ra
dios, all with loud speakers, and
300,000 people awake, who never
get enough sleep at the best of
times, because six boys choose to
Almost the entire population,
bar the broadcasting manager who
is still asleep now at 10 a. m. as
far as I can discover, has to get
up in this place before daylight
and sorely needs the little sleep it
normally gets, and out come blud
geon tongues across the sea and
murder that sleep. In America,
one would get an ax, blacksnake
or revolver and defend one's self,
but not here.
Therefore, henceforth keep your
kids in school where they belong,
I beseech you.
P. S. I don’t (know) what they
said: I don’t care. They couldn’t have
said anything worth listening to.
All the orators ever born from the
days of ancient Greece to Will
Rogers couldn’t say anything fit
to broadcast to keep a whole city
awake all night—part of the time
to have to listen and the rest to
Kindly pass this to the Dean of
the Colorado university, as I hear
the same crime is contemplated
for December by him, and I don’t
want to die as I about did October
I shall not sign this as I’m no
pride of the movie world looking
for publicity—only an outraged
person angrier than I thought I
ever could be.
Dinner — Tea — Formal
New Blue Shades
Castilian Reds
C repes - - - Taffetas
Velvets - - - Laces
Chiffon and Service Weight
Willamette at 10th
Colonial — “Graft,” starring Re
gis Toomey. Showing today and
Heilig—“Expensive Women,” with
Dolores Costello. Showing for
the last time today.
McDonald — "Riders of the Pur
ple Sage,” starring George
O’Brien. Showing today and
State — “One Heavenly Night,”
featuring John Boles. Showing
for the last time today.
“Graft” at Colonial
“Graft,” Universal’s fast-moving j
drama which opens a first run en
gagement today at the Colonial,
deals with the trickery of crooked
politicians and the romance of a
boy and a girl. It is told against
the background of a seething news
paper office in a great city, and
is said to be one of the season’s
most intensely interesting stories
of its type.
The cast is headed by Regis
Toomey, Sue Carol, Dorothy Re
vier and Boris Karloff.
* * *
“Expensive Women” at Heilig
Admirers of Dolores Costello ev
erywhere concede that “Expensive
Women,” the Warner Bros, picture
in which she is appearing at the
Heilig for the last time today, is
her supreme starring vehicle. Her
brilliant career, which really began
in “The Sea Beast,” reaches its
height in the role of Constance
Newton, in "Expensive Women,”
her twentieth film. Three leading
men support her—Warren Wil
liams, Anthony Bushell and Joe
Dorothy Gulliver, the prize win
ning beauty from Salt Lake City,
is the featured feminine player in
“In Old Cheyenne,” which comes
to the Heilig on Saturday only.
* * *
| A stampede of 500 cattle is one
I ~ -
George O’Brien, who is starring
in Zane Grey’s “Riders of the
Purple Sage,” which is showing at
the Fox McDonald today and Sat
of the spectacular thrills offered
in “Riders of the Purple Sage,”
new Fox films action-romance,
now showing at the McDonald. An
added thrill is provided when
George O’Brien, featured in the
leading role, out-races the herd
and, by throwing the leader, stops
it just on the brink of a cliff.
* * *
"One Heavenly Night,” starring
John Boles, Evelyn Laye, and Lil
yan Tashman, is showing for the
last time today.
“Dugan of the Bad Lands,” fea
turing Bill Cody and Andy Shuf
ford is coming Saturday.
The sign of a good
... SINCE 1920
Across from Sigma Chi
“Look for the red clock’’
50c Turkey Dinner 50c
Gossers will serve Turkey Dinner Sat
urday from I 1 a. m. until 2 p. m. and
on Sunday from 1 2 until 8 p. m.
Fresh Oyster Soup
Roast Turkey—Dressing—Cranberry Sauce
Mashed Potatoes—Brown Gravy
Creamed Peas—Vegetable Salad
English Plum Pudding—Ice Cream
Three blocks from Campus down 13th.
I CiJ GU LdJ l“J DU Gil [HI CU CU Gii CJ Cfl LU GiJ l*y Cil ail Gil eu Gy irJ LLU lil liU Gy Gy lil l=i Gy Gy liU Gy L.
Friday Nite
Bring your dates to the Grove and listen to the
Carl Collins ^ Kampus Knights
I’m never disappointed in Chesterfields —
each one is as mild and good-tasting as the
one before.
No milder, better tasting cigarette than Chester
field can be made. That’s why more and more
smokers are changing to them every day. In Chester
field only the riper, milder tobaccos are used. And
the purest cigarette paper. Every Chesterfield has
the same good taste. You’ll never strike a‘'bad
, one”—and you’ll never tire of the taste.They Satisfy!
i _«»