Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 26, 1931, Image 1

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Vote Today
Class elections claim the spot
light today. Be sure to vote.
Don’t feel bound by party lines,
but vote. That's the main thing.
The Weather
Maximum . 68
Minimum . 47
No precipitation.
% 0
Pacific Debate
Team Will Set
Out Thursdaj
Globe-Trotting Students
y To Sail June 2
Radio Meet With OSC Ovei
Station KGW Is Set
For Sunday
Timing their departure to comi
a comfortable two weeks befort
the beginning of final examina
tions, the three members of th«
Pacific Basin Debate tour teair
will leave Eugene Thursday, not
to return until the opening of win
ter term.
After calling on Governor Meiei
at Salem, the team, which com
sists of Robert T. Miller, Rogei
Pfaff, and Dave Wilson, will spend
five days in Portland to fill three
. speaking engagements before sail
^ ing June 2 on board the Admiral
Peoples for San Francisco.
They will leave the Bay city
June 10 on board the S. S. Maun
ganui for the longest single hop of
the 35,000 mile tour, a 6000-mile
voyage to New Zealand, where a
series of eight intercollegiate de
bates and six public lectures will
open the extensive forensic activi
ties of the tour.
Radio Debate Sunday
The team members will be the
principal speakers at the weekly
luncheon of the Portland Realty
Board Friday noon, and will ad
dress the Chamber of Commerce
forum on Monday. Sunday after
noon, between 3 and 3;30 o’clock,
Wilson and Pfaff will meet an O.
S. C. debate team composed of
Gordon Winks and Rex Robinson
over KGW, the question to be ar
gued being: “Resolved, That all
nations should adopt a policy of
complete disarmament, except for
such forces as are necessary for
police protection.”
^ A civic send-off is planned for
the Oregon team at the dock Tues
day afternoon. Acting-Mayor Pier
and other city officials, together
with officers of the Chamber of
Commerce, the East Side Commer
cial club, and the Oregon Dads’
club will be on hand to say “bon
Five Questions Picked
Five questions for debate have
been offered foreign schools by the
Oregon debaters. Oregon will take
the sides indicated in parentheses,
the choice in each case having been
made to give the competing teams
the sides they would prefer:
(1) Resolved: “That the world
has more to fear than to hope from
the further development of the ma
chine.” (Neg.)
(2) Resolved: “That existing
tariff barriers are an important
cause of the present economic de
pression.” (Neg.)
(3) Resolved: “That the cause
\of peace demands the entrance of
(the United States into the League
of Nations.” (Neg.)
(4) Resolved: “That English
should become the international
language.” (Aff.)
(5) Resolved: “That the nations
of the world should adopt a policy
of complete disarmament, except
for such forces as are necessary for
police protection.” (Aff. or Neg.)
“Oregon Style” Planned
The team has acceded to a re
quest from the Sydney University
Union to debate two additional
(Continued on Page Two)
Five University
Students Ascend
Tallest of Sisters
P’lVE University students
climbed the South Sister
last Sunday to be the first par
ty to make the ascent this year.
The five men were Grant An
derson, Ted Roadman, “Merc”
Halonen, Ernest Lehman, and
Roy Sheedy.
The climbers left Camp Reil
ly, 11 miles from the foot of the
South Sisters, at about 4 in the
morning, and reached the sum
mit about noon, they said.
While there a driving snow be
gan to fall, and they hurriedly
descended to get out of the high
The last time a party climbed
the tallest of the Sisters, ac
cording to the registration
books at the peak, was October
5, 1930, the students said.
Leads C'
Anne i.unusnurv neck, of the
school of music, will direct the pub
lic school children's chorus of 100C
voices at McArthur court at 8
o’clock tonight. The program is
Great Chorus of
1000 Children To
Appear Tonight
Anne Landsbury Beck To
Lead Singers From
Public Schools
One thousand children from the
public schools of Eugene will sing
in one great chorus in McArthur
court tonight at 8 o'clock, under
the direction of Anne Landsbury
Beck, director of the public school
music department of the school of
music, and supervisor of music in
the Eugene public schools. Admis
sion is free.
This chorus, probably the larg
est ever assembled in the state, will
sing a program of the old favorites,
including “Li’l Liza Jane,” ‘‘Battle
Hymn of the Republic,” and “Good
Night, Ladies.” The Woodrow Wil
son junior high school orchestra,
which will accompany the young
singers, will be seated among the
chorus. Mrs. Beck yesterday stat
ed that by stributing the instru
ments among the singers, better
results could be obtained.
Glee Club Feature
Special features will be offered
by the glee clubs of the various
schools taking part in the event.
Loren Davidson, graduate student
in music, will direct the work of
the Roosevelt junior high school
glee clubs, and the orchestra will
be under the direction of Delbert
Moore, former student in the Uni
versity school of music.
Students from Eugene and Uni
versity high schools, from Wood
row Wilson and Roosevelt junior
high schools, and from the fifth
and sixth grades of seven grade
schools will constitute the chorus.
Program Is Given
The complete program follows:
“Our America,” entire chorus;
“Loch Lomond,” 57 selected boy so
pranos; “Levee Song,” senior and
junior high school boys; “Li’l Liza
Jane,” all boys; trio from “The
Fairies’ Festival,” girls' glee club
of Roosevelt junior high, under
Loren Davidson; “Stars of the
Summer Night,” “Old Folks at
Home,” and “Sweet and Low,” by
the entire chorus.
“White King Overture” march,
Wilson junior high orchestra, un
der Delbert Moore; “O Hush Thee
My Baby,” all boys; “Annie Lau
rie” and “Now the Day is Over,”
girls’ glee club, Eugene and Uni
versity high, Wilson and Roosevelt
junior high; “Battle Hymn of the
Republic,” “Auld Lang Syne,” and
Good Night Ladies,” entire chorus.
Spann To Lecture on
German Cities Tonight
Dr. Meno Spann, assistant pro
fessor of German, will give an il
lustrated lecture on German land
scape and German cities tonight at
8 o’clock in room 107 Oregon build
ing. The lecture is intended for his
classes and will be given entirely
in German.
The same lecture will be given in
English tomorrow night at 8
o’clock in the same room for the
benefit of those persons who are
interested in the subject but do not
know German, Dr. Spann said.
There will be a charge of five cents
per person to cover expenses.
Dr. Robins To
Give Address
President Hall Receives
Wire of Acceptance
Famous Social Economist
Also Regarded as
Noted Orator
Dr. Raymond Robins, interna
tionally famous social economist
and regarded as one of the best
orators in the United States, will
deliver the commencement ad
dress here June 15, it is announced
by Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall, Uni
versity president, who has just re
ceived a wire of acceptance.
Wide experience in social service
work, in politics and in interna
tional relations has given Dr.
Robins a keen insight into many
phases of life, and his addresses
are not only highly instructive, but
brilliant and entertaining, it is de
clared by many here who know
him personally and who have
watched his career with great in
Candidate for Senate
Dr. Robins, who holds the degree
of bachelor of laws from George
Washington university and of doc
tor of laws from Hillsdale college,
first achieved fame in his field in
1903, when he became head worker
of the Northwestern University
He was candidate for the United
States senate on the Progressive
ticket in 1914, and in 1016 became
permanent chairman for the Pro
gressive national convention. In
politics at this time he was closely
associated with Theodore Roose
Promoted in Red Cross
Dr. Robins became internation
ally known for his work with the
American Red Cross in Russia in
1917 and was promoted to lieuten
ant-colonel and placed in com
mand of Red Cross work in that
country, a position he held until
May, 1918.
Robins Is Social Leader
At present Dr. Robins is vice
president of the Citizens’ Commit
tee of 1000 for Law Observance
and Enforcement. He has also
been a leader in National Christian
Evangelistic Social work in Amer
ican colleges and universities. He
is a strong advocate of organized
labor and of land value taxation,
and has devoted a great deal of
time to research and study in both
f Got Two BitsV is
New Cry Around
Emerald Shanty
Hey! You! Got two bits?
No! I ain’t got two bits!
Weil, get two bits. We’ve gotta
throw a party for the women here
in the shack Wednesday night.
They won the party for the best
sex-Emerald. Now we gotta feed
’em. Get two bits, pronto!
You mean that lousy sheet they
put out?
I mean that every guy that
wrote anything for the men’s Em
erald kicks through with two bits
to give the shack gals a brawl.
O. K., Buckley. Put my name
down on that sheet, and don’t yell
at me again. Say, do I have to
come to the party, too?
Beta Gamma Sigma
Initiates Six Members
Six outstanding students in the
school of business administration
were initiated into Beta Gamma
Sigma, national scholastic honor
ary in business administration, last
Sunday morning at 8 o’clock in the
men’s lounge of Gerlinger hall. Fol
lowing the initiation ceremonies, a
breakfast was held at the Anchor
age, after which election officers
for the coming year took place.
The new officers are Howard
Dietrich, president; Roy Brown,
vice-president; and Manuel Schnit
zer, secretary.
Dean David E. Faville, of the
school of business administration,
spoke on research work in the de
Those students initiated into the
honorary organization were How
art Dietrich, Clifford Beckett,
Warren Cress, Roy Brown, Manuel
Schnitzer and Lawrence de Rycke.
Drama Department To Give
Children’s Play Today at 4
‘Sir David Wears a Crown*
Has 17 Students in
Special Cast
“Sir David Wears a Crown,” an
nual children's play presented by
the drama department, will play
one performance today at 4 o'clock
in Guild theatre. This play has
been in rehearsal several weeks
with a select cast from the classes
in dramatic interpretation under
the direction of Cecil Matson,
teacher of drama.
The piece is one of Stuart W'alk
er’s portmanteau plays and a se
quel to “Six Who Pass While the
Lenitils Boil.” Sir David, the hero
of the tale is played by a girl, Neva
Lois Thompson. Charles Shoemak
er will play the part of the king
and Kathryn King, the queen.
Cast Numbers 17
Other members of the cast are
Mary Jane Burdick, the kin's great
aunt; Scot Milne, the councillor
William Brown, the terrible heads
man; Lois Greenwood, the trum
peter; Michael Norton, the sol
diery; Kate Alward, the mime
Harry Eide, the ballad singer; Bet
ty Zimmerman, the milkmaid
Theresa Gauntlett, the population
Dorothy Morgan, the blindman
Elizabeth Scruggs, the prologue
Jpy Downs, the device bearer; Lu
cie Brooks, you in the audience
and Edith Schmiedeskamp, Da
vid's mother.
This is the initial performance
for many of the actors in this play
and a few of them will act in
Guild Players' productions next
season, according to Mr. Matson.
Walden Boyle is stage manager for
the play.
The story of the play is one of
particular interest to children with
all the story-book characters and
played in the charming scene just
(Continued on Page Two)
Student Drawings
In Eugene Schools
On Week Display
Work Done Under Cadet
Teachers From U. O.
At Art Building
More than two hundred draw
ings in pencil and color, made by
students of the grade, high, and
junior high schools of Eugene, un
der the supervision of the cadet
teachers in normal arts, are on
display this week in the exhibit
room of the Art building.
The exhibit includes life draw
ings, pencil sketches, and designs
in color besides many craft-pieces
and book covers. A special fea
ture on display is two creative
projects, done by fifth grade stu
dents at the Frances Willard
school, representing summer camps
for children. Each project is a
miniature camp complete within
The student teachers who have
helped in the preparation of the
exhibit are: Saverina Graziano, El
vira Jensen, Dorothy Shaw, Paul
ine Shuele, Jo Dammasch, Rosa
Constantino, Olive Calef, Alberta
Rives, Gladys Haberlach, and Ruth
Galloway. The normal arts, in the
school of architecture and allied
arts, is headed by Maude Kerns,
who supervised the project. Grace
Ash, instructor, aided Miss Kerns.
Banquet To Close
Year for Staffs
Of Daily Emerald
Business and Editorial
Workers To Frolic
On June 2
The Emerald banquet, annual ju
bilee bust given for the members
of the business and editorial staffs
of Oregon’s daily paper, has been
scheduled for Tuesday, June 2, at
6:30 a. m. The announcement was
made late yesterday after approv
al of this year’s affair was given
by the student finance committee.
Carol Werschkul, executive sec
retary of the business department,
and Mary Ellen Corbett, editor’s
secretary, have been placed in
charge of arrangements for the
banquet and are to announce the
place and speakers later. The lists
of the persons eligible to come will
be posted on the main bulletin
board in the Journalism building
and those planning to attend are
asked to check their name on the
list, according to Miss Werschkul.
Awards will be made during the
evening to those who have out
standing work on the Emerald dur
ing the past year in the business,
editorial, sports, and night shifts.
Disposal of Class
Funds of Juniors
Up to Vote Today
pHE committee to decide on
what to do with the Junior
class funds will meet In George
Turnbull’s office in the Journal
ism building at 3:30 today.
Anyone with suggestions as
to how the money should be
spent is invited to attend the
meeting and present his plan.
Skipper Delivers
Fiery Speech at
Advertising Meet
Joseph Hosmcr, Economist
For Hearst, Speaks
To Large Group
In his usual fiery and dynamic
fashion, Frank H. Skipper, direc
tor of personnel for the Pennzoil
company, presented a measuring
stick for success at the banquet
of the annual Oregon Advertising
conclave held Saturday night at
the Osburn hotel. The conclave
ended on Sunday. It was spon
sored by Alpha Delta Sigma and
Gamma Alpha Chi, national hon
orary advertising organizations
for men and women, respectively.
Taking as his subject “Thinking
Through,” Mr. Skipper defied the
oretical principles of organized
education and presented argu
ments to prove the greater worth
of being able to think. Young
men and women must discharge
themselves of fear, which is the
one great obstacle to clear think
ing, Mr. Skipper brought out.
Hosmer Brings Message
Advertising has raised itself to
a level where now it is properly
classed as a .profession was the
message of Joseph Hosmer, adver
tising economist of the Hearst
newspapers, who came here from
Seattle to speak at the conclave.
The professional advertising fra
ternities at colleges have been cre
ated with the idea of developing
advertising as a profession, Mr.
Hosmer said.
For being-that member of Alpha
Delta Sigma who has rendered the
greatest service during the year,
Harry Tonkon, senior in business
administration, was awarded the
Robert Byington trophy at the
banquet. The cup was presented
by the donor, himself, who came
from Oakland, California, to make
the award. Tonkon is president
of the fraternity. Victor Kaufman
was presented the Advertising club
of Portland scholarship for being
adjudged the outstanding student
in advertising during the past
Greetings were extended at the
banquet by Burt Brown Barker,
vice-president of the University;
Eric W. Allen, dean of the school
of journalism; and David E. Fa
ville, dean of the school of busi
ness administration. A short talk
was made by W. F. G. Thacher,
professor of advertising, who was
paid a fitting tribute by Alpha
Delta Sigma. Speaking for Gam
ma Alpha Chi was Josephine Sto
fiel, president. Harry Tonkon pre
sided as toastmaster.
Lois Reedy Chairman
For Wesleyan Group
Lois Reedy, freshman in journ
alism, has been named chairman
of the Greater Wesleyan commit
tee and director of summer public
ity of the University Wesley Foun
dation, it was announced yesterday
by Jack Bellinger, publicity direc
tor of the club.
Miss Reedy, Jack Bellinger, and
Wallace Campbell, personnel chair
man of the club, will form an ex
ecutive committee to take charge
of a state-wide campaign during
the summer and at the beginning
of school next fall. The state has
been divided into districts and rep
resentatives for each district will
be appointed.
Oregana Staff
Major Jobs Go
To 23 Students
Thornton Gale, Editor,
Makes Appointments
Many Assistantships Open
For Underclassmen
On Campus
The appointment of 23 persons
to fill major positions on the 1931
32 Oregana staff was macie yes
wmm mmm
Thornton Gale
ton Gale, n e x t j
year's editor.
The a p p o int- i
i ments are as fol
low :
‘ F r a t e rnities, 1
Roy McMullen;
sororities, Flor
ence Nombalais;
'college year,
| Frances Taylor;
i athletics, Jay Se
horn; honoraries,
Helen Raitanen; forensics, Aimie
Sten; administration, Barbara
Conly; music, Eleanor Jane Bal
lantyne; drama, Willetta Hartley;
dances, Lillian Rankin; juniors,
Esther Hayden.
R. O. T. C., Jack Bellinger; pub
lications, George Root; alumni,
Ben McDonald; art, Frances John
ston; literature, Jim Brooke; law,
Betty Davis; underclass, Ruth Du
puis; women's activities, Shirley
Sylvester; seniors, Thelma Nelson;
features, Kenneth Fitzgerald; sec
retary, Madeleine Gilbert; and
copy, Elinor Henry.
“It has been very difficult to
select the staff this year as there
were 65 applications turned in,"
Gale said in making the announce
“The staff was chosen on its
merits and former experience on
the year book. The upper staff,
consisting of the art editor, assist
ant editors and associate editor,
has not been appointed yet, but
will be later in the term.
“There are many assistantships
still open, and these will be given
to underclassmen as soon as pos
The art theme will be selected
next year.
Frosh To Frolic
Tomorrow at 4
On Island Partyj
Complete plans for the Frosh
Frolic, which is being sponsored
by the Frosh commission, were an
nounced yesterday by Nancy Su
omela, chairman.
The girls are to meet at the
Anchorage tomorrow afternoon at
4 o’clock, and will canoe up to the
portage and thence over to the
island. Swimming and a weiner
roast are scheduled for entertain
Tickets are 15 cents, and may
be obtained from any of the fol
lowing girls:
Alpha Phi, Caroline Card; Alpha
Chi Omega, Virginia Hartje; Al
pha Delta Pi, Esther Lofstedt; Al
pha Gamma Delta, Marguerite |
Phelps; Alpha Omicron Pi, Dor
othy Morgan; Alpha Xi Delta,
Helen Ray; Beta Phi Alpha, Ruth
Metcalf; Chi Omega, Lucile Coate;
Delta Delta Delta, Grace Rogers; j
Delta Gamma, Carolyn Trimble.
Delta Zeta, Diana Fisler; Gam
ma Phi Beta, Frances Carpenter;
Kappa Alpha Theta, Dorothy
Hughes; Kappa Delta, Maxine
Rau; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Jean
Robertson; Phi Mu, Eileen Hick
son; Pi Beta Phi, Helen Shingle;
Sigma Kappa, Elizabeth Patter
son; Zeta Tau Alpha, Mary Mar
garet Hunt; Hendricks hall, Edith
Peterson; Susan Campbell hall,
Jean Failing; Mary Spiller hall,
Helen Binford.
Women’s Order of O
Sets Picnic Tomorrow
- h
The Women’s Order of the O c
will hold an initiation picnic to- j J
morrow in honor of their new i
members. They will meet at the i
Anchorage at 5 o’clock and canoe
up to the head of the race. <
Initiation, awarding of letters, 1
and lunch will take place up the <
race, and each girl is asked to 1
bring her own food. i
40 Women Asked
To Sign For Work
With Big Sisters
jjH)RTY women are wanted
Immediately to sign up for j
the Biff Sister registration eom- i
mittee, according to Betty Anne
Macduff, Big Sister chairman.
The work of the registration i
committee wil tie to serve dur
ing the three and one-lmlf days
of registration fail term as a
general information group,
where freshman women may
get assistance in filling out |
their registration material or in
locating advisers and In similar
difficulties which surround the
process of matriculating in the
The women will be divided
into groups of five or six, each
group to work for liulf a day.
They will be stationed in the
hall of the Ad building, where
freshmen get their registration
material, in order to lie of most !
All women wishing to work
on this committee are asked to
give their numes to Miss Mac
duff by the end of this week.
Jewett Speaking
Contest To Open
This Afternoon
Each Men’s Organization
Will Enter One
Preliminaries for the third W. F.
Jewett public speaking contest
will be held today at 4 o'clock
in 105 Commerce building. This
contest is to be for the men’s liv
ing organizations on the campus.
Each living organization will enter
one candidate.
All the participants in the con
tests are asked to report to room
2, Friendly hall at 1 o’clock to
draw for speaking order and their
particular phase of the general
topic, which is to be "Political
Parties.” It was announced by the
speech division that the topics on
which the contestants will speak
are to be quite simple as the par
ticipants will have only three hours
in which to prepare before the pre
liminaries. Material concerning the
subject of "Political Parties” has
been assembled in the old library
for the convenience of the contest
The judges for the preliminaries
are Reginald Coggeshall, profes
sor of journalism; Ray P. Bowen,
department chairman of Romance
languages; George Turnbull, pro
fessor of journalism; F. G. Lewis,
of the Southern Pacific; and Miss
Crogan, of the physical education
W. F. G. Thacher Asked
To Address Authors
An invitation to speak before the
annual convention of the League
:>f Western Authors was received
by W. F. G. Thacher, professor of
advertising and English, it was an
nounced yesterday. The conven
tion will be held this year at Van
couver, B. C. Professor Thacher
nas not yet announced his accep
Class Leaders
Will Be Named
At Polls Today
Elections Set for Villard
And Johnson Halls
Light Vote Expected Except
In Three-Cornered
Senior Race
Editor’s Note: For the bene
fit of those who do not know to
which class they belong for the
purpose of elections, the Em
erald prints the following ex
cerpt from the A. S. U. O. Con
stitution (Article VII, Section
“Freshman: Any student who
lacks the minimum require
ments for sophomore standing
shall for the purposes of this
Constitution be declared to be a
“Sophomore: Any student in
the University who has com
pleted at least two terms in the
preceding school year or years
in which he was in attendance,
and who lacks the minimum
qualifications for junior stand
ing, shall for the purposes of
this Constitution be declared to
be a sophomore.
“Junior: Any student who has
completed at least two terms
out of each two preceding years
in attendance, or has com
pleted four terms in more than
two years’ attendance, and,
lacks the minimum qualifica
tions for senior standing (six
terms in three or more years
preceding), shall for the pur
poses of this Constitution be de
clared to be a junior.”
When members of the freshman,
sophomore and junior classes go
to the polls today to choose their
leaders for the coming year, the
campus political season will once
more be brought to a close. The
freshmen and juniors will vote in
the lower hallway of Villard, and
the sophomores will go to the lob
by of Johnson hall to cast their
ballots. Poll hours will be from 9
to 3.
The campaign was a fairly quiet
one, with the greater part of the
work of lining up support being
done privately, but most of the
parties held final meetings last
night to arouse enthusiasm for the
big day today. All the factions
will undoubtedly have workers on
the campus today to stir up pep
and get the voters to the polls.
Light Vote Expected
Class elections are noted for the
light vote they usually draw, and
no radical departure from this
precedent is likely in today’s elec
tions, with the possible exception
af the voters of the junior class,
who may turn out in larger num
bers than usual because of the
three-cornered race for the offices.
With support lined up, the great
est problem that faces the party
eaders is in getting the voters of
their factions to the polls. With
mch a small proportion of the
■lass voting this becomes an ex
(Continued on Page Three)
Sergeant Conyers Will Retire
To Civilian Life Next Spring
After 30 years in the United
States army, ten of which have
seen spent at the University of
Dregon, Sergeant Edward Conyers,
Ft. O. T. C. officer, will again be
come a civilian in March 1932, at
vhich time he will be eligible for
-etirement from service.
In all respects save two he will
se just like any other civilian in
he ordinary walks of life. In the
went of another war he will be
lubject to orders from military
leadquarters, but in his general
searing and appearance he will be
lifferent. Thirty years in the army
las left its mark upon him; he will
ilways be a miltary man in habit
f not in actuality.
Sergeant Conyers’ experiences
luring the last 30 years rival a
wok of fiction in interest. They
:over a series of events ranging
rom work as a surveyor through
ervice in both the United States
and Mexican armies to a position
as instructor in military science
Coming from a family of pioneer
American stock, his father being
one of the first settlers at Gaines
boro, Texas, Sergeant Conyers
was moved, more by spirit of ad
venture than anything else, to en
list in the army at San Antonio,
Texas, in 1907, at the age of 21.
He saw a chance to visit the Phil
ippine islands, and did not realize
that he was entering a calling
which was later to become irre
sistible to him.
Life in the Philippines was hard
in those days, according to the ser
geant. This was before the islands
had been made sanitary and the
only way to avoid malaria was to
boil everything. When it was in
convenient to boil the water the
men in his company drank milk
from cocoanuts or that which could
(Continued on Page Two)