See the Fashions The latest in spring styles will be modeled tonight at the Gamma Alpha Chi all-campus dance. It will be the first chance for stu dents to see new fashion creations. VOLUME XXXII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1931 NUMBER 76 Junior Shine Committee Is Named Today ‘Shine for a Dime’ Slogan Retained by Members Of Directorate Prizes to Most Successful Ticket Salesmen Given By Local Stores Appointments for Junior Shine day were completed yesterday, ac cording to a statement last night Penland from John Pen land, general | chairman of the | event. I Connie Baker, | who has charge | o f the ticket 1 sales announced I that she had se I lected her help iers, Marian I Camp, Elizabeth ■ Strain, T r e v e Jones, and Jack j^uieiseu. a licoc sluuculs will aa sist her in the distribution and sale of tickets and a number of men and women will be named later to make the rounds of the living or ganizations the evening before Shine Day. . Bale in Charge of Stands Paul Bale, in charge of stands and properties, has chofeen on his committee Pete Hamilton, Jim Landreth, Jack Rollwage, George Kotchik, and Ralph Stenshoel. This year’s shine day is the eighth annual presentation of the activity, and is expected to be one of the most successful occasions of its kind, stated Penland. “In choosing the directorate I believe that I have selected some of the most competent juniors,” he said. “They have all partaken in a number of class and campus activ ities and have proved themselves most competent and efficient. Our goal this year is set at 2,500 shines and the directorate is confident that it will be attained. I believe that the committee heads have chosen wisely in selecting their committees. To Use Old Slogan “Due to the tradition which has been built up around the slogan ‘a shine for a dime,’ we are con tinuing its use. On the side, we have another slogan in that ‘we guarantee satisfaction’.” Junior Shine day was originally, and still is, a junior class activity for the purpose of raising money for charitable purposes. Last year the proceeds of the event went to relief work in Bulgaria. So far this year there has been no de cision as to what cause the money raised will be donated. Penland will appoint a committee sometime in the near future to decide the purpose to which it shall be put. Prizes To Be Given Due to the efforts of Ken Scales, assistant chairman of the director ate, prizes consisting of a $1.50 tie for the man selling the most tickets, to be awarded by Paul D. Green; a pair of silk hose for the woman with the most sales, pre sented by Densmore and Leonard, and a prize, which will be an nounced later, to be given to the person who holds the lucky ticket, have been secured. , June Graduates’ Applications Due those students who plan to graduate in June must file their applications for de grees in the registrar’s office before spring term, according to a statement issued by that office yesterday. It will be impossible for a student to graduate unless this application is filled out be fore the end of the term. If the student is uncertain whether the petition is already filed, he may ascertain it by calling at the registrar's win dow. Russian Movies To Be Screened At Villard Tonight Pictures Filmed by Soviet Show Actual Conditions, Progress of Country Soviet Russia as it is today will be portrayed in the two pic tures, "Old and New” and "The Gates of the Caucasus,” which will both be shown free of charge to night and Saturday night in Vil lard hall at 7:30 o’clock. These pictures were filmed in Russia under the direction of the Soviet union in an attempt to in form the world better as to what the Soviet government is doing. They were directed by Sergei M. Eisenstein, a Russian producer who has made himself famous with his ability to transfer the art of real life to the screen. Machine Progress Shown “Old and New” pictures the pro gress of the machine age in the Soviet union and its results, and “The Gates of the Caucasus” gives an interesting picture of the moun tain tribes in the highlands of the Russian country. The Chicago Tribune gives the former picture a four-star rating and says, “Mr. Eisenstein’s all seeing camera has caught living picture after living picture. Some of these startle you with their beauty, others by their reality.” Films on Two Nights The two pictures have been ob tained for showing at the Univer sity through the efforts of the committee on free intellectual ac tivities of which Dr. Harold G. Townsend, professor of philosophy, is chairman. Both pictures will be shown both nights, according to Dr. Townsend, in order to ac commodate those who would not be able to attend both tonight and Saturday. The object in doing this, he said, is to accommodate the greatest number of people. A person will be able to see one pic ture one night, and the other the next, or both on one evening. Dr. C. B. Beall To Publish French Monograph Soon “Chateaubriand and Tasso: A study in comparative literature,” is the title of the monograph which Dr. C. B. Beall, assistant professor in Romance language, is working on. When completed the book will probably be published in France. This summer, Mr. Beall will teach French and Italian at Johns Hopkins university summer school. This will be his sixth year on the Summer school faculty at Johns lopkins. 1 Required Course in Library Use Suggested for Students Resulting economy of time for students and librarians was given as the chief reason for the need of freshman instruction in library use by Professor D. R. Davis, as k. sistant in the mathematics depart ment and instructor of freshman orientation classes, and Miss Le nore Casford, periodical librarian, who has assisted Professor Davis in presenting fundamentals of li brary use to his students. “I have observed that not only freshmen are ignorant of methods of library use, but that many stu dents remain ignorant of the im mense facilities which our library offers during their complete col lege course,” Miss Casford said. "The best students are those who can find the most material in the shortest period of time. This seems to me to be sufficient rea son for making library instruction a required course for undergradu ates,” Miss Casford continued, de ploring the lack of facilities for such an undertaking in this Uni versity. Considering his orientation stu dents as fair samples of under graduates, Professor Davis said, “The evidence of knowledge of li brary use which these students bring to my class indicates that there is a great need for library instruction among freshmen.’’ Valuations of the orientation courses which Professor Davis re quires his students to write at the end of the course contain, in al most every case, mention of the instruction in library methods as one of the most valuable phases. In regard to making library methods a required course for freshmen, Professor Davis said, "The necessity for such an action rests principally upon the require ments which are made by the fac ulty. If a great deal of library (Continued on Page Threey Library Vital To Community, Speaker Avers Women Lead Profession In This Field, Head Librarian Says Miss Long Outlines Work For Girls, In Voeational Meeting of AWS The library is in the center of the real activity of the community of which it is a part, Miss Harriet C. Long, librarian of the Oregon state library, declared Thursday afternoon in speaking at the fourth meeting sponsored by the Associated Women Students on vo cational guidance. “We librarians have always felt that the library knows what the people are think ing, what they are feeling, and what they are planning, and with this knowledge we can make our contribution to the community through books.” Love for a genuine interest in people as well as in library work itself is essential to the successful librarian, Miss Long asserted. It is one of the professions which has welcomed women from the be ginning, and since the start of li brary work in America women have been in the majority in the profession, she said. Kinds of Work Outlined The various kinds of library work were outlined by Miss Long, regarded as one of the outstand ing women in her field. Under public libraries there are the large city libraries, in which each worker must be a specialist in some ffeld. In the smaller public libraries there is generally one professional librarian, with one or two un trained assistants. The county li brary work, Miss Long’s particu lar interest, tries to establish a library center in every village and crossroad store, and to carry books to people who otherwise have no access to them. Other libraries are those in teachers’ colleges, federal libraries, or state libraries. There are ref erence libraries, from which books are not circulated at all, but used only at the library. Many large cities have municipal libraries for the exclusive use of city officials. Business houses often have libra ries consisting mainly of clippings and pamphlets related to the busi ness of their firm. A new field in library work is that in libraries where a librarian is often a part of the hospital staff. She chooses books for patients which will not only be interesting but will con tribute to their recovery. Various Departments Named The many jobs in a large city library were outlined by Miss Long. There are the order depart ment, which bandies all books; the (Continued on Page Three) Y. W. C. A. Cabinet Jobs Now Open Aspirants Urged To Apply For Positions Early Candidates for Y. W. C. A. cab inet positions may schedule pre liminary interviews this week with Dorothy Thomas, secretary. Miss Thomas urges that the first of the customary three interviews grant ed the applicant be held at once, since they are to be completed by the end of February. Out of some 60 people who usually apply, stat ed Miss Thomas, about 22 are us ually granted cabinet positions. The custom of interviewing prospective cabinet members orig inated three years ago; this marks the fourth annual observance of the present system. “Any girl from any class in the University may schedule an inter view,” declared Miss Thomas, “either to find out whether she would be interested in a cabinet position, or how well fitted she is to hold a particular position, or what particular position she might wish to create and hold. We give each girl three successive inter views, in order to see the progres sion from first to third, and to see how she works out her own prob lems by thinking about them.” “Our system has proved ex tremely effective,” she concluded. “This year we have had an excep tionally fine and active cabinet group.” Watch Out! It's Friday the Thirteenth9 Day for III Luck Students Advised To Shun Walking Under Ladders, Following Blaek Cats Did you put both feet on the floor at the same time this morn ing? Did you keep your fingers crossed until you had finished combing your hair? Did you spit three times after passing a blonde, and twice, with a sneeze thrown in, when passing a brunette ? If so, you need not fear the spell of the day, for it is Friday the thirteenth! But don't walk under ladders or leave any room backwards, or fol low black cats around the block to avoid their passing across your path. Going through the library doors shoulder to shoulder with a fat man is, not only unlucky, but downright impossible. Fridays are lucky days for this country, the historians relate. But not any Friday the thirteenth. It was on Friday the twelfth that Columbus discovered Amer ica. On a Friday, the oldest city in the country, St. Augustine, Florida, was founded. The pil grims landed on a Friday. And the English finally surrendered on a Friday, at the close of the Rev olutionary war. But Paul Revere's horse had a sore foot on Friday the thirteenth. Amos and Andy were introduced on a Friday the thirteenth. Hunt ley Gordon, the W. S. C. center, plays his best game on Friday the thirteenth (or some other day), and generally nets 13 points. And furthermore, the first na tional psychology test for pre medic students was diabolically planned for Friday the thirteenth, today. A ghastly joke. There will be a number of house dances tonight. Remember the day, and keep your eye on the punch. It is said that arsenic can not be detected by the unskilled tongue, and professional arsenic tasters are scarce this season. However, Friday the thirteenth has compensations. Final exams never come on Friday, the thir teenth of August. It is seldom that Labor day falls on Friday the thirteenth. And Washington’s pirthday has never come on that day, nor has the fourth of July. Aside from that, all’s well. Styles in Spring Apparel Will Be Modeled Tonight Five Co-ee on the campus until next Tuesday, but owing to business calling him hack to Portland, he will leave Eugene Sunday afternoon. This will mean that all students who had planned to confer with the bishop the first of next week should drop into his office either today or tomorrow, and will not need to make uny ad vanced appointments. Medical Students To Take Aptitude Test Here Today Quiz Used as Method for Selecting Prospects Fitted for Work Aptitude teats for all students planning to attend medical schools during the year 1931-32 will be given today in room 103 in Deady hall at 3 o'clock, according to Dr. H. B. Yocom, professor of zoology. A charge of $1 will be assessed all students desiring to take the test and arrangements must be made with Dr. Yocom before 2 o’clock today. The tests will be given simultaneously at all American colleges abd universities where pre-medical courses are a part of the curriculum. Selection Insisted on Medical colleges now insist on selecting from the thousands of applicants only those who have attained high standings in college. During the last two years approx imately 15,000 prospective stu dents have attempted entrance to the leading medical schools of the United States and Canada. Of this number about half were accom modated. More than one out of every five who have actually gain ed entrance is forced to drop out because of the rigid selection among students. Lack of suffi cient scholastic ability to master the material of the medical course is given as the primary cause for this automatic elimination. Test Today Only ■»* The medical aptitude test, pre pared by the Association of Amer ican Medical colleges, will be given today only, and all juniors and seniors expecting to enroll in any medical school during the coming year are urged to take the test at this time. While the University of Oregon has not yet adopted the test as a requirement for entrance to its medical school, 43 of the leading medical colleges of the country have already done so. The general purpose of the apti tude test is to select fjom tho group of prospective medical stu dents, which is always larger than the number admitted, those indi viduals who will best carry on the work expected of them in the med ical school. Unemployment Is Subject of Forensic Meet Wallace Campbell Will Be Oregon Representative In Contest Ten Colleges Are Entered To Determine Best Of Speakers Wallace Campbell, junior in so ciology, will represent the Univer sity of Oregon in the Oregon State Campbell :Aiciupuic opcaiv ing contest, to be held at Oregon a o r m a 1 school, Monmouth, to night at 7. The general subject for the contest will be “Unem ployment In the United States,!’ and the partici pants will be rep resentatives from Linfield college, Oregon normal school, Oregon State college, Wil lamette university, University of Oregon, Pacific university. South ern Oregon normal school, Eu gene Bible university, Pacific col lege, and Albany college. All of these schools are members of the Intercollegiate Forensic associa tion of Oregon, which sponsors this contest every year. To Speak Ten Minutes The entrees will speak for ten minutes on some phase of unem ployment, which will be assigned to each of them an hour before he is to appear. This type of delivery requires the speakers to prepare thoroughly on all phases of the question as they have no previous knowledge of what special phase they are going to be assigned. Ac cording to the rules of the con test, the speakers are not permit ted to use notes and can have only 200 words of quotations. The first prize is $25 and the second prize is honorable mention. Campbell Active as Debater Campbell has been very active in forensic activities on the cam pus, being a varsity debater. He is also the newly elected president of the Congress club, a public dis cussion group for undergraduate men. The general topic for which he has prepared, “Unemployment in the United States,” is the subject of much controversy throughout this country owing to the present economic depression. Paul Blanshard, recent lecturer here for the league of industrial democracy, estimated that nine million people are out of work at present, and that in all the larger cities of the United States bread lines have been established this winter to furnish sustenance for the armies of unemployed men. Last year Arthur Potwin, junior in business administration, won first place in the Oregon state ex tempore speaking contest which was held at Linfield college. Mueller To Speak Sunday Dr. John H. Mueller, associate professor of sociology, will speak before the African Methodist church of Portland, next Sunday evening on the topic, "The Place of the Negro in American Life.” Ripley of 'Believe It or Not’ Wrong, Says Professor Dunn By JACK BAUER Ripley, the great “believe it or not,” slipped when he delved into ancient history the other day, Frederic S. Dunn, head of the de partment of Latin in the Univer sity of Oregon, said yesterday. The popular cartoon, released for daily papers last Tuesday, included a picture of Cicero, great Roman orator of the first century, B. C., with the statement that the term, “Cicero,” was a nickname, derived from the presence of a wart on the end of his nose. The nasal decoration appears with fair dis tinctness in the cartoon. “Cicero,” Professor Dunn con tends, “was not named after the wart on the end of his nose, for there was no wart there." He will carry this message to a luncheon meeting of the High Twelve club of Eugene this noon in the course of a talk entitled, “Rip ley Indicted,” which will seek to show that the wart in the case is of Ripley's own creation—or, at least, was unknown to the Cicero tribe. “The Ripley cartoon is a draw ing of the well-identified bust of the famous Roman statesman, ora tor, and prose writer,” Professor Dunn will tell his audience, “but t the bust from which the drawing ! was made fails to show any wart I or other growth on the end of the | remarkable Roman nose.” Dunn will show a number of : views of the bust in question. It ' is now in the Uffizi gallery, in I Florence, Italy. He will show also | some twenty-five other pictures of •-ecognized and authentic busts of i the Roman senator, none of which show anything resembling a wart on the top of his nose. “Nor was his real name Marcus Tullius. The statement that ‘Cicer* means ‘a wart’ in Latin is a stretch (Continued on Page Two/