Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 24, 1931, Image 1

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    Dr. Hall Writes
«, You will find an interesting note
and comment on student affairs
given by President Arnold Bennett
Hall every day in the Emerald
Head his articles on page one.
The Weather
Maximum . 51
Minimum . 37
Precipitation .19
Junior Vodvil
To Be Revived
As Class Event
‘Slug’ Palmer Given Post
As Chairman-Director
1 Of Directorate
Lack of Continuity Will Be
Feature of This Year’s
The Junior Vodvil, banned last
year by the faculty, will be re
vived this spring, it was learned
Art Potwin
last night when
Art Potwin, pres
ident of the jun
I ior class, at
I nounced the ap
i pointment of
fOmar "Slug” Pal
mer as chairman
director of the
vodvil director
ateate. In mak
| ing the appoint
Iment, Potwin
said that all the
difficulties attending previous vod
vil presentations have been elim
inated. He stated that certain
rules in regard to the continuity,
presentation, and practice of the
event which were advised by the
faculty have been accepted by the
class, and that both are anxious
that the vodvil should again take
its place among the campus tradi
Positions Are Different
"The directorate of this year’s
vodvil will be constructed differ
ently from those of preceding
years," Potwin said. "The posi
tions of chairman of the director
ate and director of the production
will be combined. As this j^ar de
cides the fate of the Junior Vod
vil a man is needed who can work
with both students and faculty. In
my opinion, “Slug" Palmer is the
most capable man in the class for
this rather difficult task. The con
fidence of the class is behind him
to put over a real Junior Vodvil.”
In addition to the appointment
of Palmer, Vinton Hall has been
named as student adviser on the
directorate, Potwin stated. “Last
year Hall was director of the vod
vil before it was discontinued and
the class hopes to profit from his
experience in handling such an af
fair. In selecting these men I have
had in mind the absolute neces
sity of cooperation between the
class and faculty.”
Continuity Eliminated
The original Junior Vodvil was
a vaudeville in the true sense of
the word. The last few years the
event has grown into the musical
comedy class, envolving definite
continuity. This has enforced the
whole cast to spend hours in re
hearsals, necessitating every par
ticipant to be on hand at every re
hearsal, and to stay the whole
length of the practice period. Con
' sequently the total amount of time
taken from studies was greater
than was justified by the results.
This year there will be no contin
uity. The program will consist of
a number of musical acts enabling
each act to be practiced separate
ly. There will be a limited number
of down towi^rehearsals and prac
tice hours will correspond with
house regulations. “All of these
(Continued on Pape Two)
Snapshot Deadline
Set {o »W ednesday
J>ICTURES for the snapshot
section of the Oregana will
be accepted up until noon to
morrow, announced Henrietta
Steinke, editor of the 1931 year
book last night.
“So far,” says Miss Steinke,
“few snaps have been turned in,
but the page will have to be
made up on Wednesday. This
is an excellent chance for house
publicity, or to give 'Jour ene- j
mies notoriety if you have any
photos of them in embarrassing
The snapshots should be turn
ed in to Thornton Gale at the
Oregana office. All pictures not
used will be returned to their
owners upon calling for them.
Health Nursing Is
Subject for Next
To Last AWS Talk
Miss Thomson, of Portland
Faculty, To Give Advice
At Today’s Meet
Public health nursing will be the
subject of today’s vocational guid
ance talk at Alumni hall at 4
o’clock, which is open to all women
on the campus.
Miss Elnora E. Thomson, profes
sor of applied sociology and direc
tor of nursing education at the
school of applied social science in
Portland, will be today’s speaker.
This is the next to the last talk
being sponsored by the Associated
Women Students on vocational
guidance this term.
Oregon Gives Course
Public health nursing requires a
very good professional educational
preparation. The University of
fers a five-year course in nursing
which is considered very good.
The first two years are spent on
the Eugene campus. The third
and fourth years the student works
in a hospital school of nursing in
Portland. During the fifth year
she makes a choice between pub
lic health nursing, hospital admin
istration, or some other special
field of nursing.
B.S. Degree Granted
The graduate from this course
receives a bachelor of science de
gree, with the public health nurs
ing certificate. The University
also offers one and two-year
courses for the public health
nursing certificate, which corre
sponds to the certificate graduates
of the school of education receive,
certifying that they are qualified
to teach. The nursing certificate
is proof that the holder is a quali
fied nurse. This can be earned
without the five-year course, but
is not as advanced as the B.S. de
Friedman, Stafford Go
To Meeting in Portland
To attend the Oregon section of
the American Society of Mechani
cal Engineers, Dr. Leo Friedman,
assistant professor of chemistry,
and O. F. Stafford, chairman of
the department of chemistry, made
a short trip to Portland Friday
afternoon, returning in time for
the game Saturday evening. '■*»
From The President’s Pen
• #
Student Appreciation of Portland Symphony Orchestra
Brings Tribute From van Hoogstraten to Dr. Hall.
In visiting with Dr. van Hoog
straten after the concert Sunday
afternoon, he said, “This is one of
the finest audiences that I have
ever greeted. Their appreciation
was enthusiastic, intelligent, and
sincere.” It is not often that I
hear a tribute from so high a source
that could please me as much as
did these words of Dr. van Hoog
straten. For an audience compos
ed almost entirely of students to
give the courteous, intelligent and
enthusiastic reception that they
gave to the Portland Symphony or
chestra is a tribute to the student
body's cultural possibilities which
I deeply prize.
To be able to appreciate the
beauty of such a concert, to be
carried away by genuine enthus
iasm and to have one's emotional
life stimulated along such high
channels of appreciative expres
sion is a wonderful experience.
To develop the capacity to ap
preciate fully such an experience
I is something to which we can all
| afford to devote a good deal of
! time and thought. In my judg
; ment, this capacity to have such
fine emotional experience tends to
, enrich one’s personality, to enno
ble one’s' character, to give new
and inspiring sources of lasting
: pleasure and joy that will lighten
one’s burdens and broaden one’s
I life.
As I have frequently said, it is
i impossible for me to conceive of
| anyone comprehending profound
j spiritual values or developing most
1 fully a generous personality, or
j seeing life from its finest point of
j view who has not felt the thrill of
! great music or in some other way
been profoundly touched by the di
| vine lure of beauty in some of its
{varied forms.
19 Houses Sign
For Polyphonic
Song Contest
Ten Sororities, Nine Men's
Organizations Enter
Sextets, Quartets
Competitive Audition To
Be in May; Two Cups
Offered Winners
A total of 19 living organizations
on the campus have officially en
tered the Polyphonic intramural
song contest and have registered
the names of their singers with
Roy Bryson at the school of music.
Ten women’s groups and nine
men's organizations make up the
list. Kappa Kappa Gamma and
Phi Delta Theta had registered for
the contest before the closing date
of February 14, but they have not
as yet turned in the names of their
singer's. Bryson said yesterday
that if the names were not turned
in to him by February 28 these
two houses would automatically
be dropped from the competition.
Two Cups Offered
The Polyphonic song contest,
originated this year by members
of the University Polyphonic choir,
is designed to stimulate interest
in ensemble singing. Two large
silver loving cups are offered to
the ensemble making the best
showing in singing four assigned
songs at a competitive audition to
be held in May. One cup will go
to the women’s house or hall en
tering the best vocal sextet, and
the other will be awarded to the
men’s organization with the best
Following is a list of the houses
entered and the sames of singers
and alternates which they have
Women Entrants Given
Hendricks hall: Christine Bax
ter, Laura Parcells, Agnes Fet
zold, Dorothy Ann Jones, Pauline
Brigham, Amy Hughes, Lenore
Lage, Geraldine Johnston, Alison
Chi Delta: Nana Cramer, Mary
Louise Kent, Ruth Metcalf, Elvira
Jensen, Margaret Reed, Alice
Woodson, Hazel Fields, Mildred
Wilcox, Georgina Gildez, Grace
Ash, accompanist.
Alpha Xi Delta: Lucy Norton,
Roma Gross, Estelle Johnson, Bil
lie Gardiner, Mary Vreeland, Bar
bara Lieuallan, Vivian Coss, Max
ine Reed, Ruth Durland.
Alpha Omicron Pi: Helen Ashli
man, Helen Voelker, Isabelle Crow
ell, Dorothy Morgan, Margaret
Hammerbacher, Norma Chinnock,
Margaret Bridges, Gene McCros
key, Elsie McNamara.
Chi Omega: Esther Kaser, Pa
tricia Mahoney, Elisabeth Kaser,
Marjorie Clark, Myra Jordan, Rose
Simons, Marcella Settle, Dorothea
Settle, Edith Peterson.
Delta Gamma: Sally Addleman,
lone Anderson, Dorothy Davidson,
Louise Marvin, Mary Margaret
Daly, Jane Holt, Theresa Gaunt
lett, Elizabeth Keene, Helen Laur
Alpha Chi Omega: Betty James,
Grace Burnett, Ann Rea, Bernice
Bayard, Dorothy Drescher, Kath
erine Langenburg, Marjorie Mar
cus, Elsie Burke.
Sigma Kappa: Margaret Steckle,
Phyllis Magruder, Marie Dorner,
Eleanor Fair, Charleen Purcell,
Janis Gerking, Olive Calef, Zora
Beaman, Alice Lively, Dena Lieu
Kappa Alpha Theta: Thelma
Chappell, Nancy Thielsen, Betty
Ann Johnson, MarAbel Braden,
ITancy Taylor, Mary Helen Corbett,
Virginia Sturgis, Margaret Helt
zel, Marian Camp.
Pi Beta Phi: Ruby George, Fran
ces Drake, Alice Carter, Margaret
Cummings, Thelma Kem, Helen
Shingle, Margaret Rock, Jennie
Delzell, Hester Hopkins.
Kappa Sigma: Carl Klippel, Tom
Johnson, Lionel Lane, Harry Eide,
Jack Burke, Omar Palmer.
Phi Sigma Kappa: Adrian Bur
riss, Edmond Charles, William
Aetzel, George Barron, Jack Al
lard, Martin Geary, Sheldon Laur
ance, Delos Parks.
Theta Chi: William McNabb,
Rod Lamont, Marvin Rodda, Wells
| Smith, Wilbur Campbell, Jack
| Gregg, Jack McNabb, Norman
Phi Gamma Delta: Hal Leon
ard, Richard McGuire, Charles
(Continued on Page Threel
--— -. A_
They Aid In ’Twelfth Night" Production
Here’s a scene from “Twelfth Night,” being presented by the National Collegiate Players and Guild
Hall Players for the last times today and tomorrow at Guild theatre on the eampus. teft to right,
they are: Norma Jacobs as Olivia; Eldon Woodin as Malvolio; Joe 'Hughes as Fabian; and Jean Wil
liams as Maria.
Two Faculty Men
Slated for Radio
Talks This Week
Prof. Canoe Will Speak on
Reclamation Projects
Over KORE Today
Two University of Oregon pro
fessors, John T. Ganoe and Dr. Ed
win T. Hodge, will face the micro
phone of KORE this week to pre
sent their ideas on matters of cur
| rent interest to people of the slate.
This is the third week that these
programs, sponsored by the Ore
gon Daily Emerald under the di
rection of Ralph David, have been
given over the local radio station.
Professor Ganoe of the history
department, will speak on reclam
ation projects undertaken by the
United States government in Ore
gon during the regular Emerald
editorial hour from 4:45 to 5:00
today, while Dr. Hodge, professor
in the departments of geology and
geography, will speak Friday eve
ning from 8 to 8:30 o’clock on the
proposed project of canalization of
the Willamette river from Eugene
to Portland.
While on the whole the govern
ment reclamation projects have
been successful in the work of con
struction, the economic success of
the ventures is doubtful, believes
Professor Ganoe. “In financing
these projects, the government in
tended that the settlers for whom
the work had been undertaken
should pay back the money ex
pended by the public,” he said.
“However, the inefficient execu
tion of the business plans has re
sulted in a situation where we are
actually paying out a subsidy for
the development of those projects,
and being unable to recover the
output by taxation.”
Portland Foreign Trade
Expert Will Speak Here
L. W. Hartman, vice-president
of J. T. Steeb & Co., of Portland,
and one of that city’s leading men
in foreign trade, will speak to
morrow at 3 o'clock in 105 Oregon,
H. C. Hawkins, of the school of
business administration, announced
"The Import Side of Foreign
Trade” will be Mr. Hartman’s sub
ject. The speaker is well versed
in this field, having been interested
for a number of years past in the
port of Portland, Mr. Hawkins
Many Applications in for
Graduate Assistantskips
This term being the open season
for graduate assistantship applica
tions, the graduate office is being
literally flooded with them, Mrs.
Clara L. Fitch, secretary of the
graduate school, stated,
j One application is from Dantzig,
i Germany, and comes from a stu
dent who graduated from Rollins
I college in Florida last year. He
, now holds a German-American fel
■ lowship at the University of Dant
Critic Finds Good and Bad in
Production of rrT\ivelfth Night ’9
Thielsen Shines as Viola;
Confrey Rated Next
In Popularity
Perhaps those who say Shake
speare should not be acted, have
been strengthened in that view by
seeing amateur performances. We
never expect very much and go
because Shakespeare companies
come to Oregon only once a year
and who are we to go flitting
about the globe in quest of amuse
ment? Wings are much too ex
pensive. The Guild theatre audi
ence that saw the opening per
formance of “Twelfth Night” got
more than it expected, and both
the worst and the best interpreta
tions may be put upon that.
The sad question arises: What
would we do without Nancy Thiel
sen? As Viola, she shows fine un
derstanding of every word she
speaks. Her voice is an example
of “art that conceals art.”
Donald Confrey, as Feste, holds
the place next in popularity. His
singing is natural and his jack-in
the-box antics are charming. He
turns only one somersault, but
looks as though he could turn a
dozen more, which, after all, is the
test of a somersault’s quality.
A piece of stage affording en
trances from behind and beside the
audience, adds intimacy, which is
nice, considering the costumes. The
sailors and courtiers, what with
red or golden curls and bright lis
tening-robin attitudes—would they
were all comedians who can arouse
such mirth! But the credit goes
to the costumes, which are, after
all, just what they might as well
be, and most of us would rather
be amused than be impressed.
The good quick tempo is a de
vice safe in. the care of Nancy
Thielsen or Brockman, and very
dangerous in the hands of some of
the others who turn it to an ‘‘as
I was walking down the street"
chant, which is unintelligible and
keeps a great deal from the audi
ence. From this malady the humor
suffers most. When players, as
well as listeners, struggle to catch
a joke, the cynics get just what
they came for.
Sir Toby Belch and Sir Andrew
Aguecheck, from whom we ask
the most, come and go, as it were
in their humor. Surely Gene Love
and Charles Jones need not over
act in an attempt to be funny.
They must be the most real char
acters in the play and may not
look for shelter within the aura of
romance which belongs to Viola
and the Duke, Olivia and Sebas
(Continued on Page Two)
Japanese Praise
Warner Contest
Newspaper Clippings Show
Opinions of Press
A letter to Dr. John R. Mez,
chairman of the Murray Warner
essay contest committee, from the
manager of the passenger depart
ment of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha
line, states that the idea of the
essay contest is being received with
enthusiasm by the press in Japan.
A portion of the letter follows:
“It was a delightful piece of
news for us, to be informed that
your love and enthusiasm for Ja
pan, should receive so prompt and
appropriate response as an offer
by a lady of a prize in the form of
a trip to the Orient, to the winner
of an essay contest for the promo
tion of friendly relations between
the U. S. and the Orient. As sug
gested, we released the news at
j once to the newspapers here. In
spite of the scarcity of space
available at present, owing to the
Diet being in session, six Japan
ese papers printed an account of
the prize contest, cuttings of which
I have enclosed herewith. I will
send you a cutting from the Japan
Times, which will print it this
The Japan Times, Dr. Mez point
ed out, is an English newspaper
published in Japan. An attempt
is being made to translate the clip
pings from Japanese for latter
Six Students on
Tonight’s Recital
♦lusie Auditorium Program
Will Start at 8
The joint recital which was
scheduled to be given at the mu
sic auditorium this evening by
Carolyn Haberlach, pianist, and
Howard Halbert, violinist, has
been postponed to Thursday, March
5, and the third group recital of
the term will replace It.
The program, which will begin
at 8 o’clock and will be open to
the public, will include selections
by six students. The program fol
Neva Lois Thompson, pianist:
MacDowell , “Starlight,” and
Catherine Mishler, pianist: Pad
erewski, “Melodie;” MasDowell,
"To the Sea.”
Robert Gould, organist: Marcel
Dupre, Prelude and Fugue in Q
John Spittle, tenor: Arne, “The
Lass With the Delicate Air.”
Leo Lohikoski, violinist: Rode,
Andante and Rondo from Seventh
Amos Lawrence, baritone: Erle
bach, “The Lone Dog;” Novello,
“Page’s Road Song.”
Roberta Spicer, ’cellist, will also
appear on the program, but had
not announced the numbers she
would play yesterday.
Former Student
Will Edit Tabloid
k on the University campus
last year and worker on the
Emerald, will edit a new com
munity newspaper in Portland,
according to an announcement
made Sunday.
Green, while a student here,
was one of the leading reporters
on the Emerald staff, and was
editor of the freshman edition.
He was editor of the Jefferson
high school paper prior to his
coining to the University, and
was associate editor of the East
Side Enterprise.
The new tabloid paper will
serve Piedmont, Albina, Walnut
Park and Woodlawn, and will
make its first appearance Fri
day. Barney F. Freeland, with
four years’ experience on vari
ous Portland papers, will act as
business manager.
Varsity Debate
Will Be Held at
Villarcl Tonight
Will Meet Willamette in
Dual Contest on Chain
Store Question
The men’s varsity debate squad
will hold its first debate at home
tonight, meeting Willamette uni
versity in Villard assembly at 7:45
o’clock. Oregon will defend the
negative of the question, “Resolv
ed, that the expansion of the chain
stores is a detriment to the best
interests of the American people.”
Walter Evans and John King will
represent the University.
At the same time this evening,
Hobart Wilson and Neil Sheeley
of the Oregon varsity debate squad
will meet a Willamette university
team in Salem, defending the op
posite side of the same question.
Decisions will be rendered in both
the debate here and at Salem.
The speakers at Villard this eve
ning will each talk 14 minutes,
and then devote seven minutes to
rebuttal. Hugh Biggs, dean of
men, will act as chairman.
( The two debates this evening will
be the first in which the Oregon
varsity team discusses the chain
store situation, a question that has
attracted wide interest throughout
the state, being discussed both
over the radio and in the legisla
This is the first year of varsity
debate for King, Wilson and Shee
ley. Evans has had one year of
experience with the varsity team.
All of the debaters are juniors,
with the exception of King, a soph
omore. Hobart Wilson is general
forensic manager for the Univer
Frederic Dunn Addresses
Corvallis Woman’s Club
The Faculty Woman’s club of
Oregon State college, heard an Il
lustrated lecture on Vergil and the
Aenied in Art, yesterday afternoon
at 3 o’clock, given by Frederic
Dunn, chairman of the Latin de
Professor Dunn drove to Corval
lis with his wife in time to attend
a 1 o’clock luncheon tiefore the
Shine Day Set
For Tomorrow
Stands Will Be Erected in
Front of Four Campus
Large Corps of Polishers
Selected To Wield
Rags and Paste
Junior Shine day will take place
tomorrow, it was announced last
night by John Penland, general
chairman of the event.
Tonight ticket saleswomen from
various sorority houses will visit
men's houses during the dinner
hour, Connie Baker, in charge of
ticket sales, said.
Stands Going Up
Stands will appear tomorrow in
front of the old library, the ad
ministration building, Condon hall,
and the Commerce building. Four
men will be stationed at each
stand from 9 o’clock in the morn
ing until 4:30 in the afternoon.
Paul Bale, in charge of proper
ties and stands, announces that a
very superior grade of polish has
been secured for the event, and
that for the first time in the his
tory of shine day, a number 1 sole
polish will be used freely. Brand
new shining cloths have been pur
chased especially for the event.
- In the absence of Art Potwin,
president of the junior class, Pen
land will honor Bill Pittman, sen
ior class prexy, by shining his ■
shoes free of charge. George
Cherry, president of the A. S. U.
O., will also get a free shine.
Shine Parlors Close
As a special favor to the junior
class the shoe shining parlors on
the campus are closing shop for
the day, according to Ken Scales,
assistant chairman of the directo
rate. "I wish to thank them on
behalf of the class,” he said.
I Men who are slated to wield the
shine cloths are:
9- 10—Ned Mars, Chuck Jones,
Hank Levoff, Carl Gerllnger, W.
Cress, Gene Tarbell, Earl Crans
ton, Larry Jackson, Dave Gilman.
10- 11—Frank Harrow, Dick Giv
ens, Bob Holmes, Vince Dolp, L.
Lane, Jack Stipe, Chuck Stocklen,
and S. Chaney.
11- 12—Neil Sheeley, Bob Ran
kin, Sheldon Laurence, Bob O’Mel
veny, Paul Bale, Amos Lawrence,
Ken _ Scales, Litton Bivans, Bill
Barendrick, and Thornton Shaw.
1- 2—Barney Miller, Red Foster,
Cliff Beckett, Harrison Kincaid,
John Rollwage, Bob Quinn, Jack
son Burke, Chuck Woodin, Art
Adams, Jack Erdley, John Lon
dahl, S. Cowans, Jack Steven, W.
Mason, and Bob Christenson.
2- 3—Ed Charles, Kelsey Slocum,
Jack Edlefsen, Slug Palmer, B.
Minsinger, Treve Jones, Bob Lar
son, Brian Mimnaugh, Eric Forsta,
and Hunt Clark.
3- 4—Walt Evans, George Pratt,
Wilson Jewett, Bill Balsey, Wells
Smith, A. Bean, and G. Emmott.
Bill Graeper, Joe Hughes, Ken
Shumaker, Karl Greve, L. John
son, Chet Knowlton, Roy Brown,
and Bob Deever will help during
the afternoon.
Every junior man is urged to
volunteer his services at any hour
he is able to do so.
Co-ed Debaters Miss Trains,
Tell Hindus Gandhi Failure
Two victorious and thrilled
women debaters, Mary Caniparoli
and Bernice Conoly, returned to
the campus Sunday afternoon and
announced that “they had a per
fectly grand time, and had been
treated just like queens.”
The Oregon women left on their
debate tour Sunday, February 15.
They debated a non-decision con
test with the University of Wash
ington, February 17; lost their de
bate with Washington State col
lege on February 20, but won over
the University of Idaho that same
evening, and received the decision
over Whitman college on Febru
ary 21. They upheld throughout
the tour the negative of the ques
tion, “Resolved, That Gandhi has
been a benefit to India.”
The tale they told of greeting
Seattle audiences over the radio,
of missing the train twice, of tear
ing over muddy roads in a bus to
arrive only ten minutes before a
debate, of having ten Hindus in
the audience while they showed
that Gandhi had been a hindrance
to India, all sounded like a modern
adventure story.
During the three days which
the debaters spent in Seattle, they
spoke over the radio, were con
ducted around the University of
Washington campus, and upon
leaving were told that their de
bate, which took place in the new
auditorium, had been the most in
teresting one held at Washington
in a long time. Making their way
to Pullman by train, they lost
their first decision debate to
Washington State college. The
train had already left for Moscow
when the women finished their de
bate with Washington State, so
they had to take a bus over some
snow-covered Idaho roads. They
arrived in Moscow ten minutes be
fore the debate with the University
of Idaho.
“Imagine our surprise,” the d«
(Cuntinucd on Page ThreeX