Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 14, 1931, Image 1

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Told You So
Yesterday was Friday, the thir
teenth and—it rained. We told
you so.
The Weather
The weather today was:
Maximum . 58
Minimum . 26
No precipitation.
Four Hundred
Are Expected
To Attend Ball
Cole McElroy’s Orchestra
To Play for Annual
Y Senior Dance
Bishop Says No Expense
Is Spared To Make
Dance Success
Tonight, to the strains of Cole
McElroy’s Spanish Ballroom or
chestra, more than two hundred
couples in formal attire will dance
at this year's annual Senior ball
•in Gerlinger hall. The reception
will commence at 9 o’clock in
Alumni hall, and dancing will take
up shortly after that hour.
With a list of patrons and pa
i tronesses that has never been sur
4 passed in the history of the event,
the Senior ball promises to be one
of the most prominent dances of
the year, and the premier formal
on the campus schedule.
The closing hour for women’s
organizations will be 12:30, this
being one of the four dances of
the year for which this hour is
allowed, the dean of women’s of
fice announced yesterday.
"Everything is in readiness for
the ball, and we feel that the ar
rangements we have made will
bring the greatest enjoyment to
our guests,” Bob Bishop, general
chairman, declared last night.
Music, Programs Good
“Programs and music have been
chosen with particular care, and
we want these features to be the
strong points of the event. Mc
Elroy’s orchestra of nine pieces is
coming from Portland to make its
first appearance on the Oregon
campus, and we are quite sure
f that the music will be the best
ever presented here,” he pointed
“The programs, which will be in
black and silver, will be worthy of
gracing any memory-book. We
have sacrificed our expense budget
on almost every other item to
make possible the purchase of pro
grams that, we think, will surpass
all others used in recent years.”
Decorations Elaborate
The John L. Stark Decorating
company, in charge of materials
and planning for the decorations,
have nearly finished their work,
and a decorative scheme that is
in keeping with the event, will
greet the eyes of guests, it is
A smooth floor will complete
dancing facilities, despite the rep
utation the women’s gym floor has
acquired at some dances in the
past, and no floor difficulties will
be experienced, Bishop said.
’ The serving of refreshments will
be in the hands of Thespians,
freshman service honorary.
The ticket sale will continue up
to 5 o’clock this afternoon, at
which time they will be collected
from the house representatives,
but tickets may also be obtained
at the door for those who do not
buy them before that time.
On Vespers
—, <* -
Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner,
now on his 17th annual visit to
the campus, will lead the vespers
program Sunday at the music aud
Vesper Services
To Contain Three
Special Features
String Quartet, Polyphonic
Choir, Bishop Sumner
Are To Appear
Eishop Walter Taylor Sumner,
of Portland, the first division of
the polyphonic choir, and the Uni
versity student string quartet will
combine to make the vespers pro
gram at the music auditorium
Sunday afternoon one of unusual
The choir will open the program,
which will begin at 4 o’clock, with
a motet by Tschaikowski, “O
Praise Ye God,” 3inging under the
direction of Arthur Boardman.
A scripture reading and a
prayer by Bishop Sumner will be
followed by a Quartet in G-major
(Haydn), played by the student
quartet, which is composed of
Howard Halbert, first violin;
Frances Brockman, second violin;
Esther Wicks, viola; and Roberta
Spicer, ’cello.
Then Bishop Sumner will give
an informal hymn cycle lecture,
with the assistance of the choir.
He will discuss the origin, history,
and adaptation of several famous
hymns which will be sung by the
We Want Valentines, Too,
Say Graduate Students
Can you understand why all but
two- of the graduate students in
chemistry should get comic valen
Neither can they. But it’s a fact.
With the exception of Karl Klem
and John Truesdale they all re
ceived lovely but rather atrocious
valentines, postmarked from Port
Really it’s a shame that two
such brilliant and at the same time
likable students should be so ig
nored by the valentine sender.
There must be a reason think the
graduate students. What it is
probably no one will ever know
and all we can do is to draw our
own conclusions.
Interesting, Varied Work of
Librarian Told by Miss Long
How large a lot one should have
in order to give 20 sheep sufficient
exercise during the winter months,
was a question Miss Harriet C.
Long was called on to answer re
cently in her work as state libra
g rian, she told the reporter yester
day in describing the many phases
of her work.
“We are asked so many ques
tions,” Miss Long continued.
“Often someone will write to us
giving a line of an old song his
mother used to sing, and wanting
us to find the rest of the words
and the music. Or perhaps it is
the recipe tor some special kind
of cake.
“People confide their problems
to us, and we are in a position to
know and help them with their
problems,” she continued. “An
other one of our big jobs is to do
reference work for the legislature.
When the legislature is in session,
as it is right now, we are kept
f very busy. They come rushing in
to the library wanting to know
the cost of free text-books in Wis
consin last year, and if the proj
ect was successful there, or per
haps they want statistics on the
crime situation in Europe. It is
our job to get all this information
for them quickly, because often
they want to use it in the discus
sion on some bill that same day.”
Two different types of work car
ried on by the state library were
described by Miss Long. “Promo
tion” work is helping to establish
good local and public libraries in
cities and towns of the state. Then
there is the distributing of some
of the 280,000 books in the library
* **;•» *' *'* .5-1
to people all over the state, many
of whom have no other library
service. Traveling libraries con
taining 50 books are sent to rural
schools, where they stay for six
months and are then loaned to
some other school. The “mail or
der” business of the library is one
(Continued on Page Tuio)4
Prize List for
Radio Contest
Reaches Eight
Oregon Pharmacy Offers
Fraternity Plaque
To Winner
Hendricks Hall, Sigma Nu
To Broadcast Programs
Sunday at 6
Another first prize, making the
list of prizes eight, has been of
fered by the Oregon Pharmacy,
882 E. 13th, to the living organi
zation presenting the program
which is accorded first place in
the KORE radio contest, it was
announced last night by Arthur
Potwin, director of the contest.
This last-named prize is a full
sized leather skin, valued at $10,
embossed with the insignia of the
winning organization.
Radio Grand Award
The other prizes are: grand
prize, a nine-tube Majestic radio,
offered by McMorran and Wash
burne; awards for the best oppo
site division and for the outstand
ing men and women performers
are: a $50 overstuffed Birchfield
Cogswell chair, offered by Wether
bee Powers furniture store, and
silver loving cups offered by Paul
D. Green’s store for men and the
Densmore-Leonard ready-to-wear
shop for women; second, third, and
fourth prizes: a $50 table lamp of
fered by Hal White of the electric
store, and two Fox McDonald
theatre parties.
The program this week will be
from 6 to 7 only, as the broadcast
ing station is hooking up with the
■United Broadcasting company
from 5 until 6. The two entrants
will be Hendricks hall, in charge
of Helen Shingle, and Sigma Nu,
Ralph Murfitt in charge, who will
go on between 6 and 6:30, and 6:30
and 7, respectively.
Newspaper Theme Featured
The theme of the Hendricks hall
program will be “The Daily Ame
thyst,” a newspaper idea in which
the various articles and heads of
the newspaper will be featured. It
will be announced by Miss Shingle,
and will feature a trio composed
of Amy Hughes, Laura Parcells,
and La Mura Smith. Piano selec
tions will be interspersed on the
program and a musical “strange
interlude” will be given.
Sigma Nu Has Burlesque
A burlesque on the Rover Boy
series will be given by Sigma Nu
on its broadcast, to be announced
by Gibson Danes. Quartet, solo,
duet, and trio numbers will be of
fered. Ed Fisher, Kenneth Allen,
Kelsey Slocum and Bob Goodrich
will make up the quartet; Fisher
and Goodrich will offer solos; Slo
cum and Goodrich will sing duet
numbers; and Bill McLaren, Good
rich and Slocum will make up the
International house and Gamma
Phi Beta, who were supposed to
have gone on the same program,
have both withdrawn.
Next week’s entrants will be:
Alpha Upsilon, Delta Tau Delta,
and Omega hall.
Life of Socrates
To Be Discussed
Townsend Will Read From
‘Dialogue of Plato’
“Scenes from the Life of Socra
tes” is the subject which Dr. Har
old G. Townsend, professor in
philosophy, will take for the Sun
d a y evening English reading,
which will be held from 7:30 to
8:30 o’clock in the women’s lounge
of Gerlinger hall.
Dr. Townsend will read chiefly
from the “Dialogues of Plato,” in
which the best possible picture of
that first great philosopher, Soc
rates, has been presented. He
will endeavor to select the pas
sages from these dialogues and
the literature of Socrates which
will characterize him, and show
something of the part he played
in the life of his time.
^According to Dr. Townsend, the
reading will be more to portray
the character of the man himself
rather than the philosopher.
In spite of the great influence
Socrates has had on the world as
a philosopher, he is very little
known. This particular Sunday
evening will be spent in bringing
out the character of this great
Oregon’s Touring Debaters
A busy spring is ahead for these two University of Oregon co-eds
who form the debate team that Is touring the Northwest. They are
Bernice Conoly, left, and Mary Caniparoli. The women debaters will
meet the University of Washington, Whitman college, University of
Idaho, and Washington State college on their tour.
Morse’s Survey
On Jury System of
U. S. Published
First Part of Study Goes
In Latest Oregon Law
Review Magazine
Wayne L. Morse, associate pro
fessor of law, has released in the
February issue of the Oregon Law
Review, now on the press, part one
of the national survey of the
grand jury system, which he has
been conducting for the last two
years under the auspices of the
Social Science Research Council of
America., . ■.„
Data for the survey has been
secured with the cooperation of
162 prosecuting attorneys in 21
states and 545 judges from va
rious sections of the United States.
The survey consists of an analysis
of 7414 criminal cases, which ap
peared before grand juries during
the fall and winter terms of 1929
and 1930.
Survey Gets Attention
Professor Morse’s survey is the
first objective study which has
ever been made concerning the
American grand jury system, and
it has attracted considerable at
tention and interest among re
search workers throughout the
United States.
Dr. Raymond C. Moley, profes
sor of criminal law at Columbia
university, who was recently on
the campus and who conferred
with Professor Morse in regard to
the results, stated that the survey
is a thorough piece of research
work and is a significant contribu
tion to the literature on the grand
jury system.
Study Is Complete
The survey points out in what
proportion cases involving the va
rious crimes are presented to
grand juries, what proportion of
cases are initiated by the prose
cutor and what proportion by the
grand jury, and to what extent
prosecutors disagree with grand
jury dispositions of cases.
It also answers the questions of
whether or not there is any sig
nificant difference, as to the crime
charged, between the cases initi
ated by the prosecutors and those
initiated by the grand juries; and
whether or not prosecutors tend
to disagree with grand jury dis
positions in regard to any particu
lar crime. The extent that the
charges on bindover differ from
the charge on the indictment is
also shown in the survey.
Pianist, Baritone Appear
In Weekly Music Recital
The weekly student recitals in
the music auditorium will return
to the normal assignment o£ two
recitalists next Tuesday evening,
when Norma Lyon, pianist, and
Eugene Pearson, baritone, will ap
Miss Lyon is a sophomore in mu
sic from Marshfield and is a stu
dent of Mrs. Jane Thacher. Pear
son is from Eugene, is a junior,
and studies voice with Arthur
Boardman. Frances Harland will
be bis accompanist at the recital.
Next Vocational
Talk for Women
Coming Tuesday
Berlha Stuart of Portland
Is Fifth Speaker
Of Series
The next vocational guidance
talk will be held Tuesday of this
coming week instead of Thursday,
it has been announced by Margaret
Cummings, president of the Asso
ciated Women Students, which is
sponsoring the talks. The change
was made in order to avoid con
flict with the Thursday afternoon
istudiQ plays presented Jay the
I drama department. From now on
all vocational talks will come on
Tuesday at 4 o’clock.
Miss Bertha Stuart, well-known
Portland interior decorator, will
be the speaker next Tuesday. Miss
Stuart for many years has had an
interior decorating shop of her
own, and employs a number of
people in her work. Prior to tak
ing up her present vocation, Miss
Stuart worked for ten years In
New York as a book designer.
Business Is Established
In speaking of Miss Stuart,
Nowland B. Zane, associate pro
fessor of architecture and allied
arts, said yesterday when inter
viewed by the Emerald reporter,
“Miss Stuart has one of the old
established businesses in Portland.
She has a definite interest in fur
thering all the cultural social
causes among women. Her studio
has very outstanding qualities.
“Miss Stuart has a very great
understanding of furniture ana
drapery materials in relation to
the social backgrounds from which
they sprung and the present home
making needs to which they may
apply,” he continued.
“Miss Stuart’s talk should be of
especial interest to women on the
campus,” declared Margaret Cum
mings in discussing the meeting
Tuesday. “Every woman, I think,
feels that she has a knack at in
terior decorating, or at least that
she would like to try it.
Tuesday’s talk will be the fifth
fContinued on Pape Three)
Gals Freeze While
Men Smother in
Formals, Says Bill
Feb. 13.—I call it inconsistency,
this business of formal dress.
The women, wearing nothing
but a couple of shoulder straps
and a floor mat, are always get
ting cold while us guys mop our
brows and darn near suffo
cate in them straight-jackets.
Yessir, I call it inconsistency.
Might it be suggested that the
men adopt the policy of wear
ing conservative shorts and
sleeveless sweaters and the wo
men wear black leather jackets.
But I ain’t such a fool as to
believe that this custom, grown
to be a tradition with everyone,
can be changed. People will
still be fools.
Junior Class
Men Selected
To Shine Shoes
Goal of 2500 Dimes Set by
Directorate for Annual
Polishing Event
Penland To Start Day Off
By Dusting Shoes of
A.S.U.O. Prexy
Fifty-four junior men have been
assigned positions at the shoe
shining stands which will appear
on the campus next Wednesday in
readiness for the eighth annual
Junior shine day, it was an
nounced last night by John Pen
land, general chairman of this
year's event.
Penland announces that his com
mittee has not yet been able to
reach all male members of the
class, and that anyone showing
up Wednesday morning, at any
time, will be given a job. He
states that a further effort will
be made to reach unaffiliated men
and members of living organiza
tions who are living out. "Any
volunteers will be appreciated,” he
said, "as there will ba a great
many shoes to shine, and at the
same time a great many classes
to attend.”
Plans Are Completed
“Plans for Junior shine day
have been advancing steadily the
past week,” Penland announced,
“and we fully expect the greatest
shine day in the history of that
activity. We have set our goal
at 2500 shines, and are confidently
expecting to surpass that num
There will be four stands at
which students may procure their
shines, according to Paul Bale,
who is in charge of stands and
properties. Twelve men will be
working at these stands through
out the day.
John Penland, as chairman of
the directorate, will start the day
by shining the shoes of George
Cherry, president of the associated
students. Later in the day, Art
Potwin, president of the junior
class, will shine the shoes of Bill
Pittman, president of the senior
Shoe-Shiners Listed
The names of the juniors who
have been assigned special times
at which to appear on the stands
9 to 10—Hank Levoff, Carl Ger
linger, W. Cress, Gene Tarbell,
Earl Cranston, Larry Jackson, and
Dave Gilman.
10 to 11—Vince Dolp, L. Lane,
Jack Stipe, Chuck Stocklen, and
S. Chaney.
11 to 12—Bob O’Melveny, Paul
Bale, Amos Lawrence, Ken Scales,
Litton Bivans, Bill Barendrick,
and Thornton Shaw.
1 to 2—Harrison Kincaid, John
Rollwage, Bob Quinn, Bob Miller,
Jackson Burke, Chuck Woodin,
Art Adams, Jack Erdley, John
Londahl, S. Cowans, Jack Stevens,
W. Mason, Bob Christenson, and
Barney Miller.
2 to 3—Kelsey Slocum, Jack
Edlefsen, Slug Palmer, B. Mensin
ger, Trev Jones, Brian Mimnaugh,
Bob Larson, Eric Forsta, and
Hunt Clarke.
3 to 4—Walt Evans, George
Pratt, Wilson Jewett, Bill Balsey,
A. Bean, Wells Smith, and Bill
Chet Knowlton, Roy Brown, Bill
Graeper, L. Johnson, and Bob
Deever will help in the afternoon.
Aptitude Tests
Sent by Officials
Sixty-four Students in Line
For Medical School
All aptitude tests which pre
medical students took yesterday
afternoon have been sent to Dr.
F. A. Moss, at George Washington
university, Washington, D. C., it
was reported.
Sixty-four students who are con
templating entering medical col
leges next year met at Deady hall,
under the supervision of Dr. Harry
B. Yocom, professor of zoology,
to take the aptitude test received
by the pre-medical school from the
American Association of Medical
These papers will not be graded,
nor returned, but the results will
be sent to each medical school in
the United States belonging to the
They’re Students
These five students placed among |
the highest in the University in j
scholarship full term. They are: I
1, Juanita Demmer; 2, (tilth E.
Severance; 3, Madeleine Gilbert;
4, Jesse Douglas; and 5, Jack
Soviet Pictures
Depict Russian
Agricultural Life
Films Show Conditions of
Country Since Regime
Of Revolution
Entertainment of a high quality
was presented in Villard hall last
night at the showing of two mo
tion pictures filmed in Russia by
the Soviet government to show
the progress being made by the
farm people under the aid of the
state. They were directed by
Sergei M. Eisenstein, one of Rus
sia’s greatest film producers.
Prosperous Community
"Old and New,” the principal
picture shown, described the rise
of a poverty-stricken Village ‘ in'
northern Russia to a prosperous
farming community. The acting is
done, for the most part, by the
natives themselves, and is very
realistic. A thread of a story
holds the scenes together and adds
to the interest.
At the beginning of the picture,
the village is beset by .poverty,
hunger, drouth, and family feuds.
Under the leadership of a young
woman, handicaps are gradually
overcome, and the people import
a pedigreed bull, American trac
tors, and other modern improve
ments in farming. Scenes depict
ing the prayers for rain are par
ticularly good.
Pictures Are Beautiful
The second picture, “The Gates
of the Caucasus,” gave scenes of
the tribes in the mountains of
Russia. Many of the “shots” are
of great beauty. Too much can
not be said for the remarkable
photography of both films. Eisen
stein’s camera takes "shots” from
every conceivable angle.
The two photoplays are being
shown through the efforts of the
committee on frqe intellectual ac
tivities, of which Dr. Harold G.
Townsend, professor of philosophy,
is chairman. Another showing of
the pictures will be given tonight
at 7:30, and all are invited. The
admission is free.
Oregon Women
Will Leave for
Debating Tour
School To Be Represented
By Bernice Conoly and
Mary Caniparoli
Debaters To Take Negative
In Four Contests
On Trip
One of the outstanding events in
the forensic season this year is
the debate tour which Bernice
Conoly and Mary Caniparoli, mem
bers of the women’s debate squad,
will take. The two debaters will
leave the University Monday and
will debate the University of Wash
ington, Washington State college.
University of Idaho, and Whitman
college, returning to the campus
on Sunday, February 22.
The Oregon women will uphold
throughout the tour the negative
of the question, “Resolved, that
Gandhi has been a benefit to In
dia.” This same question is being
used by the women’s debate squad
in all their debates this year, but
so far this is the first time they
have upheld the negative of the
Meet Washington First
In the first debate, which will be
a non-decision contest with the
University of Washington on Feb
ruary 17, the girls will use the
cross question method. In this
style of debate, instead of the reg
ular rebuttal the debaters ques
tion each other on their various
On February 20, they will de
bate Washington State college in
the afternoon and the University of
Idaho in the evening. The last de
bate will be with Whitman college
on February 21. All of the debates
with the exception of the one with
the University of Washington will
be decision debates with a critic
judge rendering the decision.
Has Five Years Experience
Miss Caniparoli is a senior in
mathematics and has had five
years’ debating experience, includ
ing one year in freshman women’s
debate and one year in varsity.
Miss Conoly is a junior, major
ing in history. She has had four
years’ debating experience, three
years high school and one year
varsity. She won second place in
the Jewett speaking contest in
1929, and third place in 1930. She
is also manager of the women’s de
bate squad for this year.
Are Well Prepared
The two debaters, with the as
sistance of W. E. Hempstead Jr.,
faculty debate adviser, are work
ing hard in preparation for the
tour. “After hearing the two de
bates here with Washington State
,nd the University of Washington,”
the two girls said in anticipation
of their tour, "we can hardly wait
until our opportunity comes to
participate in similar debates with
them on their campuses. We are
working dreadfully hard, and think
this trip will be both profitable and
This is the first time either of
them have taken a debate tour for
the University. They will travel
by train to the various schools.
(Continued on Page Two)
Americans Are Crazy Over
Education, Says Capt. Dollar
As a nation, Americans have
gone dead crazy over education
is the opinion of Captain Robert
Dollar, veteran steamship man,
who discussed this problem with
Dr. John R. Mez, of the Univer
sity of Oregon, who with Mrs.
Mez, recently returned from a
world tour. They met Captain
Dollar on board ship when he was
returning from the Philippine Is
lands, where he inaugurated the
new inter-island service of the
steamship Mayon. On the three
day journey from Hongkong to
Shanghai, he told many of his life
experiences to the Oregon people.
"I am alarmed over the ever
growing numbers of our college
graduates," Captain Dollar told
Dr. Mez. "What is to become of
them all? Not that there is not
enough work to be done, but that
the nature of the work is such that
educated people simply are unfit
ted to perform it. Some time ago I
was approached by a college grad
uate who asked for a ‘position,’ not
for work. When X asked him
about his qualifications, he said, ‘X
am a college graduate.’ I asked
him if that implied that he knew
all about running a steamship com
pany, and he told me, ‘Certainly!’
In that case, I told him I was
afraid that the only position in
our company that would suit him
was the one which I hold!”
However, Captain Dollar believes
in the fundamental pricipal of edu
cation, for he told Dr. Mez that
the lack of mass education is to
blame for most of China’s trou
j bles at the present time. There
must be mass education in China,
if mass education is to function, he
said. Mr. Dollar has himself
founded a school for native chil
dren near Shanghai, at Poonghow,
where several hundred receive
their primary education.
Captain Dollar was bom in
Scotland 87 years ago, left school
(Continued on Page Four)