Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 08, 1931, Image 1

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Welcome, Mothers
The Emerald extends today a
cordial welcome to all mothers vis
iting the campus. We hope you
enjoy Junior Week-end.
The Weather
Fair Friday.
Maximum . GO
Minimum . 37
Precipitation, slight.
--<«L_ _
Junior h ek-End To Open Today at Luncheon)
Canoe Fete on
Race Tonight Is
Leading Event
Eleanor and Princesses
To Rule Over Campus
Festivities This Afternoon
Include Flivver Race,
Beauty Parade
Program Today
10:00—Pacific Northwest In
tercollegiate Golf Match.
11:45—Campus Luncheon.
12:30—Orchestra and Enter
1:30—Flivver Race.
2:00—Men’s Beauty Parade.
2:15—Tennis Court Dance.
2:30—Washington vs. Oregon
Baseball Game.
8:00—Canoe Fete.
Junior Week-end will open today
at noon with the campus luncheon,
when the entire student body and
visiting mothers will gather on the
campus lawn as guests of the jun
ior class. The event is the first of
a long series planned to fill in the
three-day period, Friday, Satur
day, and Sunday.
The leading event of the day will
be the canoe fete, “La Fete Mod
erne,” scheduled for 8 o’clock this
V evening on the mill race. Fifteen
floats, entered by living organiza
tions, will pass in review, in com
petition for the annually presented
prize trophies. A modernistic set
ting has been planned for the fete,
in keeping with the title; and an
improved lighting system will fa
cilitate complete visibility.
Queen Coronation Tonight
Queen Eleanor I, who will reign
over Junior Week-end, will be of
ficially coronated at the canoe fe^e
by Art Potwin, president of the
junior class. She with her four at
tendant princesses will arrive at
the throne platform on board a
rocket-ship. Queen Eleanor will
also reign over the junior prom
Saturday evening, and she will be
honored by a special place at the
mother’s tea and banquet Satur
Immediately following the cam
pus luncheon a number of events
will be run off. The flivver race in
l which the campus' oldest “rolling
” wrecks” of four cylinders or less
will compete in terms of the short
est distance in the greatest length
of time. The men’s beauty parade,
a new feature on the week-end pro
gram, on the faculty tennis courts,
and a tennis court dance imme
(Continued on Page Three)
Death House for Candidates
Student voters went to the polls at the Y hut early yesterday
to decide the fate of candidates for A. S. U. O. offices. Here are a
few of the voters snapped by the Emerald’s staff photographer.
High School Title
In Debate Will Be
Decided Saturday
Medford and Prineville,
District Champions, Are
To Meet in Villard
The high school debating cham
pionship of Oregon will be decided
here tomorrow when Medford high
school, winner in western Oregon,
meets Prineville high school, the
winner of eastern Oregon, accord
ing to Percy M. Collier, of the Uni
versity extension division, chair
man of the high school league.
As champions of eastern and
western Oregon these two teams
will be awarded the Burt Brown
Barker cups, while the winner of
this last debate will receive the E.
E. DeCou cup.
Medford Has Affirmative
Helen Wilson and Donald . Dar
neille will compose the team which
will represent Medford, under
Ralph R. Bailey, coach. They will
argue the affirmative side of the
question. Last week this pair de
feated Astoria high school in a
contest held in Portland, thereby
winning the right to represent
western Oregon. Last year Med
ford won this right, also, but was
defeated by McLoughlin high
school at Milton-Freewater, in the
final debate.
The Prineville team, upholding
the negative, is composed of Fran
ces Mays and Catherine Coshow
and coached by Vernon I. Basler.
The debate will be held at 7:30
o’clock in Villard hall on the cam
pus, and the subject under discus
sion will be “Resolved, that chain
stores are detrimental to the best
interests of the Amerian people.”
Judges will be Robert Prescott,
Eugene; George W. Robbins, of the
school of business, and Carlton
Spencer, of the law school.
Canoe Fete Staging Improves
t t
D. T. Bayly, Viewer of Many Annual Mill Race
Shows, Says Events Getting Better Each Year
“There is something that always
stands out in every Canoe Fete,”
D. T. Bayly, manager of the An
chorage Raceway, who has viewed
a succession of fetes from his door
Iway, said yesterday. “One of
them tips over, or catches fire, or
gets caught on the trees or along
the bank. But as a rule they go
off pretty smoothly.
“Are they getting more elabor
ate ? Well, I don't know,” he con
tinued. “They had some mighty
fine floats in 1922 and ’23. I sup
pose they are improving in quality
a little. One thing does improve,
though. There has been a contin
ual bettering of staging and
“When I first came here the peo
ple saf around on the banks of the
race. Later they built a species of
‘seats’—that was in 1922. Until I
acquired the property they were
4 unable to construct anything on
the other side of the race. The or
chestra was on this side of the
race, and sat at one end of the
“The arches and lighting effects
have been made more elaborate all
along. Last year they introduced
the sound effects.
“Anyone ever injured in a fete?
Not that I know of. Of course,
quite a number of people have fal
len ii to the race trying to look on
from various points outside the
"I remember one year there was
a group of small boys who got up in
one of the trees that spread over the
race. Too many of them got on
the same branch, and when the
thing broke, they all landed in the
water. It caused a big laugh.
“The bleachers have been built
considerably larger this year, so I
.oubt if anyone need try that stunt.
With half the students working on
the floats, and enough seats to
hold the rest of them, this year’s
fete ought to be the 'biggest and
ibest’ of them all,” he concluded.
Water Carnival
Race Rules Given
Out by Rollwage
Event Saturday To Start
At 10:30 o’Clock;
Features Ready
Rules to which entries in the
water carnival races must adhere
have been formulated, it was an
nounced yesterday by Jack Roll
wage, carnival chairman. Leading
events on the program for the car
nival will be a canoe race, dnd a
men’s and women’s swimming
race. The event will take place at
10:30 Saturday, morning on the
mill race.
Swimming race entries, both
men and women, will be required
to pass physical examinations at
the health service by today noon,
or they will not be allowed to en
ter. Hugh L. Biggs, dean of men,
made this statement imperative
11 Rules Given
The canoe race entries will be
subject to a set of rules as fol
1. Canoes shall be procured by
<Continued on Page Two)
Texts on Spanish
To Be Discussed
At AATS Meeting
Teachers’ Oregon Chapter
To Exchange Ideas on
The Oregon chapter of the Amer
ican Association of Teachers of
Spanish will hold a meeting on
this campus at 10 o’clock Saturday
morning at Oregon hall. Teachers
who will be here for Junior Week
end will be among the delegates.
The purpose of the meeting is
to exchange opinion on methods
and policies of teaching Spanish,
and to discuss textbooks. At last
year’s meeting a committee was
appointed to recommend a text
book to be adopted by the state
for six years. The recommenda
tion of the committee was acted
upon by the legislature and the
textbook adopted.
Officers for the coming year will
be elected. The retiring officers
are: Dr. L. O. Wright, professor of
Romance languages, president;
Miss Anna M. Thompson, assistant
professor of Romance languages,
secretary-treasurer, and Carl J.
Furr of the Romance language de
partment, corresponding secretary.
Canoe Fete Costs Must
Be Submitted to Gregg
Houses entering in the canoe
fete must have a complete list of
the cost of materials used in their
floats, compiled in the shape of
a budget, handed to Jack Gregg by
noon today. These expenses must
not run over $30, according to
Gregg, and must cover the com
plete expenses.
At the same time the type, num
ber, and color of spot lights need
ed for each float and the music de
sired will be determined. j
Mothers’ Day
Begins Today
Scene at Johnson Hall
From Nine Till Seven
500 To Attend Banquet on
Saturday; Cups Will
Be Awarded
“Register your mother early,
Irma Logan, chairman of the reg
istration committee for Mother’s
day, urges students, “or they will
not be counted in on the house
competition trophies which are of
fered by Mrs. Walter M. Cook of
Portland and Mrs. Charles Hall of
Registration will be at the ad
ministration building, and the
hours are from 9 until 7 today,
and from 9 until 1 tomorrow.
Mothers’ pins may be purchased
at this time.
To Escort Mothers
Members of Skull and Daggers,
sophomore men's service honorary,
will be present to receive the
mothers and to escort them to
their respective houses. Mrs. Char
lotte Donnelly, acting in the role
of official hostess for the Univer
sity, will also be present to wel
come the mothers, assisted by Mrs.
Alice B. Macduff, assistant dean
of women. Mrs. Donnelly will aid
mothers who have not been able
to obtain rooms at the hotels in
securing places to stay.
■Tickets at Office
Up until today 469 tickets for
the banquet, which is to be held
Saturday at 6 in Gerlinger hall,
had been sent out by the dean of
men’s office to mothers, it is an
nounced. Those who sent in re
quests and who did not receive
tickets may secure them at the
dean’s office.
The cups will be presented at
the banquet to the houses having
the most number of mothers.
The competition will be placed on
a percentage basis. Mrs. Cook,
president of the Oregon Mothers’
association, will preside, and in the
event of her absence, Mrs. J. F.
Hill, past president of the organi
zation, will take her place.
The men’s cup was won last
(('ontinvie.il on Page Four)
How Vote Went
Complete returns from yes
terday's election are as follows:
Ivnowlton . 78G
Mimnaugh . 1024
Evans . 978
Stipe . 927
Logan . 1091
Lyle . 796
Executive Man
Baker . 1064
Slocom . 750
Executive Woman
Lewis . 733
Powell . 1116
Junior Finance Officer
King . 759
Travis . 1124
Co-op Board
Johnson . 783
Near . 887
Newman . 964
Wedemeyer . 1071
Perigo . 779
Turner . 1024
Depression Due
To Public Mind,
Says Dr. Morris
Overcoming of Fear and
Uncertainty Would
Control Conditions
“On.e key to the control of busi
ness conditions is the learning of
the public to control its state of
mind.” This was the statement of
Dr. Victor P. Morris, professor of
economics, when he spoke over
station KORE during the Emerald
editorial hour yesterday afternoon.
The talk was third in the series
being given by members of the
University faculty on topics of cur
rent interest. John G. Hazam, of
the history department, Dr. John
R. Mez, of the economics depart
ment, and Wayne L. Morse, of the
law school, are among those who
will speak during the next two
‘‘If we can overcome that fear
and uncertainty which always
helps to bring on a financial crash,
and that mob spirit which sweeps
everyone along with it into a fefel
ing of hard times, we will go a
long way toward abolishing busi
ness depression,” Mr. Morris re
The present business system,
(Continued on Par/e Three)
Hail! Their Majesties !
' X '--^sjacx.:. .s *
Queen Eleanor I (Eleanor Lewis) and her princesses, who will
rule over the Junior Week-end lestivlties on the campus today and
tomorrow. The royal party: Standing, Dorothy Illidge and Alice
Kedetzke; seated, Velma Powell, Queen Eleanor, and Jane Munk.
Huskies Face
Oregon Today
In Local Game
Starting Time of Tussle
Moved Up to 2:30
Washington Leads League;
Dave Itloom To Pitch
For Webfoots
The purple and gold Huskies
from the University of Washing
ton will face the offerings of Dave
Bloom with the rest of the Web
foot nine behind him at Reinhart
field this afternoon. The Huskies
come to Eugene leading the North
west baseball conference. Another
game will be played tomorrow.
As afternoon classes are dis
| missed today, the starting time of
the game will be moved up from
the usual 4 o’clock to 2:30.
Washington was champion last
year and they have started the
current season impressively, win
ning both Idaho tussles, and split
ting even in a two-game series
with Washington State.
Putnam May Pitch
Coached by Tubby Graves, the
Husky line-up is composed princi
pally of sophomores. However,
'there are enough second and third
year men to season the squad.
Dignon and Gaw, regular pitch
ers, each pocketed a game from
Idaho earlier in the week. After
a lapse of a year, Oregon prob
ably will renew acquaintances with
Pitcher Putnam today.
Bill Reinhart was out of town
yesterday. In his absence the
squad took a light workout and
then played a practice game with
the frosh.
Potter Remains on Third
The line-up this afternoon will
resemble the coterie that tackled
the Cougars Tuesday. Although
they were thrown for a loss by the
(Continued on Page Four)
Junior Class To
Start Construction
For Prom Toda^
Mininaugh Issues Call for
Men To Be at Igloo To
Aid in Work
Construction work on the Junior
Prom, to be held tomorrow night,
will get under way in earnest at
the Igloo today, and a call has
been issued by Brian Mimnaugh,
chairman, for all junior men to be
on hand today to aid in the prep
aration of the court for the dance.
This work will be under the di
rection of Sol Director, chairman
of the construction committee.
Representatives of the Stark Dec
orating company, of Portland, will
assist the committee in planning
the decoration of McArthur court
in the "Queen" motif, which is
being used for the dance.
The ticket sale is going well,
according to Ken Jette, assistant
chairman of the directorate, who
I is in charge, and it is expected
j that the quota of 450 will be sold
when the sale closes tomorrow.
Decoration work will continue
tomorrow, and those who cannot
I be at the Igloo today are asked
t Cl I cl in tkn ••r/.ial. 4-____
Oregana Circulation
At ASUO Office Today
The final shipment of 900 Ore
ganas will be distributed from the
graduate manager’s office in
Friendly hall from 8:30 to 11:30
this morning, Roger Bailey, busi
ness manager of the 1931 year
i book, said last night.
About 1,200 copies of the Ore
gana have been given out so far,
and it is thought that distribution
today will exhaust the supply.
Books will be given out to those
students who have paid their $5
Presidential Victor
Gets Majority of 238
Votes in ASUO Poll
Evans Edges out Stipe in Final
Count; 1810 Ballots Cast
TICKET politics were seemingly vindicated last night, when Brian
Mimnaugh and his complete ticket were elected by majorities
ranging from 238 in the case of Mimnaugh to a difference of 51 in
the vice-presidential race.
At no time was Mimnaugh's lead threatened. He was ahead from
the first returns at 4:30 until the final results at 9 o'clock. The most
fiercely contested race was between Walt Evans and -Jack Stipe for
the vice-presidency. Stipe took an early lead, which he held with a
small margin until 8 o’clock, when the tide changed and Evans grad
ually crept ahead to win by a majority of 51. 4 •
Elected !
Greet the new A. S. U. O. offi
cers Upper left, Brian Mimnaugh,
president; upper right, Walt Evans,
vice-president. Center left, Irma
Logan, secretary; center right, Vel
ma Powell, executive woman. Bot
tom left, Wally Baker, executive
inan; bottom right, Jim Truvis,
junior finance officer.
y Irma Logan .won pver Alexis
Lyle for the position of secretary
of the student £ody by a vote of
1091 to 796. Logan held a con
sistent lead throughout the’race.
Wally Baker defeated Kelsey Slo
com for executive ‘man by a vote
of 1064 to 750. . .
Velma Powell defeated Eleanor
Lewis for the position of executive
woman by a vote of’ l'llf} .to 763,
and Jim Travis defeated John
King for the junior f inance^ post
by a vote of 1124 to'759. • This
was the largest majority., piled up
by a candidate of -the Mimnaugh
side. ' e
Co-op Candidates Win
The three candidates • on th§
Mimnaugh ticket, .for. the Co-op
board all won by large .majorities.
Adele Wedemeyer *poHpd 1071
votes, Ethan Newman 964, and
George Turner ‘102*4. Their oppo
nents in the 'field for the same
offices-were"»Dorothy Johnson, w.ho
received.783 votes;. Bob Near, 887;
and. Bob Perigq, who polled 779.
..In spite’of’the complete election
of one", ticket, almost Half °of the
ballots counted were split, said
election” officials last -night.
Re-election Held Unlikely
i "Two callers and four checkers
passed on each ballot, and in the
race for vice-presidency only an
error of one was discovered. The
lack of tally difference makes the
possibility of a re-election ex
tremely unlikely.
Only 1810 votes were cast. In
a previous issue the writer pre
dicted that 1800 would be balloted,
which is a close enough guess for
any game except horseshoes.
The results of this election still
prove that ticket politics are a
profitable investment for the am
bitious young politician.
Faction Breaks Up
Now that the election is over,
it can be pointed out that the race
between Mimnaugh and Knowlton
(Continued on Page Three)
Favors United Student Church
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Cf>
Dr. Nelson L. Bossing Says Edifice Near Campus
Opportunity To Influence Life
Editor’s note: This is the third
of it series of articles being pub
lished in the Emerald concern
ing united student religious work
and its relation to the proposed
union of student religious organ
izations on the Oregon campus.
A united interdenominational
church for students was advocated
by Dr. Nelson L. Bossing, profes
sor of education, in an interview
yesterday. Dr. Bossing is chair
man of the student-faculty com
mittee on religion, which met at 4
o’clock yesterday afternoon to con
sider various plans to better the
student religious life on the Ore
gon campus.
“If the churches involved in the
talked of merger should fail in
their plans of union to provide for
a church in proximity to the Uni
versity of Oregon campus a real
opportunity will have been lost to
influence most effectively the stu
dent life,” Dr. Bossing said.
“It is quite difficult, if not im
possible, for a large church made
up of older, more mature people in
the community to provide the right
kind of worship and intellectual at
mosphere that would appeal to a
group of students,” Dr. Bossing
He pointed out that people who
make .up the personnel of the
church have interests largely cen
tered around problems that con
cern their business and social life.
At the same time students are
interested in problems that largely
center around youth, such as a de
termination of accepted standards
of ethical behavior, and an attempt
to develop a philosophy of life cen
tered around problems of intel
lectual questioning- that are raised
in the University classroom.
“As a member of the University
staff and looking at the problem
from the standpoint of campus
needs, it appears to me a supreme
opportunity for the Eugene de
[ (Continued on Page Three). ,