4 Final Edition The Emerald will end publica tion for the winter term with to morrow's issue. A six-page paper with special features will be the final number. VOLUME XXXII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1931 NUMBER 94 Shows \ *> To All But Radio Winner JUST as the Peila Gammas were trying out the sitting qualities of thfiir new over stuffed chair, and ft' 6 Sigma Pi Taus were inspecting the quali ties of a new lamp, another re ward last night was offered the two houses which were _ among the Emerald-KORE contest win ners. It came in the form of an In vitation from the Heilig theatre which asked the members of the two houses to be guests at “La dies of Leisure” this evening. All the contest winners except tlie first-place Phi Sigs will have the opportunity of seeing a free show. Tlie Phi Sigs will stay home and listen to their three radios. Women Debaters Will Meet Idaho Over Radio Today Catherine McGowan ami Alice Redetzke Will Argue Gandhi Topic j Something different in the way of debate will feature the winding up of the winter term forensic sea son when both the varsity women and freshman men will take part in contests to be held over the ra dio. This afternoon at 2:45 o’clock Catherine McGowan and Alice Re detzke will represent the Univer sity in a debate against the Uni versity of Idaho over station KORE. The Oregon women will uphold the affirmative of the ques tion, "Resolved, That Gandhi has been a benefit to India,” while the visiting women debaters will main ! tain the negatve. Debate Decsion One This is the first time the women have competed for forensic honors over the radio in several years. Shannon Hogue, debate coach at Salem high school, will act as crit ic judge and render the decision. The women will debate again tomorrow night when a non-decis ion dual contest will be held with Oregon State college. Bernice Conoly and Geraldine Hickson will uphold the negative of the Gandhi question at the contest in Corval lis which will be held at 7:45 o’clock over station KOAC. Miss Redetzke and Gwendolyn Caver hill will maintain the affirmative here at 7:30 o’clock in 105 Com merce building. Yesterday afternoon the fresh men held a non-decision dual de bate with Oregon State rooks, the first contest to be held in a num ber of years. Carl Stutsman and William Daugherty upheld the af firmative of the question, “Re solved, That the Nations should adopt a policy of free trade,” here and Otto Vonderheit and George Bennett debated the negative at Corvallis. The freshmen will close their season with a debate with Willam ette university and one with the College of th? Pacfic. Vonderheit and Roy McMullen will argue the negative of the free trade question I at Salem tomorrow night. The last frosh debate will be a radio contest over KORE with the College of the Pacific, Stockton, California, on March 29. At that time Emery Hyde and Bennett will represent the University, debating the nega tive of the trade topic. ‘Blossom Time’ Motif for Glee In Spring Term Reames, Chairman, Names Eleven Departmental ir Heads for Dance Annual Frosh Affair Set For April 11; Work Starts This Week “Blossom Time” will be the fea ture motif of the Frosh Glee, an nual freshman dance scheduled „ for April 11, ac i3 cording to Ed 9 Reames, general * chairman of the j affair. The spring J decorations are j| to be constructed by the Stark Decorating com pany in Portland, §| and will be con Iveyed to the ^■kxvv campuc during Ed Ueames the first week of April. Reames last night announced the complete directorate for the dance. “If there are any changes at all—later on,” he said, “they will be but slight changes in the sub-directorate. Other names may be added to the list if necessary.” Chairmen Are Named Department chairmen, appointed to work along with Reames, Walt Robbins, assistant chairman, and Helen Binford, secretary, are: Tom Tongue, construction; Helen Burns, decorations; Brute Shauffer, prop erties; George Root, publicity; Spencer Carlson, lights; Axton Jones, floor; Leo Lohikoski, mu sic; Laura Drury, programs; Eliz abeth Steiwer, patrons and patron esses; Evelyn Kennedy, refresh ments; and Ed Martindale, clean up. Committee meetings are being held this week and next to ar range for the various duties. As sistants appointed to aid on the 11 committees are: Construction—George Kerr, Bill Price, Ed Schweiker, Hal Verble, Glen Hieber, and Allan Proctor. Decorations — Mary Margaret Stevenson, Caroline Card, Virginia Hartje, Jack Hammond, Frances Carpenter, Carolyn Trimble, Bea trice Faulkner, Agnes Marks, Ha zel Field, and Mary Margaret Hunt. Many Have Jobs Properties — John Adams, Dick Near, Loran Mattson, Paul Golden, and Jim Ferguson. Publicity — Bruce Hamby and Dorothy Hughes. Lights — Bob Klinker, Harry Carlson, George Hibbard, and Harry Eide. Floor—Sheldon Dunning, Myron Johnson, Harold Birkenshaw, Ray Kelly, Jim Flanagan, and Luther y Johnson. Music — Charleen Purcell and Evangeline Miller. Programs—Marjorie Bass, Dor othy Morgan, Mary Bohoskey, Eleanor Sheely, and Marian Vin son. Patrons and patronesses — Eu gene Parr, Barbara Jennings, Neal Bush, Virginia Smith, and Dorothy Dryer. Refreshments — Mabel Thomp son, Maxine Rau, Maxine Reed. Clean-up — Ed Schweiker, Gra ham West, Ralph Ray/Bud Meyer, and George Blodgett. From The President’s Pen Administration Takes Great Pride in Student Achievement, Writes Doctor Hall. By ARNOLD BENNETT HALL ^ I sometimes wonder if the stu dents realize the tremendous pride that the administration takes in student achievements that really represent meritorious accomplish ment. I have never received as great a thrill from any profession al entertainment as I have receiv ed from student performances in which they have reached a high point of artistic attainment. The splendid and wholesome enthus iasm of youth is particularly ap pealing to me when it finds expres sion in sincere, intelligent and ar tistic effort. I did not have the opportunity to attend "Twelfth Night,” given by f the students in the Guild theatre recently, but on every hand has come to me the highest praises of what the students were able to ac complish. There are certain activ ities, such as the arts, which can not reach their highest campus ex 1 pression except through the forces of student initiative, and for that ' reason I deeply appreciate the high standards the students are building and look forward to the time when the student body of Oregon may enjoy a national reputation for its capacity for artistic achievement in the various fields of student en terprise. I hope that an increasing number of students will share my pride in such notable accomplish ment and will share my hope for still better standards for the fu ture. Lecturer From Austria Plans Visit Thursday Dr. Walter Kotslmig Guest Of Campus Y. W. C. A. And A. S. U. O. Lecturer Representative Of the International Student Service Dr. Walter Kotschnig, noted Austrian lecturer and executive secretary of International Student Service, will speak at an A. S. U. O. luncheon, Thursday, at the An chorage. Doctor Kotschnig, whose services were secured jointly by the Y. W. C. A. and associated students, is touching four campi only, during his brief stay in the United States, these being Wash ington, Oregon, Oregon State, and California. He intends to return shortly to his headquarters at Ge neva, but will revisit the United States in September, for the an nual conference of International Student Service at Mount Holyoke, Massachusetts. Purpose Stated The original purpose of Inter national Student Service was to provide material relief for the des titute students in many of the war-ridden countries of Europe. When this need was eventually filled, self-help enterprises were organized in European countries, and as the work went on, leaders became actively concerned with the practical problems of financ ing education, improving living conditions, and preserving har mony among religious, racial, and political groups in matters of in ternational cooperation. To carry out this program, head quarters have been established at Geneva, Switzerland; Dresden, Germany; and New York. The service institute has assisted in building student centers at Nan king, China, and Sofia, Bulgaria, where university life is carried on at great sacrifice. Methods of self-help have been put into prac tice in India, Russia, and Wales. A program of cooperation be tween Jewish and non-Jewish stu dents in Europe has been the sub ject of one conference, and is a project of the coming year. Inas much as no student of dark skin in South Africa today is permitted to work for a medical degree, scholarships are being provided for the continuation of their edu cation. Understanding Is Aim Doctor Kotschnig’s aim is not only to promote self-help enter prises which create a sense of eco nomic responsibility, but also, through conferences, publications, and practical work, to promote mutual understanding among stu dents and student leaders of the world. Tickets for the luncheon, Thurs day at 12, are now on sale for 35 cents. They may be secured by both students and faculty at the Y. W. C. A. bungalow, or from (Continued on Page Three) Phi Bela To Give Music Program Drama Skit To Be Enacted Also Next Month Phi Beta, women’s professional music and dramatic honorary, will present a program of music and drama on Thursday, April 16, in the Music building. The program is being given for the Phi Beta scholarship. Music will consist of selections by Helene Robinson, Dorothy Lin deman, Norma Lyon, Marguerite Spath, Maude Stehn, and Frances Louise Powell, piano; Frances Brockman, violin; Winifred Tyson, organ; and vocal numbers by Paul ine Brigham and Estelle Johnson, The string quartette, with Jean Aiken, Estelle Johnson, Roma Gross, and Mabel McKinney will also play several numbers. The drama skit to be given is “The Stolen Prince,” by Dan Tathero. Those taking part are: Dorothy Esc-h, Eleanor Lewis, Louise Webber, Lucille Krause, Norma Jacobs, Helen Mielke, Gretchen Wintermeyer, Marian Camp, Jean Williams, and Louise Marvin. Admission will be 25 cents. Hodge Narrates Results of Intensive Study of Columbia Geology Professor Collects Facts About History Of Oregon River “Since the days that thoughtful people first contemplated the ori gin of the Columbia river, it has been assumed that the river exist ed in its present course long be fore the growth of the plateau of eastern Oregon, the Cascades, or Coast Range mountains,” said Dr. Edwin T. Hodge, professor of geol ogy, yesterday. Dr. Hodge has been making an intense study of the river for sev eral years and during that time has discovered many facts hither to unknown. "Geologists have agreed and called the stream an antecedent stream,” he continued, “because it existed before the mountains through which it now wends its magnificent course. Geologists say that the mountains were bowed up so slowly across the Columbia riv er course that the river was able to keep pace and maintain an open channel. “As a result of five years of de tailed field work by myself and assistants, I have collected a large amount of data that proves that the history of the Columbia river is not so simple. East of Lyle we have found a large fracture, o>' fault, along which the rocks hav* shifted so that those on the norla side stand higher than those on the south, forming a great fault scarp comparable to that of the Rift in Africa. In the trough so formed were collected the waters of the Columbia river, in fact two Colum bia rivers, one of which found an outlet to the sea some forty miles away from its present course. “During the early glacial period in Oregon great deposits of mater ial were spread across the old drainage course and built the high mountains that now stand on top of the great Oregon plateau. It must be remembered that at this time the Oregon plateau extended at least as far west as the Willam ette valley and that the Cascade Range is a pile of volcanic prod ucts raised upon its western edge. This dam created Condon lake, the shores of which may clearly be seen up to an elevation of 1800 feet east of the Cascade moun (Continued on 1’age Two) Three Students Chosen Soloists For Sacred Mass Sally Addleman, Don Eva George Bishop To Sing Sunday Afternoon Sally Addleman, soprano; Don Eva, tenor; and George Bishop, baritone, all well-known student singers, will have the solo parts in the sacred mass, “The Seven Last Words,” to be given at the music auditorium next Sunday afternoon by the combined men’s and women’s glee clubs under the direction of John Stark Evans. Admission to the concert will be free. Hundreds of students are expected to take time off from “cramming” for examinations to attend the last campus concert of the term. “The Seven Last Words” has been given annually by the glee clubs for the past eight years as a pre-Easter con cert and has become a fixed musi cal tradition of the University, Gould Is Accompanist Robert Gould will be the organ accompanist for the mass, and Doris Helen Patterson will play several harp obligatos. “The Seven Last Words” was written by Theodore Dubois. It is divided into seven parts, each using as a theme one of the say ings of Christ as He hung upoa the cross. Sally Addleman is a sdfoior in music. Her most recent achieve ment is winning the prize offered for the best individual perform ance in the Emerald-KORE radio contest. Her songs were instru mental in enabling the Delta Gam mas to reach the finals of the contest. Don Eva Tenor Donald Eva, junior in pre-law, has won a reputation by his work in the annual Christmas presenta tion of “St. Cecilia Mass,” for which he has sung the tenor role the past two years. George Bishop will fill a solo role for the first time. He is a sophomore in languages and litera ture. The program will begin at 4 o’clock. In view of the standing room-only crowd which packed the auditorium to hear the “St. Cecilia Mass” last December, students at tending are advised to come early. Last Lecture on South America Will Be Tonight The final lecture by Dr. Warren D. Smith, professor of geology, on a “Visit to South America" will be given tonight at Condon hall at 7:30. The ten talks, which have been sponsored by the University extension division, have covered the economic, geographic, and so cial features of most of the south ern continent. In tonight's lecture, an attempt will be made to forecast the prob able future of South America. A special discussion devoted to the relation between the United States and South America will be held. Motion pictures will probably be shown. Oregon Band Put On Legion Trade Show Program Musician To Be Featured Friday and Saturday At Eugene Armory The crack University of Oregon band will be featured Friday and Saturday nights at the Eugene armory where the American Le gion Trade exposition will be held. Thursday evening the Oddfellows’ band will play. Admission to the exposition for all three nights will be free of charge to all. Booths displaying the latest in merchandise have been put on the armory floor, and merchants will exhibit their lines as will manu facturers of nationally advertised products. Style shows will be held each night, the one on Saturday night being in the form of an old fashioned style event. Living mod els will parade about showing clothes from local apparel estab lishments. • Features Scheduled Features galore have been sched uled for the trade show. In addi tion to the two bands, the Girl Scouts drum and bugle corps will be on hand to render several se lections. Tap dancing will be a main feature for each night of the exhibition. The Rumba dance, in (Continued on Page Three) Nunn Will Speak Of Summer Camp Meeting Sponsored for All Girls Interested All women who are interested in counselorship at Camp Numanu, .Camp Fire Girls’ camp near Port land, during next summer, may interview Miss Louise Nunn, Port land Camp Fire Girls’ executive head, between 10 and 5 today, by making appointments at the dean of women’s office. Miss Nunn is here at the invita tion of the Campus Camp Fire club, newly organized organization for women who have been Camp Fire Girls. She will talk before the regular meeting of the club to night at 8:45, at the Y. W. C. A. bungalow, and every girl who has ever been a member of a Camp Fire group is cordially invited to hear her speak. Miss Louise Nunn will also talk about summer camps at an assem bly held tonight from 7:30 to 8:30 in Alumni hall sponsored by the Women’s Athletic association and the Physical Education club, for every girl interested in the sub ject. Miss Nunn will explain under the general topic of summer camps: what they are expected to give; the qualification of counse lors; and the growing field of sum i mer camp work. Jesse Puckett, president of W. A. A., said, “Miss Nunn has had contact with other camps and has done a great deal of camp work, and is well-suited to talk upon the subject.” A short discussion will follow Miss Nunn’s talk. Haas Will Talk Tomorrow In Lecture Series World-Famous Physicist To Speak on ‘Atom And Universe’ Second Speaker Brought Here by Committee And Sigma Xi T h # second lecturer to be brought to the Oregon campus by the committee on free intellectual activities* and the Oregon chapter of Sigms Xi, national scientific honorary, fh\ Arthur Haas, world famous physicist of the University of Vienna, will speak here tomor row evening in the music audito rium on “The- Atom and the Uni verse.” The v*ry eminence of the man should attract a large audi ence, Dr. E. P. Boynton, head of the physics department, said yes terday. Facts To Be Given The lecture will be of a nature which will furnish facts and sci entific information to those of more technical mind but will, however, be of a character as can be readily comprehended and en joyed by those of no scientific training, according to Doctor Boynton. Doctor Haas i3 well qualified to speak on the subject. He is internationally recognized as a research authority, a very capa ble writer of scientific texts, and a widely read author of popular scientific expositions, Doctor Boyn ton said. Dr. A. E. Caswell, professor of physics, stated that, in his opinion, the lecture would be very interest ing, and recalled the lecture of W. F. G. Schwann, of Franklin Insti tute, who spoke here last summer at .a meeting of the American As sociation for the Advancement of Science, as one which proved of great interest to both the scien tific gathering and those from the town who were in the audience. He anticipates a lecture of a somewhat similar nature. Speaks Fluent English Doctor Haas is characterized by reports as being especially able in the translation of technical sub jects into simpler language. He speaks English fluently, having ben at one time a lecturer at Uni versity College of London, as well as having lectured once before in the United States. His schedule includes lectures at Harvard, Cor nell, Princeton, and other promi nent American universities. This evening he will speak at Oregon State and tomorrow he will be brought down here by an O. S. C. physics professor. A din ner is being scheduled at noon for him and for those who are espe cially interested in his type of work. The dinner will be held at the Eugene hotel. Dr. Robert H. Seashore of the psychology depart ment or Doctor Boynton should be notified in case anyone wishes to attend. National Attention Conies to Morse Oregon Professor’s Jury Survey Widely Printed National attention is being fo cused on the recent survey of the grand jury system, completed by Wayne L. Morse, professor of law at the University of Oregon, through publication of a story more than half a column in length on the front page of the Christian Science Monitor of March 5. The Monitor is an international daily with a circulation well over 100, 000 copies which go to every part of the world. The story describes in detail the survey, which was conducted un der the direction of the Social Science Research council, in col laboration with Dr. Raymond C. Moley, of Columbia university. Doctor Moley took as his field the study of the information system of indicting. Professor Morse found through his survey that the information system was making gains in va rious states throughout the coun try, and that it is proving much more satisfactory than the grand jury system. Payment Due on Space in Oregana jJONORARIES! Do you still wont Hint picture in the l!)3l Oregana ? If so, space must tie paid for today. All honorarles not having paid for space in the Oregana liy to night will have their pictures withdrawn from publication, ac cording to Roger Bailey, business manager. Payments will be received in the graduate manager’s office in Friendly hall, hut it must lie today if the pictures are to be run. Tonqueds To Give No-Date Dance in Spring Vacation Eugene Girls Organization Will Sponsor Affair Here March 25 An afternoon no-datc dance for all students who will be in Eugene during spring vacation is being sponsored by Tonqueds, Eugene girls’ club. The dance will be held at the Craftsman's club from 2:30 to 5:30 o’clock on Wednesday, March 25. Tickets at 25 cents each will be sold by representa tives for the sororities, fraterni ties, and halls. Marian Chapman, club presi dent, and Dorothy Dupuis, vice president, are taking charge of the arrangements for the dance. A meeting of the club was held at 4 o’clock yesterday, and plans for the dance were discussed. Aides Are Named The following committees for the vacation dance were appointed: Marian Chapman and Phyllis Mei sel, ticket sales; Ruth Dupuis, pub licity; Alice Griswold, patrons and patronesses; and Dorothy Dupuis, orchestra. Although the main purpose of the dance is to provide entertain ment for students remaining on the campus, graduating seniors from Eugene high and University high schools are being invited as special guests. Women handling the publicity and sale of tickets at the various sororities are: Alpha Chi Omega, Frances Ru pert; Alpha Delta Pi. Beatrice Faulkner; Alpha Gamma Delta, Elaine Wheeler; Alpha Omicron Pi, Phyllis Meisel; Alpha Xi Delta, Lois Greenwood; Beta Phi Alpha, Freda Fellows; Chi Omega, Rose Simons; Delta Delta Delta, Made leine Gilbert. Co-eds Sell Tickets Delta Gamma, Euphemea Lara way; Delta Zeta, Jean Husband; Gamma Phi Beta, Elizabeth Gil strap; Kappa Alpha Theta, Mar tha Goodrich; Kappa Delta, Ellen Endicott; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Frances Johnston; Phi Mu, Mona Masterson; Pi Beta Phi, Mary Louise Dodds; Sigma Kappa, Alice Griswold; Zeta Tau Alpha, Gwen dolynrl Caverhill; Hendricks hall, Doris Stamps; and Susan Camp bell, Dorothy Johnson. Representatives for the men’s living organizations will be an nounced later. A short meeting of the salesmen, at which time tickets will be distributed, will be called soon, and the committee asks that these people watch the Emerald bulletins for the an nouncement of the time and place. r Harry Tonkon To Assist With Revision Work Senior Made Sub-Chairman Of Group Changing Constitution Seven Others Will Handle Parts of Document; Work Started Harry Tonkon, senior in busi ness administration, has been named assistant chairman of the constitution revi sion committee, ( according to an a n n o u n cement from Bill White *ly, chairman, last | night. | Various sec | tions of the con j stl t u t i o n were lapport i o n e d to I committee heads 9 mm* ^■■appointed yester Harry Tonkon day, W h i t e 1 y said. Plans for work to be done during spring vacation were laid and work generally gotten under way at a meeting held yesterday afternoon. Work Split Up Appointments as announced by Whitely include: Tony Peterson, with sections pertaining to stu dent administration and to music; Omar Palmer, finances; Hack Mil ler and Ken Moore, athletics and managerial; Bob Miller, forensics; Vinton Hall, publications; and Rex Tussirig, classes and miscellane ous. Each of the above men, said Whitely, will appoint their assist I ants and will prepare proposed ' changes or additions to their sec i tions. These changes they will ! present to a central committee I composed of Whitely, Tonkon, and 1 George Cherry, A. S. U. O. presi dent. This group will pass upon the I proposed changes and will present amendments to the student body 1 for adoption. Proposed changes, 1 not coming under the head of ! amendments, will be recommended to the executive council as per manent resolutions, Whitely said. Work To Be Speeded “We have selected this particu lar arrangement of the revision ; committee,” Whitely said, “be I cause we believe that in the short j time that is left this term, such I an arrangement will facilitate both the speed with which the project is accomplished, and the quality of the work. In appoint (Con tinned on Page Three) j '- - . -.— Washington Debater 111; Contest Slated for April The varsity men’s debate with | the University of Washington ' which was to have been held here j tonight has been postponed until [ some time in April, due to the ill ness of one of the Washington de | baters, Hobart Wilson, general | forensic manager for the Univer sity, announced yesterday. The varsity men were to have ! debated the question, ‘‘Resolved, | That the expansion of the chain store is a detriment to the best interests of the American people.” They will use the same question, however, in the debate with Wash ington in April. Student Pianist,Violinist Show Skill and Artistry in Concert By DAVE WILSON Gladys Foster, pianist, and Fran ces Brockman, violinist, closed the term’s series of student recitals at the music auditorium last night with as fine an exhibition of tech nical skill and lyrical artistry as has been heard during the whole year. A high quality of musicianship is to be expected from both Miss Foster, who is a holder of a Juil liard Foundation scholarship for the second year, and Miss Brock man, who holds a Phi Beta under class scholarship, but both of them did more than credit to the don ors of their scholarships last night and paid the finest tribute possi ble to the guiding- skill of their teachers, George Hopkins and Rex Underwood. It was a joint recital, and hon ors were shared equally. The jtwo students opened the program by playing together a sonata for vio lin and piano by Cesar Franck. From the very first notes the au dience ceased worrying about mat ters of technique and interpreta tion and settled back for pure en joyment of the exotic lyricism of the composition. Cesar Franck must have written a part of his innermost self Into this sonata. The delicate, subdued piano score underlies the plaintive questioning of the violin with a fusion that speaks of far-off things, romantically remote from the mundane affairs of life. The two students imparted to the open ing allegretto movement the fine (Continued on Page Two)