Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 07, 1931, Image 2

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University of Oregon, Eugene
Vinton Hall, Editor Anton Peterson, Manage)
Willis Duniway, Managing Editor
Rex TuBsing—Associate Editor
Dave Wilson, Harry Van Dine, Ralph David—Editorial Writers
Carol Hurlburt, Society Warner Guiss, Chief Night Editor
Lester McDonald, LRerary Phil Cogswell, Sports
Barney Miller, Features
Reporters: Vincent Mutton, Virginia Wentz, Oscar Mungcr, Genevieve Smith, Ro:
Sheedy. Thelma Nelson ; Madeleine Gilbert, Jack Bellinger, Betty Anne Macduff
Kenneth Fitzgerald, Helen Cherry, Ruth Dupuis, Eugene Mullins, Willetta Hartley
Caroline Card, Jessie Steele, Merlin Blais, Florence Nombalais, Ray Whiteside, am
Frances Taylor.
Day Editors: Thornton Gnle, Lcnore Ely, Thornton Shaw, Eleanor Jane Ballantyno
Ralph Yergen.
Sports Staff: Ed Goodnough, Bruce Hamby, Walt Baker, Ervin Laurence, Esthe
Emerald Radio Hour: Ralph David, Merlin Blais.
Editor's Secretary: Mary ldeien Corbett Assistant: Lillian Rankin
Managing Ed. Sec’y: Katharine Mancrud
Harry Tonkon, Associate Manager
Jack Gregg, Advertising Manager
Larry Jackson, Foreign Advertising
Larry Bay, Circulation Manager
Ned Mars, Copy Manager
Martin Allen, Ass’t Copy Manager
Mae Mulchay, Ass't Foreign Adv. Mgr.
Edith Peterson, Financial Adrr..
Laura Drury, Sec’y Associate Manager
Victor Kaurman, rromotionai Adver
tising Manager.
Harrietts Hofmann, Sez Sua
Betty Carpenter, Women's Specialties
Kathryn Laughridge, Asst. Sez Sue
Carol WerBchkul, Executive Secretary
Wade Ambrose, Ass’t Circulation Mgr
Bob Goodrich, Service Manager
Caroline Hahn,, Checking Departmen
John Painton, Office Manager
Dorothy Hughes, uiaasinea aaveriiimK
Copy Department: Beth Salway, Mirtle Kerns, George Sanford.
Copy Assistant: Rosalie Commons. Office Records: Louise Barclay.
Office Assistants: Evangeline Miller, Gene MeCroskey, Jane Cook, Helen Ray, Mary Lot
Patrick. Carolyn Trimble, Nancy Soumela, Katherine tetter, Magdalen teller
Rosina Forrest. . _ . . .. „ .
Production Assistants: Gwendolyn Wheeler, Marjorie Painton, Miriam MeCroskey,
Edward Clements.
Ass’t Adv. Mgrs.: Jack Wood, George Branstator, Auten Bush.
Advertising Solicitors1—Wednesday: George Branstator, John Hagmeier, Lucille Chapin,
Velma Hamilton.
Catch Questions
rpHE Oregon campus has long cried for definite platforms and
"*• policies in its A. S. U. O. elections. It has condemned house
line-ups and has used that method only because (it said) there
has been possibility for no other. Issues would not appear; can
didates would straddle.
By propounding a few "catch” questions yesterday to unpre
pared candidates, the Emerald hoped to discover some definite
issues which could be brought to the fore. It has made no at
tempt to picture the difficulties which those candidates had on
meeting the questions face to face. In some instances, perhaps,
a wrong impression may have been given as to the ability of
the candidates. We care not for that.
Our purpose is to discover issues. We find that the two
presidential candidates agree in opposing A. S. U. O. expansion.
We may presume, then, that they will oppose additional concerts,
debates, tours, games, and so forth, at student expense.
We learn that one candidate will work to keep the Emerald
and the executive council as distinct units, and independent. The
other depends on co-operation to meet the difficulties, and to
secure the most desired ends.
We learn that one candidate declares himself free from party
obligations; the other candidate would interpret success in elec
tions as approval of future party appointments.
Candidates agree that proxy voting would be corrupted in
the heat of elections and so sltf&Ud not be permitted. We may
assume, then, that they pledge Themselves to closest of restric
tions in future balloting.
Candidates, in final analysis, disagree on the wisdom of pub
lishing the individual votes of executive council members. One
would place responsibility; one would not. Neither feels that
every case should be given publicity.
Candidates agree that the Order of the "O” should continue
to exercise the power permitted them by the executive council
“ to punisli tradition violators. Neither caters to the wishes of
those who disapprove of paddlings held on the library steps.
Candidates agree in opposing federal survey recommenda
tions in full.
Candidates approve the present handling of class funds. They
cite efficiency as the reason for opposing Co-op and A. S. U. O.
Candidates make definite statements on the representation
of women in the executive council.
* Hi «
TT is the hope of the Emerald that these answers may alienate
some of the backing of the candidates. This destructive meas
ure is taken to give students their opportunity to vote by plat
form instead of by candidate or by organization affiliation.
Most of the questions are those on which students have de
cided opinions. Issues have been laid before them; definite plat
forms liuve been constructed.
The question remains as to whether the Oregon campus really
WANTS to vote by issue and platform. It remains as to whether
they WILE vote by issue and platform. Finally and most im
portant, the question remains as to whether the Oregon voters
CAN vote intelligently when issues ARE placed before them.
If Oregon voters today cannot answer for themselves the
questions asked candidates yesterday, they are no fit judges
in elections based on issues and platforms. If ttiey CAN answer
those questions, the Emerald will feel that it has been of some
slight service in pointing out issues and problems.
You’re in the Army Now!
f^OUNT OFF! ’ ’
One-Two-Three-Four; One-Two-Three-Four; One-Two
Eyes Right! Front! Shoulder Arms!
Two thousand intelligent students fall in line; take up the
lock-step, and two long columns march on the polls from oppo
site directions, one with the "Knimnaugh" banner raised aloft;
the other ranged behind a piece of bunting which announces to
the world that “Moulton- is the only man for the presidency.
One thousand pencils make tittle marks in one little groove
on the ballot; another thousand blur the squares on another path.
A couple hundred “slackers'’ who n fused to enlist wander back
and forth a bit in their voting and inadvertently decide the elec
tion. Thus tlie ancient and honorable order of the Associated
Students of the University of Oregon elect their leaders for an
other year.
* Hi » c «
The “democracy'' of our i ampin political system would bo
laughable if it were not so deplorable. What should be a digni
fied bio for public favor based upon sound policies and personal
qualities of a high type : turned by the candidates into a three
ring cilia where sen-ittionalistn vies with buffoonery.
The root of the evil i- the • Haight ticket' system. If each
Questions Asked by Emerald
The questions and answers given on this pag'e are here for the
benefit of student voters.
The questions asked concern problems which the candidates, if
elected, must face sooner or later in their various offices. By the
answers you may judge the fitness of the various candidates for
the positions they seek.
The questions were drawn up by Rex Tussing, associate editor
of the Emerald; the interviews were conducted by Jack Bauer, Em
erald reporter, and the answers were dictated ex tempore to Stephen
Kahn, stenographer.
1. Should political parties rule student government? Then
how v. II you fulfill your obligations to party workers and sup
porters ?
2. Would you approve an added A. S. U. O. tax on students ?
Would you, therefore, approve A. S. U. O. expansion if it brought
added costs, even if full value were received ?
.3. What should be the relation of the executive council towards
the Emerald ? Employer, advisor, censor, owner, or distinct from
4. As director of student elections, are you in favor of allowing
proxy votes?
5. As executive council member, do you favor publication of
individual votes of the council ?
6. Which do you consider the most important of your various
duties: executive council member, secretary, or A. W. S. council
member? Or are they of equal rank?
7. What are your plans to develop the function of the secre
tary as campus hostess ?
8. Do you feel that the executive woman should represent the
campus at large, or the interests of the women ? If the first, will
you work to remove the sex distinction for your office ?
9. Should the executive council act upon, through its commit
tee, moral offense not primarily concerned with the campus?
10. Do you favor A. S. U. O. countenance, approval, or disap
proval of the activities of the Order of the “O” in punishing tradi
tion violators?
11. In view of the federal survey recommendations, will you
work for or against the suggested student athletic program ?
12. Do you believe that class funds should be handled, and
class functions directed, by the A. S. U. O. graduate manager? If
not, do you approve the present system ? Or have you another
plan ?
13. Do you favor combination of the Co-op and the A. S. U. O.
functions under one general head?
1. “With the present situation
j on the Oregon campus, a political
j party is almost necessary in seek
I ing office. After the candidate is
| in office, however, he should not
j be bound by party obligations that
I hamper the carrying on of an ef
I ficient student government. My
j backers fully realize that this:
■ campaign and my administration
i next year, if I am elected, are be
; ing run upon a merit basis only,
and they know that the people
I who have proven themselves to be
besL qualified for the positions will
get the appointments.”
2. “At the present time, No.
Answering the second part of the
question, because of the present
economic situation 1 feel that it
is impossible for the A. S. U. O.
! to expand to any great extent,
, even if full value were received.
| However, when opportunity pre
sents itself I do favor such expan
3. “T h e relationship between
the executive council and the Em
| erald should not come under any
! of the captions mentioned in the
j question. The relationship between
I these two groups should be a co
| relationship. Neither of these
' groups can accomplish the most
! desired end without such coopera
1. “No. I would say that if
l we won, the majority of appoint
ments would go to our backers
because we would have a majority
i of support on the campus.”
2. "I say that it should be dis
tinct and independent from it.”
3. ”1 would say. No. We would
not for this reason because the
A. S. U. O. tax is as high as any
in the Northwest, and, I believe,
as high as any on the coast. Any
additional tax would help to raise
the fees to some extent and there
could be no great benefit from it.
I would favor to this extent, if it
were a small raise; but there could
be no benefit. It would have to
be a large raise to do the A. S.
U. O. any good, and our fees are
as high as any on the coast, and
it would have to be quite a raise
to do the A. S. U. O. any good.”
•i. “No, I am not. While in a
few cases students might not be
able to get to the polls due to
sickness and so forth, the practice
of allowing proxy voting would
give too much chance for voting
to become a mere collection of
student body cards, and those stu
dents who are not interested
enough to go to the polls and vote
certainly would not be interested
enough to determine the merits of
the candidates or issues in ques
5. ‘'Theoretically, this would be
an ideal method of operation for
the executive council. Neverthe
less if this practice were adopted,
there could very easily be timor
ous individuals upon this council
who would not vote their real
opinion because of their fear of
arousing a mass of public opinion
against them. There are certain
problems on which the vote should
be kept secret and certain on
which it should be public—as
cases in which the removal of a
student from an activity is con
cerned. Therefore, since both sides
of this question have their merits,
the ideal method would be the use
candidate had the courage; to stand on his own feet and ask for
election "on the basis of his own popularity and ability, the aver
age quality of the elected officers would be higher and the whole
affair could be conducted without the feverish stir of claim and
counter-claim which has disrupted normal student activity for
the past month.
Why elect a bunch of deadheads to office merely because
they happen to be tied to the man you believe to be the best
candidate for president ? Why let a mirage of loyalty to your
| living organization compel you to sell your vote and with it
your mental integrity and your independence of spirit? Prom
ised rewards from the pork-barrel of appointments are usually
forgotten after the battle is won.
Why let yourself be railroaded into voting for this or that
man by auto caravans, form letters or pompous posters? Why
be deluded by the claim that a straight ticket should be elected
in order to insure co-operation among the officers? In short,
why vote a "ticket" at all?
Go to the polls and vote today, by all means! But vote for
the men and women whom you sincerely believe to be best fitted
to be the leaders of the student body. If you are offered a ride
to the polls, accept it graciously, agree to anything, and then
go in to vote for the candidates of your choice.
The only way to end the “party" bombast, to make our "mili
tary democracy" a real democracy, is to split the tickets so wide
open that two or three trucks could be driven between the seg
Go forth, you students that still have a little self-rcrpect
tucked uwaj tn ati in. ide pocket, and do your duty!
of both, depending upon the ques
tion involved. In order not to be
accused of straddling the fence,
however, I would say that the in
dividual votes should be made pub
lic at the same time as the final
decision of the executive council.”
4. ‘‘No, because in the last min
ute of election, party politics and
enthusiasm for voting is pitched
! up to such a frenzy that enthu
j siasm on either sides are willing
I and anxious in looking for any
1 opportunity to get votes, that it
provides a very easy way to vote
unfairly. Therefore I don’t think
they should be allowed in the same
election where people are really
voting for the interests of the stu
dent body. There might be much
danger. They are not so anxious
to see their side win upon a ‘show
off’ standpoint.”
5. ‘‘No. I do not favor that be
cause the campus at large would
not be aware of the background
behind such a decision. Too many
parties would be too anxious to
take the wrong attitude and make
up some fictitious reason that
w'ould put some member of the
executive council in a bad light,
whereas the campus at large
would not understand that, and
think he was making such a deci
sion for political motives.”
6. “I consider the executive
council member to be my most
important duty because the office
of secretary is representing the
(Continued on Fa go Four)
Crossroads will meet tonight at
the usual time and place.
Phi Beta meets at 4 o’clock this
afternoon at Kappa Alpha Theta
Cosmopolitan club luncheon for
Frank Crosswalth will be at 12
o’clock sharp today.
Frosh Commission Cabinet will
hold a meeting today at 3 o’clock
in the Y. W. C. A. Very impor
Prose and Poetry of Philomelete
meet tonight at 7 :lo sharp at the
Kappa Delta house for Colonial
line party.
international Relations club will
meet tonight at 7:30 at the Inter
r. . . . -.-rr.—
: ... *
Seniors ji
• j
Don’t Forget i
> I
Announcements j
must be ordered j
|> at the |
by May 10th <
! 1!
Come Out
and Play
. . . out over the greenest
fairways . . . rolling hill*
. . . a course you will
3L a urc hiooD
national house. Waldo Schu-)
macher of the political science de
partment will speak.
Pot and tjuill, women’s writing
honorary, announces the election
to membership of Isabelle Crowell,
Helen Cornell, and Nancy Taylor.
(Continued from Page One)
I deadest election I have ever seen.” I
If the balloting reaches 1800 it
will be due to mass house voting i
some time today.
The committee which will have 1
charge of counting the ballots this
afternoon and evening was ap
appointed by Cherry last night as
Ken Siegrist, John Yerkovich,
Art Rolander, Bob Leedy, Chuck
Laird, Stan Brooks, Hal Short,
I Gene Tarbell, Amos Lawrence.
Ann Baum, Helen Chaney, Jane
Cullers, Glad Joy, Beth Ann John
j son, Marjorie Biswell, Dorothy Da
vidson, Louise Smartt, Carol Hurl
burt, and Dorothy Thomas.
(Continued from Page One)
would like to see them become an
integral part of spring term stu
dent activities, and the boys in
the band and myself are working
hard to achieve that end.”
* Refriger
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