* EDITORIALS ♦ FEATURES • HUMOR ♦ LITERARY * 1 University of Oregon, Eugene Vinton Hall, Editor Anton Peterson, Manager Willis Duniway, Managing Editor Rex Tussing—Associate Editor Dave Wilson, Harry Van Dine, Rnlph David—Editorial Writers UPPER NEWS STAFF Carol Hurlburt, Society Warner Guiss, Chief Night Editor Lester McDonald, Lfterary Phil Cogswell, Sports Barney Miller, Features NEWS STAFF Reporters: Jack Bollinger. Merlin Blais. Virginia Wont/. Oscar Munger, Madeleine Gilbert, Thelma Nelson. Betty Anno Macduff, Helen Cherry, Jessie Steele, Vincent Mutton, Genevieve Smith, Kenneth Fit/vrerald, Ruth Dupuis. Willetta Hartley, Florence Nombalais, Roy Sheedy, Eugene Mullins, Caroline Card, Frances Taylor, George Root, Robert Patterson. Day Editors: Thornton Gale, Lenore Ely, Thornton Shaw, Eleanor Jane Ballantyne, Ralph Yergen. , r, , . Sports Staff: Pal Goodnough, Bruce Hamby, Jim Yergen, Esther Hayden, Joe Saalavsky, Walt Baker. Emerald Radio Hour: Ralph David, Merlin Blais. Editor's Secretary: Mary Helen Corbett Assistant: Lillian Rankin Managing Ed. Sec’y: Katharine Manerud BUSINESS Harry Tonkon. Associate Manager Jack Gregg, Advertising Manager Larry Jackson, P'oreign Advertising Larry Bay, Circulation Manager Ned Mars, Copy Manager Martin Allen, Ass't Copy Manager Mae Mulchay, Ass’t Foreign Adv. Mgr. Edith Peterson, Financial Adnr.. Laura Drury. Sec’y Associate Manager John Painton, Office Manager Dorothy STAFF Victor Kaufman, Promotional Adver tising Manager. Harrictte Hofmann, Sex Sue Betty Carpenter, Women’s Specialties Kathryn Laughridge, Asst. Sex Sue Carol Werschkul, Executive Secretary Wade Ambrose, Ass’t Circulation Mgr. Bob Goodrich, Service Manager Caroline Hahn,, Checking Department Hughes. Classified Advertising Manager Copy Department: Beth Salway, Mirtle Kerns, George Sanford. Coj v Assistant: Rosalie Commons. Office Records: Louise Barclay. Office Assistants: Evangeline Miller, Gene McCroskey, Jane Cook, Helen Ray, Mary Lou Patrick, Carolyn Trimble, Nancy Soumela, Katherine Felter, Magdalen Zeller, Rosina Forrest. # . Production Assistants: Gwendolyn Wheeler, Marjorie Painton, Miriam McCroskey, Edward Clements. Ass’t Adv. Mgrs.: Jack Wood, George Branstator, Auten Bush. Advertising Solicitors—Monday: Cliff Lord, Lavina Hicks, Auten Bash, Vic Kaufman. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Member of the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year. Advertising rates upon application. Phone, Manager: Office, Local 214; residence, 324. To Oregon Mothers rinHE aim of every Oregon mother is to have her son or daugh ■*" ter grow to be among the finest, highest-minded, and best respected people of the world. They hope for utmost success of their children. Mothers spend sleepless nights hoping above all that they, sons and daughters so imbded with the family blood and recognized as bearers of the family names, may live to be morally sound and spiritually enriched. Ybung people of today CAN be as mothers wish, but a complete and unlimited understanding between mother and son or daughter is the great est essential. At one time every mother was a daughter. She should know what the son or daughter needs most to hold them to the ways of life which are morally right. In many cases mothers DO know, but in many others the environment in which their chil ,-dren find themselves has so changed that the value of their mothers’ practical experience has been lost. Often mothers are extremely maladjusted to the situations in which “they find their children. In fact, most mothers fall in this category—maladjusted. We, as children of Oregon mothers, know that trust infour judgment is supreme in our attempt to become the best and make our* lives worth-while. We must have ovr mothers to confide in and 1 we must have their assurance that they believe in us. Mothers must trust us from childhood until death. There is nothing more that a son or daughter could wish than to know that a mother will be on his or her side throughout thick and thin. Now that we have reached an age where we must leave home and exercise our judgment to capacity, mothers have just one more thing to do. They must forget that we are still infants, ready to come toddling and climb upon aproned knees. We, as students of the University of Oregon, expect to be treated as men and women of the world expect to be thrust upon our own responsibilities and backed by our mothers’ trust. Nothing can shackle a child’s love for his mother nor a mother’s love for her child. Take care that your love for your son or daughter does not blind you to his or her common sense and break that TRUST which is valued so highly. This is our message to all Oregon mothers. Spain Riots IOT1NG in Madrid yesterday, in which churches were burned and other damage done, may mark the beginning of a period which may make the recent Spanish revolution not so bloodless after all. After King Alfonso’s abdication in favor of the republicans, hope was expressed all over the world that the new government might be able to control the various factions in the country. But revolution, bloodless or bloody, always seems to offer opportunity to those with grievances. Every party, every fac tion, and every religious sect looks toward change of govern ment as leading to immediate adoption of their own cause. That martial government has been deemed necessary to sup press the riots will be a hard grain to take for those whose hope amt whose fight has been for liberalism. Some groups may be definitely alienated, and especially in those sections al ready prepared to set up republics of their own. Madrid dis patches may be concerned with rioting, therefore, for some months to come. In our own country, even with peaceful changes in personnel, the government is expected immediately to satisfy all the pre vious “outs." It is human nature to expect definite progress with every election. Our fault, too, is expecting that progress to fit always our own desires. Women students work for grades more often than do men. Such is one of the conclusions Dr. Frederick H. Lund, former head of the department of psychology of Bucknell college, reached after a study of students. We might add that men spend most of their time working for women. A dance held at Butler university, Indiana, was quite novel in the manner of its subscription. Each young lady was weighed at the entrance ami her escort paid accordingly per pound. Don't they ever give the heavyweights a break? We’ve heard ot extreme cases of trying to kid a traffic offi cer, but the worst of all v\as the other day back in Albany, New York, when a gypsy father offered his baby sou in payment of a traffic violation, saying, "Keep the kid." Nicky anti Vicky v.aut to abolish Stanford sororitii. because they itnow them inside and out.' SiS:Si*S;:iiSi*SeSi!iisti * Among our fan mail for the * * day we received several mis- * * siles to the effect that if we * * didn'l ;ase our so-called writ- * * ing tha' we’d be ridden out of * * town ; stride the proverbial * *' rail. To which we reply, natur- * * ally, that we’d rather write * ’ than be a resident. And after * * all we claim that this is unjust, * * because, as far as we’re con- * * cerned, it’s our privilege to * * rail, which is the rail dope, * * all choking aside. * ************ EPITAPH Finally we got him, Joe Bim, our Buddy; Sez he: “This is just The weather to study.’’ ON PI MORE FELLOW THAT WE’RE AFTER IS THE ONE WHO ALWAYS WANTS TO GIVE US A PILL OR SPOONFUL OF COUGH MEDICINE TO HELP WARD OFF A SPRING COLD. * * $ And what’s this we hear about the agitation up around the Fiji dive to move the Phi Gam sleeping quarters out to some meadows for the rest of the spring, on the plea that the sleeping porch is just simply too far from the favorite study quarters, the way it is now situated. ♦ # Hi Which plan, we might add, just about Kappas every thing. * * * And while we’re in the dirt spreading mood, little Isabel would like to know the cause of the poi son oak plague which is raging around the Phi Sig domicile. * * * Vint Hall, when approached up on the subject, admitted that so far he had escaped unscathed, but whispered confidentially that the house council was taking drastic measures and that it would be hut a matter of hours before they started knocking holes in the bot toms of the house members’ canoes. * * Si And now that this mud-slinging frenzy is upon us, we'll finish it up I right. ‘We've just hearU something: to the effect that a certain Delta Gam, of coliege Humor fame, re cently became inflicted with the bridle fever (which by all tradition shouldn’t be until June) and as a result has been suffering from an acute case of equibus bumpibus. If she ever attends any more star light canters, she can’t say that we didn’t try to Warn ’er. # * * COMPOSED IN DEAD!’ (An impressionistic effort with no attempt at rhyme or reason.) Locked within, our soul’s without The unwashed window pane; Watching couples strolling while Lazy sunbeams inward rain. Goaded by monotonous chatter, In torturous writhing we’re bored; Till in desperation, We groan ex pression, “Oh Lord.” * * * TODAY’S BEDTIME STORY “Tweet., tweet,” said little Wini fred Wren as she chewed on her favorite brand of brickdust. “Ha Ha,” said little Amy Armadillo, because she knew it wasn’t brick dust at all, but just some sand paper that Jehosaphett Jay left around the last time that he clean ed his teeth. A very careless per son, Jehosaphett. And then who should walk up but little Oscar Owl, carrying a bag of peanuts, • two cakes of Fleischmann’s yeast, and three cans of stove polish. He | immediately began hurling the pea nuts at little Winifred. And Now— to be continued in our next issue. The great mystery what did he do with the Fleischmann’s yeast and stove polish, don't miss it. JEWETT SPEECH TRIALS PUT IN FOUR DIVISIONS (Continued from rage One) are to be five minutes in length for the preliminaries and six min utes in length for the finals. The contest for the women will Classified Advertisements Rates payable in advance. 20c first three lines; 5c every ad ditional line. Minimum charge 20c. Contracts made by ar rangement. Telephone 3300; local 214. Lost SMALL brown purse containing $8.00 in bills and small change, also a rosary. Finder please phone 1160-R or leave at Emer ald business office. fVORY BEADS, between 16th and Hilyard and campus Friday morning. Phone 2068. APPLIED MECHANICS by Poor man. Please call Minturn, 841. Reward. BLACK and white Scheaffer pen. Reward. Call 2976. Wanted SECOND-HAND copy of Sliake speare’s Principal Plays. Phone 202S-J. SECOND-HAND Lit Survey book, will pay $2.50. Call 784-W. For Sale A NEW modern home, three blocks from the campus. Two large bedrooms. Leaving town this summer and will sacrifice. Reasonable terms. Phone 2963R. Dressma king SHOPPE PETITE Style right Price right. Dressmaking, re- i modeling, hemstitching. 573 E. 13th street. Phone 1733. Physicians DALE AND SETHER Surgery, Radium, X-ray Miner Bldg. Phone 43 j Schools 1'hree private U in ballroom j dancing for $5.50. MERRICK DANCE STUDIO <61 Willamette Phone 30S1 1 ; Dr. Ella C. Meade ! ; OPTOMETRIST J > “Orthogon soft light lenses } eliminate glare and < distortion.” J PHONE 330 14 West Eighth I For Rent NEWLY decorated apartment 3 blocks from campus; 2 bedrooms, fireplace, garage. Phone 845. THE BARTLE COURT Eugene’s high class modern apart ment house. A real hcVie for permanent tenants or short-time guests, llth at Pearl. Phone 15G0. C. I. COLLINS, resident manager. Miscellaneous TAKE your daily dozen at '’Flight' DAILY’S ARCHERY Range. Across the mill race from the Anchorage. Arrows 10c doz or 25c per half hour. eniors The time for or dering Caps and Gown s, Book lets, and Com mencement Invi tations has been extended until Wednesday, May 13. Put in your order before that time at the Co-op to be able to gradu ate with your class. the l MY. "CO-OP*' be governed by the same condi- j tions as that of the men’s, and will include a representative from each 1 living organization on the campus. The subject will be the same as that to be used by the women’s varsity debate squad next year, “Uniform Marriage and Divorce Legislation.” The preliminaries will take place at 4 o’clock, May 27, in 105 Commerce and 105 Ore gon, and the finals will be held May 29 at 4 o’clock in 105 Com merce. The entrants in the last two contests are asked to bring a let ter signed by the president of the organization which they represent to the dean of men’s office for the men, and the dean of women’s of fice for the women, giving the name of the contestant by noon of the day preceding the preliminary contest. Printed rules for the con tests may be obtained at Room 4, Friendly hall, on Friday. ’EAR AND ’AIR What would be a good queS' tion for this column? “What do you think of spring formals?”—Laura Parcells, sopho more in music. “What do you thinK of mill-rac ing?”—Jean Leonard, junior in English. • * * “Should classes be held in such hot weather?" — Harriette Hof mann, sophomore in journalism. “How about the prevailing stockingless mode?”—Evelyn Hal lyburton. “What do you think of outdoor concerts?”—CorinneCombs, soph omore in music. “What do you think of picnics?” —Chuck Webber, freshman in business administration. “Should classes be held in the afternoon during spring term?”— Barbara Dielschneider, freshman in journalism. EVENTS OF ♦ ♦ THE WEEK A very active week from the standpoint of social events follows the heavy schedule of last week. The outstanding activities of the Week are: Tuesday, May 12 Strawberry festival. Friday, May 15 Delta Delta Delta formal. Men’s dormitory formal. Oregon Yeomen dance. Alpha Gamma Delta spring dance. Delta Gamma spring dance. Chi Omega formal. Hendricks hall spring informal. Beta Phi Alpha upperclass dance. Saturday, May 16 Bachelordon formal. Kappa Kappa Gamma dance. Pi Beta Phi spring dance. Alpha Phi spring dance. Alpha Delta Pi formal. Beta Theta Pi formal. Sigma Nu spring dance. Susan Campbell spring informal. Sigma Phi Epsilon formal. Phi Mu formal. Theta Omega spring dance. Sigma Pi Tau barn dance. Drama division spring play. Pi Kappa Alpha informal. Sunday, May 17 Junior-senior breakfast. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 18, 19, 20 Drama division play, “Hotel Uni verse.” CAMPUS ♦ ALENDAR Tau Delta Delta will hold an important meeting tonight at the Music building at 7:15. Campus Camp Fire club meets at 7:30 tonight at Y. W. bungalow for marshmallow toast and discus sion on “Leadership.” Independent women planning to attend the junior senior breakfast are requested to sign up at the; Y. W. C. A. bungalow before to night. Y. M. C. A. election this after noon in Y hut. All men are eli gible to vote. Women’s Order of the O will meet at 5 o'clock this afternoon in Gerlinger building. Phi Chi Theta will meet at 4 ! o'clock today in room 105 Com- ! merce. Very important. Order of the O meeting at 6:15 tonight at the Sigma Nu house. Samples of green lids are here. Tonqueds meet at 4 this after noon in 110 Johnson. All town girls be present and bring dues. All women interested in working on women’s edition of the Emerald meet in 105 Journalism at 5 o'clock today. All students who have not yet obtained their Oreganas are asked to call at the graduate manager’s office today. Asklepiads meet at 7:30 tonight in room 105 Deady. Physical Examination Given R.O.T.C. Cadets Approximately fifty candidates for the advanced course in mili tary training beginning next year were given a complete physical examination yesterday by Major Henry W. S. Hayes, medical corps, stationed at Vancouver barracks, assisted by Sergt. Fuller, also of Vancouver barracks. The examination is very com prehensive, according to Sergt. F. X. Agule, R. O. T. C. officer, and designed to detect any physical disability which would render the candidate unfit for the advanced course. Each man is required to fulfill the war department standard be fore being admitted to the course, he said. LOWEST TARES IN YEARS! $450 to the /^RIENT and Back i STRICTLY FIRST CLASS The once-in-a-lifetime trip becomes a vacation voyage. You can go this summer at a cost no more than that of an ordinary vacation. These foundtrip fares, strict ly First Class, are in effect April 1 to July 31 . . . Re turn limit October 31. Yokohama $450; Kobe $465; Shanghai $520; Hong Kong or Manila ?565. Stopovers. Enjoy the Orient this sum mer at a cost no more than an ordinary vacation. Enjoy days at sea on the famous President Liners. Your ticket includes meals, an outside stateroom with twin beds . . . all the luxuries of a great ship . . . Let us help you plan your finest and most unique vacation. American Mail Line and Dollar Steamship Lines DAN E. GOULD, District Passenger Agent 152 Broadway BEacon 3157 Portland, Oregon When you visit the Orient travel the American way. IVe flown, with the Pathfinders of the Air —says Chesterfield @ W31, Iwiitrr & Myers Tobacco Co. you meet me in the city’s crowded canyons” f Along the invisible lanes of the air, or among jostling thousands in the f city's streets . . . it’s all the same to Chesterfield. For here’s a cigarette that I goes everywhere, and that tastes right anywhere. Milder and better tobaccos — nothing else—that’s what you taste in Chesterfield. And, thanks to the I "cross-blend,” all of chat mild, good taste and aroma is retained! For NINETEEN years, onr Research Department has kept intimate touch with every new development of Science that could !oe applied to the manufacture of cigarettes. During-this in r od there has been no development of tested value or im portance to the smoker which we have not incorporated into the xnukinjsr of Chesterfield cigarettes. Liggett & Mj/ffS Tobacco Co, T k