Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1931, Image 1

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    Mass Meeting
The second A. W. S. mass meet
ing in the series on vocational
guidance will be held this after
noon at Alumni hall, with Mrs.
Donald Hamlin as guest
The Weather
Maximum . 62
Minimum . 38
No precipitation.
Psychology To
Be Subject of
Hamlin Speech
Women’s Chances in Field
To Be Discussed This
Afternoon at 4
Many Positions Open for
Women in Clinic Work,
Mrs. Hamlin Says
The field of clinical and educa
tional psychology, the opportuni
ties and advantages it has to offer
for women, will be the general
subject of the talk which Mrs.
Donald Hamlin will give at the
meeting of the Associated Women
Students this afternoon at 4
o’clock in Alumni hall.
Mrs. Hamlin, who arrived on the
campus last night, calls “remedial
treatment of scholastic maladjust
ments in college and public
schools” her hobby, and she is ex
pected to include a short discus
sion of this phase of psychology
in her talk.
Interesting Talk Awaited
This portion should be especially
interesting to all women of the
campus, according to Margaret
Cummings, president of A. W. S.
“All of us have had or are expe
riencing difficulties in adjusting
ourselves to the routine of study
required in college work,” Miss
Cummings said, “and any hints we
can get which will enable us to
do our studying with better re
sults will be welcomed, I know.”
More positions are open for
women in remedial work in the
clinical fields than in strictly edu
cational psychology, Mrs. Hamlin
said Wednesday evening. Clinical
psychology offers unusual mone
tary and other advantages which
make it particularly attractive.
neiu imoi uenorai
“Mrs. Hamlin’s field is not a
general one,” Miss Cummings said
last night, “but it is extremely
interesting from a specialized
point of view. Her presence here
is a fine opportunity for women |
of the campus to investigate her
work personally and learn about
it. Interviews with Mrs. Hamlin
should prove particularly helpful
for girls who are either interested
in her field or who have study ad
justments of their own on which
they want advice.”
Appointments may be made to
meet Mrs. Hamlin Thursday and
Friday through the dean of wom
en’s office. If a sufficient number
of people desire to talk with her,
she will probably be on the cam
pus Saturday.
Mrs. Hamlin did her graduate
work at Ohio State university and
at Smith college, where she held
a teaching fellowship. She worked
in the children’s court in New
York City for one summer, and
has done work in girls’ summer
camps and has also tutored. Her
teaching has been limited some
what to retarded classes, gram
mar school and high school, and
probation students at Ohio State.
She has also done clinical work
at the university.
Gets Summer Position
Chandler B. Beall, assistant pro
fessor of Romance languages, will
teach Italian and French at Johns
Hopkins university this summer.
Spiring Visists and
Canpus Shows It
^PRI\ came to the Oregon
campus yesterday as the sun
from a cloudless sky sent the
temperature up into the 70’s and
lured students from classrooms
to the comfort of the outdoors.
Golf knickers were dug out of
far corners of closets to make
their first appearance of the year
on the campus. The mill race
enticed a few swimmers; phono
graphs and radios played noisily
from the front porches of fra
ternity houses along the race,
and scholarly-inclined men
moved tables and chairs outside
to study in the sunshine.
Tops on automobiles were let
down, windshields levelled, and
students rode about as if it were
June instead of January.
Waterbags, those true harbing
ers of spring, were thrown from
many a second-story window
and passing auto yesterday.
“It seems to be spring,” was
the campus song.
News Letter Has
Three Articles by
W. A. A. Members
Discussion of Activities
Ami Programs Appear
In Last Issue
Three articles written by mem
bers of the University of Oregon
W. A. A. have been accepted by
the A. C. A. C. W. News Letter
and appear in its last issue.
The first article is one dealing
with the Women’s Athletic asso
ciation activities and program for
fall term. The second article told
of the Strawberry festival which
is a feature on the campus every
spring term.
The last article dealt with the
activities of- W. A. A. in relation
to other campus organizations,
and a brief description of Peters
Lodge and its sponsor, A. W. S.,
was given along with an illustra
tion of the cabin. One other illus
tration of the girls’ hockey team
appeared also.
The News Letter, which is a
publication of the Athletic Con
ference of American College Wo
men, is published three times a
Dawson Addresses Group
On 4Gas Analysis’ Topic
“Gas Analysis” was the subject
of a research discussion given by
Charles Dawson, graduate student,
at the chemistry research dinner,
held Tuesday evening at the men’s
dorm. These dinners are held ap
proximately every two weeks for
the purpose of discussing the dif
ferent research projects being car
ried on in the chemistry depart
Westminster Forum Group
To Hear Mueller Tonight
Dr. John H. Mueller, associate
professor of sociology, will speak
before the Westminster forum
group which is studying unemploy
ment at its meeting at 9 o’clock
tonight at Westminster house.
Dr. Mueller’s talk is a part of
a series of weekly discussions on
‘phases of unemployment, being
led by various professors.
Rehearsals for rThe Single
Man9 9 Go Into Home Stretch
As the production date for “The
Single Man” draws nearer, Villard
hall is more often lighted for night
rehearsals. The stage becomes a
stage, and not merely a lecture
platform. Blackboards serve as
fireplaces and walls, chairs as baby
carriages, books as baskets of
grapes, and sometimes even noth
ing at all may turn out to be a
pair of gloves.
This may seem confusing, but
with enough imagination the mys
teries are soon solved. In the first
place it is necessary to realize
that Hobart Wilson is a bachelor
of 45 years, and that Marian Camp
and Jack Stipe are a young mar
ried couple looking for an imag
inary baby in an imaginary baby
Gwendolyn Foss. Harvey Welch,
and Neva Lois Thompson have lost
a few years, perhaps, and are now
getting great enjoyment from play'
ing tag and sticking fingers in
jam. All of which disgusts Elean
or Lewis, who has developed a
languishing lily walk and a cou
ple of supremely supercilious eye
Eleanor Wood is a lady and car
ries the part off with great poise,
while Inez Simons is a secretary
who is still in love wi£S her boss
after having been looked upon as
a typewriter for five years. Zora
Beaman and Grace Burnett com
plete the cast in the respective
roles of housekeeper and maid.
The play is to be produced Feb
ruary 11 and 12, and is acted by
the members of the class in tech
nique of acting. Cecil E. Matson
assistant in the drama department,
is directing it. He hardly sinks
(Continued on Page Tico)
Wins Honor
International recognition in the
field of music has come to John
J. Landsbury, dean of the school
of music, who will he a speaker
on the program for the second an
nual Anglo-American music con
ference to be held this summer at
Lausanne, Switzerland.
Dates for School
Of Chamber Men
Set, Says Faville
Commerce Secretaries To
Visit Campus on
March 23-25
March 23, 24, and 23, have been
set aside as the dates for the 11th
annual "school” or short course
for secretaries of chamber of com
merce organizations in Oregon, ac
cording to an announcement made
by David E. Faville, dean of the
school of business administration
here, which is assisting the ar
rangements for the annual con
fab. The discussion method of
studying subjects and problems j
will feature the meet this year,
Dean Faville states. Chamber sec
retaries will for the greater part
act as leaders of the discussions.
Leonard Gilkey, of the Albany
chamber of commerce, has been
made president of the Oregon As
sociation of Chamber of Commerce
Secretaries, replacing W. E. North,
of Corvallis, who has resigned
from the association.
Round Tables Slated
A wide range of subjects will
be discussed at the “school” this
year. Round tables are expected to
be held to talk about the Willam
ette valley and the Coloumbia riv
er development programs, among
other subjects.
The Christy Thomas cup will
again be awarded to the chamber
secretary who writes the best pa
per on “Chamber Organization.”
It is offered by Christy Thomas,
secretary of the Seattle chamber
of commerce. Secretaries of
chamber organizations in the state
of Washington will be asked to
participate in the short course
here. The Thomas cup was won
last year by L. K. Cramb, secre
tary of the Bend organization.
Under classification of publicity,
(Continued on Page Three)
Graduate School
To Enforce Rule
Master’s Work To Be Done
Within Five-Year Period
The graduate school of the Uni
versity is strictly enforcing the
five-year ruling regarding prepa
ration for a master’s degree, it
was announced from the office of
the dean yesterday.
This ruling provides that all
work taken at this University or
any other university for the pur
pose of applying for a master’s
degree must be taken within a
five-year period immediately pre
ceding the examination.
“One graduate student has tak
en work way back in 1923 and
wanted to apply it towards his de
gree in 1931. Of course, he was
doomed to disappointment due to
this five year ruling,” Dr. George
Rebec, dean of the school, said.
Another case was that of a stu
dent who had taken 36 hours of
work in 1925 and 1926, just out
side the five-year limit. “Now all
these credits are worthless, Dr.
Rebec stated. “I would like to
warn all those working for their
master’s degrees to check with
the graduate office concerning
this matter.”
Films Showing
Life in Russia
To Come Here
Progress of Machine Age,
Pictures of Highlands
To Be Shown
Two Noted Lecturers Also
Scheduled To Appear
This Term
Two Russian films and two well
known lecturers will be brought
to the University campus within
the next two months, announced
H. G. Townsend, professor of phil
osophy and chairman of the com
mittee on free intellectual activi
ties, which is making possible
these attractions.
On February 12 and 13 there
will be shown in Villard hall two
Russian films portraying life in
Soviet Russia. “Old and New" is
a picture portraying the progress
of the machine age in the Soviet
union; and “The Gates of the Cau
casus” shows the mountain tribes
in the highlands of the Russian
country. These two pictures have
been directed by Eisenstein, a
Russian producer who is noted for
using the motion picture as a
means of art. The two films have
been produced under the supervi
sion of the Soviet union in an at
tempt to better inform people
what the Soviet government is do
Picture Said Epical
The New York Evening- Post
says, “The picture ‘Old and New'
is epical in the true sense of the
word, a triumphant visualization
of combat and growth. Eisenstein
has illumined his narration with
photographic effects which are un
canny in their relevance and beau
Dr. Kalidas Nag, lecturer in art
and archaeology and history at the
University of Calcutta, will lecture
here February 19 on “Indian Art
and Archaeology,” and again - on
February 20 on “The Present In
ternational Situation,” a lecture
describing India’s place in present
world affairs.
Lectures World Over
Dr. Nag has lectured the world
over and is at present lecturing at
a number of colleges, universities
and other institutions of learning
throughout the United States in
order to obtain first-hand material
for a handbook on “The Cultural
Centers of the United States of
America,” which he has been com
missioned to prepare by the Great
er India society.
At the request of Sigma Xi, sci
ence honorary, Arthur Haas, pro
fessor of physics at the University
of Vienna, will come here on March
17 to lecture on “The Atom and
the Universe.” Dr. Haas is one of
the foremost of the new physicists.
He has written a number of books
on physics, which are being ysed
both in Germany and the United
States, having lectured at the chief
educational centers in this country
in 1927.
Graduate Assistants Must
Have More Preparation
The Graduate Bulletin has just
been posted, it was announced
from the office of the graduate
school yesterday.
A new feature of the bulletin
states that graduate assistants for
survey courses must have general
as well as specific preparation for
the course in which they are to
teach or assist. For example, an
applicant for a position under the
subject of physical sciences must
have had training in numerous
scientific subjects besides just
chemistry or physics.
Psychology Examination
Will Be Repeated Today
The entrance examination in
psychology which is given to all
freshmen will be repeated Friday
afternoon at 4 o’clock in room 301
Condon hall, for the benefit of
those who were unable to take it
at the beginning of the term.
; Dr. Howard Taylor, associate
professor of psychology, has an
nounced that those students who
took the examination at least a
year ago and who would like to
take it over again may do so by
reporting for the make-up on Fri
Rael Gathers Folk Lore
Juan B. Raei, instructor in romance languages, is shown taking
down Spanish folk tales he gathered on a recent trip to Spanish set
tlements in southern Colorado and northern New Mexico, where the
people live today as their ancestors did 800 years ago.
Professor Visits Old Spanish
Community in Quest of Tales
Ancient Ideas Are Retained
In Isolated Parts,
Says Rael
A story teller who spins out his
tale to such lengths that it takes
all winter and far into the spring
to relate, and who has an audience
that eagerly awaits the new in
stallment of the tale as it is told
evening after evening, is a phe
nomenon hard to believe in this
day of speed. Such a story teller
lives, however, in our own United
Not only that, but he and his
neighbors live in the same sort of
community, have the same cus
toms, speak the same language,
that their ancestors did 300 years
ago when they first came over
from Spain. This is the amazing
story brought back by Professor
Juan B. Rael of the University,
who has returned from more than
a month's trip to Southern Colo
rado and Northern New Mexico,
where these people live their se
cluded and quiet lives.
That this part of the country
is a treasure house for the student
of the Spanish of the Golden Age
of Spain is the belief of Mr. Rael.
The language in Spain itself has
changed since that time, but here
it has remained unchanged for
more than three hundred years,
spoken as purely as it was when
Spain’s literature had reached the
peak. Already American customs
and language are now creeping in,
and Mr. Rael felt it imperative to
make this collection as soon as
possible, as already many of the
old story tellers were forgetting
their tales, for they no longer tell
them. The younger generation is
fast turning to other amusements.
Mr. Rael spent some time there
last summer, preparing the way,
but he found he could not get very
much done then, as the people
were too busy in their fields. How
ever, on his return trip, he feels
that he was really able to make
(Continued on Page Four)
Weather Has No
Effect on Illness
Sore Throats Predominant
Trouble on Campus
Despite the expectations of
health officials, the warm weather
which has swept over the campus
for the last few days has not had
any effect in decreasing the num
ber of cases confined to the in
firmary. Such a situation is some
what unusual, says Helen Flem
ing, nurse in charge.
A severe epidemic of sore
throats now predominates in caus
ing trouble for the University
health officials. Many students
are quite ill with this ailment, and
a few have very high tempera
Two more students were admit
ted late yesterday, thus swelling
the infirmary enrollment to within
two patients of being filled to ca
pacity. At the present time the
following are confined: Herbert
Graham, Jenny Hondius, Helen
Lei'sz, Elizabeth Peterson, Howard
Dietrich, Pat Merrick, Bill Berg
Albert Tuch, Wilbur Preble, anc
Jack Blanchard.
Found in Hello
Gag, Says Bill
Jan. 28. — They're always
trying to make us believe that
traditions are dying. Now they
say that no one on our campus
here says “Hello.” A few still
do it, but they are just in one
of the four classes. We'll call
:hem the "Oldfashioners,” be
cause they still use the same
old expression. Of course we
have the “Want-to-be’s” who
are trying all the time to let
everybody know they are here.
Then there are the “Question
ers” who are always asking
how you are and never expect
an answer. Last of all we find
the “Politicites” who pack a
happy siniie, rain or shine, and
who storm the office of the
campus newspaper to get their
pictures on the front page. No,
sir, the tradition ain’t dead yet.
W.A.A. Releases
Winter Calendar
Banquet, Speedball Spread
Scheduled for Term
The Women’s Athletic associa
tion has issued its calendar cover
ing the remainder of winter term
and has posted it on the bulletin
board of the women’s gym.
The activities and dates are:
February 3, W. A. A. council meet
ing; February 5, initiation of new
members; February 17, W. A. A.
council meeting, report of nomi
nating committee; February 18,
W. A. A. mass meeting—nomina
tions considered; February 25,
election of officers; March 4, win
ter term banquet; March 6, speed
ball spread.
Trend of Religion
i Discussion Topic
I -
Members of Congress Club
Debate on Christianity
That Christ is a myth, and the
! Bible stories are legends, and yet
Christianity, because of its sound
philosophy and the inherent de
sires of mankind, fills a very defi
nite and necessary place in the
life of the average person today,
was the opinion of the majority of
members of the Congress club,
which discussed the topic, “Reli
gion Some Trends and Aspects,”
at its meeting in the College Side
last night.
| George Bennett, freshman in so
cial science, introduced the discus
sion and showed the development
of Christianity since its begin
nings, at a time when people were
dissatisfied with their pagan gods.
"Industrial Democra cy” has
been chosen for the next weekly
meeting of the club. Willard
Arant, sophomore in journalism,
will make the introductory speech.
Nominations of officers for the re
mainder of the school year are
scheduled for the next session.
Dr. Samuel H. Jameson, asso
ciate professor of sociology, will
speak before the Westminster for
um at Oregon State college Sun
day evening, February 1, on the
topic, “The Social Program of Rus
Fee Payments End
At Noon Saturday
upAIK your fees yet? You
only have until Saturday
noon to do it you know—” if the
cashier’s window eould talk it
would greet one-half of the stu
dent body in this manner, for at
least that number haven’t
stopped in at the Administration
building and squared up their
aeeounts with the University.
Saturday noon is positively the
deadline, and a fine of $3 for the
first day late and 25 eents for
each subsequent day will be im
posed for late payment. The
windows are open from 8 in the
morning until 3 in the after
Alpha Della Sigma
Elects Three Men
As New Members
Announcement Released at
Anchorage Luncheon
Held Yesterday
Three prominent advertising
men were elected to associate
membership of Alpha Delta Sigma,
national men's advertising honor
ary, it was announced at a lunch
eon meeting held yesterday at the
The three men are Charles L.
Baum, promotion manager of the
Oregon Journal; B. N. Hutchinson,
president of the Western Adver
tising Agency at Seattle; and Lee
Drake, prominent Oregon publish
er and connected with the Pendle
ton East Oregonian. They were
elected at the Oregon Press con
ference last week, and a formal
report was made at the meeting
George H. Godfrey, theatre own
er of Eugene, was the principal
speaker. He talked on “Theatre
Publicity," and illustrated his . ad
dress with practical material. An
informal discussion and questions
followed. Francis Mullins, mem
ber of the honorary, gave an illus
trated talk on his experiences with
the Edmund C. Bechtold Co., Port
land advertising agency. Mullins
won a scholarship and worked
there last summer. He also gave
an advertising job analysis.
Plans were discussed to send
delegates to the advertising meet
ing to be held in Corvallis late in
Students Sponsor
Blanshard’s Visit
Special Lecturer To Speak
Here February 4
Two student groups—one on In
dustrial Relations and one on In
ternational Relations- will spon
sor for the University the visit of
Paul Blanshard, special lecturer
for the League for Industrial De
mocracy, who will be in Eugene
February 3 and 4, it was an
nounced yesterday.
Mr. Blanshard is making a na
tional tour this winter, speaking
before university groups and in the
nation’s larger cities on labor and
international problems. He has
been educated at Michigan, Har
vard and Columbia, and has made
studies of present-day problems in
many parts of the world.
Majestic Radio
Will Be Grand
Contest Prize
McMorran and Washbtirne
^Vgain Offer Emerald*
KORE Award
Overstuffed Chair Donated
By Wetlierbee-Powers
To Other Winner
McMorran & Washburne again
comes to the fore this year to of
fer as grand prize in the second
annual Emerald-KORE contest the
latest model in Majestic radios.
In fact, the model is so new that
none has reached the Pacific North
west for distribution as yet, and
Karl Thuneman, advertising man
ager for the local department
store, could give no description of
the radio last night other than it
is a nine-tube super-hetrodyne
model de luxe, with the latest in
novations in cabinet construction
and mechanical workmanship. It
would prove an asset to the living
room of any living organization
on the campus, Thuneman said last
A beautiful Majestic radio was
awarded as first prize in last
year’s contest by the store.
Chair Is Prize
A Birchfield Cogswell over
sturiea cnair, vaiuea at $ou, is to
be presented by Wetherbee-Pow
ers furniture company to that or
ganization taking first place in the
best opposite division. This prize,
as has already been announced,
will be awarded to that group
sponsoring the best program
among the opposite sex to that
which wins the grand prize. Weth
erbee-Powers is offering to cover
the chair with upholstering that
will fit in with the color scheme
carried out in the rooms of the
winning organization.
Second and third prizes have not
yet been selected, but negotiations
for these awards will be completed
the last of this week and an
nouncement of them will be made
at this time.
Cups Are Given
In addition to these prizes the
Paul D. Green cup for the out
standing male performer of all the
broadcasts and the Densmore
Leonard trophy for the outstand
ing performer in the women’s di
vision are also one the awards list.
College Side Inn will be the
scene of the third edition of the
Emerald contest next Sunday
night when four organizations,
Sigma Kappa, Alpha Xi Delta,
Zeta Tau Alpha, and Sigma Pi
Tau, go on the air.
Crtimbaker To Give Talk
At Oregon Products Show
While his fellow economists are
enjoying gentle weather, here in
Eugene, Calvin Crumbaker, asso
ciate professor of economics, will
be feeling the nip of a colder cli
mate today. He left this morning
for Bend, to speak there tonight
at an annual Oregon Products
show, sponsored by the lumber
c i t y’s chamber of commerce.
Problems of production will be dis
cussed by the Oregon faculty
member, who will return to Eu
gene on Friday.
Economy Keynote of Dance9
Says Sponsor of Honorary
With the recital here tomorrow
night of Lore Deja, famous Ger
man modern dancer, and the re
cent innovation of men's classes in
the new dance movement that is
sweeping the world, comes the
question of what constitutes the
differences between the old type
of Terpsichore and the new cult.
“One essential of this dance,”
said Miss Marjorie Forchemer, as
sistant professor of physical edu
cation and sponsor of Master
Dance, women’s local dancing hon
orary, “is the economy of line and
movement (just as in modern art)
and the directness of expression.
The dance unites and blends all
arts into one.
"Instead of telling a story, the
dance frequently expresses mood,
emotion, or abstract idea. As far
as the use of space is concerned
the modern dance is a space art,
and all principles of line and de
sign are made use of. It is also a
dramatic art in that it gives a
strong impression of the individ
ual art movement.
“Use of music differs from that
of other dances. Instead of inter
preting—that is taking some se
lection and dancing to, the thought
that the composer has given it—
the music of the modern dance is
done either without music or with
the acompaniment of percussion
instruments. At times the music
is composed especially for the
dance, the piano acompaniment
being built simultaneously with
the dance itself.
"However, music is only a back
ground against which the artist
works. In working without music
the dancer must have, neverthe
less, a thorough knowledge and
appreciation of it, since she com
poses music for herself and dances
it just as a pianist will compose
music and will use the piano as
his medium of expression.”