Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 07, 1931, Page 4, Image 4

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    Emeratcp Ed i lor ia I
Broadcast Treats
State Power Issue
Walter E. Hempstead Talks
On Pending Electric
Bill Over Radio
The power issue is at the pres
ent time before the Oregon legis
lature. One hears many diverse
comments on the situation, pro
and con, and so varied are the
arguments put forward that it is
hard to accept anything as the
Realizing the problem which the
people face in figuring out a
course of action on the matter,
the Oregon Emerald of the air
yesterday afternoon broadcast on
the subject. Walter E. Hemp
stead, instructor in public speak
ing, spoke over KORE on the wa
ter power issue, especially on the
hydro-electric bill now pending be
fore the legislature.
This new feature of the Emerald
editorial broadcast is to be a reg
ular item in the radio programs.
According to Ralph David, who
has charge of the broadcasts, the
people of the state will receive a
direct benefit from the programs
which will feature addresses by
professors of the University on
subjects of current interest to the
By presenting to the people of
Oregon the ideas and opinions of
some of the most . authoritative
minds on business and political
conditions in the state, the Em
erald of the air hopes to let the
people see clearly for themselves
what is needed in the way of leg
islation. "Indirectly,” says David,
"the state legislature will thus be
influenced into making such laws
as will not prove harmful or super
ficial. We can thus, by utilizing
the knowledge we have here, do
our part in adding to the progress
of Oregon.”
Dr. Ella C. Meade
“Orthogon soft light lenses
eliminate glare and
14 West Eighth
A stellar aggregation of stars is
assembled to interpret the foies
1 in “The I^ion and the Lamb,” ,
adapted from the E. Philips Op- |
penheim thriller of the same name, j
and scheduled to open at the Hex I
theatre on Sunday.
Leading roles are played by Wal
ter Byron, Carmel Myers, Miriam
Seegar, Raymond Hatton, and
Montagu Love.
* * *
Ann illarding at llellig
The wistful appeal of Ann Har
ding stands out as the vivid spot
J of "Girl of tiie Golden West,”
which opens al the Hcilig Sunday, i
The story of this powerful film
is taken, of course, from the David
Belasco powerful stage drama
bearing the same name.
1 Set in the gold rush to Califor
nia, one of the most colorful pe
riods in American history, the
I story is essentially one of love,
and die regeneration of a man
1 through the efforts of a woman.
The role offers Ann Harding an
other opportunity as she had in
'“Holiday,” and Miss Harding
: comes through with one of Die
! most excellent and powerful pcr
| fornmnces of her career.
Iliislon in Crime Picture
In a moving and dramatic pic
ture of crime and the criminal,
Walter Huston is appearing for
the last time today at. the Mc
Donald theatre in “The Criminal
j Code.”
The film is a story of the re
generation of a convict through a
strong love that gives him the
hope to reform, it is, next to
"Abraham Lincoln,” Huston’s best
, role.
Colonial .Saturday, "Check and
Double Check.” Sunday, Ann
Harding in "Holiday.”
McDonald S a t. u r d a y, “The
Criminal Code.” Sunday, .lack
Oakie in “The Gang Euster.”
Heilig Saturday, “The Royal
Bed.” Sunday, Ann Harding
in "Girl of the Golden West.”
Rex Saturday, “Breed of the
Wes t.” Sunday, Raymond
Hatton in “The Lion and the
State Sunday and Monday,
Walter Huston in “The Bad
“Lion and the Lamb” at Hex
With the Bunch
Here you will find 11n* cam
|>us folk fjiitliorcd In dancu
:md |ilny. <'omi' down your
self and join in tin* fun.
Phone 3376 For Reservations
Cocoanut Grove
• mum m *1 B s b k m a m a a
Smart Coats, Dresses
Suits and Millinery
The new colors - - - the new styles
... everything that makes them
the ones you want.
Tito latest in spring wear - - - at
popular prices. - - - Come in
and see for yourself.
The French Shop
kokk radio scheditje
Sunday, February 8
10:00- a. m. Talk by Judge
Rutherford. (Electrical tran
scription. )
10:15 a. m. Sunday concert.
2:00 p. m. Weekly magazine
of the Air. (Rev. Whitesmith.)
2:30 p. m. Oregon Loggers.
3:30 p. m. Studio.
1:00 p. m. Battalion quar
4 :30 p. m. Henry Kaahea for
5:00 p. m. Emerald radio
7:00 p. m. Calendar of the
Air, U. B. C.
7:30 p. m. Light House Tem
9:00 p. m.— On Parade, U.E.C.
9:30 p. m. Traumerei, U.B.C.
10:00 p. m. The News Man,
U. B. C.
Monday, February 9
7:45 a. m. Sermonette.
8:00 a. m. Housewife pro
10:45 a. m. Ted Charles.
11:15 a. m. Fox theatre
1:30 p. m. Home economics.
2:00 p. m. Dental Clinic.
2:30 p. m. Scrap Pile.
4:00 p. m. Springfield pro
4:45 p. m. Emerald of the
5:00 p. m. Twilight Shadow
Colonial Has Radio Stars Film
The initial picture of Amos ’n’
Andy, famous over the radio as in
terpreters of negro roles, closes its
Colonial run today.
“Check ’n’ Double Cheek'' is a
comedy built around the team’s
well-known dialect, filled with
thrills and a heart interest. i
* * *
Re\ Has Western
Wally Wales, western star, is
appearing for Ihe last time at the
Rex today in “Breed of the West.”
One of the few western stars
left in the business, Wales’ pic
lures are considered ace high by
those who still care for that type
of entertainment. The usual plot
and .scenery.
Hcilig lias Comedy
"Tlie Royal Bed,” one of the
most hilarious comedies of the sea
son, is the current feature at. the
Ileilig. The film closes today.
Made from Robert Sherwood’s
Broadway success, “The Queen’s
Husband,” it stars such well
known players as Howell Sherman
and Mary A; tor.
* * *
Jack Oakie at McDonald Sunday
The latest laugh riot of Jack
Oakie is due for showing at the
McDonald theatre on Sunday. The
title is “The Gang Buster,” and it
is rated as being the funniest film
yet to come from the versatile
Jean Arthur is playing the fem
inine lead opposite Oakie.
State To Show “Bad Man”
“The Bad Man,” one of the clev
erest plays ever written for the
American stage, and now made
into a worthwhile talking picture,
will be the Sunday feature at the
State theatre.
Walter Huston has the title role
as the good “bad man.”
“Holiday” at Colonial Sunday
“Holiday,” which in play form
was one of the most popular plays
presented by the Guild Players for
many years, comes to the Colonial
theatre in its epochal movie ver
sion on Sunday.
Rated as having a splendid
chance to win the coveted award
>f the American Academy of Mo
tion Pictures, the cast of the film
is headed by lovely Ann Harding.
She does the finest work of her
career in this picture.
Knough in praise of this splen
did picture cannot be written. If
you have not seen it, you do not
know how splendid a medium for
smart comedies the talking pic
ture is.
I). It. l)uvis Will Speak at
Mathematics (Hub Meet
The mathematics club will meet
February 9 at 8 o'clock in room
HU Oregon building. Prof. David
R. Davis, of the mathematics de
partment, will speak on “Non-Eu
elidean Geometry,” followed by a
short business meeting.
In his discussion Professor Da
vis will give a brief review of the
different kinds of non-Kuclidean
geometries and of the source and
development of hyperbolic non
Kuclidean geometry. He will ex
plain the fundamental properties
and some important theorems of
the hyperbolic geometry and also
give an analogous of the hyper
bolic and elliptic-Huelidean geom
Music Students
Will (jive Recital
Program To Be Announced
By Hopkins Today
Another general student recital,
similar to the one given this week,
will be presented at the music au
ditorium next Tuesday evening.
Students who will appear on the
program are: Ruth Hoover, pianist;
Carl Lemke, pianist; Victor Bry
ant, tenor; Helen Koke, violinist;
Margaret Atwood, pianist; Mar
guerite Spath, pianist; Leo Lohi
koski, violinist; and Lewis Long,
The compositions to be played
will be announced by George Hop
kins, who is in general charge of
the recitals, • today. The recital,
free to students and the public, will
begin at 8 o'clock.
Extension Class
Formed at Bend
A. R. Still man Moots Study
Group Kuoli Month
Sixteen business men of Bend
have organized a study group
which meets regularly, using the
outlines in constructive account
ing furnished by the extension di
vision. A. B. Stillman, assistant
professor in the school of business
administration, meets with them
once a month to conduct a discus
sion forum and to answer any
questions which these men may
The same kind of a study-corre
spondence group has been organ
ized by eight students who are
taking the University’s course in
contemporary English novelists.
Word has just been received
from Grants Pass that a group of
eight students are interested in or
ganizing for the purpose of study
ing Oregon history.
This typo of group study work
is flexible almost any number be
ing able to take advantage of the
plan. It is a decided asset to small
communities where the University
cannot afford to send a regular
instructor for classroom study.
Military Students
Will Map Battles
Army Moves To lit' Slutlietl
In Atlvtuire Class
A historical monograph, of some
battle or campaign which the
United States army has engaged
in since the colonial wars, will be
given by each advanced military
j student at the regular class hour
! beginning next week.
Each student will act in the ca
pacity of an instructor, according
to Lieutenant Prouty, who is in
charge of the class. He must pre
sent his subject in the form of a
talk and be prepared to answer
any questions the class may ask.
A map, showing the various moves
j of the armies, which he has pre
pared, will be used in the lecture,
but notes are barred.
In the past the senior students
have received much practical
knowledge as well as enjoyment
from these discussions, according
to the lieutenant.
Those who will take part in the
assignment, which will continue
throughout the remainder of the
! term are: Donald Guild, Bennet
Swanton, Jesse Douglas, Carl
Moore, Henry Beistel, Melvin
Long, William Ayers, Howard
Stafford. Gaylord Cox, Dave Tot
ten, Fred Felter, William East,
Harold Kinzell, Foard Smith, Don
ald Flynn, John Londahl, Elmer
School of Music
Sylvia Weinstein Margulls,
Corn Toshner, Violoncellist
lJuth Bradley Keiser, 1‘ianist
Sunday, Feb. S
4:00 P. M.
Admission—,*»() Cents
Pahl. Carey Thomson, Johnny Kitz
rriiller. Jack Erdley. Spencer Ray
nor, Jasper Rolander, Ray Bell.
Harold Blackburne, Nick Zylstra,
Harold Johnson, Robert Evert, I
Waite” Adams, and George Ander
1 son.
Exhibit Will Open
Industrial Week
Program Aim Is To Create
Campus Interest
An industrial exhibit held Mon
day in the Y. W. C. A. bungalow
will be the first feature of the In
! dustrial week program being spon
sored by the Y. W. C. A. under the
chairmanship of Ann Baum.
‘‘Our purpose,” announced Mar
! guerite Mauzey, chairman of the
, exhibit, ‘‘is to create campus sen
! sitivity to industrial problems.
I Since it was partly through the
| efforts of the Y. W. C. A. that
Paul Blanshard was recently se
cured as a speaker, we also feel
I that his lecture was excellent
preparation for Industrial week.”
The display will include large
colored posters representing child
labor, woman in industry, unem
ployment, "old age the industrial
I scrap heap,” standards of living,
working conditions, and workers'
education, as well as “white” lists
for food productions, representa-1
•lion of employee-owned and con
trolled businesses, and lists of bib
liography for reference in indus
trial education.
I Church in School
To Be Discussed
Wesley Club To Consider
Religion in College
"What is the place of the church
I in college life?" will be the subject
i for discussion at the Sunday eve
; ning meeting of the Wesley club.
Ernest Svvanton, freshman in pre
law, will lead the meeting, and
| Carol .Johnson, sophomore in math
ematics, will have charge of the
worship service.
Why does the church exist. ? Does
a student need religion ? How can
! we make Christian principles prac
II ical ? These are some of the
questions that will be discussed at
the meeting. The fellowship half
1 hour will begin at 6, and will be
followed by the worship service at
Dr. Luther E. Lovejoy, president
of the United Stewardship Council
of the Churches of Christ in the
United States and Canada, and sec
retary of stewardship of the Meth
odist church, will speak at both
the morning and evening services
of the Methodist church. Follow
ing the evening service, the Wes
ley group will meet for its regular
fireside hour.
The Wesley group is planning a
hike to Old Baldy mountain, near
the Coburg caves, today, accord
ing to Wilbur Sohm, president.
Oregon Yeomen
Schedule Dance f
Craftsman Club Is Chosen
For Date Affair
The Oregon Yeomen dance
scheduled for February 20, will he
held at the Craftsman club, it was
announced last night by Clifton
Culp, social chairman of the inde
pendent men's organization.
The dance, which Will be a date
affair, will be open to all men not
members of fraternities or halls.
Tickets are on sale through mem- j
bers of the Yeomen executive
council. An orchestra has not yet
been selected, but a number of
good groups are being considered,
Culp said.
“In presenting this dance," Mer
lin Blais, Yeoman president, said,
“the recently-organized club is ,
taking a step toward furthering
closer relations among the inde
pendent men of the campus. The
event will be repeated probably
during the spring term if the first;
proves successful.”
A special meeting of the council
will be held Monday evening in the
men's lounge of Gerlinger hall for
completion of dance plans, and for
consideration of the club's radio
program scheduled for March 1.
'1-Art C'onir«ly Sclirdnlod
For Showing Nrx! Week
Stage crews as well as casts are
busy working on ‘‘The Single Man,"
the four-act comedy to be produc
ed Wednesday and Thursday, Feb
ruary 11 and 12 at Guild theatre
under the direction of Cecil E.
Matson, assistant in the drama de
Fred Orin Harris, technical di
rector, with the assistance of the
theatre workshop class, is planning
the stage settings which are to be
typically English in atmosphere.
Rosnnind Strieker is in charge
of lighting and Louise Webber find
Kate Alward are the property man
agers. Martin Geory is the stage
manager, and Stanford Platt is
the business and advertising man
The ticket sale will start Mon
day at 1 o’clock at Guild theatre.
For reservations call local 216. All
seats 50 cents.
Slranisliip Lines Offer
Low Fares for Summer
Drastic reductions in summer
round trip fares to Japan, China
and the Philippine Islands are an
nounced by Dan E. Gould, district
passenger agent of the American
Mail Line and the Dollar Steam
ship Lines.
Effective for all President lin
ers sailing from Seattle. Victoria,
B. C., Los Angeles and San Fran
cisco, April 1 to July 31, inclusive,
travelers to the Far East may
purchase first-class round trip
transportation, as follows: $150,
to Yokohama and return; $465, to
Valentine Special
8x10 Prints—Suitably Mounted
$1.50 MSS
Printed from Any Negative Made in 1930, and
to Date in 1931.
'Phis offer holds good until February l itli.
Place vour orders earlv.
PHONE 1643
Your Folks
Drop In
Take Them Somewhere Special
Wlii'Ji your folks drop in for a visit arrange
to take them to the Osburu Hotel
dining room for dinner.
Regular Dinner Service or a La Carte—
As You Prefer.
Kobe and return; $520, to Shang
tai and return; and $565, to Hong
tong or Manila and return with
nal return limit, October 31. Stop
jvers will be allowed going and
•eturning within the final limit.
In view of the convenience of
lates with respect to school af
fairs, educators and students are
ixpccted to make up a large part
jf the travelers to the Orient tak
ng advantage of the reduced fares.
Four Leave Friilay for
Oregon State Stunt Show
Mrs. Hazel Prutsman Schwer
ng, dean of women; Mrs. Alice M.
Macduff, assisting dean; Dorothy
Kirk, state president of the presi
lents of A. W. S. association; and
Margaret Cummings, president of
he A. W. S. of the University of
Oregon, motored to Corvallis last
light to attend the Stunt Show
vhieh corresponds to the April
Frolic of this campus.
While in Corvallis they will at
end the state A. W. S. conference
vhich will be held today.
Miss Cummings was one of the
judges at the fashion show held
ast night at the Stunt Show'.
Jesso If. Rond To Speak
To Sunday Seliool Class
“Significance of Calling Things
What They Ate” will be the sub
ject for a talk by Jesse H. Bond,
of the school of business adminis
tration, when he addresses the
adults’ Sunday school class at the
Congregational church Sunday
morning at 10:15.
The talk is one of a series being
given by Mr. Bond on the general
subject, “The Psychology of Jesus
in the Light of His Probable Oc
cupational Experiences.”
—-- -
Infirmary Reports Kaput
Decrease in Enrollment
Sudden decrease in enrollment
at the infirmary seems to be a
characteristic of that institution.
On Thursday there were 13 pa
tients confined and several more
had been turned away because of
lack of room. Yesterday, however,
a check-up at 3:30 in the after
noon revealed that only four were
left. According to infirmary offi
cials, better weather conditions
may have been responsible for the
rapid decrease in the number of
Those confined at the present
time are: Charles Marshall. Nor
man Cool-, Virgil Langtry, and Ed
St. Regis .... 39c
Fairway .... 30c
Golf Balls
Tennis Bal
3 for $1.35
lltli and Alder
“Eugene’s Own Store”
Me M orran & W ashburne
PHONE 2700
That’s a Mighty Low Price for
Men’s Suits
Actual $45.00 Values
Kuppenheimer and Manor Brooke Styles
2 or 3 Button Coats
Peak or Notch Lapels
Sizes 35 to 42
Backed by the maker—backed by McMorran and Washburne—
complete and full assurance of style, fit, value, tailoring,
fabric and service. Can you ask more ?
and forget
about mid-terms
-Sunday Nite
Phone Springfield 194 for