Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 06, 1931, Image 1

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Politicians To
Give Views In
Daily Emerald
Nominees Will Answer
f Questions Tomorrow
Parades and Rally Ballyhoo
Planned by Backers
Of Two Tickets
Students who have no personal
knowledge of the candidates for
A. S. U. O. offices will have an
opportunity of forming a judg
ment through the publication in
tomorrow’s Emerald of platform
statements from the two tickets.
The message from the presiden
tial candidate will be limited to
200 words, and those of the other
officers to 150. In addition to the
statements, two questions of gen
p eral student policy will be asked
each nominee, who will not have
the opportunity to receive advice
from political backers regarding
the answers. The questions are
fair, and are ones that each can
didate will probably have to an
swer sooner or later should he be
successful in gaining office.
Political Horizon Quiet
On the eve before election the
political horizon still remains sin
gularly quiet. Mimnaugh’s party
held an open meeting at the Delta
Gamma house last night, while the
backers of Knowlton contented
themselves with solidifying their
present strongholds.
Both parties plan demonstrative
mass meetings tonight, and there
is a likelihood of rallies and pa
rades. The two Santa Clauses,
Mimnaugh and Knowlton, both
promise candy for everybody if
given a chance to strut their St.
Nicholas act.
Theta Omega joined the ranks
of party followers last night,
f while leaders in Alpha Gamma
Delta and Pi Beta Phi promise
that their houses will remain defi
nitely split. Paper support lists
one party with having 36 organi
zations backing it to the other
side’s 17.
Both Qualified for Job
Without any platforms the two
bandwagons offer similar music,
and any choice between the two
men must be based on personali
ties and fraternal affiliations.
fContinued on Page Four)
Proxy Voting Taboo
At Polls Tomorrow
A good many schemes whereby
“frosh” were to go down to the
polls tomorrow and do much of the
voting for their upperclass broth
ers, go into the discard today with
the announcement from George
Cherry, student body president,
^ and Bill Whitely, vice-president,
that voting by proxy will be strict
ly taboo.
For the purposes of tomorrow’s
elections, they said, student body
cards will be ,non-transferable.
Each card punched must carry the
signature of its owner, and this
name will be carefully checked
against the polling list. Any stu
dent who presents more than one
card at the polls will lose his right
to vote.
Queen Eleanor Gvies Ideas
Concerning Ideals, College
■ W eeh
^nler of Junior
' Is Blonde
Yesterday H. R. Queen
Eleanor I, who will ru. over the
Canoe Fete and Junior Prom,
granted the Emerald her first of
ficial interview.
What is she like, this girl who
was elected to her royal position
on the strength of her beauty and
popularity ?
She is a decided blonde, her hair
waving back, with gold lights, to
a roll on the back of a shapely
head. Her features are classic
and chiseled; not especially regu
lar. Their chief charm lies in
their mobility . . . her face is one
of the most expressive I have ever
seen: black eyebrows, slightly
wiaged, one higher than the other;
a mouth that is provocative,
laughable, tragic, all in one.
Queen Eleanor is tall, slim, car
ries herself gracefully. Yesterday,
at the time of the interview, she
was clad in a pale, pearl-gray aft
ernoon gown .trimmed with black
fur. It brought out the lustre in
her hair, the whiteness of her
She was dignified; and yet,
when she speaks, the quick humor
for which she is noted comes im
mediately to the fore. After all,
she is not a queen; she is just an
exceedingly attractive co-ed.
“Yes,” she said, “I come from
the Coos Bay region and I attrib
ute my success, since you have
asked me, to my early training on
the mud flats.
“What do I dislike most about
being queen ? Well, I'm afraid I’ll
slip and fall on the mill-race. Get
awkward all of a sudden. And
I’m sickened unto death of having
my picture taken. I'm afraid that
people will get so tired of seeing
my face around that they will
(Continued on Page Two)
Eight Women Are
Voted Pledges of
Theta Sigma Phi
Hartley, Macduff, Beaman,
Steele, Hayden, Nelson,
Wentz, Cook Named
Eight women were pledged into
Theta Sigma Phi, national wom
en’s journalism honorary, at a tea
at the Anchorage yesterday after
noon. The new pledges are Willet
ta Hartley and Zora Beaman, jun
iors in journalism, Betty Anne
Macduff, Esther Hayden, Jessie
Steele, Virginia Wentz, Alyce Cook,
and Thelma Nelson, sophomores in
All have worked on the Emerald
as reporters and also on the Ore
gana staff. Formal pledging will
take place tonight at 7:45 at the
home of Sally Allen, after the
Dime Crawl.
The active members of Theta
Sigma Phi are Dorothy Kirk, presi
dent; Eleanor Jane Ballantyne, Le
nore Ely, Bobby Reid, Lois Nelson,
Dorothy Thomas, Henrietta Stein
ke, Lavina Hicks, Mildred Dobbins,
and Beatrice Bennett.
Two Violin Students
Take Major Awards
Two students of Rex Underwood,
head of the department of violin
in the school of music, won major
awards at the district meeting of
the American Federation of Music
Howard Halbert woh first place
in the artist solo division, and
Frances Brockman took first in
class B.
Halbert is a junior, and a major
in music. Miss Brockman is a stu
dent in the University high school.
Both are members of the Univer
sity orchestra.
Halbert will compete for the na
tional prize in San Francisco in
Dean John Landsbury termed the
results of the contest “a distinct
tribute to the violin department,”
and expressed confidence in Hal
bert's success in the national con
Inter-Denominational Plan
Successful in Many Colleges
(Editor's note: This is the sec
ond of a series of articles being
published in the Emerald dealing
with united student religious work
...and its relation to the proposed un
f ion of student religious organiza
tions on the Oregon campus.)
One of the most successful of
the various methods of interde
nominationalism in American col
leges, known as the Pennsylvania
plin, is used at a number of uni
versities and colleges throughout
the United States.
At the University of Pennsyl
vania an interdenominational
Christian association is housed in
a beautiful million dollar building
in the heart of the campus.
Noon day discussion groups, fac
ulty-student lunches, denomina
tional and inter-denominational
f lunches, dances under the most
Vvholesome surroundings, dinners
for fraternity pledges, faculty
gatherings, devotional meetings;
these are a few of the things that
the building has been used for.
The association has adhered to
the Pennsylvania plan. This plan
recognizes three outstanding fac
tors as being fundamentally es
sential in any religious approach
to a university campus; first, that
the presentation of a united relig
ious front is absolutely essential
for economically and effectively
meeting the moral and religious
needs of the students; second, that
the activities of these different
denominations and departments,
because of the closely knit lives of
the students, are interdependent,
each department being essential to
the full effectiveness of every oth
er department; third, that a relig
ious organization on the campus of
a university is the most strategic
position possible for conserving and
(Continued on Page Four)
Labor Organizer
To Speak Tonight
On Race Problem
Frank Crosswaitli Lectures
To Be in Commerce
Hall at 8
Frank Crosswaith, well known
labor organizer, will speak on “The
Economic Basis of Race Prejudice”
at 105 Commerce tonight at 8
o’clock. He is here as a guest of
the faculty committee on free in
tellectual activities, and the lec
ture will be open without charge
to all students and townspeople.
Crosswaith’s experience among
the working classes has been ex
tensive, and he has been responsi
ble for the formation of unions for
mechanics, barbers, motion pic
ture operators, and other groups.
He is a prominent member of the
Socialist party, and has been can
didate for political office on several
Tomorrow at noon Crosswaith
will be present at a luncheon given
by the Cosmopolitan club. Students
wishing to attend should inform
Dorothy Davidson at the Delta
Gamma house today, it was an
Grading of Fine
Arts Grounds Is
Progressing Fast
New Courts Are Expected
To Be Ready for Use
By End of Month
Under the stimulating effects of
the fine weather «of the last week,
construction work on the campus
has been progressing at a rapid
rate and the two major projects
which have been occupying the at
tention of Mr. York, superintend
ent of buildings and grounds, dur
ing the last two terms are near
ing completion.
The rough grading of the
grounds surrounding the Murray
Warner fine arts building which
was recommenced a week ago
after lying in a state of partial
completion during almost all of
last term, due to adverse weather
conditions, is almost completed. It
is expected that the grounds will
be in such shape that the fine
grading can begin within the next
two weeks. The Eugene Sand and
Gravel company is doing the
rough work, but a crew of Univer
sity workmen will do the fine
grading, planting of grass and the
shrubbery, according to York. It is
not known as yet who will be em
ployed to do the landscape plan
ning, he said.
Cement has been poured for one
of the four new tennis courts on
14th street and, providing suitable
weather continues, another will be
finished by the end of this week,
according to Mr. York. "It is
hoped that the courts will be ready
for use by the latter part of this
month,” he said.
With the completion of the four
new courts there will be 14 courts
available to student players on
14th street, making a total of 18
courts on the campus, there being
four faculty courts on 13th street
Inear the old library.
Taking an organization of cam
pus musicians and building them
to a calibre high enough to record
for Brunswick and fulfill a win
ter’s engagement at the Olympic
hotel, John Robinson, a graduate
of the Oregon lawT school, has re
turned to entertain students dur
ing the next few weeks.
John Robinson’s
Vagabonds Band
Back on Campus
Recording Artists Former
University Students;
Will Play Twice
Returning to their home campus
after a seven months’ engagement
in the Venetian room of the Olym
pic hotel in Seattle, the Varsity
Vagabonds, directed by John Rob
inson, are here for an indefinite
stay during which time they will
entertain students with several
evenings of dancing.
The 11 Brunswick recording art
ists will give their first dance Fri
day night at Midway following
the Canoe Fete. Another dance is
scheduled for Sunday night at the
same place, Robinson announced
Played on Campus
Having for three years previous
to this been steadily employed at
campus work, the Varsity Vaga
bonds filled a summer's engage
ment at Jantzen Beach last year.
Following this the band toured
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and
California, ending up ih Los An
geles, where they made their re
Hpnce Snodgrass, trombone, bari
tone and voice; Bill Seivers, trum
pet, baritone, violin and voice;
Oscar Wagner, trumpet, mello
phone, voice, and arranger; Tubby
Thompson, saxophone, flute, clari
net, and arranger; Gene Burt, sax
ophone, clarinet, and arranger;
Max Walters, saxophone, clarinet,
violin, voice, piano, and arranger;
Ray Burt, piano, voice, and saxo
phone; Jack Morrison, banjo, gui
tar, and entertainer; Cliff Bird,
drums, bells, violin, voice, saxo
phone, and clarinet; Bob Say, bass
(wind and string) and entertainer;
John Robinson, manag?r.
Still Oregon Band
Although the personnel of this
organization has changed some
what since it has left the Univer
sity campus, in general it may be
considered a University of Oregon
band, believes Robinson. Those
members who attended school
here are Seivers, Wagner, Thomp
son, Burt, Morrison, Burt, and
Third Big Sister
Meet Scheduled
At 5 P. M. Today
'HE third meeting of the Big
Sisters will be held today
at 5 o’clock in 105 Journalism,
it was announced yesterday by
Betty Anne Macduff, chairman.
Karl W. Onthank, dean of
personnel administration, will
talk on the relation of the Big
Sisters to the personnel depart
ment and to the University ad
ministration. His talk will be
All Big Sisters must attend
the meeting, the chairman said,
since it will be an important
one. Members of the Big Sis
ter committee, including Kath
ryn Perigo, Louise Webber,
Maryellen Bradford, Marjorie
Swafford, and Adele W’edemey
;r, have been asked to attend.
5 Fete Judges
Are Selected;
Plans Forming
Programs for Annual
Event Modernistic
Pier for Exhibition Diving
Will Be Ereeted;
Features Ready
Judges of this year's Canoe Fete
as announced last night by Walt
Evans, general chairman of the
event, will be: Mrs. Charles L.
Schwering, dean of women; Mrs.
Ottilie Turnbull Seybolt, head of
ithe drama division; Hugh L. Biggs,
dean of men; Mrs. George P.
Hitchcock, and Eyler Brown, in
structor in architecture.
Programs for the event have
been chosen, Dorothy Illidge, in
charge of programs, reported last
night. They will be entirely in
keeping with the motif of the 1031
fete. A representation of the jun
ior queen and modernistic borders
a'ppear on the cover of the pro
grams, which will be eight by ten
inches in size.
Feature Plans Shaping
Apier for exhibition diving is
being erected on the mill race
bank, and features of the evening
will be announced in tomorrow’s
Emerald, Evans stated. The arch
at the head of the grand stand will
be curtained heavily.
He emphasized the point that
itemized accounts of expenditures
on each float must be submitted
to the office of the graduate man
ager before noon Friday. House
chairmen who fail to comply with
this regulation will find their
floats automatically removed from
consideration for canoe fete
Floats Ready Friday
Construction requirements are
the same as those of the past
years, but failure to have the float
finished by 6 p. m. Friday evening
will disqualify the entrants. The
height of this year’s floats has
been limited to 12 feet.
Evans said that the chairmen of
the several houses would be held
(Continued on Page Four)
65 Water Colors
Done by Students
On Display Here
Exhibit To Last Through
Junior Week-End for
Campus Visitors
About 65 water colors represent
ing work done by both graduate
and under-graduate students in
art are being exhibited in the art
gallery of the Architecture build
ing between the hours of 9:30 and
4:30 o’clock. The exhibit will con
tinue through Sunday in order
that the visitors to the campus
over Junior Week-end may have
a chance to see it.
All the paintings have been tak
en from scenes around Eugene and,
for the most part, represent de
serted farm ranches, with a few
mill race scenes and one water col
or of Villard hall.
"Water colors are becoming
more popular as a means of ex
pression in art,” said Michael Muel
ler, professor of painting, in speak
ing of the exhibit.” These students
have shown their individuality in
their paintings, and their' work,
which is both direct and vital, is
truly of professional quality.”
This same exhibit will be shown
in Portland at an early date, and
it has been planned to put it on
display now in New York some
time next fall.
House Representatives
For Crawl Are Picked
House representatives for the
Crawl are responsible for getting
money to Louise Ansley at the
Delta Gamma house Wednesday
evening directly after the dance.
They are as follow: Virginia
Hartje, Vivien Vinson, Phyllis
Stokes, Mary Margaret Stevenson,
Adele Wedemeyer, Lorene Chris
tenson, Ruth Metcalf, Edith Peter
son, Dorothy York, Grace Lynch,
Dorothy Johnson, Kathryn Frent
zell, La Mura Smith, Helen Burns,
Freda Stadter, Marylou Patrick,
Geraldine Hickson, Dorothy Edlef
son, Alice Lively, and Alice Red
l etzke.
All Freshmen Must Report
For Tug of War9 Lid Burning
Campus Day Events Are Sri
For Saturday by
Final details for the freshman
tug-of-war, burning' of frosh lids,
and painting of the O, which will
open Campus day of Junior Week
end, have been arranged by the
committee headed by Henry Le
voff, according to Bill Barendrick,
general chairman.
A check-up will be made of all
freshmen to see that they are pres
ent for the events, and house pres
idents and heads of halls will be
responsible for seeing that their
freshmen are present. Any year
ling failing to appear will be given
special attention by members of
the Order of the O.
The list of events for Saturday
morning is as follows:
1. 8 o'clock all numeral men
will meet on the Kappa Sig cor
ner where they will proceed to
Skinner’s Butte and paint the O.
2. 10 o’clock, after the paint
ing of the O, the annual frosh
soph tug-of-war will take place
by the railroad bridge at the
head of Kincaid street. All
freshmen and sophomores re
quired to take part in this event,
and must be there.
3. From tug-of-war the fresh
men will march under the di
rection of the Order of the O to
Kincaid field, where the green
lids will go up in smoke.
The freshman numeral men who
are to appear in front of the Kap
pa Sig house Saturday morning
at 8 a. m. to march to Skinner’s
Butte to paint the O are:
Harold Anderson, William Bens
ton, Howard Bobbitt, Evan Camp
bell. Robert Fury, Ray Kelly, Fred
Kennedy, Charles Thomas, Charles
Wishard, Willard Everhart, La
Grande Houghton, John Jeffers,
and Gilbert Olinger.
John Blew, James Brooke, Ed
win Cross, Gordon Carson, Homer
Goulet, Archie Kranenburg, Joe
Lillard, Ed McClellan, Lyle Mc
Callum, Trent Meredith, Mike Mi
kulak, Ray Morgan, and Mark
Norman Thompson, Romey De
Pittard, James Watts, Wallace
Hug, Leo Laurin, James Rodda,
Ladd Sherman, and Donald Ste
Entries for the flivver race, to
(Continued on Page Two)
Sale of Pins for
Oregon Mothers
To Begin Tonight
Supply Limited; Students
Urged To Reserve
Budges Now
Oregon Mothers’ p:ns will go on
sale tonight from 8 to 10 o’clock,
at the Delta Gamma, according to
Louise Anslev
Louise Ansley,
who is in charge
of the sale. She
has already ap
pointed represen
tatives in the
v a r i ous houses,
and these may
procure pins from
her tomorrow
evening, or after
that. They will be
on sale at the
registration desk
on Saturday, where students may
purchase them when they register
their mothers.
As there are only a limited num
ber of the pins, which are a fitting
present for Mothers’ day, students
who wish to get them for their
mothers, should either call Miss
Ansley and reserve one, or get in
touch at once with their house rep
resentative. The pins are quite
small, designed attractively in gold,
and cost $1.
Those whose mothers cannot at
tend the Mothers’ day festivities
this week-end are urged to mail
pins to their mothers, as an appro
priate token of remembrance.
New Fire Escapes for
Deady Being Erected
After more than 50 years of
placid solitude but dignified serv
ice the oldest building on the cam
pus is to be modernized to the ex
tent of two new fire escapes.
Since 1876 when Deady hall was
constructed, this nucleus of the
University of Oregon has been
without fire escapes of any kind
except the regular indoor stair
cases. Now two fire escapes are
being built; one on the north and
one on the south side of the build
ing near the east end.
Installation of the fire escapes
comes principally as a result of the
recommendations made by the
state fire marshall after his recent
investigation here, according to
Mr. York, superintendent of build
ings and grounds.
Philomelete Prose
Group Meets Tonight
The Prose and Poetry group of
Philomelete will hold its second
line party of the year tomorrow
night, meeting at the Kappa Delta
house at 7:15, and going from
there in a group to the Colonial
Dr. Clara Smertenko, Dean Ha
zel Schwering, and Mrs. Nelson
Macduff have been invited to at
tend ihe party. Pauling Schuele is
in charge of arrangements for the
affair, with Elinor Henry in charge
of refreshments.
YM Student Staff
Choice Is Set for
Early Next Week
Persons Interested May
Apply to Myers at
Campus Hut
Nomination and election of
members to the student staff of
the campus Y. M. C. A. will be
held the first of next week, it was
announced at the hut yesterday.
Any students interested in posi
tions on the directorate may get
in touch with Walter L. Myers,
executive secretary, at the Y, he
told the Emerald.
To discuss and set up a tenta
tive program for the Y organiza
tions of the University and O. S.
C., and talk over problems en
countered by the student staffs of
the two colleges, delegations from
the schools met last week-end at
the Eugene Scout camp on Blue
river, 40 miles up the McKenzie.
Rolla Reedy, Jay Wilson, Amos
Lawrence, Homer Spencer, Willard
Arant, and Mr. Myers were the
Oregon representatives. R. B.
Cluver, Northwest Y field council
secretary; Charles Crumley, sec
retary at O. S. C., and Nelson L.
Bossing, chairman of the advisory
board of the campus Y, also at
No Battalion Parade
For R.O.T.C. Today
Due to a change in training
schedule, the R. O. T. C. will not
hold battalion parade ceremonies
today as was previously an
nounced, Major F. A. Barker, R.
O. T. C. officer, stated yesterday.
Today’s parade was to have
been the second of a series to be
held each Wednesday afternoon
this term, the first one being held
last week.
Oregana Out
Today; Copies
To Be at Igloo
All Paid Up Subscribers
Will Receive Books
Distribution Set for This
Afternoon, Steinke and
Bailey Announce
Following the usual campus tra
dition, the 1931 Oregana will be
given out this afternoon at Mc
Arthur court, it was announced
last night by Henrietta Steinke,
editor, and Roger Bailey, manager
of the publication. Books will be
distributed to all students who
have paid their $5.00.
It is requested that people make
it a point to call early in the after
noon to facilitate distribution.
Students who will assist in the
distribution, according to Bailey,
are Adele Wedemeyer, Roberta
Mills, George Miller, Molly Coch
ran, Helen Copple, Virginia Ster
ling, Hope Shelley, Harry Van
Dine, Ed Wells, Bill Bruce, Thorn
ton Gale, Gordon Day, John
Adams, Betty Davis, Alice Carter,
and Chuck Weber.
The 1931 Oregana has been de
signed to carry out an Alaska idea,
with a cover representing the mid
night sun in green and black on
silver. Each section is preceded by
a full page picture of an Alaskan
scene, and page borders and prints
used to fill out pages are futuris
tic representations of Alaskan
scenes, totem poles, and clever de
signs suggestive of Alaska.
Another special feature of the
new year book is four double
spread photographs of campus
scenes. Dedication is made to
George Rebec, dean of the grad
Those students entitled to com
plimentary copies of the book will
not be able to secure them until
Friday, it is announced.
Oreganas will be distributed Fri
day at the A. S. U. O. office to
the section editors and house rep
resentatives who secured 100 per
cent subscriptions, according to an
announcement made last night by
Roger Bailey, manager.
Persons not having paid for
their book in full may also get
their copy by paying the balance
at the A. S. U. O. office Friday.
Robert Stalin Winner
Of Scholarship Loan
Robert F. Stahn, business ad
ministration major, was awarded
the American Bankers association
scholarship loan for next year, ac
cording to D. D. Gage, associate
professor of business administra
The scholarship, which is a $250
loan, payable five years after
graduation, is given annually to a
selected group of schools by the
association. The school in turn
appoints a committee to award the
scholarship to one of the outstand
ing students in bank management
and business administration.
The awarding committee at the
University was composed of D. D.
Gage, chairman, Dean David E.
Faville, and A. A. Rogers.
Ann Baum9 AWS President9
Back on Campus W ith Plans
A broader program of interna
tional relations, a vocational guid
ance week, an A. W. S. handbook,
and organized discussion of prob
lems vitally interesting to women
students, are plans which Ann
Baum, A. W. S. president who with
Margaret Cummings attended the
Intercollegiate Associated Women
Students convention at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, will inaugurate as a part
of A. W. S. activities for next year.
A variety of questions were dis
cussed by representatives from 70
colleges and Universities through
out the country, according to Miss
Baum, who returned yesterday
from the meeting. A point system
for activities, international rela
tions, the honor system, the rela
tion of other women’s organiza
tions on the campus to the Wom
en’s league, the desirability of a
judiciary committee, the relation
of non-fraternity women to affil
iated students, and inter-racial dis
Unctions, were subjects considered
by the group, Miss Baum reported.
"Following the business meeting
of each executive council session
next year I propose to have stimu
lating discussion of the majc"
problems confronting women stu
dents led by a council member,”
Miss Baum stated.
“A handbook containing illus
trated accounts of all activities of
the A. W. S. including dime crawl,
foreign scholar, strawberry festi
val, and Peters Lodge, as well as
information concerning other or
ganizations and honors ries will be
distributed to each entering stu
The next Intercollegiate Wom
en’s conference will be held in 1033
at Cornell university, Ithaca, New
York. Next year the Western In
tercollegiate convention will be
held at Corvallis, and the Univer
sity of Oregon and Oregon State
college will act 'as co-hostesses to
visiting delegates.