♦ EDITORIALS • FEATURES ♦ HUMOR • LITERARY ♦ University of Oregon, Eugene Vinton Hall, Editor Anton Peterson, Manager Willis Dunlway, Managing Editor Rex Turning—Associate Editor Dave Wilson, Harry Van Dine, Ralph David—Editorial Writers UPPER NEWS STAFF Carol Hurlburt, Society Warner Gulss, Chief Night Editor Lester McDonald, Literary Phil Cogswell, Sports Barney Miller, Features NEWS STAFF Reporters: Jack Bellinger, Merlin Blais, Virginia Wentz, Oscar Monger, Madeleine Gilbert, Thelma Nelson, Betty Anne Macduff, Helen Cherry, Jessie Steele, Vincent Mutton, Genevieve Smith. Kenneth Fitzgerald, Ruth Dupuis, Willetta Hartley, Florence Nombnlais, Roy Sheody, Eugene Mullins, Caroline Card, Frances Taylor, George Root. Robert Patterson. Day Editors: Thornton Gale, Lenore Ely, Thornton Shaw, Eleanor Jane Ballantyne, Ralph Yergen. Sports Staff: Ed Goodnough, Bruce Hamby, Jim Yergen, Esther Hayden, Joe Saslavsky, Walt Baker. Emerald Radio Hour: Ralph David, Merlin Blais. Editor's Secretary: Mary Helen Corbett Assistant: Lillian Rankin Managing Ed. Sec’y: Katharine Manerud BUSINESS Harry Tonkon, Associate Manager Jack Gregg, Advertising Manager Larry Jackson, Foreign Advertising Larry Bay, Circulation Manager Ned Mars, Copy Manager Martin Allen, Ass’t Copy Manager Mae Mulchay, Ass’t Foreign Adv. Mgr. Edith Peterson, Financial Adn.. Laura Drury, Sec'y Associate Manager John Painton, Office Manager Dorothy STAFF Victor Kaufman, Promotional Adver tising Manager. Harrictte Hofmann, Sex Sue Betty Carpenter, Women’s Specialties Kathryn Laughridge, Asst. Sex Sue Carol Werschkul, Executive Secretary Wade Ambrose, Ass't Circulation Mgr. Bob Goodrich, Service Manager Caroline Hahn,, Cheeking Department Hughes. Classified Advertising Manager Copy Department: Beth Salway, Mirtle Kerns, George Sanford. Copy Assistant: Rosalie Commons. Office Records: Louise Barclay. Office Assistants: Evangeline Miller, Gene McCroskey, Jane Cook, Helen Ray, Mary Lou Patrick, Carolyn Trimble, Nancy Soumela, Katherine Felter, Magdalen Zeller, Rosina Forrest. . Production Assistants: Gwendolyn Wheeler, Marjorie Painton, Miriam McCroskey, Edward Clements. Ass’t Adv. Mgrs.: Jack Wood, George Branstntor, Auten Bush. Advertising Solicitors—Tuesday: John Hagmeier, Jack Wood, Betty Zimmerman, Cliff Lord. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Member of the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene. Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year. Advertising rates upon application. Phone, Manager: Office, Local 214; residence, 324. Strengthening Student Relations , \ DEFINITE step toward more efficient student government. was taken recently when student officials organized plans for a committee of 15 senior men who will speak before members of campus living organizations on occasions when questions of import arise. Members of this committee will be chosen by the executive council through the student relations committee. Glancing back over the pages of associated student history, we note an incident here and there where action taken by the executive council has not met with the approval of a majority of students on the campus. Students have condemned the coun cil for its actions because they appeared on the surface unwar ranted. In many cases, had they known what we might call the "inside dope,” their attitudes would have been altered. Here lies a duty of the speakers committee that we wish to place at the head of the list. These men may act as diplomats from the governing body of the associated students and by careful prep aration of speeches inform nearly every student on matters of student control. In past years the Emerald has partially filled this gap. The Emerald, however, is not the official spokesman of the executive council and has never considered it its duty to act as such since it is quite clearly a separate institution. Aside from this advantage of the speakers committee, an other may be found in the dispensation of all petty speakers and solicitors for unimportant affairs. No “doubt this change will be welcomed by members of living organizations, who grunt and groan each time some co-ed, dainty or otherwise,'screeches out a plea for ticket sales or the like. Previous to this latest action, to the secretary was delegated responsibility for providing closer contact between University of ficials and students. Through maintenance of an official "date book,” both for faculty and administration men and also for noted campus visitors, the secretary's office will be able to insure that students may utilize to the fullest advantage informal con tact with local and national figures. As “campus hostess,” the secretary will be in charge of directing and placing house and society invitations with visiting celebrities. Because its work is with usually unnoticed weaknesses of past procedure, the president and the council deserve no less praise for their efforts. Their program merits success, and of the sort for which the University of Oregon has definite need. Memorials to Hatred TlyrKMOKIALS dedicated in spirit if not in name to tlie greed, the blind patriotism, and to the narrow hatred of war , . . Two such memorials may be dedicated in just such a spirit at Harvard and Cornell if student opinion does not prevail over the short-sighted nationalism of university authorities. As at Harvard, where agitation was raised when the names of three German students who died in the World war were omitted from v • * . g . the memorial chapel, so at Cornell the name of Huns Wagner, German, may be left from the roll. .* ° 0 S',’ “lluns Wagner," says the Cornell Sun, "was enrolled at Cor /=? s’ \ • o. v C * -«$ licit in 1908-1909. He returned to Germany and died fighting o 0 )V » •% e ^ - \ o for his fatherland in the World war. Yet his name is missing in the war memorial cloister which bears these words at its entrance: ‘On these walls are inscribed ttie names of those sons of Cornell who gave their lives in the W'orld war.’ ” On May 23, President Hoover will speak in the dedicatory exercises, and may honor not the death of those who fought With highest motives, but may honor those whose hatred of the enemy lias lasted these more than a dozen years. If the name of Hans Wagner, fallen comrade in a war that should never have been, finds no high place in Cornell's memo rial chapel, that is an admission that passion still rules in tips country. Internationalism will have received a significant blow. H is not ttie veterans of the war who oppose inclusion of Wagner’s name. On the contrary, the Newark American Legion post termed Harvard’s action in barring from its memorial chapel three names for like reasons, an “unnecessary waving of the bloody shirt.” Back of this instance of narrowest nationalism is something of vastly more import. That university leaders in our greatest universities should lag so far behind student opinion in such a matter is a definite stain on educational banners. The junior girls at the University of Washington are pro ducing a three-act vodvil. Kuch act will have a different motif. The first will be the “Hades” idea. The second will feature a beer sard-r. and the Drinking Song will be one of the high lights. Music, Features Finish Plans for Lettermen Dance At a meeting of the Order rl the O last night, Roy Hughes, chairman of the barn dance com mittee, announced that the Ten Commanders were to provide the music for the affair, which is to be held Friday, May 22, at the Igloo. In addition to the big slippery slide, an < utstanding feature from the Orph' im circuit has been ar ranged to provide extra entertain ment. Tickets for the big time will be sold by representatives in each of the men’s houses. Samples of the suggested jockey lids for the frosh next year were passed around, and the group voiced their approval of them. Hank Levoff commented on the greatly increasing attendance at the meetings, and urged that an attempt be made to get every let terman out for future meetings. "Fletch” Udall and “Hack” Miller were elected as reporters for fu ture Order of the O activities. As a climax to the enthusiastic meeting, Jerome Lillie, retiring president, was tossed on the third count into the chilly waters of the mill-race behind the Sigma Nu house. CAMPUS ♦ ALENDAR Congress club will nominate of ficers for next term at its meeting at 7:30 tonight over College Side Inn. “Reallignment of Political Parties" will be the topic for dis cussion. A. W. S. executive council will meet Thursday at 7:30 in the wom en’s lounge of Gerlinger hall. All women interested in intra mural archery are asked to be at the practice field this afternoon at 5. • ’_ Tonqueds will hold a very im portant short meeting tonight at 5 o’clock in 110 Johnson. Independent women planning to attend the junior-senior breakfast are requested to sign up at the Y. W. C. A. bungalow before to night. Women's tennis tournament is playing in second week. Contest ants to play between 4 and 6, any afternoon, furnish own umpires, and turn in scores to Miss Duncan. Miss Parks will be in the dean of women's office today to confer with students interested in inte rior decoration. I’hilomeleto gr o u p presidents please have complete resume of the year's activities of your group in to either Helen Evans or Mil dred Dobbins by this Friday for the ‘‘Acacia Branches," Philome lete paper. Y. IV. (’. A. Cabinet meeting in the Y. VV. bungalow tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Westminster Guild meets to night at Westminster house at 9 o’clock. Mrs. Donnelly will speak on "Race Prejudice.” HAROLD AYRES PIANO RECITAL GETS PRAISE (Continued from Page One) technique required. His strength and great energy carried off this most intricate and complicated number. It was more than a sat isfactory display of the hard work Ayres has done in preparing last night's program. Doris Helen Patterson played a capable organ accompaniment to Beethoven's “Emperor” concerto. The allegro is in flourishing', mar tial style, and abounds in thrilling effects, none of which were neg lected. He built trills, runs, chords, staccato melodies, cross rhythms, syncopated beats, and legato passages into a majestic whole that was noble in its pro port ions. The adagio was restful after the glittering brilliance of the allegro. Miss Patterson cooperated splen didly. and the pipe combinations, suited to the spirit of the allegro and rondo, were pleasing. The en tire concerto is built of nicely fin ished musical phrases, to which Ayres added a rest that delighted his listeners. The program, in review, was ; long and difficult, worthy of the 1 finest efforts of one of the finest student pianists on the campus. It was played with a finish and precision complimentary to lus teacher and coach. L ABOUND THE BLOCK Bart Siegfried, convict shirt and all, watering the Sigma Chi lawn , . . Gladys Clausen standing chat ting with him, about what we hes ' itate to conjecture, for about twenty minutes . . . Norman Jesse with an armload of books . . . imagining he was fooling some body ... Art Rolander trying to go English, what with white shoes, tie pin, gray pants, black coat, and hair combed. . . . AH in the heat of the day too ... You forgot the gardenia, Swede . . . George Chris tensen avidly devouring the latest ‘Vanity Fair’ . . . Bill Scott waltz ing down the drag with . . . but, aw, what’s the use of me telling you who he was with . . . Brian Mimnaugh, an ex-Jeffersonian who made good in the big city . . . Lorene Christensen walking down Alder with a price tag attached to her . . . Max Carman beefing about his Oregana picture, the nincom poop . . . Ask Ted Robb how he got the name of ‘dream daddy’ . . . that is, if you’re bigger’n he is . . . Lional Lane, the torrid tenor . . . Today’s Suggestion: Some rule to eliminate scratch hits from kitten ball . . . Gibson Danes, just one of the local maniacs . . . Gus El bow . . . Hey, Hey . . ,. Helen Chaney, her arm in a sling from receiving so many congratulations . . . What price glory . . . Don’t ask us . . . Fletch Udall, a sym phony in white . . . Latest wrinkle in tong advertising (with apolo gies to the Phi Delts) . . . forcing all the men with good physiques to take a sun bath on the roof every afternoon . . . This sugges tion doesn't apply to sororities of course . . . Esther Kaser looking demure in a rumble seat . . . Anita Knotts slinging words with three men at a time . . . the hussy . . . Fred Anderson wearing a beaten path between the Sig Ep house and 1461 Alder St. . . . Look that address up in the phone book like we did, if you’re curious enough. Boy Hughes just came dashing tip all enthusiastic about the big barn dance that the order of the “O” is throwing in the near fu ture. The traditional Hayrack will serve to haul all the femmes around where they can get in the public eye of the crowd, he says. To which we might reply that if there is any co-ed who attends this that feels she hasn't been in the public eye enough when she de scends via the slide . . . why all we have to say is that she’s the type who’d carve her name on the tombstones in the graveyard. * * * Today’s choicest morsel con cerns one Robert (Hack) Miller, the blonde brute of the Phi Psi tong. It seems that Hack became a bit infatuated while on his trip to Medford spring vacation, and, being unable to stand the pro- | 11 longed separation, did the gallant thing and phoned to the pear city long distance. It seems that the other party had a few things to say herself, and, at the end of half an hour, Hack found himself the recipient of a phone bill amounting to $7.50. Hack claims ‘that while it may not be safe for a man to write, its a dang sight cheaper.’ THE ABOVE EPISODE SOUNDED PHONE-Y TO US, BUT THEN BILL DUNIWAY SWORE IT WAS TRUE, AND HE’S OUR BOSS. * * * TODAY’S SUCCESS STORY When we knew him, Joseph Bumglim was a flat failure. When he was five years old, a great Psycho-analyist cited him as hav ing a pornographic mind. When he started to school he used to pour carbolic acid down the neck of the girl who sat in front of him. When he was ten he was expelled for writing all the school scandal on the sidewalks with crayons. When he was thirteen he ran away from school and be came a bellhop. He was fired two days later for peeking through keyholes. At tire age of fourteen 1 he was sent to the reform school because of his second story activi ties. The warden kicked him out when he discovered that the war den’s family had been horsethieves and that the warden’s wife had false teeth, a wig, and a wooden leg. At the age of eighteen he was sent to jail because of his activi ties as a peeping Tom. He escaped and was sent right back again for stealing the clothes off babies when the mothers left them alone in their go-carts in the middle of winter. He was branded as the snoopiest and meanest man alive. He dropped out of sight and everyone predicted that he would end on the gallows or in the elec tric chair. And then one day he returned to his home town in a Ralls-Royce, with a colored chauf fer and dressed in the height of fashion, spats, monacle, pomera nian, and all. Nobody could figure it out. Everyone was flabber gasted. And then the truth be came known. He had become a nationally famous columnist for a newspaper. QUIET CHURCH UNION IS IDEAL SITUATION (Continued from Page One) ests are more closely allied to those of the University constitu ency, might well form the back bone of this University church. Such a church as the People’s church at the Michigan State Col lege of Agriculture is favored by the University pastor. This church is made possible by the union of forces of the Baptists, Congrega tionalists, Methodists, and Presby Classified Advertisements Rates payable in advance. 20e first three lines; 5c every ad ditional line. Minimum charge 20c. Contracts made by ar rangement. Telephone 3300; local 214. Lost PHI SIGMA KAPPA Mothers' pin during Junior Week-end. Proba bly between Phi Sig house and ennoe l'ete. Reward. Call Eme'r aldvtff;fice\2i4'i* ■' NOTEBOOK on Reinhart field; public speaking book “Argumen tation and Debate,” by Utter back and Winnans; and Burke's "Conciliation with the Colonies.’ Call Robert Gamer at 2799. TAN leather notebook and pen. Al so copy of Hernani. Finder please phone 204. IVORY BRADS between llith and Hilyard and campus Friday morning. Phone 200S. Wanted SECOND-HAND copy of~Jh.iiu speare's Principal Plays. Phone 2028-J. For Kent THE BARTLE COURT Eugene's high class modern apart ment house. A real in Vue for permanent tenants or short-time guests, llth at Pearl. Phone 1560. C. I. COLLINS, resident manager. NEWLY decorated apartment 3 blocks from campus: 2 bedrooms, fireplace, garage. Phone 645. pi r.Nif heeTrooms—liowT I For Sale -j0 A NEW modern home, three blocks from the campus. Two large bedrooms. Leaving town this summer and will sacrifice. Reasonable terms. Phone 2963R. I Miscellaneous i TALKING PICTURE ACTING AN exceptionally high-grade home course in Talking Picture Act ing is offered to a few ambitious people. Postal brings informa tion; no obligation. Miller Serv ice, 207 Poppy Ave., Monrovia. Calif. TAKE your daily dozen at "Flight" DAILY'S ARCHERY Range. Across the mill race from the Anchorage. Arrows 10c doz or 25c per half hour. Dressmaking SHOPPE PETITE—Style right. Price right. Dressmaking, re modeling, hemstitching. 573 E. 13th street. Phone 1733. Physicians DALE AND SETHER Surgery, Radium, X-ray Miner Bldg. Phone 43 Schools Three private lessons in ballroom dancing for $5.50. MERRICK DANCE STUDIO Sol Willamette Phone 50S1 ‘ cerians. This church is for com munity people as well as students. Fifteen to 18 denominations are "epresented among the students who are associated with the stu ient program. “A church such as this is a de sirable objective to work towards, in the meantime the three church boards of education could make a oeginning without constructing mv new buildings. A completed institution cannot be conceived all it once, but we should look for ward to it and take immediate steps in the interests of such inited work,” Mr. Adams con cluded. The Safety Valve i An Outlet for Campus Steam —• ■■ -■■■ - All communications are to be ad dressed to The Editor, Oregon Daily Emerald. They shall not exceed 200 words. Each letter must be signed; however, should the author desire, only initials will be published. The editor maintains the right to withhold pub lication should he see fit. Let’s Have Opinions To the Editor: Inasmuch as there are two or :hree important stages of educa tional evolution passing on the Dregon campus, it has occurred to ne that a little student self-ex Dtession might aid those that guide :he Oregon educational system to more definitely act in the best way :o create education as it should be. During the winter term a group >f sophomores strenuously object id to certain methods and means of providing a sophomore requisite course. All winter long there have been mumblings among freshmen igainst the methods of teaching background courses, such as: aackground of social science; lit erature survey; English lit., etc rhe Emerald has damned the three :erm school year (even called it a 3-term one). Student grade systems have been larrangued. Exams have been condemned. In general, there seems to be much valuable com ment on the Oregon educational system being dissipated by such cents as dancing, swimming, and Irinking. None of this (propor ionately none) valuable informa ;ion is being made available to egislators, tax-payers, instructors, eaders, and students. Now that there are only a few weeks until another “batch” of ‘grads” is “ground out,” let us 'ind, from student sources, where ■fficiency can be increased here, vhere economy can be used there, low lessons can be made to mean more to us—you, what goes igainst our—your grain, which nethods employed are disliked, and vhat methods need your sanction, io that the planners of our “fate” will have more to guide them in lext year's program. Do you get the point? Use the Safety Valve. X-27 ’EAR AND ’AIR Today’s Query: Should We Have Spring Formals? “I thing the spring dances should be informal because the weather is much to hot to wear tuxes.”—Kim ball Page, freshman in business ad ministration. » * * “X think they should be formal because it is the one dance of the year that is formal. The other dances are usually informal.”—• Laura Drury, freshman in English. “I think they should be informal because it is too warm in the spring to get into a tux and dance all evening.”—Pete Hamilton, jun ior in art; “I think informals are best for spring term because it is too warm for men to bother about tuxes.”— Julianne Benton, junior in English. Enrollment Increases For Graduate School Enrollment for the graduate school increases every spring term over winter term because seniors within six hours of graduation may register in the graduate school and have part of their work count toward graduate credit. This spring term holds true to tradition, with a large enrollment of 212; 135 men and 77 women. The education department leads with 20 men and 6 women; Eng lish is next with 8 men and 15 women; history ranks third with 9 men and 7 women; business ad ministration, biology, and chemis try tie for fourth place with to tals of 15 students apiece. Beautiful A White Linen Pump With a width selection that makes it possible to correctly fit the nar rowest foot . . . from AAA to B’s, and in sizes from 3 to 9. 1 $6.00 at BUSTER BROWN Dr. Larsell To Speak At Asklepiad Banquet Asklepiads, pre-medics honorary, will give a banquet tonight at the Eugene hotel, in honor of the out going members, who are to enter medical school next fall. Dr. Olof Larsell, head of the department of anatomy at the University of Ore gon medical school in Portland, will be the chief speaker. Phil Staats, president of the honorary, will act as toastmaster. He is as sisted by Jim Dinsmore in arrang ing for the banquet. Today at 12:30, Dr. Larsell will give a short lecture to all pre-med ics students interested, on electives for students planning to enter a medical school. He will also touch briefly on entrance requirements, including the aptitude test. ■ The talk will be given in room 105 Deady ball. [o';———«■—■—»—"g j | Look ! Backwards 1 OverThose School Years Photography at the time of her Commencement is a memory of college days. A memory of the day that ended the four years of toil and fun. In cap and gown it makes a very dis j ■ tinctive photograph. j Finest of photography, on j modern theory, beautiful j ly mounted and booked. PHONE TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENT ®.. -a Kennell Ellis Studios New Service Laundry EUGENE’S FINEST LAUNDRY SERVICE Phone 825 or 826 —For— LAUNDRY DRY CLEANING DANCE ivith John Robinson and His Olympic Hotel Brunswick Recording Orchestra “S^MIDWAY l