Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 12, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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    Oregon and
* O.S.C. To Yie
In Swim, Polo
Frosh To Battle Rooks in
Afternoon; Double
Meet Fills Day
Injuries Cut Down Chance
Of Victory; Teams
Evenly Matched
The Oregon frosh and varsity
swimming and water polo teams
will meet the Oregon State nata
tors here on Saturday of this week
at the women's pool. In the after
noon at 2:30 the frosh and rooks
will tangle in the swimming events
' and at 4:30 the scene of conflict
will change to the pool in the
men’s gym where their polo meet
will take place. The varsity swim
ming matches are scheduled for
7:30 p. m. in the women's pool
and their polo match in the men's
pool at 8:30.
The first meet last year between
the two schools ended in a tie but
technically Oregon State won be
cause of a greater number of first
places although total points were
will make
a most
gift - - -
You must
| Studios
even. In the second meet Oregon
trounced the Staters badly. Last
week Oregon State met the Mult
nomah Athletic club of Portland
and won the meet 45-39. The club
| gleaned many more points against
j the Staters than they did against
Oregon. In that meet Ed Ralston
beat Johnny Anderson in the 100
yard back stroke at 1:10:6. Ander
' son won that event here the week
beofre in 1:14:4.
Last week the chances for a win
. against the state college were good
i but the injury of McGowan Miller,
star dash man, lessens them con
siderably. It is uncertain yet
whether Miller’s fingers are brok
en or not but they are in splints
and every care is being given them.
There is a bare possibility that h‘
will be able to swim Saturday but
as for polo he is out of it.
Bleachers are being put in both
women's pool and men’s pool in
oyder to accommodate the large
crowds which are attending the
meets. Standing room was even
insufficient at the frosh meet last
Jack Cody, swimming instructor j
of the Multnomah Athletic club of
Portland, will be referee and head
diving judge. Ken Moore, senio;
swimming manager, will have
charge of the meet. Directly un
der Moore will be Roy Brown,
Earle Cranston, and John Long,
all junior managers, who will help
with the managerial work.
“Time trials will be held today,”
announced Jack Hewitt, varsity
swimming coach, yesterday.
- I
(Continued from Page One)
and she used them effectively.
Bertha Sims, the little girl played
by Neva-Lois Thompson, really
succeeded in tossing up a sugar
lump and catching it in her mouth.
Miss Thompson has found much
rehearsal necessary to perfect this
art. Harvey Welch didn’t have I
much of a part as young Dickie
Cottrel but he did well at that.
Gladys, the maid, was played with
great dignity by Grace Burnett,
and Zora Beaman was transformed
into the housekeeper, Mrs. Higson,
with a sack-of-meal dress and a
pug of hair on top of her head.
Great wrong was done the baby. '
We stated that this part was j
played by a bundle of cloth, but
find that the baby was really a
beautiful rag doll with blue eyes.
Fox West Coast Theaters
Joel McCrea—John Halliday
C. Henry Gordon
Driven beyond endurance hv her
husband's jealous suspicions, she
iought back at last. She suffered
through love, and he suffered
through knowing that she had
been loved before.
Oregon Beats
Gonzaga 40-31
In Hoop Game
Roberts and Dolp Star, Tie
With 14 Points Each
As Webfoots Win
Score at Half Is Close, Two
Men Ousted on Folds
In Last Period
(From the Gonzaga Bulletin)
SPOKANE, Feb. 11—(Special)
—The Oregon basketball team de
feated Gonzaga here tonight in a
non-conference game, 40 to 31.
The game was close during the
first half, neither team having
more than a four-point advantage.
Oregon led at the half period, 17
to 15 In the second canto the
Webfoots gradually piled up a
good lead.
Vincent Dolp and Cap Roberts,
Oregon forward and center, re
spectively, tied for high-point hon
ors, each scoring 14 counters
apiece. Schoenecker, Gonzaga for
ward, was high-point man for his
team with 12 markers.
Rotenberg, Webfoot guard, and
Bernier, Gonzaga guard, were put
out of the game on personal fouls
shortly after the second half
Starting lineups:
Oregon (40) (31) Gonzaga
Keenan . F . Leveaux
Dolp .F. Schoenecker
Roberts .C.. Murphy
Rotenberg .G. Berilla
Levoff .G. Bernier
Oregon Riflemen
Beat Mississippi
Two Other Matches Lost
During Week’s Shoot
The University of Oregon rifle
team scored a victory over the Mis
souri Agriculture and Mechanical
college in the intercollegiate
matches last week, according to
the report just received by Captain
C. H. Bragg, team coach here. The
score was Oregon, 3521 to Missis
sippi Agriculture and Mechanical
college 3472.
Of the eight schools with which
Oregon was competing last week
the scores of only two others have
been received. They are Univer
sity of Cincinnati with 3582 and
the University of Tennessee with
3617 points, both of which were
victorious over Oregon. Scores
from other schools are expected
soon, according to Captain Bragg.
The ten men who stood highest
in marksmanship of all those
shooting during the week compos
ed the team which defeated the
eastern college. These men were:
Carey Thomson with 371 points;
For the most mod
ern and complete
laundry and clean
ing service in Eu
* * *
Special orders for
quick delivery - - -
and the work is all
of the finest qual
You can trust us
with all fine fabrics
and other light gar
ments - - - call us
for a trial.
839 High Street
port news By Phil Cogswell
Team Returning—
The boys on the varsity quintet
will return today from their north
ern road trip. They are at least a
little better off than when they
left, for they did turn in two wins
at Idaho and consequently edged
out of the cellar.
The two battles which the Web
foots played at Washington State
were great games. The best Ore
gon has got into this year. In both
struggles sensational finishes gave
the crowd its money's worth.
, Monday night Oregon staged a
rally that netted 20 points in the
I last 12 minutes, getting them up
i within one point of the Cougars
before weakening.
I Washington State pulled off the
same kind of a rally in the second
game after Oregon had a 12-point
lead. It was different though, in
j one respect—it was successful.
, - -
Good Mr. Gordon—
Well, Oregon is still out of the
cellar, not far out, but with good
1 chances of being able to keep the
Vandals underneath. Bill Keenan
was one factor in Oregon's good
showing up North. Bill is small
but very aggiessive. Every story
, that has come down about the
games said he starred.
Jean EberiTart, Cap Roberts, and
Kerm Stevens have all been play
ing great ball too, scoring 17, 15,
and 12 points, respectively, during
: the Cougar series.
That giant sophomore center of
W. S. C., Huntley Gordon, was
the principal reason why Oregon
couldn't quite beat the Cougars.
Gordon is way ahead in the league
scoring race. If he doesn't make
13 points in a game, they say he
has had an off night.
• * •
Beavers Ruined—
Washington sunk the pennant
hopes of Oregon State at Seattle,
i and now the Huskies need but
[four more wins to guarantee
themselves the championship. Only
six games remain on Washington’s
schedule. Four of these are with
W. S. C. and the other two with |
Idaho. The Huskies will have no
trouble with the Vandals, and at
worst can be figured to split even
with the Cougars.
The Oregon team will have but
a short rest after it gets home.
Idaho will play here next Monday
and Tuesday, and then the Beavers
come over for a game on Febru
ary 21.
Another Record—
The results of the swimming j
meet between Oregon State and
Multnomah club last Saturday
night indicate the relative strength
of the O. S. C. and Oregon aquatic
The Orangemen won by a mar
gin of six points, 45 to 39, while
the Webfoots beat the Clubbers
more decisively, 54 to 30.
The Staters, however, will shine
in one event against Hewitt’s men.
That is in the 100-yard backstroke.
Ed Raison over there beat Johnny
Anderson in this race and set a
tank record doing it. His time
was 1:10.6.
Gaylord Cox with 365; Harold Min
turn, 364; James Moynahan, 364;
Spencer Raynor, 362; Herbert
Jones, 347; Claude Conder, 345; L.
E. Smith, 342; Ronald DeVore,
332, and Robert Reding, 351.
This week Oregon is competing
|with South Dakota State college,
[ Michigan State college, New York
Stock Exchange rifle team, Cor
nell university, and Oregon State
Agricultural college.
Shoots will be held each week
until February 28.
Handball Tourney
Shows Progress
Semi-Final Round Reached
In Doubles
Stott vs. Goldthwaite.
Scheduling of matches in the
handball all-campus tourney has
succeeded in speeding up play to
such an extent that the doubles
and singles have reached the semi
final rounds. In the doubles Ted
Jensen and Les Johnson will play
Warren Cress and Jack Rhine Fri
day to determine one of the final
Bill Whitely is the only semi
finalist in the singles %o far, hav
ing defeated A1 Burgoyne 21-6,
21-14. Harvey Benson, Jack Rhine,
and Fred Deuel have reached the
quarter finals in the singles. In
the double play, Director and Sol
Schneider defeated Biswell and
Bonebrake to enter the semi-finals.
The fourth semi-finalist will be the
winner of the Deuel and Stott
Whitely and Benson match.
A Corsage
That SHE can
wear to the Senior
Ball will be SO
welcome to HER
as her Valentine
from you. Just try
it, and see if she
doesn’t like it!
- J-lo rdC^Reminder %
Group Will Hear
Talk on Lumber
Austin Dodds To Describe
Situation in Oregon
After studying the unemploy- ;
ment situation in the industrial
ized sections of the United States
for several weeks, the unemploy
ment study group will turn Its at
tention to the problems at home
when Austin Dodds, Eugene lum
ber man, speaks to the students
tonight at 9 o'clock at Westmin
ster house on “The Situation in
the Lumber Industry in Oregon.”
Speakers for the coming weeks ,
have been selected. Miss Mary |
Adams, county executive of the
American Red Cross, and O. S.
Fletcher, county agricultural agent
of the United States department of
agriculture, have agreed to meet
with the students. Dr. Victor P.
Morris, and Dr. Louis A. Wood,
associate professors of economics,
have also signified their willing
ness to discuss the unemployment
situation with the Westminster or
‘Hydration of Ions’ Is
Subject of Discussion
- i
“Hydration of Ions,” by Francis
Jones, and "The Effects of Phen
olic Derivatives on Pathogenic
Yeasts and Molds” were research
activities discussed at the chemis
try research dinner held Tuesday
evening at the men’s dormitory.
George Goodyear, graduate stu
dent, was in charge of the dinner
and meeting.
Local AAUW Sponsoring I
Show at Colonial Theatre
i _
The American Association of
University Women in Eugene is i
sponsoring the motion picture i
“Abraham Lincoln” to be shown j
four days, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, and Saturday, at the Co
lonial theatre.
All tickets will be 50 cents, the
A. A. U. W. receiving 25 per cent
of the proceeds of all tickets sold
outside of the box office. Mem
bers of Thespians, freshman wo
men’s honorary, are to sell tickets
in all organized houses this noon.
Dorothy Hughes, chairman of
the ticket telling on the campus,
asks that all Thespians please turn
in money and tickets to her today.
(Continued from Page One)
other one in some distant part of
the earth. Since the tension has
been relieved in New Zealand, the
earthquake will probably strike
some weak area surrounding that
country. This gives us a big
choice, including the Antarctic,
Australia, the East Indies, or the
mid-PJacific islands. Of course an
earthquake might take place in
any one of these spots, and we
would know nothing about it. If
these places are all in a state of
stability, the earthquake would
probably be liable to strike the
potential earthquake zone along
the v.toL cod.=t of boutli America.
jFijis Keep Place
At Head of Donut
Intramural Chart
Plii Dells in Second Notch
With Independents and
Betas Trailing
After the hectic struggles in
handball and volleyball the Fijis
are left clinging by a very narrow
margin to the head of the intra
mural ladder. After their fine
showing in water polo, swimming,
and basketball the Fijis took a
nose dive in the winter program
and their 314 points on the intra
mural rating chart is only 17
joints above that of the Phi Delts
who gained considerably on the
hill group.
The Phi Delts are in an even
more precarious position. Beta
has practically tied them with 296
counters and Smith’s Independents
follow with 294 to their credit.
Friendly hall has taken the dormi
tory lead with 167 markers, Sher
ry Ross trailing with 166. Teams
making substantial advances in
the recent tourneys are: Independ
ents, semi-finals in handball and
volleyball: Phi Delts, finals in vol
leyball: Beta, finals in handball
and semi-finals in volleyball; La
Casa Filipina, volleyball champion
ship; A. T. O., handball champion
ship; Kappa Sigma, handball
The complete chart with point
ratings follows:
Phi Gamma Delta.314
Phi Delta Theta .297
Beta Theta Pi .296
Independents .294
Kappa Sigma . 246
Sigma Chi .232
Sigma Alpha Mu .228
Chi Psi .224
Sigma Alpha Epsilon .222
Alpha Tau Omega .212
Sigma Pi Tau .207
Alpha Beta Chi .182
Friendly hall .167
Sherry Rosa hall .166 i
Gamma hall .149 !
Sigma Nu .145 |
Alpha Upsilon .144 ;
Phi Psi .137’
Theta Chi .137 1
Zeta hall .129
Alpha hall .122
Sigma hall .117
Sigma Phi Epsilon .112
International house .107
Bachelordon .100
Delta Tau Delta .100
La Casa Filipina .100
Omega hall . 87
Phi Sigma Kappa . 75
Mrs. Gregory Lifur, U. S. C. '18,
was the only woman to ever be
student body president at South
ern Cal. She captained the Trojan
tennis team to two championships 1
and, two years after taking up1
golf, won the woman's champion- j
ship in that game.
* * *
The largest skating arena in the j
United States is at West Point.!
It has a skating area of 232 feet
by 90 feet, and the refrigeration
plant can manufacture 80 tons of
ice in 24 hours.
* * *
Death struck a staggering blow
to University of Nevada's ath
letics last Sunday when Joseph
DeReemer, captain of the basket
ball team, died of spinal menin
gitis. He was ill only a few days.
Nevada will cancel part, if not all,
of her remaining hoop games.
» * *
The Carnegie Foundation for the
Advancement of Teaching con
ducted quite an investigation into
college athletics last year. The
foundation will probably vote Dr.
Gates a Carnegie medal for his
reforms at Penn.
A Wife By Midnight! At midnight Peter
Foley’s wife can collect a million dollar inheritance—hut there
is no Mrs. Foley! So he borrows a wife, and that is when the
mystery and fun begin. '
Eugene Recreation Co.
Catering to -
Ladies and Gentlemen
I Oth and Willamette
12 Bowling Alleys 12 Billiard Tables
Per Couple
To the Senior Ball we are having dances
only - - -
F riday nite—with our new music
Sunday nite—with Carl Collins’ music
Phene Springfield 194 for Reservations
Industry Survey Asked
For Vicinity of Roseburg
An industrial survey of Rose
burg and vicinity has been request
ed of the University school of busi
ness administration, David E. Fa
ville, dean of the school, said yes
terday. The request came by let
ter from P. L. Jensen, principal of
the Roseburg senior high school,
written in behalf of the Lions club
A survey of this type was made
of Lane county in 1928, and the
; Roseburg study, if carried out, will
probably resemble it closely.
Priced at
$25 and $35
957 Willamette
An Enter
. S| First
\N f •
OYif-k >
,. I El
Continuous Performances
FRI. and SAT.
Lust Times