ROTC Parade Today Second Spring Term (Campus Invited To Witness Military Battalion Ceremonies Company C Designated as Color Unit; Barker Assigns Men Today at 4:50 o’clock the mili tary students will assemble on the drill field east of the R. O. T. C. building for the second of a series of battalion parades which will be held each week throughout this term. Anyone who wishes to view the parade fs invited to do so, R. O. T. C. officials announced yester day. The University band, under the direction of John Stehn, will take part in the parade. After an additional two weeks of drill since the last parade, it is expected by those in charge that everything will click more true to form and it is hoped that students and fac ulty members will take advantage of this opportunity to view mili tary battalion ceremonies. Company C Has Colors The battalion will form on the south end of the drill field in order of companies A and E, B, C, and D. Company C has been desig nated as color company. The following assignments have been made to the several compa nies by Major F. A. Barker, R. O. T. C. officer: Company A—Commander, Don ald Flynn; first platoon, Bennett Swanton; second platoon, Donald Guild; guides, Jack McNabb, Joe Stoll, George Kotchik, and George Pratt; alternate guides, Wayne Emmott and Clifford Beckett. Itaynor Gets Post Company B Commander, Spen cer Raynor; first platoon, Melvin Long; second platoon, Harold Kin zell; guides, Edmund Clark, James Blair, Roger Pfaff, and Kenneth Long; alternate guides, Ira Brown and Theodore Natt. Company C—Commander, Elmer Pahl; first platoon, William East; second platoon, Henry Beistel; guides, Bob O'Melveny, John Pain ton, Trebor Shawcross, and Quincy .......... . —i M.i- . Howell; alternate guides, Denzel Page and Joe Johnston. Company D Large Company D—Commander, Ar thur Rolander; first platoon, Carey Thomson; second platoon, Robert Everts; third platoon, George An derson; guides, Arthur Ireland, William Smith, John Penland, and Thornton Shaw; alternate guides, Donald Eva and Lauren Buel. James Hughes and Arthur John son have been appointed color ser geants, and Ronald Pittard and E. L. Smith are color guards. Raymond Bell will assume the position of battalion commander. Carl Moore is adjutant, and the staff consists of Harold Johnson, Howard Stafford, and Johnny Kitzmiller. I The following senior students I will form in the rear of battalion I commander with Lieut. E. S. i Prouty, R. O. T. C. officer; Wil liam Ayres, Harold Blackburne, j Fred Felter, apd Johnny Londahl. 36 Arc Appointed To Corporal Rank In Local R.O.T.C. i ’ Major Barker Announces Term’s Regular Selections Thirty-six additional appoint ments of corporals to the several companies in the R. O. T. C. were announced yesterday by Major F. A. Barker, R. O. T. C. officer. These appointments are some of the regular appointments which are made at regular intervals each term to deserving students, Major Barker said. Those who were advanced to of ficial ranking in the local unit are: Company A: Phil Fay and A. E. Naslund. Company B: J. W. Erickson, R. C. Griffin, G. K. Preston, J. L. Rogers, L. W. Roof, G. A. Sprague, and G. H. Stahl. Company C: W. Boring, H. C. Gruenig, J. B. Long, H. R. Maguire, E. L. Newman, D. W. Olsen, S. L. Platt, H. C. Smith, L. B. Stevens, and H. G. Welch. Company D: J. A. Bratlie, E. E. Charles, A. B. Derbyshire, H. T. Eldridge, R. L. Goodrich, S. L. Gregory, R. Lamont, C. B. Larkin, B. McLaren, C. D. Monroe, R. Mor gan, J. M. Munholland, D. de Pit tard, and J. C. Wade. Company E: J. R. McCulloch, Raymond Rees, and M. G. Stod dard. Summer Ensemble SPORTS OXFORD COLORED PUMP SPECTATOR It is an acknowledged fact that shoes are an important part of the ensemble. Therefore we extend to yon a most cordial invitation to al low us to help you with your choice of summer footwear. A most im portant note in sum mer fashion is t h e white p u m p or tee tinted'to match or con trast with your summer frocks. M'DONALD THEATRE BLDG-1032 Willamette ■ ■■■■ I--, .j ■ .ii ...■ i i-ir—rnr i—*,, i •1 * • V V. / C-f '•* •* . : ^ Quench Your ^Thirst! \ -at } “ The College Side Fountain” Picnic Lunches on Short Notice SOCIETY By CAROL HURLBURT The University’s best-known mother: Mrs. Prince L. Campbell, wife of the late President Campbell, who was one of those to pour at the tea given in Gerlinger hail Saturday afternoon by the Associated Women Students. Junior Prom Considered Year’s Most Beautiful Affair Carrying out the idea of a queen’s throne room, the Junior Prom, which was held last Satur day evening at McArthur court, was considered the most beauti fully decorated all-campus dance of the year. ! The entire ballroom was draped ! in black and the walls hung with gold and silver shields, as if it were a feudal castle. Silver sil houettes of armored knights on horseback rode the walls. The dance, which was strictly formal, was officially opened when Queen Eleanor I descended from her throne to lead the Grand March. She was followed by her i attendants: the Princesses Dor othy Illidge, Alice Redetzky, Jane Munk, and Velma Powell. The fol lowing dance was for the royal party and their escorts. Queen Eleanor was garbed in peach-colored satin, made with long slender lines and a cowl neck. She wore a diamond tiara, pic turesque, glittering ear-rings, and peach-colored shoes. Her mantle of state was of claret-colored vel I vet trimmed in ermine and having a high ermine mantle. The attendants were attired in white gowns with varying colored robes bound with gold braid. The | Princess Alice wore a mantle of yellow, the Princess Velma one of russet, the Princess Jane one of blue, and the Princess Dorothy one of cerise. The chief event of the dance was the awarding of the Gerlinger cup to Helen Chaney, the Koyl cup to Brian Mimnaugh, and the scholar ship clips to Sigma Kappa and j Friendly hall. Brian Mimnaugh was general 1 chairman for the affair. Margherita Hay : Announces Engagement Margherita Hay announced her engagement last night to Marshall Hopkins. The news was made known after dinner at the Kappa Alpha Theta house, of which Miss Hay is a member. Following a house meet j ing, MarAbel Braden stepped to the piano and began playing Lohengrin’s wedding march. In solemn procession, little Ann Gra ham, as flower girl; Nancy Thiel | sen, gowned in white; and Thelma Chappell, dressed in white as a bride, on the arm of Bessie Dar ling, clad as the bridegroom, wound their way down the long staircase and the length of the room. Miss Thielsen sang the Alpha Tau Omega sweetheart song, "A. T. O. Girl of My Dreams,” after which Miss Chappell handed her shower bouquet to Miss Hay and Ann Graham passed around the announcements, which were of gold paper in the form of scrolls. The- bouquet was made up of white roses, the A. T. O. flower, each! rose being tied with a narrow J white ribbon to which a black and gold pansy, the Theta flower, had been attached. The members of Alpha Tau Omega then went to the Theta house for coffee and cake. Miss Hay is a senior in journal ism and last year was one of the ] queen's attendants for Junior' Week-end. Mr. Hopkins, who was graduated from the University last year, is) a member of Alpha Tau Omega. He is at present engaged in busi ness in San Francisco. The wedding is to take,place in Portland in the early autumn. After the ceremony, the young couple will make their home in San Francisco. * * * Mary Luckel To Wed Frederick Theron Wilcox Another engagement which will be of much interest to the campus is that of Miss Mary Christine Luckel to Frederick Theron Wil cox Jr. The engagement was announced Saturday afternoon in Portland at a charmingly appointed luncheon for which the sister of the bride elect, Mrs. Joe P. Price, and Mrs. James McConkie were hostesses at the home of Mrs. McConkie. News of the betrothal was made known by the use of tiny celluloid airplanes from which little red hearts printed with the names of the engaged couple fluttered. Groups of the miniature airplanes were placed in bowls at each side of the centerpiece on the large table. Both Miss Luckel and Mr. Wil cox attended the University. Miss Luckel was affiliated with Gam ma Phi Beta, and her fiance with Kappa Sigma. The wedding will take place in the summer, after which the young couple will make their home in Portland, where Mr. Wilcox is in business. * * • Berry-Moore Nuptials Occur Miss Helen Mary Eerry, a mem ber of Kappa Delta sorority, was married last week to Melvin Moore, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Miss Berry is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson G. Berry of Portland. The couple will make their home in Portland. * * * Betrothal of Virginia Priaulx Is Announced The engagement of Miss Vir ginia Priaulx to Carl Weigel, who was graduated from the Univer sity in 1928, was announced Sat urday, May 2, at a luncheon held at the Heathman hotel in Portland ■ by the Portland Alumni club of Phi Mu. Miss Priaulx, who is from Chilo quin, Oregon, was affiliated with Phi Mu and in her senior year was president of her class. Mr. Weigel is also a former stu dent of the University and is a member of Delta Tau Delta. The marriage is to be an event of June, after which the young I couple will make their home in San Francisco. » » * Grace Tigard and Paul Houghton Engaged The betrothal of Miss Grace Elizabeth Tigard of Tigard, Ore gon, to Paul Houghton of Clare mont, California, was announced recently. Miss Tigard is a graduate of the University of Oregon and of Wellesley college. Mr. Houghton, who attended the University of Iowa, is a member of Phi Delta Theta. The date of the wedding has not yet been set. * * • Mrs. Gage Entertains Faculty Members at Tea The Newcomers’ division of the University of Oregon Women's Faculty club was entertained at a j tea Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Daniel D. Gage Jr. About fifty were invited to call between the hours of 3 and 5. Mrs. Andrew Comrie, president of the division, assisted Mrs. Gage. Mrs. W. V. Morris and Mrs. Wil liam Robbins poured. lone Ander son and Carolyn Trimble assisted ' in serving. * * * Theta Mothers Dined At Anchorage Before Fete Honoring their mothers, the members of Kappa Alpha Theta were hostesses at a dinner party Friday evening preceding the Ca-1 noe Fete at the Anchorage. There were 30 present. Marian Camp was in charge of the event. * * * Jeannette Calkins Honors Mother with Luncheon Party In compliment to her mother, Mrs. W. W. Calkins, hjiss Jean nette Calkins entertained with a luncheon party Saturday after noon at the Eugene hotel. Covers were placed for 12. Speaker Outlines Requisites for Decorating Work Miss Helen Park Stresses Selling Sense in A.W.S. Talk “A selling sense which must arise from jtour own artistic appre ciation, is the prime requisite for a successful interior decorator,” declared Miss Helen Park, interior decorator for the Olds, Wortman and King department store in Port land, who addressed the Associated Women Students yesterday. “If you don’t like people, don’t ever try to be an interior decora tor,” Miss Park said. The work requires infinite patience, for many prospective customers have preju dices the decorator must tactfully overcome, she pointed out. Personal charm and self confi dence are two essential prerequis ites for the decorator. “With these two qualities, the artist can skill fully convince the customer that what she suggests is just what is desired, and can achieve the effect that will be most satisfactory to all concerned,” Miss Park ex plained. Decorating should express the individual personality of your cus tomer, Miss Park said. “Do not become too much of a stylist and treat every problem the same. Each new situation is a challenge to your originality and ingenuity.” Miss Park sketched for students the college background necessary for professional decorating. Work in art, especially design, architec ture courses, history, languages, find business administration, are in her opinion highly desirable. Miss Park is a former student of the University where she ma jored in dramatics and carried mi nor work in journalism. Drum Major Job Try-Outs Put Off Until Next Week Application Stays Open; Only Two Candidates Appear on Time When only two of the eight can didates for the drum major posi tion on the University band next year reported Monday at the time scheduled, tryouts were postponed until Monday, May 18, at 3 p. m. Anyone who cannot report for tryouts at 3 o'clock next Monday is advised by Mr. John Stehn, band conductor, to see him and make arrangements for some oth er time. Applications will be continued to be received until May 18 by Ser geant Edward Conyers at his desk in the Military building. The following men have handed in applications: Claude Conder, Alden Schwa bauer, E. E. Hyde, R. F. Olsen, Robert Stehn, David Totten, Spen cer Carlson, and Gordon Fisher. Conder and Fisher were the only men to report for tryouts yester day. Candidates were advised by Mr. Stehn to become thoroughly famil- i iar with military training regula tions 130-5, 130-10, and 130-15 which pertain to band formations and regulations, and especially with training regulation 420-20 which is a discussion on dismount ed ceremonies, parades, reviews, and other maneuvers used in bat talion ceremonies. Desirable qualifications as listed by Mr. Stehn are: A knowledge of military tactics, and a knowledge of and the ability to play band music. These qualifi cations are highly desirable, but are not absolutely necessary, he pointed out. Philosophy Group To Hold Seminar In Gerlinger Hall Dr. Nilson ami Leighton Will Read Papers Tonight An open meeting of the Philo sophical Seminar will be held this evening at 7:30, in the men’s room, Gerlinger building. Two papers will be read. The first, entitled “The Idea of the Superman in Nietzsche,” will be presented by Dr. Sven Nilson, in structor in philosophy. "Nietzsche’3 well-known social and ethical ideas have been both evocative and provocative forces of our age. I'm sure Dr. Nilson’s paper will be of interest to anyone familiar ’with the subject,” Dr. George Rebec, dean of the gradu ate school, said in commenting on the meeting. The second paper, entitled “The Political and Social Theories of Gernard Bosanquet,” will be pre sented by Ralph Leighton, a teach ing fellow in education. “Bosanquet’s conception of the state has figured prominently in basic social and political contro versies for more than twenty years. Mr. Leighton's paper at tempts to summarize and evaluate these doctrines,” Dr. Rebec stated. A general discussion will con clude the meeting, and anyone in terested is invited to attend and take part. PEACE EDUCATOR TO TALK IN VILLARD HALL (Continued from Page One) an organization of associate secre taries in sections of the United States so that the council is really national in scope. Its educational work is carried on in schools, clubs, churches and civic groups. Mr. Libby is a graduate of Bow doin college and has taken work at Oxford, Heidelberg, and Andover Theological seminary. He was a teacher until he began his work with the council. For students and townspeople who want to talk with Mr. Libby there will be discussion hours at 2:30 and 3:30 o'clock at the Con gregational church this afternoon. At the first the subject will be “World Disarmament,” and at the second, “What the Individual Can Do for World Peace.” He will speak at 8 o’clock to night at the Methodist church at an open meeting. There will be no admission charges at any of the meetings. FRECK WILL HEAD 15 SENIOR MAN GROUP (Continued from Page One) there are only four weeks remain ing in this school year, Freck ex plained, it is probable that the present speakers committee will appear only once before going out of office at the end of the term. The plan for next year, he said, calls for no definite number of ap pearances each term, although the maximum will probably be three— the number, in any case, depending upon the needs of the student gov ernment. i, ** We're Ready With Jantzens Jantzen combines smart appearance with perfect free dom for active swimming - - - fits without a wrinkle. Your swim suit is here! Wade Bros. HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES WHAT SHOW TONIGHT ? Colonial — Adolphe Menjou in “The Front Page.’’ Heilig — Loretta Young in “Too Young to Marry.” McDonald — Warner Oland in “Charlie Char. Carries On.” State — Double bill. “Ladies of Leisure;” “The Fall Guy.” Last Day of “Front Page" Run : Today is your last chance to see 1 a really excellent film, one that is 1 far superior to any other story of the newspaper “racket.” It’s a smashing, hilarious, melodramatic picture. Adolphe Menjou, as the ; managing editor, has the leading role. Hardboiled and tough in his part, he admirably retains his dig- : nified and unruffled appearance. Witty dialogue here. Double Bill at State “Ladies of Leisure,” rollicking | comedy of gold diggers, and one of ; those films that are only froth but relievingly amusing, headlines the ! .State theatre's double bill today. The other film is called “The Fall Guy,” made from a Broadway com edy hit of several seasons ago. Satevepost Story Filmed "Charlie Chan Carries On,” se quel to “Charlie Chan,” and popu lar serial in the Saturday Evening Post, has reached the films. It opens today at the McDonald for a two-day run. Warner Oland, one of the old standby character actors in filmdom has the leading role. Other parts are taken by Marguer ite Churchill and John Garrick. It is one of the be$t of the mystery plays. Written originally by Earl Derr Biggers. Comedy at Heiiig Loretta Young and Grant With- j ers, married in real life, build a j comedy romance around their per- ] a ;onalities in their current Heilig ittraction, ‘‘Too Young To Marry." Others in the cast include O. P. deggie and J. Farrell MacDonald. Martin Elected New Craftsman Club Head Ray Martin, senior in business idministration, was elected presi lent of the Craftsman club for the loming year at the election held ast evening. Martin plans to re urn to do some graduate work. Charles Howard of the law school faculty was elected vice aresident; Ray Woods, second-year aw student was named secretary; ind Drew Perkins, senior in chem stry, will be the treasurer. The Craftsman club is composed jf all members of the campus who lave Masonic affiliation. TOMORROW ON SALE The Latest Waltz-Ballad “LOVES GOLDEN MEMORY” Words and Music by Babe Pennybacker Lee. ON SALE SATURDAY at McMorran & Washburne Metropolitan Chain Stores Chet Hemenway b——ia —--—I “Eugene’s Own Store” McMorran &Washburne PHONE 2700 Introductory Special For A Limited Time We Offer The New JUNIOR Permanent Wave At the Very Low Price of $5'95 To introduce this new Junior Permanent Wave—we are offer ing it to you during May for this special low price—including Shampoo and Finger Wave. Get your new permanent for summer now. Magic Twins Hair Remover Years of patient experimen tation of chemical research and personal application by Dr. Frohlick, has brought to women this Magic Twins Cosmetic — banishes hair quickly, easily and safely. Vapon Shampoos The perfect Shampoo—it re quires no soap or water—it removes oil and dandruff— cleans perfectly — dries in stantly — does not remove marcel or finger wave. A. M. Williams & Co. “SELF SERVICE STORE” 77 EAST BROADWAY New Sport Oxfords For Men and Women $2*8 $^*8 $/^98 Black and Whites—Brown and Whites and Solid Whites The correct footwear at the lowest price.