Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 05, 1931, Image 2

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University of Oregon, Eugene
Willis Duniwny, Editor I-arry Jackson, Manager
Thornton Shaw, Managing Editor
Ralph David, Associate Editor
Betty Anne Macduff, Editorial Writer Merlin Blais, Radio Director
Rufus Kimball, Asst. Managing Editor
Jack Bellinger. News Editor
Eleanor Jane Ballantyne and Lcnorc Ely,
Society Editors.
Roy Sheedy, Literary Editor
Walt Baker, Sports Editor
Doug Wight, Chief Night Editor
DAY EDITORS: Jessie Steele, Sterling Green, Eatili Philips, Virginia Wentz, Oscar
ASSISTANT DAY EDITORS: Esther Hayden, Julian Prescott, George Sanford.
SPECIAL WRITERS: Thelma Nelson, George Root, and Willetts Hartley.
COPYREADERS: Parks Hitchcock, Marie KyJatra. Marietta Morrison, Helen Abel,
Robert Patterson, Elinor Henry, George Sanford, Valborg Anderson, Larkin Wil
liams. Ruth Osborn. . ,
REPORTERS: Jim Brooke, Fred Fricke, George Sanford, Sanford Platt, Clifford
Gregor, Sam Mushen. Harold Nock, Maximo Pulido, Willard Arant, Lafcjra Drury
Margaret Ann Morgan, Genevieve Dunlop, Byron Brinton, Tom Ballantyne, Cecil
Keesling, Mary Frances Owen, Ruth King, Beth Bede, Shirley Sylvester, Donald
Fields. Eleanor Skelley, Elsie Eschebeck, Aileen Kelly, Lee Parkinson, Madeleine
Gilbert. Ralph Mason.
SECRETARIES: Marjorie Haas, Hazel Corrigan, Jenne Holden.
SPORTS STAFF: Bruce Hamby, assistant editor; Estill Phipps, Joe Saslavsky, George
RADIO'ASSISTANTS: Jack Bauer, Ethan Newman.
NIGHT EDITORS: Lcs Dunton, Bob Patterson, Myron Ricketts, Clark Williams, and
Doug Polivka.
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Barbara Jenning, Catherine Watson, Elsie Peterson,
Mary Teresi, Roberta Bequeaith, Lcnore Grove, Adele Hitchman, Geraldine I* aye,
Byrne Doherty, Dorothy Williams, Worth Chancy, Ruth McClain, Delpha Hurlburt,
Advertising Mgr.Harry Schenk
Assistant Adv. Mgr.Auten Bush
Assistant Adv. Mgr. .Barney Miller
National Advertising Mgr.Harold Short
Promotional Mgr.Dick Goebel
Promotion Assistant Mary Lou Patrick
Women's Specialties ....Harriette Hofmann
Classified Adv. Mgr.George Branstator
Office Manager - .Jack Wood
Circulation Manager..Cliff Lord
Assistant Circulation Mgr.Ed Cross
Sez Sue .Kathryn Laughridge
Sez Sue Assistant.Caroline Hahn
Checking Dept. Mgr.Helen Stinger
Financial Administrator.Edith Peterson
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Pearl Base, Nancy Archbold, Alma Tye, Marian Henderson,
Virginia Howard, Laura Hart, Helen Schacht, Helen Kalmbach, Betty Gorrill,
Annabel Tuiloek, Mildred Laurence.
ADVERTISING SOLICITORS: Caroline Hahn, Velma Hamilton, Jay Brown, Bill
Price, Jack Dees, Maude Sutton, Chick Tokk, Grant Theummel, Gretchen Winter
meier, Clara Mary hyson, Harlin Bonis, Helen Nelson, Bernice Walo, Gabriel
Furrer, Louise Rice, Florence Nomblais, Ella McFall, Joseph Saslavsky, Helen
Sean, Bill Russell.
PROMOTION DEPT. ASSISTANTS: Roger Early, Jerry McGillicuddy, Bill Dobbin,
Betty Goodman, Elsie Peterson. Mabel Harrow, office records.
MARKETING DEPARTMENT: Nancy Suomela, executive secretary; Betty Mae Higby,
Alma Tye, Laura Hart, Virginia Kibbee, Louise Bears.
With a Bouquet of Violets
'TMUED but happy, Oregon’s "Wandering Webfoots” are home
A again. And is the campus glad to see them back? Yester
day’s mammoth rally was a sure sign of that.
The campus set a new high mark for rally spirit when Doc
Shears and his warriors, who left their heel prints deep in New
York university’s Violet flower bed, stepped off the train yester
day. It was a welcoming celebration entered into by students
and townspeople alike, and one which Oregon's backers will have
to go far to beat this year or for a few to come.
We are proud of Doc Spears and the triumphant showing
he and his men made in New York. We are proud, too, of the
fine display of spirit given by the campus. If the two combine
again November 14 there will be no stopping Oregon in the
Homecoming game.
The Great Male Rebellion
^(O-EDS at the University of Washington were questioned last
week on their willingness to forego taxis, and corsages, and
food while dating during the current depression. The answers
'on the whole bode ill for the male collegians of Washington.
One gill of campus prominence said in reply to questions that
she would “rather stay at home and listen to the radio" than
ride with a date on a street car. Another remarks that street
cars remind her of hitch-hiking. Any number would rather stay
at home than date in such a fashion. While corsages were con
sidered a necessity by a very few, several found that eating
was an essential item in a good evening. Some few felt it col
legiate and quite the thing to ride in street cars in formal
To the co-eds of Washington, and elsewhere, who find they
would “rather stay at home and listen to the radio” instead
of dating on a street car, let us issue a warning: the great male
rebellion may be only days in the offing! Rumblings of dis
content have been heard at various times from college men.
Men are finding that “gallant” may be synoymous with “sucker.”
Within the past week a “50-50" club has been organized by the '
men at the University of Southern California. This group, com
txised of the best men dates of the U. S. C. campus, agrees
to take dates only on the understanding that the girls will foot
half the bill. Men at other colleges are rapidly adopting the
hfcw idea.
With such clear indications of the modern trend, the proud
co-eds of Washington might well take heed. It may not be
long until the street car will be the one means of escape from
home and the radio and the street car does have other things
than movement to commend it over the radio. And the beauty
who places riding in a street car in the same category with
hitch-hiking may soon find herself on the street corner with
her male escort hailing passing motorists with a swing of the
hand and a “ride, mister?”
The King Is Dead—
'-y'ilK King is dead but there is no other to reign in his
There was only one King, the line German police dog known
to every student on the campus. King, who went to classes in
the law school; King, who wagged a friendly greeting as stu
dents hurried along Eleventh; King, who helped carriers deliver
Emeralds every morning.
King is dead shot as he and another pup barked at a goat
tethered on a vacant lot near the campus. A double-barreled
shotgun ir. the hands of the goat’s owner took King’s life. There
was no warning to King’s master that the dog was bothering
anything. No warning to anyone. Just a shot in the early morn
ing hours.
King is dead, and the campus mourns. A man who has killed
a dog has killed the best friend of a fellow-man.
Humor has gone to all sorts of trouble on this continent to
demonstrate that few things can be laughed out of existence.—
Thomas Beer.
Communism can be a menace to capitalism only if capitalism
cannot solve its problem.—Dr. Herbert von Bcckerath.
Emancipation of women and luck of maimers is not the same
thing.—Queen Marie.
Here’s your medicine, children—
1 take it, darn ye!
Drooling down the campus: Hen
rietta P’einke huddling up the
main drug with a brawny male.
. . . Tho 3 big Hanson mugs stum
bling ov r their dogs in war. . . .
These F.osh football hulks with
their skinned beaks. . . . Esther
Hayden impressing her personality
on some poor goof. . . . Jessie
Steele, looking for her man. . .
Parks Hitchcock, the frosh dazzle,
plugging doggedly away at his
twyepatter. . . . Max Adams look
ing huge. . . . Brian Mimnaugh
evoking pep. . . . Thornton Shaw
acting perturbed. . . . George God
frey doing nothing.
* * *
We can’t help hut wondering—
wicked thought—if the extra “S’
in Stephenson Smith’s monnikei
stands for Sam.
* * *
. . . and another whack at Stevie
... we unnerstan that he has
publicly admitted for the first
time, that he has been fogging
around in the dark. . . . Now don't
take us wrong ... it merely seems
that a gnat socked him in the eye
(the lil’ meanie) while he was
driving to Portland t’other day . .
and the old peeper doesn't work
so good nowadays.
We were tabulating- our troubles
with this dang colyum to the man
about-campus, Moon Mullins . . .
and the old nasty snaps at us,
“Well, I suppose you want me to
tell you how good it is!” ... So
we cracks right back at him just
as quick as a flash . . . “Honk
you Minnie!" That's fast think
ing for you!
* * *
Goody! Goody! Last night we
enjoyed having the street light out
on the Z. . T. A. corner. ... To
which little Throckmorton hisses
"Is Zeta nice thing to do?" . . .
So close to home, too. . . . We told
Kates Payable In Advance
10c a line for first insertion;
5c a line for each additional
Telephone 3300; local 214
LOST Keytainer with keys be
tween Friendly and Oregon halls
Friday. Finder return to room
3, Friendly hall. Reward.
LOST Green Wahl fountain pen
with name engraved. Phone
HELP WANTED - Out-of-town
freshman to work nights for
room and $15 a month. Apply
1245 Onyx, 6:30 to 7:30 p. m.
ANY intelligent person may earn
good income corresponding for
newspapers; all or spare time;
send for free booklet; tells how.
Heaeock, 4IS Dun Bldg., Buf
falo, N. Y.
583 13th Ave E. Phone 1303
Style Right Price Right
Upstairs over Underwood &
Elliott Grocery.
shoe repairing in Eugene, qual
ity work, and service. All soles
stitched, no nails. Campus Shoe
Repair, 13th between Alder and
Starts Tuesday 8:30 P. M.
861 Willamette Phone 30S1
System. Taught by Mrs. G. E.
Lehman. 1771 Alder street.
Phone 1180 for appointments.
Also Hair-cutting
Next to Walora Candies
can cut; $5.50 a week. 1217
i Formerly in College Side Inn Bldg
Now at Alder St.
lim it was exhilarating to sit in
die darkness . . . and the low
ifer nifties back, “Sure we got an
ixhilarator on our car.’’ ... So I
gas we cleaned that up alright,
ilright, alright.
Oh! these nassy old freshmen!
. . . If 'taint one thing it’s another
. . . first the walk-out . . . and
now the brutes daub the Senior
Bench (yeah! We senior do it!)
with green paint . . . and thereby
hangs a tail.
Last night, Bob Allen . . . un
expectedly penetrating his perma
nent daze . . . realized for the first
time that he now had a legitimate
right to park on the revered bench
. . . so he arose suddenly . . . let
ting the Gamma Phi slide from
his lap . . . and mashed daddly
off to perform the dirty deed. Ar
riving ... he strode debonairly
up . . . visioning the culmination
of a long-held dream . . . slyly
planted himself on the bench . . .
arose suddenly in consternation . . .
poor child, he has to be cleaned
up now . . . pardon us . . . has to
have his cords cleaned . . . green
paint clings so affectionately.
Yeah! We had a Rally! . . . and
a Rally Dance . . . (Yass! we can
really dance) ... or if you don’t
like that . . . there was rally a
lotta noise . . . some cars will
back-fire and some won't . . . ours
wouldn’t . . . nobody could find
the team . . . nice deception on
their part . . . musta been another
trick play.
* * *
The other rright wc were initi
ated into the deep dank mysteries
of Cream de Menthe, and its com
plementary mixtures. We were
well on the road to a slick pun
about cream from de menthed
cows, but the idea fizzled.
* * *
Take a look at the pronoun that
began that last sentence. That's
what the French editor termed the
“Editorial oui.”
(Continued from 1'ttr/c One)
“and as I expect to enter the dip
lomatic aervice it would be great
to go there, although I don’t en
tertain too many hopes of mak
ing it.”
Frank reads “all the time” and
especially likes American fiction.
In sports he prefers football, al
though he is only a "little guy."
At Springfield he played on the
first string.
Frank is an enthusiast for
mountain climbing. If he has any
hobby at all, he claims, that’s it.
His love for the outdoors led him
to accept the summer job in Gla
cier park.
“Once during that summer," he
said, “everyone was excited over
a rumor that ‘Mr. Hoover’ was
coming for a visit. When the
long awaited ‘Mr. Hoover' did ar
rive he disappointed us all by turn
ing out to be not President Hoover
of the United States but Presi
New Book
of Poetry
ut the
Book Balcony
dent Hoover ot tne Hoover vacu
um Cleaner company.
“But he brought with him hifi
two beautiful daughters,” added
Frank, smiling, “and that made up
for it!”
Work of Planling Shrubs
On Campus Is Underway
Planting of shrubs in front of
the home economics building and
the University dispensary where
the sod was taken up and for ter
racing in front of the Prince L.
Campbell memorial art museum is
under way.
This Is part of the winter pro
gram to set out many new shrubs
and to change the location of those
planted in the past, thereby facil
itating their growth, states George
E. M. York, superint^ident oi
buildings and grounds.
(Continued from Page One)
were on hand when the train pullet
Dr. Clarence W. Spears, Webfool
coach, remained in his compart
ment most of the 20 minutes the
train was in town. He went out tc
the train shed only when he learnec
that a relative wanted to see him
A few of the triumphant gridmer
strolled up and down, stretching
their legs. Most of them, however
remained on the train.
Big Sisters meeting today at 5
!p. m. 105 Journalism. Important.
Group of Six of Frosh commis
sion will meet at S:30 this evening
at Y. W. C. A. bungalow.
House managers meeting at 4
| o’clock today. 110 Johnson. All
house managers please be present.
Philomelete Charm school will
meet on Tuesday, Nov. 17, at. Phi
| Mu, from 9 till 10 p. m.
Since a holiday is scheduled for
Armistice day, the graduate coun
cil will meet Tuesday Nov. 10.
The regular Thursday evening
meeting of the Christian Science
organization will be held tonight
at 7:30.
Y. W. C. A. cabinet meeting to
night at 5 to greet Lucille Day,
traveling secretary for the Student
Volunteer association.
The World Fellowship group of
the Y. W. C. A. will meet tonight
at 7:45 at the Y. M. C. A. instead
of the Y. W. C. A. Mr. Porter will
talk on “Gandhi and His Good-Will
Policy.” Everyone invited.
“Native Moments,” by Ernest G.
“Native Moments,” by Ernest G.
Moll, assistant professor of Eng
lish at the University of Oregon,
is a collection of lyric poems of
unusual power and beauty. It ful
fills the promise of his earlier book,
“Sedge Fire,” in breadth of emo
tion and depth of poetic force. The
book takes its name from a series
of fifty quatrains, called “Native
Moments,'’ each of which is a com
plete poem with a definite mood
and idea, but which is also part of
the larger story told by the group.
The movement unfolds from verse
to verse; and, while the group does
not in a strict sense constitute a
narrative poem, there is a develop
ment in idea and emotion that
gives unity to the whole. The re
mainder of the book is composed
of a number of single lyrics ex
pressing a variety of moods and
This book is notable for maturity
of feeling and mastery of form.
Here is no vague yearning after
nebulous and pretty dreams, but
vigorous and imaginative expres
sion of a sensitive and lusty joy
of life, expressed with skill and
Margaret Ormandy.
s * *
“Martin’s Summer,” by Yields
Baum. Translated by Basil
Creighton. Cosmopolitan Book
Vickli Baum wrote “Grand Ho
tel” and did it rather grandly, then
she followed up with “Hell in Frau
ensee,” or “Martin’s Summer” as
the English translation is called,
but failed to hit the High mark
gained in the critical American es
timation by her former book.
“Martin’s Hunger” might well
have been the title of this story oi
j a handsome young scientist’s hec
} tic three months in which he actec
j as swimming instructor for a mer
! cenary German pappa's bathing
! resort in order to stave off starva
i tion while waiting for word as tc
j the success of his invention oi
an inflammable film.
The young Apollo is very hand
some. Vickli Baum doesn't wani
you to forget the fact so she makes
constant reference to his “fair eye
brows.” Accordingly, all the wo
men in the town fall for him and
together with his starving, he ha:
quite a terrible time of it.
“Martin’s Summer” lacks th<
very quality that made "Grand Ho
tel successful: mainly, reality o:
character. Each figure exists with
out depth of feeling. A sense o:
actuality is lacking.
If you liked "Grand Hotel” yol
will be interested in “Martin’:
j Summer.” It is interesting, noth
! ing more.
—G. Root.
College ice Cream j
November 8 to November 15 f
Strawberry Nougat Icc Cream' i
Vanilla Parfait Ice Cream |
Peanut Brittle Ice Cream j
Peanut Brittle Ice Cream
Phone 1480
m m m m m m m m m ith r;n rr.:
Paints and Decorators’ Supplies for all
Kindis of Work.
Artist supplies for oil, water color
and pastel.
Brushes of all kinds.
Idectric floor polishers for rent.
Wax and floor-cleaning supplies.
55 West Broadway
ana ^ runs group ur imnu
melete'will hold a very important
business meeting at 9 tonight at
the Alpha Xi Delta house.
All Kwamas are to meet in the
back room of the College Side at
noon today. Presence of all mem
bers is requested.
All students invited to hear Miss
Lucille Day speak at 8 o’clock to
night in Alumni hall on “What Can
Christianity Do for the Orient?”
S. Stephenson Smith 11 a. m.
class on Friday, will be given an
hour quiz in the Literature of Ren
aissance, chiefly on the book of
Leonardo to page 400.
International Relations club
meeting tonight at 8 o’clock in the
men’s lounge, Gerlinger hauu. Dr.
Noble will speak. Those interested
are urged to attend.
Mr. M. H. Douglass, librarian,
announces that there are three new
books in Braille in the University
library. Two of the books are on
music, the “Key to Braille Music
Notation and Bach,” 15-2 part
invention. The other book is the
second part of Babbit by, Lewis.
The Heart Bomb
Of Aunt Eppie
Dear Aunt Eppie:
I am just one of these underes
timated town girls who have such
a tough time on the campus. I
have a big sedan but I can't find
anyone of the opposite sex who
wants to drive it in conjunction
with me. How would you suggest
getting someone to go on moon
light rides with me in my big se
Heartbroken, I am,
Lizzie Razorstrap.
Dearest Lizzie:
Lizzie, old gal, you are one of
the hundreds of females who go
around with a haughty expression
on your baby face. If you would
wipe this undesirable expression
Xq pun ‘aounuatunoo jnoX uiojj
some means get a sedan of later
vintage, you might have a prayer
with some of the big “strawn
mens” around this part of the
In sincerity, Aunt Eppie.
p. g.—I hope I “ain’t” kilt in
bed tonite.
There Is A Difference
j LEATHER—RUBBER and all Materials
s! Used in Rebuilding Shoes
Keith’s Shoe Repair
1076 Willamette
It Costs No More to Have an Expert Serve You
Drug Specials
50c Box of Stationery
35c Palmolive Shaving- Cream
25c Colgate’s Tooth Paste
$1.00 New Gillette, Blades (105) and
New Gold Gillette Rgzor (sold for $5.00)QOp
AT.T. FOR . .
25c Colgate Tooth Paste
50c Pound Paper
25c Envelopes to Match
$1.00 Ever-Ready Razor
75c Witchhazel
35c Shaving Cream
10c Waldorf Toilet Paper
4 FOR .
500 Sheets Typewriter Paper
Lemon ‘O’ Pharmacy
*1*. A.—
The Competition Gets Stiff
it’s the lad with the P. A.* who wins out.
"We build P. A.”
New Service Laundry