Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1931, Image 1

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    On Page Two
Are you reading “Horizons”—
looking into the future and pic- !
turing the University beyond ?
This feature is on the Emerald’s j
editorial page.
The Weather
Cloudy, probably rain.
Maximum . 68
Minimum . 39
No precipitation.
Council Picks
Dunham, Brown
As Managers
Men To Serve as Senior
Baseball, Swim Heads
Miller Appoints 3 Juniors
For Swimming; Grant’s
Resignation Regretted
Tom Dunham, senior in biology,
will take the place of Paul Grant
this spring as senior manager of
baseball, following Grant’s resig
nation on account of the pressure
, of other work, it was announced
last night by George Cherry, pres
ident of the associated students.
Dunham’s appointment was ap
proved by the executive council,
upon the recommendation of the
athletics committee.
The council also chose Roy J.
Brown, junior in geology, as sen
ior manager of swimming for the
1932 season.
At the same time, Robert E.
"Hack” Miller, senior manager of
athletics, appointed three junior
managers of swimming for next
year, and two alternates. They
are: Edwin Cruickshank, Willard
Boring, and Robert Goodrich, jun
ior managers: and Carl Gross and
Paul Biggs, alternates.
Dunham and Brown each have
had two years’ experience, as soph
omore and junior managers, in
their respective sports. In making
known the change in personnel for
baseball this season, Cherry said
“It ' is with regret that Paul
Grant’s resignation was accepted
by the council, in view of his ef
fective work last season. Tom
Dunham the new manager, steps
into the work with two years of
service to the A. S. U. O. mana
gerial system already to his credit,
so baseball will continue to have
the best in efficient management.”
Best Dressed Man To
Be Selected Tonight
In the finals of the Emerald
Fox McDonald Best Dressed Man
contest, 11 contestants will appear
on the theatre stage tonight at
8:30 o’clock, with the Ten Com
manders in a Plantation Idea.
Those appearing will be: Walt
Baker, Bart Siegfried, Joe Hughes,
Bill Barendrick, Jack Spencer,
Phil Fay, George Vaughn, Hunt
Clark, Art Rolander, Don Eva, and
Slug Palmer.
From the votes tonight and those
previously cast, the winners will
be chosen and the prizes awarded
at the midnight matinee Saturday
Four men’s furnishings stores
have cooperated with the Emerald
and Fox McDonald in putting on
the contest. The stores are: Wade
Brothers, DeNeffe’s, Paul D.
Green’s, and Phelps-Terkel Col
lege Shop.
Votes may still be cast until 10
o’clock tonight in the box at the
Fox McDonald theatre, Russell
Brown, manager, announced.
Students Slowt
It Fee Paymen >
STATISTICS show that more
students will be waiting in
line the last few days to pay
fees this term than last. Dur
ing the first two days of the
period allotted to pay fees this
• term only 480 have been paid
while 562 were paid the first two
days of last term. This makes a
difference of 82 students which
means that a greater proportion
will have to pay later. Cashier
E. P. Lyon urges that the stu
dents pay these fees as soon as
they can so as to prevent con
gestion of the last three days.
Wallace Campbell
Will Enter Speech
Contest at Salem
Youthful ‘Jimmy Walkers’
To Compete in Unique
Forensic Fray
Wallace Campbell, junior in so
ciology, will represent Oregon in
an After-Dinner speaking contest
Wally Campbell
to ne neia to
. night at Willam
i e 11 e university,
Salem. This con
test is sponsored
■ by the Intercol
legiate Forensic
s Associ a t i o n of
ij Oregon and is
the first of its
kind to be held
on the Pacific
The general
subject for tonight was decided at
the last meeting of the I. F. A. O.
on March 13, and is to be “Amer
ican Babbitry,” a topic which in
cludes all phases of the present
day striving for materialistic
Speeches Ten Minutes
The toastmaster, who has been
appointed by Willamette univer
sity, will choose 12 sub-topics from
which the speakers will draw
three hours before the banquet,
which is to be at 6 o’clock. The
speeches are to be ten minutes
in length, extemporaneous and en
tertaining, in accordance with the
regular style of after-dinner
speeches. The speakers will not
be allowed to use notes and can
have only 200 words of quoted ma
terial, the prime object being to
have as many original ideas in
the speech as possible.
Coaches To Judge Talks
A coach from each one of the
schools entered will act as a judge,
rating each one of the speakers
except the one from the school
which he represents. W. E. Hemp
stead Jr., professor in English,
will act as the judge from Oregon.
Hobart Wilson, general forensic
manager, will accompany him and
Wallace Campbell to Salem in or
der to attend the I. F. A. O. busi
ness meeting this afternoon.
The after-dinner speaking con
test will replace the constitutional
contest which has been held an
nually previous to this year. The
plan for having such a contest as
the one tonight was formulated by
Hempstead and Dr. R. C. Hoeber,
(Continued on Page Four)
Shumaker Teaches English A
Eight Years - But He Likes It
L. K. Shumaker, professor in the
English department, likes gram
mar. That’s why he has taught the
English A course in the University
for the past eight years. Each
term the entrance English course
comes up for consideration, and
each term Mr. Shumaker takes the
job that other professors shun. But
he likes it.
“I am very fond of grammar,
and since very few of the other
professors care to teach it I get
the English A job from year to
year,” Mr. Shumaker said yester
“Eight years ago I did a very
bad job of teaching, but I believe
I now have it down to the point
i where I want it.”
Just eight years ago Mr, Shu
maker was asked to make a re
search of work that could be done
in teaching the English A course,
for five years he worked on the
problem, and then made up an ex
amination which he is still using
and finds very satisfactory for his
purpose. For the last three years
he has put the exam to practical
call it an aptitude test, which
determines one’s background and
general habits rather than testing
his knowledge of grammar, for I
can hardly hold it against a per
son who cannot speak proper Eng
lish, anymore than one who can
not play the pipe organ,1’ said Mr.
Shumaker. "I try to put the rules
! of grammar into some practical
[ use.”
Sessions Will
Conclude Today
Reports and Resolutions
To Be Acted Upon
Civic Welfare of State To
Receive Attention
Of Leaders
The annual Commonwealth con
ference, attended by civic leaders
from all parts of the state, will
come to a close on the campus to
day, when official action will be
taken on a large number of prob
Today’s program includes a num
ber of sectional programs and
round table discussions in the
morning, group luncheons at noon,
and meetings of. all four sections
for reports of committees and
adoption of resolutions this after
Meeting This Morning
Four groups will meet this morn
ing at 9 o’clock. The section on
community organizations will be
in charge of Dr. P. O. Riley, edi
tor of the Hubbard Enterprise and
president of the Marion county as
sociation of organized communi
Dr. Edwin T. Hodge, of the de
partment of geology, will be chair
man of a group which will consider
conservation of Oregon’s scenic
and recreational resources. Miss
Mary Annin, associate professor of
applied sociology, and executive
secretary of the Lane county chap
ter of the American Red Cross, will
be chairman of a group which will
consider problems of welfare and
relief involving children. Another
section will hold a round table dis
cussion on city and town problems.
O. S. C. Dean Here
At one of the sectional luncheons
Dean George W. Peavy, of the,
school of forestry, Oregon State
college, will act as chairman. F.
V. Horton, U. S. national forest
service, will speak on “The Future
Recreational Policy of the National
Forests in Oregon.”
Ihe stabilization of municipal
legislation, preservation of natural
beauty along Oregon’s highways,
development of greater creative
civic life and a decrease in the
problem of transient preying on
cities by creating of a central reg
istration bureau, were but a few of
the measures urged at meetings of
the conference yesterday.
Intra-City Board Urged
Establishment of an intra-mu
fContinued on Page Four)
Foreign Trade
Students To Visit
Lumber Concern
Trip Will Include Camps,
Mills, Export Branch
Business Offices
Foreign trade students will ac
company H. C. Hawkins and J. H.
Bond, professors in business ad
ministration, to Portland Saturday
to observe the operations of the
Clark and Wilson Lumber com
They will leave Eugene in time
to arrive at the logging operations
just outside of Portland at 9:30 in
the morning. The entire morning
will be spent in the logging camps
with lunch at the camp dining
room. From the logging opera
tions, the group will visit the mills
and get first hand information on
how logs are transformed into the
: finished product.
From there the class will go to
the export offices where they will
be addressed by a representative
of the company on the conditions
involved in exporting lumber to
Japan and China. In addition to
this they will see how foreign bus
iness is taken and handled in the
The trip has been personally ar
! ranged by Mr. W. W. Clark, presi
! dent of the company. Mr. Clark is
; a member of the foreign trade ad
visory board recently formed to as
j sist in the trainjpg of University
1 students for foreign trade work,
Joint Concert of Orchestra,
Glee Clubs Found Superlative
Each Organization Outdoes
Previous Performances;
A.S.U.O. Series Close
The University symphony or
chestra and the University glefe
clubs appeared in a joint concert
at McArthur court last evening;
and are open to joint congratula
tions today, for each organization
outdid its previous performances
of the year to bring the associated
students’ concert series to an im
pressive close.
We need not comment on the
direction of Rex Underwood and
John Stark Evans; they set their
usual high standard. But the tra
ditional bouquets should go to
Howard Halbert, who was the so
loist for Saint-Saens’ concerto in
B-minor for violin and orchestra,
and to Loren Davidson, who sang
the solo, “Onaway, Awake, Be
loved” in the cantata "Hiawatha's
Wedding Feast.”
Each of these students showed
to what extent a student soloist
can grace a students’ concert;
each showed the result of sound
training in professional assurance
of performance; each went through
a difficult musical work with the
ease and the suppleness of a con
cert veteran.
Hors d’oeuvres to the bulk of
the program were offered in two
groups of three songs by the wom
en’s and men’s glee clubs. The
women’s group was topped by Ed
ward Hossman’s "Bird of the Wil
derness,” a soaring lyric well suit
ed to women’s voices. Deems Tay
lor’s “Tricolor" was a sharp con
trast with its minor-key and close
The buoyancy of the men’s
stage-entrance was a fitting pre
lude to Reddick’s sea ballad, “Red
(Continued on Page Four)
Dance Recital To
Be Given Tonight
At Gerlinger Hall
Variety Offered in Annual
Women’s Exhibition;
No Admission
After a week of busy prepara
tion the annual dance recital of the
women’s partment of physical edu
cation will be presented tonight
at 8 o’clock in Gerlinger hall. Any
one interested in the dance is in
vited to attend. There is no ad
mission charge and seating space
for a moderate crowd will be pro
Dancing is probably as old as
the human race,” Miss Marjorie
Forchemer, director of the recital,
said yesterday. ‘‘For many cen
turies because of religious preju
dice the dance as an art deteriorat
ed until the only form left was the
formalized ballet. During a score
of years interest in the dance as a
creative art has progressed rap
idly, and today is based on the
same general principles of com
position as music, painting, sculp
tory and other arts. The dance to
day is young, but is gaining in
strength and leads us to believe
that in the future it has vast pos
sibilities which at present we can
not foresee.”
The program to be presented
consists of the following group and
I solo numbers:
La Tarentella Fretillante .
. Coleridge-Taylor
Prelude (Bound Captives) .
. Rachmaninoff
Humoresque. Tschaikovsky
Novelette in F . Schumann
Etude in C sharp minor (in re
treat) . Scriabine
Kol Nedrie—Prayer for Atone
ment . Weinberg
Lento ... Cyril Scott
Novelette—Alllegro Schumann
Osiris (Resurrection of Spring)
Soirees de Vienne, No. IV.Liszt
Prelude, No. 22 (Victory of
Death) . Chopin
Clair de lune . Debussy
Rhapsody in B minor (Dynamic
Rhythm) . Brahms
La Cathedrale engloutie ..Debussy
Two Leave for AWS
Convention at U. of M.
Margaret Cummings and Ann
Baum, retiring and new presidents,
respectively, of the Associated Wo
man students, left the campus yes
terday afternoon for Ann Arbor,
Michigan, where they will attend
the biennial convention of National
Associated Women Students at the
University of Michigan.
Miss Baum expects to return to
the campus by May 4, but Miss
Cummings is taking more stop
overs and will not be back until
Junior Week-end.
At the installation meeting of
the A. W. S. Wednesday Miss Cum
mings was presented with an elec
tric clock by members of the execu
: tive council which has worked with
iher this year.
Dress Rehearsal
For April Frolic
To Be Saturday
Final Plans for Women’s
Party Outlined by
Jane Cullers
Preparation for the annual April
Frolic to be held Saturday evening
in Gerlinger hall will be complet
ed with the dress rehearsal Satur
day at 1 o’clock, when members
of every stunt and curtain act will
hold the final costume practice, it
was announced by Jane Cullers,
All committee reports on tickets,
staging, features, music, food, cops,
judges and patronesses, programs
and publicity, must be turned in
by 4 o’clock today, according to
Miss Cullers. Financial accounts
are due at the time of the dress
As a special feature of the eve
ning, the Thespians, freshman wo
men’s organization, will have
charge of selling popcorn balls and
Eskimo pies.
Participants as well as students
will pay an admission charge of
15 cents, and spectators will be
allowed to witness the perform
ance for 35 cents.
Every member of a stunt must
report promptly at 7:30 o’clock to
Gerlinger hall on Saturday evening
in order that there will be no de
lay in the program.
Actual Practice
Begins on Skits
For Junior Vodvil
Bulletin Board at Co-oJ> To
Keep Actors in Touch
With Rehearsals
Active practice and rehearsal of
skits and acts which go to make
up a part of the Junior Vodvil,
which will be presented on the
Heilig theater stage May 1 and 2,
began last night when three casts,
working on as many plays, met
and went through the acts.
One of the casts, under the di
rection of Gene Love, met in the
Craftsman club. Charles Jones,
second director, was using the Y.
M. C. A. as a setting, while Slug
Palmer, directing the third group,
held rehearsal in the Kappa Sig
“So far it has been hard to pro
cure places in which to practice,”
Barney Miller, co-director of skits
and acts, stated last night. “Un
til after the April Frolic,” he said,
j “it will be impossible to get the
use of Gerlinger hall.”
I A bulletin board for the use of
the various casts will be estab
lished outside the College Side,
Miller announced. He urges that
all the members of the different
casts keep in touch with this board
every day as it is the only way
in which the directors may keep
them posted.
I Gibson Danes has been named
as a co-director of skits and acts
(Continued on Page TwoX
Fete Pairings
And Positions
Drawn By Lot
Phi Delt-Clii O Float
To Lead Parade
Evans, Chairman, Advises
Immediate Action by
Paired Houses
1. Phi Delt and Chi O.
2. Kappa Sig and A. O. Pi.
3. Sherry Ross and Tri Delt.
4. Zeta hall and Theta.
5. Sigma Nu and Sigma
6. Chi Psi and Delta Zeta.
7. A. T. O. and Alpha Xi
8. Theta Chi and Alpha Phi.
9. Fiji and Gamma Phi Beta.
10. S. A. M. and Pi Beta Phi.
11. S. P. E. and Susan Camp
12. Yeomen and Delta Gamma.
13. Friendly and Alpha Chi
14. Sigma Chi and Alpha Delta
House pairings and the order of
appearance in the Canoe Fete
water parade were determined at
a drawing held yesterday morning
by the Junior Week-end directo
rate on the steps of the old library.
The Phi Delt-Chi Omega float will
lead the procession on the night
of Friday, May 8.
Walt Evans, director of the Ca
noe Fete, in announcing the list,
emphasized the fact that all houses
must get in touch with their part
ners immediately. Walt Evans,
Bob O’Melveny, and Alexis Lyle
conducted the drawing.
Float Expenses Limited
Expenses on construction will
be limited, as in the past, to $30
for each float, half to be borne
by each house, Evans said.
Will Norman, chairman of dec
orations for the Canoe Fete, has
been appointed to take charge of
the construction of Queen-Elect
Eleanor’s float, which will carry
the queen and her princesses to
the royal stand for the coronation,
which will open the Canoe Fete.
Miller Plans Features
McGowan Miller is working on
special features for the coronation.
He promises jesters, heralds, and
all the trappings of royalty.
More than twenty-five hundred
persons witnessed last year’s pro
cession of floats, and fully that
many are expected this year. The
stands now being constructed just
east of the Anchorage will accom
modate between 2200 and 2300
persons. Additional temporary
bleachers will be set up on the
highway behind the permanent
! stands.
Wesley Club Play Will
Be Given at Wendling
The Wesley club, organization
of Methodist students, will present
“Cleopas,” a religious drama, at
the Methodist church of Wendling,
Sunday evening, April 19, Margar
et Atwood, president of the organ
ization announced yesterday.
Those taking part are Lloyd
Brown, Howard Lee, Ruth Luding
ton, and Grace Fennell. The play
is being directed by Esther Lisle.
“Cleopas" was presented before
a large audience last Sunday night
at the Methodist church in Eu
Mrs. O. R. Miner, ’18,
Is Visitor on Campus
Mrs. Olin Rice Miner T8, of New
! York City was a visitor on the
I campus during the past week. She
I is on her way to the Philippine Is
I lands where she intends to stay for
I about eight months on business.
Mrs. Miner was a guest at the
! home of Dr. John Bovard, dean of
the school of physical education,
during her stay on the campus.
Queen Eleanor I
Photo by Meredith-Pherrill
Eleanor Lewis, elected Junior
Week-End queen in a campus-wide
poll, will reign over the festivities
of the annual student celebration
as Queen Eleanor I. She will be
crowned at the canoe fete, and of
ficially open the junior prom.
Mothers Will Be
Honor Guests for
Junior Week-End
Special Program Planned;
Awards Will Go
To Houses
Mother’s day, sponsored by the
University as a definite part of
Junior Week-end, will be held
ouuuaiy, xuajr
it was announced
yesterday by Hel
en Chaney, chair
man of the di
rectorate. It i
urged that stu
dents write im
: m e d i a t e 1 y tc
; mothers to extend
: an invitation tc
the various events
| b e i n g plannee
e s p e c i a lly foi
I Helen Chaney
As in previous years, two cups
will be given to the living organi
zations having the largest numbei
, of mothers present. The trophy tc
be given to the men’s house is of
fered by Mrs. Charles Hall oi
Marshfield, and the women’s
house having the largest numbei
of mothers registered will receive
a trophy given by Mrs. W. M
Cook, state president of the moth
ers’ organization. Only mothers
who have been registered at John
son hall by Saturday noon may be
entered in the competition.
Complete Program Out
| A complete program has beer
arranged for the guests. On Sat
! urday at 1:30 the visitors will at
tend a mass meeting at which thej
will elect new officers, with Mrs
W. M. Cook presiding, and a tee
has been scheduled for 3 to f
o’clock at Hendricks hall. At 5:3(
the mothers will be entertained at
a banquet at Gerlinger hall, anc
special services are being plannee
in all the churches for Sunday.
The executive council of th<
(Continued on 1‘uge Four)
Tennis andGolf
Will Be Under
One Executive
Alternate To Be Chosen
In New Plan
Two Years’ Work in Sport
Eligibility Requirement
For Senior Manager
A complete revision of the ath
letic managerial system of the A.
S. U. O., including several impor
tant changes, was passed upon by
the executive council at its last
meeting, George Cherry, president
of the associated students, re
vealed yesterday. The council in
corporated the revised system into
a permanent resolution, to become
effective next year.
The following changes have
been made:
1. There will be a single senior
manager for both tennis and golf,
instead of one for each as before.
Two Years’ Work Needed
2. The senior manager for each
sport will be chosen only from
those who have had not less than
two years’ experience in manage
rial work in that sport.
3. No student may hold the po
sition of junior manager of a sport
for more than one year, and no
student may try out more than
once for senior manager of any
4. “The entire athletic manage
rial system shall be headed by a
so-called head sports manager,”
corresponding to the present sen
ior manager of athletics.
5. "The alternates for each
managerial position shall be pro
vided at the time of the appoint
ment to the regular positions."
6. “All awards (for managerial
work) shall be given immediately
preceding the respective sport sea
sons, but do not become the prop
erty of the manager until his sea
son is completed.”
Council Adopts Plan
The resolution was adopted by
the executive council upon the rec
ommendation of the athletics com
mittee. It was the report of the
athletic revision committee, a
group delegated by the athletics
committee for the purpose of look
ing into the managerial situation.
The members of the investigating
group are Robert E. “Hack” Mil
ler, Kenneth Moore, and Thomas
N. Stoddard.
In releasing the resolution for
publication yesterday, Cherry com
mented on some of the changes
in the system as follows:
“An alternate is to take the
place of any senior manager posi
tion left vacant, instead of the
head sports manager as in the
past. The head sports manager
needs to spend his time on the
managerial organization on the
campus so should not leave for
long trips with the teams.
Golf, Tennis Combined
“The combining of golf and ten
nis managership will give the nor
mal duties of one senior manager
in another sport.
“Two years required in one
(Continued on Page Three)
Drunkard’s Reformation
Ends "Ten Nights” Revival
Complete even to the promised
reformation of tho drunkards in
the audience, “Ten Nights in a
Bar Room’’ opened for a three-day
j run at 528 East Thirteenth avenue
last night. Carrying a strong mor
:al implication throughout, the play,
presented by the Very Little Thea
tre Group, led to a dramatic cli
| max when the close-packed house
cheered the dictum, "Let the
liquor traffic cease!’’
The scene was laid in Cedarville,
year 1858, and portrayed the evil
influence of the saloon Sickle and
Sheaf on the peaceful village. Ex
perience and tragic death taught
the villagers - the frightful price
exacted by the demon rum.
i Especially good were Henry
Korn as Sample Switchel, Reginald
Coggeshall as Joe Morgan, the
drunkard who reformed, and Ed
gar Buchanan as Simon Slade.
William Tugman, the philosopher;
Emory Hyde, the gambler; Harvey
Green, Alphonse Korn; John Al
len, Frank Slade, the innkeeper’s
son; Mrs. William Tugman, lArs.
Slade; Mrs. Parker, the village
belle; Mrs. Florence Couch Shu
maker, the drunkard’s daughter,
and Mrs. E. W. Allen, the drunk
ard’s wife—other members of the
cast—dramatically portrayed the
characters and painted a fearful
picture of the liquor curse.
Admittedly a temperance pro
duction, “Ten Nights in a Bar
Room” is designed to assist in rid
(Continued on Page Two)