Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 12, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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    Hawaii Wins
Praise From
President Hall
University Head Returns
To Campus With Health
Improved by Trip
Oregon’s Executive Says
Spears Sure To Stay
Here as Coach
Delighted with Hawaii and quite
impressed with the "Paradise of
the Pacific,” Dr. Arnold Bennett
Hall, president, or
the University,
returned to the
campus yes ter
day after an ab
sence of approxi
mately a month.
|The entire time
[was spent in
[Honolulu, where
[he visited with
[one of his old
[friends, Dr. Gra
Dr Hall ham Stuart, who
has been a visit
ing faculty member at the Uni
versity of Hawaii for some time.
Dr. Hall is much improved in
health, he says, for he found Hon
olulu an excellent place to rest.
Swimming in the warm and invig
orating surf at Waikiki, hikes and
other diversions were enjoyed dur
ing his stay.
Hull Cites Views
President Hall arrived in San
Francisco Wednesday, just in time
to hear a lot of rumors about Dr.
C. W. Spears, Oregon football
coach, and the vacancy in the foot
ball coaching staff at the Univer
sity of California. Much to Dr.
Hall’s surprise the twd- the Ore
gon coach and the vacant place
had become confused in the minds
of newspapermen, and it became
Green Lantern
and you will come again.
necessary for the president to cite
his views on the situation.
“Dr. Spears has made a wonder
ful record at Oregon. So far as
I know California has not ap
proached him with an offer, nor
has anyone asked us to release
Dr. Spears from the remainder of
his contract here. Dr. Spears says
there is nothing to the rumor, Cal
ifornia officials say the same, so
I must necessarily say so too. We
want Dr. Spears to stay here, and
I feel sure he will.” These were
statements made by Dr. Hall upon
his arrival in Eugene.
Oregon Well Known
Getting back to Hawaii, a favor
ite subject now with Dr. Hall, the
president declared that the terri
tory now knows the University of
Oregon quite well, since Honolulu
became part of the campus last
summer when the Hawaii summer
session spent six weeks there.
People of Honolulu are enthusias
tic over the summer session idea
as carried out by this University,
and are eager to have it repeated,
Dr. Hall says.
Hawaii was found to be of great
interest in many fields in which
Dr. Hall is interested, particularly
in social sciences and racial psy
chology. Made up of many differ
ent races, the territory seems to
have solved the difficult problem
of race assimilation, for Cauca
sians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans,
Filipinos, Portuguese and many
other peoples work and play in
harmony, he said. However, the
warm, even climate makes for har
mony, for the bitter cold of winter
is lacking, food is plentiful and
cheap for the lower classes, and
living on the whole is much easier
and much less competitive, he
Hawaii Trade Important
Although small in area, Hawaii
is rich in resources, especially ag
ricultural, Dr. Hall said. It now
has a population of more than
300,000, many of them well-to-do,
and it is important that the Pa
cific Northwest cultivate trade re
lations with the area, for many
products from here can be sold
profitably there. Honolulu is also
important as a clearing point for
transportation to all parts of the
People in Hawaii were very hos
pitable, Dr. Hall said, and they
made his stay one of pleasure.
■— ■ —
Buddy Eastman
Days Santa Claus
Taking precedence above even
weddings, engagements, musicals,
and receptions, are the Christmas
parties which are being given at
every house this week-end. None
of the houses are inviting guests.
Probably the most famous of all
the Santa Clauses is the one which
will visit the Alpha Tau Omega
house, Norman (Buddy) Eastman,
the fat boy in last year’s campus
movie, "Ed’s Co-ed.”
* * *
Miss Amy Porter
Announces Engagement
Working his vengeance on stu
dents for the last time this year,
Monsieur Cupid again unloosed his
bow and arrow Saturday night at
the Alpha Omicron Pi house when
Amy Porter announced her en
gagement to Lee Rapp, who wps
graduated three years ago.
The table was decked with holly.
Red ribbons extended from the
center-piece to each place, where
they were attached to a sprig of
holly. The announcements were
hidden under the centerpiece at the
ether end of the ribbon.
Miss Porter, who is a senior in
architecture and allied arts, is af
filiated with Alpha Omicron Pi.
Mr. Rapp is a member of Sigma
Alpha Epsilon.
This makes the second time dur
ing the term that the Alpha Omi
cron Pi house has been the scene
for an announcement such as this.
• * *
Pipes-Myers Wedding
Takes Place Tomorrow
Attention is now focussed on the
marriage of Miss Cornelia Pipes
and Louis Myers, both instructors
in French, which will take place
tomorrow night at 8:30.
The wedding will be solemnized
at the home of the bride’s aunt,
Mrs. Harry B. Beckett, on Eliza
beth street. Dr. William G. Elliott
Jr., will read the ceremony.
Neither the bride nor the bride
groom are planning to have any
attendants, as the service will take
place in the presence of intimate
friends and members of the family.
A reception will follow.
• • •
Phi Delta Theta
Gives Rushing Party
Phi Delta Theta is the only man's
house which will give a rushing
party during the holidays. The
Phi Delts are planning an all night
camping party at Rhododendron
Inn for 30 or 40 guests. Skiing, to
bogganing, and winter sports will
form the diversions. George Weber
is in charge.
e • e
Only Two Exchange
Dinners for Week
The exchange dinners shrank to
their lowest ebb this week, as only
two houses entertained. Phi Kap
pa Psi was honored by Delta Delta
; Delta and Kappa Alpha Theta by
Sigma Pi Tau on Thursday night.
* * *
Informal Tea
Honors Mrs. Myers
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Dean
Walker entertained informally at
tea honoring Mrs. Myers, mother
of Louis Myers. Mrs. Myers ha3
been visiting here since last Tues
' day. She will leave today for Port
I land to be present at the wedding
I of her son and Miss Cornelia Pipes.
1 Colonel Hofer
Guest of Sigma Chi
Colonel Hofer of Portland was
a dinner guest at the Sigma Chi
house last night
(Continued from Page One)
under the name of the Emerald
Vinton Hall, editor of the Emer
ald, was put to a series of ques
tions by Director Art Potwin that
ranged from movie actresses in
Hollywood to the justification of
the ousting of Bob Allen, ex-man
aging editor of the Emerald, from
his office.
Hall also intimated that a radio
talent contest between living or
ganizations of the campus would
take place over station KORE soon
after winter term gets in progress.
However, he announced no defiin
ite plans for the contest.
'Green Pastures’ Delightful 1
Play, Guild Audience Finds
"And so the Lord rared back
and said, 'Let there be a whole
mess of firmament’.” If you can’t
imagine the Lord in a bow tie and
puffing a 10-cent "ceegar,” you
were not one of the delighted au
dience who heard Mrs. Ottilie Sey
bolt give a dramatic reading of
"The Green Pastures” at Guild
theatre last night. This play, as
stated by the author, Marc Con
nelly, is an attempt to present
certain aspects of a living religion
in the terms of its believers, the
thousands of negroes in the deep
They are unburdened by the dif
ferences of more educated theolo
gians, and accept the Old Testa
ment as a chronicle of wonders
which happened to people like
themselves. In "Green Pastures”
Heaven is represented as a place
where the angels have magnificent
fish frys. The creation of the
world is simply explained by the
lack of firmament in the Lord’s
custard. He creates So much
firmament that he has to create
the world to drain it out of
Heaven. The cherubs’ wings are
getting wet and the Lord doesn’t
want to bust up the fish fry. But
this calls for the creation of man,
and then the trouble begins.
The Lord sits in his private
business office with the faithful
“Gab” and deals with such celes
tial problems as Cherub Montgom
ery, who lives near the pearly
gates and whose wings are molt
ing out of season. Then a law
has to be passed prohibiting the
angels dancing around on the
moon on Saturday nights, because
the moon is beginning to melt.
Eut now, added to these difficul
ties, are the misdoings of man.
Adam and Eve failed, and their
son Cain also fell from grace.
Then the Lord tried a deluge and
left only Noah's family. But again
things went wrong. Then the
Lord gave Moses and Joshua in
structions, because he still believed
that man must be all right at the
core, or why would he have cre
ated him ?
Finally, thoroughly disgusted,
the Lord won’t have anything to
do with mankind, and admits that
“even being God ain’t a bed of
All this has been delightful and
amusing, but a more serious side
of the play is shown in the last
part where Hezdrel represents
man’s faith in a God of mercy,
rather than the old Jehovah of
wrath and vengeance. The Lord
is puzzled, but decides that he,
too, must find mercy through suf
"You look awful pensive, Lawd.
Have a ceegar?”
“No thanks, Gabriel, I’m just
And so ends this simple, naive
folk tale, which has startled so
many people by the meaning be
hind it and the unusualness of
presentation. Mrs. Seybolt de
serves much praise on her reading
of .it last night.
Your Merriest Christmas
Happiest New Year
550 13th Avenue East
Dr. Morris Will Spend
Xmas Holidays in Seattle
Dr. Will V. Morris, assistant pro
feasor of mathematics and phy
sics, will leave sometime next weel
for Seattle where he will spvj
the holidays.
While in Seattle Dr. Mol
plans to investigate possible
search sources. He will retv
shortly before school opens.
When Santa Conies
Climbing down the chim
ney, may he find each one
of you happy! And when
he leaves, may all the
stockings be filled to over
* * *
And may your next year
on the campus be the best
and happiest ever. ^
# # *
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year!
Booth-Kelly Lumber Co.
Start Your Vacation
Our Service Is Distinguished by Its
Dependability and Promptness
Eugene Steam Laundry
178 W. 8th Street Phone 123
Av- i
Here are Christmas and. New Year’s wishes from the merchants of the city. They take this means of expressing
to you their thanks for your patronage during the year, and to hope for the merriest Yuletide ever. Ihe wis es
are sincere and whole-hearted.
T\yf AV peace ami happiness be yours from the twilight
of this Christmas to the twilight of Christmas eve
of next year. Ami for the material things that make the
Yuletide so joyous, may you find much of help from
our own merchandise.
Walora Candies
Sol 13T1I AYE. E.
T'ilRKE HUNDRED ami sixty-five days
of'happiness and health is the wish
ol' this store. To our many friends we
extend onr hope for the best year ever,
in whatever your desires may be.
/''\'[TR Christmas wish for you and. yours is that the
Yuletide season will bring your friends to your fire
side, happiness to your home, and health, wealth and
prosperity to all.
Wade Bros.
' I '1IAT \ our sueeess ami happiness in 1931 will be
measured by that of the past year, a thousand times
multiplied, is the sincere offering of this firm who wishes
to be one of your 1931 friends.
The Golden Rule
HERE is the place to buy. fraternity and sorority pins
and rings. We have 14 K. gold pins for the same
price you pay your regular fraternity jeweler for 10 K.
New and large assortment of Elgin, Waltham and Ham
ilton watches.
Pen sets, musical powder boxes, compacts, rings, and
novelties of all kinds.
New and very late shipments with new low prices.
-We give S & H Green Discount Stamps-■
Bristow’s Jewelry
*0 all of our old customers and to our
-*■ new ones we wish for the finest
Christmas ever; and may you derive the
most enjoyment out of the Yuletide mer
chandise you buy, regardless of how
much you spend.
Dr. Ella C. Meade