EDITORIALS FEATURES HUMOR LITERARY University of Oregon, Eugene Vinton Hall, Editor Anton Peterson, Manager Willis Dnniway, Managing Editor Rex Tuning- Associate Editor Dave Wilson, Lois Nelson, Harry Van Dino—Editorial Writera UPPER NEWS STAFF Editor’s Secretary: Mary Helen Corbett Carol Hurlburt, Society Assistant: Lillian Rankin Lester McDonald, LTterary Barney Miller, Features Warner Guiss, Chief Night Editor Phil Cogswell, Sports NEWS STAFF Reporters: Merlin Blais, Betty Anne Macduff, Roy Sheedy, Ted Montgomery, Jessie Steele. Isabelle Crowell, Jack Bellinger, Betty Davis, Helen Cherry, Virginia Wentz, Jim Brooke, Joan Cox. Kenneth Fitzgerald, Madeleine Gilbert, Ruth Dupuis, Frances Johnston, Oscar Monger, Carl Thompson, Billie Gardiner, Caroline Card. Night Staff: Friday Elinor Henry, Harold Birkenshaw, Joseph Saslavsky, Fred Fricke. Day Editors : Thornton Gale, Lenore Ely. Thornton Shaw, Eleanor Jane Bnllantyne. Sports Staff: Ed Goodnough, Bruce Hamby, Walt Baker, Ervin Laurence, Eh the* Hayden. Radio Staff: Art Potwin, director; Carol Hurlburt, secretary; Dave Eyre, reporter. BUSINES Harry Tonkon, Associate Manager Jack Gregg, Advertising Manager Larry Jackson, Foreign Advertising Ken Siegrist, Circulation Manager Ned Mars, Copy Manager Martin Allen, Ass’t Copy Manager Mae Mulchay, Ass't Foreign Adv. Mgr. Edith Peterson, Financial Adm. John Painton, Office Manager Dorot STAFF Harriette Hofmann, Sez Sue Betty Carpenter, Women’s Specialties Kathryn Laughridge, Asst. Sex Sue Carol Werschkul, Executive Secretary Larry Bay, Ass’t Circulation Manager Bob Goodrich, Service Manager Marie Nelson, Checking Department Hughes, Classified Advertising -Manager Copy Department: Beth Salway, Mirtle Kerns, George Sanford. Copy Assistants: Joan Bilyeau. Viola Morgan. Office Records: Louise Barclay. Office Assistants: Marjorie Bass, Evangeline Miller, Jean McCroskey, Jane Cook, Vir ginia Frost, Roselie Commons, Virginia Smith, Ruth Durland, Mary Lou Patrick, Carolyn Trimble. Production Assistants: Gwendolyn Wheeler, Marjorie Painton, Marian McCroskey, George Turner, Katherine Frentzel. Advertising Solicitors This Issue: Bill Barker, Dick Goebel, Victor Kaufman, George Branstator, Betty Zimmerman, A union Bush. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except. Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Member of the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.f>0 a year. Advertising rates upon application. Phone, Manager: Office, Local 214; residence, 324. Guidance for the Men (he vocational guidance program sponsored by the Associated Women Students well under way, the possi bility of having some sort of a similar program for men may be in order. The women’s lectures have been well attended and, after getting off to a rather inauspicious start, they have proven to be very valuable. Unorganized attempts have been made by the various schools in past years to bring leading figures to the campus for lectures which were thought to prove of help to men thinking of lifelong vocations. All of these talks were well attended, but there was little organization behind them. Various honoraries have also had leaders of their professions on the campus from time to time and have issued invitations to all interested in attending. It is only natural that few men who were not members of the groups put in an appearance. In this modern day, with its many varied possibilities for em ployment, it is difficult for a college student to decide on a profession with only a background of college work behind him. Statistics prove that a great percentage of college graduates, going out into the business world, have found that they were not suited for the work they chose. They lost valuable time in making a change or in finding the positions best suited for them. A plan whereby a series of lectures could be given on the campus by leaders in the various professions each year might be feasible. These affairs would be all-campus in their nature without regard to the courses in which the students were ma joring. Successful business men are usually found to be entirely will ing to advise students in their vocational problems. The pro gram could be so arranged that short personal interviews might bo granted to interested students, and it is entirely likely that many men would, in this manner, find work in the field in which they are most interested and to which they are best adapted. High-Pressured Scholarship rJ''llOSE who complain that in the modern American university athletics and the social life are over-emphasized at the ex pense of scholarship may find some atonement in our institu tion in the amount of publicity that is given to the students who make exceptional scholarship records, or rather grade-point records. Something of a Pythagorean mysticism of mathematics seems to hang around the figure 80, and prompts the prepara tion and prominent publication of names of all students who make more than four-score grade-points. Perhaps the choice of 1 this number lies in the fact that 80 is the maximum number of grade-points which may be made by a student carrying the nor mal and faculty-advised study schedule of 16 hours, and the restriction of an honors list to those with more than 80 points 1 automatically bars the normal student. We do not wish to detract from the value and the pride of exceptional grades, but we regret that there is no more accurate measure of the educational value derived from a college term than an arbitrary apd artificial system of mathematical classifi cation which separates the blessed from the damned. Making so much of students who draw down straight I's implies that their methods an those which should be emulated by all stu dents. a possibility that exists only in theory and possesses doubtful value. Old Oregon Han Article bv Youuii First Report of Stuto.Boat'd Reviewed l»> Aullioi* “Looking Over the First Report of the .St«te Board,” a review of in* terest to Oregon students and fat - uity as well as alumni, appears as the first article in the February issue of "Old Oregon." alumni pub lication. The article is written by F M. Young, ’14, associate editor of the Oregon Voter, and contains some significant figures and data tin the findings of the newly-formed state board of higher education. A picture of Judge Robert Sharp Bean, ’78, who, up to the time of his death in 1931, was tlie only surviving member of the first class to be graduated from lb*' Univer sity, and a tribute to bis character and accomplishments arc given Iirst place among the illustrations cf the issue. Dr. James H. Gilbert, dean of the college of literature, science, land the arts: Dr. F. L. Shinn, pro lessor of chemistry; and Dr. K. C Clark, chairman of the history de partment, are the three to appear, in the "Faculty Faces" section this month. A poetry section, entitled "Some ■ Stray Verses." contains seven (poems by students in the English' iclass of versification, taught by Alice Henson Ernst. Some of the young poets include Nancy Tay lor, Phyllis Van Kimmell, Eleanor Coburn. Elinor Henry, Margaret Ormandy, and Rebecca Morgan. The Hall of Fame section blos ] soms out under a new name. | "Some of Ours," and contains sketches of four prominent alum ni. Maurice Hyde. Agnes Dorothy Campbell, Oliver L! Hustou and Arthur Kudd Education School To Add Degrees Faculty Vote To Give Rank Of Master, Doctor Two professional degrees, that of master of education and doctor of education, will henceforth be granted by the school of educa tion of the University of Oregon, it is announced here following fa vorable r tion on the proposal by the faculty. These < agrees will be conferred upon men and women who pass rigid requirements in the field of school education, a more highly specialized phase of education than is required for the ordinary master of arts or master of philosophy de gree. Privilege to grant these degrees at the University now places the school of education here on a par with any in the country, it is pointed out. Holders of the de grees are expected to find Them of high professional value, since they will stamp the graduate as one specialized in the field of edu cation. The Oregon school has beeen recognized for some time as a leader in the field of education, and many of its research and oth er projects have won national ac claim. Graduates are now teach ing in all parts of Oregon and in many places throughout the world. CAMPUS ♦ ALENDAR Drama group of Philomelete will meet in the recreation room of Susan Campbell hall, Sunday, Feb ruary 8, at 4 o’clock. Oregon Yeomen executive coun cil will meet at 8 o’clock Monday night in the men’s lounge of the Gerlinger building. Extremely im portant. “Pre-engagement Years” will be the topic for discussion led by Edith Grim at Westminster house at 9:45 Sunday morning. Every one interested may attend. Hikers meet at the Women's building at 1 this afternoon for trip to Hendricks park. Prose ami poetry group of Phil omelete will meet Sunday after noon at 2:30 in the women's lounge at Gerlinger building. Members please bring pages for the scrap book. Phi Theta Ilpsilon meeting Sun day at 5:30 at the home of Mrs. N. F. Macduff, 1135 Mill street. Must be excused by president if unable to attend. PLEDGING ANNOUNCEMENT Gamma Phi Beta announces the pledging of Lucy Brookes of Seat tle, Washington. PLEDGING ANNOUNCEMENT Theta Chi announces the pledg ing of Bud Ellison of Roseburg, Oregon. PLEDGING \N NOUNCEMENT Chi Delta announces the pledg ing of Margaret Corum and Gladys Gillespie, both of Eugene. WThe + ♦ ETFOOT I “All the News That’s Foot To Print” Well, how time flies! An other day shoots around in less time than it takes to tell about it. And speaking of shooting a round, it's about the time of j year to think up fresh means | of gipping the old score card. I And, by the way, Mrs. Koptzo 1 vich, may I have the third ; ' waltz ? I | YES, WE’RE GOING TO THE DOGGERELS i Mary had a little pony, ! On paper white as snow; j And every quiz which Mary took, | The pony was sure to go. She forgot to hide it from the prof., Which was against the rule; And now our Mary studies hard In correspondence school. AND WHY WAS IT CALLED jA PONY? BECAUSE IT IS (MANY PEOPLE'S MANE SUP j PORT, AND THEREBY HANGS I A TALE. ♦ ♦ ♦ | And if you think that one’s | weak, just read on. And while this is being written we see our roomie primping him ; self all up to go to the Kwama ' Skull and Dagger blowout at Co coanut Grove. * * * \ And speaking of the names of the honoraries around this school, ' we ask you confidentially, what’s I the use of ever studying the Eng ' lish language ? Itchkowitz boompa Urzctmn htarmb, Mrs. Jones? No. Ispurble, allum oople grztvilky, Mr. Reynolds. And then there was the girl who loved to see a man with a pipe. You guessed it, she's now the wife of a plumber. * * * CAMPUS SIDELIGHTS Being a fable of the man who got his picture in the Emerald. Once upon a time there was a freshman. He lived in a big frat house with shower baths and a pet canary. He had a car, a canoe, a portable phonograph, a new suit and a clean shirt. He was bright and made 28 points every term. He was free from Halitosis, B. O., athlete’s foot and gym itch. He had shook hands with Johnny Kitzmiller, Arnold Bennett Hall, President Hoover, A1 Capone, S. Stephenson Smith, and Johnny Kendall. He had a personally au tographed picture of Clara Bow on his dresser and another one of Bull Montana. He had curly ljair, could sing tenor, and had won three waltzing contests. He haji once been mentioned in the parlor propaganda over the Emerald KORE hour. He had been blithe and happy until this last event. When his name had come over the ether he heard several people re mark, ’ Who is that? Never heard of him. Can't be anyone of im portance.” From that moment on his life was blighted. Who was he ? he thought to himself. No one, abso mmammmmrimim mm inwin^ See THE NEW STANDARD GENERAL ELECTRIC \ CLEANER Step out with a smile at your saving In the G-E cleaner are found so many feaiures you’ll won der how it can be sold for The Wir Standard Mmlfl ha» jP added suction, ru^tJcdncM, beauty at the old price. V Power’s Furniture Co. llth Street and Willamette ■ lutely no one. He slunk home and drowned his troubles in lavoris. On the campus he was a changed man. Why couldn’t he speak to all the prominent people like the rest of the students? He slunk about the campus, with head hung in shame. When anyone spoke to him all he could do was mumble. The student body president passed him up without even looking at him. And beautiful Nellie Mc Dougall never even gave him a glance. He was simply a non entity. One morning he awoke to find j that a fraternity brother had i taken pity on him and had ap- [ pointed him chairman of an im portant class function. His pic ture appeared in the paper. He stared at it with unbelieving eyes. He, a campus celebrity. With eager eyes he glanced at the ac companying article: Jones says ‘ that this will be the most success ful function of its kind in the his tory of the University. . . . Jones promises . . . Speaking of Jones’ appointment, Smith says . . . That he feels positive that Jones is the very man for the job . . . one of the most active members of his class ... a member of the bon fire workers . . . greater Oregon committee ... did a brilliant piece of work as a member of Glee cleanup committee . . . confident of success of the function. He jumped up from the break- , fast table and ran upstairs to look at himself in the mirror. Now that he was a man among men, he must look the part. He must be dignifiedly pleasant but must master that “most likely to sue- ] ceed" expression, the harried im- ' portant expression which he had 1 observed so many times with envy ] on the faces of the big men about the campus. In short, he must 1 look the part of a man of affairs, < and must learn that curt nod 1 which invariably accompanied * their "Hello, Joe!’’ or “How are '■ ya, Mike?” He practiced these 1 expressions until he had them j« down pat. Then he practiced his 1 masterful stride. Finally, with I beating heart and with expanded j chest, he walked down the cam- I pus. He , could imagine people j 1 looking at him, pointing him out i as “A1 Jones, the chairman of so i and so.” He spoke to everyone 1 he met and received the few con- i gratulations with becoming mod- c csty and with that certain effi cient air. Suddenly he saw the student body president coming down the street toward him. His pulse quickened, now or never. “How are ya, George?” he barked. Everything went perfect, his curt nod, his glance of cool appraisal, just the proper inflec tion. He received a puzzled nod. Confidence raced through h i s veins. Then he saw Nellie. “Hello, Nellie!” and received a demure, half-wondering response. Yen, college was sure the dope. He stopped to have a cigarette at the law school curb, with a frat brother. He put in his two bits’ worth in the conversation. As he left the group he stopped to tie a shoestring. “Who's that guy?” he heard one of the persons he had just talked to inquire in a puzzled voice. “Search me,” said another voice, “I never saw him before.” Ice froze in his veins and he slunk homewards, by a back route. He didn’t feel like going to his classes. He once more drowned his troubles in lavoris. What the hell was the use ? McGowan and Warner To Debate With WSC Soon Catherine McGowan and Jane Warner, members of the women's lebate squad, are busy working cn their speeches over the week end in preparation foe their de cate with Washington State col ege this coming Tuesday. The girls will debate the affirm ative side of the question, “Re solved, that Gandhi has been a cenefit to India.” The debate is to ce held Tuesday evening in 105 Commerce building. ]rADNHI PROVES PEN MIGHTIER THAN SWORD (Continued from rage One) ilants and factories. Also, Gandhi ioes not want the British to go, )ut simply to give his country lolitical freedom. “Gandhi has taught the world he power of the economic boy-,, :ott,” Mez said. Cotton manufac urers in England have been dealt l hard blow by his activities. The peaker believes that British con rol of India is virtually a thing if the past if Gandhi persists in iis present activities. Hobby Group To Meet The Prose and Poetry group of ^hilomelete will hold its regular neeting Sunday afternoon at 2:15 n the women's lounge of Gerlinger lall. Pauline Schuele, acting pres lent of the group will lead the dis ussion. I A Decade Ago Saturday, February 5, 1921 Varsity wins from O. A. C. 30 29. * * * Student body to present “Ari zona.” The cast will be chosen from tryouts. • * * * 799 people are taking corre spondence courses, according to the extension division report. O. A. C. rooks take initial game from frosh tossers 21-9. •1s * * Summer vacation this year is to be lengthened one week. HEMPSTEAD SPEAKS ON OWNERSHIP OF POWER (Continued from Page One) the lines will be drawn remains a puzzle. Time will tell. Oregon’s power fight is not quite over. Yet n- - it has already been and will con tinue to be a spectacular social combat. And in the amphitheatre of state or national politics today no responsibility is more crucial to ourselves and to our posterity than the determining of the proper power policy." Hempstead will give an analysis of the hydro-electric power bill over KOBE at a later date. President Hall Is Invited To Washington Gathering An invitation to attend the meetings of the section on medical service of the White House Con ference on Child Health and Pro- _ tection, to be held in Washington, 7 D. C., February 19 to 21, has been received here by Dr. Arnold Ben nett Hall, president of the Univer sity. Although he will be unable to attend the session, Dr. Hall plans to assist in every way in the movement, which is being fos tered by President Hoover. Tl i New Sunday Nite Dresses In Print and Plain Colors. $12.75 Knitted Suits Beautiful in Colnriti