Buy Sinkers Today is “Donut Day.” Buy two for a nickel from the Y. W. C. A. girls who are selling them on the campus. VOLUME XXXIII Attend Meeting Freshmen—Attend the class meeting tonight at 7:30 in Villard assembly and help decide the fate of the Homecoming bonfire. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1931 NUMBER 20 Committee on Homecoming Rallies Named Mathews Slates Sixteen For Pep Directorate Lay Plans for Noise Parade, { Decoration Motifs, and Field Features The appointment of one of the largest Homecoming rally commit tees in the history of the Univer sity of Oregon was announced last night by Carson Mathews, rally chairman. Composed of sixteen people, the committee is working feverishly toward the completion of plans for the largest rally and pep demonstration within memory, the chairman stated. The appointments are as fol lows: Hal Short—Assistant chairman. Ferd Fletcher—Noise parade. Gordon Day—Field features. Ethan Newman—Spotlights. Jack Wood—Fireworks. Ray Force—Card stunts. Bob Hall—Artillery. Ned Kinney—Traffic. Kelsey Slocum—Yell king. Margaret Swafford and Marie Myers—Co-ed section. Sheldon Dunning—Welcoming. Lucille Krause—Speakers. ^ Marguerite Tarbell—Awards. Lucille Weber—Transportation. Esther Hayden—Publicity. Mathews States Policy “With the members of the com mittee working- at top speed, we are striving to make the spirit of this homecoming something that people will rememTjer,” said Math ews. Friday night there will be a pa jama parade, the burning “O,” the noise parade, and plenty of rack et, it is planned. Mathews stated that the line of march would be in the following order: Band, Or der of “O,” serpentine, and the noise parade. Houses Paired He announced that the pairings of the houses for the' noise parade entries would be made today and that the list would be released at an early date. The cost of the en tries would not exceed $20 per house, he said. “It is imperative that each house, as soon as noti fied, choose their noise float chair man immediately,” he urged. Larry Fischer, in charge of the homecoming sign contest, an nounced that Laraway’s jewelry store had promised to donate a trophy for the house producing the winning sign. Roger Bailey, in charge of dec orations, announced that tentative plans had been made to place four arches, two in Oregon colors, and two in Oregon state colors, across 13th street instead of the usual single span. The merchants on the business block of Willamette street are installing special light ing for the Homecomifig week-end, he revealed. “The downtown sec tion, as well as the campus, will be dressed in gala garb as never be fore for this event,” he said. Penlhnd Speaks John Penland, chairman, and Roger Bailey, decorations, spoke before the Eugene Rotary club (.Continued on Pape Four) Freshman Class To Discuss Fire At Meeting Today SPECIAL meeting of the freshman class to consider Dean -John Straub's suggestion concerning the Homeeoming bonfire has been called for this evening, by Howard Steib, class president. Dean Straub will attend the meeting and will present his views on the subject. This will be Dean Straub's first meeting [ with the present freshman class, the fifty-second class which he has seen enter the University. The meeting is scheduled for. Villard assembly at 7:80. “I sincerely urge every mem ber of the freshman class to attend this meeting to greet Dean Straub," Steib said. Wilson, Pfaffand Miller Meet Many Indian Debaters Much good will has been pro moted and many wrong illusions about America have been de stroyed, according to word re ceived from the Pacific Basin de baters, David Wilson, Roger Pfaff and Robert Miller. The tour has stressed good will, and debating has been the means of putting it across. The debaters started out with only 62 speaking engagements for the whole tour, but at the conclu sion of the Indian tour they had already reached that number. Fig ures that they compiled at that time reveal the following: 62 speaking engagements to approxi mately 40,000 people (not count ing five radio addresses); Pfaff had delivered 18 separate lectures and led over twenty of the speak ing engagements; Wilson had given three lectures and Miller two; only four debates lost, and those were on the controversial subject of the League of Nations and prejudice played a part in the decision. In a letter concerning the In dian students, Pfaff said: “They are great orators, that is they can let off a lot of hot air but little thought. In debate they never get together as a team. One will say one thing and perhaps the third speaker may contradict him.” U. of W. Inaugurates New System To Fight Cheating Definite steps have been taken by the University of Washington faculty and student body to fight cheating, by establishing a judicial council which will endeavor to wage an effective war against it. Faculty contact will be made through class instructors who will submit the names of student of fenders to the judicial body after examinations. Campus leaders will act as members of the council, and will be divided into two separate bodies, a men's council and a wo men’s council. This council will take into con sideration all information offered it by instructors and if evidence of cheating proves sufficient, recom mendations for expulsions will go through immediately. History of Life Insurance Told by Professor Claire < Back in about the sevententh century, society enjoyed one free dom that the modern world can not boast. History tells us that there were no life insurance sales men. It also tells some rather queer “believe it or not” circum stances through which the modern economic world has emerged. If one was to guess as to how the first insurance underwriter got his start in life, it might be said that he was a self-made man or perhaps a good salesman. “On the contrary, he knew how to drink good coffee, or at least he knew his coffee house. That is one of the revelations of a study ( of the history of insurance,” said Guy S. Claire, law professor, while addressing the insurance under writers of Lane county at a meet ing yesterday. Mr. Claire teaches insurance and discussed the sub ject as “the history of insurance as a background to its problems.” As early as 168S seafaring men liked to sip coffee on Tower street in London. Lloyd’s Coffee House and Edward Lloyd were hosts. It became a custom for those present to examine the circumstances of a certain vessel going out to sea. They passed around a slip and each pledged himself to a certain amount of liability for the vessel to the insurer if they so desired. The first underwriter thus came into being. Lloyd soon moved to a new dis trict. He saw possibilities in the shipping transactions and soon published “Lloyd's Lists,” which today is the most Important in surance publication in the shipping and commercial world, and by which modern companies govern their actions to a great extent. In 1815 Massachusetts refused to admit the legality of a life in surance contract because it was “repugnant to sound morals and contrary to publjc policy, and sets (Continued on Page Three) Doughnuts Will Reign Over Old Oregon Today | Buy ’Em and Dunk ’Em Is Y.W.C.A. Cry Tlieatre Passes To Be Given To Women Selling Most Sinkers During Day “Dig up a dime and dunk a doughnut.” Doughnuts at two for a nickel will be the order of the day today when the Y. W. C. A., under the chairmanship of Nancy Suomela, will put on its Oregon Dougnut Day. Co-eds will be at booths all day long to sell the sinkers to the hungry students. Ample supply of doughnuts have been ordered, ac cording to Miss Suomela, so that every lover of doughnuts will be given a chance to engage in the gentle art of dunking. More than 250 dozen doughnuts have already been sold to various living organizations, and it is planned to sell at least 250 dozen to the University students today. Attention is being turned to the campus sales today, and Thursday and Friday the sale will continue among the living organizations and townspeople. Assisting Miss Suomela are Car oline Card, promoting manager; Dagmar Haugen, secretary; Joyce Busenbark, campus sales; May Masterton, town soliciting; Jean Failing, group sales, and Helen Shingle, finance chairman. Tom Denton, sales publicity manager for the Doughnut Ma chine Corporation of America, ar rived on the campus yesterday to assist with the drive. Mr. Denton intends to record the results of the sale, and, if successful, he will use the University of Oregon as an example in sponsoring similar doughnut drives in colleges throughout the United States. Three complimentary tickets to the Fox McDonald are being given to the three girls selling the most doughnuts during the day. Three more passes will be given to the girls soliciting the most orders from townspeople. May Masterton, town soliciting chairman, has named the follow ing girls as solicitors: Marygolde Hardison, Helen Nelson, Bernice Walo, Mildred Ringc, Katherine Coleman, Virginia Howard, Dor othy Davis, Betty Wilson, Ger trude Lamb, Margaret Ellen Hill, Virginia Kibbee, Ruth McClain, Charlotte Eldridge, and Marie Sac comano. Joyce Busenbark, campus sales chairman, has added the following girls to the list already named to sell at booths: Lucile Chapin, Min nie Helzer, Margaret Woodworth, Ruth Metzler, Lucille Coate, Isa belle Tracy, Edith Peterson, Mar jorie Hoyt, Alice Kramer, Mildred Coss, Eleanor Jane Ballantyne, Louise Breuer, Gwendolyn Else more, Louise Barclay, and Virginia Hartje. Oregon Songs Included In New College Collection The University of Oregon Is rep resented in “Western College Songs,” a book of songs from 39 colleges and universities just pub lished by Sherman, Clay & Co., of San Francisco, which is already being placed on sale at local book stores and sheet music dealers. Every college and university of prominence in the far west is rep resented by one or more songs. Many of the songs have never be fore been published in any form. October Issue of ‘High School’ Just Released The October issue of the “High School,” a semi-monthly pamphlet published by the school of educa tion of the University in the inter ests of secondary education in the Northwest, has just coihe from the printer, reports Robert C. Hall, su perintendent of the University press. This pamphlet, edited by Nelson Bossing, professor of education, is the social science number of the series and contains various arti cles by high school departmental heads and teachers, and is mailed upon request to all high school ! teachers, principals, and superin tendents in Oregon. Dunk and Eat 'Em A gr°uP of “Donut Hunkers” take afternoon tea. (center), foreign scholar, is being taught the art of Helen Chaney (left) and Nancy Suomela (right).' Ann ing) is waitress for the group. Nella Roster “dunking” by Baum (stand Carl Collins’ Band Picked To Play at Upperclass Hop Few Tickets Still Available, But Houses Urged To • Make Reservations Red-hot rhythm, slow, crooning melodies, and entertaining special ties will combine to charm dancers at the first annual Junior-Senior dance Saturday evening at Cocoa nut Grove, was the promise last night of Ferd Fletcher and Gordon Day, general chairmen. With the selection of one of the campus’ outstanding bands—Carl Collins and his Kampus Knights— to play for the upperclass infor mal, plans for the event are rap idly nearing completion. The or chestra, a new group of talented student musicians, already has a host of followers. Using arrange ments of late hits and old favorite dance numbers that are featured by leading orchestras in metropoli tan centers, Collins’ band brings to the campus the same music that is attracting dancers to the smart hotels and night clubs on the coast. Floor space for the upperciass dance has been measurably in creased with the removal this week from the Grove of the minia ture golf course which filled the north end of the building. Only one row of tables will be placed around the dance floor proper, and the other half of the Grove will accommodate the majority of the grille tables. Houses and halls are urged by Fletcher and Day to reserve large tables to accommodate all their members, and the suggestion has been made that living groups fea ture upperciass dinners before the dance. Table reservations for the dance are to be made through Cecil Espy, Sigma Chi. A limited number of tickets is still on sale in campus organiza tions. Unaffiliated students may secure tickets from John Painton, at the Theta Chi house, or Ned Kinney, Sigma Chi. Linking of International Relations Groups Talked Linking of the six groups on the University of Oregon campus who are interested in international re lations and world peace was dis cussed by faculty members and students at the Faculty club last night under the leadership of Dr. David E. Porter, national secre tary of the student Y. M. C. A and member of the general com mittee of the World’s Student Christian Federation. Dr. Victor P. Morris, associate professor of economics, suggested that a general meeting of these bodies once a term would be high ly desirable in accomplishing the purposes of the cooperative move ment. Dr. Raymond B. Culver, execu tive secretary of the northwest stu dent “Y,” explained the activities of the intercollegiate conference of the Northwest, which is held at Seabeck, Washington, in June. The national secretary is in the Northwest in connection with the faculty-student conference to be held at Government Camp on Mt. Hood, this week-end. He will spend today in Corvallis, and will meet with the northwest field council of the Y. M. C. A. in Port ! land Friday. New Journalism Class Work Will Be Daily Paper Students To Edit Eugene News Complete To Point Of Sending to Press In order to better acquaint the students in journalism with the practical side of daily newspaper work and the relationships in volve d, a regular newspaper “shake-up” has taken place in the school of journalism in the report ing and copy-reading classes. “The new system is very advan tageous due to the fact that the many problems confronted by the modern newspaper man will be encountered, and in this manner will exercise to the point of devel opment the judgment of news,” said Eric W. Allen, dean of the school. What is known in the newspaper world as the “city room” is being made from the old library in the Journalism building. In this room will be found all the common char acteristics of the modern newspa per editorial office. Complete tele graphic reports from the A. P. and U. P. news services will be used through the courtesy of the Regis ter-Guard. The local paper has also granted the school the use of the science and N. E. A. services. Each afternoon there will be a complete Eugene newspaper edited up to the point of printing. The various papers will be known as the Monday Mail, Tuesday Trib une, Wednesday World, Thursday Times, and if the competing groups are found large enough, the Friday Free Press will be edited. The deadline for the paper will be 4 o’clock and the dummy will be completed by 4:40. Starting at this time there will be a daily sem inar at which a copy of the Regis ter-Guard and the completed dum my will be posted for the purpose of a 20-minute discussion and crit icism on the length, placement and variation of the stories. From the copy reading class the instructor will nominate an assist ant managing editor, who will have complete charge under him; head copy man or the “man in the slot;” exchange editors, librarians and other positions as he sees a neces sity for them. He will also select from the re porting classes a city editor, re write men, and reporters. All of these positions will be rotated in order' to give students practical ex perience in many branches of the newspaper field. The new system will form the laboratory basis for the classes in reporting, each member covering a downtown beat from 1 to 4 in the afternoon. The copy reading classes will also have a three-hour lab from 2 to 5, to edit the copy written by the reporters. “The object of the entire or ganization will be to condense all news of the day into 20 to 30 thousand words, and a complete make-up by 4 :40,” stated the dean. Some of the changes will be sub mitted to the state board of high er education for approval. Others will go into effect immediately. It is comparatively new in the college field systems. A similar system is used at the University of Missouri, where they print one of the local papers. The journal ism schools at Rutgers and North western also use similar systems. Honors Council ToCenterWork In Departments Change Is Far-Reaching, Smith Says Thesis Plan Remains Same; New Scheme To Promote Extensive Study By S. STEPHENSON SMITH (Of the Honors Council) The Honors Council have made a far-reaching change in the scheme for General Honors. To begin with, they have altered the name to Honors Centering in a Department. But more is involved than a change of name. Hereafter students who enroll for Honors Centering in, say, History, will choose, in consultation with their tutor in History, two other courses in allied departments. This will hold for both junior and senior years. In effect, therefore, all Honors will be under some one depart ment; students will carry courses in supporting departments, in or der to broaden their command of the general field in which they are studying. By way of testing their grasp of the whole field in which they have carried on Hon ors work, a comprehensive exami nation, either written or oral, or both, will be given sometime dur ing the last month of the senior year. The major department will conduct this examination, in con sultation with the supporting de partments in which the student has chosen to work. Thesis Honors Same It should be noted that this change in no way affects Honors with Thesis. The statutes of the council remain the same on this head, and candidates for this type of Honors will still be expected to present their theses to the Council not later than May 1 of their sen ior year, and will presumably un dergo, at the discretion of their major department, the same kind of examination as they have in the past. For students who wish to do honors work, but who wish to un dertake extensive rather than in tensive study in a field, the Hon ors Centering in a Department have been instituted. A College Within the College What, it may be asked, are Hon ors for? They are not merely a fancy wrinkle or a piece of win dow-dressing, or a mere grace note added to the rest of the aca demic music. They represent, frankly, a desperate attempt on the part of American college and university faculties to rescue the upper division work from the laws of mass action which have come close to precipitating it into a mere chemical equation of lecture plus quiz plus final exam equals three hours of C; or for the fac ulty, so many pupil hours of load spread out over so many lectures! Honors Work Shaping Up What has become of the real purpose of college teaching: the free meeting of students’ and teachers’ minds? The Honors sys tem through the tutorial confer ence is an endeavor to answer this problem. To be sure, it is still in the tentative stage here. As yet it has not been possible to allow (Continued on Tnge Three) Mine Engineers Institute Of Oregon To Meet Here Mercury Deposit at Black Butte Mill Be Visited A meeting of the Oregon sec tion of the American Institute of Mining Engineers will be held Sat urday, October 31 in Eugene. The leading mining men of the state from Portland, Grants Pass, Cor vallis, and other sections will be in attendance. There will be an excursion to the Black Butte quicksilver mines Sat urday morning, returning in the .evening to a banquet at the An corage. An informal program with discussions of mining problems and talks will be held at the dinner. Geology majors as well as stu dents of the school of mines at Corvallis are invited to take part in this meeting. Arrangements are 1n charge of Dr. W. D. Smith, chair man of the corrtmittee, and Dr. E. T. Hodge. Shaw, Root Get Subpoenas From County Officers rJ'\VO members of the Emerald staff will appear before the Lane eounty grand jury when it meets at 11 o’elock this morn ing at the county courthouse. Subpoenas in proper legal form, duly signed, were served Monday upon Thornton Shaw, managing editor, and George Koot, a special staff writer. While the nature of the case was not specified in the sum mons, it Is believed that it con cerns an investigation made in connection with a story by Koot appearing in a recent issue of the Emerald. The session will be duly "cov ered” by the two journalists and chronicled in a future issue of the Emerald. Pre-Law Students And Law Faculty Discuss Courses Objectives of Preparatory Work Is Explained by Dean Morse Pre-law students at a meeting with the faculty of the school of law in Guild hall Monday, heard discussions on “the definite and important objectives” of the cours es in preparatory work they are recommended to take. With this discussion by Wayne L. Morse, dean of the school, pre legal students have come in con tact for the first time with the up per division professional work. The contact is to be continued, with the idea of promoting an un derstanding of the law school “in order to decrease casualties after the advance work has been start ed.” Inasmuch as later accomplish ment is selective by competition in accordance with set standards, “the pre-legal student should be vitally interested in training rec ognized by leaders of the bar," stated Mr. Morse. There are preparatory “content courses” that teach facts of human behavior in order to understand the functional approach to law, which is believed necessary. Charles G. Howard and Carlton E. Spencer, other members of the law faculty, presented suggestions for the self-analysis of student problems previous to faculty ad vice, and a “practical device for the budgeting of student time.” Office advisory hours and future gatherings will maintain the con tact between preparatory students and the professional school, accord ing to Karl W. Onthank of the personnel bureau and the faculty who called the meeting" Monday. NAVAL FLIER IN EUGENE George Webber, ’31, major in business administration, is in Eu gene visiting with his parents fol lowing his graduaton from the Naval Flight school at Pensacola, Florida, on October 1. Webber will spend the remainder of his leave renewing old acquaintances before reporting for active duty at San Diego. Library Hours Draw Protests From Students Opening Friday Nights Held Desirable Mimnaugh Takes Up Cause For Scholars Having Saturday Classes Student protests to the admin istration and library officials over the closing of the libraries at 6 o’clock Friday night are to be voiced by Brian Mimnaugh, presi dent of the asso ciated s t u dents, he i indicated yes terday. “Students who have classes Sat u r d a y morning are finding it a decided hardship Brian not to be able to Mlmnaugh use the reserve libraries on Friday night,” the stu dent head said. "Many students wish to do their week-end study ing Friday night, Saturday morn ing and Sunday night. The clos ing of the library affects this group as well as those who have Saturday classes.” Saturday Closing O. K. President Mimnaugh said that there has been no objections raised to the closing of the library on Saturday at 6 o'clock. He docs not believe that the stacks of the old library are desired to be kept open, but only the reserve stacks. It is the books on reserve that the students have the most trouble in obtaining for reference in con nection with Saturday classes. A check of the class schedule I for this term shows that there | are 64 Saturday classes. Of these, 22 meet also on Friday and 42 on Thursday. There are two classes ; that meet on Saturday only. The objection voiced most by students is that there are other , sections of the same courses meet , ipg other days of the week, and that the number of students seek ing the reference books keeps ! them in almost constant use. While students are quick in ad ; mitting that they could check the books out for the night, they as quickly answer that this restricts the number of students who can use the reference for that time. Girls To Wrap Gifts for Chinese School Children An oriental atmosphere will per vade at Westminster house tonight at 9 o’clock as the Guild girls gath er to wrap Christmas gifts for girls in a Chinese boarding school. To create the proper spirit for the meeting, Lenore Lage will sing several Chinese numbers and Marian Clark will offer a Chinese lullaby. Miss Helen Whitaker will tell of several interesting incidents that occurred during her five years’ stay at the school for which the presents are intended. All girls are cordially invited to attend. Soap-Box Orator To Rhodes Candidate Are Wally’s Roles By GEORGE ROOT (This is the second of the inter views with Oregon’s candidates for the Rhodes scholarship.) Last spring a more or less de mure maiden in the Junior Week end beauty parade; during the sum mer an enthusiastic “soap-box” orator haranguing swarms of un employed; this fall one" of the four candidates, chosen through a pre liminary examination, to represent Oregon at Portland in December in the contest for this year’s Rhodes scholarship. That’s the wide range of red headed, versatile Wallace Camp bell’s activities within the past few months. Wally was selected a week ago Sunday for the Rhodes final, and if he is chosen for the scholarship it will “cap the cli max” of his senior year, he says. He is 21 years old and will grad uate next June. Wally graduated from Eugene high school in 1928, and the record of his past three years in the Uni versity is filled with successful speeches and debates. In his fresh man year he took fourth place in the all-campus Jewett public speaking contest. Last year he won the upper division prize in the Barker speaking contest, con ducted through the Congress club. Ke also placed fourth in the state extemporaneous speaking contest. In April, he and Walt Evans de bated the University of Arizona to win on the negative side of the question that “a further extension of the chain store is detrimental.” At the present time Wally is a 'member of the Congress club, Delta Sigma Rho, forensic honorary, and Alpha Kappa Delta, sociology j honorary. He has just finished his term as president of the Congress club. Wally claims that his experience last summer was “a liberal educa tion in itself.” He and Rolla Reedy spent two months with J. Stitt Wilson, former mayor of Berkeley, (Continued on Page Four)