Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 09, 1930, Image 1

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    Students Win Pr«. se !
Six Oregon students this > r ,
received the Julliard scholar#!^ |
in competitive examination befort
a representative of the Juilliard
Foundation, for American artists.
Seven Tilts on
Oregon’s 1931
1 Grid Schedule
Webfoots To Meet U.S.C.,
Washington, U.C.L.A.
And St. Mary’s
New York U. Oregon State
And Idaho on Next
Year’s Slate
Sept. 20 Pacific at Eugene.
Sept. 27 - Willamette at Eu
Oct. 3—•tIdaho at Portland.
Oct. 10—^Washington at Seat
Oct. 17.—"Southern California
at Los Angeles.
Oct. 31—New York U. at New
Nov. 14—’"Oregon State at Eu
Nov. 20—*U. C. L. A. at Los
Nov. 26—St. Mary's at San
■"Conference game.
LOS ANGELES. Dec. 8 (Spe
cial)—The 1931 Oregon football
machine, whether under the tute
lage of Dr. Clarence W. Spears
or not, will face one of the most
difficult schedules of any team on
the coast, meeting Southern Cali
fornia, New York university and
St. Mary’s, in addition to four
other prominent teams. This is
according to the schedule as re
leased last night from Hugh Ros
son, graduate manager, here for
the Pacific Coast conference an
nual schedule session-.
U. S. C. dame Scheduled
The scheduling of U. S. C. on
the Oregon slate is of utmost in
terest to Oregon followers, who
watched the rise of a crippled
Duck eleven this year in playing
the vaunted St. Mary’s team to a
standstill in the last game of the
season. Oregon had hitherto
played Stanford and California un
til this year, when the “big four,”
with the exception of Washington,
ignored the Webfoots, leaving a
comparatively weak schedule for
a potential strong team and a
new coach of national fame. This
season, however, Dr. Spears, Ore
gon’s mentor, was not satisfied
with the schedule, so with the
showing of the 1930 team, South
ern California was added to the
regular schedule.
Will Travel Far
An outstanding feature of the
Webfoot schedule is the “Pullman
complex” which is evident in the I
signing of a series of games in j ■
October. The first conference tilt |
of the season will be played at '
Portland, with Idaho furnishing! i
the opposition. The following week |;
the Webfoots journey to Seattle <
to meet Phelan’s Huskies. Then i
the real “road trip” begins. One
week after the Husky battle, the :
Ducks head south for Los Angeles 1 <
to play the thundering herd of <
Southern California, and then con- <
tinue east to the Atlantic seaboard
for an intersectional game with'!
(Continued on Page Three) |!
Activity Records
i^LL seniors who expect to
graduate in June and who
are planning to have their pic
tures in the Oregana must have
their aetivity record in this week,
according to Henrietta Steinke,
editor of the year book.
Independent students may ob
tain tlie neeessary cards to be
filled out at the Co-op. All oth
er seniors, who have been reach
ed by representatives in their re
spective living organizations,
may turn in completed cards to
Lenore Ely or Virginia Wentz.
Robert Jackson
Selected Oregon
Rhodes Applicant
Eugene Boy Seeks Reward
Of Scholarship From
Division Contest
Robert F. Jackson, of Eugene,
graduate student here in physics
and a research assistant to Dr. W.
E. Milne, professor of mathemat
ics, was chosen Saturday as a can
didate from the state of Oregon
for the Rhodes scholarship, in a
hearing before the state commit
tee at Portland. Francis F. Cole
man, son of President Norman F.
Coleman of Reed college, was se
lected by the committee as the
other Oregon candidate.
Jackson and Coleman will ap
pear before the district examining
committee at Spokane Wednesday,
when four students from the
Northwestern district will be
named for the Rhodes awards.
Two students from the states of
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mon
tana, Wyoming, and North Dakota
will go to Spokane for the finals.
The men chosen for the scholar
ships will each receive $1960 year
ly for three years and tuition at
The Oregon winners competed
with five other students before the
examining board Saturday. Three
were from the University of Ore
gon, one other from Reed college,
and one from Willamette univer
sity. The state committee which
conducted the hearing was com
posed of Dean M. Ellwood Smith,
Oregon State college; Prof. S.
Stephenson Smith, University of
Oregon, and Dr. G. Bernard Noble.
Reed college. No member of the
state committee will be on the dis
:rict committee Wednesday.
Vilen To Leave for East
To Attend Press Meeting
Dean Eric W. Allen, of the school
>f journalism, will leave for the
Hast Friday or Saturday of next
veek to attend two meetings in
:onnection with the research in
ournalism of the American Asso
iation of Schools and Departments
)l' Journalism.
He will also visit newspaper and
nagazine offices in New York,
Chicago, Washington, and several
>ther cities. He will return to the
:ampus on Tuesday, January 6.
Dean Allen is president of the
association and chairman of the
;ub-eommittee on research.
Wandering Web foot Football
Men To Travel 12,284 Miles
Join the marines and see the
world—join the Webfoot football
squad and see your own country
might well be an inducement for
promising young football players
to matriculate at the University
of Oregon. Figures compiled upon
receipt of the 1931 Oregon football
schedule from the meeting of the
Pacific Coast conference at Los
Angeles clearly prove that the best
way to see the United States is
to be good enough to win a berth
on the Webfoot squad.
The squad headed by Coach Doc
Spears will spend a great amount
of October and November of next
year reclining on a seat in a Pull
man ear as the paying guests of
varied railroads throughout the
country. With two trips to Los
Angeles listed along with one each
to Portland, Seattle, San Fran
cisco, and New York City, the
team will travel a total of 12,284
miles to be on hand to appear in
the games listed on the schedule.
In other words, for only one big
game will the Oregon team dig
their cleats into the sawdust on
Hayward field, although it is prob
able that a couple of “warm ups”
with non-conference teams will be
scheduled early in the season. The
one big game listed to be played
on the home gridiron will be the
annual Homecoming battle of
"civil war’’ fame against the Ore
gon State eleven. Every other tilt
will be played on a foreign field.
With Notre Dame known as the
“Ramblers” because of their trav
eling habits, we might suggest an
appropriate name for the 1931
Oregon team—why not “Wander
ing Webfoots”?
This traveling business is not
cheap, and a rough estimate based
(Continued on Page Three)
Piano Duetists
In Concert at
Igloo Tonight
Guy Maier, Lee Patterson
To Present Varied
Program Here
Student Body Cards Will
Admit Holders to
McArthur Court
A well-balanced and diversified
program, one that will appeal to
all but the narrowest of musical
tastes on the campus, is to be pre
sented by Guy Maier and Lee Pat
tison, world’s foremost two-piano
duetists, in the concert they are
to give at McArthur Court tonight
under the auspicies of the associat
ed students.
The concert will be free to all
students, but they will not be ad
mitted unless they present their
student body cards at the door.
The program will begin at 8
Accoustlcs Improved
The accoustical qualities of the
court have been improved by the
construction of a sound shell across
the south end of the court, and the
concert stage, formerly erected
against the east wall, has been
moved under the shell, which elim
inated most of the echoes which
formerly marred purity of tone
during concerts held in the court.
Campus underclass regulations
will be lifted to allow underclass
men and women to attend the con
cert, which will be over about 10
The program, with explanatory
notes, follows:
Rone in C-major . Chopin
(The only work Chopin ever
wrote for two pianos.)
Prelude.Cesar Frank
(Originally written for harmon
ium and piano.)
Scherzo ...Schumann
(Transcribed by Mr. Maier from
a composition for string quar
tet and piano.)
Fantasy in A-minor.Bach-Bauer
(A masterly transcription of a
work originally written for the
now obsolete pedal-harpischord.)
Variations on a theme of Beetho
ven . Saint-Saens
(One of the masterpieces of two
piano literature.)
Coronation Scene from “Boris
Godounoff” .
. JMOussorgsKy-t’at.uson
(This is a transcription of the
great scene laid in the Kremlin
at Moscow, made as a study in
tonal resonance of the two
Turkey in the Straw..Dalies-Frantz
(The turkey dance is joined by
others, “Old Black Joe,” “Swanee
River,” “Dixie,” etc.)
Valse, Op. 15.Arensky
Three Little Pieces. ..—Stravinsky
(These satirical little pieces are
not intended to be taken serious
ly but merely as clever bits of
musical humor.)
Strauss’ Blue Danube Waltz.
. Schulz-Evler
Rebec Will Speak Before
Independent Colleges
At a conference of all the inde
pendent colleges of the state this
week-end, George Rebec, dean of
the 'University graduate pchool,
will address the representatives.
The presidents and several of the
faculty members of each college
will attend.
Dr. Rebec has not announced his
subject. The conference is to be
held in McMinnville, at Linfield
Camp Fire Girls To Hear
Speaker Tonight at Y. W.
Beatrice Milligan will speak to
night at 7:45 at the bungalow to a
group of Camp Fire girls who are
trying to organize a permanent
college group. Two Eugene girls,
Mae Masterton and Gladys Sim
mons are the Camp Fire girls in
terested in getting a college group
All Camp Fire girls interested
in forming a permanent college
group are asked to be at the meet
ing tonight.
Siamese Twins of Piano W6rld
Guy Maier and Lee Pattlson, on their farewell tour after 12 years of international pre-eminence
as two-piano duetists, who will appear in concert at McArthur court at 8 this evening under the aus
pices of the associated students. Student body cards will admit students to the concert.
Dana Will Speak
At Noon Luncheon
Of Sigma Delta Chi
Portland Editor To Address
Journalism Croup; All
Campus Invited
Marshall N. Dana, associate edi
tor of the Oregon Journal, has
been secured as the main speaker
for the Sigma Delta Chi, men's na
tional journalistic fraternity, lunch
eon to be held at the College Side
Inn today. He has selected as the
subject of his talk, “The Value of
Newspaper Surveys.”
Mr. Dana will also speak to the
personal efficiency class at 11
o’clock in the school of business
administration on the topic of “Per
sonal Efficiency.”
In addition to his work as asso
ciate editor, he is also in charge
of all news that deals with state
development. In this capacity he
recently published a series of arti
cles on the betterment of the Ore
gon dairy industry, from data
which he had secured while travel
ing in Australia and New Zealand.
Mr. Dana is known throughout
the state as an interesting and en
tertaining speaker and has spoken
at the University on other occa
sions, according to T. Neil Taylor,
president of the local chapter of
Sigma Delta Chi. The luncheon,
Taylor says, will be open to all
journalism students on the campus.
Those wishing to attend his talk
before the personal efficiency class
in 105 Commerce building are in
vited to do so, says Dean Faville
of the business ad school, who re
quests only that the visitors take
seats in the rear of the room in
order that the regular seats may
be occupied by the members of the
Tickets for Ball
Now Put on Sale
Dance Expected To Attract
Big Crowd in Portland
Campus interest in the annual j
Christmas college ball, set for!
January 3, was on the rise yester-1
day following talks made at living,
organizations, where tickets went
on sale.
Tickets will be sold at the Co-op
for those not in living organiza
tions at the Co-op Thursday and
Three “generations” — the high
school students looking ahead to
college, University students, and
alumni—will attend the dance, to
be held at the Masonic hall, with
the Killoran's Kollegians playing.
Confident that the date chosen
for the 1931 affair will enable
many more to attend, as out-of
Portland studehts will be stopping
in the city on their way back to
school, Bess Templeton and Slug
Palmer, co-chairmen,
Leave for Los Angeles
Dr. W. P. Boynton, head of the
department of physics, and Charles
A. Goodwin, teaching fellow in
physics, left yesterday afternoon
at 1 o’clock for Los Angeles
where they will attend a joint
meeting of the American Physical j
i society and the Accoustic society. I
High-hat Library
Manager Reveals
Her "Bestsellers”
"Which books of the season's
output are most popular with stu
dents?” queried Eleanor Flanagan,
manager of the High Hat depart
ment of the University Co-op.
"Well, I should say that the three
most outstanding are Louis Brom
field’s ‘24 Hours,’ Martha Osten
so’s ‘Waters Under the Earth’ and
Charles G. Norris’ ‘Seed.’ ”
“The few students really inter
ested in their libraries save their
money and buy at least one fine
edition about every two months or
so,” she declared.
"The non-fiction rent books are
n’t out a great deal,” stated Miss
Flanagan. “William Allen White’s
‘Masks in a Pageant’ is an excep
“Mystery stories are in great
demand for men, particularly over
the holiday season.”
Trio Cops Honor
In Emerald-KORE
Sunday Program
‘Three Little Warts’ Warble
Way Into Limelight
By Radio
“Three Little Warts” — Kelsey
Slocum, Bob Goodrich, and Johnny
Smedberg—continued to take the
honors in the University radio
world Sunday night when they
were featured on the regular Ore
gon Daily Emerald of the Air
broadcast over station KORE. This
trio, although it has been in ex
istence little more than a month,
is already attracting campus at
tention on its merits. “Bluebirds
and Blackbirds,” “Ding Dong Dad
dy,” and “From Monday On” were
only a few of the numbers that
won applause from the large crowd
in the visible studios of the Col
lege Side Inn.
Con Hammond’s own composi
tion, “Snuggle Up and Love,” also
was well received. “Slim” Eward
sang the vocal refrain. Janet
Thacher, Betty Hudson and Lois
Conover, who call themselves the
Kappa trio, were presented in
three modern tunes of the day.
By popular request, Dale Brown
demonstrated something different
in piano work with his unusual
arrangement of “Limehouse
The Emerald Entertainers, with
their full quota of new dance mu
sic, helped the program along con
siderably. Barney and Willie, the
Parlor Propagandists, concluded
the array of talent brought to the
studio for the evening.
These Emerald-KORE hours fea
ture all-campus talent and are
broadcast twice a week—on Thurs
day night from 8 to 9 o’clock, and
on Sunday nights from 6 to 7
Entertains Class
Mrs. Leavitt O. Wright, substi
tute instructor in Spanish for J.
B. Rael, entertained her two first
year Spanish classes with an in
formal tea at her home Sunday
Philosophy Topic
Of Message by
Wilbur M. Dean
Crowd Hears Dartmouth
Professor’s Views oil
Scienee and Value
That the whole problem of mod
ernism and tradition in philosophy
is concentrated in a problem of
values was the message that Dr.
Wilbur M. Urban, professor of
philosophy at Dartmouth, gave to
a large audience of students and
faculty members in Alumni hall of
the Gerlinger building last evening.
“It is the appeal to reason that
constitutes the last word in phil
osophy. Science cannot destroy
the world of values. It may de
stroy belief in it, but it cannot de
stroy the structure itself. It can
come nearer destroying its own
significance. True science rarely
talks nonsense, but the so-called
scientific philosophy does,” Dr. Ur
ban said.
Dr. Urban did not attempt to
prove his theory that philosophy
rests on values, but appealed to
reason to justify his arguments.
“There is a profound faith in hu
man reason and its transcendent
character. None of the great phil
osophers has ever doubted the ulti
mate qualities of value. The values
or meanings of things cannot be
separated from origin and destiny.
Values in order to have significance
must have origin and confirma
tion," he pointed out.
That modernism has come to a
blind alley, that few scientists dare
look truth in the face, that it is a
positive achievement for a philoso
pher to be orthodox if his ortho
doxy is philosophic; there were just
a few of his philosophic maxims.
Dr. Urban has been lecturing at
the University of California under
the auspices of the Mills founda
tion. He was brought here by the
University committee on free in
tellectual activities, of which Dr.
H. G. Townsend, professor of phil
osophy, is chairman.
His books include “Valuation—
Its Nature and Laws” and “The
Intelligible World Metaphysics
and Value.” *
Two Fraternities Reach
Quotas in Sale of Seals
Alpha Upsilon and Sigma Alpha
Mu are the first two living organi
zations on the campus to reach
their quota in the sale of Christ
mas seals, the dean of women’s
office has announced. The quota
consists of ten stamps per mem
Money for the seals is to be
turned in at the dean's office not
later than next Friday, and earlier
if possible, the office stated.
Article by Dunn Appears
In Educational Journal
"My Descent to Avernus’’ is the
title of an article by F. S. Dunn,
professor of Latin, which appears
in the December issue of the Ore
gon Educational Journal.
The article is a description of a i
trip through the vicinity of Ver- j
gil's activities where Mr. Dunn was !
detailed to service during the i
World war.
Collegian Turns
Coup d’Etat on
Infirmary Staff
A dire swindle has been pulled
on the nurses at the infirmary, and
oblivious of the fact, they pursue
their daily occupations without re
more or regret. A few weeks ago,
while a certain young lady was
confined to the care of the health
service, one of her admiring male
friends dropped around to visit her.
At the door of the infirmary, how
ever, he encountered difficulties.
Not understanding the depths to
which college love may go, the
nurse who answered the bell re
fused him admittance. For a few
moments our young Lochinvar's
spirits fell to the depths of deep
despair. True love, however, can
not be suppressed. Returning to
his room, our hero bedecked him
self in professional looking clothes
and a Van Dyke moustache. Then
securing a small medical kit, he
returned to the infirmary.
Again the same nurse answered
the bell and demanded the name
ot the caller. “Have you a Miss
So-and-so here,” he asked? "I'm
a physician from her home town,
and her parents have requested
that, as I am visiting in Eugene
today, I call to see her.” Obliging
ly, the helpful nurse escorted our
hero in disguise to the bedside of
his love, and he enjoyed a very
entertaining visit. I
Thus we see love's labor is not
always lost.
Week Observing
Foreign Affairs
Judged Success
McGee Says Third Annual
International Event
Meets Purpose
Ending with two performances
of the annual pageant, the Parade
of Nations, the third consecutive
International week here on the
capipus came to a close Saturday !
night after a series of highlights
including addresses by Dr. G. B.
Noble, professor at Reed college,
and Dr. Roy A. Akagi, Japanese
author and educator.
“It has been the most successful
week of all," Mildred McGee, pro
gram chairman for the affair, said
yesterday. “It succeeded well in
its purpose of arousing interest
and understanding in foreign af
fairs through truthful interpreta
tion of the conditions at hand.
This ‘road to internationalism’ is a
long road and the results of our
efforts don’t always show at once.
I feel confident that through the
efforts of the directorate much
genuine interest has been aroused
among the students.”
Forum Talks Held
Forum hours were conducted in
all the living organizations on
Tuesday evening, December 3, by
speakers selected from townspeo
ple and members of the faculty.
After the talks, discussions took
place in which the students jfer
Wednesday evening Dr. G. B.
Noble, professor of poetical sci- j
ence at Reed college L; Portland,
spoke at Villard assembly on j
"America’s Problem — 12 Years ’
(Continued on Page Three) 1
All Spears Talk
Simply Rumor,
Is Report Here
Daily Californian Editor
Doilies Attempts To
Seenre Services
Rumors Again Branded as
‘Newspaper Talk’ at
Group Meeting
Anything concerning Spears
nnd California coaching situa
tion strictly rumor and news
paper talk.—Arthur M. Arlett,
editor Daily Californian.
With this brief wire last night
to Vinton Hall, editor of the Em
erald, the second series of rumors
as to the possibility of Dr. Spears
leaving Oregon is spiked by the
editor of the Berkeley student
The wire from Arlett continues
saying that Graduate Manager
Monahan of California and Spears
met at San Francisco after the
St. Mary’s game but no offer was
made then or since as far as can
be determined both at Berkeley
and at Los Angeles, where the
coaches and graduate managers of
the Pacific Coast conference are
holding their semi-annual meeting.
Second Stoppage
After being stopped last week
by a wire from Dr. Spears stating
that “Rumors were without foun
dation or fact,” the situation be
came critical again Monday after
noon with the appearance in a
Portland paper of a Los Angeles
dispatch stating that Dr. Spears
would be named the new Califor
nia coach within 48 hours, accord
ing to a close friend of Dr. Sproul,
president of the University of Cal
According to the afternoon pa
per, Spears had stated that he was
free to accept any offer “without
embarrassment to himself or the
University of Oregon.”
Spears Makes Statements
"It is true I have a five-year
agreement. But I drew it up my
self and there are two optional
clauses in it.”
In further discussing the prob
ability of a switch, Dr, Spears con
“I am not complaining at my
treatment at Oregon, but certain
representations were made to me
at the time I agreed to coach
which have since not been ful
President Arnold Bennett Hall,
who' negotiated the contract with
Dr. Spears, could not be reached
for his opinion on the situation as
he is at present traveling from
Hawaii to San Francisco, W’here
he is scheduled to arrive tomor
I)r. Conklin Will Address
Ministerial Association
Dr. Edmund S. Conklin, head of
the department of psychology, will
address the Eugene Ministerial as
sociation at a banquet this evening,
in the last talk which he will give
before leaving to take up his win
ter term position at the University
of Chicago. His topic will be “The
peculiarities of Middle Life.”
Saturday Classes Failure9
Faculty Members Believe
The opinion that Saturday class
es are failing to attain their ob
ject appears to be a fairly well
founded belief among faculty mem
bers, it was revealed after some
inquiry. Numerous reasons were
advanced to substantiate the find- 1
ing of Dr. A. E. Caswell, professor '
of physics, who made a survey
some time ago and discovered that
Saturday classes appeared to be
failing to relieve the stress on
buildings, one of the chief reasons
for their inception, according to
Dr. J. H. Gilbert, dean of the col- I
lege of literature, science and the
‘‘The Tuesday, Thursday and i
Saturday classes should relieve the
pressure on the buildings Monday,
Wednesday and Friday but they
do not appear to do so, as the re
sults of my survey would indicate,”
said Dr. Caswell. ‘‘Therefore, it ap
pears that they are not achieving
their object. Incidentally,” he con
tinued, “I am not personally op
posed to Saturday classes, but I
believe that if they do not accom
plish their object and demoralize
the enrollment in the classes held
or. Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
they should be ruled out.”
It has been the experience of
Prof. E. E. DeCou, head of the de
partment of mathematics, that
Saturday classes are more detri
mental because of their awkward
ness than beneficial.
‘‘I find.” he says, ”that they are
awkward for a great number of
the students as well as faculty
members and cause difficulty in
holding class together. Where stu
dents work on Saturday it creates
a difficult situation. It is also hard
for the faculty or anyone else who
has anything such as research
planned for over the week-end, be
(Continued on Page Two)