Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 12, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    ! Committee on
| Publicity for
School Active
Greater Oregon Members
f Sari Annual Christmas
Enrollment Drive
Freck Urges That Students
Talk Up University
During Holidays
“The 1030 Greater Oregon com
mittee sent in two and a half
times as many recommendation
cards of prospective freshmen
than the year before, bringing the
largest freshman class ever known
to the University,” stated Joe
Freck, chairman, at the last meet
ing of the year.
“The size of the student body
is a determining factor in the
amount of appropriation that the
school will get,” he continued.
“Christmas vacation gives three
weeks in which to talk up the Uni
versity to prospective students to
get them to come to Oregon.
“Material will be sent out after
Christmas and particular attention
given to those interviewed by
members of the committee.”
Freck Commends Work
In reviewing the work done dur
ing the summer, Freck commended
the students who kept up their
correspondence with the main of
fice at the University.
The 12 sending in the most let
ter3 and post cards were: Jacl
Stipe, of Portland, who sent in thi
greatest number; Marylellen Brad
ford, Klamath Falls; Mary Gar
rison, Eugene; Alice Holmtfack
Medford; John Long. Roseburg
Jack Ecilefsen, Portland; Nanc}
Taylor, Portland; Paul Biggs, On
tario; Jack Nelson, Pendleton
Betty Bond, Pendleton; Dorothj
Eads, Medford • Warner Guiss
Bob Miller, head of the easterr
Oregon division, gave a shorl
resume of the state trip made dur
ing the summer.
Trip Is Successful
“Our trip was especially sue
cessful this summer,” he said, “as
it was carried on in a business
like manner. Before, students rep
resenting the University have triec
to interest prospective students b>
telling them of the good times tc
be had here. They had jazz band?
md lots of rah rah, which was
entirely misleading, and caused
trouble with high school officials
Dur trip this summer knocked
down the objections of principals
on that account.
“We traveled 2400 miles all to
gether. There were 13 days oi
actual traveling and we spoke in
a great many schools and organi
zations. Fine receptions were
given us nearly every place vis
ited, especially at Medford, Burns
and Baker.”
Freck concluded the meeting by
asking the heads of each section
to turn in the names of the under
classmen who did outstanding
work on their committee. These
names will be the basis of choos
ing next year’s Greater Oregon
"Eugene's Own Store”
McMorran Washburne
PHONE 2700
Select Your Gifts
Before You Leave for
Here Are a Few Suggestions
To Make Shopping
Easier for You
For Mother
Silk Lingerie
$1.95 to $5.95
Costume Jewelry
$1.00 to $3.95
Wiss Scissors
$1.00 to $1.50
Perfume Sets
$2.00 to $5.00
Wool Blankets
$5.95 to $15.00
Linen Lunch Sets
$1.00 to $8.50
Rookwood Pottery
$1.50 to $15.00
J ackets—Shawls
$3.95 to $8.95
For Sister
Fancy Silk Scarfs
Silk Dance Sets
Perfume Atomizers
$1.00 to $5.95
Costume Jewelry
$1.00 to $3.95
Leather Bags
$3.95 to $22.50
Silk Umbrellas
Silk Hosiery
$1.48 to $2.95
For Boy Friend
Fine Silk Ties
$1.00 to $4.00
Colorful Mufflers
Leather Bill-Folds
Pen and Pencil Sets
$5.00 to $15.00
Yardltfy's'Gift Sets
For Father
Fine Silk Ties
$1.00 to $4.00
High Grade Shirts
$1.95 to $5.00
Fancy Pajamas
Pioneer Suspenders
Autogart Socks
Dress Gloves
$2.00 to $6.50
Comfy Slippers
$1.95 to $6.50
Yardley’s Gift Set3
F or Brother
Fancy Silk Ties
$1.00 to $4.00
Modern Pajamas
Stylish Sweaters
$5.00 to $12.00
Flannel Robes
Fine Shirts
$1.95 to $5.00
Leather Bill-Folds
Comfy Slippers
$1.95 to $6.50
Leather Gloves
$2.00 to $6.50
For Girl Friend
Perfume Atomizers
$1.00 to $5.95
Manicure Sets
$3.00 to $11.50
Leisure Slippers
$2.50 to $6.50
Costume Jewelry
$1.00 to $4.95
Tooled Leather Bags
Condon Popular
As Examinations
Worry Students
“Do your exam cramming early,"
might be the motto of Oregon stu
dents this week, the last chance
before the heavy fog of finals set
tles down. Attendance figures from
the reserve libraries show quite an
increase over last year’s figures
for the same days.
Students reading in the English
htistory library are much more
ambitious than they were in 1929.
This “do something early" trend
is affecting the business adminis
tration department, which circu
lated quite a few more books this
year, especially in the last few
Even the law students seem to
: be using a few more books as ex
| am time approaches.
At Condon this week there was
j an increase of about 600 on Mon
j day over Sunday in day’s circula
tion. This might be due to the stu
dents suddenly realing on Monday
that exams were very near—or
that little studying was done on
i Sunday for the next day's classes.
Senior Football Manager
For 1931 To Be Selected
The senior football manager for
the 1931 grid season will be chos
en today at the final meeting this
term of the executive council,
George Cherry, president of the
associated students, said last night.
Recommendations of the athletics
committee for the office will be
considered by the executive coun
cil in making the final decisions.
Junior football managers will be
selected after the appointment of
next year’s senior manager. Rob
ert E. (Hack) Miller, senior mana
ger of managers, will collaborate
with the new football head in
choosing the junior men.
Polo Top
With inexpensive smart
ness and youthful swag
ger. For sleeping and
lounging—for study hours
and midnight spreads, for
warmth and youth. Polo
top blouse with smart
dark buttons. Yoke top
trousers that button snug
ly and comfortably at the
waistline—in the glorious
shades of orange, green,
peach and yellow.
—A Delightful Gift—
30 East Broadway
Final Examination Schedule
List of Examinations Reprinted for Benefit of Students.
Saturday, December IS
1- 3—Personal Hygiene for
Monday, December 15
8-10—Eight o'clock classes meet
ing M W F or any two of
these days, and four and
five hour classes at 8.
j 10-12—Eight o’clock classes meet
ing Tu Th S or any two
of these days.
1- 3—Survey of Physical Science,
all sections.
French Composition, a 11
3- 5—First and Second Year
Spanish, all sections. Third
Year Spanish Literature,
all sections.
Tuesday, December 16
8-10—Nine o'clock classes meet- j
ing M W F or any two of
these days, and four and
five hour classes at 9.
10-12—Nine o’clock classes meet
ing Tu Th S or any two of
these days.
1- 3—Background of Social Sci
ence, all sections.
Three o’clock classes meet
ing Tu Th.
3- 5—Two o’clock classes meet
ing Tu Th.
Report Writing, all sec
Wednesday, December 17
8-10—Ten o’clock classes meeting
M W F or any two of these
dav3, and four and five
hour classes at 10.
10-12—Ten o’clock classes meeting
Tu Th S or any two of
these days.
1- 3—First and Second Year
French, all sections. Third
Year French Literature, all
3- 5—Constructive Ace ounting,
all sections.
Thursday, December 18
8-10—Eleven o’clock classes
meeting M VV F or any two
of these days, and four and
five hour classes at 11.
10-12—Eleven o’clock classes
meeting Tu Th S or any
two of these days.
1- 3—Two o'clock classes meet
ing M W F or any two of
these days and four and
five hour classes at 2.
3- 5—Psychology Laboratory, all
Friday, December 10
8-10—One o’clock classes meeting
M W F or any two of these
days, and four and five
hour classes at 1.
10-12—One o'clock classes meeting
Tu Th.
1- 3—Three o’clock classes meet
ing M W F or any two of
these days, and four and
five hour classes at 3.
Onthank Discloses Dog Fight
As Journalistic Inspiration
Ex-Editor of Emerald Tells
Of Experiences as
"A dog fight proved to be my
journalistic inspiration," Karl On
thank, dean of personnel, and edi
tor of the 1912-13 Emerald, smil
ingly said.
"This particular fight occurred
in Springfield, between the Uni
versity football coach's canine and
a little street mongrel of that city.
It was a pitched battle, and the
owners of the dogs almost came
to blows themselves. I wrote up
the story and handed it into^ the
staff, and much to my surprise it
was accepted and I was given a.
place as reporter. This was in my
freshman year.”
Mr. Onthank was editor of the
Oregana in his junior year, and irt
1912 was elected editor of the Em-*
erald. The position was filled bjf
means of the regular student body
election, the names of the candi
dates for editor being placed on
the ballot along with the student
activities candidates.
“The staff room was.in the base
ment of McClure, and it shared its
conveniences with Dean Eric Al
len, who was then head of the de
partment of journalism for his first
year. There was no school of jour
nalism at that time. The tri
weekly editions were printed at a
job printer’s downtown, and the
staff members used to fly down
there on their bicycles with copy,"
said Mr. Onthank.
It was through the efforts of
Andrew Collier, business manager,
that the Emerald was able to pub
lish three issues a week, instead of
two as had been done in previous
years, Mr. Onthank stated. There
were six pages to the issue, and
the student body numbered only
about 800, so that the paper had
almost as much news as it has to
"The stafr was very small, and
the editors did most of the work.
We had our difficulties, too, what
with a small press which broke
down frequently.
“Our oiggest problem was to
keep up student morale. The Uni
versity's funds were at a very crit
ical state, due to the rapid growth
of the institution, and the students
didn’t know whether there would
be a college next year or not. For
this reason, the Emerald had to be
very careful never to print any
thing which might prejudice the
public against the University.
“The legislature had made sev
eral appropriations, which were re
ferred to the people to be voted
uponT Some of tfiem p&ssedi^hd
some of them didn’t. There was
one individual who was very well
known at that time in this vicinity.
He was a resident of Cottage
Grove, which was Eugene’s rival
city in those days. It was known
by the students that he had had
considerable influence in getting
the legislative measures referred
to the people, and was against the
appropriations," Mr. Onthank said.
“Consequently, the April first
edition came out with a banner
head proclaiming that this certain
person had been circulating propa
ganda about the campus for the
referendum, and against the best
interests of the University. The
story was continued on the back
page, and in the very last line the
excited reader found these words,
‘This is a hoax!’ ”
Next Sunday
11:00 A. M.
“Is Religion an Opiate, Stimulant
or a Food?”
CLAY E. PALMER, Minister
Roll Calls of Red
Cross Increased
Over Last Years
Living Organizations Take
Out Memberships,
Faeulty Gives
Complete reports of the Ameri
can Red Cross roll call on the cam
pus show an increase of $56 over
last year’s contribution from facul
ty and living organizations, ac
cording to Miss Mary Annin, ex
ecutive secretary of the Lane coun
ty chapter of the American Red
Cross, and assistant professor of
applied sociology.
"The response this year has been
the best we have ever had," Miss
Annin said. "University students
and faculty members helped not
only in giving money, but also in
soliciting on the campus and in
Eugene residential and business
districts. We are very pleased
with the showing that has been
made,” she said.
Thirty living centers on the cam
pus gave a total of $185, as com
pared to 8145 last year. The fac
ulty members contributed $188
while last year only $172 was giv
en. Each living organisation v;as
asked to take out house member
ships of $5, but several went over
the mavk, seven giving $10.
The work on the campus was
under the general supervision of
Dr. Philip A. Parsons, dean of the
school of Applied social science. A
committee of faculty members had
charge of the solicitation among
the faculty and members of the
administration staff. Bess Tom
pleton, senior in sociology, was
chairman of the committee which
had charge of the solicitation
among the houses.
The roll call on the campus this
year was made especially signifi
cant because of the fact that the
National Red Cross has subsidized
the local training center for the
training of rural social workers to
the extent of $6500.
(Continued from Parje One)
W. Norblad. and Mayor and Mrs.
George L. Baker.
The Oregon Christmas College
Ball is an annual event that has
ttowers for.
r/. ^ ^ M Y
If around (nr/st-mts,
dim* you dive a Aid
fJourers, she’s ajar to
fiiv* you encour^emen^
Are unusually selected,
unusually arranged, un
usually presented.
been given by the A. W. S. for the
past dozen or so years. Until 1927
the ball was the event at which j
the Scandal Sheet, giving the fall
term grades for all students in the
University, was released. The
Scandal Sheet was abolished in
1927 and was replaced by the sys
tem now used.
Proceeds from the Oregon
Christmas College Ball go into the
foreign scholar fund of the A. W.
S. Committee chairmen working
on the affair include: Helen Cha
ney, finance; Jane Cullers, patrons
and patronesses; Ted Jensen, alum
ni; Eddie SchWelker, high school
Hugh and A1
Old Oregon
Shine Parlor
publicity; Lois Nelson and Jim
Travis, publicity; and Carolyn Ha
berlach, general secretary.
Extra Thick
Milk Shakes
Ham and Eggs
Toast and Coffee
Colonial Theatre Bldg.
F. N. White, Manager
Eugene’s Oldest
Most Complete
077 Willamette Phone 17
Step out with a smile
at your saving
In the G-E cleaner are found
so many features you’ll won
der how it can be sold for
_ The JVew Standard Model haa
W added auction, rugpedneaa,
beauty at the old price.
Power’s Furniture Co.
lith Street sund Willamette
T oiletries
Ivory Toilet Sets
Perfume Atomizers
Bath Salts
Large Assortment
Of Very Fine
Greeting Cards
5c Up
Desk Sets
Priced From
Campus Agency For
Whitman’3 Famous
Latest Styled
Colored Folding
The Famous Hammond
Electric Clocks.
No Winding.
Just Plug Into
Wall Socket.
Bill Folds
Clothes Brushes
Comb and Brush Sets
Oregon Seal
Pins and Bings.
Fobs and Chains
Walt Van Atta
b aa a ar a ■
I1 m ■)<!)
Oregon Pharmacy
13th and Kincaid
Sid Claypool