Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 09, 1931, Page 4, Image 4

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    i TALKIE
Colonial—“Gold Dust Gertie,’’
starring Winnie Lightner.
Heilig—“Five Star Final,” with
Edward G. Robinson.
Fox McDonald — “Pardon Us,”
featuring Laurel and Hardy.
State—"Subway Express,” star
ring Jack Holt.
Laurel and Hardy at McDonald
“Pardon Us,” starring that great
comedy team, Laurel and Hardy,
r~ ■■
opens for a two-day run at the
Fox McDonald today.
V * *
“Gold Dust Gertie” at Colonial
Winnie Lightner appears in
another comedy role in “Gold Dust
Gertie,” showing at the Colonial
today and tomorrow.
* * * •
Jack Holt at State
“The Subway Express,” starring
Jack Holt as a very perplexed and
busy police inspector, is showing
for the last time today at the
State theatre.
>U * *
“Five Star Final” at Heilig
Edward G. Robinson plays the
part of the hard boiled editor in
the sensational newspaper picture,
“Five Star Final,” showing for the
last time today at the Heilig.
Is It Too Early To Think of Grades?
Typing your papers will help you get good ones.
No Foolin !
You may apply all rentals paid on purchase.
Office Machinery & Supply Co.
Willamette St. side of Ward’s Phone 148
Animal Reception
Slated Tonight by
Eugene Churches
Local Congregations Plan
Informal Entertainments
For Student Guests
University students are to be :
the guests of the Eugene churches
at their annual “church night” re- ,
ceptions, with which each congre
gation is entertaining this eve- j
A "good time college” party is
being planned by the Christian
church. The usual college proce- :
dure of enrollment, registration, j
president’s reception, junior prom, 1
and a short program is to be fol
lowed for the evening’s entertain
ment, which starts at 8 o'clock.
The Loyal Korean class of the
church is in charge of arrange- j
An oriental idea will be carried j
out in the entertainment, decora- j
tions, and refreshments at the re
ception at the First Methodist i
church. A magician, music by j)
foreign students, and an oriental ^'
ceremonial at the closing are 1
some of the features planned, *
Thelma Shuey, social chairman of ’
the Wesley Foundation, has an- '
nounced. Hosts and hostesses for (
the evening will include Dr. and *
Mrs. William Kuykendall and Mr. '
and Mrs. Charles H. Breehtel, rep- ’
resenting the official board of the
church; Mrs. Frank C. Gordinier,
from the Ladies Aid of the *
church; and Prof, and Mrs. A. R. *
Sweetser, Prof, and Mrs. Charles c
G. Howard, and Mr. and Mrs. L. 1
J. Temple, representing the Wes- *
ley Foundation commission. The
committee chairmen are Beatrice v
Simon, Francisco Tubban, Carol E
Johnson, and Violet Adams.
Being taken on a “Gold Digging ! i
Placement Exam
Make-UpsTo Be
Held on Tuesday
MAKE-UP placement exam
ination will be administered
by the Personnel Research
bureau on Tuesday, October 13,
rootn 301, Condon hall, at 4:00
p. m.
The examination is required
of all freshmen and entering
transfer students who have not
previously reported for the test,
and is open to all students wish
ing to retake the examination.
The students desiring to take
the test a second time should
make an appointment to do so
at the Personnel Research bur
eau, room 112, .Johnson hall,
(telephone _ University 311) on
Monday, October 12.
Freshmen and transfer stu
dents scheduled for the test by
the registrar’s office should
not fail to report, for registra
tion Is automatically cancelled
by that office if the test is not
Excursion” will be the experience
i store for the students attend
ing the Presbyterian reception at
he Westminster house. The hours
re between 8 and 10. Margaret
Iprague is general chairman, and
.’ecil Espy is fixing the deeora
ions, which are under a scheme
f “Westminster Minds Assor
The informal reception with the
Once in a Blue Moon” idea is be
ng planned by Kathleen McNutt
or those attending the Baptist
hurch this evening. Marvel Read,
lary Knowles, and Stella Ray
urn are assisting Miss McNutt,
'he decorations for the party,
diich begins at 8, are to repre
ent an outdoor scene.
The Community Liberal (Unita
ian) church is entertaining at an
I n M.
*.. and it’s no
"namby-pamby" talk,
W Wrapped in
Du Pont
—the best made
cigarette tastes
Words can mean lots
of tilings—hut you can always
trust your taste. If a
right, if it satisfies y ou right down to
the ground, then it is right.
There are all kinds of tobaccos —
some good, some not so good. And
there’s the Chesterfield kind the hest
Turkish and the hest Domestic that
grows. Full-ripe, sun-cured, aged in
Nature's thoroughgoing way — ami as
mild and smooth and sweet as sun
ripened fruit. Chesterfields taste right
—because they are right.
Ami something you can't taste
—that's important too! The finest
cigarette paper—so pure it burns with•
out taste or odor!
And behind this unchanging good
taste, all the resources of a great
organization — men, money, seieuce,
experience. It takes them all to make
a great cigarette, and they're all be*
hind Chesterfield.
Your taste is dead right. Chesterfields
do satisfy.
GOOD . . . they've got to he good!
©1931. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.
informal reception at the church
at 8. David Williams and Louise
Clark are chairmen.
A general good time is prom
ised those attending the Congre
gational church party at 8, Rev.
Clay E. Palmer announced.
The students of Episcopalian
preference are invited to an infor
mal dance to be held in the parish
house on Seventh and Oliver
streets, at 8.
All Lutheran students are in
vited to a party to be held at the
Y. W. C. A. bungalow at 8. Rolf
Boddine Is chairman for the event,
which all the Lutheran churches
of Eugene are uniting to make a
The Newman club, an organiza
tion of Catholic students, is also
giving a party.
Physical Examinations
Sot for This Aftornrton
Classification tests for late stu
| dents v/ill be given in the women’s
i gymnasium this afternoon between
2 and 4:30 o’clock. This is the
only time at which the tests may
be taken, and the test is necessary
for receiving credit for work. The
following women students arc to
Thelma Anderson, Mrs. Carrie
Chapman, Margaret Elinor Clark,
Jr., Merle Augusta Eickmasth,
Ruth Edna Fay, Helen Virginia
I Ferris, Hallie Marie Ferris, Floye
Jane Garrison, Marjorie Mary
(Grant, Crystal Gresham, Laura
Hagood, Margaret George Halser,
Virginia Hancock, Mary Ella Har
mung, Kathleen Hughes, Delpha
Estelle Huston, Helen Adrienne
Kalmbach, Rova Maxine Kerley,
Evangeline Kiddle, Muriel Kolster.
Mary Elizabeth Lacy, Mildred
E. Lawrence, Emma E. Litscher,
Rachel Locke, Susan Betty Ma
| Ioney, Kathryn K. Marsh, Mary
j Louise Martin, Daphne Mathews,
I Ruth Maxwell, Mrs. Maxine Lola
McKinney, Mega Ann Means, Rutli
Metzler, Violet Walters, Helen
Wallace, Dorothy Grace Morton,
Mary Frances Owen, Ida Walker
Parsons, Marie Clara Persyn, Dor
othy Piper, Marion Alice Robbins,
Maureen Russell, Roberta Ellen
Smith, Henrietta Stermen, Marceil
Stewart, Stephanie Smith, Marion
Sheldon, £4ancy Northrup, Isabelle
Tracy, Louise K. Wetterstoon,
Elberta M. Wilson, Mildred Young,
Isabel Wright. Marjorie Warner.
Better take your top
coat, trench-coat or
slicker to the crame
at Seattle. ... It may
be more necessary
than your ticket.
We are prepared to
fill every require
ment on the items
Top-coats $18.50
and up
Trench-eeats $4.50
to $7.50
Siickers $4.00
to $7.50
On and Off the Campus
Margherita Hay and
Hopkins United
The marriage of Margherita Hay
: and Marshall Hopkins, both of
Portland, was solemnized in the
i summer. They are living in San
Francisco. Mrs. Hopkins is affili
j ated with Kappa Alpha Theta and
I Mr. Hopkins with Alpha Tau
j Omega.
* * *
Mary Helen Corbett
To Marry Next Week
Also a freshman last year and
a member of Kappa Alpha Theta
i i3 Mary Helen Corbett of Port
land, whose marriage to George
! Schaefers will take place this
| month. Mr. Schaefers was also a
! student at the University, where
he was affiliated with Phi Delta
Theta. They will make their home
I in Klamath Falls.
Constance* Hath, U. of O.
Graduate, Marries
In July the marriage of Con
! stance Roth and Vern Foltz took
place. Mrs. Foltz, a member of
Kappa Alpha Theta, was gradu
ated from the University.
I Oregon Student
Plans Marriage Soon
Friends on the campus will be
interested to learn of the engage
| ment of Virginia Sturgis, of Pen
dleton, to John Kilkenny of Hepp
ner. The bride-to-be was a fresh
man and a member of Kappa
Alpha Theta last year. The mar
riage will take place October 10.
* * *
Jane Maniou Marries
James Foley, Seattle
Late in the summer Jane Manion
and James Foley of Seattle were
married. Mrs. Foley attended the
University year before last, and
was affiliated with Alpha Chi
Omega. The couple will make their
home in Seattle.
October Wedding
Planned by Couple
During the summer Alice Mor
row, Portland, announced her en
gagement to William Scott. The
marriage will be an event of!
October. Both are graduates of j
the University, where Miss Morrow !
was affiliated with Kappa Kappa
Gamma, and Mr. Scott with Kappa
Graduate Marries;
To Live in Mill City
On August 27 the marriage of
Helen Elliott and Sven Elliasen
took place in Astoria at the Nor
wegian Lutheran church. Mrs. F.l
liasen, a former student of the
University, was a member of
Kappa Delta while here. The !
couple will live in Mill City, where
Mr. Elliasen is teaching in the
high school.
* * *
Mayanna Sargent
Will Marry Soon
The engagement of Mayanna
Sargent and William Hawkins was
announced in Portland late in the
summer. The marriage will take
place some time this month. Miss
Sargent, a graduate of the Univer
sity, is affiliated with Kappa Alpha
Eleanor Flanagan Wed
'!'o Allen Ames in South
On August 4 the marriage of
Eleanor Flanagan and Allan Ames I
was solemnized in San Francisco.
The bride is a member of ICappa
Alpha Theta, and was graduated
in 1030. The couple will live in
San Francisco.
♦ * *
Portlond Couple to
Marry Tins Month
Of interest to Portland circles is
the engagement of Frances Hunro
and Stuart William Ball, announc
ed during the summer. The mar
riage will be an event of this |
month, and the couple will live in
Portland. Miss Munro was a stu
dent of the University in 1930, and
Will be served on our Sun
day dinner, Oct. 11th. Come
down tow n and enjoy a good
meal, where students meet.
“Known for Good Food”
S38 Willamette St.
was a member of Kappa Alpha
* * *
Ceeile Coss Married
To Stanley Sehraden
Announcement was made early
last week of the marriage of Cecils
Coss, graduate of 1930, to Stanley
Sehraden of Los Angeles. Mrs.
Sehraden was affiliated with
Alpha Xi Delta on the campus.
* * *
Alpha Chi Pledge
Married in Portland
Coming as a surprise to her
friends was the marriage of Dor
othy Chapman, of Marshfield, to
I Marvin Alstop of North Bend in
Portland on Saturday, October 3.
The bride, a freshman and a pledge
of Alpha Chi Omega, does not in
tend to return to finish her Uni
versity work.
* * *
National Inspector is
Honored With Reception
In honor of their national in
spector, Miss Julia Reiser, and
house mother, Mrs. Jeannette
Lange, Alpha Gamma Delta will
entertain with a formal reception
Saturday evening from 8:30 to
11:00, at the chapter house.
Phyllis Stokes is chairman of the
affair, and has announced the
I color scheme as lavender and
In the receiving line will be Eva
Nelson, Miss Reiser, Mrs. Lange.
Mrs. Hazel Prutsman Schwering,
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Bennett Hall,
Mrs. Alice Macduff, Mr. and Mrs.
Max Adams, and Mr. and Mrs. J.
O. Holt.
Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. O. L. Skeie,
Mrs. O. S. Fletcher, and Mrs. Rex
Underwood will pour.
Miss Alden to Attend Meeting
Miss Florence Alden, director of
the physical education depart
ment, is leaving Saturday to at
tend a meeting of the Oregon
State Physical association to be
held at Reed college in Portland.
Miss Forchemer, Miss Woodruff,
and Miss Allington are also going
to attend the meeting.
Is the factor that makes the punch here satisfactory.
851 East 13th
Carl Collins and His
8 Kampus Knights
Featuring Billy Sievers of Robinson’s Vagabonds and
Cliff La Fond of the Butler Hotel.
$1.00 COUPLE
“Eugene’s Own Store”
Mc Morran
& Washburne
-PHONE 2700 -
Going to the Game?
Going in a Rumble Seat?
Then You’ll Need a
They can be used as auto or utility robe. . . .
They will be attractive in your room. . . . They
will protect you from Seattle's chilly winds.
. . . And they are only
McMorran and Washburne