4 Athletic Rivalry See the track meet or the tennis contests today against Oregon State squads. VOLUME XXXII The Weather Cloudy Saturday. Maximum . 68 Minimum . 47 No orecipitation. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1931 NUMBER 134 Ad Conference To Convene on Campus Today Program Slated To Open ^ With Banquet Tonight Famous Speakers Secured By Alpha Delta Sigma For Conclave With advertising men coming from all parts of the state and many faculty members and stu dents attending, the Oregon ad vertising conclave tonight seems to be the greatest ever held here. Promptly at 6:30 the proceed ings will get under way. A din ner will be held at the Osburn hotel. The complete program as announced last night by Harry Tonkon, president of Alpha Delta Sigma, and Fletcher Udall, gen eral chairman, includes a special feature for every part. Two fa mous speakers, coming from out of the state, are, of course, the highlight attractions of the affair, but the cream of local entertain y ers will also appear on the pro gram. PROGRAM Oregon Advertising Conclave Saturday Afternoon 4:15 Alpha Delta Sigma initi ation, Gerlinger hall. 6:30 Annual Advertising ban quet, Osburn hotel; Jo seph Hosmer and Frank Skipper, speakers. Pub lic invited. Sunday Morning 9:00 Gamma Alpha Chi initia tion, Gerlinger hall. 9:15 Alpha Delta Sigma re union breakfast, Osburn hotel. 10:00 Gamma Alpha Chi break fast, Anchorage Inn. Skipper To Come from L. A. Frank H. Skipper, journeying from Los Angeles especially for the conclave, will speak on “Think ing Through.” Mr. Skipper, now personnel director of the Pennzoil company, has built a world-wide reputation for himself as a master at the craft of salesmanship. He has been foreign sales manager for companies in every English- I speaking country in the world, and is a dynamic lecturer. Joseph Hosmer, of the Hearst 1 newspapers, will talk on the ques- ' tion, “Advertising—A Racket or a ! Profession.” He is coming from Seattle. The Byington cup, pre sented annually to that member of Alpha Delta Sigma deemed the most serviceable to the club, will be presented at the banquet by Robert Byington himself, who will .come from Oakland, California, for Tthe ceremony. Rhythm Boys on Program The Oregon Rhythm Boys—Kel sey Slocom, Bob Goodrich, and John Smedberg—winners of the RKO-KGW contest in Portland, who are leaving next week for New York City, where they will appear over the National Broad casting company network on be half of the Portland Rose Festival, *■ (Continued on Tape Two) Men Shovel Dough To Throw Party For Co-Ed Victors Wails of “Yes, it’s the man who pays and pays and pays,” were permeating the atmosphere of the “shack” yesterday as Rufus Kim fball, editor of the special men’s edition of the Emerald of a week ago, made the rounds of the male journalists, asking them to dig down, down deep, and produce . their share of the expenses for giving the winning women of cam pus newspaperdom a party. This party is to be at the “shack,” in commemoration of the victory of the all-feminine Emer ald this spring over the all-mascu- ■ line edition. The party represents the stake, and the men promise to make it a good one. Typewriters will be cast aside at 8:30 next Wednesday, and Em erald workers will join in celebrat ing the advent of feminine supe- j a riority in campus journalistic cir ' cles. Skipper! Forceful, dynamic, and exceed ingly interesting is this gentleman from California. Frank H. Skipper will -deliver the main address at the banquet of the Oregon Adver tising conclave to be held tonight at the Osburn hotel, to which all students and faculty members are invited. Gamma Alpha Chi To Initiate Three During Conclave National Officers of Atl Honorary for Women To Be Present As a special feature of the Ore gon Advertising conclave, Gamma Alpha Chi, national honorary ad verusmg irater nity for women, : will hold an in itiation Sun day morning at Ger linger hall, with a breakfast fol lowing at the An chorage, accord-I ing to an an-| nouncement made! by Josephine Sto-| r i e i, president, s Jsm and Harriette Harriett® Hofmann, who is Hofmann in charge of arrangements. Serena Rohan, advertising di rector of the Charles F. Berg store in Portland, will be formally in itiated into associate membership, while Kathryn Laughridge, sopho more, and Kathryn Peri go, junior, will go through the ceremonies to become active members of Gam ma Alpha Chi. Miss Rohan, who has been affiliated with Berg’s store for a number of years, has displayed marked ability in the ad vertising profession since becom ing advertising director. Miss Laughridge and Miss Perigo have both been actively connected with the business staff of the Emerald. Two national officers of the fra ternity will be present for the ceremony. Ruth Street, an Oregon alumna, national secretary, will speak at the breakfast as will Taina Erving Nelson, of Seattle, who is national treasurer. Several associate members of Gamma Alpha Chi will come to Eugene to attend the conclave and will take an active part at the in itiation on Sunday morning at 9 o’clock. Sweetser To Lecture At Westminster Forum Professor A. R. Sweetser, head of the botany department, will give an illustrated lecture Sunday eve ning at 6:30 o’clock before the Westminster forum, Gwendolyn Caverhill, president, announced yesterday. “How We Got the Eng lish Bible,” will be the title of his talk. Preceding the regular meeting at 6:30 there will be a social half hour. Special music will also be featured during the evening. Ev eryone is invited to attend, Miss Caverhill said. Faville Will Address Portland Store Men Dean David E. Faville, of the school of business administration, will address the junior executives of Lipman, Wolfe and company, Portland department store, June 4. He will speak on “Changing Trends in Merchandising.” The address is being made upon the invitation of Miss Baldwin, personnel director of the store. Hawaii Cruise FacultyNamed; Sailing June 19 Dean Gilbert Will Head Summer Staff May Exceed Enrollment Mark of 75, Alfred Powers Believes The University of Oregon sum mer session cruise to Hawaii will leave here June 19 with approxi mately the same enrollment as last year, and with a possibility that the total of 75 may be exceeded, it was stated yesterday by Alfred Powers, director of summer ses sions, who also announced the fac ulty to accompany the venture. Headed by Dr. James H. Gilbert, dean of the college of liberal arts and sciences, the faculty will in clude S. Stephenson Smith, asso ciate professor of English; Samuel H. Jameson, associate professor of sociology, and Miss Agnes Camp bell, instructor in art, Holmby col lege, Los Angeles. Miss Campbell Known Miss Campbell, a sister of the late Prince L. Campbell, who served as president of the Uni versity, is well known in art cir cles in Oregon, and is regarded as one of the leading artists of the Pacific coast. She will instruct in this subject, a field which is par ticularly attractive in Hawaii, where not only scenic effects are world-famous, but where unusual cloud and marine subjects can be obtained. Miss Campbell is a graduate of the University with the class of 1913. She is well known to the campus, since she taught in summer session last year. Mr. Smith, whose latest book, "The Craft of the Critic,” is at tracting wide attention, is the au thor of numerous articles in his field, and has won high recogni tion as a teacher. He plans spe cial courses in literature that will be of unusual interest to students on the cruise. Sociology Work Practical Much of the teaching in sociol ogy, to be done by Dr. Jameson, will be in the nature of practical laboratory work, since Hawaii, due to the many races there, is noted for studies in this field. The cruise this year will be on the Empress of Japan, vessel of the N. Y. K. line. The ship is the largest and most luxurious on the Pacific, and makes the run from Vancouver to Honolulu in five days. Only a limited time remains for signing on with the cruise. Full information may be obtained from the extension offices of the Uni versity either on the campus or in Portland. Ruth Warren Is Winner of Jewett Speaking Contest Potwin Wins Second Prize; Campbell Third, Doran Fourth Place Miss Ruth Warren, sophomore in education, won the first prize of $35 in the W. F. Jewett after-din ner speaking contest held last night at Lee Duke’s cafe. Her topic was “The Price of Fame.” To Arthur Potwin went the sec ond prize of $25. He spoke on “We Actors.” Wallace Campbell, speaking on “Intellectual Acci dents,” won third prize of $15. Herbert Doran, who talked on “This Way to the Circus,” was awarded fourth place, which car ried with it a prize of $10. The general topic for speeches was "The Great American College Bandwagon.” Miss Warren, who won first prize last year in the freshman women’s extemporan eous speaking contest, had for her theme the idealizing of heroes both by colleges and by people out in the world. The judges were Mrs. Charlotte R. Donnelly, secretary of housing and employment; W. F. G. Thach er, professor of advertising and English; and Vernon X. Miller, as sociate professor of law. Walter Durgan acted as toastmaster. Politicians Turning Thoughts • To Class Elections Tuesday Factions Plan Hard FF ork To Get Students Out at Polls By THORNTON SHAW With nominations over, the thoughts of class politicians now turn toward elections, which are to be held Tuesday for all classes. The freshmen and juniors will vote in the lower hallway of Villard, while the sophomores will vote in the lobby of Johnson hall. Polls will be open from 9 to 3. A slight upset occurred in the senior class race when a third can didate entered the field for treas urer, making all tickets complete. This was contrary to an announce ment by the party leader at a late hour Wednesday, when it was stated that the ticket would enter the field minus a treasurer. Four free-lancers were added to the lists of aspiring candidates when the wits of the junior class placed in nomination four of their most prominent classmates for the position of senior class barber. The fact that the demand for candidates has been unusually heavy this year, because of the larger number of tickets, has tend ed to bring most of the houses off the fence in the interests of their own aspirant. Support is for this reason quite definite now, and the elections will undoubtedly be won by the factions that are most suc cessful in getting their voters to the polls. With the lining up of tickets < Continued on Page Two) Alpha Delta Signia Will Initiate Five Active Men Today Reunion Breakfast Sunday May See Induction of Associates As a prelude to the many events of the Oregon Advertising con clave, Alpha Delta Sigma, national ^Honorary aaver | tising fraternity |cor men, will hold Ian initiation for ■active members pthis afternoon at iGerlinger hall, starting at 4:15 o’clock. Laurence Jackson, business manager-elect of the Emerald, will Miinmnnave cnarge or | Larry Jackson the initiation. Those who will be initiated to day are: Victor Kaufman, Phil Cogswell, Bob Holmes, Harold Short, all juniors in journalism: and Harold Leonard, senior in busi ness administration. These five men were chosen for membership because of their activity and in terest in the field of advertising. . Active, associate, and alumni ! members of the fraternity will! take part in the initiation cere- j mony, which will be completed be fore the conclave banquet starts at the Osburn hotel. Sunday morning, Alpha Delta Sigma will hold a reunion break fast at the Osburn hotel. It is expected that associate members will be formally initiated at this meeting, according to Harry Ton kon, president. W. F. G. Thacher, advisor of the chapter, will take an active part in the breakfast along with prominent alumni and associate members. Speaking at the breakfast will be Joseph Hosmer, advertising economist for the Hearst newspa pers; Frank H. Skipper, of Los Angeles, an associate member of the local chapter; Bob Byington, Oakland, California, an alumnus of the University, and many oth ers. Changes for Major for Fall Can Be Made Now Students who are certain of changing their majors next fall term can save a great deal of con fusion by arranging to do so now, according to Miss Gertrude Ste venson of the registrar’s office, Applications can be obtained from the registrar’s office in the Administration building. If this is done before the summer vacation the checking of the slips can be done during the summer, thus sav ing much delay in registration ' next fall. There is no charge con nected with the change of a ma- ' jor. Last of Religious Talks To Be Given Tomorrow _ i Summing up his philosophy of religion, Harold S. Tuttle, profes sor in education, will give the final discussion tomorrow of a series of |' six which he ha3 conducted each j Sunday at the Congregational church. These talks have centered around the general theme, “The New Psychology and Religious i Training.’’ Anyone interested in the present developments of applied psychol- i ogy is invited to attend at 10 o’clock Sunday morning. Portland Puppet Company To Give Guild Show Today Play and Three Skits on Program Under Art School’s Backing “Ye Merrie Guilders,” a Portland company, will present four puppet plays in Eugene this afternoon and evening at the Guild theatre, un der the sponsorship of the school of architecture and allied arts. Ad mission will be 50 Merits with no reserved seats. Performances will be at 3 and 8. Three short skits and a main play will be given at both shows. “The Walrus and the Carpenter," from the famous story of Alice; “Nature Study,” concening the meeting of a bird and a worm, and “Gustav and Katrina,” a short number with hand puppets, will be the three skits. The main play v/ill be "A Pot of Marigolds,” by Harold F. Lindergreen, an adapta tion of an old French fairy tale. The Portland company, which is composed of Mary Lu Mallory and her brother, Rufus, and Eleanor Braden, of Beverly, Mass., is but two years old, but has already gained a great deal of notice by the performances given at their work shop at Oak Grove. All the plays they have presented so far have been entirely original in adap tation and design, although later they plan to go into classical mar ionette literature for their plays. Interest in puppet plays is re viving in the United States in re cent years, and the “Merrie Guild ers” hope eventually interest here will be great enough to support a theatre of their own. They have received the endorsement of the Puppet Guild of Boston for their work. Juniors Vote $800 To Band Uniform Fund at Meeting Money Is From Week-End Profits; Picnic Set For Mid-Week The junior class will donate $800 of the profits of Junior Week-end to the fund for new uniforms for the University band, it was de cided at the last meeting of the class for the year, held Thursday night in 107 Villard. The class voted to hold its an nual picnic some afternoon and evening in the middle of the week, instead of on Memorial Day, inas much as many members of the class will be out of town on that week-end. Helen Kaufman was appointed chairman for the affair. Joe Hughes, class treasurer, gave a report on the financial con dition of the class, showing that there is approximately $1100 in the treasury. After the donation for band uniforms is made there will be a remainder of approxi mately $300, and Art Potwin, class president, appointed a committee, consisting of Joe Hughes, chair man; Ken Jette, Elizabeth Strain, Chet Knowlton, and Carolyn Ha berlach, to decide what shall be done with this money. The greater part of the meeting was taken up with the nomination of candidates for class offices for the coming year. Jack Stipe was named chairman of the election committee. Qualifications for vot ing were read by Miss Haberlach, vice-president of the class. Hall Will Speak Before Greater Oregon Group State Committee To Hold Meeting Monday Stipe Names All Workers; King and Calavan Are Assistant Heads The newly chosen Greater Ore gon committee will hold its first, meeting Monday afternoon at 4:30 in room 110 Johnson, it was announced yes-s terday by Jack! Stipe, chairman! of the committee.* The main pur- i pose of the meet-.: ing will be to i hear an address 1 b y Dr. Arnold | Bennett Hall, | president of the | Universi t y. Dr. Hall will tell the John King committee about the University, and outline the part that the com mittee should play in building it up. Stipe urged that all students who are interested in working on the committee be present at the meeting, inasmuch as the commit tee is not as yet complete, and several more workers are desired for certain districts of the state. Caluvun, King Assistants The assistant chairmen of the committee, Corwin Calavan and John King, will supervise workers in Portland and in the other dis tricts of the state, respectively. Members of the committee, an nounced by Stipe yesterday, are as follow: Portland — Roosevelt, Roy Mc Mullen; Lincoln, Phil Mulder; St. Helens hall, Nancy Nevins; Allen’s, Phil Fields and Polly Ann Jorgen sen; Washington, Carol Werschkul, Helen Burns, Joe Franz, and George Hibbard; Jefferson, Mary Frances Lowry, Nancy Suomela, Jim Weed, and Margaret Boone; Franklin, Ed Charles; Grant, Shel don Dunning, Ed Schweiker, and Mary Lou Patrick; Benson, Ray Morse; Commerce, Ernest De Graffe. Other Towns Given Burns, Fred Reid; Clatskanie, Gene Brewer; Bandon, Chelly Beckham; Coquille, Harlow Call; Cottage Grove, Harold Bede; En terprise, lone Jordan. Heppner, Pat Mahoney and Helen Valentine; Hermiston, Jane Warner; Prineville, Margaret May Adams; Union, Bill Dobbin; Wal lowa, Reid J. Cox; Baker, Duane Frisbie; Bend, Gay Hamilton. Hood River, Bob Perigo, Helen Copple, and Lenere Lage; La Grande, Hester Hopkins and Larry Bay; Roseburg, Jack Thorpe; As toria, Harold Short and Harry Eide; Eugene, Dick Near and Mad eleine Gilbert; Medford, Tom Em mens, Laura Drury, and Ed Reames. Myrtle Point, Velma Hamilton; Salem, Phil Bell, James Heltzel, Margaret Heltzel, and Dave Eyre; The Dalles, Vincent Gates and Ge neva Barr; Ontario, Paul Biggs; St. Helens, Aimee Sten; Tillamook, Dorothy Haberlach and Clarence James. Klamath Falls, Mary Ellen Brad ford, Embert Fossum, and Herb Graham; Marshfield, Cynthia Hall and Eleanor Flanagan; Newberg, Buz Larkin; Milton - Freewater, Myron Johnson; Pendleton, Jim Ferguson and Manch Gadwa; Sil verton, Frances and Elizabeth Keene; Seaside, John Hagmeier; Vernonia, Glen Heiber and Neal Bush. German Club Elects M. Snider President Madolyn Snider, junior in Eng lish, was elected president of Gam ma Chi, German honorary, at a meeting held this week. Other of ficers named were Ben Vitou, vice president; Maxine Rau, secretary; Evangeline Miller, treasurer; and Virginia Patterson, sergeant-at arms. Plans were also made for a picnic to be held on Thursday, May 28. Retiring officers of the honorary are Minnie Helzer, president; My ron Kruse, vice-president; A1 Fil ker, secretary; and A1 Schmidt, treasurer. fGreen Goose9 is Given Sanction cf Executive Council Official sanction was given yes terday to the notorious "Green Goose,” annual scandal sheet of Sigma Delta Chi, slated to appear on the campus Friday morning, June 5. The A. S. U. O. executive council, accepting the recommen dation of the publications commit tee, authorized the publication, with the customary regulations as to censorship, signing of stories, and limits on excessively avid libel and scandal. Officiating as editor-in-chief will be T. Neil Taylor, senior in jour nalism, and former Sigma Delta Chi president. Details of format, motif, and contributing talent for this year’s “Goose" will appear in the Em erald at a later date. Soprano Recital To Be Presented By Agnes Petzold Concert of Voice Student, Juilliard Scholar, To Be Monday Evening Agnes Petzold, mezzo-soprano, and outstanding senior in the Uni versity music school, will appear in concert recital at the music au ditorium Monday evening, it is an nounced by Arthur Boardman, in structor in voice, with whom Miss Petzold has been studying for the past two years. Miss Petzold, whose home is in Oregon City, is well known as a singer throughout the state. A week ago she appeared in Port land as a featured soloist with the Portland Fest-Chor. She is a member of the Hendricks hall vocal sextet which won the Poly phonic Choir cup Thursday eve ning, and on May 31 she will ap pear as soloist in the polyphonic choir’s presentation of Verdi’s “Requiem.” She has held a Juil liard Foundation scholarship for the past two years. Harold Ayres will be Miss Pet zold’s accompanist for an exten sive recital program, which fol lows. The program will feegin at 8:15 and will be free to students and the public. Students Earn $51,149 For Work During Year The University employment ser vice has aided students to the ex tent of $51,149 in the past year, according to Mrs. Charlotte Don nelly, University secretary of em ployment and housing, in her an nual report which is now in the process of completition. This total is somewhat less than last year’s total of $57,277. Of the year's total, $46,424 has been earned from regular jobs, and ap proximately $4,725 from odd jobs. A total of 480 one-term jobs were provided. A few of the jobs listed aside from work for board and room are as follows: waiters, clean ers, salesmen, newspaper workers, telephone operators, office sten ographers, florists, and delivery boys. Oregon, OSC To Clash Today on Hayward Field 6 Webfoots To Perform For Last Time Meet Is 15tli for Schools; Dopesters Say Victory May Be Close Oregon and Oregon State will meet for the fifteenth time on the cinder paths this afternoon at 2 o clock on Hay ; ward field when I Coaches Bill Hay I ward and Dick I Newman send f their athletes out I to do battle. | Six Oregon men, three of , them nationally | famous, will per I form for the last Robinson lime ior uregon on Hayward field today. Ralph Hill, national intercollegiate champion in the mile; Bobby Robinson, Northwest and Canadian pole-vault champion; and Ed Moeller, at one time holder of the world’s record in the discus, are the most prominent. All 3-Year Veterans Bun Stadelman, shot-putter, Len Steele, distances, and Ed Sieg mund, hurdler, are the others who are through with inter-collegiate competition after today. All are three-year veterans, and have won many points for Hayward. Many and varied are the opin ions of the dopesters as to the out come of today's clash, but all voice the common consensus that the margin of victory will be small, whichever way it goes. Compar ing the two teams on the basis of results against Washington the teams are within a fraction of a point of each other. A complete entry list, subject to Hayward’s usual last minute shift ing, was released last night. The long-awaited decision, especially by Orange coaches, as to what events Ralph Hill would run was settled when Hayward stated that he would be placed in the 880 and two-mile runs. Hayward Picks Men Virgil Scheiber, Paul Bale, and Paul Starr will run for Oregon in both the 100 and 220-yard sprints. In the quarter-mile Johnny Marrs, Jack Rollwage, Art Holman, and Chuck Dolloff will participate. Ralph Hill and Tom Moran will be in the half-mile race, and Hill and Win Tinnerstet will enter the two-mile. Bob Hall and Len Steele will be Oregon’s entrants in the mile run. In the 120-yard high hurdles will be Hubert Allen and Ed Siegmund. Allen and Art Holman will take care of the 220-yard low hurdles. Entries in the field events in clude Bill Palmer and Bob Everts in the high jump; Allen, Palmer, and Holman in the broad jump; Robinson and Stoddard in the pole vault. Three Discus Hurlers Ed Moeller will lead the discus (Continued on Page Four) Jim Travis Urges Cooperation Student Officers and Graduate Manager's Office Staff Gould Better Financial Situation (Editor’* note: Thin is the sixth and last of a series of per sonality interviews with recent ly elected student body officers.) By THOKNTON GALE Although Jim Travis, new junior finance officer of the A. S. U. O., is the son of J. L. Travis, city edi tor of the Ore gonian, he has no intention of be coming a newspa per man. Raised on the smell of printers’ ink, the life of a news hawk has little appeal for him. His major is pre-law, which win give him, he Travis believes, a broad er education than a specialization in any other field. He is not at all sure that he will continue with law, however, and upon graduation may I go into business or some other special interest. • Travis was born in Portland, Oregon, and graduated from Wash ington high School in that city. He is one of three of the newly elect ed student body officers who are registered from Portland. The oth ers are Walt Evans, vice-president, and Irma Logan, secretary. In spite of the fact that an older brother matriculated at Washing ton and wanted Jim to go there, he early decided to attend Oregon. His chief hobbies are swimming, athletics, and canoeing. As a re sult of his interest in canoeing, he has been chosen as an instructor this summer in an exclusive boys’ school near Lake Hebron, New Hampshire. He will leave Oregon immediately at the close of spring term and plans to be away prac tically all summer. After the close of the boys’ school in August, he will spend a month’s vacation in (Continued on Page Three }