Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 10, 1931, Image 1

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The Weather
ij •«... •. •. '•
Maximum .
Minimum .
No precipitation.
. 50
.. 30
Push Up Gr? 'es
With the release of
house standings today,
ganizations can see their
weaknesses and improve s- J
ship now.
Kappa Delta Is
First on House
Scholastic List
Sigma Kappa ami Alpha Xi
Delta Hold Second,
Third Places
Men s Organizations Lead
By Friendly Hall, Signia
Hall, Chi Psi Lodge
Kappa Delta took the lead in
the rating of house grades, ac
cording to figures released by the
statistician’s office yesterday.
Their average was 52.900. Sigma
Kappa was second with an average
of 51.972, and Alpha Xi Delta took
third place with 51.662.
Friendly hall was the first of
the men's organizations with a
rating of 50.941. Sigma hall with
an average of 47.161 was second,
and Chi Psi lodge third with
Flunks Not Counted
The grades of graduate stu
dents, law students, and fifth year
architecture students have not
been included in the ratings and
no account is taken of hours not
passed, whether withdrawals, in
completes, conditions, or flunks.
The scale used for zoning the
groups is that recommended by
the American Association of Col
legiate Registrars. \
All - sorority, all - women, and
non-sorofity ranked closely for fall
term, the averages being: All
sorority, 47.939: all-women, 47.784;
non-sorority, 47.500.
There was a greater distinction
in regard to men. The ratings
were: All-University, 43.771; non
fraternity, 41.364; all-fraternity,
The entire list is as follows:
1 Kappa Delta . 52.900
2 Sigma Kappa . 51.972
t 3 Alpha Xi Delta . 51.662
4 Kappa Alpha Theta. 51.118
5 Chi Delta . 51.071
6 Friendly hall . 50.941
7 Alpha Chi Omega . 50.709
8 Phi Mil . 49.785
9 Susan Campbell hall.... 49.520
10 Alpha Gamma Delta ... 49.095
11 Gamma Phi Beta. 48.850
12 Hendricks hall . 48.435
13 Alpha Phi . 48.122
14 Pi Beta Phi . 48.051
ALL-WOMEN . 47.784
15 Chi Omega . 47.500
16 Sigma hall . 47.161
17 Kappa Kappa Gamma.. 47.000
18 Chi Psi Lodge .'.. 46.850
19 Alpha hall . 46.707
20 Sigma Phi Epsilon. 46.621
21 Sigma Alpha Mu . 46.222
22 Zeta Tau Alpha . 46.145
23 Theta Omega . 46.045
24 Alpha Omicron Pi. 46.000
25 Phi Kappa Psi . 45.776
26 Sigma Pi Tau . 44.714
V 27 Delta Gamma . 44.663
28 Delta Delta Delta . 44.522
29 Alpha Delta Pi . 44.400
ALL-UNIVERSITY .... 43.771
30 International house . 43.750
31 Delta Zeta . 43.552
32 Sherry Ross hall . 43.071
33 Omega hall . 42.852
34 Kappa Sigma . 42.596
35 Phi Delta Theta . 41.615
36 Alpha Beta Chi . 41.185
ALL-MEN . 40.431
37 Zeta hall . 39.967
ALL-FRATERNITY .... 39.593
38 Phi Sigma Kappa . 39.462
39 Bacheloraon . 39.172
40 La Casa Filipina . 38.933
41 Alpha Upsilon . 38.889
42 Alpha Tau Omega . 38.244
43 Phi Gamma Delta . 38.166
44 Beta Theta Pi . 37.688
45 Sigma Alpha Epsilon ... 37.363
46 Gamma hall . 37.209
47 Theta Chi . 36.909
A 48 Sigma Chi . 35.830
49 Delta Tau Delta . 33.513
50 Sigma Nu .30.487
Graduate School Shows
Small Gain Winter Term
Figures on the enrollment to
date in the graduate school are
now available in the office of the
dean. Dr. George Rebec. *
Winter term represents a gain of
three students over the fall term
total, the figures being 185 and
188 respectively. There are 86
students enrolled in the Portland
extension of the school.
Counting the summer school to
tal of 210, the total figure for the
year reaches 506. There are 25
new students enrolled this term.
Eins.ein Accepts
Dr.R.C. Tolman’s
Universe Theory
Math students take heart—all is
not lost.
Albert Einstein has just indicat
ed his acceptance of Dr. Richard
Chase Tolman's theory of a non
static expanding universe. Dr.
Tolman is now a noted mathema
tician of California and, according
to Dr. Roger J. Williams, profes
sor of chemistry, who studied phy
sical chemistry under him at the
University of California several
years ago, he made no pretenses
of being a mathematician at that
time. In fact he always was apol
ogizing for his deficiencies in that
line, says Dr. Williams.
By agreeing with Dr. Tolman,
Einstein has swept aside his orig
inal hypothesis of cosmology.
And so, all you math students
keep on and maybe you too some
day may startle the world with
your revelations in mathematics.
Two-Day Run of
4The Single Man’
Starts Tomorrow
Wilson and Simons Play
Leads in Typical
English Drama
“The Single Man,” the four-act
comedy by Hubert Henry Davies,
will open at Guild theatre Wednes
play will also be
produced Thurs
evening, and is
i c t e d by the
members of the
3lass in technique
of acting, under
the direction of
Cecil E. Matson,
assistant in the
drama depart
Hobart Wilson
plays the male
lead of Robin Worthington, the
sought-after “single man” of the
play, and opposite him Inez Si
mons as Miss Hezeltine, the sec
retary who finally wins out against
youth and scheming. Captain
Worthington, Robin’s brother, is
played by Jack Stipe, and the cap
tain’s Wife, Isabella, by Marion
Gwen Foss as Maggie
Gwen Foss takes the part of
Maggie Cottrell, the little girl
whose youth and prettiness at
tract Robin. Her playmates, Dick
ie and Bertha, are played by Har
vey Welch and Neva Lois Thomp
son. Eleanor Wood is cast as
Maggie’s mother, Lady Cottrell.
Eleanor Lewis appears as Louise
Parker of Lemington, who uses
every method in her power to win
Robin away from Maggie. The
housekeeper, Mrs. Higginson,* is
played by Zora Beaman, and the
maid by Grace Burnett.
These players all had parts in
the group of one-act plays given
last term, “The Breaking of the
Calm,” “The Devil Comes to Al
caraz,” and “The Dear Departed.”
Has English Background
The scene of the play which is
laid in the country home of a very
prosperous English writer, prom
ises from all reports by the Thea
tre Workshop class, to typically
English in atmosphere.
“The Single Man” will be the
only modern costume play on the
boards this quarter, as the Guild
Theatre players are working on
Shakespear’s "Twelfth Night.”
Tickets for “The Single Man”
are now on sale at Guild hall. For
reservations call local 216. All
seats are 50 cents.
Four Students Will Help
On Yeoman Dance Plans
As the final step in the plans
for the Oregon Yeomen dance,
which has been set for the twen
tieth of this month at the Crafts
man club, Clifton Culp, general
chairman for the affair, last night
appointed a committee of four men
to work with him in preparing and
decorating the hall.
Francis Ballister, Kenny Camp
bell, and Ingram Kjosness will
assist Culp in the decorating; and
Jack Bauer will take charge of the
features which are being planned.
This dance is the winter term
informal evsnt of the Independent
men’s club. If it is as successful
as the Yeomen believe, another
dance will be held spring term,
say club officials.
Oregon A.W.S
To Be Hostess
At’32 Meeting
Intercollegiate Group Will
Hold Third Conference
On Local Campus
Ann Baum, Delegate From
University, Elevated
To Presidency
The Associated Women Students
of the University will be hostesses
to the third annual conference of
the Oregon Intercollegiate Asso
ciated Women Students in 1932, it
was decided at the banquet which
concluded the second annual meet
ing at Oregon State college Satur
At the same time Ann Baum, as
Junior official delegate from the
University, automatically became
president of the state organiza
tion for the next year. According
to the constitution which was
adopted at the conference, the jun
ior delegate from the school which
will be the scene of the confer
ence the following year is elected
president of the state group. The
constitution also provides that she
appoint the state secretary from
her own A. W.. S. Billie Cupper,
Oregon State, was elected vice
president, and Gertrude Bagnull,
Pacific university, was chosen
treasurer. Dorothy Kirk was pres
ident of this year’s session.
Stunt Show Seen
Representatives from Oregon
State, Oregon, Pacific, Willam
ette universities, Ashland and Mon
mouth normals attending the meet
ing. Luncheon was served in the
Memorial Union building follow
ing the business session, and in
the afternoon delegates attended
a formal tea in their honor. The
conference officially closed with
a banquet at 5:30, but delegates
were guests of the A. W. S. at the
annual women’s stunt show in the
Possibility of organizing women
at Pacific and Willamette unver
sities into groups such as the A.
W. S. on this campus, occupied
much of the discussion. Although
none of these schools have such
organizations at present, all feel
the need of such an agent, dele
gates from each school said. Prob
lems at the three schools which
worked against the formation of
an A. W. S. were discussed, dele
gates from the other schools try
ing to give suggestions on how
these might be solved.
Financial Problems Discussed
Financial problems also occu
pied a good part of the discussion.
Oregon State college, Ashland
(Continued on Paoe Three)
Discussion Hours
WiJl Begin Tonight
S e v e nteen Organizations
Signed for Meetings
The winter term discussion hours
will begin tonight at 6:30 in the
17 men’s organizations that signed
up for the meetings last week
when letters were sent to all of
the houses on the campus giving
them an opportunity to schedule
discussions for the two evenings,
February 10 and 24.
Each house was allowed a pref
erence as to speaker and topic,
and a definite representative will
preside over the meeting. The rep
resentatives for the houses are as
follows: A. B. C., John Yerkovitch;
Alpha hall, Charles Stryker; A. T.
O., Bill Douthit; Alpha Upsilon,
Bob Clark; Beta Theta Pi, Rudolph
Crommelin; Delts, Hal Short; Phi
Gamma Delta, Dick Stevenson;
Phi Kappa Psi, John Long; Phi
Sigma Kappa, Ed Hicks; Sherr£
Ross, Leo Samuels; S. A. M., Cal
men Marguleis; Sigma Chi, Bill
Palmer. Other houses participat
ing but who have not appointed
a representative are Bachelordon,
Friapdly hall, Kappa Sigma, S. P.
E., and Zeta hall.
Speakers scheduled to address
the. different groups include: Prof.
W. B. Willcox, John R. Mez, Clay
E. Palmer, S. H. Jameson, A. E.
Caswell, Max Adams, A. B. Still
man, H. G. Townsend, Victor Mor
ris, Walter Meyer, John T. Ganoe,
W. F. G. Thacher, J. G. Hazen,
George Williamson, R. J. Williams,
Calvin Crumbaker.
j The next forums will be on Feb
Iruary 24.
University Third in U.S. for '
Extension School Enrollment
Wisconsin, Minnesota Lead
In Correspondence
Course Students
With a registration of 3108 stu
dents enrolled in correspondence
courses during the year 1929-1930.
the University of Oregon placed
third in the entire United States
in number enrolled in this phase
of education, according to a re
cent bulletin of the office of edu
cation of the United States. Only
two schools, the University of
Wisconsin with 5171 and the Uni
versity of Minnesota with 3125, ex
ceed the University here.
On the Pacific coast the Uni
versity of Washington has 2047
correspondence students, the Uni
versity of Montana has 573, and
the University of Idaho has 298.
The University of Oregon is also
the largest institution of higher
education in the state, from point
of full time student enrollment,
according to the bulletin, which
showed a total on October 15,
1930, of 3344 at this institution
regularly enrolled. Second to Ore
gon was Oregon State Agricul
tural college, with 3319. Among
the 87 state institutions listed in
the bulletin, only 14 have a larger
; student body than the University
| here, while the Oklahoma Agricul
tural and Mechanical college has
exactly the same number.
The state of Oregon takes fifth
place in the entire United States
in the percentage of enrollment of
students in institutions of higher
learning compared to population.
Only Utan, Massachusetts, Ari
zona and Nevada rank above it in
this respect.
During the year 1929-30 the
University of Oregon enrolled in
extension work a total of 3355, of
which about two-thirds were in
Portland. The balance were dis
tributed over several other centers
to which the University regularly
sends instructors to hold weekly
meetings of classes. The Univer
sity is the only institution of
higher education in the state which
j is permitted to carry on extension
classes for college or university
credit, since this field has been
allotted here.
The University served a total
of 6463 students through corre
spondence and extension work,
which, added to regular campus
and medical school enrollment,
brings the total up to more than
10,000 students served during the
year, the report shows.
Robert Seashore
Will Attend Child
Health Sessions
Professor To Visit Eastern
Laboratories While
At Conference
Robert H. Seashore, professor of
psychology, •will leave Friday to
attend the final sessions of the
committee on growth and develop
ment, of the White House confer
ence on child health and protection
at Washington, D. C.
The first session of the confer
ence, which was held in Washing
ton, D. C., during November of
last year, was called by President
Hoover in order to have specialists
working in any field on Child Wel
fare and Protection summarize and
interpret the work done in their
field. The "object was to make
that information available to par
ents, teachers and professions
dealing with child welfare; to pub
lish technical summaries so that
they will be available for people
working in related fields; and to
attempt to coordinate researches
to eliminate duplication and bring
together the best techniques for
investigating the most difficult
A summary of the first meeting
was broadcast from Washington
by radio. Special reports will be
out this year in the form of gov
ernment bulletins.
Dr. Seashore, who has been ask
ed to give a report on “Develop
ment of Motor Skills” and to make
recommendations for the practical
application of motor tests, will be
gone about 12 days. He will visit
the psychology laboratories and
Pre-school at the University of
Michigan and photograph experi
ments which they are doing there
in order that Oregon students will
have moving pictures of experi
ments that they, themselves do
not have the equipment to per
form. Dr. Seashore expressed the
hope that the University of Ore
gon could build a better research
library in this way.
Dr. Seashore will also visit the
laboratories at. the University of
Wisconsin and the Chicago North
western university. There will be
a number of other representatives
of Oregon at the sessions, said
Seashore, representing the social
sciences and the welfare board.
Jack Blanchard Dies in
Portland; 111 for Week
Jack Marshall Blanchard, 20, a
sophomore in the school of busi- j
ness administration, died last Sat
urday night in Portland after a !
week’s illness. He was a member j
of the Chi Psi lodge.
Mr. Blanchard graduated from I
Grants Pass high school and was
a member of the freshman track '
team last year. The funeral serv
ice will be held in Grants Pass to
day at 2 o’clock.
He is survived by his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Blanchard,
Grants Pass, and a sister, Mrs.
Elizabeth Mecham, Santa Rosa,
California. I
W.S.C. Debaters
To Meet Oregon
Women at 8 p. m.
McGowan and Warner To
Tell Audience Gandhi Is
Benefit to India
The question, “Resolved, that
Gandhi has been a benefit to In
dia” will again be debated tonight
at 8 o’clock in 105 Commerce build
ing. At this time Jane Warner and
Catherine McGowan, members, of
the women's debate squad, will up
hold the affirmative in a non-de
cision debate with Evelyn Nobach
and Helen Telford of Washington
State college.
The University of Oregon wom
en’s debate squad is debating this
question the entire season. It is
one, however, that is of extreme
interest. “The British empire, with
all its wealth, men, guns, and bat
tleships, the greatest empire the
world has known, is actually being
humiliated, held as naught, but a
naked figure who looks like a dis
torted baby, and known to millions
as Mahatma Gandhi," John R. Mez,
associate professor in economics,
stated recently in an interview
with the Emerald.
No Previous Experience.
Although Jane Warner and
Catherine McGowan have had no
previous varsity experience, both
have been active previously in for
ensics, and have been working ex
ceedingly hard in preparation for
the debate.
Both Miss Nobach and Miss Tel
ford are seniors at Washington,
and have had one year of fresh
man debate and three years of var
sity debate. The former is the pres
ident of Delta Sigma Rho, national
debate honorary, at Washington
The girls will arrive here this
afternoon from Pacific university,
(Continued on Page Two)
When It Rains
In Illinois It’s
News, Says Bill
Feb. 9.—This writing for news
papers is funny business. It’s
darned hard to tell what’s news
and what isn’t. It seems that
when it rains in Eugene there
ain’t anything said about it, but
just let it rain in southern Illi
nois and it's in every newspa
per. A horse riding on the back
of a man is more news than a
man riding on the back of a
horse. If a goat butts President
Hoover, that’s news, but I can't
figure out what would happen
if President Hoover should butt
a goat.
One thing, I’m getting mighty
tired of seeing about a man
shooting his wife, vice versa,
etc. They’d ought to get Mr.
Lickersham busy on figuring
out how to solve matrimonial
Ticket Sale For
Annual Senior
Ball Gets Start
Formal Invitations May Re
Obtained at Co-op by
Ticket Holders
Governor Meier Inelnded
In List of Outstanding
Patrons Invited
Tickets for the Senior ball, for
mal dance scheduled for Saturday
night, February 14, in Gerlinger
hall, went on sale in the various
fraternities and halls yesterday,
and the sale will continue for the
next few days, Art Rolander, fi
nance manager, announced. Men
living outside these groups may
procure their tickets at the Co-op.
Holders of tickets may call at
the Co-op and receive formal in
vitations to be sent their guests,
Rolander said.
Patrons Outstanding
One of the most outstanding
lists of patrons and patronesses
ever drawn up for a University
campus dance was revealed with
the publishing of programs for the
ball. Governor and Mrs. Julius
Meier, Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Ben
nett Hall, and the Rts Rev. and
Mrs. Walter Taylor Sumner lead
the patron list. Others are as fol
Dean and Mrs. James H. Gil
bert, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Frank,
Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Schwering,
Dean Hugh L. Biggs, Mrs. Murray
Warner, Mrs. L. W. Pittman, W.
B. Pittman, Dr. and Mrs. John
Straub, Mr. and Mrs. Karl On
thank, Dean David E. Faville,
Dean and Mrs. H. D. Sheldon, Dr.
and Mrs. C. V. Boyer, Dean and
Mrs. Eric W. Allen, Dean and
Mrs. Charles E. Carpenter, Mrs.
Anne L. Beck, Dr. John i. Lands
bury, Mr. and Mrs. Walter M.
Cook, Mrs. P. L. Campbell, and
Mr. and Mrs. O. Laurgaard.
Programs Chosen
Programs have been chosen in
keeping with the nature of the
dance, and have been featured
along with the music as items mer
iting the greatest time and ex
pense on the part of the directo
rate, Reba Brogdon, who is in
charge of programs, said. The de
sign is carried out in black and
silver, and they are expected to
conform favorably with the for
malness of the affair.
Complete arrangements have
been made for the carrying out
of the decorative scheme, members
of the directorate having con
ferred over the week-end with a
representative from the John L.
Stark company, who will supply
the decorations. Wilbur Sohm and
Keith Maguire are the directo
rate's representatives in arranging
the dance setting.
Will Sell Tickets
Ticket representatives have been
chosen as follows: Cal Bryan, S.
N. Brown, Howard Stafford, Keith
Maguire, Hank Baldridge, Jim
Dezendorf, Ray Bell, Jack Rhine,
Ferd Fletcher, John Penland, Fred
Feller, A1 Spalding, Harold Black
burne, Sol Director, Howard John
son, Jim Stott, Carey Thomson,
Phil Cogswell, Hal Paddock, Phil
Coffin, Lynne Downs, Ivan Ka
foury, Stanley Darling, Jesse Brad
ley, and Lloyd Ramp.
Miss Hair To Visit
Eastern Oregon
Extension Division Sends
Representative on Tour
In response to numerous re
quests from parent-teacher asso
ciations throughout the state for
information on the subject of adult
education, Miss Mozelle Hair, di
rector of extension activities, will
spend some time in eastern Ore
gon speaking and holding personal
conferences with University exten
sion students in Baker, Malheur,
Union, and Umatilla counties.
Miss Hair will visit Pendleton
February 12 where she will ob
serve morning and afternoon con
ference hours at the Pendleton pub
lic library. On February 13 she
will be in La Grande, and Baker
will be visited on the 14th. Febru
ary 16 she will make her head
quarters at the public library in
Miss Hair is scheduled to speak
on programs of parent-teacher as
sociations in Owyhee, Nyssa, Hun
tington, and Haines.
Campus Snake is
Visitor in Class
At 105 Commerce
The bursting buds and the
shoots of grass must have been
terrifying to a 12-inch garter
snake, an inhabitant of the cam
pus, for he fled to shelter under
one of the seats in room 105 of
Commerce building, and tried to
conceal himself as a ham sand
wich or a pencil or something yes
terday afternoon.
Anyhow, he was there when the
members of the 2 o’clock social
science class arrived, and, al
though he opened his mouth as
wide as he was able, he couldn’t
seem to terrify anyone except one
or two fair damsels, who recoiled
as he uncoiled. At the end of
class some helpful frosh thrust
him out of the window and
watched him wriggle limply away.
Snakes don’t appreciate college, so
it seems.
Penland Appoints
Five To Aid With
Junior Shine Day
Men of Class Will Polish
Students’ Shoes Next
Wednesday for Dime
Five members of the junior
class were appointed to positions
on the Junior Shine Day directo
rate yesterday by John Penland,
general chairman of the event.
Penland, who was appointed to
his position a short time ago by
Art Potwin, president of the class,
stated that on Wednesday, Febru
ary 18, a number of male mem
bers of the class of '32 would make
their debut in the "amalgamated
order of royal bootblacks” when
they will set up their stands on
the campus and shine the shoes
of fellow students for the sum of
one dime.
Those who have been named on
the directorate are Ken Scales,
Sandy, assistant chairman; Helen
Kaufman, Portland, secretary;
Connie Baker, Grants Pass, ticket
sales; Paul Bale, Piedmont, Cali
fornia, stands and properties; and
Ted Montgomery, Eugene, pub
It was understood that a num
ber of sub-committees would be
appointed in the near future.
"Nothing less than 2500 shines”
is the aim of the directorate for
this year's event, stated Penland.
Nine Students To
Appear in Recital
Affair Will Be in Music
Auditorium at 8
Nine students of the school of
music are to appear in recital on
a program to be given in the mu
sic auditorium this evening, be
ginning at 8 o'clock.
Four pianists, two violinists,
three singers will present an hour
of varied music.
Following is the program:
Ruth Hoover, Roseburg, pianist:
“Nocturne in E-minor’’ (Chopin).
Leo Lohikoski, Portland, violin
ist: Andante and Rondo from 7th
Concerto (Rode).
Lewis Long, Eugene, baritone:
"Hills of Home’’ (Fox).
Carl Lemke, Salem, pianist:
“Mazurka de Salon’’ (Tschaikov
Helen Koke, Eugene, violinist:
“Berceuse from Jocelyn” (Go
dard), Alice Woodson, accompan
Victor Bryant, Eugene, tenor:
“Do Not Go, My Love” (Hage
Margaret Atwood, Corvallis,
pianist: “Warum” (Schubert), “A.
D. 1620” (MacDowell).
Estelle Johnson, mezzo soprano:
"Verdi prati” (Haendel), “Dear
Love, Thine Aid” (Saint Saens).
Marguerite Spath, Portland,
pianist: “Arabesque" (Leschit
iszky), “Dance Creole” (Chamin
The program “will be free to stu
dents and the public.
Robbins Will Address Ad
Club at Albany This Noon
“Effects of the Present Econom
ic Depression on Retail Merchan
dising” will be the subject for a
talk by George W. Robbins, asso
ciate professor of business admin
istration, when he addresses the
Albany Advertising club at Al
bany this noon. Mr. Robbins will
return to the campus today.
Cougars Beat
Oregon 37-31;
Halt Late Rally
Webfoots Score 20 Points
In Big Drive But Fall
Short of Victory
Gordon, Washington State
Center, High Point
Man With 15
(From the W. S. C. Evergreen)
PULLMAN, Wash.. Feb. 9.—
(Special to the Emerald)—The
Washington State Cougars took a
thrilling contest from the Univer
sity of Oregon hoop quintet here
tonight by a 37-to-31 score. A
wild Oregon rally in the last few
minutes nearly upset the Cougars
as the visitors piled up 20 points
to the Staters' one.
Cougars Hold Lead
With 12 minutes to go, Wash
ington State led 32 to 11. Rob
erts and Eberhart were sent into
the lineup and started a desperate
last-minute rally. Eberhart, lanky
forward, scored seven points as
the Webfoots ran wild. Stevens,
Roberts, and Calkins sent in a bar
rage of baskets to nearly knot the
score with three minutes to go.
Holsten and Gordon, Cougar scor
ing aces, sank last-second field
goals to end the game 37 to 31.
Oregon in Lead
During the first period the visi
tors kept the score tied most of
the time. For a while they led,
but Huntley Gordon, Cougar cen
ter, was on and scored 11 points
to give the Red Devils a 20-to-9
lead at half-time.
Kberliart Scores 10
Jean Eberhart, with 10 markers,
led the Oregonians. Billy Keenan,
forward, played a fine floor game
for the visitors. Gordon took high
point honors with 15 points. Wills,
I McLarney, and Holsten starred for
the Cougars.
The lineups:
Wash. State (37) (31) Oregon
Holsten (7) .F. (2) Keenan
McLarney (8) .. F. (4) Calkins
Gordon (15) .C.... (10) Eberhart
Wills (5) .G. (2) Levoff
Pesco (2) .G. (5) Stevens
S. (8) Roberts
Camp Fire Group
To Meet Tonight
Officers for Yeur Will Be
Chosen by Members
A general election will feature a
meeting of the University of Ore
gon Camp Fire group, recently or
ganized campus club, scheduled
for 8:45 tonight at the Y bunga
low. Officers will be chosen for
the ensuing year, and plans for
the drawing up of a constitution
will be discussed.
The campus Camp Fire group
was organized last week, and is
open to any girl on the campus,
who has ever been a member of
the Camp Fire girls. It is hoped
that the future meetings of the
organization will consist of general
discussions carried on by the mem
bers themselves, although speakers
will address the group at stated in
May Masterton, who is serving
as temporary chairman of the
group, would like every girl eli
gible for membership on the cam
pus to turn out for the meeting
tonight. The meetings already held
by the organization were well at
tended, but Miss Masterton is ex
pecting many more former Camp
Fire girls to join. “The meetings
will be very interesting," she says,
“and they can be made more so
by having all girls interested in
the Camp Fire movement present
tonight, to aid in planning the fu
ture work of the organization.”
Cburcb ami Its Relations
Wesley Club Discussion
What is wrong with the church?
What is the place of the church in
college life? How can the church
be made more valuable to the stu
dent? These were some of the
questions that were discussed at
the Sunday evening meeting of the
Wesley club, organization of Meth
odist University students.
The discussion was in charge of
Ernest Swanton, freshman in pre
law; and the worship service was
led by Carol Johnson, sophomore
in mathematics.