Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 27, 1931, Image 2

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University of Oregon, Eugene
Vinton Hall, Editor Anton Peterson, Manager
Willis Duniway, Managing Editor
Rex Tussing—Associate Editor
Dave Wilson, Lois Nelson, Harry Van Dine—Editorial Writer*
Editor'* Secretary: Mary Helen Corbett Carol Hurlburt, Society
Assistant: Lillian Rankin Lester McDonald. Literary
Barney Miller, Features Warner Guias, Chief Night Editor
Phil Cogswell, Sports _
Reporters: Lois Nelson, Merlin Blais, Betty Anne Macduff, Roy Sheedy, Ted Mont
gomery Jessie Steele, Isabelle Crowell. Jack Bellinger, Betty Davis, Helen Cherry,
Virginia Wentz, Jim Brooke, Joan Cox, Kenneth Fitzgerald, Madelene Gilbert,
Dupuis, Beverly Caverhill, Frances Johnston, Ned Mars, Oscar -Munger, Carl
Thompson. #
Night Staff: Monday—George Blodgett, George Kerr, Mary Belle Fobes, Adrienne Sabin.
Day Editors: Thornton Gale, Lenore Ely, Thornton Shaw.
Sports Staff: Vincent Gates, Ed Goodnough, Bruce Hamby, Ervin Laurence, Esther
Radio Staff: Art Potwin, director; Carol Hurlburt, secretary; Dave Eyre, reporter.
Harry Tonkon. Associate Manager
Jack Gregg, Advertising Manager
Larry Jackson, Foreign Advertising
Ken Siegrist, Circulation Manager
Ned Mars, Copy Manager
Martin Allen, Ass’t Copy Manager
Mae Mulchay, Ass’t Foreign Adv. Mgr.
Edith Peterson, Financial Adm.
John Painton, Office Manager Dorothy
Harriette Hofmann, Sez Sue
Betty Carpenter, Women's Specialties
Kathryn Laughridge, Asst. Sez Sue
Carol Werschkul, Executive Secretary
Larry Bay, Ass’t Circulation Manager
Bob Goodrich, Service Manager
Marie Nelson, Checking Department
Hughes, Classified Advertising Manager
Copy Department: Beth Salway, Mirtle Kerns, George Sanford.
Copy Assistants: Joan Bilyeau, Viola Morgan. Office Records: Louise Barclay.
Office Assistants: Marjorie Bass, Evangeline Miller, Jean McCroakey, Jane Cook, Vir
ginia Frost, Roselie Commons, Virginia Smith, Ruth Durland, Mary Lou Patrick,
Carolyn Trimble. .
Production Assistants: Gwendolyn Wheeler, Marjorie Painton, Marian McCroskey,
George Turner, Katherine Frentzel.
Advertising Solicitors This Issue: Victor Kaufman, Aunton Bush, Jo Prigmore, Cliff
Lord, Ellsworth Johnson, Jack Wood.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Associated Students of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the
college year. Member of the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the postoffice at
Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates, $2.60 a year. Advertising
rates upon application. Phone, Manager: Office, Local 214; residence, 324.
It’s American Nature
XT TOULD a factory owned by workers, worked by owners, and
’ ” directed by the majority vote of a personnel paid accord
ing to family needs be successful and desirable?
Mr. Powers Hapgood says "Yes.” He is the son of the presi
dent of the Columbia Conserve company, soup manufacturers,
who, with his two brothers, inherited the factory and for the
past 15 years operated it in this manner.
Perhaps this is one example of how an industry may prosper
under socialism in its most concrete and satisfactory form. Mr.
Hapgood does not mention socialism—his action was wise, for
the mere utterance of the word evokes an attitude among an
American crowd, destroys its reasonableness, and shackles its
A beautiful picture of satisfied workers who found interest
in their industry who were content to receive the salary—not
wage—sufficient to bring a comfortable livelihood, has been
painted by the representative of an organization that is different
and still successful. Organizers of the soup factory feel little
satisfaction in helping only their own fellow workers they in
tend to reach out and help other "wage earners” to secure favor
able conditions.
But, with all this prettiness, we can see one hitch. American
nature is adverse to living on only that which is essential—
American youth has dreams of fine cars, palacial homes on
flowered heights, and command of industries. A skilled Amer
ican workman would not consider exercising his genius for $33
weekly just because he and his wife could have three square
meals a day and a comfortable place to live. „
What causes the dissatisfaction of the present day? Inse
curity of life for the great mass of people, maldistribution of
incomes, and lack of employment opportunities are given as
reasons no one can put his finger on a definite and funda
mental cause.
Should all civilization be forced to discard luxuries, careers,
ind possibilities of future riches, dissatisfaction and unrest would
spring from every loop-hole ambition and morale would decay
—American civilization could not. adjust itself to the new habits.
Education By Installment
T TNFOKTUNATE habit it is that schools have in dealing in
penny's wortli of education. One buys eight weeks of school
ing at a time for fall term, eight weeks; for winter term, eight
weeks; for spring term, eight weeks. Summer session and post
session are appreciably shorter.
Neatly wrapped up in attractive packages, these eight-week
parcels of schooling lie on the university bargain counters all
ready for student purchasers. They are neat and small enough
for any purse. They cavry social prestige. They offer oppor
tunity. Ask the man who owns one.
Yet tlie parcels aren't complete in themselves. Of course
half of the value of the package is in the trimmings and wrap
pings (examinations and registration, if you need to know). The
very core of this eight-week education is really about six weeks
thick and it tukes just one dozen of these packages to make a
full-sized education.
Professors don't care a great deal for ttiis installment sys
tem so there can be no quarrel with them if one is disposed
to quarrel. Students would scarcely like to blame themselves.
The administration is probably influenced by factors beyond its
Anyway, while mid-terms are almost here, one can remember
that the University ot Oregon does as do all good installment
sales companies. It retains title to the education until the in
stallments are complete.
Contacts with men who have succeeded and who are succeed
ing in Oregon business was one of the greatest benefits of the
Oregon Press conference. It was a pleasure to entertain them
on the campus.
Anyway it was a good feeling while it lasted. Eugene milk
producers are having fun with the prices. We don't blame them
we wouldn't build a barn, milk a cow. fiddle around with the
milk, run a delivery, and sell it for to cents a quart either.
•'Today," says Bishop William Lawrence, "as never before,
the ways are open to every man to think uuu believe as he will.”
Yes, it is even lawful to think about absolutely nothing.
"Oh. give me something to remember you by." crooned ltudy
Vallee, and immediately lie received three grapefruit and an egg
from liie balcony above. He should ha\ s stuck to the radio.
By Lester McDonald ♦
Outstanding Winter Bonks
“The Ring of the Lowen
skolds,” by Selma Lagerlof.
“The Virgin and the Gypsy,”
by D. H, Lawrence.
“Rot-da to Glory,” by Richard
"Port ait of a Dog,” by Mazo
De La Roche.
“A Man and His Dog,” by
Thomas Mann.
“Whither, Whither, or After
Sex What.”
More hopeful signs in the book
publishing business are noted in
anno uncement of forthcoming
works. Among the novelists, most
important perhaps is the news that
Joan Bojer’s “The Everlasting
Struggle” will be published on Feb
ruary 20. This is the first new
work by the famous Scandinavian
writer in several years. Struthers
Burt, author of “The Delectable
Mountains,” has written another
novel, "Festival,” which is being
distributed in New York today.
Random House is issuing a bib
liography of the works of Eugene
O'Neill. Viking Press is issuing
“Education of a Princess,” by
Russia’s Grand Duchess Marie. It
is said to be an intense and reveal
ing group of memoirs of a woman
shielded behind the pompous walls
of the Romanoffs and suddenly
thrown out into a world gone mad
with revolt. Gameliel Bradford,
America's most widely read biog
rapher, has finished "The Quick
and the Dead,” which will include
a number of pen portraits of some
of the leading figures of contem
porary life.
“Lady Chatterly’s Lover,” sup
pressed in America, and D. H,
Lawrence’s most eminent contribu
tion to pornographic literature, is
quietly making the rounds of the
sanctity of one's room. We have
not yet been able to snatch one,
but from reports it is an astonish
ingly bad (no moral meaning in
tended ) book to come from Law
William Rose Benet, writing in
The Saturday Review for January
17, expresses a sincere regard for
the work of Howard McKinley
Corning, Portland poet, and well
known on this campus. Mb. Corn
ing has just published his second
volume of verse, “The Mountain in
the Sky."
Guessing that Robert Frost is
Coming’s godfather, the writer
says in part: "When Mr. Corning
gets to his historical documents he
has characteristically western
things to tell us . . . one doesn’t
have to be an Oregonian, one mere
ly has to be American to get sort
of homesick about them ...”
Speaking of pornography and
bootleg books, the most famous of
this tribe, “Ulysses,” by James
Joyce, has received careful trans
lation (Joyce's English is a little
idealistic) at the hands of Stuart
Gilbert. The author attempts to
interpret for the puzzled reader
this massive work which covers the
events of a single day among cer
tain Dubliners. It is said that the
translation is almost a substitute
Show your spirit. Juniors meet
at 107 Villard Tuesday at 7.
Kates Payable in Advance
20c first three lines; 5e every
additional line. Minimum charge
20c. Contracts made by arrange
Telephone 3300; local 214
GREEN PARKER fountain pen.
Call at Emerald business office.
Physic bins
Surgery, Radium. X-ray
Miner Bldg. Phone 43
Leant the Latest Collegiate
Fox-Trots and Waltzes!
SOI Willamette Phone 3081
For Kent
FURNISHED and unfurnished
houses ar.d apartments in Uni
versity district. Robert Pres
cott Co. Phone 345.
for her Colonial theatre pass at
the Emerald office today.
made new Ht Shoppe Petite. We
please you m style, price, and
special. 375 K. 13th.
for the book itself with its quota
tions, footnotes and running com
Publishers of Modern Library
ditions have announced an impres
sive list for spring publication.
Among them are Boccaccio's "De
cameron,” Conrad's "Lord Jim,”
"The Education of Henry Adams,”
Swift’s "Gulliver’s Travels,” Mans
field's "The Garden Party,” "The
Counterfeiters” by Andre Gide,
"The Lives of the 12 Caesars” by
Seutonius, "Sanine,” by Michael
Artzybashey, and "Parnassus on
Wheels,” by Christopher Morley.
Wesley Foundation Head
Tells of Wrork in Japan
T. T. Brumbaugh, leader of Wes
ley foundation work in Japan,
spoke before the Wesley club stu
dents Sunday evening at 6:30 on
the topic, “Sons of the Rising
Mr. Brumbaugh is a graduate
of Ohio Wesleyan and Boston uni
versity, and has had considerable
experience in the Orient as a
Christian worker. He explained to ,
the Wesley group the nature of
his work, and the customs of the
“All the
That’s Foot
To Print"
Oh send no wreaths,
To Sylvia Kratz;
She said: "you'd look
Distinctive in spats."
* * *
Little Alec showed up today
with u beautiful salde orb, fetch
ingly arrayed in beefsteak. It
seems that u Bostonian (Sylvanus
Smith, probably) asked him if he
‘Hawd a sense of yumah.’ Alec
replied that “of course he had.
He’d lived there for two years.”
* # *
And what’s this we read in the
paper the other day about a criti
cal Boston audience greeting the
celebrated Rudy Vallee with a
shower of cabbages and eggs at
his recent appearance there.
Little Oscar, upon hearing this,
lias made a solemn vow to join the
S. P. C. A. and never cut another
chicken as long as he lives.
* * *
Yes, Jehosaphett, you may have
your fine tooth combs, but for our
part, we’ll take dandruff remover.
* * *
* * *
(Editor's Note: As was an
nounccd last week, this column,
knowing the limitations which are
imposed upon the reports of the
contest appearing in the news col
umns of this paper, has tuken it
upon itself to give the campus the
pure unadulterated quill on the
The first program was given by
Susan Campbell Hall. (No relation
to Arnold Bennett or Vinton). The
main idea seemed to be one of
those college dramas (you know
the type) with a piano and a trio
thrown in. It went off very well
but when mention is made of wear
ing a blue dress and then the piano
breaks into "Little Alice Blue
Gown,” why we demur. It had
about the same general effect on
us at it would be to have one of
the entertainers tell another that
he would look well in spectacles
and then have the orchestra break
into “Them There Eyes.” The pro
gram, however, was very fair.
The Theta Chi program seemed
to be built around Dale Brown,
Wilbur Thibault, a five-piece or
chestra and Bill McNabb, announc
er and crooner extraordinary. Mc
Nabb's songs while on the whole
of a cheerful motif, had, it must
be admitted, its pathetic points. A
couple of lines were a bit dashing.
Tsk. tsk. William, missy, nassy.
The orchestra hail its points, most
of them sharp and the rest flat.
An extraordinarily good bugling
effect was rendered by the trum
pet on the selections played, and
brought tears to the eyes of the
students from southern Oregon,
eastern Oregon and Coos Bay as
they recalled with a sigh the good
old backwoods rat races where
everyone takes off his coat and
tie and then do their best to dis
lmportaut dope! Junior class
meets Tuesday night at \ illard.
locate pelvis, shoulder, and ankle
in the contortions manifested in j
the demonstration of the approved ■
local interpretation of Terpsichore. !
The announcer went to sleep a
couple of times but that was per
fectly excusable under the circum
The Pi Phis picked a rather in
congruous motif, considering ev
erything, when they selected the
heaven idea. The trio wasn't too
| bad and everyone enjoyed the var
j ious piano solos. But will some
one please inform us whether the
whistling was meditated or was
just the effect of static ? The only
one who seemed downright dis
pleased with the program was Fir
po, the Sigma Chi mascot. ,
The Phi Sig program was pass
able but we do object to having
the place cluttered up with a
bunch of piano movers, a construc
tion boss, 10 or 11 sergeant-at
arms, 15 extra men to help carry
the musical instruments, half the
house furniture including the par
lor rug, and the rest of the avail
able members to bring ice water,
and fans to the performers and
to turn their music for them. In
short they had everything but a
private telephone booth for the an
nouncer. It’s too bad they didn’t
have television. We’d like to have
had a look at Toby Burris’ tonsils.
We object furthermore to having
a perfectly good evening ruined by
such an unholy depressing plot as
a dope fiend, but then, it fitted in
well with the long hair and flow
ing ties. They tried to give an im
pressive effect by having half the
members carry the music cases
and the others carry the instru
ments. Oh yes, and we mustn’t
forget George Baron’s baton. Oh
my dear, wouldn't you just know
The Safety Valve
An Outlet for Campus Steam
-:■ ■■ 1
All communications are to be ad
dressed to The Editor, Oregon Daily
Emerald. They shall not exceed 200
words. Each letter must be signed;
however, should the author desire, only
initials will be published. The editor
maintains the right to withhold pub
lication should he see fit.
To the Editor:
’Ti.-i said a “prophet” is without
honor in his own country, but that
statement is proved untrue. I, a
mere “chronic iconoclast,” have
gained recognition in the Emer
ald’s longest and (all) most comic
I prove the major premise of
the above statement with an ulti
matum from my employer that
“If I were not a ‘profit,’ I could
have the gate.”
Because of the “regrettable lack
of objects of denunciation,” I shall
follow the prevalent American
iconoclastic custom and bite the
hand that “feeds” me. Here is
my worst: Some writers mold pub
lic opinion while others merely
mold. Sincerely,
To the Editor:
Once again we find our cher
ished University pioneering the
way to new and unblazoned fields
of high finance. How delightful
to settle back in restful relaxation
and be assured that all is oke with
the old Alma Mammy and "God’s
in His heaven.”
Before long our library and in
firmary building needs should be
past tense. We should have funds
very soon for a whole flock of fine
arts buildings. For Oregon, under
the ferreting and probing eye of
our present managerial depart
ment, has uncovered and tapped a
new and “boundless” source of
And with this recent “efficiency”
and its consequent change of pol
icy goes into the limbo of lost
and outworn sentiments an old and
traditional privilege. No more can
alumni, who in their prime fought
and fumbled on gridiron and field
for the Lemon-Yellow, crash the
gate at McArthur court or Hay
ward field, sans-cash and sans
ticket. Collegiate lettermen must
have their tickets; grey-bearded
and creaky-jointed lettermen who
possess alphabetical symbols after
their names must in tliis complex
age shell out the conventional coin
at the turnstile or remain shiver
ing outside and listen to the echo
ing huzzahs of the collegiate mul
titude from afar.
Sentiment, sweet sentiment.
After all, that's about all the priv-1
ilege held for the antiquated alum-1
ni of the Order of the O. Per- j
haps most of us can afford the ;
price of a ducat now and then. '
We wait with interest, to see more
colleges and universities recognize
the merit of this new “efficiency.”
And in the meantime another ave
nue of making a little money j
comes to mind. Why not let the i
boys who win athletic awards buy
their own sweaters ? That idea
should bring forth “hearty” re
sponse. Perhaps the Order of the
O could be induced to conduct a
series of basket socials, quilting
bees, or you call the shots.
Yours for progress and thrift,
A Decade Ago
Tuesday, January 25, 1921
Reports have been gathering to
the effect that the athletic coun
cil is attempting to secure Gil Do
bie, former coach at Washington
and now at Cornell, as Oregon’s
new football coach.
* * *
The Order of the O will start
holding “court” on the library
steps next Thursday morning be
fore assembly, and mete out pun
ishment to those students evading
or not observing Oregon tradi
* * *
Senior Class—Meeting in Pro
fessor Howe’s room, Villard hall,
tonight at 9 o'clock. The meeting
is important and all seniors are
urged to be present.
(Such would be an impossibility
at the present day.)
(Continued from Page One)
art circles, but he has also been a
prominent figure in governmental
work in Japan, especially where it
concerns trade relations and for
eign markets. From here he will
go to California in the interest of
trade, but at the same time keep
ing an outlook for old prints to add
to his collection.
Big things happening at 107
Villard, Juniors. Seven, Tuesday
Well, lemme see. A family, an
interesting vocation, and enough
money to retire at a fairly early
age and really enjoy life.
—Art Rolander.
* * *
To be at the top of one's pro
fession, to be earning a plentiful
income, to be happy, and to never
have measles.
—Bud Clifton.
* * *
An armchair, a pipe, retirement, *
financial security, and professional
—Sam Van Vactor.
* * *
To marry a woman with a lot
of dough and then have her die
off and will it to me.
—Neil Sheeley.
Motion pictures of India will be
shown at Dr. Mez’ extension divi
sion class in international trade
policies at 110 Johnson tonight at
7:15 sharp.
Tuesday 5-o’elocks will be held
today at the Y. W. C. A. bunga
low. All girls on the campus are
German club will have a meet
ing at 7:30 this evening in Susan
Campbell hall. Election for vice
president will be held. Refresh
Westminster Guild will meet
jointly with Westminster associa
tion this evening at 7:30 o’clock
to hear Dr. Elizabeth Grace Lewis,
who will speak on India. The
guild will not hold a regular meet
ing this week.
Women’s debate squad will meet
in 110 Johnson at 7:15 o’clock.
Kwama meeting at 5 o’clock to
day at the College Side.
The talk of the Campus...New thick
Milk Shakes...Eat ’em with a spoon
only at .
Across from Condon Hall
Which is bigger—-the air
plane's landing wheel or the
setting sun? Guess first,then
check your guess with a
your taste tells the Truth!
MILDER. ..and
© • •
© 1931. Licgstt & Mm? ToiAee© Cc