4 The Emeraldette This is the official women’s edi tion of the Emerald. Last night the women rolled up their shirt sleeves, pitched in and worked to put out a real newspaper. VOLUME XXXII_ The Weather Maximum . 73 Minimum .i. 49 Precipitation .01 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE. FRIDAY. MAY 15. 1931 NUMBER 128 Education Body Asks Hall, Kerr For Joint Plan Request Comes at End ^ Of Two-Day Meet Scheme To Settle Curricula , Differences, Save on Budget Wanted PORTLAND, Ore., May 14— (Special to the Emerald) A joint plan which will present to the board of higher education a scheme to settle their differences on curricula and open the way for the saving of $1,180,000 during the next biennium was ordered today by the board from Presidents Ar nold Bennett Hall of the Univer sity and W. J. Kerr of the State college. The request followed a two-day meeting during which briefs and proposals prepared by > the institutions were heard and studied. The plan was asked for May 27, at which time the board will meet again. The two presidents discussed their problems and proposals be fore the board, and their discus sions indicated the principal points of disagreement between them are the proposed re-allocation of in struction in pure science, business administration, architecture, and journalism. A recent federal survey of Ore gon’s institutions of higher educa tion resulted in the recommenda tion that the sciences be concen trated at Oregon State college, and that instruction in the arts be centered at the University. At the request of Governor Ju lius L. Meier, the board is at tempting to formulate plans for saving $1,180,000 during the next 18 months. The presidents of the University, State college, and the three normal schools have submit ted plans whereby they estimated y a total of $576,625 could be saved. Members of the board indicated last night a compromise at about $750,000 might be made. It was apparent members of the board would not favor cutting expenses to the point where it would crip ple the colleges. When the figures were set down here today, the board discovered it had been seeking a greater re duction than actually was neces sary. The board had set out to save $1,500,000 for the biennium, whereas the maximum reduction sought was $1,180,000. An error in bookkeeping was said to explain the discrepancy. The board formulated a reply to Governor Meier’s letter Wednes day, which urged the board to agree upon and announce a plan of action. The reply was not made public, but it was understood it merely set forth that the board’s indecision was due to the great y amount of documentary evidence submitted by the federal govern ment, the University, State col lege, and normal schools. These (Continued on Page Two) Business Ad Majors To Study Buildings of Town Don’t shoot any stray individ ual who may come to appraise your dwelling place. It's only a business ad major trying to get ahead—we mean a survey. In the guise of a real estate ap praiser business ad students will be roaming the town from the de pot to Thirteenth street covering two blocks on each side. Each as piring appraiser will investigate the building in his assigned terri itory and report on the condition of the building, including age and de crepitude. Each report will rate the buildings as to ceilings, floors, artificial light, furniture, fixtures, natural light provisions, heating equipment, general outside appear ance, and window display facili ties. When the survey is completed a map will be made displaying the concentration and distribution of the businesses in the territory cov ered. According to Daniel D. Gage, Jr., associate professor of business administration, this map will be of value to the realty board and the chamber of commerce, although the primary aim of the survey is to instruct the students in apprais ' ing. Initiates Laud Green Goose of Sigma Delta Chi “Head it in the Green Goose!” So cried the three Sigma Deltf Chi pledges yesterday as they pro claimed the dirt that would be re vealed in the journalism scanda sheet to appear on June 5. Dressed in silk “toppers” anc dress coats, Rufus Kimball, Hoy Sheedy, and Jack Bauer, aided oi inspired by their mascot, the green goose (really only a common, or dinary white and grey gander with a green cloth wrapped artistically about him) went through the in itiation ceremonies of the journal ism honorary. After the Green Goose was suf ficiently lauded, the three young journalists descended the steps of the old libe—Kimball and Bauer skating away on roller skates and Mr. Sheedy being exclusive on a velocipede—all puffing heavily on unlighted cigars. A.S.U.O. Officers Step in Positions After Installation Old Administration Gets Gifts at Assembly; Cherry Talks The new administration of the A. S. U. O. got officially under way yesterday at the assembly held at Gerlinger hall, when George Cherry, retiring president, administered the oath, and pre sented the gavel to Brian Mim naugh, president-elect. The newly installed officers who will head the student government for the year 1931-32 are Brian Mimnaugh, pres ident; Walt Evans, vice-president; Irma Logan, secretary; Velma Powell, executive woman; Wally Baker, executive man; and Jim Travis, junior finance man. A gold key was presented to George Cherry, out-going 'presi dent, and an engraved fountain pen was presented to Bill Whitely, Harriett Kibbee, James Dezendorf, Reba Brogdon, and Anton Peter son for the service they have ren dered in the administration this year. Preceding- the installation, George Cherry spoke on the ac complishments of the administra tion this year and the plans for the future. “Oregon is just starting, he said, on a ten year plan of pro gress, which aims to increase the scope of student activities. We have had a successful year, have succeeded in paying off a number of debts, have doubled attendance on Dads’ and Mothers’ day, and have progressed materially in co operation between students and faculty.” He closed by urging the students to cooperate with the new administration. Upon taking office, Brian Mim naugh thanked the students in be half of the new administration for the honor they had bestowed upon (Continued on Page Three) Women Scribes Refuse Male Aid In Issue Today Headed by Betty Ann Macduff, editor of the Oregon Emeraldette today, the women journalists defy the men to even hint that the male edition is superior to the feminine sheet. From the big news scoop on the front page to the latest sport dope —not one word has been contam inated by masculine hands or thoughts. Yesterday threatening signs warned the men not to cross the sacred threshold—such things as “Men and dogs not allowed,” "Men beware of fiery femmes,” and “All men out;” today’s sheet is the result. The upper staff working under “Big Shot” Macduff includes Le nore Ely, managing editor; Eleanor Jane Ballantyne, news editor; Jes sie Steele, day editor; Elinor Hen ry, night editor; Lavina Hicks, movie editor; Esther Hayden, sports editor; and Jo Stofiel, fea tures editor. The men published their Emeral.d two weeks ago, and the winner of the two papers, to be judged by I George Turnbull, professor of jour- j nalism, will be treated to a party, j Here’s to a lot of fun at the men’s j un;son, cry the feminine members ' down at the shack. business Staff , ;tion Open For Year Book . Many Appointments To 1 ' Be Made | Circulation Managers, Ad Men, Office Workers 1 Wanted by Bailey 1 Positions are open for the busi ness staff of the 1932 Oregana, and applications should be turned in to the Ore gana office, said Roger Bailey, business man ager of the Ore gana. Many appo.nt ments are open to students in terested in the business side of the yearbook. There are two Roger Bailey circulation man agers chosen to try out for the one position, one advertising man ager and two assistants, one in Portland and one local, and a pub licity director. Office managers are needed and also organization workers. Many other positions are open in working for circula tion and advertising. Yearbook Big Job It costs $12,000 to put out the yearbook, which shows a huge un dertaking. Big circulation drives and advertising campaigns fur nish much work for anyone inter ested in journalism or advertising. It is necessary that these posi tions be given right away, and plans will be started for the work during 1931-32. Those showing the best qualifications will be chosen. All who apply for places on the business staff will be duly consid ered and previous experience in some phase of advertising work will be an aid to the business man ager in picking his assistants. The appointments will be announced next week. To Increase Circulation No definite plans have been made; but it is hoped to increase circulation numbers over last year’s mark. This year 2100 copies were printed. The same (Continued on Page Four) D. Eads Awarded Honor of Plaque For Year’s Work Carving of Winged Pegasus Is Prize Offered by Latin Honorary Dorothy Eads was awarded the wood carving of Pegasus, the mythical winged horse, for being the most outstanding student in the Latin department this year. Miss Eads was announced winner of the award and given the carv ing at a Pi Sigma dinner held at the Hotel Osburn at 6:30 last night. The judges of the award were a committee consisting of Professor Frederic S. Dunn, Dr. Clara Smer enko, and Mrs. Edna Landros, all yc the Latin department. Profes sor Dunn gave a speech at the ban quet and presented Pegasus to Miss Eads. Eva Nelson was in charge of the nanquet. The members of “Col egium Augustale,” who were spec al guests at the dinner, contribut ed to the music program by sing ng Latin hymns. Miriam Stafford slayed the cello, accompanied by delene Robinson. Five new members' wej-e initiat id into the club at 5:30. The in tiates are: Pauline Blais, Juanita Demmer, Mildred Fales, Beth Bow-o :rman, and Joseph Goldsmith. Drama, Music Group Pledges Four Women ‘ ’ Four girls were formally pledged ! nto Phi Beta, national profession il music and dramatic honorary, 'esterday at the home of Mrs. rrank Carll, associate member. Those pledged were Marguerite : Slake and Kate Alward, freshmen, i nto drama, and Lucille Skeie and ’irginia Hilen, freshmen, in music. ; 'he group was entertained with a ' ea and a musical program. Prominent Women These nine Oregon women, in the front row, were pledged by Mortar Board, senior women’s honorary, last Friday during the campus luncheon, as the most outstanding on the campus. They are: Janet Osborne, Carolyn IJaberlach, Dorothy Kads, Ann Baum; i)r. Clara M. Smertenko, professor of Greek; Helen Chaney, Alexis Lyle, Irma Lo gan, and \ irginia Orone. Those in the buck rows are among the ac tive, alumnae, and honorary members of the organization. J. Stipe Appoints Cal avail. King to Greater Oregon Committee Will Function During Year Umler New Plan The appointment of Corwin Cal avan and John King on the Greater Oregon committee, was announced last night by Jack Stipe, general chairman. Calavan will supervise the Portland district and King will have charge of all other cities in the state. Instead of confining the work of the committee entirely to the sum mer months as has been done in past, the committee will endeavor to acquaint University students with their own institution, in order that they may be true representa tives of the University, the chair man said last night. “We want to make the Greater Oregon committee a group which will direct the entire student body in learning the facts about the University which will prove of real service to those people who intend to enter the University,” Stipe said. The two men just appointed to the committee will direct the work of the committees throughout the state, which will include keeping them supplied with information about the University during the summer and making certain that all workers are functioning. “I would like to emphasize that the Greater Oregon committee is not a highly organized and intri cate machine secretly operating to high-preosure students into the University of Oregon,” Stipe ex plained. “It is rather a means of acquainting our entire student body with our University so that during the school year as well as during the summer they may be of some real help to those who de sire such information.” Allen To Speak “Economic History of Editorial ! Influence” will be the topic of aj talk by Dean Eric W. Allen, of the : school of journalism, next Monday 1 night before the Social Science i tlub at the Faculty club. I University Band To Have Third of Spring Concerts Polyphonic Choir To Aid In Program; Eight Numbers Slated In the third of its mill-race con certs, to be held Sunday at 7 p. m., the University band, under the di rection of John Stehn, will be as j sisted by the second division of ; the polyphonic choir, led by Roy Bryson. The program includes: i Americans We March.Fillmore Second Hungarian Rhapsody.... . Lizst (Played by University band) No Blade of Grass Can Flour ish .W. F. Bach In Thy Loving Arms.Franck Don’t You Weep No More, Mary .Nathaniel Dett May Day Carol.Deems Taylor Twenty-Eighteen . (Sung by polyphonic choir) Italian Waltz, “II Bacio”.Arditi Stars and Stripes Forever.Sousa (Played by University band) The Liszt rhapsody, according to Mr. Stehn, was originally a pi ano number, but has been ar ranged for band and orchestra. The second division of the poly phonic choir, formed because of the demand for membership in the original polyphonic choir, now numbers 153 voices, an increase of 73 over fall term, according to Mr. Bryson. This is its second appear ance. j The last of the series of band ! concerts will take place Sunday, | May 24, and will be a joint ap pearance of the University band and the Eugene Municipal band, also directed by Mr. Stehn. Dean Faville Sings and Speaks at Graduations David E. Faville, dean of the school of business administration, delivered the chief address at the commencement exercises of the Port Orford high school last night, j Tonight he will speak at the grad uating exercises of the Gold Beach high school. At both schools j he will render vocal selections on the program. Sunday night Dean j Faville will return to the campus Phi Mu Alpha Members Give Program Entirely American By JANET FITCH Last night at the music auditor ium Phi Mu Alpha, men's music fraternity, presented a program of music taken entirely from Ameri can composers. Ralph Coie, baritone, sang two contrasting numbers with success —a gentle one and a fierce one. The fierce one, “Outward Bound,” was especially successful. Victor Bryant, flutist, gave “A Street of Bazaars,” a Maganini, which was a striking oriental sort of thing, with street calls com- j plete. The tones and nuances were excellent, as was the dreamy waltz ( in the middle. A very marching sea song, “Red Bombay,” was powerfully ren- > dered by Bill McNabb, tenor, who also sang “The Moon Goes Drift ing.” Hugh Miller, combination pianist and organist, first gave “Juba Dance,” clever piano skit by Dett, with masterful staccato and , very adequate "booms,” and then j | became an organist for “Fireside Fancies,” imitative sketches given | a sensitive and humorous interpre i tation. The violin duets played by George Kothik and Laurence Fischer showed good coordination of tones, and were good lyric °ren derings of the familiar "At Dawn ing,” and “To a Wild Rose.” Clif ford Nash, baritone, gave the dra matic “Sea,” of MacDowell, and also Head’s “The Piper,” with its delicate piano “pipes.” And last came the ensemble, di rected by George Barron, with j George Kotchik, Laurence Fischer, | Rod Lamont, Gifford Nash, Victor Bryant, Dolph Siegrist, Douglas Orme, Ralph Coie, Vernon Wiscar son, Ray Hardman, Charles Wood in, Norman Johnson, John Finley, Hugh Miller, Martin Geary. It pleyed two Indian dances, full of I the throb of drums and the insist j ent rhythm attending Indian bel ligerence. Preparations ForWarStupid Declares Libby Disarmament Meeting Is Boon to World Assembly Speaker Objects To Billions of Dollars Wasted bv Nations • By MARY E. BOHOSKEY “The world is spending almost | five billion dollars in preparation j for war. It is stupid to spend ! such vast sums in preparing for a future conflict, but all the na tions are afraid to stop,” said Frederick J. Libby, executive sec retary of the National Council for the Prevention of War, in an ad dress to students yesterday morn ing in Villard hall, at 9 o'clock. The World Disarmament confer ence next February, Mr. Libby continued, is the most important thing in the world both for the United States and for other coun tries, The conference will prob ably be held in Geneva, and 60 na ! tions will participate. “No nation dares to reduce its armaments alone, but money would be saved and confidence increased if they were reduced,” said Mr. Libby. Agreement Difficult Only three of the nations that j met in the London conference ! reached agreement. It will be I doubly as difficult for 60 nations to reduce all armaments. France will be a problem. She is afraid of Germany and is enjoying a prestige in Europe that she hasn’t had since the time of Napoleon. She has a powerful air force. “The world is becoming a union,” Mr. Libby stated. “There’ll be a world conference on wheat soon. You ask, 'Why bring in a foreigner to talk about our wheat?’ It is because we can’t get anywhere without them. Once we could do our own thinking, but it doesn’t work any longer. U. 8. Trade Increased “Our foreign trade has now grown to ten thousand million dol lars a year, and our foreign in vestments to 17 thousand millions. If these foreign countries get into war, our money goes up in smoke. Greece wanted to invade Bulgaria, but they only marched for one day. (Continued on Page Two) Evans Will Lead Eugene Gleemen Concert Tonight C7 George Hopkins, Pianist, To Be Guest Artist For Event Tonight at 8 p. m. in the music auditorium, the Eugene Gleemen will present their annual spring concert, under the direction of John Stark Evans. This is one of ; two formal concerts given by the group each year. The Gleemen, according to Mr. Evans, are mostly business men, the organization being sponsored by the Eugene Chamber of Com merce. But there are many towns people and faculty members among them. The total membership, in cluding associate or ‘‘supporting" members, is over 200, of which 00 are to sing tonight. The program includes numbers by George Hopkins, pianist, as guest artist, and solos by two of the club members, Loren Davidson, also a University student, and Her bert Alford. Oregon Professors To Be at AAAS Meet A national meeting of the Amer ican Association for the Advance ment of Science and allied organi zations will be held June 15 to 20, in Pasadena, California, it was an nounced yesterday by Dr. Leo Friedmann, professor of chemistry. A number of people from the campus will attend, among whom are Dr. R. J. Williams, Dr. A. H. Kunz, and Dr. Friedmann, of the chemistry department; and Mr. Gellhom, of the biology depart ment. They will read papers at , the meeting. The meeting this year has tuken on an international aspect since several speakers have been invited from foreign countries, Dr. Fried [ mann said. I __________________________ Alumni Office Calls for Aid of Japanese Artist Have you a little artist in yom home? And if so, can this little artist translate and reproduce Japanese characters into eithei good readable English or respect able Japanese? The alumni office is looking for just such a person. As you know, the University has alumni of many different races and scattered all over the globe. When Frank Kat suhru Shimizu was graduated in '30, he was sent the customary alumni information blank to be filled out. With all the exceeding courtesy and promptness which character izes the Japanese, Mr. Shimizu obligingly filled out the sheet in neat, legible English printing—all except the address. In this blank, to the great consternation of the alumni secretary, Mr. Shimizu in serted equally neat but absolutely unreadable Japanese characters in stead of English digits. Jeannette Calkins, alumni secre tary, is still puzzling over this for eign address and would appreciate any assistance proffered. Siegfried Makes r Appointments for Sophomore Picnic Larry Bay To Assist; Seven Chairmen To Handle Arrangements Appointments of committee po sitions for the sophomore picnic were made last night by Bart Sieg friend, general chairman, and Jim Travis, class prexy. Larry Bay has been appointed to assist Siegfried in preparation for the event which will be held May 23 at Swimmer's Delight. In addition to the appointment of Bay, seven committee chairmen were named with their assistants. The music and features will be handled by Bob Goodrich, assisted by George Vaughan. George Web ber’s five-piece orchestra has been secured for dancing, and musical entertainment of other nature will also be provided. Rudy Cromelin will have charge of the transportation details, head ing a committee composed of Chuck Dolloff, Fred Hellburg, and Rolla Reedy. The refreshments will be provided for by Marguerite Tarbell, Betty Jones, Ellen Ser sanous, and Dorothy York. Arrangement of the grounds and the floor will be under Scott Milne, assisted by Fred Anderson, Bob Needham, and Cliff Culp. There will be several feature events in the day which will be handled by Harold Short, Dick Maguire, Wally Oehler, and Bob Hall. Esther Hayden will have charge of all publicity for the picnic. The patrons and patronesses will be se cured by Corwin Calavan, Dorothy Russell, and Adele Wedemeyer. In naming the appointments, Bart Siegfried and Jim Travis ex pressed themselves as having the utmost confidence in the capability of the committees and their heads. Notice concerning committee meet ings will be posted at the first of next week. Oregon’s 'Grand Old Man9 Well on Way to Recovery John Straub, dean emeritus of the University, is well on the way to convalescence after his long ill ness, and at present spends a great deal of time in driving about the country sitle witii his daughter,, Mrs. O. F, Stafford, and in bask ing in the sunshine, getting, prob ably as severe a case of spring fever as the youngest co-ed. “I miss the freshmen more than I can say,” Dean Straub remarked, looking keenly, yet wistfully, as groups of students sauntered past his door, “because until recently I have known all of them by name. They have even been my proteges.” Dean Straub is interested in ev ery one, and he is now well enough to receive callers, all of his old friends, his acquaintances, and. any of the students who wish to call. Dean Straub is known for his interest and understanding of people, and, as his ftiends are many, the Emerald suggests that they, as well as those who are seeking ibetter acquaintance, go a-visiting. Prexies Name New Members Of Committees ! Seven Groups Included In Appointments Executive Council Heads Administration for Coinin'; Year Announcement of the standing committees of the A. S. U. O. for next year was made last night after their selection by Brian Mim naugh, president, and George Cherry, past president. The va rious committees which are head ed by the executive council are the finance, athletic, publication, music, forensic, student building fund, and student relations. The administration for this com ing year will consist of the fol lowing: Executive Council Named Executive council—Brian Mim naugh, chairman; James H. Gil bert, H. C. Howe, Earl M. Pallett, Karl W. Onthank, Lynn McCready, Logan, Wally Baker, Velma Pow ell, Omar Palmer, Jim Travis, Jeannette Calkins, Hugh E. Ros son, and John F. Bovard. Finance committee—Omar Pal mer, chairman; Earl M. Pallett, Lynn McCready, Paul Ager, Brian Mimnaugh, Walt Evans, Irma Lo gan, Jim Travis, and Hugh E. Ros son. Publications committee — Brian Mimnaugh, chairman; George God frey, Jeannette Calkins, Bill Duni way, Hugh Rosson, Thornton Gale, Donald Erb, and Walt Evans. Baker Heads Music Music committee—Wallace Ba ker, chairman; John Stark Evans, R. Underwood, Irma Logan, Omar Palmer, and Hugh Rosson. Forensic committee—Walt Ev ans, chairman; James H. Gilbert, Ralph Hoeber, Neil Sheeley, Vel ma Powell, and Hugh Rosson. Potwln Building Fund Chairman Building fund committee—'Art Potwin, chairman; Paul Ager, Earl M. Pallett, Irma Logan, Walt Baker, and Hugh Rosson. Student relations committee — Brian Mimnaugh, chairman; Wally Baker, Velma Powell, Walt Evans, Virgil Earl, Irma Logan, and Hugh Rosson. Since there are only four fac ulty members on the executive council, including Dr. Hall’s repre sentative, who this year is Earl M. Pallett, registrar, it was also announced that John F. Bovard, dean of the school of physical edu cation, is to serve in an advisory capacity on that body. The addi tion of the personnel director to the Uniiersity staff since the ap pointments of standing commit tees last year has made this re arrangement necessary. Great care was taken in the se lection of these committees which (Continued on Page Three) Active Y.W.C.A. Girls Go to Peters Lodge About fifteen senior girls who have been particularly active in Y. W. C. A. work during their four years in college will leave at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning for Peters lodge for a last get-to gether. After the luncheon these girls will carry on an informal discus sion on religion—what it has meant to them in college and what it will mean to them as they face life. Mill Race New Theta Chi Annex For Spring Term The mill race has been luring its victims from the Theta Chi house the past week. From the lowliest frosh to the prexy himself—all, all have been subjected to the waters of the race. First, the frosh doused the sophomores who in turn gave the juniors a ducking. This was fol lowed by a baptism of the seniors by the soaked juniors. But the biggest splash of all was that made by Weis Smith, Theta Chi president. After a great strug gle and not withstanding his body guard, Norman Jesse, the prexy was given a good bath. A thor ough house cleaning was thus the order of the week.