Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 08, 1931, Image 1

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Campus enrollment totals 3300
students for winter term.
Prep Meeting
Program Full
For Delegates
Discussion of Problems
Scheduled for Annual
High School Conclave
Visitors on Campus This
Week-End To Hear Talks
By Prominent Men
A program full of discussions of
prep school problems, talks by au
thorities, and varied entertain
ments will be in store for the high
school delegates when they arrive
on the campus for the eleventh
annual Oregon high school con
ference, commencing tomorrow
morning, it was revealed yesterday
;when John Penland, program
Chairman, sent the completed
Schedule to press.
The conference, which it is ex
pected will attract nearly 600 del
egates from the schools of the en
tire state, will continue through
Saturday morning, when the final
events in the individual sections
will take place.
Problems To Be Discussed
Several noted educators and pro
fessional men are included on the
program, but a large proportion
of the time will be given over to
discussions among the delegates
themselves, the schedule shows.
The conference will be officially
opened Friday morning at 9 o’clock
when George Cherry, president of
the associated students, welcomes
the delegates to the university at a
general meeting of all preppers
and faculty advisers in the music
Addresses by Dean James H. Gil
bert, dean of the school of litera
ture, science, and the arts, and
Hugh Ro3son, graduate manager,
will bring the general session to a
close, and the delegates will re
convene in three sections, the high
school press association, the asso
ciation of student body officers,
and the association of girls’ league
Tugman Will Speak
The press conference will be fea
tured by talks by William M. Tug
man, managing editor of the Eu
gene Register-Guard, who will
speak on “Newspaper Men in Af
fairs;” and Harris Ellsworth, edi
tor of the Roseburg News-Review,
on “Handling the News.”
A school paper contest will be
sponsored by the school of journal
ism, and the awarding of prizes
will climax the press division ses
sion Saturday morning.
The activities of the high school
student body officers will be con
fined mainly to round table dis
cussions, with prominent delegates
contributing with talks on the ath
letic, organization and financial
problems of the high school student
r body.
A program of tumbling, clogging
and dancing, and a style show will
be the outstanding event on the
girls’ league schedule. A number
of discussions and a tea held joint
ly with the delegates to the deans’
conference will be included.
Round Tables Slated
Dean Henry D. Sheldon, of the
University school of education,
will address the principals’ con
ference Friday afternoon, and a
(Continued on Page Four)
Plan High School Conference Details
Here Is the directorate of the arrangements f or the eleventh annual high school conference to be
held on the campus Friday and Saturday. Front row, left to right: Bill Pittman, general chairman;
Louise Ansley, secretary; Marguerite Tarbell, registration; Velma Powell, assistant general chairman';
Harry Van Dine, press conference; Merlin Blais, publicity; John King, principals’ conference. Bach row:
Margaret Cummings, Girls’ League; Constance Baker, deans' conference; Carol VVerschkul, banquet;
Carson Mathews, accommodations; Bill Price, campus tour; Barney Miller, entertainment, and Ralph
VValstrom, student body conference.
Tussing Named
Associate Editor
Of Daily Emerald
Appointment in Accord
With Outlined Policy
Of Publication
Rex Tussing, for almost two
years editorial writer on the Ore
gon Daily Emerald, was appointed
associate editor yesterday by Vin
ton Hall, editor. His position will
be that of assistant in supervision
over the editorial board, which in
cludes Willis Duniway, managing
editor, Harry Van Dine and Dave
Wilson, editorial writers.
The appointment was made in
accordance with a policy outlined
by Hall at the close of last year.
It was announced that at some
time during the year one of the
editorial writers would be named
associate editor according to the
quality of his work on the staff.
Tussing has been a member of
the Emerald staff throughout each
of his school years. In 1928 he
was named chief night editor after
his work on the night and repor
torial staff. He was appointed
editorial writer by Arthur Schoeni,
editor last year, and has held that
position since. He has also been
active in Sigma Delta Chi, na
tional professional journalism fra
ternity, holding positions with the
high school conference directorate.
Infirmary Staff Enjoys
Week of Xmas Holidays
Each of the nurses at the infirm
ary enjoyed a week's vacation over
the Christmas holidays. Helen
Fleming spent a week at her horn 3
in Portland, and returned to the
campus shortly after Christmas.
Miss Collahan visited friends in
Salem and returned to Eugene in
time to take up her regular duties
with the opening of school.
The infirmary was open through
out the vacation period, but no
students were confined to its care
during that time. Since the begin
ning of the regular campus rou
tine there has been no more than
two students confined to the care
of the University health service
at one time.
At the present time Ruth Breit
mayer and Glen Byrnes are at the
Interesting Speakers Heard
At Meeting by Dr. Wright
An interesting line-up of speak
ers were on the program of the
meeting of the American Associa
tion of Teachers of Spanish, at Bos
ton, according to Dr. Leavitt O.
Wright of the Romance language
department, who has just returned
from a three weeks trip in the
East, where he attended three con
ventions. The speakers included
Governor Frank G. Allen of Massa
chusetts, Mayor James M. Curley
of Boston, and President D. L.
Marsh of Boston university.
The meeting at Boston was the
first on Dr. Wright's schedule.
Meetings were held at Boston uni
versity, the Copley-Plaza hotel,
and at Harvard university.
The executive council of the as
sociation, of which Dr. Wright is
a member, discussed the starting
of a new journal of research in
Spanish to take the place of the
Revue Hispanique, which ceased
with the death of the great French
Hispanist, R. Foulche-Delfosc.
At Washington, D. C., Dr.
Wright attended the conventions
of the Modern Language Associa
tion of America, and the Linguis
tic Society of America.
At a round-table discussion of
projects in folk-tale research which
took place at the meeting of the
Modern Language association, Dr.
Wright reported on the research
work which Mr. Juan B. Rael, in
structor of Spanish here, has been
carrying on in New Mexico. The
! other delegates were very much
j interested in the work, Dr. Wright
Dr. Wright reports that Dr.
I Stith Thompson, chairman of the
discussion group on folk tales, is
very much interested in the pub
lication of the collection of the
Lapp folk-tales, which were left
i (Continued on Page Two)
Photos, Proofs
Due This Week
P'RESHMEN and others enter
■*" ing the University this term,
as well as all students who
failed to do so before vacation,
may have their pictures taken
for the 1931 Oregana up to the
end of this week but not there
after, it is announced by Hen
rietta Steinke, yearbook editor.
Students who want their pic
tures to be included in the year
book must make appointments
with the Kennell-Ellis studio,
which will remain open evenings
this week for the purpose. No
pictures will be taken after Sat
urday, the announcement stated.
Saturday is also the deadline
for returning proofs for pictures
taken last term.
Oregon Geologist
Says Tariff Wall
Hurts U. S. Trade
Dr. Smith Declares Europe
Is Bidding for South
American Marts
“Europe is making a strong bid '
for the South American Trade,
and the United States will have t:>
put up a fight if it expects to hold
its place,” said Dr. Warren D
Smith in the first of his ten lec
tures on “A Visit to South Ameri
ca,” given at Condon hall last
Dr. Smith cited the recent land
ing of ten airplanes in Brazil in
attempt to exploit Italy. “Italy is
especially dangerous,” said the
speaker, because probably 50 per
cent of the Argentine's population
is Italian, with more pouring in all
the time. Other European coun- '
tries as well as Italy are digging
iuto our commerce with the south- !
ern continent.
“America’s biggest advantage in
South America is her capital. Many
huge American concerns are doing j
a big business down there. But we
must encourage trade in other
ways. Our greatest chance of
building up business is through un
derstanding—through culture. We
must do our best to promote friend
ly relations. America’s high tariff
wall is a serious handicap to her,
and is doing great damage to our
Nine more lectures will be given
by Dr. Smith on successive Wed
nesdays under the auspices of the
University extension divi s i o n .
Three dollars is the charge for the
complete series.
Smith Attends Uncle’s
Funeral in Palo Alto
Dr. Warren D. Smith, professor
of geology, has just returned from
Falo Alto, California, where he at
tended the funeral of his uncle,
James Perrin Smith, professor of
paleontology at Stanford university
until his retirement last June.
Professor Smith was one of the
best known men on the Palo Alto
campus. Thirty-five years ago he
was an instructor of Herbert Hoo
ver’s when the president was at
tending Stanford.
He was honored with a check for
$10,000 from the Stanford student
.body a few years ago.
Classical, Modern
Songs Listed for
Recital Sunday
Lena Belle Tartar, Salem
Contralto, Announces
Concert Program
What promises to be a strikingly
interesting combination of the
works of classical and modern
song composers is to be noted in
the program which Lena Belle Tar
tar, contralto of Salem, has an
nounced for the recital she is to
give in the music auditorium Sun
day afternoon under the auspices
of the school of music and the poly
phonic choir.
Miss Tartar has a reputation as
one of the best vocalists in the
northwest. She has a contralto
voice of fine natural quality, and
of wide range and volume. In Sa
lem she is music supervisor in the
high school and is director of the
MacDowell club chorus.
She is a graduate of Oregon
State college and of the American
Conservatory of Music at Chicago.
Sunday’s program, which will
begin at 4 o'clock, is to be free t<>
students and the public.
The program follows:
Bach—“Qui Sedes ad Dextram.”
Rossi—“Ah, Rendimi.”
Franz—“Auf dem Meere,” “In
Brahms—“Die Mainacht,” Sap
phische Ode.”
Verdi—“O, Don Fatale” (Don
Strauss — “Zueignung,” “Die
Nacht,” “Traum Durch die Dam
merung," Die Heiligen Dei Konige
aus Morgenland.”
Cadman—“Call Me No More."
Protheroe — “Ah, Love But a
Milligan—“April, My April.”
Chadwick—“The Danza.”
Student Problems
To Be Discussed
Formation of New Groups
Set for Sunday
A new key to the problems of
student life will be used in four
experimental groups which will
meet on Sunday mornings at West
minster house during the winter
The shape ef the new key is an.
adaptation of the scientific method
to the more personal problems of
human life. This has been worked
out by Prof. W. C. Bower of the
University of Chicago.
Each group will be limited to
15 or 20 students. No students
will be 'enrolled after the second
meeting, and regular attendance is
expected of all the members.
The choice of campus problems
to be studied will be made at the
first meeting on January 11. Each
student will then have the privi
lege of choosing a problem that is
ot greatest interest to himself.
Membership in these experiment
al groups is open to all University
students. Those who are interested
are asked to consult Max Adams
at Westminster house at once.
Sprague Attends Meeting
Gilbert A. Sprague, senior in
physical education, attended a
meeting of the Oregon State
Teachers association, held in Port
land during the holidays. Sprague
is a cadet teacher of biology at
the University high school.
Oregana Staff
Launches Final
Drive for Year
Goal Is Sot at 2000 Orders
To Be Taken by Last
Of This Week
Representatives Appointed j
By Committee Organize I
Three Days’ Work
The second and final subscrip
tion drive of the year, in which
it is hoped to set up a new record
for total number of sales, is being
launched this morning by the 50
representatives making up the
sales staff of the Oregana. The
drive will be put over today, to
morrow and Saturday, and the
last of the order blanks will be
turned in Saturday night.
With 2000 sales set as the final
goal, it is planned to give fresh
men and other new students enter
ing this term an opportunity to
sign up, and also to follow up last
term's campaign in the houses and
halls which have not already
signed up 100 per cent, according
to Larry Jackson, chairman of the
committee in charge. Others work
ing with Roger Bailey, yearbook
manager, on the drive this week
are Alice Carter and Adele Wede
Meeting Held
Representatives to handle the
campaign in each of the houses
and halls on the campus were ap
pointed yesterday, and met last
night to discuss plans and organ
ize the three days’ work.
Twenty-two houses had reached
the 100 per cent mark at the close
of a three-day drive last fall. This
week the canvassing will include
all new students and also the in
dependents, according to the com
Under the system being fol
lowed, subscriptions received this
week need not be paid for in cash,
but may be assessed on winter and
spring term fees. For students
not signed up by representatives,
orders will be taken any time be
tween now and Saturday at the
A. S. U. O. office.
Book To Be Enlarged
The Oregana will be 75 pages
larger this year than ever before,
it is announced by Henrietta
Steinke, editor. The 1931 edition
will include several new sections,
and will be approximately the size
of the Stanford “Quad.”
The book is being entered in the
National Yearbook Competition,
where its artistic merit won high
praise last year. The art work
this year is designed to fit in with
an Alaskan idea, which will be
featured throughout.
Those selected to sell subscrip
(Continued on Page Four)
‘Little America’
Received by Libe
Byrd Tells of Expedition
In Own Words
“Little America,” by Richard E.
Byrd, rear admiral U. S. N., ia on?
of the latest books which the li
brary has received during the holi
“Little America” is a story of
the Byrd Antarctic expedition as
it is told by its leader for the firs",
time. The novel is a narrative o£
action and at the same time gives
a record of scientific achievement
It is a narrative of action and at
the same time gives a record of
scientific achievement. It is a
story of men who brought their
own civilization to “a God-forsaken
hunk of ice" and created on it a
most extraordinary community.
“It falls to the lot of a few men
to look down upon the things nev
er before seen," Admiral Byrd
writes, and here he tells of h's
splendid and important discover
“We were, for the most part,
strangers,” he writes in another
place. Men from all walks of life,
millionaires’ sons and adventurers,
a college professor, a former gun
runner, scientists and aviator;:.
They scarcely knew one another
when they started out, but they
fought one of the toughest battles
still reserved for man on the last
continent that held adventure.”
The book is a seven-day book
and the library at the present time
has only one copy.
Last of '78 Class Dies
Federal District Judge Robert S. Kean, last survivor of the first,
class to graduate from the University of Oregon, that of 1878, and
recently voted the most distinguished alumnus of the University, died
suddenly in Portland yesterday. The prominent Oregon jurist was 77
years of age, but maintained his vigor to the end.
Members of Faculty Mourn
Judge Bean’s Sudden Death
The death yesterday in Portland
of Judge Robert S. Bean, last sur
vivor of the first class to graduate
from the University, caused sor
row among members of the Uni
versity faculty who knew him as
a friend, and as member of the
board of regents during his many
years’ service in this capacity. It
also brought expressions of the
admiration felt for this outstand
ing alumnus.
Ur. Arnold Bennett Hall
“The people of the state have
lost a real leader and friend in
the passing of Judge Robert S.
Bean,” wired Dr. Arnold Bennett
Hall, president of the University
of Oiegon, upon receipt of a tele
gram telling of the death of the
Oregon judge. Dr. Hall is now in
the East in the interests of the
“Judge Bean’s service to the
University over a long period of
years has been, of the utmost
value, and he has done much for
higher education in the state. His
selection recently as the Univer
sity’s most distinguished alumnus
was a tribute he has long deserved
in every way. His life in every
way has been an inspiration to
all those who have known and
loved him. It is with deepest sor
row that I learn of his passing.”
Dr. .James H. Gilbert
Dr. James H. Gilbert, dean of
the college of literature, science
and the arts, paid the following
tribute to Judge Bean:
"In the death of Judge Robert
Sharp Bean,” Dr. Gilbert said,
“the University has lost its most
distinguished alumnus. His serv
ice as a member of the board of
regents for 38 years was charac
terized by devotion and integrity
combined with high ideals. The
debt the University owes to Judge
Bean for his untiring service can
not be overestimated.”
Karl W. Onthank
“I knew Judge Bean for many
years at the University while he
was president of the board of re
gents,” said Karl W. Onthank
dean of personnel administration,
yesterday. “He was undoubtedly
the most distinguished alumnus,
and tremendously interested in the
University. He gave time and
thought to the University prob
lems, both as a member and per
sonally, after he retired from the
board. It may be recalled that
he was present, as he usually was
at the alumni meeting last home
coming and made a short ad
“I had known Judge Bean for
29 years, ever since coming here
in 1902,” said Edgar E. DeCou,
department, chairman in mathe
matics. “He was president of the
hoard of regents for many years,
and I have known him and his
wife and children. I think his
death is a great personal loss. It
is a tremendous loss to us all,
since he was closely connected
with the University. Not only a
fine judge, but one of the finest
citizens of Oregon, has gone. I
feel very strongly the passing of
a man who has done so much not
only for the University, but for
the state.”
C'urlton E. Spencer
“From the standpoint of the
lawyer, it is true that Judge
Bean's decisions have always been
recognized as sound and weighty.
In fact, his decision in a case en
titles it to high respect," Carlton
E. Spencer, professor of law, said
last night.
“I know trf no man on the su
preme court of this state whose
opinion was accepted with more
assurance that the law contained
was accurate, reasonable, and just.
Among the jurists of the West,
j Oregon has lost a great jurist.
I --
Robert S. Bean
Alumnus Dies
Federal District Judge Last
Member of University’s
First Graduating Class
Heart Attaek at Portland
Home Ends Brilliant
Judicial Career
Judge; Robert S. Bean, ’78, last
member of the University's first
graduating class, died yesterday at
Portland. His sudden death, caused
by a heart attack, terminated a
career voted recently at an alumni
banquet as the most distinguished
of any graduate of the University.
Judge Bean served 48 years on
state and federal benches of the
76 years since his birth near Mc
Minnville, November 28, 1854. His
judicial work is considered of the
most brilliant of the federal court
in the We3t. He served almost
22 years as federal judge, and was
for 38 years a member of the
University of Oregon board of re
Bean graduated from Christian
college, now known as Monmouth
Normal, in 1873, and received his
law degree from the University of
Oregon in 1878. In the same year
he was admitted to the state bar.
He was later to become president
of the Oregon Bar association.
Attorney Bean practised in Eu
gene for several years, and then
became JuSge Bean of the circuit
court in the second judicial dis
trict in 1882. He was then but 28.
In the same year he became
University regent, a position which
1 he was to hold as member and
president until 1920. After eight
years as circuit judge and nine as
state supreme court justice, he
was appointed by President Taft
I as United States district judge
for the district of Oregon.
While on the supreme court
bench, Judge Bean acquired a
fame that has become one of the
fine traditions of the judiciary of
the state. His later service as
federal jurist added to the lustre
of his prior accomplishments. But
one case appealed from this court
was ever overruled, while his deci
sions were quoted in courts
throughout the United States.
Fifty years ago the jurist was
married in Eugene to Miss Ina
Condon, daughter of Oregon’s fa
mous geologist, Dr. Thomas Con
don. Five sons were born to this
union, three of whom, with the
widow, survive Judge Bean. Mar
garet Bean, sophomore on the
campus, and resident of Eugene,
is a niece.
Magazine Prints Article
Written by Prof. Thacher
An article by W. F. G. Thacher,
professor of advertising and Eng
lish, has been accepted by the
Western Advertising and Western
Business and appears in the Janu
ary issue of this magazine. His ar
ticle is “Advertising Still Consists
ir. Advertisements.’’
Professor Thacher in his article
states that in spite of the many re
cent waves of enthusiasm for new
fads, advertising is still the busi
ness of telling people what you
have to sell.
Saturday Classes Disliked
By Oregon Women Students
| Dislike of Saturday classes was i
I expressed by several Oregon wo- i
j men students when approached for !
j their opinion. Their belief seemed
I to be that classes held on this day
\ fail to attain their object, are a
! hindrance to those students who
work then, and are much more of
a bother than they are an aid.
Betty Anne Macduff,Sophomore
in journalism, says: ‘ Probably the
greatest number of objections wc
have against Saturday classes are
founded on the fact that we arj
i not accustomed to them and dis
| like what we are not used to. Un
! til the University gets more build
i ings, we probably will have to put
up with them whether we like it
or not. I don’t like Saturday class
es because I am lazy about getting
up for them. Also they Interfere
very much with the student who is
working part or all day Saturday."
"Saturday classes,” says Carol
Hurlburt, society editor of the Em
erald, “well- I never had one and
that’s a continuation of luck as
well as foresight. Not liking Sat
urday classes doesn’t mean that I
disapprove. They are one of the
necessary appendages of the mod
ern educational system. We are no
longer in high school and an en
tirely free week-end is a hang-over
from high school days. If our edu
cations require a Saturday class or
two, then that’s all there is to it.”
Carol Werschkul, sophomore in
English, endorses the idea advanc
ed by “Hack” Miller that there
should be at least one day besides
Sunday entirely free of classes.
“Saturday classes,” she said,
“are not much good. I think that
we should have one day more be
sides Sunday entirely free of class
es to catch up on sleep and rest.
Sunday is more or less occupied by
(Continued on Page Two)