New York Alums Forward Greetings Former U. of (). Students Congratulate Dr. Hall Word of the fifth anniversary of President Hall's service to Ore gon filtered clear back to New York, and Allen Eaton, ’02, one of the finest friends the University has anywhere, gathered together a group of Oregon alumni in that city, and they enthusiastically drew up a message of congratula tion to forward. The message is signed by 02 alumni and former students of New York, all of whom are vitally interested in the Uni versity and in Dr. Hall's work here. The statement follows, with the nam“es of the alumni. International House, New York City. Learning that May 21, 1931, will mark the fifth anniversary of the administration of Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall as presi dent of the University of Ore gon, we former students of Ore gon assembled at the Interna tional House, New York City, May 7, 1931, join in congratula tions to the University and to President Hall for his splendid achievements of the past five years and hereby pledge him our united loyalty for the future. John M. MacGregor, '23; Arthur) S. Rudd, '24; Elizabeth M. Robin-1 son, '27; Claude E. Robinson, '27; Benito E. Artau, '30; Guinevere A. Lamson, '28; Madeline Goodall, '29; Clifton H. Boggs, '28; Edmund A. Veazie, '27; Mabs Breckon, '26; Louie M. Anderson, '20; Paul Sta ley, '25; Hazel Dean Kellems, '26; Edgar E. Kellems, '23; Rachel A. I-Iusband, '21; Sam B, Warner; L. A. Culbertson, '23; Velma R. Farnham, '24; Sidney H. Dobbin, '30; Hermione Smith, '28; William R. Jost, '30; Gordon H. Ridings, '30; Milton George, '29; Anne Karagozian Bagsar, '24; Loran J. Ellis, '20; Mrs. Loran Ellis; Robert H. Shiomi, '27: Jack Rogers, '25; Frances Rose Youel, '23; Kenneth Youel, ’23; Mary Jane Bowles, ’25; Margaret Scott Goble, ’23; Ray Fox, ’20; Airs. Warren Clark; Laura R. V. Kennon, ’ll; Ada Boone Coffey, ex-’ll; Nelson Gam mans, ex-’12; Esther Davis Stri ven, ’20; Lionel W. Drommlitz, ex ’23; Morris H. Morgan, ’20; Gene Geisler Morgan, ’20; John F. Lebor, ’28; Irene Perkins, ’24; Wilma Boisselier, ’27; Leta Mart Leslie, ex-'lO; Earl E. Leslie, '22; Norine Weaver, ’25; Leona G. Marsters, '21; C. Loukas, '23; Bes sie Schoenberg; Frederike Schilke, ex-’25; Allen Eaton, '02. Former Student Will Enter Medical School Dr. Alice Bahrs has accepted a position in the University of Ore gon medical school at Portland. She will be in the Collins nutrition research laboratory of that school. Summer Dresses j 4 Shantungs Priced at $7.75 Summer Frocks Iii wliilc and pastel shades . . . some with jackets, for only $10.00 New Silk Suits Prom $16.75 to $19.75 Big reduction on all Spring Coats The French Shop To Delight • - Your Guests that unexpeetedly drop in for the afternoon, and one does noli for .somethin!' different from the general menu - - remember a delirious and delightful dish of ire eream is always individual and different. MENU BRICK Banana Nut with Black Walnuts BULK Carmel Pecan Eugene Fruit Growers Exchange Phone 1480 Phone Company Offers Positions To U. of O. Men Agnnt of Firm Interviews Applicants for Jobs On Sales Force Opportunities to obtain a posi tion for the summer which contin ues paying after the student re turns to school, are being offered Oregon students by Emmet E. Hagerty as agency bureau repre sentative from the International Telephone and Telegraph company of New York and the Postal Tele graph office in Saft Francisco. Tours Coast Mr. Hagerty is touring the schools of the coast interviewing applicants. The position is on the company’s sales force and the stu dent works on a commission basis in his home town under the direct supervision of the local office. But two years out of college himself, Mr. Hagerty declared that this is an excellent opportunity for any aggressive university student. Men interested may obtain ap pointments witli Mr. Hagerty through the dean of men's office i any time today. Seven applicants were interviewed yesterday. Phi Beta To Give Tea Tomorrow Afternoon At a Phi Beta scholarship silver tea to be given in Gerlinger hall at 3 o’clock tomorrow Phi chapter of Phi Beta, national music and : drama honorary, will present Miss Grace Mattern, grand president of Phi Beta, in a dramatic interpre tation and Mrs. Rex Underwood and Mrs. Donald Young in a pro gram of music and singing. Miss Mattern, who served as a faculty member in the speech de partment of Northwestern univer sity for seven years and who is an experienced dramatist, will give "Mr. Pirn,” a novel by A. A. Milne. Mrs. Underwood will play Saint Suens’ “Mandollnata” and Cyril Scott’s “Passapaglia;" Mrs. Young will render “Before the Daybreak” i and “The Raft," by Ethelbert Nev in. Miss Helene Robinson will be accompanist. Tea will be served by Mrs. Arn ! old Bennett Hall and Mrs. Murray Warner at 4 o’clock. SPANISH POSTERS HERE RECALL HISTORY TALES — (Continued from Vane One) the historical battle in which the Moors were first defeated by the Spanish. The Spaniards rolled stones down upon the heads of the •Moors as they tried to get through a narrow pass in the mountains, as was done in the battle of the Greeks and Persians at Thermop elae. Salamanca, the beautiful ren- i aissance city with a notable uni-! versity, Avila, romantic and his toric, an entirely walled town; and Alcala de Ilenares, which claims; Cervantes as her native son, brings to ttie poster of Madrid. In a suburb of Madrid is the Palace of Moncloa, now a museum of paintings, but once the head quarters of Napoleon’s general. iMiss Thompson told the story of two brace soldiers at that time who attempted to fight the French guard in order to prevent the re moval of the little Spanish princess to France. They were killed, but their action stirred the Spanish people who rose and finally drove1 out the French invaders. Tlie poster of Oropesa shows an old castle. Oropesa means “gold weight;” Miss Thompson told how the city received this name. When the city was under the domination of the Moors, it was required that, the inhabitants send six or eight Spanish girls to the Moorish rul er's harem. This so humiliated the citizens that they managed to get the tribute changed. Thereafter they paid the weight of each girl in gold instead of the girl herself. A picture of Morocco is the last of tlie posters. Here one can see the intense blue sky, tlie white roads, and the narrow Moorish streets like those which the Moors have left in southern Spain. "Many people either think Spain is till blue skv. orange blossoms, and sunshine, or that it is a dry tiot desert,” said Miss Thompson.; How wrong such impressions are the posters show. Anyone who wishes can go to room 105 to see these posters. If Miss Thompson is in and has the time, the visitor may hear about the little town of Guisando, which means “cooking" but where trav elers can buy no food, or about the place where they have a prim i itive stone figure which may be a bull or a pig, according to ones own interpretation, and perhaps she will show you her collection of kodak pictures of Spain and al io of Morocco, where the people, very unlike we Americans, hur riedly cover their faces whenever they see a camera. WHAT SHOW TONIGHT ?! Colonial "Dance Fools Dance,” with Joan Crawford. Hcilig Olsen and Johnson in “Fifty Million Frenchmen.” McDonald “The Great Mead ow,” with John Mack Brown and Eleanor Boardman. State — "College Lovers” with Marian Nixon. “The Great Meadow,” much her ilded picture of pioneering days in the Kentucky of Revolutionary war times, opens today at the Fox Mc Donald. This stirring story has Indians and everything else to make it a real pioneer thriller. A distinguished cast includes John Mack Brown, with his very appro priate southern accent, and the brilliant Eleanor Boardman. The Colonial theatre is offering this week-end “Dance Fools Dance,” Joan Crawford’s current production. This is an interesting story of the underworld and news paper life in Chicago, with Miss Crawford playing the role of a young newspaper woman. Billy Bakewell is very good as her weak young brother. Olsen and Johnson, vaudeville headliners are starring in the Hei , lig presentation for today, "Fifty Million Frenchmen,” a fast mov ing comedy of a group of tourists j in Paris. It is full of witty dia logue and has an excellent cast. Women Arcliers To Enter National College Tourney Webfoot Team Sliools in Second Round of Annual Event The second round of the second annual Women’s Intercollegiate Archery tournament was shot yes terday on the Oregon range. Final results of the tourney, started May 17 and continuing through May 24, will be telegraphed to the University of Wisconsin, where the judging will take place. The National Archery associa tion will award a gold wool tassel to all entrants making a score of 400, and a red wool tassel to those scoring between 300 and 400. The tassels will be accompanied by small pins marked ‘‘N. N. A. Col legiate Gold (or red) Tassel, 1931.” The eight candidates making the highest scores will constitute the first Oregon team, and the second highest group of eight will compose the second team. The girls representing Oregon in the tournament, the final round of which will be shot Saturday af ternoon, are: Dorothy Illidge, Dor othy Ball, Margaret Bean, Janet Fitch, Janet Goodrich, Alice Gris wold, Clover Landon, Louise Lang, Mary Frances Lowry, Clara Maer tens, Barbara Tucker, Rebekah Van Nuys, and Rena Holderman. HOG-CALLING SOPHS IN ROLES OF WARNERS (Continued from rape One) fee, ice cream, salad, potato chips, and pickles. Each sorority is re quired to furnish either cakes or three dozen sandwiches. Seven girls from the sophomore class have been chosen to help with the serving. Preparations have been made to feed 300. The patrons and patronesses for the picnic will be Dean and Mrs. Hugh Biggs, Mrs. Virgil Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Robnett, and Mr. George Robbins. The committee handling ar rangements are: Larry Bay, as sistant chairman; Marguerite Tar bell, refreshments; Esther Hay den, publicity; Rudy Crommelin, transportation; Scott Mi lne, grounds; Harold Short, features; Bob Goodrich, music; and Corwin Calavan, patrons and patronesses. Several Eugene merchants have > donated prizes to be awarded to j winners of the various feature con- j tests during the picnic. Among ! those who donated prizes are De- 1 Neffes, the Lemon “O” Pharmacy. Cresseys, Coe Stationery, Dens- i more and Leonard, Paul D. Greene. College Side Tnn, Babbs Hardware, l MeMorran and Washburne, and Beards. Arabic Letter Stumps U. O. Student Linguist Although he is a student of clas sical languages and philosophy at the University of Oregon, J. A. Goldsmith can not read Arabic. He recently received a letter from Charles IV university in Czechoslovakia. The letter is in Arabic and, as far as Mr. Gold smith knows, it is about some sub ject pertaining to classical lan guage or music. Hazam Foresees Possible Trouble In Islamic World "The eastern world's fear and superstition of western civilization has brought about, along with our lack of knowledge of this great mass of people, a situation of pos sible trouble,” John G. Hazam, as sociate professor of history, said in a talk on "Islam in the Modern World,” over station KORE yes terday afternoon during the regu lar Emerald editorial hour. The programs are sponsored by the Emerald and the Oregon Phar macy. . "The problem of the Islamic countries is one of the most vital factors in European economic and peace policies,” the speaker pointed out. "There is a population of 250 j million people who are adherents ' to the Islamic religion, and these i people are one of the greatest problems in determining European national policy. “The terms Mohammedan and Mohammedanism should never be used, as they are of European ori gin; the true names are Islam, which is the name of the religion which Mohammed represented as j a prophet, and Muslim, which ap plies to the adherents of this re- j ligion.” "The 9th and 20th centuries found the Muslim states in the hands of Europeans, and new ma chinery as well as modern ideas of j government came into being in these countries," Professor Hazam said in regard to their reaction to European ideas. “The World war showed definite ly that the East wanted its free dom from European jurisdiction,” he declared, “and it would be well for Europeans to heed their wishes almost AN The most popular ready-to eat cereals served in the dining-rooms of American colleges, eating clubs and fra ternities are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. They include Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, PEP Bran Flakes, Rice Krispies, Wheat Krumbles, and Kel logg's WHOLEWHEAT Biscuit. Also Kellogg’s Kaffee Hag Coffee—the coffee that lets you sleep. ALLBRAN I I ALMOST a fraternity man. Almost a class leader. And on the tough college courses, he almost made the grade. What was wrong? Loss of energy, listlessness, lack of appe tite are signs of constipation. Personalities are clouded. Class and campus life are seriously handicapped. But you can banish constipation so easily. Just eat a delicious cereal. Kellogg’s ALL BRAN. Two tablespoonfuls daily are guaran teed to give relief. Ask that it be served at your fraternity house or campus restaurant. © $ „ f o You’ll enjoy Kellogg’s Slumber Music, broadcast over WJZ and associated stations of the N. B. C. every Sunday evening at 10.30 E. D. S. T. Also KFI Los Angeles, KOMO Seattle at 10.00, and KOA Denver at 10.30. All-Bran i 1 i : I . i l [ I t i t I C ( [ ; | c E § ii C 5 [i o G E 3 G and endeavor to help them get on j their feet and advance with the rest of the world.” Organ Recital Listed For Sunday Vespers Doris Helen Patterson, senior music student, and student of John Stark Evans, will give an organ : recital Sunday afternoon at the vesper service held in the auditor- j ium of the school of music at 4 p. m. On the program will be num- | tors by Bach, Debussy, Matthews, and Karg-Elert. Miss Patterson piayed the harp ; accompaniment to "The Holy City,” the oratorio given winter term by the second division of the University polyphonic choir, and assisted on the organ in the recent senior piano concert given by Har old Ayres of Eugene. U. of O. Biologist Plans To Address Scientists Dr. Ernst Gellhorn, of the bi ology department, will speak be fore the American Association for the Advancement of Science at Pasadena, to be held June 15 to 20. He is to read three papers: “Permeability and Fatigue in Muscles,” “Investigation of the Recovery Contracture in Muscle,” and "Studies in the Clasping Re flexes in Frogs.” After the meetings Dr. Gell horn will spend six weeks at the Hopkins Marine station of Stan ford university located at Pacific Grove, California. He will com plete some, research work begun some years ago at Naples. > --- I Come Out and Play . . . out over the greenest fairways . . . rolling hills . . * a course you will enjoy. LaurelwooD fcilHEffiEElSMSiSISTc «ri o ” we SHOPPING N EWS Hurried Co-eds! Take time out this afternoon and take advantage of the bargains “Sue” has found for you! The smartest iu sport togs and accessories are being featured by Eugene merchants especially for you at prices you can afford. A pair of sport shoes, a cocky little hat, a gay jacket will do wonders for tin* co-ed who wants to finish up her work and enjoy spring term too! Get in the Swim Take “Sue's” advice and come down to the Angeline Dress Shop, on Broadway just off Willamette, to the cleverest sport silks in new spring shades. Some with perk little jackets, others in a smart one-piece effect. Shantungs in pastels and in white (“Sue’s” favorite is an oyster-white) are priced at $5.75 and $10. And new panamas, from New York, for $2.95 and up! Special News! To all of you who have always wanted a desk set or a compact with an Oregon seal on it. These small crests will be precious after school is out. The Oregon Phar macy, next to Taylor's on Thirteenth, is having a spe cial price on all articles bear ing the Oregon crest. Come ■ in Saturday and investigate. | These will make perfect gifts* for your graduating friends, too. Practical and enduring. Mary Lucille Muncy was H seen by “Sue” in a clever [gj | deep beige flannel sport @ [ dress and jacket, trimmed in S | soft green flannel with white a collars and cuffs. Beige pull- H i ons, pumps and beret com- Ej| : pleted the outfit. oi 1 I A Clever Feat Would be to fit your feet with some j§ of Buster Brown’s neyvest. Sports shoes, lj dress shoes, sandals, everything- that is ! novel in footwear, arriving Saturday. Don’t miss it! At Buster Brown’s Shoe . Store, on Willamette street, on Saturday. > During these last weeks of rushing about you will need at least one pair of these smart spring shoes. Stop a Minute! The real pause that re freshes (apologies to Coca Cola) is a delicious luncheon or dinner. Try the Green Lantern Tavern, across from the College Side on Thir teenth, where you will find marvelous food, including real 'Spring dishes, coupled with a soothing atmosphere and good service. Your hon orary luncheon, as well as a twosome, will be a success here. For Clever Co-eds If you are clever and grad uating. you will want to look over graduation gifts your self! Then you can make suggestions to Mother and Dad as to what you want them to give you. Wrist watches in standard makes and new styles make an ideal gift. Laraway's Jewelry Store, right on Willamette, a invites you grads to come in, | select your watch, then | bring in "the Folks" to ap- 1 g prove your choice. i 3 _ r -_ Lohengrin Reminds Us That June brides are com ing! For that best friend who is planning her mar riage soon you will want the loveliest in wedding gifts. Come into the Oriental Art Shop, in the Eugene hotel building, and let Mrs. Wheeler help you select a gift from her quaint pewter pieces and exquisite Chinese linens. This is the time, too, to decide on gifts for the graduates. Jewelry and pot tery from the Oriental will be appropriate. Seen or the campus in a smart brown-and-white out fit this week—Catherine Mo Entee. A white flannel suit with a stunning brown-and white hlouse, brown - and - white Spectator pumps and white doeskins made up the ensemble. Say It With flowers is an old ' proverb, but still good ad vice. When you are sending your best girl a dainty cor 1 sage for the dance tomorrow j night, remember the Univer sity Florists, and she will surely7 remember you. You’ll find the University Florists cn Thirteenth street happy to serve you. And you can be certain, too, that She will be happy with her corsage. leEMi IF IRMA LOGAN WILL CALL AT THE FOX MrDON- ij ALI) THEATRE BOX-OFFICE BEFORE SUNDAY NIGHT 1 SHE WILL RECEIVE TWO PASSES! ’ | [—i. i. Ou i, ii i, i. i. i. i. i.i. i.lL il '—Iz. i, i,~£. ilSi i. iiS ’5i’3.r3j5Si,'T,'3/£('S/aiaj3®Bj3(g®S blj