The Weather Minimum . 47 Maximum . 57 Precipitation .22 VOLUME XXXII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1931 NUMBER 63 Every Worker Co-operates in Modern Utopia Powers Hapgood Pictures Labor System Used In Own Plant Factory Policies Decided By Employees Even to President’s Wage “The workers decide every pol icy, from how much the president should get in wages to how much the company should give to relief for strikers,” Powers Hapgood, who spoke before a number of classes yesterday, told Jesse H. Bond’s class in Social Unrest, in alluding to the Columbia Conserve company of Indianapolis. Mr. Hapgood’s father is president of ( the company, and he holds a minor position. “Social unrest,” Mr. Hapgood said, "is caused by the insecurity of labor, mal-distribution of in come, and a lack of opportunity for the laborer to obtain a hearing for his grievances. I have seen unspeakable labor conditions while working among non-union coal miners; yet I have met forces op posed to labor organization. I have been arrested no less than 12 times while organizing non union miners. Because I was born an American and could speak good English I was each time acquit ted. laborers Poorly Paid “Eighty-six per cent of the la borers are receiving inadequate wages. When the Columbia Con serve company was turned over to the workers 13 years ago, it was with the intention that they might by their own efforts place them selves in the secure 14 per cent. Predictions of failure turned out ^ to be meaningless, and the busi ness has, since 1917, brought in substantial profits every year ex cept 1921,” Mr. Hapgood pointed out. “Every decision of policy rests entirely in the hands of the coun cil, which includes all the em ployees. It determines wages, se lects the company’s leaders, regu lates sales and purchases, selects prospective workmen, and releases undesirables. Health Department Kept “A health department is main tained by the company, which spends on the average about $250 per employee every year. An old age pension which holds good for life is given the workman who be comes disabled, regardless of age. One man 27 years old is receiving a life pension of $25 a week. Sal ary is regulated not by position, but by the needs of the man and his family, but no employee re ceives less than $22 a week. We ^ follow out the policy ‘From each in accordance to his power; to each in accordance with his needs,’ but there is still incentive, for every man wants to be a foreman, and every man desires to impress his fellows with his own ability to aid both the company and the needy of the outside world. “In 1929 the workers received two and one-half times the wages of those in other canning com panies, the company undersold all (Continuted on Page Four) I - President Ben Litfin, publisher of The Dalles Chronicle, who was elected president of the Oregon Press con ference for 1931 at the end of the meeting here Saturday. B. Litfin of Dalles Elected President Of ’32 Press Meet Heppner Paper Is Judged Best Weekly in State; 125 at Conference The newspaper delegates, after having attended the annual Oregon Press Conference here over the week-end. have now returned to work once more, to try and solve their problems from the help re ceived from the discussions of gen eral newspaper matters. The conference this year was quite successful, according to Dean Eric W. Allen of the school of journalism. In spite of the busi ness depression, he said, -the con vention was one of the most suc cessful ever held. The number of delegates has increased from 40 or 50 several years ago to about 125 this year. Ben R. Litfin, of The Dalles Chronicle, was chosen Saturday to be the president of the conference next year, succeeding Louis Fel sheim, of the Bandon Western World. George Turnbull, of the school of journalism here, was re elected secretary, having served in that position many years. The Sigma Delta Chi trophy for the best weekly in the state was presented to the Heppner Gazette Times at the University luncheon Saturday noon. The Hillsboro Ar gus, last year’s winner, was given a certificate of merit. Felsheim was elected an associ ate member of Sigma Delta Chi, international professional journal ism fraternity. Short talks were made at the luncheon by Dr. Ar nold Bennett Hall, president of the University; Hal E. Hoss, secretary of state; Mr. Litfin; Mr. Felsheim; Robert W. Sawyer, of the Bend Bulletin; Vinton Hall, editor of the Emerald; and Neil Taylor, presi dent of Sigma Delta Chi. Anton Peterson, manager of the Emer ald, presided. Is Power of Concentration a Forgotten College Technique? Is more required of the students , of today who assertedly ‘‘never1 get to bed before midnight” and i * “are up until after 2 almost every night” than was required of Ore gon students in past years? Answers given by graduates in j recent interviews differ as to opin ions but agree on one factor that! the art of concentrated study has been lost, by many students of to day. "I know two students, average and a little above in intelligence, who claim that they could make Phi Beta Kappa with eight hours of scholastic endeavor a day,” said Dean Karl W. Onthank, when ap proached with this question. Dean Onthank stressed the need of de veloping the ability to work with * effectiveness, but admitted that more was expected of students ^ now than when he was a student in the University. Dean Onthank received his first degree from Ore gon in 1913. “It is all a matter of economy of time,” according to Ralph U. Moore, who graduated from the University of Oregon in 1923. “When I was doing my undergrad uate work, I worked half time for self support and carried the regu lar 16 hours a term,” Mr. Moore said. Mr. Moore bases his belief that students of today can do the same thing that he did in college with out much trouble on the fact that his daughter and son, now stu dents at Oregon, are each work ing half time and carrying the reg ular number of hours. “I carried the usual number of hours when I was in the Univer sity, and I always had time for play," said Mrs. Edith Baker Pat tee, of the class of 1911. “The first (Continued on Page Three) Great Soprano Comes Next On ASUO Concerts Florence Austral Billed To Give Program at McArthur Court Feb. 5 Is Date for Joint Recital With John Amadio, Flutist Next on the series of interna tionally known musicians, who are appearing on associated student conceits at McArthur court this winter, • is Florence Austral, the great soprano, who will give a joint recital here with her hus band, John Amadio, brilliant flut ist, on the evening of Thursday, February 5. “Why not pronounce Austral the greatest soprano in the world and invite challenge if anyone wishes to debate the point?” asked the critic for the Cincinnati Enquirer in May, 1929, after her third con secutive engagement at the Cin cinnati music festival. . Which is a sentiment that has been expressed by several of the most eminent British and Amer ican critics. A year ago Tetraz zini of London said, “To my mind, Florence Austral is the greatest soprano of today.” Stock Commended Artist And Arthur Boardman, of the school of music faculty, recalls that not long ago he heard Theo dore Stock, famous conductor of the Chicago Symphony orchestra, remark that he thought Florence Austral had "one of the greatest voices of the generation.” It will be strictly an Australa sian performance when Austral and her husband appear in con cert. She was born in Australia, and Amadio in New Zealand. Fol lowing the precedent of that great Australian singer, Dame Nellie Melba, who took her name from her native city of Melbourne, Miss Austral, whose real name is Flor ence Mary Wilson, adopted the name of Austral, the first two syllables of the name of her coun try. Lived in Country Spending her early life in a rural environment in which great music was never heard, Miss Aus tral sang ballads and little songs at amateur musicals and church concerts. But in 1918 she entered a music festival at Victoria, New South Wales, and her success was so significant that she began her formal music education at a con servatory in Melbourne, complet ing the course in 18 months. Four years later, after studying in London, Miss Austral made her operatic debut as Brunnhilde. Her operatic career has been impres- i sive and she has sung nearly all I the great soprano roles. corn in new z,eaianu John Amadio was born in Wel lington, New Zealand. He was only 12 when he played a flute concerto with the Wellington Or chestral society. His ability was quickly appreciated and he was sent to Australia for further study. At 15 he was principal flutist for an Italian opera com pany which toured Australia. A few years later he was with the first Melba Opera company, which included John McCormack. Later he. made his first English appearance, which was a marked success. His subsequent appear ances as solo artist in Rome, Paris, Berlin, and New York have been equally happy. Dr. Hodge Returns From Convention of Geologists Dr. Edwin T. Hodge, professor of geology, returned from the East yesterday where he attended the annual convention of the Geologi cal Society of America at Toron to, Canada. While there he read a paper on the origin of the Co lumbia river. “I have just one thing to say at present,” said Dr. Hodge, “and that is I’m mighty glad to see green grass, breath clean air and enjoy the mild atmosphere of Eu gene after having spent seven weeks in the East where the cit ies are covered with a foot of snow, with garbage and all the rest of the cities' debris frozen in to it, until it represents a winter's accumulation. Eugene looks like ' a paradise in comparison. Knowledge of Background Of Women’s Jobs Important Vocational Program Aids Students To Form Many Valuable Contacts That it is more important that college women become acquainted with the background of different occupations before they choose their vocation, than that they make choice while in college, was the thought expressed by Karl W. Onthank, dean of personnel ad ministration, and Mrs. Hazel Prutzman Schwering, dean of wo men, in interviews yesterday. “Perhaps the biggest thing the women of the campus will get out of the talks to be given the rest of the year as part of the voca tional program which the Asso ciated Women students is sponsor ing, will be not the technical in formation on the various occupa tions, but the contact with women who themselves have made a suc cess in the different fields,” Dean Onthank said. “These women can give first hand information as to the back ground, the disagreeable as well as the agreeable features of their work,” he continued. It is import ant to know, before definitely j choosing an occupation, if the dis j agreeable features will be offset by the compensations. If one's J emotional reaction to these disa greeable things is such that he or she will be unhappy in that line of work, it is of course, very advan tageous to find this out before en tering the work.” "Most people want to build I their lives, not necessarily to be come wealthy,” the personnel dean ! said. "The problem of college wo men is not so much to decide im mediately what their vocations will be, as to get information so that when they face the decision they have sufficient background about | the different fields on which to base an intelligent decision.” Many girls in college who are training for some specialized work, which their families have chosen for them or which they have adopted because of lack of infor mation of other vocational possi bilities, have potential ability along other lines, Mrs. Schwering de clared. Choosing one's vocation early is advisable in that one has an opportunity to get experience (Continued on Page Three) Emerald Begins Daily 15 Minute j News Broadcast Ralph David To Supervise New Feature of Editorial Feature Comment Inaugurating a new feature in editorial and news emphasis each day, the Oregon Daily Emerald began yesterday with a 15-minute radio broadcast through the cour tesy of the radio station KORE. The daily programs will start at 4:45 and be under the supervision of Ralph Davi4, radio editor. Hour Is Convenient Consisting of editorial comment from the Emerald, and interesting and important news stories, the feature will be an additional serv ice provided by the campus pub lication. Through cooperation with offi cials of KORE an hour has been secured when many students, Eu gene citizens, and neighboring communities' may benefit. In most living organizations at the Uni versity of Oregon study hours are raised at 4:30, it has been deter mined, providing an opportunity for many to listen in. News Given Early Beginning yesterday, David in cluded in his program some arti cles, editorial and otherwise, that appear in this issue. It is hoped that people may be informed of Bomei 0t the news at an earlier date and that their interest be di rected more decidedly toward the more complete discussions appear ing in the Emerald the following morning. The columns of the paper in the near future will contain the daily list of programs to be given over KORE, it was announced yester day. Missionary From India Will Speak This Evening Dr. Elizabeth Grace Lewis, med ical missionary in Ambala, The Punjab, India, will speak on India at 7:30 this evening at Westmin ster house. Dr. Lewis has been stationed in the interests of the Presbyterian church at Ambala since 1918, and for three years prior to that she worked in Ludhiana and in Feroz epur. During the World war she I served at the Gerard Freeman j Thomas hospital in Bombay. The missionary comes with recommen dations as a vivid and animated speaker. The Westminster association and j Asklepiads will act as hosts for i the visitor, but all interested stu dents have been invited to attend. . . it » s q_ . " j Smith Will Speak at Joint Sigma Xi Meeting Feb. 24 “Highlights in Geography and Geology of South America,” will be the topic discussed by Dr. War ren D. Smith, professor of geol ogy, at the joint meeting of the O. S. C. Sigma Xi club and the local chapter of Sigma Xi when it convenes in Corvallis Tuesday, February 24. Japanese Prints Shown Here for Last Time Today Sogo Matsumoto Private Collection Has Many Noted Pieces Today from 9 to 4:30 o'clock, will be the last time to see the Japanese prints exhibited by Sogo Matsumoto, private Japanese art collector, in the Little Art gallery of the Architecture building. Mr. Matsumoto, who along with being a collector of old Japanese prints, is prominent in the promo tion of trade relations between Ja pan and other countries, has been exhibiting his collection of orig inal Japanese prints which he has been gathering since 1900. The ex hibit includes the original prints of Moronobu, the “father of Jap anese Prints,” Hokusai, Hiroshigi, and a number of other noted Jap anese artists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. . Influences American Art "Both American and European art has been greatly influenced by Japanese prints,” Mr. Matsumoto declared, in regard to the prints he is exhibiting. “They are fast becoming known internationally and are now being eagerly sought after, both for their composition and their color scheme.” Mr. Matsumoto was born in Tokyo, Japan, and was graduated from Yale university. He worked a while in an importing house in New York, but it was during 1900, while in Europe, that he discover ed some old Chinese prints, and became interested in collecting them. After returning to New York, he became the first person to introduce Japanese color prints into America. Promotes Friendly Relations For the last few years he has been devoting his time in the in terest of the Japanese Manufac turing company, an organization formed to promote better trade re lations between Japan and other countries, of which he is general director. Not only has Mr. Matssu moto made a name for himself in (Continued on Page Two) I i Hard Times Bad On Hitch-Hikers Says Bill Roters pAMPUS CENTER, Eugene, Jan. 26. — This unemploy ment problem makes it pretty slick for some of the bums that used to have a hard time rais ing a dime from an honest looking gentleman. All he has :o do now is to tell him there isn't any jobs at all and that his wife and kids are going without their loaf of bread, and he gets the money. On the other hand it’s sort of tough on the fellow from college when he starts to hitch hike home and no one looks at him because he is just another of the 5284 men seeing how much cow-hide he can wear out. Yours, BILL ROTERS. Four Houses Set Standard In Broadcast Susan Campbell, Pi Bela Phi, Tlieta Chi and Phi Sigs Perform Skit, Bauds, and Trios on Program Win Applause In KOBE Contest Susan Campbell hall, Theta Chi, Pi Beta Phi, and Phi Sigma Kappa each presented programs Sunday night that set a high standard of entertainment for the 22 living organizations that yet remain on the second annual Emerald-KORE radio contest. The four half-hour programs each showed a great deal of work and planning by the members of the respective organizations, and judges are already finding that the rating of the broadcasts is to be no easy task. Susan Campbell staged a little homecoming scene for its radio audience when it centered its tal ent about the return of an Oregon graduate to the campus. Mary Daniels, Yvonne Smith, and Ida May Nickels formed a trio that offered several pleasing selections. Miss Nickels, who directed the program, sang two popular num bers—-"You Can Fool Me Some More” and “To Whom It May Con cern.” Dorothy Johnson served efficiently as mistress of cere monies. ■ IK lit v ill x icsruin u»nu Bill McNabb acted as guest an nouncer for Theta Chi. A five piece band topped the list of tal ent introduced by this group, but Dale Brown at the piano and Wil bur Thibault on the violin practi cally tied for first honors with their versions of “I'll Still Belong to You” and “Glad Rag Doll.” Rod Lamont sang “Body and Soul,” and "Beside an Open Fireplace” was rendered by the Theta Chi trio. Dale Brown was in charge of arrangements. A trip into the ethereal was made by Pi Beta Phi in their “Heavenly Days” idea. Lending to the atmosphere was “This Is Heaven” and “Serenade” by the Pi Phi trio, composed of Thelma Kem, Muzetta Blair, and Mary El lison. A specializing in whistling de luxe was made by Glory Herzog with her interpretation of “I Sur render” and “Walking My Baby Back Home.” Ruby George, Lois Nelson, and Frances Drake each offered piano arrangements during the half-hour program. Alice Car ter presided at the microphone, and Florence White was house di rector. Crowd Applauds Phi Sigs "A Musician's Dream” was the title which Phi Sigma Kappa chose for their contest offering. Elab orate in construction and near perfect in presentation, the Phi Sigs won much applause from the large crowd in the College Side Inn studios. Francis Reiter kept the program smooth-running with his interlinking dialogue. George Barron directed the 11-piece or chestra and the 15-piece band that featured the program, and Barney Miller and Chuck Jones were re sponsible for the continuity. A piano solo by Hal Ayers was out standing and singing by Adrian Burris also added to the broadcast. Sigma Kappa, Alpha Xi Delta, Zeta Tau Alpha, and Sigma Pi Tau will be among those present on next Sunday night’s two-hour contest broadcast. A complete list of prizes to be awarded in the contest has been promised for Wednesday by Art Potwin, direc tor of the contest, but negotiations for the prizes are proving compli cated and the last of this week may find the prizes still unan nounced. * YWCA Staff Dinner To V °o a. • ft."8® Be at Bungalow Tonight A staff dinner will be held at the Y. W. C. A. bungalow tonight at 6 o’clock, primarily, according to Dorothy Thomas, Y. W. C. A. secretary, for sophomores and jun iors who are on committees or who are interested in Y. W. Betty Jones is in charge of the ticket sale; Barbara Tucker, din ner; and Helen Chaney, pro grams. Tickets are 35 cents. About 80 girls are expected to at tend, according to Miss Jones. Army Students to Watch Moot Trial S a finishing touch to the training in court - martial procedure, being given by the It. O. T. C., a moot trial will he held Friday at 9 o’clock and at 11 o’clock. Johnny Kitzmiller and Jack Erdley, both of whom are cap tains in the local unit, have been selected as the defendants and the charges will lie desertion. Harold Kinzell, also a captain and a law student, will act as prosecutor. The trial will be carried out in the usual military style, fol lowing as closely as possible the proceedings in an authentic, court-martial. Witnesses will be recruited from among the ranks and will testify either for or against the alleged deserters in accordance with plans prearranged by R. O. T. C'. officers. Fellow officers will act as a jury. Kitzmiller will be tried at 9 o’clock and Erdley at 11 o’clock. Classical Works Planned for This Evening’s Recital Piano ami Violin Selections Included in Program At School of Music The program which has been an nounced for the joint recital that Jane Kanzler, pianist, and Beulah VVynd, violinist, will give at the music auditorium this evening, in cludes works by a representative group of the standard classicists. Miss Wynd studies violin with Rex Underwood, and Miss Kanz ler is a student of George Hop kins. The recital will begin at 8 o’clock and will be free to students and the general public. Marguer ite Spath will accompany Miss Wynd at the piano. The program follows: Handel ..Sonata in A-major Miss Wynd Mozart.Adagio in E-flat major Miss Kanzler Arthur Wright .Spanyo Mattheson . Air Mozart .•. Menuett Novacek .. Perpetuum Mobile Miss Wynd Debussy .Clair de Lune Schumann .Whims Miss Kanzler Vieuxtemps . . Fantasia Appassionata Miss Wynd International Relations Club Will Meet Thursday The International Relat ions club will meet Thursday evening, Cal Bryan, president, announced yesterday. Dr. Warren D. Smith, of the geology department, will lead a forum discussion on South America. This program was or iginally planned for last week’s meeting, which was postponed be cause of Dr. Raymond C. Moley’s Thursday evening address. At this week’s meeting, which will be held at the International club beginning at 7:30, a secretary and a treasurer will be elected to fill vacancies left at the beginning of the term. Junior Class Meets Tonight For Last Time Classmen Urged To Attend Meeting in Room 107 Villard Hall, 7:15 Vodvil, Shine Day, Junior Week-End Problems To Come Before Class The last junior class meeting of the year will be held in room 107, Villard, tonight at 7:15, ac Art rotwin , cording to an \ a n n o u ncement from Art Potwin, I president of the class, last night. “All juniors are Surged to be pres : ent,” said Fot : win, in explain ing the nature of ! t h e m e e t i ng. i “This will be the I only real business meeting of the year, auu uicic aic a iui ui mi portant issues to come up for dis cussion. Among them, and that closest to hand, is the Junior Shine Day. It is slated to come off within the next couple of weeks, and tonight at the meeting the exact date will be set and ap pointments made. Vodvll Is Question The question of the Junior Vod vil will also come up for discussion, Potwin declared, and it will be de cided whether or not the affair will be presented this year. If the measure is passed upon, there will be discussion as to the type of program which will be given. “There are also several changes planned in connection with Junior week-end,” Potwin continued, “which will be discussed and per haps voted upon. “Last term, the junior class pre sented the Junior Jinx, a class dance. This is the first time the junior class has ever entered any type of social activity before win ter term. This term the class hopes to get under way early, close all old business and be in a position to go ahead with future programs in a competent manner,” Potwin stated. Potwin Urges Attendance All juniors who are interested in working on class activities may let class officers know at the meeting on what committee they prefer to work, the president said. Appointments will be made within the next two weeks or so, and all applications will be considered. “I should like,” Potwin said, "that all houses see that they are at least represented at the meet ing. The business is of utmost im portance to the entire junior class and I should like very much to see a good turnout.” Dr. Gohlenweiser Talks To Faculty Club Sunday “Homo Academicus” was the subject upon which Dr. Alexander Goldenweiser, well known New York anthropologist, lectured be fore the Faculty club last Sunday night. He dealt with student life, their problems, relations, and numerous other phases of their lives. Even the Geologists Refuse To Explain Oregon Weather As you walk through the warm springlike air of the campus these days, can you remember what we were going through a year ago ? The Emerald of January 25, 1930, read as follows: “After two weeks of pussy-foot ing around on icy walks and re ferring to the campus as ‘the Arc tic Wastes,’ the weatherman is at last giving the long-suffering stu dents hopes for milder weather." Living and dining rooms of fra ternity houses on the campus were being deluged with water due to leaking roofs and frozen water pipes. Automobile collisions were frequent on the icy streets. And we are basking in typical April weather. The Emerald yesterday sent a reporter down to Dr. Warren D. Smith, professor of geology, in hopes of finding from him some deep, dark secret, which would ex plain the strange phenomenon. But Dr. Smith did not seem nearly as mystified as we do. He stated0 very plainly that he didn’t know what was the cause.0 "In the first place," said Dr. Smith, “the weather isn't unusual. Every few years we have a win ter that is very mild. In the sec ond place, the winter isn’t over yet by a long ways. I have seen a foot of snow in March. If you want to get the real reasons for it, go to one of these old fellows who have been whittling sticks for 40 years, and they can tell you. No scientist can, however, for he has no material upon which to base any reason. "One of the purposes of the ex peditions to the Arctic and Ant arctic regions has been to get a better line on weather in temper ate regions. Until these facts have been learned, it is very unwise for anyone to attempt to explain the weather."