Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 02, 1930, Image 1

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    More Turkey
If you are not too full of turkey,
we might remind you the lasses
were resumed yesterday will
continue until December * en
more turkey.
The Weather
Generally cloudy Tuesday; no
change in temperature.
Minimum .33
Precipitation .02
Week Program
To Start Today
Forum Hours at All Houses
Scheduled as Feature
Of Evening
G. B. Noble of Reed College
To Speak at Villard
Wednesday Night
International week will get un
der way this evening with forum
hours being scheduled in all the
living organizations on the cam
pus. According to Mildred McGee,
chairman of the week’s program,
a select group of speakers has
been obtained for the various
houses and each organization may
therefore be assured of an enter
taining and instructive evening.
All houses will have dinner at 5:30
r p. m. in order to hold the forum
Dr. G. B. Noble, of Reed college,
Portland, will speak at Villard hall
on Wednesday evening. His ad
dress, which will be a discussion
of America’s future relations with
foreign nations, is scheduled to be
gin at 7:45 p. m. Dr. Noble is
noted for his wide knowledge of
international affairs and all stu
dents are therefore urged to take
advantage of this opportunity to
hear him.
uenerai uiscussion set ■
A general forum discussion is to
be held Thursday afternoon, be
ginning at 2:30 o’clock. At this
discussion, which will be held in
the Westminster house, Eric Cable.
British consul in Portland, and
Mary Klemm, well-known North
west peace worker, will be the
principal speakers. Miss Klemm
will discuss the World Court. All
students on the campus are invited
to attend this forum.
The banquet which had been
• scheduled for Friday will be given
Thursday evening, due to a change
in the plans of the International
week directorate. This event is
scheduled to begin at 7 o’clock.
The chief speaker of the evening
will.be Dr. Roy Akagi, well-known
Japanese authority on interna
tional relations. At the present
time he is in America for the pur
pose of gathering material for a
book which he is writing. After
the banquet, the International
House will have open house. Mr.
Cable, the British consul, will be
the honor guest of the evening.
A program of lantern slides and
motion pictures wrill be given in
Villard hall on Friday evening.
These pictures will be a portrayal
of the workings of the League of
Nations and will also present
sketches of foreign life in various
forms. The program will be given
free of charge.
'Pageant Saturday
^ The pageant is scheduled for
Saturday afternoon and evening.
Both performances will be held in
Gerlinger hall, one beginning at 3
p. m. and the other at 8 p. m. The
pageant will be a series of sketches
portraying various nationalities in
their native settings. Admission
to the pageant will be 15 cents in
the afternoon and 20 cents at
night. This event will be the last
item on this year’s International
week program.
This is the third annual Inter-'
national week sponsored by the
(Continued on Page Three)
Gen..on Club To
Hold Xmas Party
ONE-ACT comedy, German
folk songs, music and danc
ing will foe on the program of
the campus German clufo’s
Christmas party to be given
Wednesday evening in the danc
ing room of the women’s gym
in the Gerlinger building. The
entertainment will he open to
the campus, according to Miss
Minnie Helzer, president of the
German club, and admission will
be 50 cents. Near beer and
pretzels will be served during
the evening.
The German comedy will be
“Er Muss Tanzen,” enacted by
a cast of advanced students.
German folk songs and Christ
mas songs will be sung by solo
ists and quartets. Leo’s Varsi
tarians will furnish the music for
Oregon Yeomen
Select Officers
At Last Session
M. Blais Named President;
Montgomery Elected
The Oregon Yeomen last night
elected Merlin Blais, junior in
journalism, president of the organ
ization. The recently organized
group of independent men elected
other officers as follows: Ted
Montgomery, junior in journalism,
vice-president; Jack Bellinger,
sophomore in journalism, secre
tary; Charles Davis, junior in edu
cation, treasurer; and Evan
Hughes, senior in business ad, ser
Bennett Swanton, senior in busi
ness ad, was appointed permanent
sports chairman by the new presi
dent; and Beverley Caverhill,
freshman in journalism, was named
publicity chairman for the organi
zation. According to the constitu
tion, a chairman of social functions
must also be named, but as yet no
person has been appointed to this
“The Oregon Yeomen have be
come definitely organized, and in
the future this independent group
will be classed as a regular social
organization on the campus,” Pres
ident Blais stated last night. Ev
ery independent man is eligible,
and the Yeomen desire that all
shall take an active interest in the
plans of the club. Hereafter, the
Yeomen expect to participate in
campus affairs, and to achieve a
standing equal to that of any oth
er organization on the campus.”
A forum meeting of the Oregon
Yeomen will be held in conjunction
with the independent women of the
campus this evening at 5:30 at the
Y. W. bungalow, at which time Dr.
J. R. Wetherbee, Eugene physician
and world traveler, will address the
group in connection with Interna
tional week, the president an
nounced at last night’s session.
No other meetings will be held
this term.
Debaters Teaching
Two members of the varsity de
bate team are assisting in the de
bate work of other schools. Errol
Sloan is helping to select the de
bate team for Eugene high school,
and Walter Evans is coaching the
Springfield high school debate
Ancient Literary Treasure
Gift of Richard H. Thornton
A second edition of Aristophanes:
i printed in 1547 and presented to
the University by Richard H. i
Thornton, former dean of the
school of law, is preserved in the
library vaults among other liter
ary treasures.
This book was printed on the
Basel press in France by an un
identified printer of the 16th cen
tury. The binding sheet of the
book is a medieval copy of the
Psalms of David written in Latin
and including several bars of mu
sic. The first line may be trans
lated, ‘‘I have gone astray like a
lost sheep.”
The title page is written in both
Latin and Greek as follows:
“Nine comedies of Aristophanes
f with ancient commentaries and the
addition of a very bounteous index
containing everything worth know
Shortly after the publication of
this edition, the plays were pre
sented by a company of Greek
players. It is probable, according
to Mrs. Landros, instructor of Lat
in and Greek, that this very text
was used by the actors.
Monks of that age told their pu
pils to read the plays so that they
could contrast the vice and ab
scenity of the comedies with the
purities of Christian life. This the
students, no doubt, were willing to
In 1562 copies of the book were
ordered for use in the .schools
When making this order the
church issued the following bull:
“Comedy is a mirror of human
life that brands its disgraceful acts
with polished wit.”
Is Petitioned
For Bob Allen
Student Plea Is Circulated
For Deposed Managing
Editor of Emerald
Allen Blameless, Ousted
Offieials Say; Decision
Upheld at Rehearing
Petitions were circulating last
night, addressed to the student re
lations committee and the execu
tive council, asking the reinstate
ment of Robert Allen, who was
ousted from his position as man
aging editor of the Emerald, when
the executive council, on recom
mendation of the student relations
committee, took away all student
activity privileges for one term.
This action followed a meeting
of the student relations committee
yesterday afternoon at which they
refused to alter the recommenda
tion to the higher body. Allen
was granted a hearing before the
Committee Drops Case
George Cherry, president of the
student body and chairman of the
committee, last night said that no
new evidence had been brought up
that wc^uld call for a reversal or
change of opinion.
John Creech, yell leader, Brian
Mimnaugh, chairman of th'e Ore
gon rally committee, and Allen
were suspended from participation
in student activities for one term
on the charge of having directly
or indirectly been responsible for
inciting a student rally on the Fri
day morning preceding the Oregon
State football game. The student
committee claimed this was in vio
lation of a gentlemen’s agreement
in spirit entered into the day be
fore the rally.
Allen Held Blameless
Both Creech and Mimnaugh ad
dressed and signed a statement to
the student relations committee in
which they stated that Allen was
in no way connected with the plans
for the Friday morning rally. The
committee held that responsibili
ties on jobs could not be shifted.
Allen printed a banner at the
top of the page which read, “Ore
gon Spirit Is on the Warpath.
Rallies Are the Order of the Day
—Any Time—Any Place.”
The committee supported their
original decision that Allen was
nevertheless guilty of assisting
with the rally which had not been
duly scheduled.
Dr. Clark Notified
About Committee
Oregon Professor Named
For Investigating
Dr. Dan Clark of the extension
division has been notified of his
appointment on a committee to in
vestigate the calendaring of his
torical material on the Pacific
coast. The appointment was made
by the Pacific coast regional com
mittee of the Social Science Re
search council.
Members of the committee will
meet during the Christmas holi
days at Stanford university at the
time of the annual meeting of the
Pacific coast branch of the Ameri
can Historical association.
Dr. Clark is also vice-president
ol the Pacific coast branch of the
American Historical association,
and in view of the president’s ab
sence will preside at all sessions of
the association.
Dr. R. C, Clark, professor of his
tory, will attend the conference
and will participate in the Histor
ical association program.
Pi Lambda Theta To Hold
Initiation; Social Meet
Initiation and social tea will fea
ture a meeting this evening of Pi
Lambda Theta, women’s education
honorary, at which Dr. Clara M.
Smertenko, of the Latin and
Greek department, will be the
guest speaker. Dr. Smertenko will
speak on "Our Inheritance From
the Greeks.”
The meeting will be held at the
home of Dean H. D. Sheldon, 1343
University street at 5 o’clock.
Those who are to be initiated into
the group are Beth Bowerman,
Lenore Casford, Harriet Hodgen,
Ruth Severence, and Mrs. Veola
Star In German Play
WXWTCWUUUUUUUUWIIIUUIJUWIIWMIUUIIUIIIIIHH >mHWK X X .mhmb nyuiM«wu»iuiin*wM«yuyiiuiimmiilui ■vuuiuiiuiiwii.
Players in the one-act comedy, part of the entertainment that
will be given on Wednesday evening by the German club. They are,
left to right: Jack Hart, Sol Snyder, Evangeline Miller and Vincent
Colorful One-Act
Plays To Be Given
At Guild Theatre
Both Tragedy and Co'medy
To Be Featured on
Stage Wednesday
Variety and color will be offered
in the three one-act plays to be
produced at Guild theatre at 4
Eleanor Wood ‘
vv eunes
ay after noon
nd at 8:15 the
vening of the
ame day. Both
ragedy and cora
dy will be repre
ented in the pro
;ram which in
ludes the plays,
The Dear De
larted,” ‘‘The
levil Comes to
Llcaraz,” and
The Breaking of
the Calm.” The settings vary wide
ly, changing from Spain in "The
Devil Comes to Alcarax,” to ship
board in “The Breaking of the
Three members of the cast have
parts in two plays. Gene Love has
another character part in playing
Abel Meryweather in “The Dear
Departed,” and also plays a
straight part for the first time as
the captain of the “Mary Ann” in
(Continued on Page Two)
Frosli Debaters
To Have Try-outs
Next Thursday
Oregon State on Schedule
Of Freshmen For
First Time
Aspirants for the freshman de
bate squad will compete Thursday :
at 4 o’clock in Villard hall. They
will follow the same program used
in the varsity tryouts and will
speak for six minutes on either
side of the question, “Resolved:
That the United States should
gradually lower its tariff so as to .
adopt a policy of free trade within
20 years.
Freshman debate this year has
one of the best schedules that has
ever been obtained. For the first
time in the history of the Univer
sity men and women will debate
Oregon State. This debate will
take place the last week in Feb
The men will debate the College
of Pacific in Stockton, California,
and Nazarene college, Nampa,
Idaho. Both the men and women
teams will debate Oregon State,
Pacific university, Linfield college,
Albany college, Monmouth Normal
and Ashland Normal.
S. S. Smith Sees Ibsen’s
‘Ghosts’ on Trip South
*i:> ?- 1 / V v 'Y‘ ■ • •
Ibsen’s “Ghosts,” which is soon
to be presented by the drama de
partment of the University, was
seen by S. S. Smith when he was
at Stanford during the Thanks
giving vacation attending the Phil
ological meeting of the Pacific
coast. This drama and also
Shaw's “The Apple Cart” were be
ing given by a group of English
players, of whom Mrs. Patrick
Campbell is the star.
St. Cecilia Mass
To Be Presented
Next Sunday at 4
Evans Will Play Organ and
Direct Choir for Annual
Musical Event
The eleventh annual presenta
tion of the University's traditional
Christmas music program, Gou
nod’s “St. Cecilia Mass,’’ will be
given by the University choir at
the music auditorium next Sun
day afternoon, December 7, at 4
Every year since 1920, the Uni
versity choir, directed by John
Stark Evans, has sung the “St.
Cecilia” shortly before the begin
ning of the Christmas holidays, and
its constantly increasing popular
ity has made it more or less of an
The University choir consists of
the combined men’s and women’s
glee clubs, and totals about 80
voices picked from more than 200
candidates who tried out for plac •
ee at the opening of the school
year. The choir has been rehear
sing the “The St. Cecilia” for more
than six weeks.
In line with the custom of past
years, this program will be free
to students and to the general pub
Mr. Evans will accompany at the
organ as he conducts the singing.
Janet Fitcli Wins
First Award for
Reading Contest
No Second or Third Prizes
To Be Given This Year
Judges Decide
The first prize in the freshman
reading contest for the year 1929
30 has been awarded to Miss Janet
Fitch, M. H. Douglass, librarian,
announced yesterday.
The judges in the contest rec
ommended that no second or third
prizes be awarded this year as the
few other papers which were pre
sented did not quite measure up
to the standard which the judges
feel that they could warrant the
giving of the prizes.
The object of the prizes is to
stimulate an interest on the part
of the freshman students in intel
ligent general reading of boohs
outside of those required in con
nection with the classroom work.
The subject of the papers pre
sented is “Books I have Read Dur
ing the Year and What They Have
Meant to Me.” The first prize is
$30 in books to be selected from
the Cooperative Store. The prizes
are offered jointly by the Co-op
and the University library.
The judges for the contest were
Mrs. Mabel E. McClain, circulation
librarian ;Miss E. Lenore Casford,
periodical librarian; and Dr. C. V.
Boyer, of the department of Eng
Parsons Goes East
Dr. Philip A. Parsons, dean of
the school of applied social science,
will leave for the East Thursday,
December 4, to attend a confer
ence of community organization
leaders in New York, December 9.
Dr. Parsons plans to be back on
, the campus about December 18.
15 Sophomore Men
Charter Members of
Honor Service Group
--—* -— • -.._
Of "Messiah”
Is Scheduled
University Orchestra ami
Polyphonic Choir Will
Unite in Program
Sunday, December 14, Set
As Date for Special
Christmas Oratorio
Another major musical program
which gives promise of becoming
an annual tradition on the Oregon
campus will be inaugurated Sun
day afternoon, December 14, when
the polyphonc choir and the Uni
versity symphony orchestra will
unite in a large scale production
of Handel's "Messiah.”
Arthur Boardman, conductor of
the choir, will use its full strength,
150 voices; and accompanied by
the 65-piece orchestra it will be a
fitting medium for the majesty of
Handel's great oratorio.
Christmas Program Popular
A presentation of the "Messiah”
at Christmas time has become an
institution in many cities of the
United States. Last December the
Cortland Symphony orchestra,
with Mr. Boardman as tenor solo
ist, gave the "Messiah” with mark
ed success.
Tljis will be the most ambitious
production that the Polyphonic
choir has undertaken in the year
and a half that it has been organ
ized. Arthur Boardman joined the
Oregon faculty as head of the
voice department in the summer of
1929, after several years of oper-j
atic engagements in Italy. In the
fall he organized the Polyphonic j
choir, practically the only organi
zation of its type and size in Ore
Boardman To Direct
The choir has been training for
the oratorio since the beginning of
the term. The orchestra is being
trained by Rex Underwood, its
conductor. During the perform
ance, however, Boardman will di
rect both choir and orchestra.
The concert December 14 will be
the first appearance this year of
the full strength of the choir. The
first division, ‘consisting of 40
voices, appeared in a Bach cantata
early in November.
Illness, Injuries
Hits Swim Team
Foster Is Suffering From
Broken Eardrum
The Thanksgiving vacation
proved the undoing of several
swimmers. Sickness and injuries
will prevent several from partici
pating in practices this week.
Charley “Red" Foster, varsity
swimmer, is suffering from a brok
en eardrum received while swim
ming last week. He received medi
cal attention in Portland during
the week-end. For several days it
was not known whether Foster
would again be able to enter the
tank, but the specialist who was
consulted stated that in a few days
he could enter the water again.
Allen and Laffefty are both suf
fering from boils. Culp and Need
ham have bad colds while A1 Ed
wards has a strained hip. Maurice
Pease, a varsity diver, sprained his
ankle during a practice last week
and will not be out for some time.,
"Mike", Marlatt, also a .varsity di
ver, is suffering’ from a sprained
Jack Hewitt, varsity swimming
coach, announces that regular div
ing practice will be held every
night 5:45 to 7 o'clock in the wo
men’s pool.
Twenty men are turning out for
varsity swimming. Pease, Dirks
and Marlatt are the divers. Casner,
Douthit, Ingram, Patterson, Vail,
Wilson, Sieeter, Hegdahl, and
Stine are the frosh divers.
Oregon Grid Men
To Star for West
nPHREE Oregon grid stars,
Johnny Kit/.miller, George
Christensen, and Austin Colbert,
have aeeepted the invitation ex
tended to them to play in the
annuul East-West all-star game
at San Eraneiseo on Christmas
This is the first time in many
years that sueh an honor has
been given to Oregon men. The
nnnoiineement of their aecept
anee was made Monday after
their return from the St. Mary’s
All three played their last
game for the Webfoots against
the Gaels on Thanksgiving day.
Public Speaking
Teams Are To Be
Selected Tonight
Extemporaneous Speaking
And Oratory Tryouts
To Be at Villard
The oratory and extempore
speaking tryouts will be held to
night in Villard hall at 7 o’clock.
At this time fift-een-minute ora
tions will be given on optional sub
jects. The orators may select their
topic from any one of the topics
that will be .used in various con
tests during the year. They will
be permitted to read their manu
script providing they have their
introduction and elusion memor
The extempore speakers will
speak for 10 minutes on some
phase of fiee trade. Each speaker
will be assigned his particular
phase at the beginning of the try
Five contests that the members
of the varsity squad in oratory and
extempore speaking will enter this
year are: the State Peace contest,
the Old Line contest, State Extem
pore contest, Pacific Forensic
League extempore speaking con
test, and the Pacific Forensic
League oratory contest.
Faculty members of the speech
division will act as judges.
Oregon Slate Man Guest
Speaker at Meet Tonight
“The Education of the Poor
Mountain Whites in the South'1
will be the topic of an address tc
be given by Dean J. R. Jewell, of
Oregon State college, who will be
guest speaker at a meeting of the
Education club tonight.
Dean H. D. Sheldon, of the Uni
versity of Oregon school of educa
tion, will address the group at the
same meeting. Dean Sheldon wil!
review recent researches in the
field of educational values.
Choice Based
On Merit Only
By Committee
Fraternity and Polilcal
Affiliations Are Given
No Consideration
Constitution and Plans To
Be Drawn Up Today
Al 4 O’clock
Fifteen sophomore men were
chosen yesterday by a committee
of upperclassmen as charter mem
bers of the new sophomore class
service honorary group that will
be installed on the Oregon campus.
The executive council passed upon
the selections unanimously.
The sophomores, all outstanding
in campus and class activities both
last year and this term, were se
lected for the honor group solely
upon merit, and without thought
of fraternity or political affilia
tions, according to Ken Curry,
chairman of the upperclass com
mittee which picked the 15 men.
Charter members of the sopho
more service honorary are:
Bill Bader
Larry Bay
Gordon Day
Ted Jensen
John King
Ed Kinney
Virgil Langtry
Charles Larkin
Kenton Lawson
John Marrs
Carson Mathews
Richard Mumaw
Jim Travis
George Vaughan
Freeman Young
Carefully Picked
The choice of the 15 men for the
honor organization was made from
a list of more than 60 names com-'
prising the best men from each
house, hall, and independent group.
The upperclass committee then
discussed each man according to
his present standing on the cam
pus and his future possibilities, and
considered the honor each would be
to the organization while he was
an active and past member.
"On all university campi that
have similar sophomore honorar
ies, the group is the most coveted
goal of all underclassmen,” George
Cherry, president of the Associat
ed Students, said yesterday in dis
cussing the new Oregon group.
"The purpose of the honorary here
is the same.”
Men Active
The men chosen for the sopho
more organization have entered
into a variety of activities on the
! campus. Eay was freshman presi
j dent, and Travis is president of the
sophomore class. Jensen was chair
man of the sophomore informal.
Day is advertising manager of the
Oregana. King is a varsity debat
er and last year won first place in
the vice-president extempore
speaking contest. Mathews is act
ing manager of the University
band. All the other men have been
found responsible in campus posi
| (Continued on Page Two)
Afternoon Tea Suggested
For Tired Football Teams
Can you picture Austin Colbert
■balancing a cup of tea on one knee
anti gripping a dainty green and
| yellow cake in his manly fist, all
i the while making polite conversa
I tion with Dean Schwering ? Or
' maybe the prospect of George
' Christenson exchanging chit-chat
; with Cecil Sherwood of the Oregon
' State squad in the cool depths_.*of
the aliimnae0hall, of the Gerlinger
buiiding-appeals' more to the read
ers’ fancy.
I At any rate, if Oregon and Ore- i
gon State followed the custom of
Dartmouth and Harvard after their
respective football struggles, they
would have a delightfully informal
l tea after the annual encounter on
the home field. And wouldn't the
alumnae hall be an appropriate
place for such a gathering?
! The game would probably have
tc start at 11 o’clock as did the St.
| Mary's encounter last week, only
the provocation would be to give
the boys time to hustle home and
don their dark suits, best ties, and
overcoats, mufflers and gloves to
make a proper impression on the
admiring throngs who had just
watched them score dashing touch
For according to a clipping re
ceived by Karl Onthank, dean of
personnel, from a friend of his in
the East, the Dartmouth squad at
tended the first informal tea of the
year in the lounge of the Dillon
field house after the recent Har
vard-Dartmouth game.
About six members of the Har
vard squad dropped in during the
afternoon, along with their coach,
Arnold Horween. Little cubes of
white frosted angel cake, some
with red H’s and some with green
D's across the top, proved the most
popular form of refreshment, the
clipping states.