Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 12, 1931, Image 1

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Coming Events
“Siegfried" movie, Dr. Hap rnd
Dr. Kotschnig lectures . v;
“Seven Last Words" Sunday. ^
The Weather
Continued rain.
Maximum . 56
Minimum . 41
Precipitation .50
Student Finds
39 New Atom
' Spectrum Lines
Unger, Physics Teaching
Fellow, Continues on
Mercury Research
Former Theories Are Aided
By Local Discovery;
Praise Is Given
Discovery of 39 new lines in the
neutral mercury atom spectrum
has just been announced by Hil
bert J. Unger, teaching fellow in
Of the total number, 31 of the
^ lines fit in with former conjec
tures concerning the theoretical
position of undiscovered lines. This
theory had been in force for some
time. One of the new lines dis
covered by Mr. Unger is due to a
new energy level in the atom
which was discovered by Taka
mine and Suga, Japanese phys
icists of the University at Tokyo,
and which was confirmed by Pas
chen, a pioneer in the spectro
scopial field.
Works in Infra-Red
The other remaining eight lines
are added to the 300 odd lines from ;
the entire spectrum range already
unclassified. Some 250 others
have beep previously classified.
Mr. Unger’s work has been con
fined to the near infra-red, or long
wave length end of the spectrum.
The discoveries come as a result
of some two years’ exacting and
intensive research. The machine
with which Mr. Unger has made
his finds is an automatic record
ing spectograph which was origi
nally constructed with Dr. E. D.
McAlister, former professor of
physics and who now is connected
in a research capacity with Smith
sonian Institution. Since then,
however, Mr. Unger has increased
the resolving power of the instru
ment and has been able to get bet
ter results.
Work Closely Checked
The‘hint of possible new lines;
in the mercury spectrum came j
some months ago when Mr. Unger
was calibrating his machine, using
mercury as a standard. Since that
time Mr. Unger has been engaged
in checking and rechecking his
work and retaking photographs
until at last the 39 lines have been
Mr. Unger's work is regarded
by Dr. E. P. Boynton, head of the
physics department, as very bril
Dr. Hodge To Give ;
Talk in Portland j
y Dr. Edwin T. Hodge, professor
of geology, will speak before the
city club of Portland at a lunch
eon next Friday in that city. Doc
tor Hodge will lecture on his re
cent discoveries concerning the
Columbia river, a subject which
has created wide interest with
people of the Northwest and geol- j
ogists all over the continent.
It has become practically a cus
tom for Doctor Hodge to make an
annual lecture before the City club
on work he has done throughout
the year. I
Students Wait for
'Storck' To Arrive
pOLLEfiE or no college, life
(and studying) must go on.
Yesterday noon at Condon hall
several students stood waiting
with hopeful faces, and, believe
it or not, Mr. Ripley, they were
waiting for the “Storck” to ar
rive! The librarian had offered
the information, “The next
Storck is due at 1:45,” she said,
and so the students waited—
And sure enough! At 1:45 the
“Storck” arrived—even though
it did turn out to be a sociology
text hook, so one lucky “waiter”
grabbed it eagerly and sat down
at a desk to peruse its contents,
entitled, “Man and Civilization.”
However, it seems the librar
ian sort of gave the student the
“bird”—so to speak.
Oregon Co-eds
Win From Idaho
Women Debaters
Teams Argue Gandhi Topic
Over KORE; Critic
Judge Decides
Oregon women debaters yester
day afternoon received a two to
one decision over the University
of Idaho women in a radio debate
over station KORE on the question,
"Resolved, That Gandhi has been
a benefit to India.”
Gwendolyn Caverhill and Alice
Redetzke argued the affirmative
against Elsie MacMillan and Lois
Porterfield, who upheld the nega
tive for the University of Idaho.
The affirmative declared that
the good Gandhi had done for his
country far outweighs any harm
that may be claimed to his work.
That India has benefited socially,
by breaking up the caste system,
and sponsoring a system of co-ed
ucation, and elevating the position
of women in Indian life, was
Elsie MacMillan and Lois Porter
field in upholding the negative for
the University of Idaho declared
that Gandhi as a critic might be
all right, but as an active organiz
er in the affairs of India he had
been a distinct detriment. He has
not been consistent in his policies,
they said, and has retarded pro
gress rather than forwarded it.
Shannon Hogue, Salem high
school debate coach, acted as critic
Oregon Yeomen To Hold
Meet Monday, March 30
There will be a meeting of the
Oregon Yeomen, independent men’s
organization the first Monday of
next term, according to an an
nouncement from Merlin Blais,
president, last night. The meeting
will be held in the men’s- lounge of
Gerlinger hall, at 7:30, Blais said.
Among the matters which will
come up in the meeting, according
to Blaise, will be the setting of a
date for the theater party which
the Fox McDonald is giving as a
prize to the Yeomen group for
their showing in the recent Em
erald radio contest.
It is to be remembered, said
Blais, that every man duly regis
tered in the University and not be
longing to any fraternity, hall,
club, or other living organization
is considered as a member of the
From The President’s Pen
Junior Vodvil Real Challenge to Creative and Artistic Ability
of Students, Says Dr. Hall.
I am particularly interested in
the Junior Vodvil for two reasons,
first, because of its rather hectic
and mediocre past, and secondly,
because of its possibilities for gen
uine achievement in the future.
Perhaps there is no form of en
tertainment where it is more diffi
cult to combine real artistry, or
iginality, and genuine and whole
some humor, and yet I think all
thoughtful students will agree with
the administration that it is better
to have no vodvil than to have one
that does not- reflect the best
the campus has to offer in these
various fields of activity.
The Junior Vodvil is a student
enterprise that is a real challenge
to the creative genius and artistic
ability of our students. Here per
haps is one of the greatest oppor
tunities for the creation of new
standards of student achievement
f that will reflect credit upon the
University and the student body
and give to the University a real
thrill of pride in student achieve
The public has always taken a
keen interest in the Junior Vod
vil and they naturally take it as a
just measure of student ability.
They obviously presume that such
a public exhibition represents the
best the campus has to offer. It
becomes a matter of more than
campus concern, therefore, that
only the best talent should be re
cruited, that only the highest
standards should be sought, and
that only those acts that represent
originality, wholesome humor, and
sincere and artistic effects should
be attempted. The campus is '■
blessed with a great deal of musi- :
cal and artistic talent and the pub
lic may rightfully expect that the
Junior Vodvil will give an appro
priate exhibition of the best genius
I that we have.
Pi Kappa Alpha
To Install Local
House Will Be Sixteenth
National on Campus;
Officers Coming
Graml Treasurer, Princeps
To Handle Ceremonies;
Formats Planned
The Oregon campus will get its
sixteenth national fraternity dur
ing spring vacation when Alpha
Beta Chi will be installed as Gam
ma Pi chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha.
The formal entry of the local
house, founded on the campus
April 20, 1922, into the national
fraternity has been set for Friday
and Saturday, March 27 and 28,
John Yerkovich, president of the
local, said yesterday.
Two national officers of Pi Kap
pa Alpha, and virtually the entire
membership of the fraternity’s
northwest chapters at Oregon
State college, University of Wash
ington, Washington State college,
Idaho, and Montana State will
come to Eugene for the formal
initiation and installation cere
To Come From East
Robert A. Smythe, grand treas
urer of the fraternity, will come
to the campus from Atlanta, Geor
gia, and E. W. Fenton, district
princeps, from Portland. The two
men will be the chief installing of
ficers. Smythe is known among
national fraternity men as the
dean of all officers, having been
treasurer of Pi Kappa Alpha for
41 years. This will be his first
visit to the Pacific coast in a num
ber of years.
Initiation of the 27 active mem
bers of Alpha Beta Chi, as many
of the seven pledges as will be eli
gible, and 25 or more alumni of
the house who are expected to re
turn to the campus for the cere
mony will be held in Gerlinger hall
Friday,' March 27, and may con
tinue into part of Saturday.
Banquet, Ball Saturday
Saturday evening a formal ban
quet will be held at the Eugene
hotel followed by the formal in
stallation ball. Honor guests at
the events will be Arnold Bennett
Hall, president of the University;
Burt Brown Barker, vice-president
of the University; Hugh L. Biggs,
dean of men; Mrs. Hazel Prutsman
Schwering, dean of women; Wayne
L. Morse, associate professor of
law; John M. Rae, associate pro
fessor of business administration;
Grand Treasurer Smythe; and
presidents of all houses on the cam
pus. Professors Morse and Rae
are both members of Pi Kappa
Glee Clubs Will
Perform Sunday
A pre-Easter presentation of
the oratorio, “The Seven Last
Words,” is to feature the last, week
of the current term. The com
bined men’s and women's glee
clubs, under the direction of John
Stark Evans, will give the mass
for the ninth consecutive year at
the campus music auditorium next
Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock.
There will be no admission charge.
The combined choruses includes
about 80 voices. Soloists will be
Sally Addleman, soprano; Donald
Eva, tenor; and George Bishop,
baritone. Robert Gould will ac
company on the organ.
“The Seven Last Words” was
composed by Theodore Dubois. It
is divided into seven parts, each
using as its motif one of the say
ings of Christ as He hung on the
cross. Its solemn choral effects
and beautiful airs for solo roles
have won it a place as a Eugene
music tradition second only to the
“St. Cecilia Mass,” which is given
in December of each year.
In view of the capacity crowd
which usually attends this mass,
students attending are advised to
come early.
Houses Enter U. C. L. A.
Phi Kappa Psi and Theta Chi,
national fraternities, have install
ed chapters at the University of
California at Los Angeles, bring
ing the number of national frater
nities on the campus to 25.
Promote ’Spring Informal’
Student directorate in charge o« the “University spring Informal,"
get-together dance to be held at the Laurelhurst club in Portland the
second Saturday of vacation, March 28. Left to right: Rufus Kimball,
Lois Floyd, Irma Logan, general chairman; Marguerite Tarbcll, Eddie
Schweiker, and Omar Palmer, feiils will he out on the campus to
morrow night.
Jane Cullers Tells
Of Plans for AWS
Frolic April 17-18
Women To Wear Costumes
When All Classes Vie
At Gerlinger
Preliminary plans for the April j
Frolic, annual all-women event j
sponsored by the Associated Wo- j
men Students, were announced j
yesterday by Jane Cullers, vice- j
president of the A. W. S. anu |
chairman of the affair.
April 17 and 18 are the dates of
this year’s April Frolic week-end.
April Frolic itself will come the
night of April 18, when the four
classes will present stunts in Ger
linger hall. All women on the cam
pus and high school seniors who
are their guests for the week-end
will attend the Frolic in costume.
Work on the stunts will begin
immediately after spring vacation.
Already chairmen for each stunt
have been appointed and are work
ing on their plans.
Committees appointed by Miss
Cullers for the annual affair in
clude: senior stunt, Marvin Jane
Hawkins, Sally Holloway; junior
stunt, Elizabeth Strain, Irma Lo- j
gan; sophomore stunt, Lucille
Kraus, Ellen Sersanous; freshman
stunt, Helen Shingle, Virginia
Sturgis; publicity, Betty Anne
Macduff; tickets, Gladys Clausen;
programs, Alberta Rives; food, i
Elizabeth Plummer; cops, Bess i
Templeton; stage, Rosamond
Strieker; features, Marjorie Clark;
music, Lois Johnson; judges, Mar
guerite Tarbell.
YWCA Secretary
Arrives in Eugene
For Conferences
Miss Perry To Interview
Women Interested in
Industrial Project
To interview student Y. W. C. A.
members wishing to take part in
the industrial experiment which
will be conducted in San Francisco
this summer is the purpose of Blos
som Perry, national industrial sec- j
retary of the Y. W. C. A., who ar
rived on the campus yesterday. |
Only ten girls from the entire !
Pacific coast may enter the special
project which Miss Perry will con
duct. These girls will go to San
Francisco, where they will remain
from June 27 to August 6, and
work in industry for six weeks. j
They will live entirely on what i
they make, and, as nearly as possi
ble, the lives of factory and indus
trial women. Last year Mary
Klemm, Marguerite Mauzey, and
Nancy Thompson participated in
the experiment.
“My regular work is not with
students,” declared Miss Perry
emphatically, “but with year-in
year-out workers in industry. Our ]
aim is not to educate girls out of ]
industry, but to develop their in- j
dividual life through group work, |
and to give them both the ability j
and the opportunity to enjoy them- I
According to Miss Perry, experi
ments are being conducted at Chi
cago, Illinois, and at Huston, Tex
as, like that in San Francisco. The I
student workers will keep in touch
with each other, and hope, by |
group meetings and discussions, to I
share their experiences in the
world of industry.
Famed Cellist
Will Appear in
ASUO Concert
Franz knsrlian \\ ill Play
April 1 in Music
School Hall
Family Mini Say Arlisl One
Of Best in Country;
Non al Drake
Coming 2000 miles to play for a
University of Oregon audience,
Franz Kuschan, said by members
of the music school faculty to be
one of the best ’cellists in the Unit
ed States, will arrive from Des
Moines the first week of spring
term to appear in recital at the
Music auditorium on the evening
of Wednesday, April 1.
Now at Drake
The invitation to come to Eu
gene for a recital was extended to
Mr. Kuschan, who is now teaching
at Drake university, by John J.
jandsbury, dean of the Oregon mu
sic school, with whom he is per
sonally acquainted. A letter of
acceptance was received by Dean
Landsbury yesterday.
“I am delighted to announce the
recital to be given by Franz
Kuschan," Dean Landsbury said.
"I have heard him play many
times, and he is to my mind a su
perb ’cellist, a musician to the
"I earnestly hope that the stu
dents of the University will show
their appreciation of his presence
by packing the music auditorium
on the night of April 1.”
Small Admission
Dr. Landsbury explained that in
order to defray a part of the ex
pense of Mr. Kuschan’s trip to the
Northwest an admission price of
50 cents would be charged for his
Another member of the music
faculty who joins with Dr. Lands
bury in praising the artistry of the
Drake university ’cellist is Rex
Underwood, who is also personally
acquainted with Kuschan and has
heard him play on a number of
occasions. 'v»_
Kuschan’s parents were Czechs,
according to Dr. Landsbury, but
he himself was born in America,
and his lived here all his life. His
usual home is in Wilmington, Del
aware, but he has moved to Iowa
for a few years on a teaching con
Co-eds’ Ages Listed
Ages of women students at the
University of California at Los
Angeles range from 15 years to
25 years “and over,” according to
statistics compiled recently.
When Radio Contest Prizes Were Awarded
The photographer slipped up on the winners of the second annual Fmerald-KOKF radio contest
while the prizes were being awarded yesterday an ! called a halt to the procedure long enough to snap
this picture. The scene is in the broadcasting roo n of the C ollege Side Inn where the preliminary
programs were given. Beginning at the left is Ilo Y\ ilson, Sigma Pi Tau, standing guard over the
$50 lamp given as second prize by VVhite-Marlatt Electric company. Sally Addleman, sitting on the arm
of the Birchfield-Cogswell chair awarded by Power 4 Furniture company to Delta Gamma for the best
opposite prize, is receiving the Densmore-Leonard t *ophy for best individual woman entertainer. It is
being presented by V inton Hall, editor of the Finer ild. .Miss Addleman was an important performer foi
Delta Gamma. His task now completed, Art Potwin, program director, is resting easily between the
Delta Gamma chair and the new 9-tubc Majestic* r idio which was awarded by' McMorran and Wash
burne to Phi Sigma Kappa as grand prize. Georg* Barron, director of tin* Phi Sig program, is having
a hard time keeping his fingers off the* new houie radio. Standing to the* left in the* rear are Merlin
Blais, president of the Oregon Yeomen, and Ted Montgomery, director of the Yeoman program, antici
pating the Fox McDonald theatre party, third prize, for their some 250 members. Harold Ayres, rear
right, is receiving the Paul D. Green cup for best individual man entertainer. The attractive young lady
presenting it to him is Carol Hurlburt, secretary of the* Emerald radio staff. The Alpha Beta Chi rep
resentative was not present for the picture. His house placed fourth and will be* entertained by the*
| Fox McDonald.
'Siegfried' To Be
Screened Today
ifCIEGFRIED,” German mo
k lion picture which will he
shown by the faculty club at
the Colonial theatre this after
noon, is pronounced by a group
of faculty members and students
who saw it previewed Tuesday
as one of the most interesting
and unusual cinemas that have
ever been shown here.
Founded on the old folk tales
from which Wagner drew the
material for many of his operas,
“Siegfried” is filmed in the true
spirit of the mystic times it por
trays. Encounters with dragons,
terrific clashes for the hand of
the fair heroine, dangerous jour
neys through deep forests, un
believable treasures all go to
make the story absorbing as are
the operas.
A special feature of the pre
sentation will lie the “supper
matinee” to be presented at 5:30.
Regular showings will lie 2 and
at 4.
Oregon Senior To
Compete in State
Oratory Contest
Herbert Doran Will Speak
At Paeific University
Tomorrow Night
Herbert Doran, senior in sociol
ogy, will represent the University
of Oregon in the State Old Line
oratorical contest sponsored by the
Intercollegiate Forensic associa
tion of Oregon, to be held at Pa
cific university, Forest Grove, to
morrow night, at 8 o’clock.
Doran's oration, “Eyes That See
Not," deals with the individualism,
false values, and greed of the
American people at the present
time, and describes the United
States as a nation lost in economic
ignorance. lie points out that this
greed is like a scale over the eyes
of the people, blinding them to the
needs of the present. He proposes
to solve the problem by engender
ing a spirit of cooperation and
creating a public opinion that de
mans “human welfare not be sac
rificed for private profit."
Eugene Laird, assistant in the
speech department, will represent
the speech department at the con
test and act as one of the judges.
Hobart Wilson, forensic manager,
will also go, to attend the business
meeting of the I. F. A. O., which
will precede the contest.
Vienna Physicist
To Speak Tonight
In Music Building
Dr. Arthur Haas To Speak
Oil ‘Atom and Universe’
At 8 o’Cloek
Tonight at 8 o’clock, in the mu
sic auditorium, Dr. Arthur Haas,
world-famous Viennese physicist,
will lecture on the “Atom and the
Inasmuch as this is the second
lecture series given by the Vien
nese physicist in this country and
that previously he has lectured at
the University College of London,
it is understood that Doctor Haas
speaks English fluently.
A simple, non-technical presen
tation which can easily be under
stood and enjoyed by those of lit
tle scientific knowledge or bent,
is assured and Doctor Haas is well
qualified to speak thus if one re
gards the success of his earlier
efforts at popularizing science as
any criterion of ability along this
Dr. E. P. Boynton, head of the
physics department, says that in
his opinion no better man in the
world could be secured to speak
here, and the fact of Doctor Haas’
presence on the campus was dis
(C'out in uni on Page Sis)
California Cancels Meet
With Oregon Swimmers
According to a wire received
from W. W. Monohan, graduate
manager of the University of Cal
ifornia, by Doc Robnett, the Bears’
swimming team will not come
north to meet Oregon this year.
The meet with California was
scheduled here for March 21, but
the southerners find they will not
be able to make the trip.
Veto Axe Falls
On Emergency
Clause Section
$500,000 Slashed From
$1,181,000 Passed hy
President Hall Asks for
Renewed Effort and
SALEM, March 11.—After slash
ing $500,000 from the $1,181,000
appropriated by the legislature for
maintenance of Oregon schools of
higher learning, last night, Gover
nor Julius L. Meier also vetoed the
emergency clause, thus opening
the way for a referendum which
might cancel the remaining part
of the appropriation.
Governor Meier gave as his rea
son that when the state board of
higher education was created,
promises were made that costs
would be reduced, and that, even
before, when the millage tax was
voted, promises were made that no
further appropriations would be
asked. These promises, he said,
have not been kept. He expressed
a wish that the appropriations had
been itemized.
The vetoing of the emergency
clause will allow time for petition
ers to ask for a referendum, and
in any event will delay the reduced
budget by 90 days. The popular
vote would concern only the ap
propriations not vetoed by the
President Arnold Eennett Hall
last night issued a statement to
faculty and students of the Uni
versity, asking for continued loyal
ty to the cause of education de
spite the handicap imposed on the
school by the slashing of the edu
cational budget. Although the ad
ministration could not yet see its
way through the problems of the
next two years, a spirit of coopera
tion and redoubled determination
will help weather the financial
storm, Doctor Hall said.
His message follows:
"To the Students and Faculty:
“The recent action of the gov
ernor in vetoing a portion of the
appropriation and the emergency
clause attached to House Bill 405
appropriating funds for the sup
port of higher education will un
avoidably involve delays and un
certainties and possible shortage
of revenues. This bill provides
$1,181,000 over and above the con
solidated millage taxes and contin
uing appropriation for the support
of activities under the State Board
of Higher Education. While the
action of the governor does not
affect the millage taxes or the
continuing appropriations, it does
limit and tie up for a minimum
period of three months the extra
appropriation so necessary to con
tinued and efficient administration
of the University in all its
branches. The University is now
confronted with one of the many
great crises that it has had to con
front frequently in the past. At
this time the administration does
not yet see its way through the
problems of the next two years.
Not Unduly Alarmed
“As sincerely as I know how, I
want to ask the students and the
faculty not to be unduly alarmed.
I have not given up my hope or
ambition for the development of
this splendid institution which I
have the honor to serve and to
which I have given four and a half
years of the hardest toil, I have
ever known. A renewed spirit of
cooperation is now required. A
more abiding faith in the futitre
of the University must fill our
hearts. If for the time being we
must bow our heads to the finan
cial exigencies of the times, let us
do so with redoubled determina
tion that the University will tri
umphantly weather this storm as
it has weathered other dramatic
difficulties in its turbulent but
heroic history.
‘‘At the earliest possible moment
the problem of working out a pro
gram in cooperation with the fac
ulty and the State Board will be
undertaken. Our greatest assets
are our esprit de corps, our enthu
siasm, our vision, and our common
loyalty and obligation to the cause
of higher education. May we pre
serve these through the present
difficulties with the full determi
nation that these fundamental val
ues of the University shall not be
shaken by pessimism or undue
"I hope all can join me in the
firm conviction that while our pro
gram may be temporarily ham
pered it cannot be stopped, nor our
ultimate hopes thwarted. In this
hour of stress the administration
sincerely seeks, from faculty and
students alike, your cooperation
and your confidence.