EDITORIAL AND FEATURE PAGE OF THE OREGON DAILY EMERALD University of Oregon, Eugene Willis Dunlway, Editor Earry Jackson, Manager Thornton Shaw, Managing Editor 0 Ralph David, Associate Editor Betty Anne Macduff Editorial Writer Merlin. Blais, Radio Director -_-• 3 ‘ ° „ UPPER NEWS STAFF Rufus. KiJhbiiH, Asst. M°inairinif Editor Roy Sheedy, Literary Editor Jack Bellinger, News Editor Walt Baker, Sports Editor Doug Wight, Chief Night Editor UPPER BUSINESS STAFF Advertising Mgr.Harry Schenk Assistant Adv. Mgr.Auten Bush Promotional Mar.Dick Goebel Classified Ailv. Mar.George Branatetter National Advertising Mgr. Harold Short Office Manager .Jack Woods Scz Sue .Kathryn Laughriilgo The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the University ol Oregon. Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college veer. Member of the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene. Oregon, a., second class matter. Subscription rates, *2.50 a year. Advertising rates upon application. Phone, Manager: Office, Local 214; residence, 2800. Hail, Spears! Hail, Webfoots ! TT was nearing 5 o’clock. Disappointed Washington rooters were filing out of the big stadium; Oregon students, alumni, and backers were still cheering themselves hoarse, and the Web foots were well on their way to a stunning 13-0 victory over the University of Washington Huskies. Then came the sharp crack of the timer’s gun ending the twenty-fifth annual encoun ter between Webfoot and Husky gridiron warriors. But the game was not over then, it seems. In fact, it is not over even at this writing, nor will it be for some months and maybe even years to come. The classic played on stadium turf Saturday has been replayed countless times since in fraternity bull-fests, on the train bringing students back to the campus, and in sports columns of newspapers up and down the coast. It was a sparkling victory that Oregon turned in against the Huskies, a victory that stands as a great tribute to Dr. Clarence W. Spears, head coach for the Webfoots, and his sophomore squad a victory that places Oregon in a tie with the Trojans of U. S. C. for the coast conference leadership. Only in his second year as Oregon’s football mentor, Doc Spears has won the whole-hearted support of all Webfoot grid followers, lie was brought to Eugene as an outstanding coach, and he lias more than fulfilled his share of the bargain. For an outstanding coach he is, and his teams reflect his ability. Three green-jerseyed Webfoots wrote football history for themselves in the Washington game Mike Mikulak, Bill Bower man, and Red Bailey. But they were not alone. Dillard, Watts, Gee, Rotenbcrg, Morgan, Schulz, Nilsson they were all in the thick of the fray. Every man in the game, no matter for how long, did his part, and did it well. JJnder Spears, the Webfoots are a well-drilled, heads-up, per fectly conditioned football team. Oregon students and alumni cannot, boost too much the genial Doctor and his warriors. Around The State Y"\NCE again Dr. Arnold Bennett Hull starts out with mem* bers of the University staff and administrative officials of the Oregon Mothers and Oregon Dads for his annual tour of the state in the interests of higher education, and particularly higher education at Oregon. This is the third time Dr. Hall has made this trip, which will include the principal cities in the state from whieh Oregon stu dents come. Meeting's are held with parents of Oregon students and alumni, at which Dr. Hall and others on the tour will explain the work and policies of the University and of the Mothers’ and Dads’ organizations. Through this project, one of several which Dr. Hall has initi ated for the purpose, parents of men anil women at the Uni versity are made better acquainted with the functions, work, and ideals of the school whieh their children attend. They are en abled to understand more fully the activities of the various phases of the University, and they are given the viewpoint of the administration. Through this annual trip Dr. Hall is showing parents of Ore gon undergraduates what they can do to help the University. Many people throughout the state, friends of the institution, are anxious to help il progress, but are not sufficiently well acquainted with Us problems and needs to do this intelligently and effectively. At the meetings which will be held throughout, the state during the next ten days. Dr. Hall will outline ways in which the University’s plans may be progressed nearer realiza tion with l he help of parents and alumni. The visits which Dr. Hall and his "staff" are making to a dozen cities in the state this week and part of next are a part of the general plan which Dr. Hall has been realizing since his coming here five years ago to bring about greater mutual co operation and friendship between parents, alumni, and friends with the University. Personal contact with parents and alumni throughout the state has proved most beheiicial in the past two years that the tour has been made, and the re is every reason to believe that the benefits accruing from it will increase in the "Neatest Trick of the Week” rT'l‘AT smart, up-to-the-minute magazine, The New Yorker, should find good material for its "Neatest Trick of the Week" department in the Emerald’s accomplishment Saturday. For the first time on record, the Emerald ran two editions in the early morning hours, sending 500 copies on bright green paper to Seattle, where they, were distributed to Oregon rooters in the stands at the Webfoot-Husky gridiron battle. For those students remaining in Eugene over the week-end, a second “Cam ° pus Edition" was run on the conventional white stock. The feat oof getting Saturday morning's "Hooters' Edition" Emerald delivered to students during the first quarter of the game was certainly this paper's "neatest trick of the week." It was tin result of hard, speedy work and co-operation between news and mechanical departments to give subscribers service. We are justly proud of our accomplishment. laghl o dock Topic oi \\ e&Iey dub Discutv-ion “'Eight o’clock and how to mi i1 them,’ v,*j: . . iihji ", i': ■ ,■ cki.cas eion at the V, to ley club h.mciay evening. Jack Belanger, junior in I journalism, had charge. The discussion centered around lhe conservation and budgeting of time, money, and energy. The ser vice was preceded by a social hour at 5:S0. LEMON ♦ ♦ PALOOKA Hi, all of youse guys, how ya feel after the big game? Pretty swell, huh ? The football men were swell, too. We mean they are swell with bruises that swell out here anti swell out there. * * * If a f >otball player and a pig went out hunting and the football man shot a deer, would the pig skin it ? * * * I^ittle Irvin Ladies and gentlemen, we have an important announcement to make. Commencing tomorrow morning, Lemon Palooka will con duct an investigation into the pri vate life of every fraternity and sorority on the campus. We have secured as our agent in the investigations a very famous individual who will report faith fully all the dirt. Little Irvin, of the Vigilantes, will officiate. Watch for his reports—they are to be published as written. * a: * If someone held up and robbed Joe Lillard, the Midnight Express, would that he robbing the mail? Down Thirteenth Jack McCannel looking dreamy eyed . . . must have seen too much of that Seattle game . . . Esther Hayden playing tag thru the crowd . . . Dr. H. G. Townsend in a philo sophic trance . . . Bruce Hamby’s Grantland Rice, cussing at a crack in the sidewalk . . . Dorothy Da vis demurely flaunting her freck les . . . freckles look pretty nice, too . . . Francis Keltner grinning again . . . can’t see the rest of him for that grin . . . Charlie Johnson, the old grizzly . . . Ferd Fletcher . . . that’s enough about him . . . wonder where Alice Carter is dashing so madly . . . Bill Barker and his multi-horned car . . . that boy could horn in on anything with that car . . . speaking of cars, here comes a real one . . . John Adams driving . . . He calls it Dilemma because it has two horns . . . Arthur Boardman pushing a mustache in front of him . . . come on, law school, strut your stuff . . . Dr. Pollard, the new German prof looking grim again . . . must be a quiz. And wasn’t it this same Dr. Pol lard that, in showing a student how to pronounce umlaut said: “Round your lips—as if you were going to kiss some one.” The student very promptly learned the pronunciation. We commend the noble doctor on his ingenuity. “They laughed when I spoke to the waiter in French ... It was a dumbwaiter.” * * * Well, now that Open House has passed, we give a little friendly ad vice to the frosh—get out and run three or four miles a day until the brawl is over. * * * The correct attire for Open House night is golf trousers. That's the way one’s breath comes toward the end—in short pants. We notice that a freshman class back east has adopted the Empress Eugenie hat for its headgear. Now we suppose the girls will retaliate by donning a frock coat and a silk “topper.” We can imagine some of the Oregon frosh wearing a Robin Hood hat—We could have a regu lar outfit of Merrie Men here. Ed Meserve as Alan-a-Dale; Chuck Clay as Little John; George Eirnie as Will Scarlet; Bill Meisner as the Sheriff of Nottingham; and so on. This month’s house bill has re duced us to the status of a baker we knead dough.—Quite badly. Don't think that we're ill bred just because we need dough badly. Shakespeare said that a pun was the lowest form of wit. Did he for get the jester who was thrown overboard in the deepest portion of the ocean? Or the fraternity wit who just flunked an ecoh quiz ? Or the wisecracking coal miner? Or —oh, well— Cruise To Hawaii Exclient Opportunity Claims Director After the return of many of the students to universities and re sumption of the regular academic schedule, Burt Brown Barker, vice president of the University and di rector of the summer session | cruise to Hawaii conducted this I last summer, yestai lay told of it j as an outstanding opportunity for j the student. The opportunity to study and at the same time to enjoy the relaxa tion of an ocean voyage and a visit i to another country tempted 53 stu dents to join the cruise. The trip covered the period between June 20 and August 5. According to Mr. Barker, it proved to be an ideal time to make ' the trip. "Many persons have \ asked why we chose summer for | a trip to Hawaii." said Mr. Barker, "but there are excellent reasons. In the first place, the summer weather and calm seas permitted a pleasant crossing, and there was no sea sickness in our party. In the second place, we missed the rainy season entirely, and were able to enjoy the full beauty of the flowering trees and shrubs fori which Hawaii is so justly famous. ] As for heat, there is only about ten degrees difference between the summer and winter temperatures in Hawaii, for the cool trade winds blow in from the sea in i summer, making the average tern- j perature about So degrees. There e no high humidity." On board the Empress of Japan, a Cauadiau Pacific vessel, which : . the lar6 *t and fastest ship m trans-Pacific service, every accom modation was provided for the students and faculty of the Ore gon party. Ample classroom and library space was available, and in addition the officials of the line had provided a special swimming pool for the summer session stu dents by stretching a huge tar paulin on one of the decks. One of the features of the voy age, according to Mr. Barker, were the lectures en route by Dr. T. M. Livesay, director of the summer sessions of the University of Ha waii, who, during the five-day voyage, told the students some of the points of interest and historic value about the islands. “Hawaii is famed for the beauty of its flowering trees and shrubs," said Mr. Barker, “but we were particularly surprised by the length of the flowering season on the islands. The flowers were in full bloom when we landed and seemed equally brilliant and color ful when we sailed for home. "I remember riding on an open street car where the perfume of the flowers and shrubs seemed to fill the air." Mr. Barker mentioned in partic ular the many carnations, garden ias, and the ginger flowers, a small white trumpet-shaped wild flower. "Gardenias were plenti ful," he said, “and I bought one large lei made entirely of them for only 50 cents!" On landing, the students took up their headquarters at Punahow school, a preparatory school, while they attended classes at the Uni versity of Hawaii. Castle hall was the dormitory where the girls stayed. “Punahow school has a very fine outdoor swimming pool,” said Mr. Barker, “which, with its dressing j rooms, cost $125,000.” Another high point of enjoyment ] j on the trip was their journey to the Kilauea volcano. In order to reduce the expenses, the students slept on deck both going to the vol cano and returning. With plenty of blankets, the experience proved not uncomfortable, according to Mr. Barker, even though it rained. The faculty on the trip included Dr. Samuel Jameson, Stephenson Smith, and Miss Agnes Dorothy Campbell. Mr. Barker acted as director of the cruise, and was ac companied by Mrs. Barker and their daughter, Barbara. Glenna Fisher was acting secretary and registrar. CAMPUS ♦ ♦ ALENDAR lJhi Chi Theta meeting this aft ernoon at 4 o’clock in 106 Com merce. Very important. Temenid meeting tonight at 7:15 at the Craftsman club. Every one be there. Pot and Quill will meet at 7:30 this evening at 2336 Onyx street. Alpha Tau and first-year pre nursing students are to meet in the women’s lounge at 8 p. m. New officers are to be elected. Tau Delta Delta will have a very important meeting at the Music building tonight at 7:15. All mem bers must be present. Y. W. C. A. 5 o’clock vespers today in the bungalow. Skull and Dagger meeting at 7:30 tonight in Gerlinger hall. Phi Theta Upsilon executive council will meet tonight at 9 o’clock at the home of Helen Evans, 1127 Ferry street. Vesper Services Start Today at Y. W. Bungalow The first 5 o’clock vesper serv ice of the year will be held today in the Y. W. C. A. bungalow, and a cordial invitation is extended to all girls. This half-hour service, held every Tuesday, is an oppor tunity for worship, meditation, and relaxation. Style Flashes New Today BARRYMORE COLLAR SII1RTS__ Oxford, Broadcloth, Irish l’oplin $1.95 C. P. O. BLCE FLANNEL SHIRTS Pure Wool, Lony Collars $2.95 EXOLlsll WOOL SOCKS Oiamoiuls, Checks, Ribs 35c -- 50c 95c Pay Cash and Pay Less Eric Merrell CLOTHES FOR MEN S35 WILLAMETTE ST. Classified Advertisements Kates Payable in Advance 10c a line for first insertion; 5c a line for each additional insertion. Telephone 3300; local 214 LOST—A black leather purse, 3 by 5 inches. Finder please call 485. Liberal reward fort return. Lil lian Smith, Mary Spiller hall. WANTED—Work for board by soph. boy. Good scholastic stand ing and other recommendations. Phone 001-J. LAST chance to join New Be ginners Ballroom Class Thurs day, 8:30 p. m. Merrick Studios 861 Willamette Phone 3081 WILL the person who took the brown leather coat from the lobby of the men’s dormitory please return it to that place immediately ? MAKE ME AN OFFER: Beautiful Console Brunswick Phonograph, practically new—75 late records. Ph. Springfield 74-R. FOR RENT—A small housekeep ing apartment one block from campus; room for three; $20 a month. 749 East 13th. SPECIAL — Laundry work done for students. 749 East 13th. Story by W. F. G. Thacher Appears in ‘Blue Book’ “The Prima Donna,” another of W. F. G. Thacher’s football stories, has made its appearance in the November issue of the Blue Book magazine. Mr. Thacher, professor in ad vertising and English and also short story writing, has become well known for his aid in satisfy ing the American thirst for foot ball. During the latter part of his writing career the majority of Mr. Thacher’s stories have been of this type and have been well received. WANTED—Anyone interested in soliciting advertising for the Emerald, please see Larry Jack son, business manager, at Mc Arthur court. WANTED—Man wants a room mate; room and board $26 a month. 749 East 13th. WANTED—Home laundry. Phone 2293-W. DRESSMAKING A SPECIALTY. Phone 462-W. Mrs. Blanche Wise, 101 W. 6th St. ANY intelligent person may earn good income corresponding for newspapers; all or spare time; send for free booklet; tells how. Heacock, 418 Dun Bldg., Buf falo, N. Y. BEGINNERS BALLROOM class Thursday, 8:30 p. m. Merrick Dance Studio, 861 Willamette. Ph. 3081. BEAUTY PARLOR work, mar cell, finger wave, shampoo, each 50 cents. Phone 2380J. Learn To DANCE NOW! Why miss Open House, the popular Homecoming dances or t h e famous Journalism J a m b oree— merely because you can’t dance? All you need is a few les sons at this studio and you will dance the latest of collegiate fox-trots and waltzes. THIS IS YOUR— Last Chance To Join New Beginners’ Class THURSDAY—8:30 P. M. Ten Lessons $7.50 Co-eds $5.00 Private Lessons by Appointment Merrick Dance Studios 861 Willamette Phone 3081 YOU spend 2 million Yes, sir! You spend $2,704,488 a year while you are in school. That’s quite a lot, and then when you go and spend over 75 per cent of it right here in Eugene—it’s a heck of a lot! The estimated patronage given by the student body to Eugene business exceeds two million dollars every year. There is nothing wrong in that. In fact, it is a mighty good idea. Eugene does a lot towards supporting and helping the University of Oregon. When you do buy, though, read the advertisements in the Oregon Daily Emerald. Buy only from the advertisers and you will be sure of a square deal. Remember—buy more in Eugene, but only from the advertisers! “INFLUENCING 5000 MODERNS” i